Important for the country and the people we love. Charles on one side they want more spending for medicaid and opioid treatment. The other side, they want to get rid of the exchanges and stability fund. Can the negotiatorinchief bridge that gap between big and small government fan generate a passable healthcare bill . John, you came out pretty hard today. Your organization saying flat out you did not like this bill, it does not adhere to conservative principles. Point the finger at ted cruz and others saying if this doesnt get through, they will have to batter consequences. We were promised a repeal of obamacare for a decade and that isnt what this bill is. Charles Mitch Mcconnell says its unfair for you and other folks to say this. Because to do what you want, you will need 60 votes in the senate. They are trying to get a compromise done through reconciliation. Because anything at this point is better than nothing. Why do you disagree with that . Freedom works is not saying this is not an improvement to obamacare. Its not saying its bad in that score. But we were promised repeal of obamacare. Charles mechanically can they get 60 votes to repeal obamacare . Now is the time to do it. If we are going to reveal obamacare, it needs to be now. Charles you are mission my point. If you cannot get any democrats on board to do it, whats the next best option . The delay is a positive thing. President trump having senators in to talk about what to do. We have seen a delay before with the house bill. It was not going to pass. Paul ryan got everybody together, they worked out charles you realize the house bill was a more moderate bill. And more than likely what we get from the senate will be further away from your cause. Are you okay with that . The meadows mcarthur bill gave us the ability to to get away from. Charles he mentioned the meadows amendment and it made it by one vote. This is seriously a major gulf. How do they bridge this together . They should have completely repealed obamacare. So they will have to get past this because they will have to answer in 2018 midterm elections if they dont get something. Republicans need to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. The whole intention of Congress Passing the Medicaid Program to help poor women, the disabled and children. The effects on medicaid have been sow disastrous. This is something that the republicans have to pull together and pass something. Some Movement Towards Smaller Government to patientcentered healthcare policy out of d. C. Charles when i crunch the numbers. Ultimately i can cut a deal with democrats. This morning Mitch Mcconnell made a similar overture. But i looked at moderate on one side and the core conservatives on the other. You get collins and cassidy you might have a more moderate bill. It will be big government, but that may be an easier way to go. The democrats made it clear they are not willing to work with republicans on anything. I dont have a lot of hope for democrats working with republicans. This Senate Healthcare bill is pretty horrible. But it is slightly less horrible than obamacare. The problem is the conservative wing of the gop party dont want their names to be attached to this. But if they do nothing, they will get blamed for obamacare. Republicans need to come together and do something. Because obamacare is crashing and burning. The American People are look around and seeing republicans in charge house, the senate and the presidency. Charles someone will have to bite the built and fall on their sword with respect to their tone ideological beliefs. Ultimately if you are going to Pay Insurance Companies 50 billion the next three or four years, if you will subsidize this, if you are going to have a defact tote mandate for punishing people for missing 63 days without health insurance, you havent moved the needle far from what we have now. Somebody will have to compromise. There was a thinly veiled threat saying if this fails and you refuse to work with us and obamacare collapses and we have to work with humaner, it will be a bad time for everyone. Compromise is the name of the game. If we can get this done, it will be a great deal. But they need to make this work. Charles which way is mcconnell leaning between the two different camps here . You have collins, lee, ted cruz, rand paul. Staunch republicans saying no way. If Mitch Mcconnell wont compromise with them and they wont compromise with him, i think mcconnell will look at them and say i tried but they refused to work with me. Someone will have to blink here. They will come up with yet another version of this. Get a fresh cbo score. What could do the trick. Instead of a 20plus million losing health insurance, something lower than 20. Something to show they moved the needle. I dont see it getting more conservative. This is what my concern is. There are good aspects in the senate bill that are conservative block grants to empower the state. Charles these republican governors made huge mistakes when they took the Immediate Care expansion. And they are deathly afraid of that gravy train running out. Any type we are getting power out of d. Any time we are getting power out of d. C. And to the states is a good direction. Thats a conservative option. Any pressure we see President Trump getting involved in this, thats a fabulous thing. Hes willing to get into the mud on this deal and spend a lot of political capital. He has a lot of other things going on. He understands the republicans, if they cannot deliver on this promise that he single one of them who campaigned for congress, they promised they would fix healthcare. Charles they campaigned on it for 7 years and they were still making adjustments yesterday. President trump is in the midst, i think he was able to drag the house over the finish line, but its an embarrassment to this point, what the American People have give to the republicans saying we want you to fix this. Its a massive disappointment. I think the conservative wing of the gop needs to suck it up and just go for this bill. There is nothing they can do to fix this that will make the moderate republicans any more happy. Look at the cbo report. It wasnt all bad. But it also said the bill would lower premiums and they just choose to focus on the 22 Million People losing insurance when a lot of those people will be losing the insurance by choice. Charles we need those 22 Million People because you have a lot of people in this, it doesnt work. Younger, healthier people have to be part of the mix. The cbo score does give Mitch Mcconnell and President Trump a core to deal with. You go to portman and say we can add more money to opioid treatment. There is money there. And you can go to some of these guys in defense of medicaid. Would it be enough to use that socalled straying for horse the socalled savings for horse trading. You dont want it to be money reallocated to other things because then you are not saving anything at all. If obamacare collapses, a whole lot more than 22 million will be uninsured. So we have to make this work. I really believe that. But that 200 bineeds to be kept as savings and not reallocated to appease senators. Charles one of the reasons its important is the reason they made healthcare number one in the long line of the trump aien today, this gives them the baseline to do thing with tax reform. That will kick off we see a lot of economic recovery from President Trumps location. If we could get a significant tax reform passed, it will be juice to the economy. I think its kind of 5050. I hope it make it. Time is ticking. If they dont get this done, we dont get to do anything and 2018 will be a bloodbath. Charles i heard Susan Collins saying maybe they should have started with infrastructure. You are all right about this. Obamacare is imploding before our very eyes. Its interesting they cant couple with a solution. Just saying obamacare sucks, the other side is saying you are trying to kill people. It no longer works. The next version of the senate bill wont matter without strong selling points and fullthroated support. Well discuss it next. Charles once the gop comes up with a new bill they can all get behind, how can they get on the same spreadsheet. You are the gop communications maven extraordinaire. Where have you been . I havent heard anyone in the senate the last two weeks singing the praise of whats going on, giving it a fullthroated endorsement. Instead they set themselves up for todays debacle. I have been hiding. We have a collapsing healthcare system, obamacare, somewhat collapsing healthcare remedy. What i would suggest as a communications professional. I would reset, restate and rally. Reset expectations meaning we are going to work on this around the clock until we get it right. Restate the problem. There is an assumption that understands obamacare is a ticking time bomb with rising premiums, and shortage of doctors and the Insurance Market is going by the pores. And finally, rally the public. Get the public at the table, that includes healthcare providers. Make sure everyone fees they have a voice. And ask the fundamental question. What is meaner . Continuing a system thats about to implode or doing something about it . Charles what is meaner, a mandate that people cant afford insurance pay a penalty because they cant afford insurance. If you Start Talking about rallying the people, a lot of these folks will have the town hall meetings. He just had a bunch of people give the bums rush to his office and they were making demands about not cutting medicaid, and he blinked. How can he turn the town halls into positives . Thats one of the reasons why leadership was so eager to hold the vote before the july 4 recess. They didnt want senators on the fence that could cut met kade so deeply and reduce coverage levels. For them to go back to their districts and return to washington in a week even less willing to come to the negotiating table, the leadership needs to utilize this time to focus on the concerns of those i think it went from 5 to 9 senators who are softer hard nos on the bill its essentially the same basic dilemma House Republicans faced when they had conservatives and moderate who were opposed who wanted different things. They were able to find a middle path by making some of these provisions into waivers. And that might be the same sort of solution you see the sneat leadership pursue. Charles the media says cuts. We know medicaid Spending Continues to go up. But your average state now spends more money on medicaid than elementary, secondary and higher education. Its going to bankrupt individual states in our country. It seems like a simple message because it propelled them into power in the first place. There is no question medicaid is mortgage our future. I can tell you my wife works on medicaid policy in the state of massachusetts, and its difficult. And emotions are running high. This is one that cuts across every emotional grain we have as human beings. When trump said the other day, when President Trump talked about putting more heart into the plan, i could tell you that was code for medicaid. If we are going to put more heart into this plan, that means more dollars. Are we willing to spend more knowing we are going to spend a fortune more or are we going to try to get a Healthcare Plan thats sustainable. Charles i want to give the last word to sarah. Do you think the final version will quoteunquote have more heart, be less mean, and put conservative senators on the line . I think the white house seems to be focusing its attention on the conservative defect towards, can therted cruz, mike lee, ran. Now the numbers are such that they dont have any other option beef sides using those savings that the cbo idified and directing identified and directing them towards those medicaid cuts. Thats really their only option. Charles apparently ted cruz has been a linchpin for the senate and if the Freedom Caucus in the house. The i. M. F. Is warning us, get back on track. Well tell you all about it coming up next. [vo] when it comes to investing, looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. It can provide what we call an unlock a realization that often reveals a better path forward. At wells fargo, its our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and Wealth Management firms in the country. Discover how we can help find your unlock. Charles the healthcare vote getting delayed is another roadblock in President Trumps economic agenda, and the imf says this a blow to our economy. It says if the trump agenda is implemented, the economy will grow much faster. You are former chief of staff to senator ted cruz. Hes a no right now. But he understands the delay here and possibly not getting it done could mean a delay and even hurting the rest of President Trumps economic agenda. Dose take that risk . I think what we have to think about is what do we need to do to get the economy going for the American People. Im in texas in the heartland and everybody is concerned about jobs and concerned about the cost of healthcare. We want the economy to get going again, we need to install consumer confidence. They can get American People off the yoyo of governmentregulated healthcare. With all due respect to Gayle Trotter who was on earlier. Republicans dont need to just do something. They need to honor their commitment to repeal obamacare. Charles if i had a tambourine, i would holler hallelujah. What happened maybe its politics as usual and the establishment doesnt want to truly adhere to the voice of the voters. When the imf starts to say, they are not necessarily a friends of President Trump. I any there are two things. The economic realities that obama cares unsustainable and political realities that this bill can not pass. It was a mistake to push healthcare this early on. He should have pushed infrastructure and got his popularity up. A lot of democrats have to run for reelection in 2018 in a lot of counties with no healthcare in them. Charles at this moment some breaking news. A tweet from President Trump on healthcare. With zero democrats to help, republican senators are working hard. So President Trump probably wanting you right now saying the same thing you are saying. But the democrats are going to say, listen, you guys in power, you promised the American People something new. Knowing who owns this doesnt help the favre american. I understand. But look at the political reality. Republicans pass something and in 2018 voters are no better in ohio, they will elect sherrod brown. I think its a political reality. Charles of the nine hard nosed five are socalled moderate. You throw in the names ryan just said, those five and one or two more and Mitch Mcconnell and president obama have a healthcare bill. How far do you think conservatives will go and hold the line . I think conservatives know if the center of healthcare reform is the need to get the regulations out of the way, the regulations strangling the ability to get free market healthcare, we can figure out how to deal with medicaid. There are a lot of good reform proposals. But you have got to get the regulations out of the way. And this bill fails to do that. The president has done a great job putting forward a budget that balances. But he has to get obamacare out of the way. Charles what did she know and when did she not. Even democrats are feeling queazy about allegations concerning former attorney general Loretta Lynch. Today, were out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. You have type 2 diabetes, right . Yes. So let me ask you this. How does diabetes affect your heart . It doesnt, does it . Actually, it does. Type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. And with Heart Disease, your risk is even higher. You didnt know that. No. Yeah. But, wait, theres good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease. Jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. Jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. This may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. 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Comey when he testified said that the attorney general asking him to call this a matter, instead of what it was, an investigation, gave him a queasy feeling. Everyone has a queasy feeling. That will result in an investigation as to whether or not Loretta Lynch was ran interference for the Clinton Campaign in her role as attorney general, that would be a huge nono. So they will do a full investigation probe into whether or not she acted inappropriately. Charles katie, it felt like comey really threw her under the bus, not just the changes of termnology. But a lot of other things he said, feeling that last administration did everything it could to help Hillary Clinton with respect to this email investigation. It opens a can of worms to other questionable things under Loretta Lynch. It is refreshing to see senators like diane feinstein, say, you know what, this beyond party lines, there is smosomething wrong here, well look into it. I do think that a harder, closer look needs to be taken to what she did, why she did it . And if comey was correct if there was something nefarious in her calling it a matter rather an investigation. Charles it could open up the door to beyond Loretta Lynch, to you know who made the request for some of the unmasking and helped to leak it. Can this be that one opening . A lot of people want to understand what is going on. We lost confidence in our intelligence community. Right, and no one is satisfied with the course of this investigation, so jim comey. The fact it was impression of it, he shared that with Congress Makes it imperative that Congress Investigate this. Otherwise have you a chief law enforce am officer in the country, whose impartiality is brought into question that opens up the other issues. Charles real quick on draining the swamp judiciary version. 58 representatives have called for Ruth Ginsberg to recuse herself. 28 u. S. C 445, say when a judges imparrialty is called into question, they need to recuse themselve. If this was a lower judge they would have to. Supreme Court Justices get to decide for themselves whether they recuse themselves, there is no higher court to review it. She should recuse herself because of all of her public statements involving donald trump personally because of one thing they will look at is whether his statements were affect the outcome of the decision. All right, thank you all very much. Thank you. Charles major averages ended the day in the red. Nasdaq getting crushed, tech heavy index dropping 2 after shot across the bow of one of americas most popular internet names, google. My commentary is next. Welcome to holiday inn thank you wait, i have something for you making every stay a special stay. Holiday inn, smiles ahead. Whether for big meetings or little getaways, member always save more at holidayinn. Com charles the estates of Bernie Madoff sons agreed to forfeit fundses that were made illegally in their fathers ponzi scheme. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. Ask your doctor about lyrica. The toothpaste that helps new parodontax. Prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try new parodontax toothpaste. Charles it was a tough day for the market but a horrific day for technology. When Google Alphabet has been hit with a fine by European Union regulators. The street knew a fine was coming. Keep in mind, for decade the ei has been eu has been tough on American Technology companies, this is seen as an unfair blow that goes beyond unfair business practices. But google will probably pay the fine. They have not even talked about. The news made google biggest loser among big important tech names. Google down almost 3 , apple down 1 , amazon down 2 , and facebook 2 . After reversing yesterday opening higher than closing lower, S P Technology sector, the xlk has closed backtoback sessions at the low, this happening without keep in mind, i want you to understand, so far nothing with respect to underlying fundamentals. Nevertheless, there is an issue. Tech has enjoyed an almost unstoppable ride for very long. Over past 52 weeks up 33 . For tomorrow, the same index, look at key support at 54. Also watch for volume. Higher volume, signs of panic, if that happens maybe we break down. On the upside, a close above 5650 is a buy signal. Another issue of rotation out of tech to other. That is midday, then money started to seek comfort of sidelines, only banks rides comments from yellen were higher, yellen said there will never be a financial crisis in the lifetime of anyone watching this show. Yes, she said that, i dont believe it either. After the earning kb home beat the street on revenue earnings. Initial react was higher. We got opi voter have api inventory on petroleum inventory, tomorrows Government Data has to show a draw down if the crude rally is to continue. Next, hackers launching a ride spread ran some wear attack across europe, russia and the United States, demanding that targets pay up, many of them did. Well be right back with this craze that wont stop. Charles at this hour a world wide major cyberattack is crippling many of companies from u. S. , to europe and russia, including energy firms, banks, governments and big pharma. 15 reporting they receive many reporting a received a message to pay a bitcoin ran some to restore. It feels like these attacks are getting larger and boulder, they go after everyone, no one is safe from government to big business. True that. Also very more much more sophisticated. The thing you never want to hear right now is what were hearing today. The Computer Systems that monitor radiation at chernobyl was shut down by this. This starting what we believe is in the ukraine area, they are taking the brunt of this damage with their country infrastructure under attack. It is spread globally, atthispoint, you have a sei cyber attack of this magnitude this really gets going. It is impossible to stop once it gets to this velocity. It is rapid, hitting at least 9 european country, and now throughout u. S. , first report was with merck, it has not stopped. A lot of people, think that done microsoft fix this . We know that this targets Microsoft Windows machines. If you think about the origin of this today, or when we believe is origin, what we know is that those countries are more likely to use a version of windows that of very pirates that was therapy ratte pirated or a real outdated version, they would not receive the fix that we experience from microsofts couple of months ago. Charles a company as s sophisticated at merck. This morning, when it was reported, Cyber Security stocks were down, this is before tech fell apartment i think that underscores that businesses seem reluctant to spend money they need to spend and governments too, it feels like they are waiting for someone else to spend the money or for us to have a cataclysmic event where we say, this should be a priority. You are right with that i tell you of 61 antiviral solutions on the planet, only 4 were able to detect this attack of ransom wear. Just a, amazing penetration across the spread of this attack and who is behind it really, a lot of people are asking. On this particular attack. No one knows yet, what they do know is that they are using very sophisticated methods to hide their tracks. It is tougher to find them, they are Getting Better and better. Charles one thing working out for them, they haduge success. They get money via bitcoin, bitcoin closed 25. It is up 1000 in value. It is currency of choice for ran ransom hijackers. This is an interesting volatile currency that we think is gone then we think could be future of global currency, i still dont know where to put my finger on it. We know it is as a wild currency that you cant stop it, you cant contain it. Like telling me, hey, shut down the net in from here from a to z, you cant, internet will be on, bitcoin will survive. Charles all right. Thank you very much,. White house has a new message for syria. And their enabler, russia. There is a new sheriff in town, and a new red line dont cros cross it. Charles the pentagon confirming activity associated with chemical weapons at a syrian airbase amid fears of another possible chemical attack. On heels of us house warning that regime of assad will pay a heavy price if his regime contacts another chemical attack. Herb, i have to ask you, first of all, the idea they would do this, would be crazy if it was any other regime outside of north korea and si syria. Who do we listen to . Assad or russians or iranians. Ir assad is now a puppet of iranians and russians and hezbollah, he does not have an independent voice. If there is going to be an attack, there is no doubt that the russians know. Do the russians a direct confrontation with United States, i do not think so. That is a possibility, if i were til tillerson i would say you have to corolla corollacontrol assad. Charles there was a statement put out by congressman schiff, saying that case for taking unilateral action against the the regime was weak the first time, it would be on even shakier constitutional grounds now. What are your thoughts on that, given that President Trump has authorized generals in the field to take action. Their hands were tied under the former president. The purpose of our military over there right now is to attack and defeat isis, but irk sa assad is doing this right under our noses, i want American Public to understand, they do not want to go into war. But bad things happen when good men do nothing. Iran has been given a pass for 2 long, everyone forgets 1979, they took 52 american hostages and suffered no repercussion, in 1983, military personnel killed in lebron and beirut, and then president obama give themselves 1. 5 billion in cash on pallets in the dead of night, president obama empowered assad, to think he couldtiu thumb his nose at us. Which he is doing, and iran saying that United States will not do anything because they have not since the 70s. Charles some concern that neocons have invaded white house, and they may have too much influence . Is this about neocons or something different. This say fundamental Foreign Policy decision, it has nothing to do with ideology of neocons, but if has a lot to do with trump asirtinasserting himself. The americans have an interest, erdogan once said, were going to sit around the table weekly assad crosses that red line because he did it before, and nothing happens. You saw 59 tomahawk missiles go into syria that may happen again. But not 59, but 159. Charles today, you have 30 seconds your thoughts . Well you commented on twitter to give a veteran a hug, to everyone, everyone should know that Charles Payne is also a veteran, an air force veteran, i see you next time were giving each other a hug. All right, and we know that not everyone with posttraumatic stress syndrome was a veteran, they have kept us free and protected for a long time, share that with everyone. Thank you so much, here is lou dobbs, keep it on fox business. Lou good ove evening, a major setback in republican effort to repeal and replace obamacare, Senate Leaders admitting they dont have the votes to pass the health care bill, and announcing they are delaying the vote until after 4th of july recess. Mcconnell said they are still working toward getting at least 50 people in a comfortable place. A defacto acknowledgment that mcconnell and speaker ryan simply have not been capable of meeting the challenges of

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