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[cheers] we are going to come together and make America Great again. [cheers] thank you very much. Thank you, ohio, thank you. President elect Donald Trumps thank you tour getting off to a raucous start, our future president unifying americans and doubling down on several Campaign Promises in the process. Tonight, we break it down. Welcome to risk reward. Im adam shapiro in for deirdre bolton. After a surprise nomination of retired general mad dog mattis for defense secretary last night, the president elect not letting up on the Transition Team gas pedal meeting with a long list of cabinet contenders including former ambassador john bolton, former defense secretary robert gates, former Florida Attorney general pam bondi and democratic senator heidi heitkamp. President elect trump handing the Government Back into the hands of the American People last night. Im asking to you believe in america once again. We have many challenges, but this is truly an exciting time to be alive. The script is not yet written. We do not know what the next page will read. Well, ill tell you, its going to be a great pass. For the first time in a long time, what we do know is that the pages will be authored by each one of you [cheers] americans will be the captains of their own destiny once again. You are the movement, im the messenger. Im just really the messenger. Though ive been a very good messenger, lets face it, right . [ cheers ] joining me now is a vice chair of president elect trumps Transition Team, republican congressman marcia blackburn, good to see you. Good to see you. Given the people who have already been named to be potential members of the cabinet, is the president elect successfully handing over power to the people of america . Is he draining the swamp or does he need to do more . What do you think . I think he is draining the swamp and the best is yet to come because he is continuing to pull forward talent that is going to round out a cabinet. My colleagues in the house are really excited about what youre going to see in the 115th congress, and we are focused on how were going to be able to get some of these rules and regulations and laws that have just so stymied, they really throttled the economy and they throttled entrepreneurship and innovation, so this is going to be a really exciting 2017 that we are were doing the leadup to, and i tell you, i just love the fact that mr. Trump is doing a thank you tour, adam. It is great hes back out there. I love these speeches. I felt like last night i was listening to pages out of the book the power of positive thinking or other writings by Norman Vincent thiel that my mom used to have me read. I had the good fortune to experience some of the trump rallies and remember thinking that the thousands upon thousands of people who were there felt they were part of Historic Movement. Do you think the president elect is unifying those who did not agree with him and making them a part of this movement . Is he successfully reaching out to those who were against him . Yes, he is, and let me tell you why. People are looking at the way he has reached forward and extended the hand of fellowship and friendship to mitt romney. The way he called in people who did not support him and spoke against him and has looked first of all, at their leadership skills and their abilities, and how they could help him achieve a goal. And that is really good role modelling for burying the hatchet, and letting bygones be bygones and saying lets come together for the good of the country, and that is what you want your elected leaders to do is say, it is country first, and it is individuals and preferences of those individuals second. Liz and its i think a lot of americans are pleased to see a politician putting their words into action, but let me ask you about this because we hear a lot about the war on success, it continued with the liberal media complaining about president elect trumps business appointments, so here are some of the headlines i will read them to you. Populist trump fills cabinet with billionaires and wall street tycoons, the populist and his crew of billionaires, in picking cabinet, trump values wealth and inexperience. Now the president elect fired back at the media appropriately last night, listen. One of the Networks Said why he put on a billionaire at commerce . Well, thats because this guy knows how to make money, folks. Id like to put on a guy that failed all his life but we dont want that, do we . Tim geithner was nearly in the poor house when the Obama Administration put him in as treasury secretary, dont you want people who are successful and know what theyre doing in place . Whats wrong with that . You do, and people are successful and defined success in different ways, and you see that in individuals that are called to Public Service, individuals that are called to work in a small business, individuals that are called to build a company, and that is what makes this country so fabulous is that you have individuals with different strengths. Different talents and they put them to work in order to build their american dream. When did it become a crime to become a billionaire. I dont think we define success by the dollar figure by our names, but wilbur ross, for instance, started out very meek, an impoverished family. He worked his way up, did he not . You are exactly right on that. I think it would be so interesting to know the life stories of the individuals that are going to fill out this cabinet and how they had their beginnings, what road has been to their success, what their calling has been that brought them to Public Service and what those passions are. Theres a term i use a lot, its life equity. That is the sum total of your talents and your experiences and your passions, and that is what we want, is these individuals to put that life equity of theirs to work to make America Great again and safe again and one again, and i have never seen the type of optimism that i am seeing, the emails that im getting from people around the country. The momentum, the Energy Behind the Historic Movement that we all witnessed during the campaign. Thats right. And people that are saying, ms. Blackburn, you do not know me but i know you from tv, and i know youre heading this transition with other members of the congress and i want to you have my resume. If i can help in anyway, i want to help. And it is so exciting for me to get those emails. Im loving it. I might have been wrong on wilbur ross background, i want to move onto Something Else here. Key aides to Hillary Clinton and donald trump tore into each other during a shouting match at Harvard University. Weve got the tape. Clintons aides accused of trump winning the election thanks to appeal by White Supremacists. Kellyanne conway fights back, listen up. I would rather lose than win the way you guys did. No, you wouldnt, no, you wouldnt. Thats very clear to me. No, you wouldnt. Do you think i ran a campaign that White Supremacists had a platform. Youre going to look at me in the face and say that . Yes. The White Working Class voters. You think this woman who has nothing in common with how about its Hillary Clinton, she doesnt connect with people. They have nothing in common with her. Congressman, there is so much we could talk about from that exchange. Ive got ask your opinions on the fact the clinton aides are blaming White Supremacists for trumps victory and there are millions of americans who are not White Supremacists who voted for president elect trump. There are millions of americans who said i want to believe in this country again, and the goodness of this country, and the opportunity in this country. I always say there are five things, if you focus on them and get them right, things are going to come out. Faith, family, freedom, hope and opportunity. What the clinton aides are doing is trying to say those arent relevant. There has to be a justification because we couldnt have misread the American People that badly. They misread the American People, they made mistakes. Hillary clinton is not a likable, warm, endearing candidate, and they lost. They need to just get over it. They lost. They should go. One third or 209 of the nearly 700 counties that voted in both elections for president obama flipped their support to president elect trump. Now do you go back and call those people racists or White Supremacists . It seems really out of touch. It is out of touch because they misread what people were focused on. They want change. Theyre tired of a stagnant economy. They are tired of wage stagnation. They are tired of a Labor Force Participation rate that is the lowest it has been, the lowest it has been since jimmy carter, and they want to believe in what they can do in achieving their version of the american dream, and they see that opportunity that pathway back to prosperity through what trump has brought about. The clinton aides should listen to the song they played at all of president elect trumps rallies, you cant ys g sometime you get what you need. Or taylor swift, shake it off. [laughter] you get the last word, thank you very much, congressman. Good to see you, byebye. Trouble overseas and fox is on it. Two big votes in europe, italy holding a constitutional referendum. Matteo renzi publicly endorsed Hillary Clinton promised to resign if the no vote wins in italy. And in austria conservative Norbert Hoffer is running for president. The markets could take a turn for the worse. Fox business has you covered with Nicole Petallides and Lauren Simonetti on top of it for you. President elect trump pix warrior monk general mad dog mattis to lead the department of defense and rebuild the u. S. Military. Our own Geraldo Rivera couldnt be more excited. Hell tell all of us why after this. Plus more sound coming out from clinton and trump aides, that clash at harvards Campaign Managers conference. Yes, we will play it for you, but get a hard, stiff drink. Boy, did they go at it. After this. I would rather lose than win the way you guys did. No, you wouldnt, no, you wouldnt. Absolutely. Yes. Thats clear to me. Absolutely. How exactly did we win . Go for it. How exactly did we win . I dont want to tell you this because i want to save the suspense for next week. So i will not tell you. I refuse to tell you, and dont let it outside of this room. Do you promise . Raise your hand. We are going to appoint mad dog mattis [cheers] as our secretary of defense. They say hes the closest thing to general George Patton that we have, and its about time its about time [cheers] so president elect donald trump announced warrior monk retired marine general James Mad Dog Mattis for pick as defense secretary at his thank you tour in cincinnati. The general has a long and distinguished military career which includes 41 years of service in the marine corps, head as u. S. Joint forces command beginning 2007 and 2010 he took charge of u. S. Central command with responsibility for u. S. Operations in iraq and afghanistan. Mattis, who the president elect calls a generals general is wellknown for his tough talk. Take a listen. Going to afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didnt wear a veil. Guys like that dont have no manhood, its a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Adam i want to bring in general mattis supporter general i was about to call you general. Geraldo rivera. This is a good choice, is it not . May be the best choice of any of the cabinet selections so far. I think he is indisputably one of our great generals, you know the only problem is the kind of bureaucratic hangup that you have to be under the current law seven years out. Adam and theyve done it before. Substantively speaking, it doesnt have any effect how this is a quality person, a real warrior, a person who can make war against the bureaucracy as well as he fights the nations enemies. The bureaucracy as you know, the huge, the pentagon, all these thousands of civil servants. Adam his men love him. They gave him the name the monk and the whole thing. People take issue with his language, for lack of a better term and forgive me that i dont get in trouble, he is a bad ass and doesnt stand down, he stands up for the United States. I was in fallujah in iraq and i have a vivid image in my mind of a toyota truck stacked with dead enemy bodies. War is hell in every regard. You need someone who understands what it is to take a life and to risk your life, you really need because its so easy for a fat old belly scratchner d. C. To say send those young men into risk everything. This is a fighting general who has risked his own life, who heard the zing of bullets. This is the right man at this time in history for the job. Hes also a prudent intellectual. He studied warfare, he is i really think, a terrific choice. Adam youve been in war zones all over the world, what is the message this sends not only it enemies in the United States, but to our allies . I think that unmistakably, the message is first of all of competence. The United States military is not only huge and powerful, its also competent, and now with this selection, general mattis well led an unbeatable combination, and i think it will give pause to our enemies, including kim jongun in north korea. Adam what do they call him . Little fat boy . Little fat boy. Adam there is a morale issue among our servicemembers, this is the kind of appointment that can restore morale, is it not . I am a fan of president obama but he has vacillated hugely. We dont know what u. S. Policy is in the middle east, for instance, the vote on the red line in syria, the withdrawal, the precipitous withdrawal from iraq. I was on the last combat convoyoud of iraq in 2011. What was that about . Right now with the clear thinking, very carefully, basically expressed policy, i think donald trump can really improve morale. I think that his election already has. Adam what might this is a . We got word that president elect trump spoke to the president of taiwan that breaks protocol and risk a clash with china. What does this say . I hadnt heard that. Seems undisciplined. Seems idiosyncratic, youre going to formosa to taiwan and you built years of telling the republic of china that the republic of china is the representative of the Chinese People in taiwan is kind of this leftover aftermath of the cold war. I dont know, im not im not sophisticated enough, it might very well be, listen, could this be the way he sends a message to china that its not going to be like the old days. The chinese respect strength or respect decision. Well, weve got a lot going on with china with the conflict in the South China Sea and so forth, you know, who knows . The guy got elected against all odds, it may be hes figured out in the same way nixon went to china, maybe trump is the one that humbles china or puts china in perspective. The most important i got to ask you, corky and lennys lately . Yes, and i had the salmon and cream cheese and lennys you didnt share. [laughter] good to see you. Youve got to moderate. Adam but its the holidays, good to see you. More sound coming out from clinton and trump aides clash. It was an incredible clash at harvards Campaign Managers conference, now we have joel benson who thinks Hillary Clinton won. Were going to play that and the full exchange after this. More americans voted for Hillary Clinton than donald trump. So lets put it in context. There was nothing that said the road to popular vote anywhere. Thats where it is confuseed. Preface my statement by saying that. Guys, we won. You dont have to respond. You totaled your brand new car. Nobodys hurt, but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Listen you guys won, thats clear, you won the Electoral College. Lets be honest, dont act as if you have a popular mandate for your message. And tony and i will talk about the wrong track number like you and i just did. More americans voted for Hillary Clinton than donald trump. Adam that was more from the contentious fight between clinton and trump aides at Harvard University last night. Joining me independent womens forum Hadley Heath Manning and Washington Times contributor Eric Schiffer. Hadley, start with you. The Founding Fathers set up the system to avoid a tyranny of the majority. So when Kellyanne Conway says, look, we won and there is a mandate, is she accurate . I believe she is. Theres a mandate certainly for change. Americans are sick of the way things have been happening in washington. Thats why they wanted to elect not only a republican, a change in party, but a real outsider republican at that. So people are looking for a breath of fresh air in washington and in the states, if you look at state control of legislatures and governorships, republicans are dominating there as well. Adam eric ibrought up the intention of the founders to avoid the tyranny of the majority. The democrats have lost several seats in congress. What does that say . Well, it says that certainly the republican message was stronger. They focused on job. They were focusing on the economy. Trump was, and i think they benefitted from trumps, i think, strong focus there. And that was the reason, theres no question the democrats read the room wrong. They blew it. Simple as that. Adam so Kellyanne Conway discussed last Nights Exchange this morning on fox and friends. Well play you a clip from that. The fireworks were grounded in the fact that members of the Clinton Campaign were accusing us of thing because theyre running a permanent campaign, i suppose, that arent true. The idea that we give a platform to certain people in this campaign, the idea its jim comeys fault that Hillary Clinton has been in public life for decades, time for them to do what president obama and secretary clinton have done which is respect the election results, not talk about a rigged system or the popular vote. We won fairly and squarely, that ran through pretty blue states, michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin. I understand that theyre angry and bitter, but they made it very personal last night. Adam eric, is it time for both sides to move on from the election . I think they should move on. I think its time to give the new president an opportunity to do his thing. I think hes making some smart moves with respect to the economy. Im a businessman and i see the economy doing really well under president trump. And i think that even before the election, i dont know that many people certainly on the democratic side or the independent side, which i exist thought that. Hes changing minds through the moves hes makeing. Hadley, supporters of the president elect in pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan are ramps up efforts to stop the election recounts before they even get going. At this point, should and back off. In wisconsin, Hillary Clinton the new recounts shes got all of one new vote . Its time for everyone to move on to take the high road, respect the outcome of the election. Democrats for years have relied on identity politics courting young voters, women voters, voters of color, and unfortunately for them, that strategy backfired because too Many Americans felt left out. They didnt feel the message from the democrats were resonating with them, its time to move forward to the new administration, the new congress and new policies that will bring change. Adam very quickly to both of you, let me start with you, hadley, will the Democratic Party look in the mirror and say we did something wrong, lets figure that out or point the finger or blame elsewhere . I think both parties need to step back and learn what they can from the election. That fosters an us versus them mentality. Too Many Americans feel divide our countries and our states. We have to talk about what policies work best for everyone and how to explain the policies work best for everyone. Adam eric, its true, its a small, small number, White Supremacists are attracted to the republican message. How does the Republican Party separate from the repugnant White Supremacists . Trump has to continue to disavow it and continue to make sure that people are in positions of power that he appoints disavow it. I think bannon should go on record and make statements with respect to that because, look, the message is somewhat mixed. There is no question that they created a big tent, and bannon certainly what breitbart does, and recognizes that the altright has a portion of this faction that is questionable, so they really need to step up to really be a president of the people, theyre going to need to do more in that respect because people that are certainly of color and women, theyre questioning the underlying agenda based upon the fact there was a bigger tent in this election. Adam i want to thank both of you, Hadley Heath Manning and Eric Schiffer for joining us on risk reward. Safe spaces to the next level after president elect trumps big victory. Students and professors at atlantas Emory University are petitioning to have the emory campus designated as a sanctuary for illegals. Up next, a Georgia State representative is here whos planning antisanctuary campus legislation to stop that kind of thing in its tracks. Also coming up, its a dirty job and hes willing to do it. Mike rowe has an outstanding solution for colleges that refuse to fly the american flag. Thats after this. A symptoms ket coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. 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Adam a university in georgia is considering becoming a sanctuary campus following Donald Trumps president ial victory. Emory university weighing a petition from its students and Staff Members to protect illegal aliens saying quote the election of donald trump is. Earlieearl. Welcome and thank you. Its very interesting to me. Because to be a sanctuary campus is to defy federal law. What at the state level could you you do to prevent that from happening . Its a simple he a quaition. If you are going to defy federal law, the state funds are not going to follow you. There is millions in tuition and research grants. When you add in the n. I. H. Federal grants if its a significant consequence. Adam my brother and sisterinlaw are both graduates of emory. Some of these people who attend these schools who are undocumented or illegal aliens. Take your choice. Might have come to the country when they were children. No choice their own. Under the current federal program they can be here and become legal through the dream act. But president elect trump said he would rescind that. These they are undocumented, they are illegal aliens, but they came here not their own choice when they were children, but they are here now. Wouldnt they be an asset to society and shouldnt universities as long as there is a legal path to citizenship, shouldnt we be working to keep them here . If thats the law, thats one thing. What if the bank robber turned around and gave his funds to charity and only kept half for himself . Adam i think you can make a valid argument about defying federal law. The parent of the bank robber did not bring them to the United States. The colleges with the Sanctuary Movement used that as their defense. What do you say to them . If its against the law the law right now is an executive order by president obama and thats the law of the lands. If that changes, its no longer legal for them to be here and at that point you are set in a position where you have to allow colleges and universities to pick and choose the law they want to go along with. Per around cant let People Choose which law they want to follower not. I understand the plight of the kids. I understand it its a tough deal for them. By the am not societys problem. Its their parents problem who brought them here illegally. Who is responsible for that . Not society and their laws. Fir the fact that the schools and cities that claim to be sanctuary cities are defying federal law. Can you imagine if states said to the federal government we are not going to interest grate, well defy federal law. And we saw what happened. The states and these universities cannot defy federal law. Thats essentially the bottom line. You are absolutely direct correct, and forthright reasons then just as its the right reasons now. We are a nation of laws, not a nation of feeling. We have to comply with our own laws until they change. Adam im sorry i beat you up on the bank rob early analogy. I like being beat up. Adam ill catch you later. American rock bands guns roses inviting fans in mexico to come on stage and take a whack at scene oversized donald trump pen ideaa. Arizona sheriff paul babeau is here to react. The sheriff on whether this will see you excellence critics who say he softened his stance. Neou . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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They were never hissenning to donald trump if they thought this was not going to happen. He said it was going to happen. He never wav wafered. He will deliver. Hes a man of his word. Adam what do you think of the people who are critical in the plan to build a law. Federal law prohibits illegal immigration to the United States. Is there a rational response from them . Its overblown and oftentimes you hear the over the top attacks against president elect trump and others like myself and countless millions of americans who clearly wants a secure border, who wants the laws of our country enforced, who want to put not illegals or people from foreign countries, so some have significant concerns and a plight, but put americans and our National Security first. President elect trump said that and thats what hes going to do. Its not just about mexicans its people from Central America and from all over the world on the southwest bored. Per requires about securing the bored and enforce what is already there. It shows assaults on Border Patrol agents are up 200 . If the nations antipolice sentiment. On college campuses, they wont even let you recruit anymore. We are a very polarized society. I have been so proud of our new president as hes trying to pull people together, not just within the Republican Party, but to reach out and say look, this isnt against immigration, we want to continue the million legal immigrants that we have a year. This is more than any on the per nation. He wants to allow those with guest worker permits to come in here. For all these people who think there is a resolving door and for criminals who have been protected under barack obama, those days are done. We are going to go after those criminals and send them back out of this country. Adam there was a video of the fans at guns and roses concert hitting a pinata of donald trump. Thats downright offensive. Ll te cool thing to do to take pot shots and attack president elect trump. These liberals cant accept that President Donald Trump has actually won, and the American People are ushering in a new era of conservative leadership. Adam thank you very much for joining us. Thank you. Adam cnn has a hot mic problem. They apologized for a cnn producers who was caught on sound joking about president trumps plane crashing. Looking for a Medicare Prescription Drug plan that could save you money . At unitedhealthcare, we offer three plans to choose from to help meet your needs including one thats brand new for 2017. Introducing the aarp Medicarerx Walgreens plan insured through unitedhealthcare. It features 0 copays on all tier 1 Prescription Drugs filled at walgreens, one of our lowest monthly premiums, and the convenience of more than 8,000 walgreens nationwide, including duane reade. So if youre on medicare call unitedhealthcare to discuss your Prescription Drug plan options. 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Like our new aarp Medicarerx Walgreens plan with one of our lowest monthly premiums and 0 copays for tier 1 Prescription Drugs when filling at any of the more than 8,000 walgreens nationwide. Call unitedhealthcare today to learn more about your Prescription Drug options and find the plan thats right for you. The people back there, the extremely dishonest press. They didnt want to call it. We are leading by so much its impossible if i lost every other vote, and they refused to call it. How about when a major anchor who hosted a debate started crying when she realized that we won . That person is doing the map. And that person was saying for months that there is no way that donald trump can break the blue wall. Right . We didnt break it. We shattered that sucker. Adam that was president elect trump bashing abc news correspondent martha raddatz. Here is a comparison of the blue states after president obamas win in 2008 and Donald Trumps in 2016. There is a lot more red as you can see. It wasnt just liberal Media Outlets. Why did Media Outlets fail to see the Trump Victory coming . Because perve presumed obviously that they didnt like both candidates. But they also presumed including conservative media, you know, that the public in the end was going to pick the one that the media kept telling them was more qualified and had more experience. And just their assessment of the Electoral College in the last two cycles. Its easy for people who predict these things and look at the two obama elections and think the same thing will happen this time. Adam it was a cnn producer caught on camera joking with reporters about the president elects plane crashing. Here is what transpired. If i did this okay. That means his plane crashed. Adam cnn apologized to president elect trump. They said an unfor the gnats and inappropriate remark was made by one of our producers off camera. The producer has been disciplined. I think everybody is in that category, that you make jokes about things lets face it, yes, the plane crashes arent funny. But, you know, i think there was some mockery of the idea is it news when the plane lands on time . Its generally not news when the plane lands on time. Its news when the plane crashes. Its news humor. Obviously you dont want somebody to see. Fit had been said about president elect obama that producers would probably be fired. Adam Chris Matthews in 2008 talked about getting a chill up his leg listening to then candidate barack obama. People really dont care what i think or what my colleagues think, yet we are guilty at times of telling people what we think with the lack of respect these days for the media. Absolutely. Matthews was telling you when obama spoke about mayor kate was so thrilling to him that he had a bodily reaction. Thats part of what people are saying, is that, you know, its one thing to say gee, obama is eloquent and another to say we got shivers up your spine and thrills up your leg. Adam a wonderful news director jim sanders told me im a guest at americas dinner table and to act as such. Could italy spell doom for Donald Trumps stock rally . A vote in italy sunday could rattle the markets monday. Well bring you the details next. Italian voters have to the polls to answer a question that could have huge implications on your pocketbook and your bottomline. Foxbusiness well have all the fallout on you in your investments beginning monday at 5 00 a. M. Charles payne is up next. Charles president elect Donald Trump Holding an unprecedented rally that he declared to america in the world that a new day is upon us. We get a lot of talk about us becoming a globalized world. They are local family, city state. There local. Not a oneway road

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