Adam our top story the newest twist in the health care fight. The back and forth and perceived hypocrisy over obamacare. The announcement that the president obama would delay the employer mandate another year has republicans up in arms. Why for a delay just for employers and not for the individual mante . If it ii in the law, how can any of it be delayed without congressional approval . The latest fight in washington d one with serious consequences for all of u every american. Fox businesss Elizabeth Macdonald is on the story. Emac, how can they do this without congressional approval . That is exactly right. Three gop members. House, fill roe, kevin brady and darrell issa saying same thing. You cant ignore the law and constitution, constitution article iii, section 2, you have to dutifully to execute the law. You dont have discretionary power to enforce the law and what laws you pick and choose. Kevin brady saying, i may hold a hearing and phil roe i want Congressional Reserve Service to look into it. Adam did heay what resource congress would have tt make the president follow the law . He didnt say what recourse, treasury and administration saying, National Federation of independent business said we want this delay. It will cost 1. 6 million jobs. As we pointed out, what about the individual mandate why not die lay that . That takes effect this january 1, 2014. If that individual doesnt have affordable insurance offered to them, do they get put into the state exchanges . Already were seeing those costs doubling for the state exchanges. That is has got orrin hatch up in arms too. Adam you point out the administration pnts to the nfib wants delay. What the nfib wants is to redo this. They think the law is a real hindrance for smalltime employers, who own fastfood changes and restrants. Thats right. Adam theyre really upset with this. Is there any way to challenge the administrati legally . I dont think they can challenge legally a certainly take the fight to congress about this they have delayed doddfrank, right . The bank lobby has been delaying doddfrank. Two thirds of those rules are rewritten. Why not delay all income taxes too and Health Reform . You know what is so key . This is so important for the viewer to understand, that individual mandate tax is really onerous. Goes from 95 bucks or 1 of household income, whatever is greatest, then triples in 2015 to 3. 25. The problem with the mandate tax, assessed against personal income, but household income. Everyone on your house and coverage. That means the irs gets to know about your familys in ordero assess the tax. Adam will be interesting to see how this plays out politically especially with this is designed now to be delayed until after the congressional elections. Midterm elections. Thats right. Adam liz, thank you very much. People are facing problems with this. Employers are scrambling. Some businesses already cut back the hours of employees because of the obamacare mandate. So several employers and employees are feeling the pain, with at this point, with no gain. Andy is the ceo of a faturger. He says, that is exactly the situation that he finds himself and his company in. Thank you for joining us, andy. A pleasurto have you here on foxusiness. Let me ask you, you guys were preparing for the implementatn of obamare, the Affordable Health care act. Then this delay comes down. Why is that a hindrance to people who have franchises with fatburger . As you know, adam, were a Franchise System and what that does, independent businessmen who are organizing their labor force to comply with law and theyre trying to be prepared for it before it kicks in. So youre faced with these economic challenges being burdened upon you and the Restaurant Industry, as a company we want our employees and franchise employees to have Health Insurance but, the applicability of it and how it triggers like falling off a cliff, i you have 50 employees or dont have 50 employees, working over 30 hours or not working over 30 hours, it creates all the challenges that are very hard to execute. Adam in fact i learn ad term preparing for my discussion with you, slash and share. There is always a way to get around certain legal mandates. Sometimes theyre wonderful solutions. In the case of for instance, not only your company but several Small Businesses tyre cutting hours of individual stores but sharingmployees. They go to a different franchise and get more hours there, right . Thats right. That is job shang. That is not good for anyone. Adam no. It is bad for everyone. We want to encourage employees to work 40 hours or more, not go across the street to skirt the law or employer manage his income. We need coverage provided. We need to get rid of technical applications. Adam earned, one. Negative on the other hand, one. Consequences of Affordable Care act, obamacare, they applaud the fact that we have 300,000 additional people working part time, but arent a lot of those people perhaps people who were working full time who had hours cut because the employers couldnt afford to comply with new mandates . On all levels. Its a huge problem, the cost of this, look, a restaurant has food cost, is 25 to 30 . Labor costs of 30 . Of the rent costs of 10 . You will have to bear this cost somewhere. The consumer will bear it on well have to pay it as a taxpayer. There is a cost. We need to reduce that cost to be efficient with it. Having legislation that has so much Administration Associated with it, all the reporting aspects of it, it will cost more. You will have eloyees stuck in this, in this dilemma where the employer is trying to manage his way through it or avoided it. That is not good for anyone. Adam you heard a story, one of your franchisees, not through fatburger, through but the other side would close the store because of the burden of mandate, but you cut a deal to keep the store open but cut the franchise fee, right . We own another brand, buffalo, and that owner had more than one restaurt and therefore had more than 50 employees. Application of this new law triggers a cost from 60,000 to 200,000 for health care for his restaurants. The problem for that, it would make one of his restaurants lose money, a significant aunt of money. He would close the restaurant and all jobsould be lost. We stepped in and agreed to write a check to cover for the difference by lowering royalties. Weant do that across the board. Adam no. Youve got a business. Franchise ores can not do that. You cant have a cliff Certain Companies fall into and others dont. Small business is getting killed with it. Adam we saw just this afternoon, very late this afternoon the nfib came out said, the delay, fine. We really need to do this wle complex situation with mandates but ive got to imagine it is incredibly frustrating for people like you when you hear from t administration, supporters of this, saying only 3 of the nations, it is 5,700,000 employers are affected by this. That would, got to make you turn red . Thats a huge number. When you say it is only that, come on. The, fact that Small Business is being affected period, it is hard enough to be a Small Businessman in america let alone to be singled out and punished with this. Adamright. Yet the industry and our company we Want Health Care coverage for all the employees, not just with this mechani. Adam how do you t the administration to listen to you, men and women who work in the 3 threshold and were employing millions of people and youre jeopardizing that. I thinkhey hear it. They dont wan to react to it. They will have to. This year in time, some ways better than nothing. At least take the time to implement it properly and massage the rules and apply them so theyre even for everyone. Really reduce the Administration Associated with it. Business cant afford the cost of administering it. Adam as far as anyone you know anyone from the administration in crafting the Affordable Health care act contact anyone like you to ask what are the real world implications of that. Im not aware of the restaurant indusy getting a real voice oft, the Restaurant Industry as you know from a labor force affected by it significantly. Adam i have been there i was a dish walker at a diner in Old Orchard Beach a thousandyears ago. We really appreciate it. , andy. Ceo of fatburger. Next on mone can bubbles be prevented . Ben bernanke and central bankers are developing tools to pop them before they take us down but is it all a foolser rand . Our power panel will weigh in. Egypts interim president names his government. The Muslim Brotherhood is fighting tooth and nail. We have new details coming up. More money is just ahead. Ashley if youre wondering don ho. Whether on wall street or main street, here who here is who made money today. Fedex. Bill act man, the Billionaire Hedge Fund giant m make a big investment in fedex. He wants clients to make a total of one billion dollars to buy a stake in a major u. S. Company. Some believe that company is fedex. The rumors left fedex up by one point before closing up 4 . Losing money, investors in intuit surgical maker of groundbreaking today vinci robots. The secondquarter earnings come in lower than expectations. They claim a decline in hospital admissions. Stock closed down 16 . Plus who is making mey, and happier than a kid in candy crush. Makers of candy crush. I see playing this on the subway all the time. This is app game that turned into addiction for those riding the subway and other it makes 336,000 per day. It is played about 600 million times every 24 hours . You know what . Get back to work, people. Get off the subway. We need room. We have breaking news from the u. S. Treasury on ge capital and aig. We want to go to peter barnes in washington with more. This is pretty big, peter. Thats right, adam. Financial Stability Oversight Council designated a and Ge Capital Corporation as systematically important financial institutions. Sifis as we call them. Which will require extra regulation, to make sure that if they ever get into financial trouble they dont take down the entire Financial System as we saw with, aig helped to do that back during the financial crisis. Now they will get extra regulation from the Federal Reserve. The companies were notified last month along with a third company, Prudential Insurance, that they could be designated, but there is an appeals process in this. It appears that Prudential Insurance successfully petitioned the fsoc for a hearing, a written appeal and oral hearing according to the press released just issued from the Treasury Department and it will, the council, the fsoc say it will do it within 30 days for Prudential Insurance but the release says that aig and ge capital did not appeal their preliminary designations from last month and so today the fsoc formally calling them designating them, sifis and giving them extra regulation and supervision. Adam . Adam huge, when you consider the billions upon billions taxpayers shelled out to save aig. We didnt have to save ge. In a reverse kind of perverse way, arent we making it cheaper for them to do business by designating them . This is the complaintbout the banks, you can borrow much cheaper when essennially youre too big to fail . There is a huge debate about that as you kn apcontinues in washington. We saw a step towards trying to resolve that debate when the financial regulators also required eight big banks, not these guys, but eight big banks to pony up Additional Capital but, now that these two are under the umbrella of the Federal Reserve, maybe well see them adam costs come down for them. Well see. Adam peter barnes, thank you very much. The man who gets it first and right for us here on in washingl the best, peter. Whether you think were headed for a housing bubble, bond bubble or any other kind of bubble, think about this. Why do we have t face one at all . Could they actually be prevented . The fed doesnt like to burst bubbles but dress i can actions are taken worldwide to block them from forming. Requiring a 50 down payment to purchase a home to qualify for a mortgage. That is south korea. We brought in a money power panel to break down whetr or not we can banish bubbles all together and how we do it. First up is jack otter. Steve patton steel vine investments and robert brusca, former research chief at the federal rerve. Leme start with you, rob before. The fed said publicly they dont like to prevent bubbles. They like to clean up afterward. Has that changed . No it hasnt. Theory of Monetary Policy doesnt have anything to do with bubbles. The fed doesnt have a paradigm with deali with them. Alan greenspan didnt want to deal with housing bubble even when he saw it irrational exuberance and he saw it far too early in the game and ultimatel didnt want to do anything about it. The fed has very few tools but the for the most part things ne in other countries arent things in the feds tool chess. Adam lets talk about that. Jack otter. A freshn goes in college goes on a drinking binge ignoring the fact the will have hangover tomorrow. In south korea, 50 required to buy a house. I dont think mos people can do that. Should the fed do this to avoided a housing whether you believe froo forming . That particular tool the fed is not empowered to do but that certain thing, you would know bert than i, the fed h has contl over affiliates of federallychartered banks. Perhaps they could have tightened some of the lending rules a while back. To me the single largest cause of the housing bub, the securitization of mortgages. The fact that no longer a Friendly Neighborhood Bank held it. It was chopped up, sold to investors, countrywide or bank had no responsibility for the loan. Adam that is almost like back alley mortgages in the era. That seems to be cleared up. Lets bring in spencer patton. The talk we got from ben perhaps two weeks ago was that his own way of deflati what some people think is new housing bubble. It is so small the Federal Reserve is convicted fell lon of inflating and causing bubbles. They have a long history of not catching it. Kind of asking the fed to help prevent a bubble is like asking a prisoner to guard the asylum. In some sse the fed may be had a tiny little bit of saying we may think about stopping this 85 billiondollar a month plan but it is so far, were already 2 trillion down the rabbit hole ofhis fed experiment with quantitative easing. You know, the bubble is already coming. I mean as soon as the Balance Sheets open up well have cash coming out of everywhere. Adam is the bubble here, robert . Is it an eity bubble . Is it a new housing bubble . They say it is hard to actually spot a bubble but a lot of people seem to do it and warn the fed but they ignore them . May be hard to spot in their earliest stages. Right now we have actually some nice Housing Price increases in new york. Other parts of the country. The stock market looks more fully valued than looks like bubblicious. The stock market, you dont look at that, oh, the valuations look terrible. Valuations dont look terrible. Stock prices are moving unearnings and some measures standard. If you really want to start a bubble i like to say it is like cancer. You want preventive medicine. Because once you got it your options are bad to worse. Adam jack, let me pick up on that. Did they need to give us the very easy money problem policy that might create t next problem. Step youa is unintended problems. That is not a reason for doing nothing bu unreal listic view. Would you want to jump many in the Housing Market or stock market now, absolutely not. Look at reversion to the mean is the best way to spot a bubble. If youre at huge reversion to the mean thats when you got to be worried. Again to your point what do you do about it . You cant just burst it because then youve got the problem youre trying to prevent. Adam spencer i had the unfortunate pleasure reading a fed paper on just this issue yearago whether they should clean up after which always had been the policy. Doesnt look like that is going to change. How do you prepare for whenever the next bubble bursts . I think that obviously trying to identify where its at is the most critical part. Think bubbles actually perform a cleansing function for the economy. The free market operating in a way that those bubbles kind of compss human psychology of getting everybody excited about something. Then having a giant flush which ultimately leaves the economy in a better spot. Adam can i be a naysayer . What free market we bled out the people who brought us the bubble, jack . I think thats a very good point. You have creative destruction. You have the blo up and smart people who have cash left are able to pick up the pieces. In terms of the individual, for your viewer the best defense is diversify. We s that all the time. As long as youre not 100 in tech stocks. People who owned small caps in 1999 were kind of happy in 2003. Adam robert, i have let you close for us. Before we started this discussion. We saved aig and give them preferential treatment of borrowing with this designation of too big to fail. Sound like nothing is changed. The rich get rich and poor get children. We have destructive creation. We created these things are destructive and still around and theyre zombies. We have a democrat president yet he hasnt prosecuted successfully anyone who wouldnt wrong in financial crisis. A republican president could never have gotten away withhat were being run bit financial lobby. Not the other way around. Im not really very impressed with these moves. A lot of laws are so darn complex make you thin like youve got something that is protecting you but like a babys binky. Something to suck on but doesnt really hel adam like going through security at the airport. All for show. Scott, spencer and robert, thanks very much. If there was any crime in the financial housing mowsowss tan. We dont have angelo mozilos tan. We dont have time to talk about th muslim brotherho. 8 milliondollar in emergency aid may have made things so much more complicated. She has been called one of the oracles of wall street. Watch out for the rocks. Major stor clouds are gathering around Meredith Whitney and her advisory group. It is all the word on wall street. So dont go away. Do you evav too much money. Adam the latest developments in egypt and the money that is pouring in. Though the muslim btherhood rejected a 6month plan to try and restore democracy and hold new elections, saudi arabia has pledged 5 billion in aid, and the United Arab Emirates says that they will donate 3 billion. The u. S. Is still debating whether to cut the aid package that the United States gives egypt, but Egypt Central Bank is accepting direct donations from anybody, if you want to help. Here to help us follow the money and what it all means, the Heritage Foundation foreignpolicy expert. Is the debate in the United States, i understand that the law requires us to cut off the now we have the reverse situation where the army has kicked this guy out. Personally, i think it is the wrong time. It punishes the egyptians were doing the right thing, but the law is the law, and it is clear. Adam a democratically elected president or official, right . Right. In the president is simply flaunting the law which is just wrong at he should do is come back to the congress and say, look, these guys have a road map. If theyre going to stick to it and meet their commitments for the human rights and maintain, we should reinstate aid. If they dont follow throu we should suspend or cut it. Adam we should point out some pretty big names are saying we should be cutting aid. Senato mccain is among them. But lets just, you know, be straightforward here. President morsi two has been ousted is now under arrest by the egyptian military. He was democratically arrested but instituting and democratic principles. He was putting people in jail, cracking down to create an a permanent kind of governing strategy for the muslim gupta of Muslim Brotherhood. That is antidemocratic. Why would our law requireus to support that . Wouldnt it give some kind of wiggle room for an administration . It was a stupidly written law. Adam imagine that . Teeseven [laughter] from the people who did you obamacare it should not be any surprise. The law is a lot. If you dont like the law and have the and the courage to go back and change it. Nt pretend that the law doesnt exist. The president is flaunting and ignoring the rule of law. What makes him any better than morsi . Adam let me ask you this. The Muslim Brotherhood is being ostracized. If they set out to mike they become alienated to the point where we just try some of the members of the Muslim Brotherhood into al qaeda . There are three likely scenarios. They go back to what there before, angry people in the scent. They become radicalized and take up violence against the government. They elected the old model, but the young disaffected people are no longer happy with the Muslim Brotherhood. They start forming al qaeda, al qaeda lookalikes and affiliates and in essence creating an insurgency in egypt. Eightyone of those things are possible. A couple of variables, the Muslim Brotherhood and the army. Adam and that is the question we will sk. Heritage foundation. Thank you very much for helping frame some of this. The best Congress Money can buy in the United States has a lot to do with it. All the best you. Up next on money, she made a name for self making bold predictions, but problems are threatening Meredith Whitney and her advising group. Although were on wall street, and we have the insid scoop. If you sell it, they will come. That movie with al capone. I feel like al capone. It is an allstar weekend upon us. Baseballs oddest baseballs allstar weekend out there up for auction. Theyre letting me hold it. Theyre crazy. A special preview next. Piles of money and great baseball stuff coming up. You can buy it. Adam no matter what time it is, money is always on the move. Not everyone is raking in the money from the. S. Sale boom. Second Quarter Results will likely come in below estimates. The news beating downhares after hours. Onion operating hundreds of oil and gas rigs across the United States and blamed the earnings shortfall of shortfall on intense competition and bad weather. The whispers, rumors, behindthescenes cassettes. We have it all on money, and today the word on wall street is all about marriage is whitney and a report that her firm is losing half of her top wall street clients and almost entire staff. He would be inside scoop is Spencer Jacob from the wall street journal who broke the story. Is she going back to shut down the firm . It does not look good. Right on the front page on monday andy tells how she went from having five people working for, which is not a lot, down to one. She has not published a report since last year on the larst u. S. Bake, jpmorgan chase. Probably isnt teeseven that would not be buying that kind of research. You want the experts. And so does not look good for the firm that she hung her reputation was riding high. It was the right time to do it. Strike while the iron is hot, but e has not come up with any good calls. Adam the waves of the financial industry, one h wonder. She made the call in 2007 on citigroup. She was wrong about municipal bonds. Youre only as good as your last call in herast role was very bad. You know, it is interesting because now or in airport if she say there would be in n a wave of defaults. On 60 minutes. Adam cats and dogs living together. The picture sheainted was much more dire than in her written research. People people or contact me saying this is ridiculous. Did turn out tbe a very bad call. It was a great buying opportunity because the market sold off in the wake of the comments. Adam why is sheo against our own written research . She didnt go against a research, but she is not sted it in anywhere as dire terms and that respecter. She lays out some real scenarios. She points to problems. The bond market is going to go through a bit of a crucible. Possibly going to bankruptcy stock. Am she talked about a total meltdown. Several large defaults. Adam why do we all seem to kowtow to these great analysts . And i am thinking dr. Doom is right, but he has not been right sense. She is made a bad call. He made a few blunders. Why do we worship these people in good faith and then they make a mistake in their yesterdays news . I will go even farther back, to one hit wonders from the 1980s toort of called the 1987 crash and said it could be a crash andt was just a few days bore. Watching her firm on the back of that. They guy who also called the 87 crash and then has been extremely wrong since then. So, i mean, you want to strike while the iron is hot. If you sell newsletters, said the firm or whenever, what she did, she set up a Research Firm which is a very difficult tng to do on wall street because research is given away for free. A loss leader for Investment Bank paying out you own shingle, whenever you will chargehem to receivtheir research, its difficult to get repeat business adam bottom line, she is not to be disssed. A pretty bright rahman. I respect her and she is betsy. You have to get it right. You look at the crystal ball and this is that space. Adam thank you very much for joining us. We wish you and Meredith Whitney of the best. Baseball fans, set your mouse to drool. Theyre trusting me again, this time this is baby ruths bat. Some of the most prized baseball memorabilia gng up for auction. We will find out more about it. How does this sound to you . Come much would you pay fort . Ive wont even chance winning it. God forbid the breakage. I cannot afford to buy it. Special preview for you next. It is about babe ruths bat end money. Adam crackerjack. You are looking at a piece of american history. If you want to own it, which no further. The Major League Baseball allstar game. The selling of half a Million Dollars with americas favorite pastime memorabilia. A brief signed baseball, his actual bat. We have some of this stuff in studio right now. Here along with some very cool peace is to talk about. Lets get right off to it. We don know which home runcie might have hit with this, but do we know the years with which he used this . The mid to lat 20s. The funniest part about it was the gentleman whose relative worked for the Paramount Theater an used said trade baseball bats for theater tickets. At one time had a dozen bats, but gave them to this kid. He went out and hit rocks and kept one of them and this is it. Adam how much . Around 75 to 125,000. Adam i am scared to move. I cannot afford it vibrated. Wow. Can you stay here while i run away . This is actually a babe ruth baseball. Provenance. Anytime you have a signature piece, obviously will have value as an autographed baseball, but when it has history we try to attribute it as tightly as we can to what we believe it to be. Anytime you get one of those baseballs and will add more value. Adam this is one of them. Exactly. And this should be 40 to 60,000. Adam thank you. That will go in the pocket. Tell me about the ring over there. This is sort of a feature collection. This is a great lefthanded pitcher, hall of fame member, and this is his 1958 milwaukee braves Championship Ring when they lost to the yankees. This along with many, many other things from his personal collection. Anytime you get thing that originated from a players collection you see some pretty excing pricing. Adam how much . Fifteen the 30,000. Adam and the leather glove, that is another Babe Ruth Aiden . No, that is his blood that he used to pitch. A lefthanded throwing glove that he signed. In the time you get a game used ece, that is not something, you would havead to have coact with the player or Family Member to get that sort of bynum. Ten to 15,000. Adam where will this auction take place . Live at the Javits Center in new york city. The fans best is a great event to have come to come down and enjoy these pieces. You can go online and been all week. Adam get online. Yes. All these things are up there and you can bet until sunday. You can register tonight and we will ship it to you next week. Adam anything from the 49 Cleveland Indians . We probably do. As part of it, you have teams and players from all over the country, so we try to have a representation of everything. There are many, many things and then that our 500 or tusand more. Adam and member of the family who is a baseball left, there are some i dont want to see affordable. 500 for some people is very affordable. And that was something i was important. Have this be an enjoyable thing. But have people things that people can afford and some of the more expensive things for the high dollar collectors. Adam and your favorite piece . This one piece that we dont have here, but it a ball that was used in april 15th 1947 which was his first game as an umpire. Happens to be the first game for another notable player, jackie robinson. That w was one of the baseballs used in that game. Adam we appreciate you being here with us. The Javits Center. Come on down and check this out or go online and bid. Coming up, when you want to change a companys name, search on line before you do it. This is not a warning. This is actually happening because potential customers could end up finding this instead of, perhaps, one of the Worlds Largest accounting firms. They just made a big mistake. It is all on spare change, so stick around. You could never have too much money or babe ruthsat. Adam well, its time for some fun with money. We have my usual partner in crime, monica crowley. Realestate experts, first timer. Thank you for joining us. Feel better. You have to bring these folks back on. Lets get right to it. It may be fair to sayhat most women dont know the average cost of car repairs. A new study says repair shops are more likely to negotiate with womenhan men. The results show that women were able to argue 35 percent of the time while men were only successful 25 percent of the time. Keep in mind, doing your homework definitely pays off because the guys and girls have no idea what the cost would be an end up paying more. I agree. Even in my business 600 of the 1100 people always women and on the opposite and they can negotiate higher fees. It is interesting. The key part is research. You have to go and having a ball park figure ofhat your particular prepared generally cost so you know you will be shaken down when you go wind. If you walk in and are totally clueless generally speing as a woman you are more likely to be taken advantage of. If you have the research in mind, go winnowing generally what it will cost and tn he would be more apt to negotiate a successful reduction. Ad i was not surprised, but for different reasons. Im a pushover because it must be babied. Dont you think guys i want to get back on the road. Fix it, but do that the right price. Re is why you should always do your diligence. Changing its name, the name of the magazine. Lets show you the magazine. Features scantily clad young man. These pictures popup first. Anyone have some advice . That last segment we did about have the key to negotiating a good price for car repair is research. A whole team of and turns that could do a basic search and find out. Actually represents this crew that has scantily clad young man. If you dont if youre there you dont want that. Adam always tryrying to get moe of those are negotiating when to come and. They need accountants. Adam all the power. You have to be careful with internet domains. E. B. Real careful. Now bodies of a different sight. Americans should be proud that we are no longer the most of these country in the world. Mexico takes that honor. 70 percent of its population. The thir of them obese. We are in second place. Are you surprised that our neighbors to the self well, he is a billionaire. Trying to follow in his footsteps. Is see that slim is the question . We are number two. We are number two. Adam number three and number four. But this is not something that anybody should be celebrating here. Asian cultures, chinese, japanese, more western feared. This is not a good trend. Before wewestern trade and culture, is it just that perhaps we haveeached a point in society where we produce more calories and consume more calories. They have richer food and more access to it and a lot more worth it. Adam coming up, check out this new bar. Apart ghetto where well drinking. You can see that on the subway. Made out of ice from their chairs to the glasses. You drink from it. Theyre going to make that money back. Youre familiar with the realestate. Maybe a second date place. I went to one in l. A. Adam to the warm up to you . A little to cool. It was a great experience. Im not sure about the first date. I would look. Adam im not know if i want to see my date in a parka. The object is to wear less clothing. Listen, if they can make this work and theyre is a market for it to make some money, more power to them. Adam welcome of vodka for everybody on the roc. Always good see you. Thank you for joining us. Thats all the money we have for you today. In the 50s, there was a new sound. wake up, little susie wake up it had rhythms and lyrics that spoke to us. maybellene why cant you be true and all across america, radio stations gave us the latest hits. well, you can rock it, you can roll it do the stop and even stroll it at the hop there was chuck berry, jerry lee lewis, buddy holly, and of course, the king. well, since my baby left me well, i found a new place to dwell well, its down at the end of lonely street

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