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Saying whos going to be the nominee . I actually had a good, long conversation yesterday afternoon with senator ted cruz. And senator cruz said, ron, not only do i have a path to beat donald trump, i have a path to become the republican nominee. Governor kasich, on the other hand, is looking at this, neil, and saying i want to take this to the convention. I want to have a floor fight. I want to have an opportunity for the American People to see someone whos been in congress for 18 years, someone whos been a successful twoterm governor, one who has taken ohio neil he knows he cant win conventionally. He knows that, but he wants to offer himself up as an alternative. And so what i found interesting yesterday was that cruz seems to think your guy needs to get out of this race so that i can win this race. And kasich is saying, no, im going to stick this out for the duration. Kennedy well, i think you could make the argument kasich is acting as a human shield for trump because he knows if he does that, hes going to be the vp. He is the establishment in an antiestablishment year. The fact that hes the last governor standing is a testament to his fortitude, not necessarily his national popularity. But because he can deliver ohio, because hes such a popular governor this, hes a really attractive choice for someone like donald trump who, when we talk about triangulation, he may need to triangulate to the establishment. Thats the only reason but, kennedy, heres the difference. John kasich, i was his legislative director when he was in congress for seven and a half years. For him to be called the establishment, the republicans and democrats wanted to spend more money. Kasich said we need to find a way to actually get government in control, and the folks who were the establishment looked at him and said, oh, no, we want to spend more money. David i know that they balanced the budget, but, of course, you had a president who was kind of working with the republicans in congress which is not what you have this time. Thats right. David again, people i respect his ability to bring people together, but thats not what people want. They want somebody whos willing to shake the tree and just throw all of the bums out this time. Hes not that guy. But, david, i think youre right on onehalf of folks are tired of were going to balance the budget, were going to repeal kennedy no, theyre mad at so much more than that. He was a congressman for 18 years, he is a sitting governor. If that is not what the establishment is, if that is not the definition, i dont know what is. Dagen but he wouldnt have won ohio though if people hated him because kennedy they dont hate him in ohio, hes popular there. Dagen the people, a lot of the American People, particularly people in the south and the midwest are angry at the republican leadership, the people who are more recently neil but is it monolithic . Is it everybody . Dagen i want to ask, can i ask ron something . Dagen, you can always ask. Dagen ive watched a lot of these rallies, and it seems like theres been, and ive said this on the air, governor kasich has gone through something very personal in terms of his connection with these voters, and that could be one of the reasons that hes staying in this race, because he feels like in his heart i mean, he is relating to these voters in a way thats very emotional. Neil so you dont share kennedys jaded, cynical political view . [laughter] kennedy realism, neil. Dagen im a marshmallow on the inside, and i see something has changed with him. Am i wrong . No, youre not wrong. Its visceral. Its real. He has made a connection. Ive known him for 24 years, and the one thing i can say about governor kasich now out on the stump is that hes heard from so many folks who have lost people, who have come forth with very emotional, personal stories, and its really had an impact on him. And i think thats why hes till around. Thats why hes still in neil do you feel guilty now, kennedy . Kennedy no. Hes won one state. I think hes an intuitive person, a very kind person. I was on a bus with governor kasich and senator mccain for 15 hours, and i can tell you, hes a decent guy. Hes a wonderful conversationalist. Hes a caring, feeling human being. Im not hater, im just pointing out the fact that hes won one state, thats it. If you win one state, you dont get to be president. David how does he deal with the issue of being a spoiler . How does he answer the charge . Well, david, i think thats the really tough thing he has to confront, and thats one of the things senator cruz said to me last night neil why were you talking to cruz . Are you trying to glom on . This was in the fox green room in d. C kennedy whos jaded . [laughter] neil and i love ron. But let me answer your question because you said, you know, if your guy gets out, then i think i have a better path, and its only two of us. And i said, well, fine, senate, if thats the case, why dont you get out . You dont have the path to get to 1237 neil he has more of a path than your guy does. He needs to win 69 of the outstanding contests which i dont think the is going to happen. I look at and say what neil 60 , he denies trump from getting the 53 he needs, right . You could make an argument no one gets there. David if it goes to a contested convention, the trump voters are not going to go for kasich, theyre more likely to go for cruz, right . So he is the spoiler. Dagen what math whered you get that . [laughter] [inaudible conversations] david more like cruz than kasich, no . David, heres how i come at this, were the Republican Party of lincoln. Lincoln won on the third ballot. If you look, if you to go all the way neil if this ever was a cofiver, it was lincoln now know i had to go there. Neil the kasich of his time. Kennedy the path to hell is paved with good intentions. This race is not about being kind and snugly and warm and giving someone a hot cup of milk at bedtime. If it were, it would be vastly different. You wouldnt see supporters and protesters at donald trump rallies, this kind of foment, outrage and authenticity. You would see dr. Ben carson at the top of of the podium leading the delegate count. Well, heres the thing with dr. Ben carson with all due respect neil oh, boy. He has not been someone whos been sitting in congress for 18 years, a governor for two terms kennedy which is why he was popular because hes also not the establishment. And being antiestablishment in this case means being an outsider. Oh, but, kennedy, weve seen whats happened when youve had a oneterm person who had no experience running the United States government which i thought was a david so weve got two oneterm senators running for president we did. [laughter] dagen we are painting this race with such a broad stroke. It is what you do on the trail, it is how you connect with people thats right. Dagen for john kasich and what hes been able to do. Maybe i dont want to say hes delusional, but i know that he has built such a relationship with these voters that he cant give it up right now. Kennedy its not reciprocal, because theyre not voting for him. Wait a second. For having been on the bus with him in new hampshire, in south carolina, this is not delusional. What youre tapping into is very real, dagen. People have a visceral reaction to the governor on the trail. Does he have a path to win on the first ballot . No. But do people recognize that he actually cares, that the sincerity actually matters, experience matters . Yes, it does david not to the trump voters,. Kennedy no, it doesnt. Is sinner is orty going to get someone a bank loan to start a business . Dagen thats what hasnt worked, these other candidates thought that they had to fight trump by being trump. That was marco rubios final dagger in his gut, was that he thought he needed to basically make fun of them and attack donald trump, and it didnt work. But at least my point is at least john kasich is trying to be his authentic self which marco rubio failed at. Failed at miserably, but i go back to experience matters. You look at A John Kasich who inherited an ohio that was 8 billion in the hole, now they have a 2 billion rainy day fund. They had 9. 2 Unemployment Rate in ohio, now its 5. 2 . Clearly, theres something going on with his leadership, his vision and his instinct neil but to kennedys point, only one state appreciates him. Hey, all you have to do is start with one, neil. [inaudible conversations] [laughter] neil i want to thank ron, stay with us. Dont go anywhere. Sure. Neil i want to go to tempe, arizona, to peter barnes, get a sense of whats going on. Reporter the folks right behind me waiting for two hours theyve just told me, and the lines still going out, down the block, so this precinct is going to be open for a while longer. They will not send the results in from the voting here until the last person has voted. So it could be a while, as i reported before. I have confirmed with Maricopa County officials part of the problem is in the last primary they had 200 precincts around the county that were open to voters to save money and because of the trend of more people voting early by mail, they cut that down to 60 places this time including this one, a Recreation Center in tempe. What they did not anticipate, according to a spokesperson for the recorder of elections, was the turnout. They did not expect the level of excitement, they did not expect all these candidates coming out here to the speak and to get all these voters ginned up. And between the cutbacks in the number of places and the excitement about this particular primary, we have these very long lines and these results that are going to come in neil but, peter, do those long line, are they a reflection of real breast in this campaign or the fact that there are fewer places for them to vote . Reporter its both, you know . Fewer places to vote. However, the one thing they did do is they did say before you used to have to come to your neighborhood precinct. That was the only place you could go. This time you can vote in any of the 60 places. So the spokesperson said we were trying to save money and, but more efficient to allow people to vote anywhere they wanted to. They spent a lot of time trying to educate the public about this but, apparently, a lot of folks didnt get the word that, you know, you didnt if you worked across town, you could vote right by the polling place near your office. You didnt have to drive all the way back to your neighborhood. Neil i see. Reporter some perhaps miscommunication, misunderstanding. But then also the turnout, they did not anticipate this. This is the they think this will be the highest turnout ever for a primary for the state of arizona. Neil all right. And with early numbers coming in thank you, peter, very much were not calling this, but donald trump has a very big lead in arizona. He was polling very well in this state where, of course, the border situation is the issue by a country mile. But, again, if donald trump wins this state, he gets all 58 delegates which would put him around the 740, 750 neck of the delegate woods. So by that math, ron, he would be hed be on his way. This is the big prize tonight. Neil yeah. The big, big prize not. Neil and, by the way, if he limits ted cruz in utah right. Neil to under 50 , then he would get a percentage of utah too. Thats right. And that, to me neil your guys nowhere on the map. Well, my guy, im a republican. Im looking at the republican field and saying is there a republican candidate tonight that can get the 50 plus one so they can take all those votes in that state tonight, and im not quite sure that they will. Kennedy it couldnt have been ted cruz if governor kasich hadnt lobbied so hard in utah, but he made that big, last final push neil just like ted cruz did to marco rubio in florida. Kennedy oh, and it hurts, doesnt it . Politics is a dirty game. Neil what do you think of romney and the role hes playing . Honestly, i think its a little pit surprising. How can you support kasich in ohio and support rubio in florida and then go to another state and support someone else . Neil the goal was to stop trump. But pick one, neil. Pick one. Pick a candidate and say im endorsing my candidate and go after that candidate and endorse them and speak for them. But to do this hybrid . Neil ron, i dont want to interrupt, but we are showing the democratic side where Hillary Clinton is doing quite well now with about half the vote in. She was expected to do very well here, she is doing very well here, arizona is just her cup of tea, but it was a cup, david asman, that Bernie Sanders was saying i have a good shot here in the phoenix area, scottsdale, and its just not happening. David you know what might have affected that race . The terrorist attack. Hillary clinton is shown in poll after poll as being more trusted on Security Issues than Bernie Sanders. Shes known for many things, but she does have experience neil she could come away from this evening, right, dagen, with a bigger delegate lead. And not only does he have to start winning, Bernie Sanders, he has to start winning big. Dagen right. And, again, hes still raising money, and hes going to stick it out neil no, theres no reason for him to quit. Dagen right. Neil waiting for her to be indicted . Kennedy yes with. Absolutely someones got to take the reins. Dagen i just want to point out, though, that itll be interesting to look at her share of the latino vote in arizona. She won big with hispanic in texas and florida, not so much in illinois. So if she really runs away with the hasten his hispanic latino , that bodes well for her. David remember what trump did in nevada [inaudible conversations] well see. Dagen that was less than 1 david i understand very small, but still significant that he got that many [inaudible conversations] neil whoa, whoa, whoa. Dagen, are you taking the charlie gas pea know gasparino role and just minimizing everything donald trump does . [laughter] dagen no. Neil you said half of this and half of that dagen people make a lot out of that, and im saying, dont. Based on statistics. Kennedy in a general election, shes absolutely right. Dagen thank you. Kennedy you cannot glean how donald trump is going to neil i understand that. But she didnt give him the benefit of the doubt. [laughter] she said, well, you got all that dagen it was less than 1 of the hispanic population neil hater. [inaudible conversations] neil ron was a gentleman about all the other candidates, he didnt say nasty things kennedy oh, my gosh, you should have heard him in the green room, he was working blue. [laughter] david what happens in the green room stays in the green room, kennedy. [laughter] kennedy i forgot. The green room is the vegas dagen actually, i will say you know how we know its gotten real . Your stage manager walked over in the commercial break and offered me a toothpick. [laughter] i dont want to touch, and thats not one of em. Neil he does a lot of weird things, but, i mean, hes tired. [laughter] all right, were driving with gas because results are coming in, and now in arizona we can see donald trump, hes running away with it in this state. Again, half the vote in. He was doing well here, but you cannot say and i think i david touched on it what happened in europe today, he won arizona. We can now say hes won. So now were waiting for idaho, were waiting for utah, but by math, were at 33 percent of the way there. Were going to stick with this now because, well, because the tensions building. [laughter] kennedy [laughter] kennedy yes, neil. Neil work with me here. Fox business i have nothing to follow up. [laughter] do you think that this, you know, you hear ron, its a very credible position, vote for john kasich, and weve heard ted cruz, credible position. Others stay donald trump, 53, whatever ron was saying percent of the vote. Can all these guys get along when all is said and done . Can they all kumbaya together . Kennedy yeah, if theres a job for them. Neil i think they all hate each other. Kennedy ted cruz might see him as a oneterm president neil do you think if donald trump offered him, ted cruz, be my running mate, ted would turn it down . I think he would. Neil really . I think the visceral dislike that you touched upon neil lbj hated john kennedy. Fought left and right. George and sr that was 1960. Were talking about 2016. Neil you just talked down to me. [laughter] i would never talk down to you on your show, my man. Neil i respect you so much [laughter] all kidding aside, theres a history of overcoming differences. Dagen donald trump would never offer that job to ted cruz, because he doesnt bring anything to the table. David what about john kasich . He could bring ohio to the table. Thats a big state. Kennedy theyve already made the deal. David, this is where i can say im just a former staffer for the Current Governor of ohio. David he says up and down id never go for vp neil would you join him at the naval observatory . I think governor kasich right now is focused on winning this, and hes focused on winning this in a contested neil do you really think thats going to happen . Kennedy no. Neil look at me. Im looking at you neil. Thats what he thinks. Neil youre very good with numbers. You know i am. Neil okay, so my wife might beg to differ. Neil the numbers are kind of daunting. But lets be honest, and ill go back to your question. Neil first, youve got to answer mine. I tried to answer yours, and i got cut off. Look, i think governor kasich recognizes that weve had eight years of a failed administration. Does he think that he could be part of an administration that could fix this if its a Republican Administration . Yes. Neil as a running mate . Does he think that he could have a position to help fix this as a member of the administration in. Neil oh, no, he didnt. Kennedy oh, yeah, he did. [laughter] neil in arizona, it looks like Hillary Clinton has picked up that state. Is it winner take all, dagen, in arizona for democrats . Arizona, yes. Neil 85. My, negotiation shes been nominated my gosh, shes been nominated. Kennedy yea. Neil with 85, by the way im kidding. [laughter] shes almost at 1730, right . Dagen it was done for her last tuesday. Neil well, ive just made an observation. I dont know you have to put me down. [laughter] dagen why is it always about you . Neil because its about me dagen oh, thats me. [laughter] neil do you know whos a perfect gentleman . David. Dagen no, he isnt, hes been talking over me the whole time, and all of a sudden charlie gasparinos bad . Kennedy charlies not here tonight. [laughter] [inaudible conversations] kennedy i have my listening ears on, neil. Neil thank you, because obviously ron doesnt. [laughter] Bernie Sanders is running out of fewer and fewer options. Kennedy hes not going to be president of the United States. Neil could he be your running mate . [laughter] kennedy if she goes progressive neil wow. David holy cow. Dagen im going to pick a running mate whose aging health is an even bigger problem . Neil youre just a horrible human being. [laughter] kennedy thatll really excite the kids. [laughter] neil oh, well, look whos got the kids, the 70someold guy kennedy ironic hipsters playing banjos with their handlebar moustaches. Theyve lost their minds. Theyre voting for a socialist. They have no context, they have no prefer spective, and they dont vote. Dagen and that is actually big among the youth, handlebar moustaches. Neil all right. I want to brung in [laughter] i want to bring in some decorum to this joint. Niger ennis, its looking like a night, my friend, were going to see youre having way too much fun up there. Neil tell me about it. But its news you can use, my friend, it is news you can use. [laughter] what do you make of the fact that when all is said and done on this night, i think it is fair to assume Hillary Clinton leaves with a wilder delegate lead than wider delegate lead than she had going in and donald trump the same . It depends on utah. It depends on utah. Right. The question is, does ted cruz reach the 50 plus one threshold in utah. If he does neil no, no, Donald Trumps already won 58 in arizona. He has. Neil so whether you see cruz picking up all 40, donald trump has 18 more. True. But it could right. Neil i did the math for you, go ahead. And you do it very well even without a calculator. Neil well, actually, i have a little its all right. [laughter] so the question is, yes, donald is going to leave tonight with a wider lead. The question is how much wider. Neil is he unstoppable . Do you think he can get, i think ron put it 53 of the remaining delegates, do you think hes on path to be the nominee . He is the frontrunner, no question about it. Neil thats not what i asked. Can he get the delegates to close this deal and avoid all this, you know, fighting and Everything Else . Not necessarily. Its really going to depend on how well kasich does in the northeast. Of course, theres some other states coming out west neil have you heard the horrible things kennedy has said about kasich . [laughter] Kennedy Kennedy really . Shame on you. Kennedy im being realistic. Im the friend who would tell him hes got something in his teeth and that he looks bad in white pants. [laughter] but he doesnt wear white pants kennedy because hes got a friend like me. Neil exactly. [laughter] his is a problematic route to the nomination. I understand what ron was saying im talking about kasich. You know, you force or a contested convention, followup ballots, its anyones guess how it goes. Sometimes they go to outsiders like they did with thomas dewey in 48. So i know they can do it, and i know theres history to having it be done, but i would imagine thered be all hell busting loose. Heck, yes. Forget about it. Kasich has no chance to be the nominee. The nominee is either going to be donald trump or ted cruz, and i guarantee speaking for Tea Party Forward and millions of tea partiers, there would be problems neil what if neither of them gets that 1236, you know what im saying . All of a sudden you know the history of these followup ballots. You get progressively further away from the destination the more pal otts you have. You know what . This election is the most exciting certainly in my adult lifetime, and i doubt that even the Republican Party would be stupid enough to go away from the the grassroots enthusiasm that donald trump and ted cruz currently have. Neil all right. But its either or. Right . In that thats right. Its got to be, one or the other. Neil those guys are miles apart. They dont like each other. Theyre saying horrible things about each others wives, which i havent even gotten into. [laughter] ive got to update that, because its gotten worse. Thats division among just those two. With but not among their supporters. Interestingly enough. Neil oh, i disagree. I cant tell you how many neil they dont like each othe i cant tell you how many times ive gone with Trump Supporters and theyve told me they like cruz too neil yeah, but youre a likable guy, niger. [laughter] these the rumor. David theyre saying, could you believe that . Neil but im just telling you, they dont like each other. [laughter] they dont. [laughter] ive been called many things, gabon is not one of them. Neil i am not doing fox business. [laughter] kennedy yeah, like 30 seconds, and he rips his mic off. Neil exactly. I no, heres where i disagree with you very respectfully. Im not going to be like kennedy and just trash you. Kennedy thanks, neil. [laughter] neil i just think they dont get along, and i dont know how they can kiss and make up. No. Neil ron, you agree. Niger knows this. Behind the curtain, behind the scenes these candidates have been on the trail for so long, and its so personal at this juncture. Neil thats exactly right. No. Theyre not going to kiss and make up. They do not like each other at this juncture. Neil do you think they rial like niger . I do. Neil i do too. [laughter] thank you, my friend, as always. Youre really a class act. And he is, hes a decent human being. I dont know what hes doing in this political coverage. And tempe, arizona, theyre still waiting, and i guess everyone, dagen, is going to get a chance to vote, right . So this is not over until theyve all voted. Dagen i can tell you why this is going to be so critical for trump, because this is going to be a great indicator particularly in areas around phoenix, for example, of what happens in california. And hes going to need to nail california if he wants to get to 1237. Neil how do polls look for him in california . Kennedy hes ahead. But cruz is claiming in the most recent field poll neil is california winner take all . Dagen no, its not. No. Dagen the demographics kennedy open primary benefits trump. Dagen the demographics in certain parts of arizona are very similar to around riverside, california, a stronghold. This is a california girl over here. Im a california boy. If my home state goes for donald trump kennedy we went to high School Together. And dated briefly. [laughter] dagen did you go to high School Together . No, but its fun for live tv. Neil and we thought Business Networks were boring. [laughter] tick around, a lot more stick around, a lot more after this. One down, two to go. [laughter] [engines revving] you cant have a hero, if you dont have a villain. The world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. Dont let dust and allergies get and lifes beautiful moments. With flonase allergy relief, they wont. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. Heywhether to stay or go . Re when its go, the new Choice Privileges gets you there faster. And now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. Book now at choicehotels. Com patrick 2 pretty great. Ke to be the boss of you . patrick 1 how about a 10 raise . patrick 2 how about 20 . patrick 1 how about done . patrick 2 thats the kind of control i like. And thats what they give me at national car rental. I can choose any car in the aisle i want without having to ask anyone. Who better to be the boss of you. patrick 1 than me. I mean, you. Us. vo go national. Go like a pro. Neil when i need to make sense, i call indeed deirdre bolton. Polls closed in utah, it is worth noting Hillary Clinton is only candidate on either side of did not span any time in utah, her daughter was there. Campaigning. We have been talking about arizona. You brought results, but it would be worth going into in counties that weve been talking about. Maricopa county we know sheriff there, sheriff joe arpaio. Very well, a local hero, a national hero, very much relating to all of the border counties. There has been so much illegal immigration, you spoke with former governor jan brewer earlier on the show. She passed that lemmtation legislation that lets people stop and ask for papers. Quick snap shot. Just to give you latest delegate count. Our team will pull up that for me, trump with the win in arizona, greatly expected. There it is. Neil he ted cruz would have to get more than 50 of vote in utah or he will fall getting 50 he gets all 40 delegates from utah, republicans are not in play in idaho. Cruz very much expected to win in utah. They are not against what they see as religious persecution. They have been offended by some of the trumps comments. Neil you have kasich role ther there. Who spent no money. Neil a spoiler in the state. Denying 50 . That is what they need 50 plus one, ted cruz a big 40 for him. If he can get there. Neil here we go, morgan. David. Kennedy, dagen. Morgan good to see you. Thank you. How does this night look . I think like most former jeb bush supporters this night is depressing as ever. I have been talking with ted cruz people. Saying take me to the math, tell me how you get to 1237, they take me through each state, there is a lot of match but when you have night like arizona, each of the delegation contest now, there is this next week, a few next week, it gets slimmer and slimmer, it is hard to have momentum. I most surprised, i thought over past two weeks, i thought trump would do something to throw the rest of us a bone in the Republican Party. In washington, maybe i am a bit cynical, but i think that people are dying to go toward nominee, they want a blum spot in the administration, i think they would lineup behind trump because they want power and access. I am surprised i have not seen that, he has done out reach this week. But he has not done what i thought thought. Neil filled with republican leaders. Quite a guess. I am most surprised about what he did romney did 4 years ago, and mccain did, and anyone who would win, has to do bring the party together. Does that prove me is not an establishment kind of guy. That is what he is essentially doinga he said, he does not abide by establishment rules. He is not going to brin party together, that is a great strategy. He is talking about the establishment. You are talking about the stabe establishment. He is talks about half the of party. You have to look beyond party. I think that a broader strategy, you have voters so frustrated on republican side, who feel that party has failed them. You cant win general election unless you have latinos and women voting for you. These left of center Blue Collar Union workers, many have voted for donald trump they wont help you win the general election. Lets say you have 50 of people in utah voting for ted cruz. That is not the establishment. That is insults over 50 of party that still not voting for donald trump. Neil but with every progressive contest, Donald Trumps share, of overall vote, rises. It gets higher and higher. Im not saying he is not going to be the nominee. I dont think that well see that until june 7. What i am saying he needs to make steps. Neil new jersey, new mexico. This is a 3way race, two of whom are trying to deny donald trump 1237, they are not running for the win. That is crazy, they are not going to get it at the convention. Who does it go to . If not two who stayed in race 2 gets. Im not a party insider, i dont know. I think if trump getting close could he desers nomination deserves nomination. Neil he has skills to close the deal. What is he waiting for. Sickout of 10 republicans 6out of 10 republicans dont want a contested convention. Neil you have to redo the math. They want it given to him if he is close. Neil but, there is history here where the guys that were in the race, had to see to someone who was not in the race or a lesser player because of the way that balloting work. Before the primary start we talked about how fractured the Republican Party was. Conservative and American People are frustrated with washington. Everyone in Donald Trumps trump is completely and woefuly naive if they dont understand i am not talking about the establishment i am talking about mom and pop. I hate to re reference what happened in brussels because it was awful, again after paris, you saw Donald Trumps general election numbers go from less 20 25 in 6 weeks we gained 12 percentage points. Look how vastly different the landscape it. 2016 versus 2014 when rand paul was pulling at head of the pak, every time we have these events, people get frightened they run to donald trump for better or worse. Kasich a very divided party. Everyone here in this entire network is naive if they think 92 are yo. Neil are you calling us naive. Some people in this network are naive, yeah. Were optimistic and hopeful. Nice knowing you. Neil he was supposed to close that gap with hillary. Passionate followers, but she has more delegates. 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It could be just the fewer polling places or the huge interest. That one guy, has not moved in 3 hours. That is fine, but i mean, i could be imaging it across the state, same deal, Arizona Attorney general was marking marco rubio, maybe he can tell us what is going on with these lines. What is the deal here . Is it magnified by fewer polling places or it is off the chart voting . You know, first, let me say im glad im not wearing white kennedy. But i want to say, i had nothing to do with polling places. Neil being peevish so if i can say myself. There has been a lot of interest, we had president ial candidates come through. Including major democrat and republican candidates, they did cut down on number of polling places. As john wooden use to say, failure to plan is planning to fail. Quoting ucla basketball coaching legend, well done. Neil you get points for that one. What has trump done in arizona to get people on his side . As he focused on border issues, or what . You know, i think that is a big part of it, just anecdote alley months ago, there are folks at my church, a go to church with a lot of immigrants, i am a first generation america, a lot of people there talking about border security, and bad economy, they feel they have been left behind, there is a lot of anger, i thought this trump phenomenon is not going away with the cake eaters and funpundits thought it would, as we focusing on security border, and economy issues that resonates with a lot of people. Neil what is his problem with cake eaters . Well let that go. It did not work out for marie antoinette. Neil okay. Exit polls of last week it was economy and jobs that was Biggest Issue for voters, fourth was immigration, it was small, is that how immigration translates to bigger broader issue of lack of wage growth of the state of arizona, an Unemployment Rate higher than national average. It could be a combination, i do think because arizona is on frontline, we have seen consequences of a unsecured border, 6 months ago there were 6 folks apprehended from pakistan and afghanistan at our border, the ranchers down there were concerned they found coins from middle east, and huge money transfers, at nogales on the border, they are worried about it from a National Security perspective, but economists people tell us how great the economy is, how he should be happy. But reality, if talk with most people, the people at my church or my mom and her friends they are worried about retirement, and social security. They have not had a raise in 10 years. No matter what economists tell them in real life they are worried about kids keeping their jobs, and stagnant wages and growth people can feel it, that is a big issue that a lot of pundits are missing, even back on east those media. Neil well, i know those guys, dont get me started. Attorney general thank you very much, with a good sense of humor too. Donald trump has been tweeting, saying much bigger win than anticipated in arizona, thank you i will never forget, and ends it by saying pffft. That is hard to get across, i think that the attack in brussels affected voters big time today. Neil i think it did. A big win for trump. Trump was first president ial candidate to respond to the attack on twitter, this morning. Is that right. He was all other candidates parsed their statements then put them out an hour or later. Neil very good point, the first nice thing have you said about donald trump tonight. That is not true. Neil it is. When we come back, we will pick apart the numbers, a good part were not getting utah or idaho, but well guess. Conquered highways, mountains, and racetracks. And now much of that same advanced technology is found in the new audi a4. With one notable difference. The allnew audi a4, with available traffic jam assist. 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For Bernie Sanders this is about principal not about winning but for Hillary Clinton this is about winning not principal, Bernie Sanders has money to stay in, he has raised a significant amount of money from small donors, they are not maxing out, he can stay in to create a disruption to bring a cause and attention to issues he cares about. He is a man of principa principle. He does that, he is driving Hillary Clinton to the left with little time to wiggle back to the middle. That is what he wants to do, that is his legacy, he knows he will not be president of the United States, he wants to make darn sure that this Democratic Party is far less socialist. Neil definitely not more liberal. Typical socialist, he is burning through money like it is going out of style. Once they get some money they spend it fast. Dagen . I think that a good point, but in terms of money, you know why voters like sanders and trump, they are not beholden them to ruling class, if you will. That is why you have that cross over. Neil is donald trump the way thing are going, could he get past 1237 to make this fighting in cleveland moot . If is possible, the longer that john kasich and ted cruz stay in the race, the more difficult it is. Realization has to come, reality is thats right leaders are those who set the game, they set Playing Field they chose the delegates they set primary calendar, at some point they have to conclude that donald trump is playing the game better, they may not like it or like donald trump, but they cant just take their ball and go home. At some point Republican Party has to rally behind donald trump. Neil we shall see. Thank you. Thank you, neil. Neil a delegate count right now . Bottom line republican side, donald trump is 7 39, he has widen that lead over cruz. Kasich, to kennedy cruel point has not advanced the ball. On democratic side, Hillary Clinton has widens that about half way there. Half way there, then some. So. For those guys, they are still the guys, what do you think . Well give you results via the screen throughout the evening. It was always just a hobby. Something you did for fun. Until the day it became something much more. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Td ameritrade. [engines revving] you cant have a hero, if you dont have a villain. The world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. Its one of the largest armies of its kind. Would you say it was a hobby . Or was he obsessed . I think that he was obsessed. Soldiers of fortune and a fortune in soldiers. Do you have any idea what its worth . Yes, we know what its worth. Can i know what its worth . The man who raised this army was on a mission. He was a true historian. He wanted to bring these battles to life. But is it a bridge too far for his heirs . He left you with a huge responsibility, didnt he . Its just too difficult. Its kind of interesting that toy soldiers would get their own trust. I dont have my own trust, but they got theirs. [ theme music plays ]

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