>> 65 years ago that novel struck a chord in people feared the future would be government spying on us through screens everywhere even in our edrooms big brother was watching and when computers became popular people fear the internet with the government's way to control us. ww said the opposite side and the internet and personal computer revolution has freed us from government control and it did but lately we've learned about several orwellian like intrusions on our privacy most recently with the national security agency tracking your phone calls in the mills this is a terrible threat to american liberty says when congressman. there just mining data but not listening to phone calls >> it violates the constitution's fourth amendment protects us from unreasonable search and seizure fiscal elite -- clearly violates the fourth amendment and the government gathering information with a general warrant outlined by the constitution. not on the basis of any suspicion that just because their people and the information is useful that is what the founders expressly prohibited with the constitution teeseven it is useful for me if he keeps me from being blown up by a terrorist but that they just skean everybody seems like less of an invasion. >> the reason the founders believed it was wrong because we do want the government collect seeing this kind of information @%ey put in place to prevent the government from injecting itself into our personal affairs. you could do away and argue maybe that makes us safer or do away with the first and second and third amendment. >> i do want to do that but some could say now the government can control everything and prevent all crimes. but of course, then we have a police state that is expressly prohibited. we have the constitution to prevent government from doing this teeseven just leaving that argumenn but i know see how my privacy is invaded. >> that is fine if you complete the trust the government. i don't trust the government our founders did and they can use the information to blackmail corporate executives, to persuade members of congress to vote a certain way and against the public we don't want that culture of mistrust and fear my parents came from the middle east from a regime that was tyrannical and in those countries people were afraid to talk on the phone to their neighbors they were afraid everyone was a spy. we do with that culture. if has a damaging effect. john: i made a list of 100 things i hate more or as much as the nsa. you believe in liberty is their worst they do data mining than employee 22 mmllion that where the kids go to school or a $17 trillion deficit, passing dog frank, a bailout, how much can we be angry about? >> it is all bad bet with direct violation and someone tries to infringe on the fourth amendment those are serious threats in more serious thannthe financial exploitation fifth government is involved in. it is true it is bloated i have been no bigger advocate to but we have to look at our civil liberties reid fatah revolution in the 1700's because of civil liberties violations. john: then we got the fourth amendment because british soldiers go into people's homes to search your most private space. how is looking for patterns like that? >> the problem is the legal theory that any time you use a third-party provider in those papers are electronics so most from modern times that the government uses the false logic fact is available to the public the government has the right because it is no longer private and it is ridiculous john: would you say that 50 terrorist incidents were stacked? >> we don't know it is accurate most is classified but the court opinions that deal with these cases are classified in a way where members of congress cannot@ give the opinion will be doing is to make sure these cases are available at right now i cannot read the court opinions interpreting laws like the patriot act. john: that is the problem when they say trust us. it is a secret. john: know the other side that supports the nsa spying you heard what your fellow republicans into said. >> the good news in this case is we don't have to give up a constitutional right and we can keep america safe. these programs that are being conducted are wholly constitutional and there is incredible oversight of all three branches like the founders intended. in the program that is run by article to a and article three cords better judges nominated by a president and confirmed by the senate the other programs conducted lawfully and constitutionally and it has kept a lot of americans say for a long time. >> you have been skeptical why do you trust them on this? >> a don't trust individuals know when to be a deeper distressed than me but i have seen the process and the conservatives to make those justin not happening even mr. snowden has not whist to the single path that there has been unlawful john: is a decade to lie to us? the director of national intelligence says this when asked. >> does the nsa collected any type of data at at all on millions or hundreds of millions of americans? >> nosair -- no sir. >> what are the rules? >> i have heard his story and that is totally unacceptable. that is not how she should have answered the question were to give the most appropriate answer these are classified programs i cannot talk about it i can't share that with you this setting that is appropriate. john: don't the bad guys already assume we're doing this? is a revolution -- revelation? it is important they remain secret and classified but already after the release of misinformation through the guardian it daschle security agency information indicates al qaeda is pk being different they. they may have suspected that they learned that billy was going on the also the legal limits now that is very dangerous and allows the enemy to have the insight to john: so this is our prayer time you're in full agreement with our commander in chief? >> you cannot have an end to personal liberty and also then have 100 percent privacy. with zero inconvenience. >> i sort of agree and it would be a rare time when i did. they don't think t was partisan but. >> but how clear it is in the senator points out we have so much data the fbi mrs. tips like the boston marathon bombers and other. >> we cannot keep up with the people we have been told about remember the underwear bomber? his dad turned him in andy thinks of how they will go through billions of bits of information everyday? john: what is your answer? >> we're not going through these every day. the collection of the phone records have not been used for data mining but if there is a specific terrorist case we can identify to say we have information to you checked the phone records records, it is not a case to constantly data mind they are a specific uses it is a program of their kitchens would expect. no program will katchis all. i will catch every single instance of terrorism but they have an important and effective and are critical to rounding out the nation's apparatus. john: thank you congressman. coming up, libertarians are mad at me and some call me disgusting and calmly a libertarian in name only but the government intrusion i really am about the irs that has the wrong ideas. >> wired they in my kitchen? >> conservatives have private information and they can't there were systematically targeted by the irs. >> it is a scandal worth getting a green belt but if you're a part of the advocacy group you don't get a tax deduction the pistons were the 50 percent of the monday on political activity we learn to the irs collected 500 conservative tea party groups and agents were told be on the lookout for constitution and the iris bureaucrats denied tax deductions to the tea party groups for more than one year and harass them with question after question and in a few cases, leaked the donor list to the left-wing groups added it is despicable it is just raw3 political abuse but broke rollins was accused of the texas public policy foundation. >> web happened in the spring 2012, our donor list as of 5: c3 organization we have to file a list with a larger donors but that is to remain anonymous and it promises to block out every game before it releases information. john: why shouldn't be anonymous? >> this goes back to the founding of our country the right to associate and engage. john: we have the right bayou have to be public. >> go back to civil-rights versus alabama the state tried to force the naacp to disclose their donors. why would they do that? because they think they could threaten those people not to give money or coerced those people to back down and they knew that current state of affairs would change until they could to undercut the power. the u.s. supreme coort said absolutely not. we have rights to remain anonymous for those we believe those supports speefive for your donor says if my name is publicized maybe i would be harassed like a coke brothers? >> as surprisingly their raw naturalist as well as many of there craig to americans and a budget for new orders and the harassment started to come about. absolute the. >> said there was targeting. but at first sierras commissioners said there is no targeting bet in a year low list lerner learn the truth and the commissioner said mistakes were made by people trying to be more a efficient. if you say tea party or patriate they know they're the advocacy group favor just doing their job. >> that is what they say and the news story since then but we had progressives and never last this just happened and so we weren't really targeting conservatives but everybody. but have you seen one progressive groups step forward to say we were harassed? or one groups say you delayed us for two years in a dusky v 23,000 pages of documents in their quest? we have not seen any of that. when big brother get so big they have to know everything about you to give you everything you want that is against our country. that is the crossroads where we are in white your viewers must understand what to think. john: when government is so big you want the tax deduction you have to give them all this information. but targeting people doesn't live until you mentioned the 23 pages of documents spell laid leadership is to choose to make 23,000. john: the coalition of life was asked in detail at prayer meetings there provide the percentage of time your group spends on prayer groups compared to by the activities. the american patriots against government excess was required to provide a synopsis of every book reaa in the president said i don't have time to provide a book report she sent them to them in included a copy of the constitution but. [laughter] it goes to the bigger point* it must stop. when government gets so big this is what happens this is why we stand up and say no. >> but those of the left don't have a problem. >> i could not find anything to suggested the irs acted inappropriately. perhaps in effectively but not inappropriate. >> i have not seen what they did wrong. they're supposed to evaluate how much political activity that violence. ♪ wants to engage in. >> no problem. the fact they can stand up to say that is astonishing but also giving an opportunity for the people of the country to say no more. john: we will hope so. coming up, more ways your privacy is invaded and back to the nsa data mining that i don't mind that much but i will try to be ducated. >> i don't think this is john stossel. if is an impostor. mom was diagnosed with alzheimer's at 58 years old. lisa: thisisease just ravages a fily. ithanges your fe. if we work togethe we can stop this epidemic. now is the moment. grace: contact bghtfocus d learn more. john: i am curious time the government all the time. read web page to post a list of 100 things that enrage me of the overreach. the irs bias against tea party groups and farm subsidies, corporate welfare in the minimum wage than i could go on wintertimes i to get at 200 but government computer scanning ever betty's phone records to see a pattern that could lead to a terrorist? i am conflicted. it is said line negative judge napolitano says i should be furious civic i thank you should be because you believe we have natural rights that come from humidity among which is the right to be left alone and preserve their right to to be left alone. john: by terrorist? >> also the government because of the government doesn't leave you alone you have no privacy of people not be gave normally or to their full extent with there being watched by the government then need their permission. when the government knows every phone call remake in from where remake the call in to who we make the call and how long it was saying can plug that into the algorithm they're not entitled to any of it without a search warrant. john: i don't feel the threat. i give up more to google's via facebook willingly. >> you have decided not to. the you cannot afford to take government. >> my information is out there so if they can look at this you either intercepted in the air? >> it does not protect we from the government for the fourth amendment does. fox news santa to keep out of our background in the bedroom and off hour back. which is worse a former spy or within my power they exposed? directory kenya i have acre fishy is this worse than the devil we have ted turner hit indians and so on? it could lead to something that is worse than that. it is a slippery slope. >> of course. a single -- single full:call is innocuous but all phone calls reveal everything about ourselves in exposing our innermost thoughts in behavior to the government will eventually turn this into east germany and they know who knows who is wrong in the government as a prosecutor who did not squeal on their neighbors the most. john: about what you say about to respected libertarians, the critics would be credible if they could identify a pattern but after continuiig practices they cannot aside descanting go case. they are both friends that if it is the pattern of government abuse side of know what is. the government's powers derive from the consent of the governed. did you consent? tuna anybody on the planet? >> but the terrorism fear is "overblown" but those who are frightened can consent. >> for themselves but up the rest of us. >> that is what the criticism said the federal judges to major in the of our but with the rosen affair in the iris nobody trusts the administration into would trust the government and he told with the nsa was doing but to connotes not to reveal and what about these that took 99 .6% of every application but the government has created a bizarre system of secret courts in information to the congress. they cannot tell anybody about it. >> it is based on secrecy. >> they can spy anytime they want but i did not authorize the government to spivey or you. john: i did not but i wonder if there is not a justification. thank you. i will keep trying to learn. often big brother and m i complacent? we will debate that next. had. john: new calls to put more security cameras all across america us to save us from another attack. >> are you okay with more cameras? >> yes. john: i don't want to get bombed and if it does discourage that to help other crime and burglaries and robberies i would say that is good but the cameras are a form of big brother watching all the time. our sheriff says the loss of privacy is worth in the yeaa safer because of cameras. know we're not says ginger the cameras don't even work and as with the electronic privacy information center. what do you mean? i assume they catch bad guys to make a starkly they're not as effective at preventing or solving crime. john: what do you mean? that is how we found the boston marathon bombers. >> actually that is not how we found them there was a lot of things going on, i witness identification and stillness of billions cameras or privately-owned and eventually the fingerprints of the older brother and there are government-owned surveillance cameras it did nothing to prevent that we've seen to attempted in britain when the the most heavily surveillance cities in the world. john: is remarkable 500,000 government cameras they call it the reid of steel the closest comparison is chicago with 10,000 but in london they had a bombing and the attempted bombing vented networking and from that coming pitchers are what caught the farmers before they could do a third time. i call that a success. >> not necessarily. of the cameras were successfully there would be no crime in london. there certainly. john: but that is a high standard why not? >> a repeallvery private information about where you go, who you are with who you spend your time with them if their cameras the record audio can record conversations are just a video going into the therapist office or the abortion clinic or any number of places you probably would not want other people to know you are going. john: what about that? >> i think she is missing the point*. i think the boston bombers were prevented from committing other offenses from new york that help to identify the suspects it did not present that initially but preventing down the road and it is ineffective tool for law enforcement. >> in the instance as to an identified the suspect. >> law-enforcement which liu we are less concerned publicly held cameras but to help law-enforcement is the effective piece of technology 2013. >> i should disclose he is the father who is it here in the studio? what you say about the examples of abuse that this emphasis skillful use on negative police officer is end cops as you did on the couple on a rooftop and sometimes staring at the breast of young women. >> we take call police cars away from those officers those acident in they need to be disciplined through the administrative process. don't take away the technology because of abuse. john: they do. coming up when it comes to government spying they say would be worried about? there is plenty. they're more serious because cover mccann take away your freedom. gave people a sticker and had ththem show us we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well in their 90s. and that's areat thing. but even thou we're living longer, one thing thahasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question how do you make re you have the money you need to enjoy all of these year ♪ john: one reason i am not that upset yet about the and the stage racing gogol's is i have already given up much of my privacy google, facebook have access to private information about me but there is a big difference between google's and facebook and government. facebook cannot jail me or assassinated by the government might. people say if you're not doing anything wrong give nothing to worry about but brendon mayfield and his daughter did nothing wrong. they lived in oregon and had never been to spain but after terrorist bomb suspect -- trains the fbi was convinced his fingerprints was on the bag of detonators and you were 12 at the time? what happened. >> i was in school on that day and i was picked up by my older brother and called into the office said he told me let's go outside right now and i said what is going on? he said let's go outside to we walked outside and he said dad was arrested by the fbi. i was in total shock i've got it was a joke. i said did one and when we reach the bay and she was falling so i knew was a joke john: you stayed in jail two weeks? >> i got a knock on the door area and there was a big individual who had a duty to share of the mail saying they wanted to talk to me. i said i am not interested and they identified they were from the fbi and show their badges and a notice they have holsters at their side with guns and there was not particularly surprised at that point* to be questioned because i am a muslim and i had just moved to the community and i was hearing stories from other muslims that they were being asked if being questioned are followed. john: but even before that you thought something weird was going on in your house? were watching as before even one year or more and especially a few months after the attacks. john: new york? >> the biggest giveaway was a hard drive taken at a flight computer desktop and not put in improperly. was only 12 i don't know how they work very well but i was aware someone was tampering with my computer hard drive in the screws are not putting improperly. >> we learned later they had almost 300 photographs of items the documents and they have went to the house when we were not there on more than one occasion gone in and they had taken from their clippings damage dna samples cigarette butts. john: how did they get your fingerprints? your passport had expired. wwy you? >> i listed in the military in 1984 as an officer through the rotc progrrm and apparently of was fingerprinted it even had this secret clearance and worked for military intelligence so i had an application for cleerance. ironic. of and apparently allegedly they found the latent fingerprint number 17 on a blue bag that contained detonators outside the train station where the bombing occurred and then it was photographed in the center agencies around the world including the fbi fingerprint examination unit. john: to examiners agree that it matches your. >> rethink it was three of them agreed. john: also an independent expert agreed. says you must have been the bomber. >> they said they had 15 points of comparison which is a strong match but unbeknownst to us that we did not learn until later the spanish police were diligently doing their criminal investigation in looking at the print and they said it was not a match john: when the police make a mistake they almost never say sorry but in this case at least they apologized. they wrote a letter and a apologize for the hardships that this caused him paid you to million dollars? >> have to give them credit that accounts for something. i grew up in the midwest with a handshake in somebody's word so i appreciate that but people forget we were not going to agree to anything unless we could challenge provisions of the patriot act which amended the foreign intelligence surveillance act that made it possible for the government to do what they did. not only did have a warrant for my arrest but they had secret warrants to allow them to go into in snoop and spied even though they did not have probable cause. and you said you use facebook and pugo you assume people are looking but you don't think they will come after you. john: but you could say given the happy ending that people are worried about the nsa spying? >> this is the worst case we could find and they apologized and gave you $2 million. mmybe we should not fear the government. >> i would like to try man. my biggest concern after my dad was released through today that these policies continue to exist in it is not so much she was a victim of the government policies but it systematic of the policies we have now. if it can happen to him it can happen to others and it could be in we don't know about it and in tel for the minister is restored i will not be satisfied with the apology have to see actions that this will never happen again it to anyone. john: we are out of time. coming up since i am hammered by libertarians i will try to better explain why i am less bothered by the nsa than other things. my list of 100 nasty things government does. john: in the in this say data mining was revealed by felt threatened by government is caught lying again. they secretly backing up data we thought was private. and allow my government to know everything about me in something sought to be private. the government says it helps them prevent 50 terrorist incidents. 50? i don't believe it. bureaucrats always exaggerate the value of their work. why is it different? elman and security? no. people keeping secrets are more prone in the espy says what they do with constitutional and they want to abuse the power but i don't trust them and they always abused power and is one libertarian blocker put it we will suffer from the power of the nsa if we don't check them now. other libertarians defended the spying saying national desperately needed in the wall street journal had said it is less intrusive and individuals the and routine airport security. that is true. the then they started to think about what my government does that i really hate to or feels right in did it quickly have a list of 100 things and i encourage you to start your own list revealing how easy it is to get to 100 and beyond. some of these are less invasive but all over horriile. these to get me worked out. the fact the government grew so much it employs 22 million americans? outrageous. i imperious about our debt and continued deficit spending for things like when hundred million dollar presidential trips and pork and programs don't work. the drug war causes crime and imprisons millions of americans and disproportionate the minorities. horrible. corporate welfare and farm subsidies and the flood insurance that killed -- they helped people like me and keeping indians pour by smothering with the central planning is evil. so is too big to fail and just having 170,000 pages of federal law all supposed to obey, infuriated by more than just this list but data mining compared to the other abuses? i need to learn more. for saying that libertarian's call me disgusting and a libertarian in name only, that lino the existence of worse violations batteries in to dismiss pretty bad. i don't dismiss the danger of data mining but keeping it in perspective what is a newly discovered threat immediately declared much more outrageous than all of the others? it is not for the nsa argument has two sides in terrorist to want to kill us and if anything is prevented the been the end may justify the means so i see the jury is out. government does plenty of other things that free people are right to be furious about. we will keep reporting on them. that is our show. figure for watching. 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