Lori our top story, new developments in the us airways and american air merger. The department of justice in six states filing a antitrust lawsuit to stop the merger. The airlines were expecting to seal the deal in the next couple months. It could be taking a nosedive in light of the suit. Although the Justice Department suit might keep the merger grounded for a while, the airlines are not taking it lying down. Fox businesss rich edson is live at Reagan National airport with the latest. Rich, what is going on . They thought they would wrap this merger up, us air and American Airlines this quarter. We may have to go to court because of this one. Department of justice, six other jurisdictions filing suit, saying uhuh, no way. This is from attorney general eric holder saying this transaction would result in consumers paying the price. Higher air fares, higher fees and fewer choices. Todays action proves our determination to fight for the best interests of our consumers by insuring robust competition in the marketplace. Now the airlines always argued as part of this, in order to compete, american and us air, they had to merge. It would be a win for consumers if they were allowed to merge. In a statement responding to this action by the department of justice today, the airlines say we believe the department of justice is wrong in its assessment of our merger. We will mount a vigorous defense and pursue all Legal Options in order to achieve this merger and deliver the benefits of the new American Airlines to our customers and communities as soon as possible. And one analyst says, eventually, they will merge. I think that it will go through. I dont think that this merger will be blocked. I think that overall the concerns that dojs been be addressed. And that, American Airlines will emerge as a large, number one, carrier in the world. Lori, in the past there have been antitrust suits filed against mergers for the government to step in to try to move the merger on certain conditions to try to get some conditions that the government finds amenable to allow this mergetory move forward. We asked the department of justice about that today. Doj officials said, no, the best thing for consumers in this case for this merger to never go through. Again this well could be an opening negotiating position. Back to you. Lori many, thanks, rich. Assuming the merger takes flight it would create the largest carrier in the world but experts and travelers are worried it would cut competition and service all the while sending fares skyhigh. Here with how the merger will hit you and your wallet, Airline Consultant george hamlin. George, do you agree with the department of justice, will this result in higher air fares . Weve weve seen in the recent mergers, delta northwest, united continental, air fares are going up in the industry. On the other hand this industry for the most part was going broke. There has to be a middle ground here someplace. But what concerns me is having approved the other two megamergers how can you not do this one . Lori absolutely. The previous couple mergers that the doj did not stand in the way with, ultimately, didnt it, inevitable that us air and amr would get approval . Otherwise the two airlines, amr is restructuring out of bankruptcy will not be able to compete in this environment, do you agree . I think american would emerge successfully from bankruptcy but it would be handicapped long term and it would be like competing with one arm tied behind your back and tied to your ankle. Lori reading about the story today, a lot of consultants and Airline Industry experts says this is political. This hinges on us air getting monopoly at Reagan International airport which is the closest airport to washington, d. C. Lawmakers dont want to pay higher air fare. That is why theyre targeting this particular merger. Could this be as simple divesting some of those landing and takeoff slots . I know there is issue with having monopoly of nonstop flights as well out of that particular airport, Reagan National . I think yes, they may need to shed some slots. That will be part of a garr baining process. When you say monopoly, ignores the fact of almost every airline hub with the exception of chicago with two carriers competing at hub, hub carrier dont have monopoly but they have the vast majority of the traffic. At Reagan National here in washington, d. C. , us airways is Offering Service to a number of smaller points just as an example, nonstop to huntsville, al back if the slots for that go away, it is likely that one of the other carriers will use that for service to one of their large hubs or another large city. Plus theres competition in the huntsville market with united at dulles airport, 30 odd miles from Reagan National, this is a bit after red herring in my opinion. Lori maybe i chose the wrong word with monopoly but if the merger approved, us air at Reagan National would control 69 of takeoff and landing slots and likely hold on to those and not give them up to other airlines. What incentive would they have for doing that . The e. U. , the european union, go ahead and approved us air and amrs merger on the understanding it would divest landing and takeoff slots at two airports, heathrow in london and the airport in philadelphia. What sort of concession would the doj accept. I dont know what they will accept but again this ignores the dominant carrier at a hub, and us airways alone even before the merger was intending to do some hubbing at national, basically have the ma the i dont have operations. It is not unusual. As a matter of fact part of this result of trade with delta that has 50 or more of the slots at laguardia which is a larger market. Lori all right. So air fares going up, perhaps not at pace inflation but it is just kind of the new normal and Necessary Evil consumers will have to accept, given the climate, is that your takeaway, george . To a great extent. It is more nuanced than that you have to accept the fact that you let the other two do it already. How do you handicap the remaining competition . Look what will keep price honest in the market are the lowcost carriers like southwest. Lori thank you so much. George hamlin. Okay, next on money, surprise, another key provision of obamacare is being delayed and this one could cost you bigtime. Former reagan Economic Advisor art laffer joins us with reaction. Plus should ecigarettes be regulated like normal cigarettes . One mayor is looking to do that and it could be a calamity for both the booming business and Public Health across the country. Dont go away. More money coming up. Shes still the one for you you but your erectile aftedysfunction ears. You know,that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You cabe more confident in your abili to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needingo gofrequentl. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. Do not take cialis if u take nitrates for chest pain as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. Side effects may include headache, upset omach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injur seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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The result is that some people with complex chronic medical conditions could pay twice as much as they would have if the 6300 a year cap was in place. Former aetna ceo ron williams says president obama was right to warn that obamacare would have startup glitches. Theyre actually trying to recreate many of the functions at the Insurance Company have spent hundreds of years getting good at doing. What theyre going to learn is, this is not so easy. The president s critics say the change is more proof that the Affordable Care act is to complicated. Republican senator Lamar Alexander called it another sign of the obamacare train wreck coming. Republican rand paul thinks the administration is overstepping its authority. The president said he warned people there would be startup glitches in obamacare. Medicare and Social Security suffered the same fate. Lori . Lori thank you, wendell goler. The new Health Care Law delay is clearly a big blow to consumers. You heard the numbers. Since insurers have an extra year before they have to limit on how much we all spend on outofpocket costs. Here to break it down former white house Economic Advisor art laffer. Great to see you. Good to see you, lori. Lori seems like obamacare is falling apart. How could it be good and helpful to our nation at this point . I think it can be. When you give away something for nothing, people weill way over consume it. Like putting me on a smorgasbord,. Someone pays fixed costs and i eat for free and i go right to the caviar until i throw up. That is exactly what is happening and they have to figure out some way of allocating. Youre seeing first cracks in the super structure. Delays and some delays that happened. I think Lamar Alexander was correct it will be a train wreck unfortunately. Lori bottom line, how much will it cost consumers in term of their premiums . It will push them up, it must . Sure it will push up and push up insurance costs. Lori overall. The Insurance Company will bill federal government for reimbursements. Thats going to happen. If you look at Insurance Companies and look at government, Insurance Companies are far more intelligent and focused than the government is. They will be able to play the sieve. Unfortunately it will work out for the detriment of the country. Then well have to repeal it three years from now or whatever it will be. Lori art, of course this is the president s Signature Health care, this is his signature legislation. I know. Lori he will not let it go down quietly. It will go down and may not go down quietly. It will go down and it will cause a lost damage. We hope it goes down sooner rather than later. We can get pack to very Good Health Care system we had before and correct specific problems. There was no need for wholesale remaking of health care civil of america. We have a very healthy population. We have a Good Health Care system, great doctors in this country. What we need to do is have good ol competition, to keep prices and competition in line. People have to pay substantial amount for their own services otherwise they will misuse the resources. That is simple economics. Thats a law you cant break. Lori are you hopeful well learn this lesson on health care too late. No, well never learn it too late. We can always come back from it, lori. It will cause a lost damage in the interrim. Thats too bad. This country will always come back and im sure well be a lot better off five years from now. Lori Insurance Companies and Health Care Stocks have been performing well. Is that a contrarian play . No, i dont think so. Lori in other words, do those investors realize that obamacare is just not feasible . Yeah. Well i think whats happened with this, theyre able to do billings to the federal government and reimbursement for these programs and theyre able to do better as a result. Theyre getting far more of these procedures because the people dont have to pay for it and they want to get it. Youre able to prescribe all sorts of things that probably arent necessary, but would be a little it about helpful but surely not worth the cost. You can see the results in the Health Care Stocks. Lori businesses have already implemented expectations for obamacare with, you know, their hiring and capital expenditures. Isnt it amazeing . Lori how do you, you referenced this earlier in our conversation. It is going to be tough. Its going to be a challenge and probably a hit to the bottom line. Many soft ridiculous things. If you have all these rules how many hours you work and all that stuff whether youre mandated to have health care, put on to the exchanges and all that stuff, dont think these businesses dont know how to reduce the fulltime employment to parttime employment so they dont have the health care costs. They cant keep below the ceiling limit of the health care required companies for the fines. So they can do all of these things and they are going to do it. Businesses are very, very smart. What you should do have them be smart in providing highquality products at low cost, rather than smart at trying to get around the obamacare laws. That is not the way private enterprise works to make us a better country. Lori no, it doesnt. Art laffer, always a pleasure. Thank you, lori. Lori coming up on money, sues epa. Trying to get has it paid enough to get back in the game . We have both sides to debate it. Plus one city preparing a crackdown on the ecigarette boom. Should they be treated just like regular cigarettes . That is the burning question if you will for the business. It also could create a Public Health disaster and well explain. Do you ever have too much money . If youve got it, you know how hard it can be to breathe and man, you know how that feels. 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Bp believes it is being blocked from getting any new government contracts and is now suing the Environmental Protection agency. It all stems from the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill and the company says it paid its dues, pleading guilty to criminal charges and paying a staggering 4. 5 billion in fines. So now it wants back in the government game and that lucrative business of federal contracts. Chris faulkner, ceo of white link oil and gas. He says bp is punished enough. Here to disagree with him is tyson slocum from Public Citizen. He says repeat criminals do not deserve government contracts. What do you believe the bp is suing epa, how do you view this . If you look at that there is no Ongoing Investigation to bp. If you answer to the question the bp paid enough, the federal government thinks so. They closed investigation. What i think so the interesting is the fact that the Justice Department filed a civil suit against bp. They want 11 billion in more civil fines. I think this epa sanction is a way that theyre thumping their chest to give the Justice Department leverage to get bp to settle. Keep in mind, bp is active contractor today. They have 1. 4 billion of contracts with the government. If they lack Business Integrity which is the example government gave banning them from new contracts, why do they allow them to be a supplier to the government already . I think that contradicts their position. I think this is suspect that. Lori timing is absolutely serious. Tyson, let me let you weigh in here. You disagree. Well, of course. We at Public Citizen do not believed convicted felons whether a corporate entity or individual person should be eligible for government contracts. So the epa is simply following the letter of the law. In november 202007, bp pled guilty to 14 felony counts, 11 of them for manslaughter for the deaths of left 11 people bp acknowledged in its guilty plea it was responsible for the deaths of those 11 workers. Importantly bp also pled guiit i to obstruction of justice for lying to congressional investigators. We at Public Citizen do not think that a corporate entity that has pled guilty for lying to federal officials should then be allowed to turn around and get government the consider. Lori just begs the obvious followup, once you paid the price, admitted culpability, paid staggering fines, at what point, how long do you have to be punished for . This is a company and a lot of people out there who are invested in bp and certainly have a right to investment choice and make money. Absolutely. Under the terms of the guilty pleas, bp agreed to go on criminal probation for a period five years where bp agreed that their internal compliance programs were suspect and they need to have an independent monitor. We ad Public Citizen believe that it is prudent for bp not to be eligible for new contracts while it is under a fiveyear criminal probation. Lori why did the interior department, chris, praising bp, improved safety procedures and awarding bp dozens of new drilling leases in the gulf . That is the thing, since the spill in 2010, they have had 50 new leases awarded to them. Theyre the biggest producer of Oil Production out in the gulf. They employ 20,000 american people. Reality it is not about bp. This is about oil and gas. This is another pledge from the Obama Administration to try to stymie the oil and gas industry and Public Citizen is about at that. That is ridiculous. Theyre all about getting rid of oil and gas. If they wanted to sanction, it should have been part of, when they pled guilty should have been part of that plea deal and it was not. It is about 17. 5 billion more in fines the government wants. This is antioil and gas. This is about crime. This is about a corporate entity that pled guilty to felony violations. They closed the case. Cases over. They did not close the case because the probation there are no Ongoing Investigations. Excuse me a second. The company is under criminal probation for five years. An individual that is on criminal probation has all sorts of rights that are reduced. [both talking at once] thats ridiculous. Lori well going to revisit this issue thats for sure. There are some remaining questions. Why is bp doing this in the forefront instead of doing negotiations behind closed doors. Why did they get new drilling licenses . Makes no sense. Lori wellhave you back, hot debate. Thank you, lori. Lori talk more about energy. Here is your fuel gauge report. North dakotas bakken field scoring its biggest Oil Production increase ever in may. That is according to a new report by energy firm gemscape. 54,000barrrls, striking 64,000barrels today. They say bakken production will hit 1. 1 millionbarrel as day by end of next year. At the same time libyas Oil Production and exports hitting the lowest level since muammar qaddafi was ousted from power. Labor strikes are paralyzing libyas oil fields and seaports. It can not make promises on september oil delivery for clients. Libias woes and unexpected rise in crude inventories sent crude rallying today. Crude was up 72 cents. Now too the booming business of ecigarettes and a big potential problem for the producers. It is all about whether or not ecigs should be regulated, similar to normal cigarettes and if they are, whats next . New york citys mayor bloomberg seems to be leading the charge according to leaked documents, three tobaccorelated bills are making their way to the new York City Council that could effectively ban ecigarettes. This could have huge ramifications for industry as well as for Public Health. Joining me to break it all down, michael siegel, Public Health professor. And we have a Tobacco Industry analyst from jeffries. Welcome to the show, both of you. Dr. Siegel, you say a ban on e cigarettes would be a Public Health disaster, a ban on ecigarettes, explain. Electronic cigarettes are helping literally thousands of people to get off regular tobacco cigarettes and for many people, this is a lifesaver. Many people found it is very difficult to quit smoking using traditional available therapies but they are successful with Electronic Cigarettes. Banning these products makes no sense from a Public Health perspective. Youre telling people who have quit smoking using these products we want you to go back to the regular toxic tobacco cigarettes. That would be, Public Health disaster. Lori from what i understand, though, there is no firm, and correct me if im wrong, please, scientific evidence, doctor, about the safety of ecigarettes. So what evidence do you see that you can inform us with that ecigarettes would reduce the Public Health risk . Well theres, there is a lost evidence that Electronic Cigarettes are much safer than tobacco cigarettes. We know regular cigarettes deliver 10 of thousands of chemicals with more than 60 known human carcinogens. The Electronic Cigarettes have three or four chemicals in them and thats about it. While there may be true there is small risk associated with them there is no question that these products are much safer than tobacco cigarettes. Lori okay. So i think we can do more research to find out exactly what the magnitude of the risk is but theres no question people switching from tobacco cigarettes to Electronic Cigarettes are greatly improving their health. Lori lets talk about the business side. Ecigarette sales expected to reach one billion dollars this year. What kind of business economic, Economic Impact would the ban bring. Ecigarette industry is a booming industry. It is expected to double every six months approximately. For me as a tobacco analyst, obviously much more interesting than regular cigarettes. Regular cigarettes are declining. The Business Impact of a ban obviously could be disasterous for these companies. You have an industry with 2 or 300 small players. The Big Tobacco Companies have not entered the space other than lorillard. If these products get banned obviously very negative. Lori do you agree with the doctor these ecigarettes are used by smokers of traditional Tobacco Products trying to quit . That is the data the industry shows, predominantly smokers try the products whether assessization device, meaning to quit smoking or alternative when they want to smoke indoors. That im not the expert on but data to show it is mostly smokers so far. Lori do you have any data how many people are choosing ecigs over traditional cigarettes if demand is falling from the major cigarette manufacturers . At retail, cigarettes are a 730 billiondollar industry compared to the number you mentioned for one billion dollars for ecigarettes. It is much smaller percentage but growing rapidly. Lori 15 buck as pack for regular cigarettes . Ecigarettes in new york are priced 10 to 12. There is an advantage. Ecigarette is more than one or two cigarettes. There is a pack to 2 1 2 packs vapor in there. Lori interesting. Dr. Siegel, if they ban, sigs will other cities follow . What is the precedent here . That is the danger. A lot of people are looking to new york city for leadership and what new york city does may tell us what other cities are going to do and they may follow that. I think that would be a real tragedy. These products are helping so mann people to keep off the most toxic Consumer Product out there and why would you want to take that off the market. Lori right. And essentially give cigarettes free rein on the market . What we want to do is the opposite. We want to encourage people to use a much less toxic alternative than regular cigarettes. I dont think this is an example of a proposal that tries to treat tobacco cigarettes and Electronic Cigarettes on the same playing field. In fact this is the opposite. his is making, giving cigarettes free rein over the market, without any competition from the Electronic Cigarettes. That to me is what is so disturbing about it. Lori this is from the mayor who wanted to ban large sugary sodas to protect our health. If this is nice Health Alternative to regular tobacco it doesnt make any sense of the great discussion, gentlemen. Thank you. Next on money, when you are worth 40 billion apparently you can afford to trash apple and google. Oracle Ceo Larry Ellison calls apple doomed and google evil. Already sparking a storm of controversy but is ellison right . Who made money today . Mens wearhouse is getting plenty of attention lately but one of its Top Competitors is grabbing the limelight and riches today. Stay where you are. Piles of money coming right up. announcer scottrade knows our clients trade a invest their own way. With scottrade sma text, i can quickly understand my charts, and spend more time trading. Their quick trade r lets my account follow me online so i can rea in realtime. Plus, my local sttrade offe is there to help. Because they know i dont trade like everybody. I trade like me. Im with scottrade. announcerscottrade. Voted best Investment Services lori no matter what time it is money is always on the move. Shares of seaworld getting soaked afterhours. Reporting a weak stirring on top and bottom line. Seaworld primarily blaming costs to its initial Public Offering and debt related charges. It also lowered the revenue outlook for the year. Shares of apple are popping on the other hand after billionaire investor carl icahn revealed a stake in the company. This comes just hours after oracle Ceo Larry Ellison soured over apples prospects for success. Another tech titan battle. Who will come out on top . Joining me to answer the questionn rob enderle, and tiernen ray. To you first. What did you make of Larry Ellison . He was quite specific of the current leadership at apple . He said that he likes ceo tim cook but they will not be nearly as successful. He was saying similar stuff last fall but was more negative today. Last fall he said i think the Company Still thrive. Now he says i think they wont be nearly as suck es sesful. The implication they wont throw at all. Lori do you agree, rob . Good to sigh at you will. Shares of apple have fallen 25 . Is ellison correct . He is. Apple was designed around steve jobs unique skillset. Each person was selected to do things, including tim cook that steve jobs didnt want to do. Steve jobs is gone. They didnt backfill him. They put the guy in to do stuff steve jobs didnt want to do as head of the company. It isnt working well. You like having the mechanic drive the car and you wont win races. He sees shares valued 625, apple shares, calling for initial Share Buy Back from carl icahn. Is this interesting about the timing of carl icahn coming in today after ellison made the disparaging remarks . Stock has been on the march for weeks now. Lori good point. Probably people knew he was in the market amassing this stake which may be over a billion dollars. He is looking, kind of cant lose. It is season of the year when new iphones will come out and new ipads, supposed to happen next month of the he is leaning into strength saying now is my time to buy into this rally and then also get a platform to make some suggestions. Lori rob, what is your take on why carl icahn revealed his stake and his advice for what to do with shareholder value today . Well, remember he is a corporate raider. So we saw just a hint of, a hint, a hint of him joining hp caused that stock to go up. Even though he didnt have a position. He can drive the stock up by participating. It is not good pour apple. You dont want a corporate raider looking at company. Corporate raiders come in. Pretty much swipe the assets and leave what results is a shell. Just destroyed twa which is what he is famous for. While it is nice to speculate on how high the stock will go, with him involved im really worried what will happen to apple. He really leaves no good news. Lori do you think of this expected announcement after cheaper iphone five i believe well hear . That is what he is was referring to here in couple weeks . For me . Lori sorry, rob. So, yeah its always a problem when a Company Sells Premium Products comes out with a lowcost offering. Steve jobs designed apple around the porsche model of we certainly saw porsche explore lower cost offerings of 914 and 924 and those were not good years for porsche. When you have a premium brand you need to focus on keeping the premium brand premium. Remember, tim cook is a guy that sells on price an volume. He doesnt know how to manage a company like that. That is why he is chasing the lower cost market because that is the way he will get more customers. That is thinner margins and samsung owns that market. Lori saturated smartphone market. Do you think tim cook, maybe you address it earlier, do you think he has creativity to come out with the next biggest thing for apple . He is delegating to people like john any ive and engineers and software team. As long as he follows past history that may not be a bad thing. When they came out ipod. They had one model. Then the mini and nano and shuffle. In interview at the time steve jobs when these products came out we want these to be affordable to be in everyones hand. There is history tim cook lived through where the company said we want to bring the price down to spread volume and get it available to everyone. Lori circle back to ellisons comments t wasnt just apple, right, rob. He was having harsh words for larry page, calling them evil. Oracle losing in court to google, right . What did you make of that . Larry, as did steve, believe google is a thief. Whether stealing intellectual property or books or whatever. Steve felt very strongly google used position on apples board to steel the idea for the iphone and create a clone which basically they did. Larry stepped in because i think he felt a little bit guilty given programing component of android largely comes from java which is the platform he owns. He bought when he bought sun. He came to steve jobss defense but wasnt really able tokes cute. To him apple, excuse me, googles a thief, a thief that stole from his oldest, closest, now dead friend. Lori interesting perspective. Gentlemen, thank you. Thank you. Pleasure. Lori well, next wearhouse debuts the first had since pushing out pitchman and founder George Zimmer. Can it convince you will still like the way you look . A top expert said it is a marketing disaster and guaranties it. He is here to explain why. At the end of the day it is all about money. The most Free Research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed 1second trades. And at the center of it all is a surpringly low price just 7. 95. In fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions than schwab, td ameritrade, and etrade. Im monica santiago of fidelity investments, and low fees and commissions are another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. Now get 200 free trades when you open an account. Join us at projectluna. Com lori no guaranty this time around. Mens wearhouse unveils the first ad following ouster of founder and spokesman George Zimmer. Will it be a hit with customers . You be the judge. For 40 years weve been helping men dress like gentlemen. Mens wearhouse. Lori hmmm, what do you think . Lets ask marketing guru bruce terkel who says the new campaign is terrible. Really . Great to have you on. Why do you think it is terrible . First of all the key to market something to talk directly to your customer. The mens wearhouse customer and reason the old campaign was so brilliant the customer was not a clothes guy, the guy who knows he needs to look sharp for work or a wedding and George Zimmer comes on, says i dont worry about it i will make you look good, i guaranty it. That makes sense of the theyre showing none clothes guys, weird, funky, creepy, history of clothing and telling me im going to be a gentleman but the guy who is the gentleman, every time the girl walks by and does a per owe wet and looks at her butt. Lori would you go as far to call it sleazy as some other critics. Ive seen a lot of sleazy online. I think it is creepy. Roller girl and girl in the Catholic School skirt. I dont get it. Lori a little disretechful. Disrespectful. That is the issue. Lori mens warehouse risking 250,000 penalty not using founder and ousted George Zimmer. Put that in perspective. Is that a significant factor. The amount oo money they pay to produce the ad and amount of money to pay to run the ad and more importantly opportunity costs whether or not it works or not, quarter of a Million Dollars is irrelevant. The ad will run its course. They will try Something Else and someone will have the bright idea bringing zimmer back. Lori wave seen that happen so many times. Companies blow it. Try something new and right, and they veer back to what did work. If it aint broke, dont fix it in the fist place. Remind us of some of those companies. Absolut, did this, absolute that. Put them on the map. Ran a lot of years. They got tired and ran a new campaign, got no traction. Ran a second campaign, got no traction, got it back. Career builder, used monkeys. Got a huge response. Ran for a while. Havent by fired the agency, got a new agency and tried new things and brought the monkeys back. That is what people new and that is what people responded to. Lori i wonder since were talking about this, offensive ad by mens wearhouse were giving it sort of the free advertising. Right. Lori it is the watercooler topic of the day. If in a way the backlash will end up being beneficial to it . Sure. The backlash is absolutely beneficial, but it is rather shortlived. I think part of the other problem is that, by talking about the fact that they have been around for 40 years, theyre suggesting that they have 40yearold suits. If im not a clothes guy and i want a 40yearold suit i want to go to brooks brothers. They have a whole new line. When you Start Talking about it around the watercooler. What is in it for me . That is what we talk about in marketing and branding. What is in it for the consumer. What does the consumer benefit. Well get a short tick off all the free publicity. Ultimately i think you ee them going backwards. Lori mens wearhouse clothes, take away the ad, its product, are you satisfied or not so much . Is the ad a true reflection what theyre offering these days, stodgy old mens suits. Im not a mens wearhouse customer. Im not a person they need themselves concerned with. What their customer is not that confident or concerned or ability to look good, either shops with his girlfriend or wife or zimmer said i will make you look good. That guy i dont think will feel real comfortable saying to them now. Lori youre clearly not mens warehouse customer. Too dapper. Thank you very much. Lori bruce turkel. Unpaid internships are a right of passage, right . One enterprising capitol hill intern thinks she came up with a perfect plan to cover her costs. Is it clever or craze any weve got it all in spare change. You can never have too much money. When we made o commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can ll you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttitingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. We replaced people with a machine. What . Customers didnt like it. So whyo banks do it . Hello . Hello . if your bank doesnt lelet you talk to a real person 24 7, you need an ally heo . Ally bank. Youroney needs an ally. Melissa it is time for some fun with spare change. Today were joined by david asman. All afternoon. Well, our money talker today, the Fundraising Efforts by an ambitious sent to be in turn for Senate Majority leader harry reid. Test get a drone is set to start in the next few weeks, but needs a way to cover costs, like anyone who does the unpaid. So she turned to a crowd funding. Hoping to raise money to cover expenses like transportation, housing. Now she says even if she can only base for grand she will just take a loan for the rest. So far her efforts abroad and 30400. Love it or hate it . When i was that age and doing internships i had to take unpaid internships, but i also was able to have a second job, so i think this is a little on to the menorah for, a great idea. But i dont understand issues working for senator harry reid. Im concerned. You get something for giving the person morning. Get the stock to five or will you be able to take a obamacare. Teeseven or someone has to get through the senate. I think it does make him look bad. Melissa and one to bury my point. As lawyers is going through the private sector. Him im all for it. Plus, something similar some time. In my 20s. The sponsorship of an that i did to some good couple of companies. So go for it. You mentioned you did an. And that you did as well. But the fact is, in not supposed to be paid for them. Its about the experience. But she may do that as well. To even make the attempt to do the crowd funding and then realize that perhaps she will get the full amount she needs to cover overhead. Here is the problem, is if she does take of alone it would cost more. Put in Something Like that what is the difference between as david once did, have a source that may be funded. It. Not much difference. Once again. As long as the taxpayer is not paying, i love it. Melissa up next, who may money today. Probably fishing and sells for custom suit. We have the answer right after this. You can never have too much money. My mantra . Trust your instincts to make the call. To treat my low testosterone, my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. Axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. Axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men witprostate or breast cancer. Women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpted signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occ. Report these symptoms to your doctor. Tell your doct about all medical conditions and medications. Serious side effects could includincreased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlaed or painful breasts; problems breathing while slping; and blood clots in the legs. Skin redness or irritation where applied,lud increased d blood cell count, headache, diarrh, vomiting, and increase in psa. Ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron. Melissa whether it is on wall street or main street, here is to make a five today. One of the major shareholders demanding changes to the executive ranks saying that corporate policies are damaging the companys value. Experts agree. Shares soared more than 12 . Meanwhile, losing money, anyone who owns orbitz. Secondlargest shareholder is selling off onethird of his stake in the company. It wants to better diversify its portfolio. The sale of hammer him of his intention , not a good day. Money is practically growing on trees and up. Three multimilliondollar check back to it sold in two weeks. The third when i came forward. We all fought flora was the best place. Thats all we have for you. I shore up you made money today. It has been a pleasure pavilion for melissa. The willis report is next. Gerri hello, everybody. Im gerri willis. Tonight on the willis report another day another setback for obamacare. This time leaving consumers out in the cold. We will have the latest. The average bank account has 30 hidden fees. The and cover them tonight. And should you be heading to the stores now or wait . We are watching out tonight for you on the willis report. Gerri tonights top story, the single biggest consumer

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