With the u. K. On high alert, Prime Minister David Cameron is calling for immediate action against isis, outlining his vision for a comprehensive response. Dont appease this ideology. We have to confront it at home and abroad. To do this we need a tough intelligent, patient and comprehensive approach to defeat the terrorist threat at its source. Tough, we need a Firm Security response, whether that is action to go after the terrorists, International Cooperation on intelligence and Counter Terrorism or uncompromising measures against terrorists here at home. Jo ling here at home the plan isnt as clear. President obama raising serious questions with his response to the powerful terrorist threat yesterday. I dont want to put the cart before the horse. We dont have a strategy yet. I think, what ive seen in some of the news reports suggests that, folks are getting a little further ahead where were at than we are currently are. Jo ling here to discuss, james frischling, barrons senior jack hough and very own fox businesss tracy byrnes. Jack, i will start with you on this. What is your take coming out of this . Do you think Prime Minister camerons reaction will perhaps influence the white house . I would hope so. He seems to be a little more vociferious right now than our president. The u. K. Will have to put stronger rules on the books to revoke passports. There was wakeup call with the murderer he on the beheading video with london absent. Maybe this keep calm, carry on attitude with these radical preachers talking about spreading sharia law in u. K. And ales where. Maybe that is not the right approach. Maybe we need something stronger. Jo ling james, how specific should it be . I recognize it is a pr blunder by the white house and president , i think he said the truth. We dont have a strategy. Now theyre backtrack. Cameron didnt say anything. He used a lost verbiage. There is no concrete actions. There will be consequences to our actions and consequences to our inactions. A lot what is going on now, our inactivity, not getting involved in syria in the first place. We dont have a strategy. Well need to be far more aggressive. This group you can not negotiate with. Neither country has a plan and president just admitted it. Camerons words are harsher than out of been from our president. He is wishywashy. This guy was like, we cant ignore it, this is a threat and big thing for europe how much long every than their economy handle sanctions . Probably not that long. These guys have to jump on the bandwagon clearly than we are about the president dragging his feet in the tan suit the other day. Jo ling we cant forget the tan suit. Did not repeat that getting on an airplane for fundraiser. The market didnt react at all. Why is that . The stock market, what are people going to put money into . If they bail out of stocks what will they go into . Bond have not looked riskier in my lifetime because yields are so low. There is not a good alternative. People are hanging in, people are think thinking they are the best of a bad set of choices. Oil market has not reacted yet. They are not nervous plus theyre not near the dangerous part hear here in the u. S. Were come getting numb to the conflict in the middle east and trouble in syria and iraq. Jo ling a lot would have to happen to move at all with light volume. To jacks point there is not a lot of places to deploy capital. Something will have to happen, it is inevitable. Situation cant continue. Well see Something Like us air strikes with some sort of a Ground Coalition from locals. Jo ling seriousness, is what youre saying. Turning now to the markets, apple is on its recordbreaking run, hitting a new high of 102. 90 in todays trade. The hot streak coming from the news iphone 6, multiple versions of it, will include mobile payment capabilities. Tracy, what do you think . Weve got an invitation now. We have a wearable potentially. Now we have payments . I feel like i should be asking you this, because you cover this so much better than all of us here. Look, im all about it, my house is all pap he will. My kids are waiting on pins and needles to get the 6. Im psyched. Good for the tim cook. Everyone was trying to say he is no steve jobs and i think he is doing a pretty good job here. Jo ling jack, we have lot of competition, square, Google Wallet all kinds of things, paypal. Does this make a huge difference . Some of those apple products dont necessarily take off . Apple is great provision of being so profitable they tinker with side businesses to see what works. About supporting ecosystem that people upgrade apple hardware. This will be upgrade of iphone 6 based on people wanting larger screens. Trades up to iphone announcement. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Will not deliver on orders. Iwatch will be delayed. First iphone was delayed six months after the whole juggernaut of the marketing campaign. While i like it long term the fact is this thing is going last word how many people are sitting home waiting to upgrade . There will be monsterous amount of people upgrading. They need a phone. They need a phone. Falling apart at the seams in my house. Jo ling but that wearable seems to be real clincher. It may not come out until next year now, but seems to be that is the innovation hotbed. Moving on, uber driving in the fast claim, claiming it is available to 55 of the u. S. Population. The car hailing company shrugging off recent controversy against rival lyft rolling out in 22 college towns. College towns, uber, good idea, right . Kind of awesome i have to say. This company is too big to stop right now. The biggest challenge of the company is regulation and potentially courts and what not. They have proven they could work successfully even here in new york city with the taxi commission. University thing, students, access ab, cost effective. What about marketing campaign, dealing with drunk driving and whatnot. A home run for uber. Jo ling a lack of a home run in the relationship with lyft. Seems like a ton of controversy . Is this kosher . Getting down and dirty, guys calling lyft for a ride, they pitch them coming over to uber. Jo ling thats exactly right. Suddenly drivers are in demand. Maybe fight over drivers and drivers get better pay out of the deal. I think it is great for both companies. Part of me thinks theyre in cahoots and dot fight thing to get all the attention. Everyone is talking about it. Everyone is doing it. I think they both win in the end. Jo ling speaking of winning, Kansas City Royals no longer stink. Also one of their players. Admitting his gameday rid all includes dousing himself with Victoria Secret perfume. Apparently team picked up on this. I watched interview. It is so cute. He tried it because someone did it once because it was good luck. Womens perfume, right . But superstitious thing. My son down change his socks. Same thing. That is funny. Jo ling maybe he needs perfume. A little bit weird but ive been riding new yorks subway system in august. A lot of people out there not doing enough scrub dub dub under the arms. If they smell better, i am all for it. Dont want to be Debbie Downer and express themselves all they want, baseball officials that control uniforms and belt clips, they will mock this thing out. I was young train e. On trading desk. I wore a little after the shave i got heckled into the bathroom washed up. If too many players do this and that smell they will kick the thing. Im sure you dont have to worry about a run of Victoria Secret perfume in the major leagues. Jo ling thanks so much for joining us, guys. Coming up the sky wars continue. Googles new drone project is giving amazon a huge run for its money. Who will be the first to fly in the sky . Nothing goes better with bacon than bubbly, right . Dennys making new york city debut today and will cost awe bundle. This decorative diner is definitely doing manhattan proud. This diner is coming up. My mother made the best toffee in the world. Its delicious. So now weve turned her toffee into a business. My goal was to take an idea and make it happen. Im janet long and i formed my Toffee Company through legalzoom. I never really thought i would make money doing what i love. We created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. Go to legalzoom. Com today and make your business dream a reality. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. Hi michael looking good trying to keep up with you i told my producer karen that i take metamucil because it helps me feel fuller between meals. Its just one small change that can help lead to good things. Now shes breaking up with the vending machine. Nope. I call that the meta effect. [ female announcer ] 4in1 multihealth metamucil now clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. And promotes heart health. Experience the meta effect with our new multihealth wellness line and see how one small change can lead to good things. Jo ling while the world is focused on amazon and even dominoes drones google is working secretly on a drone project of their own. Theyre telling fox business it has been testing project wing for the last two years, sending small items via helicopterlike drone over australia. So who will be the first to actually reach the sky . Todd hazelton from tech know buffalo and Lance Ulanoff from mashable join me now. Lance, who will win this race . Weve seen amazon, google . The u. S. Government who will decide where and when you can fly drones over public airspace because nobody is flying anything until the regulation is in place. I know google says they want to be a part of the discussion. They seem to be encouraged but i dont know what that means. Jo ling todd, what do you make of this . Competition is there but is it all novelty . It is novelty, the biggest concern google has to get over, showing United States population that drones are not things brought to wars. And unmanned flying vehicles that can be used for positive things. I think Disaster Relief could be one place or drought checking crops, those kind of things. So people are not afraid of all this. Not shooting weapons down at them or drone spying on them. Jo ling that is the way they want to spin it. Antidrone, exactly. Going gill started project like delivering cpr machines on the fly. Jo ling exactly. They realized, oh, wait, the Emergency Services can get their faster. Situations where you might be able to deliver something, only when you cant get to that area. What google is looking at, going straight after amazon for is deliver products and services. I dont know, google doesnt sell as much stuff as amazon, but, i read this, kind of thought if theyre working hard on drones to deliver stuff, well see more of a google, store that is like amazon, where you buy a lot more stuff straight through them. Jo ling thats what we have, right . Which have the hope, theyre trying to make, Google Wallet increase and presence a little bit. Google shopping is innovative. So what do you think . I mean Google Wallet tried and failed self times i think maybe with the iphone 6 and talking about earlier with mobile payments and that space, if they add as rumored, maybe Google Wallet will take off as they expect that. Take off, yeah. Writer in me. Dropping puns. Jo ling lance, there is lot of moon shot projects with larry page ceo trying to make these big high value projects happen. That has been sort of a google type offshoot, right . All sergey. Sergey brin, this is hiss baby. He has the car and solar power and google glass. They bought up a ton of robotics properties. Like the skunk works and they are driving this forward and they have the money and they have got the tile and making all of these bets but we always look at what is coming to market . What is going to become real . Google glass is exciting project but what were realizing it may be best in enterprise but not for consumers. Drones is exciting but may have limited use for any number of unforeseen reasons. Jo ling todd, what do you think internet capability in developing areas . Interesting with project bloom trying to bring internet to places around the world. Google is doing great job with internet. Org and participate. We need to see highspeed data. Give the people internet connections. But show them how they use it for education and business. High speed is important, not just in internet connections. Jo ling cant forget the cyber theyre working on in asia. Lance, where will it ultimately lead . Will it lead to results like this . Google is trying to put fiber wherever they can. I feel like with google. They are doing so many things at once, that i dont know if they are focused enough on making anything sort of go full bore and being full solution. Nations will use whatever speed they can, connection they can use to get things done. They were doing things with ticking, feature phones and they will jump what is handed to them. Question if there is enough will and money and power and strength to get it done for people. Jo ling some leave google potentially. We want to talk about her. Google x Vice President megyn smith could head to the white house, leading newest list of candidates for u. S. Chief Technology Officer. This is a very smart, innovator. Graduate of mit media lab. What do you think . I think this is what we need in the government. We need somebody who knows how to take a m to research it and actually get there. These are people, google x worked on things like space elevators and things impossible and found to be in some cases impossible. You need that kind of thinker and not just a politician in that spot. Jo ling how does she compare to the previous, the current chief Technology Officer and previous one . I think her experience has a lot. Experience at google to try difficult things is great. I dont think it is a position in the u. S. Government that has been able to get a lot done. They work in incredibly overwhelming bureaucracy. So there are a lot of good ideas. I think anybody who has been in that role had good idea but getting them executed and out there for people is really difficult. And, you know, again will she get frustrated when she arrives in the government and sees it doesnt really move in the way, with the facility that google does . Right. Jo ling weve seen that happen at twitter. Katy stanton left state, left Obama Campaign and goes on to twitter and breathe as huge sigh of relief. Well keep an eye on meg began to see if she is supported. Jo ling Britney Spears is back and making serious cash and boosting her brand into the billion dollar cluck. Getting the axe. The drastic step that Abercrombie Fitch is taking to stay in with the cool teenage crowd. Do you ever have too much money . Friday night, buddy. You are gonna need a wingman. And my cash back keeps the party going. But my Airline Miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldnt be this hard. With creditcards. Com, its easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online. Creditcards. Com. From the experts in feminine protection. Introducing danceallyouwant bladder leak protection new always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders. Only always discreet underwear has soft dual leakguard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most. Plus a discreet fit that hugs your curves. You barely feel it. New always discreet. Now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. Because hey, pee happens. Visit alwaysdiscreet. Com for coupons and your free sample. Jo ling oh, how the mighty have fallen. Once a staple of the cool kids table, Abercrombie Fitch has been abandoned by teens, prompting one conspicuous brand to hide its logo in shame. Here to discuss the big topic, founder of yummy an one of the real housewives of new york city, Heather Thompson. Thanks for joining us. Always a pleasure. Jo ling Abercrombie Fitchs ceo comes out yesterday said well get rid of the logo. Is this too little too late . No offense so michael jeffries, ceo of abercrombie, i dont know if is enough. Weve been dressing this way for a long time. Sort of like turning the proverbial cruise ship. That is what is happening in the war. Millenials it is about personal style. You cant do that brand stamped across your chest and we havent been dressing that way for a long time. Jo ling we havent been addressing that way. Millenials want to express themselves individually. This is generation of snapchat. Which consumers are winning . Hm . Exactly what theyre showing, personal style, amazing right . That is what zara and h m are doing, theyre bringing style to the forefront and affordable. 10 years ago it was almost disposable. Today you can dry clean clothes at h m. They have as per operational designers to step into the store with trend affordability. Jo ling abercrombie, once they turn the cruise ship around have a chance . Investors dont seem to buy it . It was down 5 yesterday. It is a 4 billion company and doesnt go byebye quickly. They need to make serious changes to look the way consumers are shopping. Social media, online shopping, that is what is leading retail. That is the leading trend. See the runaway streaming on your screen. Abercrombie has to kind of i think switch gears a little more quickly. They talked about the chase strategy in womens wear daily. Unfortunately i think thats what theyre doing. Theyre chasing instead of leading. Michael jeffries can do it. You have to get up there and lead. Jo ling maybe he has to change outfits now that getting rid of anf. He is famous for wearing loud outfits. Exactly much. Jo ling were moving on to gap, making curious choice in the fall ad campaign, down playing clothing telling customers to dress normal, whatever that means. Fight Club Director David Fincher to shoot the commericals. I watched all three, theyre beautifully done. What does it mean to dress normal . Is normal in fashion or trying to redefine what normal is . The gap is never known as a fashion house. The gap is a basics brand. A brand of essentials to go into to get quality essentials at a price and putting celebrities in their campaigns early on they made basics, everybodys basic, right. Even celebrities need a white tshirt. Now with David Fincher i love these campaigns. I love what theyre doing. Even the gap has said, it is part of a much larger manifesto what the brand stand for. Instead of cyclical fashion, campaigns theyre really showing a manifesto, a sneak into voyeurriestic sneak into what people do every day. Jo ling everything to do with connecting with the buyers identity, right . Is that what youre saying . You see that with other brand. As they advertise on instagram, it almost blends in with my agree with that. I think the right campaign can change the brand and direction. You have to follow it through into the stores. I hope to see them following through that you know, higher end approach to retail, while keeping the pricing still the same. You know, affording people like an essential they want to wear that will last for them. Jo ling do you think this is good though for womens image in terms of basically trying to redefine what normal is . Because now normal seems to be all different kind of shapes and sizes. Right. Jo ling a lot of Companies Like dove trying to move into that direction, theyre using very thin models and very beautiful people. I think the gap is not designing men and women. I think this campaign doesnt really have how much to do with that. I think it has to do with basic dressing and Everybody Needs essential. What i founded yummy with Heather Thompson, essentials every day and gap is place to go they want you to see a higher end look see for that with someone like David Fincher. Jo ling definitely a creative endeavor. Also well see a lot more of you this labor today. Right . We have a big special lined up for you, on monday, called, moneymakers. Some of the most innovative entrepreneurs will dish out their advice on how you can be raking in some more cash. One of those people of course is Heather Thompson sitting here with me right now. Well hear all about your yummy brand and all the hard work to get it up and running yummy. Dont forget to tune in, better at the beach, set the dvr. Monday 2 00 eastern on fox business. Turning now to the markets. It has been very impressive month for stocks. Our own lauren zimmmerman on floor of the New York Stock Exchange with augusts biggest winner. Lauren . Hi, there. Great month for stocks. This final day we have very tight trading going on. Nonetheless lets show you the winners on Dow Jones Industrial average this month. Home depot, up 15 . The dow is only up 3 this month. Caterpillar and united also up dramatic this month. App 500, by the way looks like it will have the best august performance since the year 2000, the winners would be monter beverage. Cocacola took a stake. That stock is up 3 . Ega technologies is up 20 . Hit new high. Demand for chips and smartphones like the iphone. Gilead, the biotech, that is up about 18 . Those are two big winners on the s p 500, jo. Jo ling lauren simonetti, thanks very much. Have a good weekend. You too. Jo ling on high alert, World Leaders much more anxious about terrorist attacks on western soil and the threat that can come from within. Find out how extremism often starts right here at home and how social media plays a big part. More money coming up. She inspires you. No question about that. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. 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Do more to keep people from traveling, stop those who do go from returning and deal decisively with those who are already here. This would include further steps, and easier to take peoples passports away. Department of Homeland Security chief j. Johnson saying theyre contemplating additional security measures in the United States but thus far we will not be raising the threat level. Discussion about ukraine in the u. S. And in response to the incursion that occurred in russian troops. And imposing additional economic costs on russia. This is all ahead of the nato summit, the u. S. Will talk with angela merkel, David Cameron and others to try to develop a strategy dealing with both fronts, ices on one and ukraine in russia. President obama has left the white house, he is at fundraising events in new york and rhode island and should be returning this evening. Melissa the threat of homegrown terrorists alive and well with parts of the United States becoming hot beds for extremism. One of those places is minnesota. Jihadists die in syria after being recruited by terrorists in the state and as many as 40 more Young Americans from minneapolis have followed him to fight with groups like isis. These are people from relatively vulnerable communities often out of work or without Higher Education would some of them are perhaps lacking a purpose or sense of belonging and Community Activists in minneapolis saying they are trying to counter what takes place on a daily basis. Joining me for more on this is National Security analysts k. T. Mcfarland. I want to start with you. How exactly is isis and these other organizations recruiting these young people in minneapolis . They do it in two ways, they do it over the internet, these disaffected young mosley mail second generation, maybe even first generation americans, they dont quite fit in, they go searching and the internet for some kind of a new identity and then falling to these jihad networks and get recruited online and ultimately ends with why dont you visit us and fight in the middle east. The other way faith to end this is explained by someone from am i 5 how they do it in great britain, they are now doing it in the United States which is in these communities disaffected young people, 12 or 13yearold boy is in the beginning and they get to the Community Center and get recruited by terrorist recruiter. They get brought in to be part of something they were not part of before. They go literally on camping trips and slowly but surely over the next year or two they get further recruited in. You want to be part of this . What you should do is fight and die for. And and your people and then get radicalized and become the people. Maybe they become suicide bombers and that is the worry. Those are american passport, they are as american as you and i. But the problem is they have been recruited to radicals jihad underneath our noses. We should point out almost every member of the somalis community and the community in minneapolis denounced terrorism but what should the u. S. Be doing . The department of state or other institutions to try to combat this . Social media provides itself on freespeech. It is controversial. We had a big controversy about the nsa and spying but no doubt anybody in contact with anyone connected to isis or other terrorist groups weather they are in minneapolis or anywhere else in the United States is a good thing for the government to know that and keep in touch with it. We should same minneapolis is the biggest Somali Community outside of somalia in the world, it is a pretty significant thing. That is where some recruitment goes on. Douglas macarthur mccain the most recent to be killed in fighting for isis grew up there as did duhraman muhammed and others who have gone to somalia to make jihad as well from minneapolis. That is something u. S. Authorities have to keep an eye on closely. Melissa Douglas Macarthur mccain is not so molly. We have an organization that is able to transcend ethnic backgrounds. If i could say one thing he was apparently Close Friends with troy cast a guard who went to somalia and was killed fighting with alsabah. Al shabaab. Having been in these high levels of government how would this situation in minneapolis affect the terror alert level . The department of Homeland Security is not planning to change that any time soon. Obviously agencies within minneapolis and elsewhere are coordinating with washington. Csn here is the problem. Someone can have an american passport, we can fly to europe, go to turkey and where they are going is from turkey getting across the border into syria to fight. No one at the borders stand in ger iing o is es sneoeinlit, reehed ss, an pastorheir onyin othe thatog th middle east and yet they are experienced fighters. The two men who just died fighting isis who were american citizens come back to the United States, go back to fight again and die, we didnt even know they had reentered the United States so we have to get a much better eye on who has an american passport, who is traveling and i think it is all Political Correctness to say were going to treat everybody equally. Swaht i east and then comes ba to the United States is the same so if we focus on everybody we are not focusing on anybody. Thanks, very complicated situation we are dealing with right now. Geopolitical concerns are not doing anything to slow the stock market down. Our next guest says get used to it. Andrew king is that the cme. Why do you think markets are brushing off this news . We had serious news come out of the u. K. Supply demand curve analysis. I have been on the show with melissa for the last elements and said the s p 500 futures saturday and their hitting exactly 2,000 but the stock market continues to juggle along higher, all the Technical Analysis says the market still wants to go higher, we should concerns from russia and ukraine, europe and china and the stock market supplydemand curve we want to go higher, oil starting to rebound. I continue say see a raging bull market until interestrate spike higher. The government has said they will start speaking them higher in march. If it gets above 3 icing the rotation out of stocks and into bonds happens. I expect us to have quite a correction at some point in time but might not happen for two years down the road. Bernard thank you for joining us today. Gas prices are at multiyear lows this Holiday Weekend fed dont expect to get very far. A dining favorite goes upscale to attract another deal, but would you really set on champagne at your local dannys . At the end of the day it is all about money. You know what i love america . Fine barbecue, good times and zero heart burn. And thats why i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heart burn because it gives me zero heart burn. Prilosec otc the number one dr. Recomended frequent heart burn medicine for nine straight years. You can beat zero herat burn prilosec otc one pill each morning 24hrs, zero heart burn i am jo lin kent with your fox business brief. Malaysia airlines will cut 6,000 members of its staff, third of its work force. Is part of a Recovery Plan as the carrier become stateowned. Longhaul rounds will be cut to give a more regional focus. Magnolia bakery which was first made famous by sex in the city is opening in russia despite an import ban. The cup cakemaker plans to set up at least five locations in moscow alone. Dunkin donuts is moving to the dark side. The chain famous for its light coffee will introduce a dark brand. Early reviews say it is smoother than anything else on the market. That is the latest from the Fox Business Network giving you the power to prosper. [ male announcer ] its one of the most Amazing Things we build and it doesnt even fly. We build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrows innovators. We build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving americas veterans. Every day, thousands of boeing volunteers help make their communities the best they can be. Building Something Better for all of us. On wall street or main street here is whos making money today. Anyone with a piece of tesla stock hitting a new high today, because of its new deal with chinas number 2 Cellphone Companies to build 400 charters in 120 chinese cities liz investors love how theyre gearing up to dominate the Worlds Largest car market, shares are up 2 . The main man himself making tons of money, elon musk owns 28 million shares of tesla. He has made 190 million since this morning. Spending money on a piece of american history, 5 million on a rose up parks archive. Hundreds of the items belonging to the civil rights icon have been sitting in a dark room for years on display to the public. Howard buffett says they belong to all americans. Oops, she did it again. Who is making more money than all of us combined . Britney spears please use taking her brand of lot more seriously and has amassed 1 billion empire made up by her as a guest residency world wars and a personal fragrance line. 70 million records she has now sold around the world. Do you effort crave a little champagne with your pancakes . The firstever dennys opening in new york city today and you can get that but with everything from exposed boards to a cocktail bar. This is not your ordinary diner. Take a listen. Waiting for this for over a year. Interested in how it will be here and turn out. It feels very new yorky so we like it. It is fancy. Bottled specials are great, the grand cruise slam is fantastic. I convinced her to come twice in ed day. New york city is known for their bars and night life. Had some food out there. That is fun and we loved it. And after 119 will be back. That was ridiculous. I love it, so enthusiastic. Are we going the only reason you go to dennys is on your birthday because you get a free grand slam the land when you are drunk at 2 00 in the morning. This is not dannys lose our generation, us old folks remember the old days. The new young people dont even know what the old dennys was all about. Is this revival going to work . Will work in new york city. If there are two things new yorkers love, some kind of association with a working class brand type of thing, not having the discomfort associated with that brand but then people will feel cool for going in new york. I am not sure why but i know the man dino they will. Lets talk about the bottom line. Dannys dad is need help. All these retell restaurants really are hurting right now. This concept has little to do with dennys. The store opening in downtown off the charts. They are trying to find it. They had been doing this, anyone who is selling to the lowincome customer right now is taking a beating so lot of those changes are going up. You get a grand slam on your birthday. I love that. It is a trying one but it does look like a beautiful restaurant. The images were great. Fantastic, i will check out. All right. We will probably be there. Labor day weekend starts starts a few hours from now. 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Our bestever pricing on mobile share value plans for business. Now with a 100 bill credit for every business line you add. Prices at the pump giving travelers are reason to hit the road this long labor day weekend. And National Average for Retail Limited now just 3. 44 a gallon according to aaa. That is about 0. 12 cheaper than this year, this ti last year. The laste gas was priced thiloweadingnto labor day kend wack in. If you are hitting the note almost 35 Million People are expected to travel this labor day weekend. If you dont have plans, might be planning a last minute turn apps for that. Joining us is gabriel carol, here to tell us about your favorite new travel apps. I love hotel tonight. What do you like . You are like the last minute, youre going to book on the go. I am not, that spontaneous the 4 travelers that are theres a flight tonight, really beautiful appsouing ome irport which flights are available growing out of that ait tonight thor day weekeu e based i theew yorarea, 300 you take fligh hilton head, jacksonville. Great destinations. That is pretty serious. They are related to hotel tonight, my favorite apps . It is from a Company Called hobbit which provides flight analysis. You are actually going to book through sites like travelocity or the airline site itself but this basically curates all the flights that are available going out ofho anoth us . Not quite an apps traveling soon end basically plenteous cities in asia where you have hosts that either cook you a home cooked meal that mom makes with regional specialties for 20 to 60 so much cheaper than a fancy restaurant and you can learn to cook the specialties yourself. A lot of the might be taking notes right now. Another flight makes an Emergency Landing after one flyer leans a little too far. Recline at your own risk. At the end of the day it is all about money. It can bring out the worst in people. But the mclass scans for danger, corrects for lane drifting, and if necessary, it will even brake all by itself. It is a luxury suv engineered to get you there and back safely. For tomorrow is another fight. The 2015 mclass. See your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. Jo an hour just didnt long enough to bring you all of our favorite stories, but there are some headlines that are too money to miss. In the control room with a little extra bang for our buck. Alex, what have you got . Thats right, jo, starting with the war of the reclining seats. You remember the whole knee guard story. Well, another plane was forced to divert because a fight broke out onboard. A 61yearold man was restripped after fighting restrained after fighting with the lady this front of him who decided to recline all the way back. Jo is it worth it to ground a plane over a reclining seat . I say no. No. Im going to go with no. How bad are we going to let this get . Its getting kind of sloppy in the skies. Jo well, a knee defender wasnt even used in this particular case, and they still grounded the plane. How about a penalty box . More leg room jo well, we certainly need more space for people to get their rage out. Somebody your size on a plane . I dont know about that. Jo thats all weve got for now. Thanks so much for joining us. I hope youre making money today. Countdown starts right now. Stocks may see their biggest monthly gains since february even as the fighting in Eastern Ukraine escalates. How will investors position themselves in the final hour of trading, and what can we expect next week . Well bring you the answers. Kickoff, College Football gets the new sports season going, and that could mean big bucks for sports gambling. Trade sports allows fans to pick games almost like stocks. Ron bernstein, the ceo of tradesports. Com, joins us in a fox business exclusive. And it says its the Worlds Largest Online Dating site. Plenty of fish uses a secret, hightech formula to crunch data. The founder and ceo tells us where successful matches mean hes losing customers and why he has resisted selling out. Countdown to the closing bell starts right now. Adam im adam shapiro in for liz claman. It is the last hour of trading. One hour until the holiday actually begins for a lot of

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