Take appropriate steps as expeditiously as possible in this review. A government source confirmed that the meta data on Anthony Weiners computer had positive hits for Hillary Clintons server. An intelligence source told fox news it appears a virtual certainty new clinton records are on this computer. A new search warrants will allow f. B. I. Investigators to search the laptop. Computer experts have developed a Search Program with key words and the process of sifting through the records on wieners computer has begun. To the political fallout, a tracking poll, has donald trump within one points of Hillary Clinton. Donald trump was ready to seize on the moment. It took guts for director comey to make the move that he made in light of the kind of opposition he had where they are trying to protect her from criminal prosecution. Charles Hillary Clinton addressed the issue today headon. Take a look. Now they apparently want to look at emails of one of my staffers. And by all means they should look at them. I am sure they will reach the same conclusion they did when they looked at my emails for the last year. There is no case here. Charles joining me, miami beach mayor mike levine and van hipp. Its been tough in many directions, but this is the ultimate october surprise. This is the Tipping Point we have been talking about for some time. At some point you reach a Tipping Point where the average american takes a deep breath and steps back and says we are about to elect this lady to be president . Regardless of philosophy, they want a government thats open and onliest. Hillary clinton is playing the play book bully. Its about deflect and blames others for all your problems. But this at this point we may be at a Tipping Point. Charles one thing we have seen is whoever is in a news cycle and dominating suffered in the polls. We are already seeing that with Hillary Clinton. Her hasy has they are strategy because of trump struggles is to send you are gauze out. Barack obama, joe biden and staying out of view. The boles were already tightening before director comey sent his letter to congress. And they continued to tight in the few polls that have been taken. Thats not good news for secretary clinton with just a week to go before people go to the polls. Until the 2 3 of the electorate vote next tuesday will go to the polls. Charles one of the issues for the never Trump Campaign. Thursday representative chaffetz jumped back on the trump bands wagon ahead of this news. You are in touch with the major donors withr. Does this shift that maybe this is a galvanizing issue that it could bring the Party Together . Its no secret donald trump needs to rally his base. This could be a breaking moment moment where people on the never trump band wagon switch over and at least cast their vote. It may be too late to write one of the big checks. But i think there are going to be a least people on the fence as a republican and this may be what it takes to generate that vote. Like i said, this is all we are looking for this late in the game. Charles on the other side of that, do you recognize that backdrop . The other side of this is it does tilt undecideds towards donald trump. To what degree we dont know. But people who already had a major issue with Hillary Clinton, this cannot help. And it also may keep turnout lower for the democrats. If you havent all noticed for the last year the f. B. I. Has been investigating secretary clintons emails bap they came up with was absolutely nothing. The director made this we feel was a wrong decision to do what he has done. Remember something. Over 100 attorneys general have come forward and said this was a bad decision from a good guy. Charles but the inves you are talking about was more or less wrapped up in a nice bean handed over to Hillary Clinton as the ultimate present. How did you feel friday when you heard that news. Tell me your gut didnt drop a few inches. Im an entrepreneur, im a business guy, im the mayor. I have been dealing with africanamericans, hispanics, they are all for secretary clinton. They are not focused on the emails. Charles the africanamerican turnout in your state is relatively low. Im not so sure. We are competitive right now. But people want jobs and infrastructure. They want affordable healthcare. they look at donald trump and he has no answers. Hes focusing on the emails. Charles in the meanwhile i think some people are focusing on hot next commanderinchief may be. Thats the number one issue. You have talked to a College Professor and he said i have got to tell you we have got very a government thats respects the rule of law, equal justice for all and no one is above the law. If we cant have that kind of a Justice System where no one is above the law. I think there is have an impact. At the end of the day regardless of impact we need to have an open and honest government for the American People. Donald trump wont release his his tax returns. Where is the democrat outrage against the he Deputy Director of the f. B. I. Who told investigators to stand down he now find out his soup per pack gave 600,000 to his wifes senate campaign. Charles the tax return thing i think has run its course. Its sprition dat it expiratin date is over. Hillary clinton who admittedly has a problem with sharing and being open. Some people determine it as being above the law. But not having the open kimono that voters want to know. They want to know who they are putting in the white house. Its impossible for democrats to argue its going to have a president ial candidate to be under f. B. I. Investigation. Thats an enormous detriment for Hillary Clinton. And certainly raises questions about her character for voters. At the same time donald trump has raised huge questions about his own character. The access Hollywood Tape where he was talking about women raised Big Questions for voters. 367 the question is which of the voters from more motivated and more mobilized. It remains to be seen with the voters on which side and which side does better mobilizing them on election day. Charles having this investigation hanging over her head is a dark cloud. I have a special programming note. Fox business is going live all day with election coverage this coming weekend. We are going to have the latest from both campaigns followed by indepth expert analysis saturday 6 00 a. M. Eastern right here on fox business. Coming up, f. B. I. Director james comey is under fire. Can the bureau respect his reputation . Well be right back. As a combination of see products. And customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. 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Matthew, the hatch act, tell us what it is and if in your opinion this is in violation of it. The hatch act events federal employees from playing politics and being involved in potical campaigns. But people from forgetting jim comey was under oath and had a duty to supplement his testimony from the summer. He sent a letter to congress. The fact that congress sent it out to every news outlet available was not james comeys choice. Charles there are some wellknown kons conservatives who think this particular move was a mistake. Sort of a play by play of an investigation is a nono. What are your thoughts on that . I think its extraordinary what he did friday. But what that tells me is he felt his duty to congress. Since he was still under oath and had an ability to supplement it that there was significant new evidence that was made available and he felt he had to supplement it on friday and not depending on the election but depending on what justice demanded and what his duty to tell about the update. Charles steve rogers, you worked with the f. B. I. The word is there was so much pressure on jim comey. There was almost a revolt within the f. B. I. And he had no choice. The f. B. I. Was never politicized in all the years as a Police Officer i worked with them. But the rank and file agents who want to do whats right. James comey had no choice for two reasons. Now he has a problem. He has to cover his rear end to say because the wikileaks emails are coming out. He botched this from the beginning. Head said to the attorney general, this is the information we have, this is what we investigated. Here it is, you make the decision as to whether to prosecute. Charles there is word the f. B. I. Has a program of meta data looking for key word. It will be crazy to think you can go through 650,000 emails between now and election day. Should there be another update on this or should comey let it go with the normal investigate ive procedure. Let it go with the normal investigate ive procedures. But the confidence of the American People with regard to the f. B. I. With the American People has been tarnished for a very long time. People want wondering what Loretta Lynch is trying to do. She tried to suppress this report. Whats her role . Maybe at this very moment do you think she is applying pressure on comey to come up with another update before november 8. Director comey cant be fired. He has a 10year term. His boss is Loretta Lynch and he has to work with her on a daily basis. I thought Loretta Lynch stepped back after her meeting with bill clinton on the tarmac. So its surprising for me to see her insert herself into this case. That administration from obama on down appears to be partisan and have a preferred candidate in this race. Charles you have to wonder when its all said and done who is putting their fingers on the scales. 22 Million People have already voted and the polls are tightening. This will be one heck of a barn burner. We asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. Now give up half of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Charles we are 8 days out and democrats are reeling after the f. B. I. Dropped the bombshell. This race is getting tighter nationwide. Real clear politics showing clinton 45 and trump 42 with gary johnson at 4 . The polls obviously have tightened. The rate at which they are tightening is remarkable. This race has had more twists and turns than a drunk snake. The National Polls are turning in trumps direction. Here is the problem. Trump is running out of time and he has to find a way to win florida, ohio, and pennsylvania. For trump its all about bringing republicans home. Charles ford named some states trump wasnt visiting today. There is a lot of confusion in the Republican Party saying colorado, new mexico are too far out. Is this the right strategy or should he be taking this huge momentum he has, two swing states that normally decide who is going to bed the next president. Kellyanne conway is a wellrespected pollster. So she must be hing something internally. I have been looking at texas and nevada which are interesting for republicans and democrats. In texas you have 30 more people showing up than four years ago. Early voting can only tell us so much. We are seeing hispanic turnout. When it comes to the enthusiasm and who is getting out for their candidate. Little things like this friday dump by comey could actually be helping mr. Trump. Charles how dose take this . Its a gift. Like the ultimate gift. How dose take it and run with it because right now even before this news on friday, donald trump was sawing deeply into Hillary Clintons lead. You made a point earlier when you said what about ohio and florida. Its always going back to history that ohio and florida pretty much dominate who is going to be president. I think he needs to be flying back and forth from ohio and florida and pouncing on this october surprise. In florida he got a darn good chance. If he can work it and keep it up with the people in florida especially the southern tip of florida that has a big tendency to go purple and gieter way. It would help marco rubio and it would be a two for one deal. He said how dose use this to his advantage . Its simple. Remind never trumpers how awful Hillary Clinton is. Reminds independents who may be on the fence. Only 14 maybe persuadable this late in the game. To noels point, you have to win florida. But the Monkey Wrench right now is the state of north carolina. Charles its one of these things i think donald trump will have to get in that state well before next tuesday and try to turn things around. But i want 20 ask you about what ford said. These reluctant republicans. Dont they have a responsibility at this point when they can see their extra push might be what it needs to help with donald trump in a wisconsin and New Hampshire where he might be able to pick them off . I heard over the weekend a lot of republicans and i talk to everybody. The never trumpers penal who love trump. I asked a lot of the never trumpers how do you feel about a lot of the information coming out . A lot of them said i cant believe it. Im actually going to vet for trump now. Im going to vote for trump now. Whats going to win and lose this vote for donald trump and for Hillary Clinton is the get out the vote effort. She has a massively organized get out the vote effort in all the swing states. Hes relying on the enthusiasm he had from the primaries. Charles she does need the get out the vote because she cant bring it out on her own. New wikileaks email drop. They cost the interim head of the Democratic Party her new gig or her old gig at cable news. The pursuit of healthier. It begins from the second were born. Because, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. As a Health Services and Innovation Company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. So while the world keeps searching for healthier were here to make healthier happen. Charles breaking news ford postponing october sales report. Due to a fire at their world headquarters. Switching gears, a new weekly bombshell that one. Dnc intern chairman Donna Brazile provided debate and town hall questions to the Clinton Campaign before the event, this one march 5. To a question that was going to be asked next day. One of the questions, from a woman with a rash. Her family horizon lead poison, she will ask what if anything hillary will do to help the people of flint. Today, Donna Brazile resigned from her role. Saying were unco uncomfortable with when weve learned. Joining me to discuss this. Joe, brad and jillian. Joe, we start with you. A lot of people say, cnn, you saw it before. You tried to block and tackle that time. You were caught this time. I said after the first revelation she was sharing questions, there should be an investigation, they should sever all ties with Donna Brazile, they didnt do it, now a second example. We knew it was coming, her subject header in her original email to podesta, she says from time to time i get the questions in advance, time to time is plural. Then cnn puts out a Statement Today saying were uncomfortable, no, no. We have to look into it, Donna Brazile is a conduit to the Clinton Campaign, someone was feeding her those questions. You have to figure out who did that, you do that with an internal investigation from an outside firm. Charles you know, not only a black eye for media, playing to Donald Trumps fear, and warnings about it being rigged. But also the Democratic Party. Remember how brazile got the job. She got the job there was concern about the dnc playing politics. And were seeing this yet again. If you want to go to media criticism. I think that cnn set itself up for this plaque black eye. It is not responsible to have people come meters as part of your staff that are actively involved in politics. Like so many of october surprises this not telling us anything new but it is confirming what we know about the candidates behavior. Charles this and i would love to say, shocking, but Debbie Wassermann schultz, a disaster. Campaign, democrats, actively block Bernie Sanders from getting the nomination, here they are getting the questions before they are answered. You cannot defend this one, can you in. I am absolutely shocked that Donna Brazile checked in with one of her closest friends from a life long friendship to remind her, in an event taking place in flint she would get a question about the flint crisis. Charles this is was a specific question. This has happened twice. Nice spin. I want to agree with jillian, that cnn did put themselves in this position, corey lou endow ski, still on staff with cnn, he have come to learn but corey is not the story today had, the story is dan Donna Brazile, being busted, this is ugly stuff. This is. It is not that ugly. This is ugly. On the questions that could lead to a nomination, it is ugly. May i offer a scenario to brad. Please. Say an advocate within fox news openly supporting donald trump, well say sean hannity, well say before the third debate, that Chris Wallace moderated high passed questions to trump, how would you respond. First thing i would do, and i would ask myself, where are we getting this information. And were getting this information again. From a state sponsored attack on private emails, come on, seriously. Then we learn today this trump may have been you are deflecting. I give you credit for, that but average person, tomorrow, they will not think about what you are talking about. Last word to you. This is cheating in a debate. This shows a lack of honesty and integrity. In this case with you an fair advantage. Unfair advance than, this does not speak well of her and does not speak well of where we are in our political process. Charles foxconn confirmed that fbi is looking into ma two others, into their russia relationship. This will be something that was mushroom in next days to come. Thank you very much we have a special programming note for you, fox business going live all day with election coverage this weekend, well have lay frist both campaigned followed by expert analysis, next saturday, this saturday, 6 a. M. , right here on fox business. Coming up, will the markets and the economy have an amazing track record in predicting who wins presidency. You will be surprised what it telling us right now, ill be right back. This woman owns this house, with new cabinets from this shop, with handles designed here, made here, shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. 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See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Charles donald trump going full throttle to blue states, and clinton in swing states, a mad dash, latest details. Breaking news, fbi has started an investigation into Paul Manafort and his ties to russia, were collecting Additional Data on it. Well have more. The polls are coming in taking the comey news from friday, according to city bank, the impact on turn out that probably hurts Hillary Clinton the mote. They do believe that clinton has 75 percent chance of winning they say that fbi probe, is a black swan. For me there are other harbingers. I tell you, it is either a photo finish or donald trump pulls away with a victory. Performance of stock market 90 days into poll has been a indicator except once. Stock market has more good news for donald trump. S p 500 closed lower three months in a row, first time in 5 years, down 2. 1 over last 90 day, history shows, that the incumbant party does not need a rip roaring economy, just one that improves every Election Year from the prior year. A uncanny measure. Right now, i have to tell you that this economy it is edging higher, atlanta fed sees Fourth Quarter growth 2. 7 that would mean a very razor thin improvement. Last quarter, gdp estimates were high. They came way down. Since this year, year of the leak. Well call it that, you have to consider having two Internet Security names in your portfolio, i have updated white house special. Wstreet. Com. Now fox news confirming that fbi invest guesting former Trump Campaign manager Paul Manafort campaign business. Meanwhile donald trump hitting blue states and Hillary Clinton hitting the swimming states swing states, this is a campaign frenzy, next. Looking for a Medicare Prescription Drug plan that could save you money . 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Well send you a free enrollment guide, even help you enroll right over the phone. Or you can enroll online its quick and easy. Remember, open enrollment ends december 7th. At unitedhealthcare, were committed to helping you find the Medicare Part d plan that fits your needs and budget. Thats why we offer three plans. Like our new aarp Medicarerx Walgreens plan with one of our lowest monthly premiums and 0 copays for tier 1 Prescription Drugs when filling at any of the more than 8,000 walgreens nationwide. Call unitedhealthcare today to learn more about your Prescription Drug options and find the plan thats right for you. Charles breaking news, Major Supreme Court case, fox with the story. This is something that comes down to wire for the election in ohio. We covered this what happened today of simple order from Supreme Court, one line. Couple groups came to Supreme Court, representing homeless and ohio Democratic Party, they want in court to do was put on hold two laws that were passed w requiring 5 fields be filled out correctly for ballots, like name, address and Social Security number, they said if something is mildly off, could you verify the rhett, th rest, they wanted votes. Justice kagan, she referred it to whole court they had briefs from both side, today they issued a ruling saying, no were not going to do it. Laws will stay, that means you know if you are going to vote by a special option, they provide in ohio, in early voting. A lot has already happened. You have to get 5 fields right. Down leave off a number, down put down the wrong date or your vote will not count, the critics say, they cite the examples of a couple of elderly folks who get numbers wrong, they were legitimate votes but because the law is so tough they were thrown out, for now with election just kays away Supreme Court said were not getting involved, the laws are good. Check your forms twice in you are voting in ohio. Charles thank you shannon. Now back to our other big story. Fbi director comey dropping a bombshell in clintoncampaign, scrambling really. Really focused on Battle Ground states, donald trump trying to pick off a couple blue stake, in michigan today. He is down by 7, but many insider say it closer. Joining me now, lets talk about this, and talk about breaking news on Paul Manafort. We all understand he is long not been associated with this campaign, but you can imagine Mainstream Media spin on this tomorrow. Absolutely, i think that donald trump should say, sun light and sunshine, donald trump again, about having openness, and integrity in government. Calling for the fbi to come forward with this, and Hillary Clinton Everything Else as soon as possible. Charles come on. Ford, on friday, i was sitting, i was talking with neil cavuto, saying, you know there will be something antitrump, a new video something will surface monday. Sure enough. I dont know that the sort of a not a political type, may see this in a newspaper tomorrow, think it a big deal. You know, here is the question, who is Paul Manafort. That is what voters are going to wonder. There you certain Democratic Media outlets who will keep pushing it, saying we told you trump had a ridiculous tie to russia, that we dont connection the dots, here is really the problem. Trump has momentum. Democrats are worried about turn out, problem for donald trump really is, he are Hillary Clinton still on offense with electoral map, neither of us know what headlines will be be 48 hours from now. We know tomorrow morning. What thing that is not a headline, that John Podestas best friend is in charge of the huma abedin investigation, that will not be in the headlines unlit it is in obit wary. I see the bombshell friday haunting Hillary Clinton if she becomes president , and i see that huma abedin may become the fall guy in this whole situation. Charles is this not the ultimate gift for donald trump, falling in his lap, when all of the time bad stuff about him is water under the bridge. Focus will be on Hillary Clinton. If you just if you were an undecided voter with 10 days to go, i dont think you number that many people, i think that cake is already baked. A lot of people already associate clintons with scandal, and donald trump with his open attitude. I think well see this not really impact the president ial race, it will impact the down ballot races. Charles van, do you see it the same way . I just think that turn out is already a big problem for Hillary Clinton, this just makes it worse. Washington post poll say 30 of people are less likely to vote for her now that could swing a lot of votes in a race that tight, Hillary Clinton is going on tv with campaign ads in wisconsin for the first time this year, the trump supporters, who are not getting picked up it real, i was at a restaurant the other night, a man said, he look both way, and said were all vote for donald trump, all of the workers in the restaurant. Charles that is how people come up to me in manhattan, thank you appreciate it. Russian president reportedly planning a massive attack on aleppo, as iraq and allied forces are preparing a assault in mosul. What does this mean in next. Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Charles Major Development in battle feels, syria and iraq. Bid to retake mosul from isis, report as russia prepared a huge assault on aleppo, joining me now, Lieutenant General mack energyy. A lot of people are saying that this because of. Already feckless and ineffective manner to president obama handling the middle east, that Vladimir Putin is going to go all out with an adul assault that will shock the world. That is accurate, i think. He sees u. S. Is consumed with the elections, with the president spending more time out on the campaign trail then with the countrys needs. Frankly, we can focus on one of them, right now with forces we have. Charles we do have overwhelming forces, the allies do with iraqi forces. What is complicating this mosul push . Are human shields . I think they lot of people wondering and questioning whether the iraqi forces with not only win these battles but govern the country without our aid. The second part im not sure, i do believe that the iraqi forces because they are supplemented with u. S. Appreciate ops and et cetera, can retake mosul, and they will. The primary threat is vehicle ieds, and ieds with 3 to 5,000 isis forces left in mosul, and 50,000 iraqi forces. That are in that 50,000 force. They have overwhelming force. 10 to 1. It is the right ratio. It urban combat, that takes longer. Charles back to aleppo. If russia does succeed with the final push. That means they will kill a lot of people, rebels that initially we were backing in the fight. Highway do we deal with that. How to we deala raqqa, assuming to mosul goes down in relatively short order. That a great question, that is the 64 question iraq. Raqqa we can take down if we use air power appropriately, i would not recommend iraqi forces going in there. That what is going to complicate that. Aleppo is another case in point. Russians are going to use air power with, assads Ground Forces but that is complicated. That is a very convolute the operation. This is not an easy answer, im not going to give you an easy answer on that, it will take time. Charles the quagmire will get worse before better . Absolutely. We have to keep our focus, 8 days well have a new administration, we will not have the administration, this is in january, but people already start shifting places. Charles a heck of a tangled web over there, thank you very much. Thank you. Charles at home we appreciate when you watch, now lou dobbs. Lou good evening, 8 days until the election, and fbi is on the hunt for potentially classified emails that may be relevant to hill hes illegal use of a private email server, agency now gearing up to sift through estimated 650,000 emails, discovered on a laptop use by top clinton aide huma abedin, and her estranged husband, former congressman anthony weiner. The ibm fbis bombshell announcement friday as upended the race for white house, and catapulted trump in

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