It has been discovered a top clinton aide at the state department flew to new york to interview job candidates for the Clinton Foundation. So raises new questions about the blurred lines that have surrounded the clintons for years. The state Department Says there is no wrongdoing, and im going to quote here, federal employees are permitted to engage in outside personal activities within the scope of the federal ethics rules. My next guest wrote a powerful book called clinton cash, he is with me on the phone, peter schweizer, great to speak with you as always. What is your opinion, based on research for the book on cheryl mills, the clinton aide taking meetings for the Clinton Foundation while she was chief of staff for thensecretary of state Hillary Clinton . To barack obama, to his credit, barack obama, when he offered the job to Hillary Clinton said youve got to sign an agreement and meet certain conditions because of ethical concerns. One of those was you have to disclose all your donors, they failed to do that. Another one was there have be no mixing of the Clinton Foundation with the state department. That certainly is violated in the case of cheryl mills but more to the point, huma abedin, top aide was on the payroll of the Clinton Foundation and the state department at the same time. Clearly they violated that term of that agreement as well. Deirdre so peter, Hillary Clintons campaign did respond to some of the questions. Im just going to quote here. Cheryl mills volunteered personal time to a Charitable Organization as she has to other charities. Cheryl paid for her travel to new york city personally and it was Crystal Clear to all involved that this had nothing to do with her official duties. The idea that this poses a conflict of interest is absurd. Do you agree with that, peter . I dont. And heres the problem. Thats not what the agreement that she signed with barack obama said. It said there would be no melding of Clinton Foundation and state department business, so this is not this was obamas concern, again to his credit, that there was going to be a blurring of the lines between the Clinton Foundation and the state department. Thats why he went beyond not just saying were going to enforce ethics rules, he went further and said i want your agreement that there is not going to be a melding. I think, again, they are failing to really address the issue at hand and they are trying to create sort of legal loopholes that simply dont exist. Deirdre so Hillary Clinton released her 2015 personal tax income returns today and shows about 1. 5 million of profits in speaking fees. She does give donald trump a lot of grief about millionaire friends and she attacked his tax plan and some of his suggestions for the economy saying that hes basically trying to help himself and his buddies, but its very disingenuous, is it not, for her, once the forms have been made public, which they are, to speak about an upbringing middle class suburban, it just is very odd optics, is it not . I think it is. The other thing we have to factor is not just how much money political figures or candidates made but how theyve made it. Heres the reality. Clintons have made 200 million since bill clinton left the white house. During that time, Hillary Clinton was in Public Service as a senator and as secretary of state. They did not make that 200 million starting a company or creating other jobs. They made the vast bulk of that money giving speaking fees, speaking fees they would argue were inflated and are more attempts by outsiders to influence to gain access and favorable treatment from them than the fees having to do with the rhetorical skills of Hillary Clinton or bill clinton. Deirdre to your point about the speaking fees, we went through the data and at times either Hillary Clinton or former president bill clinton were paid Something Like three times what any other former president s receive for speaking. Senator john cornyn from texas sent a letter to the a. G. About the department of justice declining to investigate the Clinton Foundation. Do you think were going to get any kind of clarity either from the a. G. Or another department on why this decision was made . Probably not. And you know, look, this is the problem, the attorney general Loretta Lynch works for barack obama who has endorsed Hillary Clinton. Loretta lynch has ties to the clintons going back to the 1990s. Deirdre president bill clinton i believe appointed her in the first step. Thats correct. This is a classic example conflict of interest, and the fact that she has not recused herself is quite shocking, and these are precisely the type of cases that cry out for an independent counsel and independent investigation. So far, that, of course has been stonewalled. Deirdre peter schweizer, thank you as always. Your book is the best for anybody who needs a lastditch summer read and then some. Thank you, sir . Thank you. Deirdre author of clinton cash. Increasing number of americans say goodbye to uncle sams tax levels by renouncing citizenship. A record 500 people did so compared to 461 during the same period a year ago an astounding 158 americans gave in passports at the beginning of the year. To put this in historical context, fewer than 300 people chose to stop being americans. Departure rates have risen 15fold in a decade. As to the reasons why studies show complicated and expensive u. S. Tax system is partly to blame. This week, both candidates gave an outline of their tax plans. Hillary clinton short circuited again to use a newfamous term, when she accidentally told the truth and said she wanted to raise taxes on the middle class. Donald trump wants to give trillions in tax breaks to people like himself. Deirdre joining me now trump economic adviser peter navarro. Peter, trump proposed going from seven income brackets to three or four, if you count the 0 he referenced for People Living under the poverty level, and most people are cheering the simplicity. What else can be done . Well, these two tax plans are beautiful. In its simplicity you have Hillary Clinton basically raising taxes. Donald trump cutting taxes. And whats interesting about hillarys plan, its taxing businesses and middleclass people under the guise of taxing the rich. Its policy meaning that her whs spending a bunch of money on Public Infrastructure rather than helping the private sector, and its kind of like an old the kind of like the new deal, and the studies we show say its going to reduce growth rate, as she raises taxes shes going to reduce the levels of lower income people because of the slower growth. Deirdre peter, take us through the math. A lot of people, what they see Hillary Clinton doing or heard from the speech is she plans to tax the rich. Im not saying this is right or wrong, people who are apolitical, who are accountants and plan is to tax the rich, that is to say anybody who makes more than a Million Dollars a year and again a surtax on anyone who makes more than 5 million a year, and then use that money to go into larger Public Services. So most people argue thats not the middle class . Its not a strategy, though, to get economic growth, if you contrast that with the trump tax plan. One of the most important things in the tax plan and every portion has a strategy is lowering the Corporate Tax. The reason why lowering the Corporate Tax is important is because Companies Like gm and ford and places like michigan are moving billions and billions of investments to mexico instead of michigan in order to get a tax break when they go down there. So thats the strategy, and the whole point of the trump plan, its reagan in the 21st century, it works not just with tax cuts but regulatory cuts, boosting our Energy Sector instead of killing the coal industry like hillary wants to do and building good trade deals with the rest of the world. Deirdre well, shes flip flopped on the tpp, many people dont trust what she says because shes changed her view so many times, and to your point about the Corporate Taxes, he seems to be encouraging growth where she seems to want to punish companies who go overseas. Peter, while i have you, what are the consequences of americans ditching their passports for tax reasons . Thats kind of an interesting phenomenon. Im not sure if the science or the stats is correct, but heres what i know, i know that for the last eight years under obama, weve had a doubling of national debt. Weve got over 20 Million People unemployed, and weve got the weakest recovery since world war ii, and its all because of this Hillary Clinton barack obama cansian approach, fiscal stimulus, donald trump looks at four points of the compass, energy policy, regulatory policy, tax and trade policy working with the goal of doubling gtb growth rate to historic norms. If we do that, we not only generate millions of jobs but trillions of dollars of tax revenues to offset the tax cuts. Thats the big picture the folks are missing on the left side of the equation, they do the robin hood, trickledown rhetoric, and she has no plan. Deirdre few hundred Million People as numerous economists point out, its one thing to attempt that in a smaller country with four to ten millions. Hundreds of millions, quite hard. Peter navarro, thank you for the time. My pleasure. Deirdre we are checking in with donald trump as he arrives in altoona, pennsylvania, 6 00 p. M. Rally, he is scheduled to begin speaking in about 45 minutes. He is touring, youre looking at a live feed of a large factory, and once he starts speaking, we will bring you there. More on your money, stay tuned to fox. Wall street week tonight, Anthony Scaramucci and Maria Bartiromo interviewing bill miller, lmm chairman and cio, heres a sneak peek. Probably the best Investment Decision i made was to buy amazon in the ipo and the worst decision is still amazon when it became public at 400 market cap. Deirdre more of the interview at 8 00 p. M. Eastern time. You wont want to miss it. Isis operative confirms it is running training cells in mexico right at the u. S. Border, isis operative was arrested and charged in ohio. Judicial watch reporting that the leader of one of these cells bragged about the position in an italian newspaper. He is quoted as saying the border region is so open he could, quote, get in with a handful of men and kill thousands of people in texas or arizona in the space of a few hours. My next guest has highlighted this risk. Hes a border sheriff in arizona. Welcome back as always, sheriff joe arpaio. Youre not surprised by this possibility because youve been speaking about it for months if not longer, but what are the steps that you and other sheriffs are taking to protect citizens . Well, you know, this doesnt surprise me, its a nobrainer when you have a border thats not fully secured. Anybody can come across. I think i proved that with arresting people from china in the past coming across into mexico and into our country. So it happens. And by the way, i did a survey of inmates in my jail system, 8,000 a day that we have, and 24 of them were from the middle east, all different types of crimes. From those countries, terroristtype countries, and eight were turned over to i. C. E. You have to say some of the people from the middle east are coming into our country and turn over homeland security. So its not a shocker with me when were so close to the border and people can come across that border very easily, so we have to look out for this. Deirdre germany has learned a very sad lesson, we know Angela Merkel wanted to open germany and receive refugee families, 99 of whom we assume there are for the health and safety of their family but german citizens have been attacked by aggressors who have hidden themselves and four of the paris bombers from november of last year actually were proven to have come through the refugee flow. Yeah. Deirdre sorry, sheriff, go ahead. You know, europe made a big mistake when they had open borders, no more check point, no more passports and i blame that situation somewhat whats going on in europe. Its a sad situation. Deirdre it is a sad situation. Earlier this year, you mentioned homeland security, and the Department Said that mexican drug cartels are helping isis sneak across the border with. This coordination between the drug cartels and potential terrorists, do you think first and foremost that exists in a strong link . I tell you it doesnt surprise me. When i was the director of mexico city and south america as the head of the drug enforcement, drug were involved in overturning governments and revolutions and everything else. Whats new . Now you have the terrorists joining forces with the drug traffickers. I remember when donald trump first announced i supported him way back, he talked about the terrorists crossing that border and the wall. The wall wasnt just for illegal immigration, it was for terrorists and drug trafficking. So thats why he wanted to build that wall. I guess he was right as you see whats going on today in mexico, connected with the terrorism problem that we have. Deirdre he was listening to experts such as yourself, which is always a good sign. Sheriff joe arpaio, thank you for the time. Thank you. Deirdre my next guest is critical in the Mainstream Media. Says donald trump is facing unfair pressure for saying the president is the founder of isis. He is ignoring saying Hillary Clinton made a similar comment about donald trump. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. It transformed treatment as the first cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. 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And if you have more than one Liberty Mutual policy, you qualify for a multipolicy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. A new day and a new controversy for donald trump. Donald trump at his new attack against president obama saying president obama is the founder of isis. Donald trump doubling down on an outright lie against president obama and Hillary Clinton. Donald trump blamed president obama and Hillary Clinton for creating isis. Deirdre Mainstream Media criticizing donald trump for saying that Hillary Clinton and president obama are co founders of isis. So not mentioning a few months ago that Hillary Clinton called donald trump an isis recruiter. He is becoming isis best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of donald trump insulting islam and muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists. The way donald trump talks about terrorism and his very insulting language towards muslims is making him the recruiting sergeant for isis. Deirdre former republican president ial candidate donald trump supporter dr. Ben carson is with me now. He says the Mainstream Media is out of control. Dr. Carson, great to see you. Thank you. Deirdre do you think that the media is overplaying Donald Trumps comments and ignoring concerns about Hillary Clinton . Without question. You know, their goal is to keep donald trump as the focus, and if you can continue to talk about him, you dont have to talk about hillary. Why would you want to talk about her and her failures of judgment, and why would you want to talk about the things that have gone on with this administration and with her as secretary of state, which allowed isis to be formulated . And when they were still just a small organization, 10,000 people, and we knew where they were, why didnt we do something about it . There are so many things to talk about. If i were her and her crony, i would do everything i can to keep donald trump in the spotlight. The sad thing is the media, which is supposed to be objective, which is protected by our constitution because theyre supposed to be helpful to the people is supposed to take sides being rather blatant about it, and this is very detrimental to freedom in our country. Deirdre so dr. Carson, you said that while Hillary Clintons tax returns are important to see, that you would like to see a health report. She released the 2015 tax returns today, along with a letter from her doctor, but as a doctor, are you concerned about her health . Well, that letter from her doctor was dated may of 2015. Thats more than a year ago. Theres a reason that people are suppose to have annual physical exams, particularly as you age. So i think it would be very good for them to reveal what the most recent findings are because there have been some questions about her health, if somebody is elderly, we need to know whats going on before we put them into an in charge position. Deirdre dr. Carson, let me ask you, you are a doctor, have you seen symptoms . When you see her, do you feel there is something, if you were her physician, and i know thats not your specialty as a surgeon. I feel theres a reason that youre looking for this . Well, i would just say that as people age, a lot of things begin to happen, and, you know, i think both her and donald trump should be very forthcoming with whats going on with their health. We need to know that because you dont want to put somebody in a very stressful position, this is not a 9 00 to 5 00 job, this is 24 7 job with enormous amounts of stress on a person. We want to be sure they are capable of handling those things. Let me ask you on an economic note, Hillary Clinton outlined economic plan yesterday, though most people say it was less detailed and it was more political as a rebuttal to the plan that donald trump released on monday. But when you hear from both sides, what do you think . Well, of course, class warfare, her good buddy saul olins key said keep class warfare on the front burner, there are a lot more poor people than rich people and can you use that to your political advantage. Of course, thats a silly way to do things. We need growth. Thats the only way we get out of the problem, were talking almost 20 trillion, a fiscal gap of 200 trillion. Were not going to solve those problems by taxing the rich. We can take all their money and it wont come close to solving the problem. Its a political ploy. Deirdre dr. Ben carson, thank you as always. Great insight on numerous subjects, glad to have you. Thank you. Deirdre imports from china hitting u. S. Manufacturers and the u. S. Economy. Some estimate that china is eliminating 2. 4 million jobs in the u. S. In the past ten years alone. We are going to be talking about to what extent this could favor the candidates aiming to get the u. S. A better trade deal. Fox business will be all over this story with details and context on monday. Another u. S. Win in the war on terror, the pentagon is confirming that a u. S. Drone strike killed the leader of isis in afghanistan and pakistan. Khan was gone directly participate in the attacks against u. S. And coalition forces. The pentagon says his death will hurt recruiting efforts and operations in the region. A group of muslims stewing a town in michigan, rejected plans to build a mosque. Next guest is a person who says the town made the right decision, he is with me next. Poor mouth breather. Allergies . Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. But i only had a salad. It was a buffalo chicken salad. Salad. The leaders of an Islamic Center are suing a town in michigan after the town rejected plans to build a mosque. Many residents opposed the plans. The city says plans were rejected due to concerns about traffic congestion. My legal power panel is here. Sue ann robinson says the city is in the right. Tamara holder says it is straightup bigotry. Tamara, to you first, do you think the city was lying about the traffic. Was this a convenient excuse . Of course it was. This is the perfect time, everybody is afraid of terrorism in america, and muslims coming in, but the issue is that these people, muslim, law abiding, members of society, citizens of the united states, theyve been here since some of them have been here since 1961. Veterans of world war i. And the city makes no compelling reason which is a constitutional requirement, a compelling reason why they should infringe on their right to build this place of worship. Deirdre so sue ann, you say the city was in the right on, what grounds . Thanks for having me. I think that the town has a duty to balance the needs of the residents with the needs of the building applicants, and i think part of the issue, in addition to discussing traffic congestion, they had issues with the specific buildout they were asking for, the height, whether or not it fit into the layout of the residential area theyre attempting to build in. I think what we have to look at is what the Town Councils job is. The department of justice is investigating right now, and if its uncovered that discriminatory reasons or religious byars the reasons why the application was denied, that will be uncovered in the city certainly will be in hot water. We have to remember theres a balance between the councils job to deal with the residents, their needs and what their requests and desires and also what the building applicant, and theres no law against denying a religious facility, a walmart, a commercial building. Deirdre mayor bill de blasio in new york city famously blocked a walmart. I want to ask you on a somewhat related theme, a muslim Flight Attendant filed a lawsuit against her former employer express jet. She claims she was unfairly suspended after she declined to serve alcohol, the stance is on religious grounds. Sueann, its not really breaking news that you can order a drink on an airplane does. She have a case against her former employer . I think part of the issue is that what my understanding is that she later found out she wasnt allowed to serve alcohol. Legally, express jet has to make an accommodation for religious accommodation, they are only required to make accommodation that will not be financially burdensome, it has to be de minimis, a minimum burden. Express jet did accommodate her and had another Flight Attendant when in flight with her serve the alcohol. For whatever reason that was an issue, but the bottom line is express jet could argue that theres some type of financial reason or that its too much of a burden for them to make this religious accommodation for her. For example. Deirdre already doubling up the work. Requires one person and have to have additional person, that could be a reason. She has a case, if she can show that they are not making an accommodation thats not thats more than a minimally burdensome to express jet, but at the same time, you know, it has to be they have to make an accommodation for her certainly. Deirdre quick last word to you, tamara. Shes just a difficult employee. They gave her the opportunity to wear muslim garb. Its a hijab. Now she cant serve drinks, all of a sudden can she not give someone a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich because its pork . Deirdre glad to have you both. Statement express jet values diversity but cannot comment on the ongoing lawsuit. A horrific water slide decapitated a child in kansas. Other accidents happening across the country this summer. More details next. I guess the forces brought them back and they went right over. A full investigation has begun to determine the cause of this incident. The roller coaster will be closed pending the results of the investigation. It immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. For fastacting, longlasting relief, try doctorrecommended gaviscon. For your retirement, you wanted to celebrate the little things, before they get too big. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Td ameritrade. 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They just screamed a little bit and hit the ground and laying there. Deirdre a ferris wheel accident left three injured in tennessee, a water slide accident left one child decapitated in kansas, and there was a recent incident on a roller coaster in pennsylvania. 2580 route 30, idlewild park, underaged child fell from a roller coaster. Theyre requesting a helicopter on standby. Deirdre three different states, three tragic incidents, the host of foxnews. Com sports court Tamara Holder is with me as is conservative review chief Political Correspondent Deneen Borelli and gop strategist ron mayer. Welcome all. Tamara, do we need to swap locallevel restrictions for federal ones when it comes to amusement parks. Though im known as a democrat, i believe states have their rights and states should legislate, but when you have people fighting over tort reform and families not getting reimbursed for injuries and dont have regulations whatsoever, i say weve got to have the tragedies for people to say enough is enough. If you dont want the federal regulation. If you want the federal regulation, then there are standards and we wont have the accidents anymore. Deirdre so deneen, i know you tend to be lighthanded in ideas about regulation, this maybe is one area where the question has to be put up, right . First of all, my heart goes out to the families and the victims. Amusement park accidents are very tragic but theyre also rare, and i think the owners have every incentive to provide a safe environment and a fun environment for these families. I think its best for oversight to be on the local level, a state level because that way the state regulators, theyre close to the issue, but also held accountable by the voters. Deirdre i dont know where you got your research that theyre rare. 2013 straightforward the nationwide Childrens Hospital found between 1990 and 2010, 92,885 children under the age of 18 visited the er from Emergency Rooms from amusement parks, 4,423 a year. That is not rare. Deirdre ron, when we look at the other industries that have been regulated heavily, and this one not at all, what is your opinion . Well, i think i see both sides of the perspective. Heres the thing, when youre looking at the statistics tamara mentioned those include things like you know your local carnivals and things like that. Six flags they have good data because they have so many parks, 1 in 750 Million People, riders. Deirdre what about local, you tell your kids you cant go on that because its local. I totally get it. But heres what im saying also, i serve on a board of supervisors. I know people at the state level, too. If Something Like this happened in local Community Week would be looking at the regulations, there is a National Association of counties and states, when these things happen, discussions happen and reform does happen. Federal Government Solutions arent always things that solve the problem. Why are there so many things that are regulated by the government that arent going very well right now. I never said that. Never said there shouldnt be any regulations, i think the federal government is way too big, bureaucrats are not held accountable, i think its best for a local level. Deirdre to go and kick the tires and make sure that its safe for families and children. Absolutely. Deirdre tamara, deneen, ron, thank you all. Glad to have you here. The nfl is allowing a st. Louis rams black lives matter protest but blocking the Dallas Cowboys from honoring Slain Dallas Police officers. Were talking about it, dallas fallen officer Foundation President sergeant penny with me next. [announcer] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. The nfl is blocking a Dallas Police officer tribute. The league is denying a request from the cowboys to wear a decal on their helmets that reads arm in arm. So the decal is in honor of the slain dallas officers killed in ambush last month. Critics of the decision say its hypocritical, the nfl did not penalize st. Louis rams players after a hands up dont shoot black lives matter protest after ferguson. Sergeant penny is with me now. He is angry with the nfls decision. Sergeant, thank you for the time. Did you reach out to the nfl and express your anger . Well, no, i didnt. Initially my thought was theres no greater sacrifice than what these officers paid for their community. This was almost a given where the nfl is not an enemy of the Police Departments or of our foundation either. This is something that we would expect the nfl to be above political fray to be on top of. Deirdre well, it seems hurtful to the dallas community, especially when that team represents at least in sport that community. Absolutely. First of all, id like to thank jerry jones and the Dallas Cowboys organization for being at the forefront of this issue and taking an opportunity to honor the sacrifice of the fallen officers. But at the end of the day, this was about, you know, the Dallas Police department had a strong relationship with this community, so this insignia means a lot us to and the Law Enforcement community because this shouldnt have happened here in dallas. This means the world to us to see our nfl players represent us and represent us on the field. That would mean the world to us. Deirdre so sergeant, what do you think is going on . And im asking to you step out of your role as sergeant and put yourself in the minds of an nfl executive. I mean they have allowed other decals. We looked it up, right . For breast cancer, redskins player shaun taylor who was murdered. Cardinals player pat tillman who was killed serving in afghanistan. For 9 11. Why do you think this particular decal is being so politicized. Listen, all those are great causes. I honored those same causes myself. At this point, and some of the rhetoric i received have been about, they put this on the helmets because it contradicts the political views in society right now. This is above that. This is about honoring the sacrifice of Police Officers and i would think that we can be able to rise above the political rhetoric and be able to say that its okay for an nfl team to honor the sacrifice of their local community. I would expect nothing less from the new orleans saints. If they want to do that for the baton rouge officers. Listen, in the Law Enforcement community and all of us, the community as a whole is grieving. The dallas fallen officer foundation received an enormous amount support from across the country, not just here in dallas, across the country. People have reached out and let us know that they support us. Deirdre police chief is inspirational on many levels. Absolutely. We have a lot of respect for chief brown. Chief brown has been a great leader during this ordeal, and just to be able to show the families that he supports, that the city supports them, and to meet with the cowboyss organization, my gosh, the Police Community here and back at home in dallas are elated to see that. The players walking onto the field arm in arm. This is a message. This is the opportunity where the nfl is at forefront of this issue. They can make a statement. They can make a statement that can cause the community as a whole to follow suit. Deirdre sergeant, thank you for youre views, we did reach out to the nfl for comments. We have not heard back yet. We will keep you posted. When we come back, more in sports, a football coach was fired for praying with his team, he is now suing. His attorney is with me next. Theres something out there. That can be serious, even fatal to infants. Its whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. Understand the danger your new grandchild faces. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. Oh, look at you, so great to see you none of this works. Come on in. Then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Just one of the many features that comes standard with our base policy. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Deirdre a High School Football coach was fired for praying on the field. Coach joe kennedy made a big decision, he is suing the high school in washington state. With me now his attorney, michael barry, thank you for joining us. This incident happened awhile ago, why the decision to sue now . Well, this is really the only opportunity we have to vindicate coach kennedys rights. The School District would not meet with us despite my many offers to do so without having to go a lawsuit, so this is really the last resort. This is the only opportunity to get him back on the field coaching with his Constitutional Rights intact. So michael, he worked for eight years at this high school, and by all accounts was beloved, well respected, not imposing his views on everybody else. How did he get fired . Well, youre exactly right, in a School District admitted all of that. In fact, you folks want to see for themselves what the antics are . Go to first liberty. Org and see the School District admitted no complaints, no student was pressured or required to participate, but what they did was they changed the rules on him, they moved the goalposts and said, look, if hes praying by himself, he can no longer do that, our policy is any visible religious activity is prohibited. That would mean not only for a christian football coach but if theres a muslim employee, they cant wear a head covering, a jewish employee cant wear a yarmulke. Thats a ridiculous policy. Deirdre for people who dont know the story, im reading from the case, he went down on his knee at the 50 yard line at the conclusion of every Football Game for a brief, quiet prayer. This doesnt strike me as any case enforcing views. Thats exactly right. School district admitted they called his prayer fleeting. It was brief, quiet, lasted approximately 1520 seconds and he would do this to give thanks for the opportunity to coach the kids. If somebody got hurt, he would want them to heal quickly and get back on the field and that was it. Im not sure why the School District feels the need to target the beloved coach by the players and community and single him out. At first liberty institute, were going to hold them accountable because the law, the constitution and federal law protect the rights of teachers and football coaches as well as students, and so again, as folks want to read the lawsuit we filed or read what the School District is up to, go to first liberty. Org and see for themselves. Deirdre we know hes a vet as well. Michael, we wish you luck, thank you for the time and telling us about the case. Thank you, sir . Thank you. Deirdre we are back in just a minute with more on risk reward. Deirdre in just a few moments time donald trump will begin speaking in a rally in altoona, pennsylvania. They will be speaking in 10 seconds time. Charles donald trump accusing Hillary Clinton of pay for play while she was at the state department. Is the media turning a blinds eye to this . Have you heard about it . Voters arent sure who the best choice is for the economy. We lost thousands and thousands of companies

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