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Steven hayes. Steven, let me start with you. What do you make of this . It worked well for done there are the primaries and i think hes gone back for what works for him. It works well in a primary when you have 16 other candidates. It doesnt work so well when you are attacking the leading republican when you need republican votes. He needs somewhere between 92 to 93 of republicans to vote for him. He last 9 of republicans who said they would not longer vote for him. Hes moving in the wrong direction. Charles i think the numbers have improved the last couple hours. Even if he had 90plus percent, there is the issue of beyond the core of the party. You saw the independents were acting positively to the debate sunday. But i do have to note. I was a democrat up until 2008. The reaction on the democrats side is always to circle the wagon, they did that with bill clinton. The reaction of the republicans was to publicly effectively abandon mr. Trump. When we talk about mr. Trump going in the wrong direction, what hes reacting to is Party Leadership taking a and that exacerbates the problems. When you look at whos causing the framework, its the reason mr. Trump exists. These people fold like cheap chairs. Charles there are a lot of Establishment Republicans who could not wait for the first excuse to bail out on donald trump. We know its obviously the case. Mr. Ryan says he not going to defend trump anymore. He never did. I never campaigned with him. The the same with senator mccain and others. Thats why we are in this reformation. Republicans and americans want people who have a spine and who will stand up for this country, for americans and against our enemy. The on the person on the scene doing that is donald trump. Charles matt connelly, you are a democratic strategist and former nascar champion. What do you make of this tirade . I know last night donald trump in your state had 10,000 folks out there, they were excited and energized. Can this help the downballot candidates as well . It can. I was at the wilkesbarre rally and the energy was incredible. The little boy was totally impromptu and it stole the show. My district 17 has six counties. I attend all the county and local fairs. Our booth is usually right across from the democrat booth. We are 2 and 3 people deep wanting trump banners and trump pins. The democrats have no one. People come in and say i havent voted in 1 years. If she gets in, we are done. The pollsters are not talking to these people. They dont know who they are. I think you have to add 7 points to whatever the pollsters are saying. Likely voters are likely voters. The fact paul ryan said what he said, the Establishment Republicans and establishment democrats, is there not a whole lot of difference. They are looking for perfection. It doesnt happen. We are getting an inspirational leader in the form of donald trump. Charles steven, a lot of folks on the republican side have been against donald trump for a myriad of reasons. I think you are on that list. What do you make of it when people say you are not a real republican, you are not a real conservative. Its all about protecting the establishment, your tougher and your own wallet. Im not a republican. I have never been a republican, im not associated with the Republican Party. Im a conservative with libertarian leanings. Im making a case for small limited government. Charles have you ever voted other than the republican candidate . Yes, i voted for harry brown. The framing of this as republican establishment versus nonrepublican establishment. Many people who are opposed to donald trump are small conservative government. Paul ryan, by the way, who is now being disparaged as part of the republican establishment is the person who fought the republican stab to the introduce entitlement reform. Anyone who is worried about 20 trial in debt ought to be worried been titlement reform. Considering paul ryan runs the house and he has given president obama everything he wanted. Look at the debt. There is no point where anything has been cut. He holds the Purse Strings and has done nothing to stop the nature of the spending. He has done nothing to defund obamacare. We look at the trajectory. I am also not a republican. But the nation is collapsing. And paul ryan has been in there for 17, 18 years now. Lets not talk about him not being the establishment. When we look at the trajectory of what happened to this country. Hes part of the issue of somebody who has not stopped it. We can all have great ideas. But it whats you are going to get done. The republican establishment ran against paul ryan and his entitlement restorm. Told candidates not to talk about entitlement reform and the budget changes paul ryan is proposing, and paul ryan said forget it, we are doing it anyway. They they won, and entitlement reform have become part of the argument. We took the house in the tea party sweep. We have obamacare killing every american family. Nothing has changed. Charles ultimately if donald trump prevails, hes the president and he would have to work with paul ryan. Do you think there is so many animosity . There are dozens and dozens of republicans who distanced themselves from donald trump. Can they find a way to reunite and get things done in washington . Donald trump wins in november. I think there will and few week period of attention. By the time inauguration comes around it will be joy and harmony. Lets be honest. When donald trump wins, and i do believe he will. He will be the kind of leader, he will give them a spine. He will say its okay to go against the media. He will give them the courage of their convictions they always seem to run short of when the going gets tough. Tammy was exactly right. They passed everything obama has wanted. They are always afraid of shutting the government down. What did they do at end of september. Another continuing resolution to december. Where was the spine in that. Where were the cuts . There were no guts . They can seem to be professional cowards. We cant do that. We have a 20 trillion reward for being professional cowards. Charles im a big debt person and im not sure its going to be curbed anytime soon. Mike pence is going to help with that. Charles the goes up engulfed in this allout civil war. I want to talk about the potential post election scenario. Trump wins, they lose the house. There are so many different outcomes. What does it mean for you and what does it mean for this country . Guess what guys, i switched to sprint. Sprint . Im hearing good things about the network. All the networks are great now. Were talking within a 1 difference in reliability of each other. And, sprint saves you 50 on most Current National carrier rates. 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They will get an opportunity to work the president who has pledged to do more than any other president has done in recent years. So i think donald trump would have a great opportunity to do some things that havent been done beforen reorganize the government so its more efficient. Charles lets say donald trump doesnt win. Paul ryan keeps his position as speaker. Will we look back at this as moment in time when there was a a a revolt that was put down in the Republican Party, or does something more long lasting come out of this . If donald trump loses americans will see four more years of the same, the status quo. Charles what happens with the republicans. A few elections ago it was about the religious right, of course there is the silent majority. There have always been shifting plates if you will. Will something emerge out of this, a brandnew Republican Party, even if he loses . I dont think he will go away. I think well end up with a third party. I think you are absolutely right. A lot of us Trump Supporters, millions of them, if he doesnt win, they will blame the establishment for not supporting him throughout the crisis. Ladies, i want to put you on pause. President obama is down in florida. Hes at a rally for Hillary Clinton. Is he going to speak yet . Hes taking off the jacket. Okay. Its good to be in north carolina. Let me begin by saying what an honor it was to have judge pryor introduce me today. Extraordinary work that he has done. I love you back charles i said until, but thats north carolina. I want to bring the ladies back in to follow up on our discussion. We were saying does donald trump ride off into the sunset . I think what he tapped into, the socalled movement is a continuation of the Tea Party Movement and a continuation of republican frustrations at Grassroots Level and it can work into something great. But the establishment will have another four dwreerls reestablish themselves. Paul ryan perhaps being the 2020 candidate, carol. I think you might see a third party arights that replaces the Republican Party. Thats how the Republican Party was started before, and it may happen again. Charles i think i would love that. As much as we joke about the european political and economic system. The fact that they have four or five different political parties. I think people have such different thinking, particularly two parties so established in greed and power who have forgotten about regular people a long time ago. You are right. Its time for another party just as strong as the other two. Because there is a lot of mayor cans caught between these two parties. They are disgusted with both of them. The Libertarian Party has not been able to fill that void or even the green party. There is a vacuum for an entirely new party. If donald trump loses there will be millions of republicans who supported him who will leave the party. Paul ryan and other republicans were not loyal. What paul ryan doesnt understand, this isnt about donald trump, its about millions of americans, gop voters who are fed up with the status question and it isnt w for the average american person. When paul ryan is flipping the bird to those people by not supporting the top of the ticket. Charles a treasure trove of emails published by wicky likes today. We have been sorting through them and its a lot of work. But wait until we bring you some juicy things. Though hillary may not agree. Well be right back. Charles emails released by wikileaks reveal concerns over sherm seem investigation, donald trump, and even evidence that clinton knew about qatar and saudi arabia and Financial Support for isis. While this military, paramilitary operation is moving forward, we need to use our more intelligence assets which are providing clandestine and throw gels i cal support. Joining me now Boris Epstein span jan brewer. Governor, i wanted to go to you first. There were a loot of revelations in there. Some of them are very personal and point to personalities. But this is a central issue. This is something that worries people and covers a lot of different areas with respect to who should be the next commanderinchief. Thanks for having me on, charles. Its very very revealing of what the Clinton Campaign is all about and how hillary conducts her business its outrageous. It shows how cozy they are with our form people and with the press. Its devastating to hear that. But America Needs the wake up. We now know for a fact that certainly Hillary Clinton is a sneak, a cheat and a liar. And we need to realize this when we go to vote. This cities outrageous information that was provided today. Char rornlt pushback we have seen from the Clinton Campaign is wikileaks is a russianinvolved attempt to throat election from donald trump. Pushback against the actual contents that are shocking people, particularly as they continue to mount. Wikileaks hasnt been on the National Stage for a while. The one question to come up in sundays debate about wikileaks came from the open debate cothere is, the Christian Coalition and nra that bipartisan groups are part of. Some of its good this is being talked about. I think vote letters be more concerned about the wall street comments than this stuff. But either way, transparency is a good thing. Adams my guy. Saying that terror is not a National Threat . By the way, i saw al gores speech where he said Climate Change is the largest issue facing our country. We heard this from progressies for a long time. But what she said about terror not being a threat, she said that we are not able to really vet the refugees coming out of syria. Charles i want to clarify that. It sounded like she was saying jordan couldnt vet the refugees going into jordan on their shared border. But she did underscore how challenging of an issue it is to vet them properly. She was saying its possible to vet the people coming out. Thats what director comey said as well. Then the coziness with the media annals my good friend governor brewer said. With the obama white house, the concern i have as part of the Trump Campaign is the you know what, we are going to be prols kiewght this case every day. There is a pop 20 list. Pop 20 revelations that well be talking about just today. I wanted to ask governor brewer about that. In one of her peaches Hillary Clinton talked about her dream after hemispheric open trade, open borders, open trade. A one world government kinds of thing that a lot of people think is the genesis of the Progressive Movement going back to the late 18. 0s. Obviously we would oppose it. We would be very, very upset. But Hillary Clinton continues to go down the path of having her private opinion and her public opinion. She again is not a truth teller. She has been sneaky, she has been corrupt, and she has been a liar. America better wake up. This will change the faces of our country, this election. Hillary clinton will be a disaster. We want our borders closed. We want to be safe. And the American People want to be safe. Hillary clinton has disqualified herself from being president. Donald trump is the leader we need. One thing that is cheer from all this. She gets into the policy details. Which donald trump does not. Charles these are things that were said and done behind closed doors. I dont know that anyone can take credit for them. Then she flipflops on them. Charles donald trump continues to slide in the polls among women. We have a great panel coming up next. If youre taking prescription medications, does your mouth often feel dry . A dry mouth can cause cavities and bad breath. Over 400 medications can cause a dry mouth. Thats why theres biotene. Biotene can provide soothing dry mouth relief. And it keeps your mouth refreshed too. Remember while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isnt. 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And there was nothing new that was revealed that we didnt already know about donald trump. When it comes to what donald trump needs to do, he needs to be able to focus people back on the issues. And he needs to remind people that whats taken place is something that the media always does. Its not been a fair fight, and we need to be able to take it back to the issues and the things Hillary Clinton and bill clinton have actually done far more serious than anything donald trump has said. Charles adriana, we get that, but we had boris talk about the plethora of things coming out of wikileaks. There are things that are critical to the election, the economy and terror. Then there is Hillary Clinton and bill clinton. Where does donald trump put his laserlike focus to improve these numbers . Donald trumps focus should be women. Women decide elections. They make up 53 of the electorate according to the last election. More women just go to the polls. Hillary clinton is dominating with women. Instead of just lashing out. Attacking people every day. Donald trump should be appealing to women by telling them under president obama 2 million women fell into poverty. He should be appealing to women by hitting them with the fact saying liberal progressive policies have not served your demographic well. After president obama has had two terms the Unemployment Rate for africanamericans continues to be double that of white americans and thats completely unacceptable. Thats what he needs to bring to the minority community. Charles tammy, there are a lot of Different Things for donald trump to focus on. There is an article that talked about evangelicals who held more firm over the weekend more than any other niche. They are saying one of the primary reasons is their fear and disgust of Hillary Clinton. I dont know that he needs to prosecute what hes work on. Christians and orthodox jews. They understand what happens when fascisim sets in and the government gets too big. I dont mind trump going after the bureaucracy thats harming this country. But he needs to speak back to the issues that got him to be the nominee and raised everyone up, the economy, terrorism, National Security and the border. Women dont need to be pandered to. We respond to the same issues men care about. What is our family going to look like the future. Will my children have to fight the never endingwar . The general message is he will be able to lift up everyones vote, that everybody will benefit from. Law and order, a better economy. Because that speaks to all of us. Women get that and he needs to end this campaign the way he started it on those issues. I think hillary at some point early on thought there would be some sort of an anointment. The womens vote would carry her through as the first his for cal figure. That has not worked out well for her. The numbers have gotten better. But because of what happened with respect to what the media has done. But women arent a single issue voter. Donald trump should get back to the issues. The conversation we are having is donald trump talking about sexual assault. Charles thats not what we are talking about. She is leading with White College educated women by 0 points. But she is tied with white women without a college degree. Mitt romney won them by 20. There may not be enough blue collar white men. Donald trump says he doesnt want to raise the minimum wage. 2 3 of the people on minimum wage earners are women. You can talk about the issues and we forget the character of the man. Charles lets leave it there. Thank you very much. Alcoa kicks off the earnings season and it wasnt pretty. The dow off 200 points today. Charles you have got the gop implosion going on. But something beautiful may he morning from it. Meanwhile president obama is taking advantage of it at this moment take jabs at donald trump. Charles the dow got clobbered today. It under scores another sobering notion that this will be another quarter of earnings declines. Its earning will be down 2. 4 . Overall earning will be off more than 70 from more than a year ago. The sectors bracing for a rough ride, energy, industrials, telecommunications, real estate. The thing is, earnings and optimism both peaked in the 2013 period. How vulnerable is the stock market . The markets got walloped pretty good. We have been in a tight range for 66 days. Something has got to break soon. This is a busy time. The elec. I suspect a lot more misses coming up in this time frame. I dont see im trying to find some positive about this market. You have got a gdp growth of 1. 5 with inflation of 3 . It ties into what you and i discussed before, i see sluggish growth ahead and im look for something to push the market up. Charles the fed keeps saying we need to raise rates, the economy is booming. Over the last couple weeks the Economic Data has been worse than anticipated. Where are we really . We are in a tough spot. Small business and businesses in general want three things. They want to see regulation decrease, and they want to see Economic Growth and they are not getting any of that right now. The alcoa number, kinds much saying the same thing. The fed wants to raise rates because it knows it will be out of ammunition for the next recession. 25 basis points to put back in the quiver . They have to start somewhere. I think brian is right and he touched on something important in this country. I talk to small and medium sized businesses. Regulatory environment they are facing currently as well as the potential of tax increases if in fact we have a democratic president Going Forward is a big concern to them. Charles lets talk about potential form recession its been edging up. Its not anywhere scary and lets not forget at least 1 5 of the country never came out of recession. But official recession, at some point its got to be the real big a threat for the next president early on. With slow Economic Growth you only increase your odds. I think thats why the fed is so concerned here. They seat weakness and potential for this. They have got to have some ammunition. You cant count on the federal government with a fiscal policy and tax cuts to get us out of the recession. Charles thats what we need, lower taxes, lower regulations. When i say unleash our animal spirit guys, thank you very much. Evangelicals are in full support of donald trump despite rye cents controversy. Their dislike is so great for the clintons that needle wont move. Es well discuss it next. Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions . Your personal success takes a Financial Partner who values it as much as you do. Learn more at tiaa. Org amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. 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Those who went to churchl on a regular basis, myself included. I supported ted cruz because our value set was much closer. We share a common faith in jesus christ and have a world view thats very similar. This comes down into the general election not so much in support of donald trump but the Trump Campaign and wait stands for. Donald trump has articulated something other republican candidates have not. He actually listed candidates for the supreme court, he said he would appoint prolife candidates. He continued the conversation with evangelicals even stone it general election. They do not embrace his conduct in the things that have come forth. That is very troubling. But as you pointed out, there is only two choices in this race. Legitimate choices. Its him and Hillary Clinton. He has stood on the side policywise thats more clearly aligned with biblical christian thinking when it comes to public policy. Charles a lot of trump you are gatds went out and talked about the movie 50 shades of grey. Point be a good time for to us say maybe our moral meter is off. I dont want to use that as an excuse. I want to be above all that as best i can and change the trajectory of this country. I would like to watch something on tv where i wouldnt blush. Even though im an adult with grandchildren, i blush. I cant even watch regular tv. Absolutely. Thats my point that i have communicated in the campaign. Donald trump needs to own this, take responsible for it its not excusable its inappropriate. This is not who i am, its not who i want to be and im going to put people around me and i want your children to be able to look at me and emulate my behavior as a leader of the free world. He needs to step forward and convince people he will do that. He will respect all people including women. As the husband and father of three daughters i want a president who will respect women. Charles the other side of this is moralism, there is a great biblical verse you know, there is not a righteous man on who does what is right and never sins. The other side of this argument is it has its place. But here is the key. It is redemption. Yom kippur is today, the day of atonement. When we asked for forgiveness, we are forgiven. Its taking responsibility for our actions and saying im sorry, i was wrong, im not going to do that again. Im going to put people in my life who are going to help me do the right thing. Charles president obama hitting the Campaign Train for Hillary Clinton. What dose have to say about whats going on within the gop . Well be right back. Guess what guys, i switched to sprint. Sprint . Im hearing good things about the network. All the networks are great now. Were talking within a 1 difference in reliability of each other. And, sprint saves you 50 on most Current National carrier rates. Save money on your phone bill, invest it in your Small Business. 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Just moments ago, listen, lets face it, donald trump has been on a bombastic tirade today, and a lot of people dont like what hes saying and appreciate what hes saying, but will democrats be able to take advantage of the schism within the Republican Party. Lets discuss it with Robert Graham and Trump Campaign adviser steve rogers and jessica tarlov. People on twitter are saying where is steve rogers . You are here. Im here. Charles you saw the trump tirade. People were cheering, the grassroots trump people because they dont like paul ryan, they think hes part of the problem. By the same token, you could see president obama trying take advantage of it. Sure, thats what the president and hillary are going to do. There is a new gop on the horizon, a movement, donald trump is leading that movement. And charles, no matter what the polls say, i have been all over the state. I spoke in bergen county, new jersey, the trump train is filled day in and day out. Why . The people are fed up with the establishment, wheth it be democrat or republican, theyre fed up and its time we make the change. Charles bergen county, they probably have free hot dogs. That was the secret. I lived in bergen county. You are the arizona gop chairman, are you conflicted with whats going on within your party . Do you feel like after the election, if donald trump doesnt win, youre going to have to make a choice which branch of the party you want to be a part of . I think its clear, being chair of the arizona Republican Party, ive come out and unblinded support of donald trump. Where we are right now is what we heard. Weve got the base and movement happening within the Republican Party. We have people who are life long republicans that are coming out of the shadows and engaging in a way thats remarkable. Its not about these are the people that elected me. The base of the party that elected me to do my job to get him elected. Not only do i have support today, but tomorrow win or lose, hes our republican nominee. Were going to push hard and make it happen, absolutely. Charles jessica, you and i were talking during the break. President obama talking, riles up the crowd. He gets the emotional connection that no one else on the democratic side, certainly al gore didnt have it today. That could be the difference, right . We might have seen the difference because no matter what the polls say, theres still the real serious problem of getting people to go and vote for Hillary Clinton. Listen, were doing much better in terms of enthusiasm over the past two weeks, Hillary Clinton supporters tied with donald Trump Supporters. Listen can you call someone up on the phone, and say ill show up. No, no, no. Charles 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 people night after night. Just because people show up to a rally does not mean theyre going to show up to vote. Hillary clinton supporters are dedicated. We need people like president obama. His wife is an amazing spokesperson for her. Bernie sanders, al gore, not the most exciting, but Climate Change is a huge issue to millennials. Im very afraid myself. A fundamental difference between Hillary Clinton supporters showing up and donald Trump Supporters showing up. Yes, there are more of us. Donald Trump Supporters are showing up because they hear the truth. Hillary clinton supporters you astound me every time. Your nominee talks about grabbing genitalia. Lets not go there. You know what, jessica . I tell you why we cant go there. The American People dont want to hear about it. Thats not true he apologized about it. The issues are National Security and economy and quality of life. Charles please keep watching because the man himself, lou dobbs, is next. Lou good evening, everybody. Im lou dobbs. Hillary Clintons Campaign has another fire to extinguish. Wikileaks released another batch of nearly 1200 emails to and from Clinton Campaign chairman john podesta. This is the third release of documents in five days. And these documents show colluding the democratic with the Clinton Campaign against senator bernie sanders. Well have a full report on all that it does entail here in just moments. Also tonight, donald trump

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