The company is expected to report eps of 27 cents and 7 billion in revenue. Weve got General Electric as well, global conglomerate ge. Analysts look for the company to report 43 cents a share. James gorman, 3 15 p. M. Eastern tomorrow right here on fox business melissa im Melissa Francis and heres whats money tonight. I knew it . That 787 is a flying deathtrap. Boeing dreamliners are grounded around the world. They say the battery is to blame. Why would anyone step foot on the plane again . Well explain how boeing can recover. That sound is the internets head exploding. Manti teo gets caught in a internet hoax that is to unbelievable. Was he in it all along . That could tarnish his draft. How to sort out fact from fiction. Verizon employee showed up to work every day for his sixfigure salary even he outsourced his job to china. Im not kidding about this. We have details how he pulled it off right under the companys nose. Even when they say its not it is always about money melissa first lets look at the days market headlines with todays market moment. Weekly jobless claims dropped to a fiveyear low. Housing starts for december hit a fouryear high. Stocks rallied. S p 500 closed at its highest level since december 26 of 2007. Intel reported Fourth Quarter earnings just a short tile ago. Revenue met expectations but they beat on the bottom line. However they forecast for First Quarter revenue fell short of expectations and its shares turned negative afterhours. Good news on the u. S. Economy led to an early slide for gold. Swung back late in the session and hit a onemonth high settles at 1690. 80 an ounce. Our top story is the frightening situation in algeria where a botched attempt to free hostages from bps natural gas complex turned deadly. Al algerian source tells reuters 30 hostages were killed. Seven foreigners, two japanese, one britain, a french national. Seven americans are missing. The white house is saying some are not accounted for. Fox news learned two americans are on their way to london. Bp is pulling nonessential personnel out of algeria. Details here still very fluid. There is a lot of conflicting reports out there. Here to help us sort it out, john bolton, former ambassador to the united nations. He is also a fox news contributor. I want to start out, can you put this in perspective for us. How big of a deal is it to the u. S. . I think we should consider it very significant. Even though it is in algeria a long way away. When you combine it with the hostilities in mali, the fact that al qaeda in the islamic maghreb carved out a space the size of texas in mall lay to use it as a sanctuary and link it with benghazi on september 11th when four diplomats have been killed and there has been no retaliation by the united states. This is confluence of events that shouldnt kate the war on terror is very much alive. Has a lot of implication for us, our european allies and middle east and it is all very bad news. Melissa when you combine with what happened in benghazi does it tell you this war is escalating . Well, i think it is. What is significant here in algeria they took a substantial number of foreign hostages. As you rightly say, the details here are unclear but they clearly had a lot of hostages at the outset and they were prepared to attack economic targets. We have to get Oil Drilling Operations in. This is huge part of algerian economy. If that is vulnerable and oil and gas facilities throughout the middle east are vulnerable this is something of potential of real significance. Melissa i covered energy for a long time. Oil installations are generally tend to be in hot spots around the world. I feel like theyre always a target. Why in this case do you think that they targeted this facility versus maybe an embassy . There are always potential targets but they havent been in the persian gulf region, in saudi and other places. Even in libya during the course of the effort to overthrow qaddafi. I think algeria had looked like a place of relative calm. But lets be clear. Radical islamists have been a problem in algeria for a long time. They won an election 20 years ago. The military brutally suppressed it, killing 100,000 people. So i think striking now, in part to take advantage of the french attacks in mali but to show they have got this capability is a real signal to europeans and, in north africa and really around the region. Melissa theres another piece to the puzzle in algeria as well, right . Because one of the problems theyre allowing their airspace to be used by france and, in this attack on mali . Is that part of the problem here and one of the reasons theyre in algeria . Well both algeria and mali, former french colonies. A lot of hostility to the french. I think what it shows the affiliated groups with al qaeda do operate with some degree of autonomy. I think this particular attack was probably planned before the french began operations in mali but i think they were opportunistic enough to take advantage of it and link the two in timing. I think, you know, in particular we ought to be prepared for more bad news out of this. British Prime Minister David Cameron had a big speech in the netherlands tomorrow on the u. K. s role in europe. He has canceled that because theyre worried about the circumstances there. So, i think this was a pretty grim operation. Melissa what do you think is the u. S. s role in this particular situation Going Forward . It is not our fight. At the same time there are americans there. We put up a drone over the area to see what is going on but what do you think American Forces should be doing from here or the president . We have to acknowledge the war on terror is not over. Al qaeda has not been defeated. The situation in mali is one thing. The situation in algeria is another. Im not saying we have to be involved in each and everyone but i think our responsibility from the point of view of American National interests is connect the dots. This is part of a pattern. I think we need it work with our european allies. I think we have to get our heads around the fact in washington that the war on terror continues. Al qaeda has not been defeted. It is wonderful usama bin laden is dead but the threat of international terrorism, the war theyre conducting against us goes on. Melissa is alive and well. Ambassador bolton, thanks so much for your perspective. Thank you. Melissa time for todays fuel gauge report. Strong u. S. Economic data and the attack in algeria september oil futures higher. Crude settled up 1. 3 at 95. 49 a barrel. That is oils highest close since middecember. Natural gas futures lept to a six week high. They dropped more than expected last week with cold temperatures across the west and east coast is helping to fuel an increase in demand. A key north sea oil pipeline reopened. A leak shut down a pipeline and nine platforms earlier this week. The pipeline now is back up and running after undergoing safety evaluations. It transports about 100,000 barrels of crude per day. Turning now to our not so friendly skies. The boeing deem liner becoming a nightmare as the faa temporarily grounds all 787s operated by u. S. Airlines. It is the First Time Since 1979 the faa has done this. Get this. The u. S. Has plenty of company. European union and some Foreign Airlines have now done the same thing. It is because of safety concerns tied to batteries boeing uses in the plane. Kind of begs the question, can boeing get back lost. Connell after this . Todd curtis, a former safety engineer and creater of airsafe. Com. Thanks for joining us. A lot of people are pointing to the lithiumion batteries. There has been problems with them bursting in flames in cars as well. Is that maybe a potentially Flawed Technology . It is Different Technology from batteries they used before. It has some challenges, if it catches fire it produces its own oxygen so it is difficult to put it out but there are design changes put in place to prevent smoke overboard. There are other changes they made to make this not happen. Apparently those changes were not enough. Melissa we saw last week, six instances on five days, or whatever the incredible stats were. A lot of people tried to slough it off, this is what happens when you roll out a new product. It seemed like too. Now the faa is stepping in saying hang on, lets ground these things. Are they overreacting, are they doing the right thing or is there a real problem here . I think there are things we dont know about yet. For example, after the event in boston last week immediately the ntsb had a fairly Serious Investigation involving the japanese. They had some inkling there was a problem with the battery system. What happened in japan later sealed the deal as far as a much more serious approach to this. Melissa as a passenger this makes me very concerned about a 787. Do you think they will get the confidence back for flyers if they straighten out all the problems . How would you go about doing that. I think the key is team work. When you have problems in an aircraft like this or an existing model, the certifying organization faa, ntsb and others including the japanese who will Work Together on a solution. If that solution is one actually effective, if theyre very transparent with what theyre doing and how theyre doing it i think Public Confidence will return. Melissa that sound like a long process. How long do you think these planes will be on the ground . Hard to say. Until they understand exactly what happened and until they understand what role if any the battery played it could be much more subtle problem. It may be days. It may be weeks. Melissa there were a lot of delays when they were rolling out this aircraft. That was sort of a, a source of a lots of consternation for shareholders are for example the industry. Do you think they rushed based on those delays and do you think the delays had anything to do with what were seeing now . I dont think it was rushed at all. Aircraft development with many new technologies as this one is has uncertainties in it. Along the way when there are uncertainties, there were problems, they made sure they were fixed before they moved on to certification. The delay was longer than usual but not one i would worry about. Melissa youre a safety engineer for boeing. How scared should we be . How big of a deal do you think this is . What is your assessment . When i said last week, this is really scary. People said no, no, no. Now, i feel like they led me astray then. What do you say now . Is this scary . Is this a big deal . First i was with boeing. I was there during the 777 development. I didnt stay with the company during the 787 development but the process is similar. There are things that happen. Sometimes it may seem a little bit scary to the outsiders who arent in on the process but theres a very, very deliberate process here that takes years, not just during this phase but as long as this aircraft is in operation. So. Melissa would you get on one of these aircraft today if they let you . I know theyre not letting but if they let you would you do it . If the faa and authorities over in england and in japan all say, hey, we have a solution. If boeing gets on board and has a solution and implement that i would have no hesitation. Melissa you trust everyone involved even though they all cleared it before and. There was a risk recognized. Two weeks ago we didnt know what that risk was. Once they do something about that risk our perception how safe it is will increase. Melissa okay. Im calling you in the future before i get on one of these to see if it is a good idea i still may knot get on but definitely putting you on speed dial. Todd, thank you very much. Next money on manti teo claims he is a victim of a girlfriend hoax. The fallout may only be beginning. Todays allstar panel will weigh in. Tiger woods, did you hear this story . He is reportedly trying to woo back his exwife, ellen nordegren, but the prenup she is demanding will make your head spin. What tiger may have to shell out if he cant keep his pants on. More money coming up. Thank you what are you doing . Nothing. Are you stealing our Daughters School supplies and taking them to work . No, i was just looking for my stapler and my. This thing. I save money by using fedex ground and buy my own supplies. Thats a great idea. Im going to go. We got clients in today. [ male announcer ] save on ground shipping at fedeoffice. [ male announcer ] save on ground shipping we replaced people with a machine. R, what . Customers didnt like it. So why do banks do it . Hello . Hello . if your bank doesnt let you talk to a real person 24 7, you need an ally. Hello . Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. Melissa all right. The scandal really rocking, it says the sports world here today but it is everywhere. Manti teo, notre dame star linebacker, is caught in the middle of an elaborate hoax involving a exgirlfriend we now know never existed t was supposedly a tragic love story. The girlfriend whose name was lennay kekua, died from lukemia last year. Thats what we thought. Teo soldiered through to lead his team to the National Championship game. People were stunned by this. A large amount of money was donated to notre dame because of his inspiring story. We now know none of it was true. It could cost the star bigtime. He was said to be a shooin for a first round draft pick f this scarce teams away it cost him 4 million. Fox sports host, j. T. The brick. Legal analyst, mercedes colwin, and marketing guru bruce terkel, creative director of turkel brands. He joins us as well. Jt, let me start with you. How shocking was all this . It is such a weird story. How blown away were you . Were all blown away by it and were still trying to gather information, melissa. I was on the radio last night and earlier today and fans are really upset. It came at the worst time in sports because of Lance Armstrong. Melissa yeah. Remember 30 days ago we didnt have a hall of fame class because of steroids. Fans are upset because of the cheating and the lying. For manti teo i believe that he fell in love online. The show, catfish, documentary, i could understand how he could get sucked into this. But for three years, how could he go on in a relationship like that, never meet his alleged girlfriend and then, heres the key, when she dies, play the sympathy card . Because right there he should have figured it out. Notre dame should have backed him. Someone at notre dame should have helped him figure this out and he could have came clean. This had effect way he played. He played awful in the National Championship game. He better come clean or is a naive young man. Hear you. Mercedes, i mean, you judge peoples integrity all the time. It is one of those things where you look at people and say are they telling the truth . Are they lying. How could he possibly have not been in on this in your expert legal, ethical opinion . Especially now in the world of knowledge, you can google, you can research people. Do the due diligence. How could you not have known . Father says i met her. We know that is not true. They never met. Never came for visit. Although the father came forward and said yes. I think this is programmatic and people are skeptical. How could you not have known . Melissa i did it on my computers all day. Well play the sound bite. Look at him to try to figure out what does know and what does he not. Lets play that sound. Why me . Why them . Why all in one day . This is six hours ago i just found out my grandma passed away. You take, you know, the love of my life. Melissa that is him talking about his girlfriend that didnt exist after she died. Bruce, save this brand. Save this brand. This is a kid, everybody is following him. He has this tremendous story. He is an incredible athlete. On one hand from a financial perspective it doesnt take away from his prowess on the field. It doesnt take away from the type of player he is, but what does it mean financially for his brand Going Forward . How would you advise him . Doesnt take away from what he does on the field, youre absolutely right. If he plays the game, he will get drafted. Problem is the Internet Echo Chamber doesnt forget. Brand that sponsor him, where big money is, they will have to think twice. If it turns out he is naive, they cant trust him. If it turns out he set this up, and turns out is a hoax he was in on. Forget, nobody will give him the time of the day. He will not run with the football and not run with a brand. Melissa jt, we were talking about this at beginning of the segment where he goes in the draft. There were calculations if he goes lower and goes in the second round and could cost him as much as 4 million based on where he goes. Does it impact his standing in the draft . Once again it is either by his naivete or integrity but not about how he plays on the field . His stock is dropping because he played terribly in the National Championship game. He was absolutely exposed. He had his worst game of the year. Conspiracy theorists are saying was this weighing heavy on his mind . Yeah he could lose money. If he turns out to be a great Football Player he will make it all back when it comes to contracts on the field. As bruce said when we talk about marketing the brand outside of football, player, gatorade. Look all the contracts rg3 has and he only has played a year in the league. Millions of dollars are at stake. If he was part of the hoax and knew about it and found out about it started to lie. He looks like a cheap soap appra actor breaking out the sympathy card. It looks awful. Melissa it does. Let me give you a money meter own the side as youre doing this. How does it affect where he goes in the draft, what do you think . I say money. He will drop 10 or 15 spots. It will cost him a couple million dollars. It is his reputation. Everyone wants a great reputation. If youre a part of a coverup i think there is much bigger coverup here that could include notre dame and when notre dame knew about this on the timeline. Melissa and they let interviews go on after they knew about it for sure, without question. Theyre admitting that. They let people continue to believe this story and talk about it during the bcs. Okay. Guys, nobody move. Stick around. We have so much more to talk to this power panel about, like the reports, i love this story, tiger woods could be remarrying his exwife ellen nordegren, have you heard about this . With a prenup that could break the bank for some countries. You have got to hear how this thing may be structured according to reports. Do you ever have too much money . I guess tiger woods doesnt. Whats next . Hes going to apply testosterone to his underarm. Axiron, the only underarm treatment for low t, can restore testosterone levels back to normal in most men. Axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. Axiron can transfer to others through direct contact. Women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. Report these signs and symptoms to your doctor if they occur. 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With an a rating from the Better Business bureau legalzoom helps you get personalized and affordable legal protection. In most states, a legal plan attorney is available with every personalized document to answer any questions. Get started at legalzoom. Com today. And now youre protected. Melissa back with another sports shocker. Report today that golfs favorite philanderer, that is tiger woods of course, might get back together with his exwife, ellen nordegren. Of course there is a catch and this is big one. She allegedly wants a prenup with no cheating clause worth astronomical 350 million. That is more than half of his fortune. What is left of it anyway. Bring in our allstar panel back for more on this one. Fox sports radio host j. T. The brick. Lawyer and fox news legal analyst, mercedes colwin, and marketing expert bruce terkel of terkel brands. Mercedes, to you. Have you heard of a fidelity clause this huge and how do you enforce that . When you go to collect the 50 million, do you need photographs . I think you would fight it tooth and nail. Woe were just kissing. Nothing really happened. You better have the best pi in the entire world tracing your man if you have that type of clause. Pictures. If you can get any sort of conversation. Even put a through there and get them caught in the act. Melissa do you believe this story by the way . I find that really hard to believe. If she walked away with 110 million does she need to go back to tiger woods . Not likely. Melissa she doesnt need to. Who knows what he is saying. They have two kids together. Maybe, i dont know. There are a lot of woman that say once you cheat youre done. Seems that way, we dont have any confirmmation of it, recorded that maybe she was the one who smacked him around. Melissa yeah. There you go. Bruce, to me, this could be a total branding rebirth. I mean, talk about, every time somebody falls we always say what could they possibly do to, you know, get the Publics Trust back, not to think theyre a scumbag any longer . If he signs a prenup like this where he says im so committed to doing this, and i want you back so badly that i will give away more than half of my, what is estimated to be a 600 million fortune, if i happen to cheat on you again, i dont know, i mean that is pretty compelling. Bruce, what do you think . I think so. Listen, first of all we want them back together. Theyre a cute couple. Melissa we do . They have kids together. We liked it when they were happy. Were so tired of all these scandals. We just had Lance Armstrong with the tour de france. We want to get over tiger and his tour de pants. I think money proves, he will do what he is supposed to do. This is a love story. And by the way he has to fix his golf game. Melissa right. This could reestablish his brand, absolutely. Melissa mr. Brick, let me ask you, when we look at his endorsements, his endorsements compared to 2009, 2012 to 2009 theyre half what they were in large part. His tour winnings really dipped. They went from 12 million to two million. He is back to 7. 4 million. But his golf game is nothing like what it was before. Do you think, you know, could this put his game back together if he got his whole family . I mean the final piece of the puzzle back into place. He is back where he was. What do you think . Well it could, because he obviously misses his kids. He rarely sees his kids because of divorce and his travel schedule all over the world. This would be a financial death wish if he signs anything. And has gotten some bad advice over the years. He has gotten really bad advice. Melissa, youre really good following the money. Follow the money here. It would be the perfect storm. Gets his game back and wins the masters and puts his marriage back together on television he will get big endorsements deals coming back that he never thought he would have again. Melissa bruce, that is gold, right . Hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars, is it not. He will need the money when he cheats on her. Melissa were only two women. Even with a 350 million gun to his head do you think he can keep his pants on . How many women do we know of, 15, 16, 18 . Please. If youre willing to commit to 350 million penalty maybe you will not cheat on me this time. Melissa only way, you will have to put your money where your mouth is, right . Right . Bruce, go ahead i give you the last word. I think that it is a beautiful idea. Im sure that it was cooked up between them. I think it reestablishes his brand. It gives him the ability to prove he did it. We know he misses his kids. Were going to love this story. He will be golden if he does this. Melissa can you imagine the second wedding . Oh, my goodness. You are a fantastic power panel. Thank you so much. Thank you. Melissa i cant believe im saying this for once i actually agree with mike bloomberg. I am still feeling sick from yesterday. Cant be the case. Union School Bus Drivers on strike are trying to hose taxpayers in new york city. But my favorite chicago alderman he couldnt disagree more. Well debate it all coming up next. Plus this teacher would love it if they doesnt show up for school. She is suing a former district over her phobia of children. Thats right. She is a teacher and has a phobia of children. Well explain this case. Coming up. Piles oo money. Miles of money too coming up. [ male announcer ] how do you make 70,000 trades a second. Reach one customer at a time . Or help doctors turn billions of bytes of shared information. Into a fifth anniversary of remission . Whatever your business challenge, dell has the technology and services to help you solve it. 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Tdd 18003452550 call 18662945409 tdd 18003452550 and a global specialist tdd 18003452550 will help you get started today. Melissa bumpy road ahead. Today is the second day of the new york city bus strike. Parents are scrambling to get their parents to and from school. 8,000 Union Drivers and aides walked off the job. It happened because mayor bloomberg wants to solicit competitive bids to save the city money. Were talking about big bucks. The city spends 1. 1 billion on busing. The city has the right to put the brakes on to save taxpayers money. Here to disagree with me is my favorite Alderman Joe Moreno . Good to see you, melissa. Melissa you dont think they have the right to put this out for competitive bid . Of course they do. I must preface and im in chicago and i know as much about this as you do. But i would say this. As i look at this issue, of course they have it put out to bid. In chicago we looked at privatization and Public Private partnerships as a good thing but these workers have no other, outcome than theyre going it lose their jobs. So if i were them, and i would want the mayor and others to say look, we understand that you might have to go to private company. We would like to be able to do the same job were doing today that we will do next year. It doesnt seem like the mayor is willing to agree to that. And so what are they supposed to do . In june they will lose their job. If i were them and i would support them if i was councilmember there i support the right to strike. All strikes are not created equal. We debated other strikes on your show, melissa. They have nothing else to do is to strike and thats only tool in their tool box. Melissa i hear you. When you strand 150,000 kids in new york city and parents have to get to work and cant because they are trying to figure out to get their kids to school you lose a ton of sympathy. I look at their budget, we, we here in new york spend 7,000 a kid to get kids to school, in a city that is so densely populated, there are schools on every block you look at other cities. Chicago you spend 5,000 a kid. That sounds like a lot. Look at miami, 1,000 a kid. L. A. , which is sprawling as they come, they spend 3200. 7,000 a year. My goodness where is that money going . Youre right. I dont disagree. He details of privatization deal might be a good one but im interested in workers and middle class. Why in your city have we provided billions of dollars to aig and others in taxpayer bailouts because of huge mistakes that were made and then working class families, workingclass people in this situation because they make an average of 35,000 i think is average bus drivers salary in new york . Give me a break. Melissa 14 an hour or 29 on up. You know. So i still, i wouldnt have given aig the money. I dont want to give taxpayer dollars to anyone for anything. We did. Melissa yeah. Now were focusing on bus drivers making average of 35,000 a year. All theyre asking to do is their job next year. Melissa but were not focusing on bus drivers. Were focusing on taxpayers. Were focusing on taxpayers. Right. Melissa when they bid out the contract for the prek kid they found out they were going to save 95 million over five years. I want those taxpayer dollars. Spend it on books. Private sector. Melissa help the taxpayers. Of course the private sector in this situation can probably provide some savings. The private sector in this situation will still hire these Union Bus Drivers. What the Union Bus Drivers are saying, i worked here 20 years. Ive done a great job. Can i have my job next year . We need more people, melissa, you ranted on your show people dont want to work. Melissa yeah. People dont want to get in the workforce. These people want to work. They want to drive a bus. They want to take kids to school. They want to be paid a fair wage. Think 35,000 a year is pretty fair to make it in new york city. Theyre asking to work. Lets let them work. Melissa this is not a great disagree with me because that is okay we always have a good time anyway. Right. Melissa if were paying 7,000 a student, were paying the most, the bus drivers are only making 14,000 up to 29, an hour, 35,000, where is the rest of that money going . Weve touched on this before. I come from the private sector. I think when you have Public Private partnerships like i think what is going on in new york is good thing but lets protect the workers. Why cant these men and women still drive their bus, melissa . Who is siphoning off that money . Im giving my 7,000 in taxpayer money. It is going somewhere. And then it is coming out and bus driver is not getting his money . Where is that money going in the middle the thats what i want to know. Huge bureaucracy brock you have in new york like we do in chicago need to be streamed lined. Melissa or union leaders. You said at beginning this is first time or, you cant believe youre agreeing with mayor bloomberg. You agreed with him before on the show where i did talking about barack obama. Melissa i did . Barack obama coming to new york. Mayor bloomberg said dont come. Melissa youre right. Keep me honest. I love you. That is at least twice i know. Melissa you keep me honest. Twice you have done that you do the same to me. Melissa anytime come to the city, give me a call. I owe awe drink. Ill be there. Melissa i love you. Youre the best. Youre the best, thanks. Melissa if you want to be a School Teacher should like kids, i dont know, i think. This ohio teacher is suing her former School District over her rare phobia of children. She has a phobia of children. She is teacher this is bizarre details. At the end of the day that it is all about money. [ slap ] [ slap slap slap slap ] ow ow [ male announcer ] your Favorite Foods fighting you . Fight back fast with tums. Calciumrich tums starts working so fast youll forget you had heartburn. Tum tum tum tum tums. I think a lot of us would agree too much money is wasted every year on ridiculous lawsuits, right . But when i heard this one i just had to share. A former high School Teacher is skewing for discrimination claiming the School District ignored her rare phobia and forced her into early retirement. You want to know what her fear is . Children. She is a teacher and shes afraid of children. Could this case have any merit . Is this a waste of taxpayer money . Joining us had is attorney jennifer brandt. Welcome to the show. Have you heard of a fear of children before . Is this a real phobia . I never heard of this before but it is a real phobia. It is not only fear of children but it is fear of young children. Older children she is okay with but she is afraid of young children. Melissa does she have a shot at this lawsuit . As crazy as it may sound, she might have a shot. The judge did not dismiss her discrimination claims. He dismissed her other claims but this one still stands. She is suing under the ada act. Under the americans with disabilities act employer cant discriminate against their physical or mental impairment. Whether the School District knew about it, transferring her out of her High School Class putting her in another class with younger children this allowed her to fester she is claiming and caused her anxiety and high Blood Pressure and things like that. Melissa it stressed her out so much she got high Blood Pressure so she could have a stroke. Right. Melissa were not only ones talking about this story. The reason people are talking about it because she is getting traction. Theyre taking the case seriously. When i looked in more detail there were things pretty compelling about it. For example, she was teaching at a high school. She was teaching spanish and french since 1976. She had a record of doing that she said she has been treated for this phobia since 1991. So if thats true. Thats right. Melissa and there is a doctor willing to come out and say she has this track record, that is long before she ever knew that she was going to be transferred. Because you would think, as an intelligent person youre like, well she got transferred to a middle school because they got rid of her job. All of sudden at high school, saying the kid can go ahead and taking these Classes Online instead of having a real teacher there. They dont need to teach a Foreign Language anymore, says a lot about our value for french and spanish and Foreign Language in school. They switched her to a middle school. Does she need a doctor to come in and say this is real thing and she has been telling me about it for a long time . She absolutely does. The important thing under the ada, the School District had to know about this. Now what i mean . They knowing took someone who had this impairment and put her in a situation which was not good for her. Which allowed the impairment to take over and allowed her to have all these problems. A question of whether she made the phobia known to the School District even before the transfer. Or whether it was something, once she was transferred, she is saying oh by the way i have this crazy phobia. By doing this youre harming me or discriminating against me. Melissa right. And different than other teachers. Melissa that is detail. Go ahead. That is one of those details i didnt know about. She would have had to have told them about it along the way. Just one person or inform them in writing. What is that burden like . Well they should have known. Something about her medical history that this was, she can somehow prove and establish this was not Something Like you suggested, that she just came up with, because she didnt like the job or just wanted to get out of it or take an early retirement or Something Like that. I mean this is something that had to be sort of out there, something that, you know, that she had been treated for. Melissa yeah. Knowingly being treated for and something she couldnt do her job otherwise she was qualified. Melissa were running out of time. How much do you think she could win . I dont know. She is already collecting retirement and getting a good forges of her salary. I dont think this is big money case but certainly gets people talking and whether or not the ada is getting too far afield. Or do we need to restrict it a bit. Melissa pull it back. Better restriction. Jennifer, thanks so much for coming on. Thank you. Melissa so sometimes 12 inches just comes up short. Subway is under fire. That its footlong sandwich may not be long enough. It is not a real foot. Are they really the size subway claims . Biel put one to test. There it is. You can never have too much money or too much sandwich, what do you think . No, look at that didnt do. What are you doing . Nothing. Are you stealing ouDaughters School supplies and taking them to work . No, i was just looking for my stapler and my. This thing. I save money by using fedex ground and buy my own supplies. Thats a great idea. Im going to go. We got clients in today. [ male announcer ] save on ground shipping at fedex office. You wont just find us online, youll also find us in person, with dedicated support teams at over 500 branches nationwide. So when you call or visit, you can ask for a name you know. Because personal Service Starts with a real person. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. Our support teams are nearby, ready to help. Its no wonder so many investors are saying. [ all ] im with scottrade. Melissa if you like to party with spare change were joined with adam shapiro and susan. Thank you to both of you. While employed by a rise in a Software Developer decided to outsource his entire job to china while he sat in his home office. A typical they looked at 9 00 a. M. Watch cat videos. Then have some lunch, of drowsy day then face book that a 430 he would email the updates to management. He was caught when his computer was linked to a network in china. He should be credited. That is creative. Is there anything wrong with it . He committed to a job getting done and working out of his home. As long as the work was done is a legal . Rise in his thinking why pay him . He had a sixfigure salary if we could spee a kid in china. Melissa the kid probably reached out. By the way. [laughter] melissa he was watching cat videos. [laughter] melissa i never looked at cat videos at work. Getting a foot in the door for the wall street internships can be tough. But he took a chance with his cover letter that reads the truest is i have no special skills the nearperfect gpa and i will work hard. I will fetch coffee but i will not say how i fit in. I am suspicious. It is clever. Remember Pat Robertson said god will call me home. I said that in an interview. [laughter] it could work but why would he in turn at a bank . Just because you are a hard worker you have to want to be there. Melissa he had good credentials but cleverly tried to get their attention. He knows his audience. At know if anybody will be impressed. He shows i will be honest. I have worked hard but if you cannot sell yourself with the resonate, are not willing to i dunno if i will fire you. Melissa that is not courting clients. This is why you need to consider me. Melissa subway is notorious for giving you a bang for the box with the footlong sub it is actually 11 inches. False advertising . Some say it shrinks once it is cooked. We are measuring it here. Adam . Do the honors

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