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Same day that the Trump Administration condemned iran for its recent Ballistic Missile test. Instead of being thankful to the United States in these agreements, iran is now feeling emboldened. As of today, we are officially putting iran on notice. Lou and President Trump says its time to put an end to the carnage in chicago to end the violence. Already 51 people have been murdered in chicago. Pastor Darrell Scott met with the president today and he joins me tonight, as we discuss solutions to the crisis in chicago. Good evening, everybody, President Trump today, taking on the deps and their head clown as he calls them, urging republicans and senator Mitch Mcconnell to go nuclear if necessary to confirm his nominee to the Supreme Court, judge he neil gorsuch. Mr. Trump reminded dems that gorsuch was confirmedded by the senate to his seat on the 10th Circuit Court of appeal without a single dissenting vote back in 2006. Well i think there is a certain dishonesty if they to against their vote from not very long ago. And he did get a unanimous endorsement. He is somebody that should get. You cant get getter from educational, experience, from any standpoint. Great, great student. Supreme intellect. Supreme Court Justices white and kennedy he clerked, so i just think it is really great were having this meeting because we want, we want him to go through an elegant process as opposed to a demeaning process. Lou Vice President mike pence joined judge gorsuch as he visited congress today, meeting first with Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell. Mcconnell today also on the senate floor echoing President Trumps call for democrats to treat gorsuch fairly. Thats right, madam president , not a single democrat opposed judge gorsuchs confirmation. Not senator barack obama. Not senator Hillary Clinton or senators joe biden or ted kennedy. In fact not a single one of democrats that still serve with us opposed him. In the colling days i hope all Senate Colleagues will give him fair consideration just as we did for the nominees of newlyelected president s clinton and oma. Lou democra tryg to boycott two of President Trumps cabinet choices, getting outmaneuvered today. Republicans on the Senate Finance committee suspended Committee Rules and confirmed Steve Mnuchin to be treasury secretary and congressman tom price to head up the department of health and Human Service on a straight 140 partyline vote sending both nominations to the senate floor. The Senate Judiciary Committee Voting to confirm senator Jeff Sessions as attorney general. One day after bitter democrats used an obscure rule to delay that vote. Sessions nomination now goes to the full senate where it is expected that he will be approved i about the republican majority. My first guest tonight says democrats havent learned lesson why they keep losing. Voters, voters are simply sick and tired of them playing politics. Joining me now, the chairman of the freedom caucus, congressman mark med coast. Congressman, great to have you with us. Looks like the majority leader has decided enough of this schumer nonsense and those who are following him on the other side of the aisle. Well bravo for the leader. I can tell you that the American People, youre right, lou, theyre tired of this. They want to get down to action and make sure we deliver and the Supreme Court nominee, the president couldnt have done a better job with his pick. Not only was it unanimous the last time but his credentials are certainly impeccable. Yet what we saw were democrats coming out over and over again with their talking point that they had prepared hourahead. So it didnt matter who they nominated, the American People can see through that. It is time we go to work on their behalf and not on behalf of those here on capitol hill. Lou in your chamber things are moving in, if i may say odd ways, meaning with rand paul, with bill cassidy. Those senators today talking about repeal legislation and perhaps more, but what is going on . Where is the tax, the tax cut that the democrats, i mean, democrats, the republicans and this president promised . Where are they in the priorities . Where is the repeal . How could the congress be, takings 60 plus votes on repealing obamacare and not have a plan and a proposal ready to go with this president who had promised to repeal almost at the same time, simultaneously repeal and replace . Well, lou, you know, what we see here is youre right, is there is a tendency to slow things down, whether it is on the house side or on the senate side. The American People want action. They dont want talk anymore. And so im here to tell you congressman jim jordan and i, i know he is guest many times with you here, lou. Lou sure. Were calling on our house leadership to go ahead with a repeal bl to put it on the president s desk, at least do what we did in 2015 when president barack obama vetoed that. There is no reason why we cant pass it through the house and through the senate. We need to do it and act now. Enough talking. It is time for action. Lou you and other members of the freedom caucus, many other members of the conference, i mean, i have got to ask you, congressman, is the leadership in the house, are they just lazy . What is the reason for these delays . Why dont they have have plan and why arent they making sense here . And where is the tax cut . Yeah. I can tell you that theyre not lazy. They are working behind the scenes but it is time to make a decision, lou. When you look at tax cuts, when you look coming doing tax reform, i met with chairman brady today. I said it is important that we quit talking about this behind closed doors. That we have the debate. We have it out in the open and make sure that we take our case to the American People because ultimately it is going to be the American People that we serve. You know in the old days, the very old days, regular order meant not only having hearings and bringing people in, doing so before the legislation was written and basing much of the legislation that is written on those hearings. A hearing now means the public gets to listen to you all interminably. And it is just, it is awful what were watching this congress do, given the promise of the Trump Presidency and the republican control of the house, the senate and the white house i mean, it looks like somebody is trying to muck it up well, we cant muck it up and there are some that obviously are wanting to slow it down say, you know, we lou got to be careful. What weve got to do, weve got to act. And so were calling on our house leadership to not only act quickly but lets go ahead and get out. You mentioned senator cassidy, senator rand paul. Senator rand paul has a very good plan we met with today. Were taking some aspects perhaps of some of the ideas shared by senator cassidy. Looking really at there seems to be coalescing around senator rand pauls vision for a replacement. I think were ready. Were going to introduce that, members of the House Freedom caucus will introd monday. When you see that well have repeal and replacement vote. Lets have it in february and put it on the president s desk so he can sign it into law. Lou great for you. Great for the house, around the freedom caucus. And it is going to be interesting to see whether there is a current of influence running through capitol hill from big pharma, k street. Whether that is playing any role in delays and ever so cautious leadership when it actually comes gting something done. Good on you. Goodn the caucus and senators cassidy and paul. So, again, mark meadows as always. Good to have you. Thank you, lou. It is great to be with you. Lou were coming right back. There is a lot more to cover today. There is a lot going on in washington. You know that populist, that populist revolution, looks like it is here. Stay with us. Well have much more for you next. President trump promises his nominee neil gorsuch will be an outstanding Supreme Court justice. I have select ad an individual whose qualities define, i mean really closely define what were looking for. Judge gorsuch has outstanding legal skills, a brilliant mind, tremendous discipline and has earned bipartisan support. Lou the dean of republican strategist, ed rollins, joins us here next. The president slams the dishonest lying leftwing media. He says about time the dishonest, deceitful, leftwing dishonest, deceitful, leftwing media straightens hey there, starting your search for the right used car . 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Come home with me its truck month find your tag for an average total value over 11,000 on Chevy Silverado all star editions when you finance through gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Lou you know the special relationship between the uk and United States it is under considerable strain. Prime minister theresa may felt compelled to intervene in u. S. Politics and give a view on President Trumps vetting executive order. Just days after she declared solidarity with mr. Trump at the white house. First of all on the policy that President Trump has introduced, this government is clear. That that policy is wrong. [shouting] we wouldnt do it, and six years of home secretary i never introduced such a home policy. We believe it is divisive and wrong. Lou that is just plain unfortunate for the, for the Prime Minister. Of Course National security ramifications surrounding illegal immigration helped drive the brexit vote. Today, britains house of commons voted to authorize the Prime Minister to trigger article 50, the beginning of the countrys exit from the european union. Joining me veteran of 10 president ial campaigns, ed rollins. Great to have you here, my friend. Thank you very much. Lou this is just an incredible moment in our history, is it not . The president of the United States beseeching the Senate Majority leader to go nuclear to reduce, to reduce the cloture to 51, simple vote majority. You and i said repeatedly on this show last couple weeks we ought to get rid of the filibuster rule to begin with. Lou whatever it takes. I think this is extraordinary man president announced last night who will make a big difference this court long term and short term. He ought to be, he is a brilliant guy, and should be passed by more than just republicans. Should be a bypartisan effort just as they did once geoff when unanimously was passed to be on the appeals court. Lou the president said eloquently on point and exact, said this man, gorsuch, a extraordinary judge, a this process should be eloquent. It shouldnt be demeaning. The ignorance being displayeded by short schumer, the head clown as president calls them. This is vial, venomous. These are radicals, they are trying to bespoil everything about this process. Shame on them. I agree with you. Judge gorsuch extraordinary weather. I was friend of his late mothers epa administrator and she was driven by office from leftwing press. She has to be very proud from heaven, looks down on her young son who had extraordinary career. Not a single if thing you couldnt basically find fault with this man. It is a great tribute to the president to have done that. It is. He could not have chosen better. I think, at least in their quiet moments, even the dems would agree with that. I want to turn now to where were headed. The confirmmation, six nominees of the president have been confirmed now. That is about half of what normally would have been confirmed at this juncture with previous president going back to clinton, thisgoing to happen. And the democrats contin to make it a travail. It is as painful as it can be. How long can schumer, what will be the consequences for schumer . Because he is acting, complete ass . He is not providing strong leadership. He wants to be Opposition Leader and not a serious leader in the senate that is what he is going to become. They can sit there four years and throw hand grenades and beyond that, they will Lose Senate Seats in two years, the country will see theyre challenging very significant people for no reason other than pure partisan politics. Lou as we looked where were headed with this presidency right now he traveled to a base in delaware where the young, the chief petty officer of the u. S. Seals, seal team six, in fact, his remains were brought home. Your thoughts about him quietly, the president quietly traveling over to the base to i think it was superb effort. William mullins who was a bright young man, 36, 37 years old, double bronze medal. Dedicated his life to the navy seals. Many points of action. He was a real leader. Unfortunately on these battlegrounds you sometimes have tragedies. They need to be recognized as american heroes. Did it quiet way. Didnt make a big press deal. He did go there, to be applauded for it. Great message to our troops. Lou even exemplary made publicly of this. It was a heartfelt gesture and one that our men and women in uniform deserve serving this nation and unfortunately in this instance making the ultimate sacrifice. The alienation, the polarization the leftwing media is talking about right now, i get the sense that is a cover for Something Else which is, people are coming together. This president is exerting real leadership. A lot of folks dont it hasnt been two weeks since he is president of the United States. Look at all that is moving ahead. I dont think they anticipated he would be anywhere near as successful as he has been. Lou must be scaring the hell out of them. Allstar cabinet as i said several weeks ago. They were saying he could never get good people to come in the administration. Good as team as you ever had. Gotten them all through. Showed real leadership the other night when he basically fired the acting attorney general for her standup lou her betrayal. Her betrayal. Certain extent sent a loud message. Certain extent he is fulfilling promises he made. With a new team, i think theyre running at full speed right now. Lou with all the leftwing media clacking and the dems, with the left as well, trying to say that this extreme vetting order that he issued could have been handled better, i dont think that you could have much better served notice on every country in the world that the, there is a new approach here that this president will defend our borders. Well actually control immigration. And put our National Security in the safety of americans first. I thought it was a brilliant notice to the entire world. He promised he would do that in the campaign. He obviously lived up to it. Very important thing to do. It is not a ban. It is restriction on people coming in today until we figure out who they are and how we have a new plan. That is what people have to focus on. Lou i join the president. I dont give a damn what you call it. It is about making americans safe. That is food enough for me. Ed roll inches, always great to have you here my friend. Historical times. Absolutely. Exciting. Lou ed rollins. Be sure to vote in our poll. Should senator Mitch Mcconnell go nuclear if democrats continue with their okay obstructionism . Follow me on twitter loudobbs. Like me on facebook and that gram lou dobbs tonigh stocks finishing moderately higher. Dow up 27 points on the day. S p up a fraction. Nasdaq up 28 points. Volume on the big board, 3. 9 billion shares. Were seeing a little bump here in trading activity. Manufacturing in january hitting highest level more than two years. Auto sales falling last month. Ford, general motors, fiat chrysler, all reporting a drop in sales. Reminder to listen to my reports three times a day, coast to coast on the salem radio network. Up next, the white house says democratic hysteria over trumps cabinet is, well, misguided. Rex tillerson was going to go down and soandso everyone of them after they got to meet with senators from both sides of the party have shown why the president chose them because they were unbelievably qualified, unbelievably ready to he lead and enact an agenda of change in contraries of responsibility theyre taking over. Lou there you are. Democratic obstruction and the republican response. The subject of my commentary next. Next. Stay with us. Achoo snap achoo snap achoo achoo snap snap achoo achoo feel a cold coming on . Zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. Just like the people every business is different. But every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. Whether it be with customer contracts, agreements to lease a space or protecting your work. Legalzooms network of attorneys can help you, every step of the way. 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Breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Get symbicort free for up to one year. Visit saveonsymbicort. Com today to learn more. Lou a few thoughts on the republicans letting the dems know they have had enough of what president obama cows the head clown. The Senate Republicans changed the rules on the Committee Hearings for a vote. Dems on the Environment Committee boy together a vote on scott pruitt. They, too, will soon learn. The dems are done and majority leader Mitch Mcconnell will confirm he single one of trumps nominees one way or another. The dems were the opposition as they should be. Then they became defiant. And now they crossed the line in attempting a subject version of our government and our constitution. Only six of the president s appointees have been confirmed. But the republicans have decide to use their newfound power it doesnt hurt that senator schumer had the audacity to vote against the majority leaders wife. Transportation secretary elaine chao. Mcconnell would never say it out loud of course, but you have to understand every husband in the country knows he wanted to rip schumers spleen out. Schumer sealed his fate with his ignorance. Nonetheless, schumer is still spewing insulting threats at mcconnell and the president. But the president is encouraging mcconnell to go nukor. It would only be the second time in the modern history that the Senate Filibusters a Supreme Court nominee. Now our quotation of the evening. This one from muhammad ali. He said there are no pleasures in a fight. But some of my fights have been a pleasure to win. It is my guess that the president and the majority leadered may have found just a little pleasure in these confirmation victories and those to come. President trump calling for an end to the carnage in chicago. Well have to do something about icago. The city already off to a deadly start in this new year. Well take all of that up with pastor Darrell Scott. He met with the president today. He joins me next. This space jumper on the move. Well have his amazing highstakes leap straight ahead in the video. Across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, Creative Business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at esd. Ny. Gov why pause a spontaneous moment . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis. Lou psident trump moments ago swearing in Rex Tillerson as his secretary of state. The ceremony at the white house, and the president praising tillerson. Your whole life has prepared you for this move. And you have had a tremendous life, heading up one of the Great Companies of the world and doing it magnificently. Absolutely magnificently. I can say this is a man who is respected all over the world before he even begins. But now hes beginning his big, big and most important journey. This is where you were meant to be right here today at this crossroads in history. Its time to bring a cleareyed folk to us foreign affairs, to take a fresh look at the world around us, and to seek new solutions ground in very ancient truths. Lou expwhrieng now, pastor Darrell Scott. Great to have you with us. It was quite you had a bit after surprise for the folks. I want to share the exchange in the meeting with the president with everyone if we could roll that video, please. I was recently contacted by some of the top gang thugs in chicago for a sitdown. They reached out to me because they respect you and believe in what you are doing. Its about lowering the body count. Lou that was an impressive and surprising moment. The gangs in chicago deciding as you put it to lower the body count. Thats a body count that is growing as you well know every month. Right as of now, the most january, one more murder than january of 2016. So it as many as not improving. You are going to meet with them in two weeks. What can you have say, what can you hear that will make a difference here . First of all i misstated when i said gang thugs. They are former street guys, former gang leaders. They are not in it right now. They reached out because they are active in endeavoring to change the climate in chicago. I was contacted by terrance cook, a community activist, former street guy. He reached out to me through a colleague of mine. They called me about having a sitdown to discuss what could they do in conjunction with the Trump Administration to start rectifying the problems in chicago. I made it clear the first order of business would be collaborating to reduce the body count. I reached out to jim brown. And he contacted some of his partners in chicago. Hes going in with me. Floyd mayweather, the great boxer is going in with me. Well be proactive rearpt than reactive in address some of the issues in chicago. As i said, we have a number of initiatives. We have community development, social programs. Life skills, a lot of Different Things that can happen in chicago. Well offer jobs. However, my first order of business, this is something i made clear to them. We are going to work together, this will be a partnership. Lou much the same language and much the same words for 50 years in the inner cities. But you havent heard it from donald trump. Lou i havent heard it from donald trump or from you before. But i have heard it in the best of intentions. But right now we have young people, most of them male, young males Walking Around with 9 mill meter and various calibers of handguns and they are killing each other. We dont hear from mayor manuel and the inner cities. The nation would not be focused on this if the president of the United States hadnt been focusing on it himself and doing so for quite some time now. This is inexplicable for most americans. A city thats been run by the Democratic Party since 1933 for crying out loud. And still no change. There is a scripture in the bible that says you have been called to the kingdom for such a time as this. I believe its time for the people that are there in place. I dont know what happened in the fast, and there are pastors in the community that will be proactive. And we are going to work together. We are going to work together. Because puff know taken know President Trump is result oriented. Lou the president of the United States is the man trying to help. Hes not under critical judgment here. The city of chicago is. The community is. The leaders, the power structures of the black inner City Community is. If i may, bear with me. I want to show everybody what the numbers are. In chicago, 5. 9 Unemployment Rate. Look at these number ofs in the neighborhoods. Look at the Unemployment Rate in spot of poorest areas. The south side of chicago. There are two words we are not hearing a lot about. One of them is jobs. People are afraid to invest there. And the other part are drugs that are fueling and driving and paying for the violence thats rampant and frankly the community that is indifferent to the result. Well, you have to understand what mr. Trumps ascension to the presidency has optimism in america. And the Business Community will participate with us in providing jobs for rehabilitation of dilapidated house and rehabilitation of housing to provide Better Living conditions. When we do that we are looking for an upgrade. The Trump Administration is going to work directly with the community. Im simply going to be a link in the chain. And you are going to watch. There will be definite results. The people im working with, i have a lot of confidence in terrance cook, i have a lot of comfy dense in cory booker. These gentlemen are proactive. Well collaborate and i guarantee you you will see some great results. Let me just say. Lou im out of town. Chicago is not just a bunch of people running around shooting each other. They want to partake in the American Dream as well. Lou you dont have to say anything like that to my audience. These are people watching you and listening to you who care about everyone in this country and we do care what maps in chicago. What we dont understand at this point is why the hell no one else seems to in the city of chicago, baits has gone on for far too long as president of the United States is saying. We are going to bring it to a conclusion. Lou we wish you have the best of luck. God bless you. Lou pastor Darrell Scott. Should senator Mitch Mcconnell go nuclear if democrats continue with their obstruction. Please roll the video one adrenaline junky pushing his stunts into high gear. Watch as he leaps from the roof his car and off a bridge. He parachutes into a valley more than 700 feet deep. The car driving at a steady 40 miles per hour. The stuntman prepared himself for the deathdefying jump for some time. And it worked out well. He made it. Thanks to the parachute that successfully deployed on his way down. The white house says extreme vetting is necessary to keep this country and americans safe. Its not a travel ban its a vetting system to keep america safe. All the facts in the reading of it show thats what it is. Lou my next guest says some on the left have lost their mind and extreme vetting is absolutely critical. Lou joining me now, congressman chris stuart. Its great to have you with us here. I want to start by focusing on general mike flynns comments about putting iran on notice today, doing so in a stern manner. What is the effect of putting them object notice . What do you understand that to mean . I think its a positive step. One thing we know from the last 8 years is the Obama Administration was never going to challenge iran on anything. They were so desperate to get the Nuclear Agreement in place and so desperate after it was in place to indicate it was a success, they werent going to corral iran. This administration is sending a message that its different now. . When they sponsor terrorism and encourage the houthis like we saw yesterday to attack one of our allied ships in the area, thinking it was a u. S. Ship, by the way, they are saying there is a new sheriff in town and you will have to deal with that. Lou are we sure the houthis thought it was a u. S. Ship . There are indications they did. I would argue whether they thought that or not, it hardly matters. Its clearly word. They did so several months ago with missiles. It shuts down the shipping lanes, it potentially does. The saudis are allies of ours. Either way, its not good news. It also with the United States operating as we are in the region, there are temptations to use military power. Is this in fact an instance in which you are putting iran on notice, the government is . What is the consequence . What is the reaction . The last thing, the last thing a u. S. Government headed by this new president would do, need to do, is to draw a red line, because i dont think people have much faith in red lines in that part of the country now after the Obama Administration. Thats unfortunately true. It leads to more instability and greater danger when our allies dont know if they can count on us and our adversaries dont trust when you say something, we actually mean it. Its not only the houthis and iran. I think it will test this president. They will wonder. When he says something, is he going to stand by that . And thats not a good thing. We dont want that testing to take place. But the world has just become so chaotic the last few years, there is no question they will say where does the u. S. Stand now . Lou ways your expectation in terms of what we are watching with the senate right now and the confirmation fight . It looks to me and i want your judgment on this, that senator mcconnell has made the decision that hes going to take charge of that process and he will deliver to the president his nominees. I think that the exactly right. I dont think hes im not speak for the nor. But my view of this, not only Mitch Mcconnell and the senate in general. They will seat this nominee. And i think the democrats know that. And i think they are frightened of the prospect of what the majority leader may do. I hope it doesnt come to that. I dont want to change the filibuster rule. I suppose that he will. I hope that he does. What an outstanding nominee. This is someone i think is very, very difficult to oppose. Lou i couldnt agree more. Congressman, come back soon. Up next, President Trump taking aim at what he calls the dishonest leftwing media. They are so biased and really its a disgrace. Some of the media are fantastic and fair. But so much of the media is opposition party. Knowingly saying incorrect things. Lou the media opposition party. We take that up and much more here next. My business was built with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Is it keeps the food out. For me before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. Super poligrip is part of my life now. As a combination of see products. And customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. So we know how to cover almost alanything. Ything, even a truckcicle. [second man] how you doing . [ice cracking] [second man] ah,ah, ah. Oh no [first man] saves us some drilling. [burke] and we covered it, february fourteenth, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum lou in our online poll we asked you do you believe the dems scorched earth optimism has crossed the line . 95 of you respond, yes, it has. Tony sayegh and liz peak. Liz, i want to start in the midst of all this, we have a senator in california within the state legislature there wanting to leave the union. I mean its heart breaking to think that that would happen in california. At least half the country is saying bye. Its an incredibly impossible thing to make happen. You would have to have a constitutional amendment. Lou or civil war. We would win the civil war. Before it not going to happen. But if you look at the makeup of california, there probably is a pretty good number of people in that state who would be happy to secede. Some of the peop advocating at mid, the rest of the country hates us. Its amazing. Lou it a strange thing that secessionist, to hell with washington attitude, its much more than that in california, is springing up around the country in lots of places. The only place with more dysfunctional and bigger failure than washington is sacramento. Sadly, because its a beautiful state and i know a lot of great people there. California is a failed state. But before people blame this on Donald Trumps election. It goes back to 2014. Its much more show than anything else. Out of San Francisco where today we had the d. A. File a lawsuit in which he has no standing against the Trump Administration because he doesnt want california and San Francisco to be a sanctuary city. That shows you how backward the policy and thinking is on the left. Lou it is remarkable. The sanctuary cities, it will be tough for them to fight. The problem with the sanctuary cities is every state and every county has a different take on it. Lou mercifully we have one federal government and one president donald trump. We have had 8 years with a department of justice chose what laws it wanted to enforce. Now we have some people in the Trump Administration, Jeff Sessions now and donald trump who think we should be a resume of law nation. I think be a rule of law nation. Lou what kind of nation . Rule of law . Law . It was the Obama Administration Justice Department in the United States versus arizona argued that immigration policy is the federal governments responsibility. Now you have all of these liberal cities with mayors democrats, leftleaning, arcing for states rights when it comes to immigration policy. Like alice in wonderland. Lou states rights is very important. The fact of the matter is its important that they take a look and understand that the president of the United States issued an order, and these are the same folks who understand executive orders. Great to have you both here. Thanks so much. Great tie. Great tie. Appreciate that, lou, thanks for noticing. Howie let me just ask one other question. Do you think the White House Briefing room the White House Press corp should be required to dress up for the peoples house . I think its like school. They are being schooled every day by the Trump Administration. A blazer would be nice. I lent them my tie. Thats why i dont have it. Lou are you dodging the answer there . Obviously. Ill answer when i see you next with a tie on. Lou great to see you. Thats it for us. We thank you for being with us. Ill be on the Oreilly Factor tonight 8 00 p. M. Eastern on the fox news channel. Thats coming right up. [ ] kennedy a battle is brewing over president obamas pick for the United States Supreme Court. Who is neil gorsuch . Will democrats fight fair . President trump pushing back on critics on travel restrictions. A new poll says americans support the plan. So why all the protesting. Hillary clinton apparently isnt finished blaming others for her election loss. Grab a phone. Im back from the flu. Im here to ask, who is this

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