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Hes gotten so much money. They put them in these pacs which are crooked at hell. Theyre horrible. No, theyre horrible. And the pacs arent supposed to be rubbinning the campaigns bus theyre running the campaigns aubd see his brother, oh, great job, brother, great job. We take up the fight for South Carolina tonight National Reviews rich lowry and jenna and the blazes amy holmes. Also tonight, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders set to debate one another two hours from now in milwaukee, no doubt features Hillary Clintons email scandal and ordering the state department to release the rest of her emails, february 29th, a month after the original date they were due. I take this up with congressman jim jordan. As i said off the top of the show, donald trump is tonight holding a Campaign Rally at Clemson University in South Carolina. Were told its about 3,000 folks in the venue, in attendance. Lets hear what hes saying. That i can tell you. This guy, he says anything thats on his mind, but, you know, hes gotten so much money, heres the statistic that just came out. In New Hampshire, he spent 39 million, and what is he . Fourth or fifth . Right . Think of it. 39 million look at all of these people standing. This place is unbelievable. The place is massive. Look at all of these people. He spent i love you, too. Look at this. I love you. These people. [ cheers ] donald trump is talking about fourth place and about almost 40 million spent. Hes talking about former governor jeb bush. Is he he is implying with what they is saying, certainly, money does not necessarily correlate to victory in New Hampshire. Governor bush, for example, spending a staggering 1,200 per vote. Were just going to do it this way. Keeps it simple for me. 1,200 per vote for a fourthplace finish. Marco rubio spent 508 per vote for his fifth place finish. John kasich claimed second place. He spent 250 per vote. Now, you see that little that little number down there . 40 a vote . Well, that was donald trump. Ted cruz spent the leez, thouas though, won on the economy. 18 per vote. That isnt bad. Joining us now, executive eder for the Weekly Standard fred barnes. Cohost of the five contributor to the hill, juan williams. Thank you both for being with us. This is a victory on the part of trump, one that i just i have never seen anything like it. He won all thats what i was going to say to you. Stunning is if you look at the exit polls, its across all categories. Its not only that he outdoes everyone in termses of angry voters, people who want outsiders, lou, he wants people who are selfidentified as conservatives. Height. Hardline conservatives. Ideologically speaking conservatives. Also won among people ideologically designated conservative to moderate. I dont know what category he didnt win. Yeah. Fred, i cant recall seeing a a dominant performance like this in terms of all of walks of life, that a candidate is attracted. Can you . Well, there hasnt been one since Ronald Reagan and thats been a while. You know, trumps 20point margin over the second place finisher in New Hampshire, john kasich, was the biggest since Ronald Reagan won the New Hampshire primary in 1980. Its really a astonishing. Trump was criticized after iowa because people said the polls were actually better than he actually did, in in the vote. Well, the opposite was true in New Hampshire. He did better than the polls, which shows that somehow the pollsters in New Hampshire didnt reach all the trump people. An extraordinary performance and i think the path ahead for him starting in South Carolina looks pretty good for the next several weeks. Lets turn to South Carolina here. Whos going to be his main competition, do you think . Is it going to be cruz . Hes running second in the polls down there. We reported, by the way, that trump doesnt favor increasing the military budget. Even though he talks about a stronger, better military. How do you think thats all going to play . Well, i think its happening already. Today weve seen ads from the Cruz Campaign aiming at trump, and trump aiming back at cruz. So clearly, theres an intersigned sort of warfare among the outsiders for that lane. Now, do i think there are people in the establishment lane, lou . Obviously, rubio hopes to regain some of his momentum, but hes going to have to hes going to have to show something, because i think he got hurt badly in New Hampshire. Its a hard thing to judge. Isnt it . It obviously stopped hits, what i call it momentum. Momentum in New Hampshire. Disappointing finish. Can he really reset . Can kasich actually take advantage of what he did in a very different state, New Hampshire, and make it work in a far more diverse in every way state like South Carolina . I dont really think so. I mean, kasich did really wale in New Hampshire. No we ash that. So many of the late deciders went for him, because he was very appealing in that debate last saturday night. No question about it. I think all of New Hampshire must have watched that debate. At least it seemed that way to me. I agree. But, look, kasich doesnt have a national campaign. He doesnt have much on the ground in South Carolina. He has less money, i think, than the other candidates. So hell have enough to get his message out and he just looks like a onehit wonder. Weve gone through candidates like this before in New Hampshire, and if they dont have the strength and the organization and the money and the support to follow up New Hampshire, then their campaign fizzles. I got a kick out of are donald trump in his victory remarks last night saying that he and his campaign figured out this thing in about a week, fortunate for him, they did. Thank you both for being here. Appreciate it. Fred barnes, juan williams. Good to see you. A federal judge has finally had a belly full of the u. S. State department dragging its feet and stonewalling his orders. Now hes ordered all the remaining Clinton Emails to be releas released. What will the Obama State Department do now . Department do now . We take it when you go the extra mile to help Business Owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo unh. [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh [ backup beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business now, thats progressive. With toothpaste or plain water. An their dentures and even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. Thats why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. But i only had a salad. It was a buffalo chicken salad. Salad. Lots of vitamins a c, and, only 50 calories a serving. Good morning, indeed. V8. Veggies for all. Youre down with crestor. Alright now theres a way you can get crestor for 3. Adding crestor, along with diet, lowers bad cholesterol. Crestor is not for people with liver disease, or women who are nursing,pregnant, or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor all medicines you take. Call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness; feel unusually tired; have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of serious side effects. Ask for the crestor 3 card. Ask your doctor about crestor. Joining us tonight congressman jim cordon. In addition to sitting on the House Oversight committee, he serves on the Judiciary Committee and is chairman of the freedom caucus. Congressm congressman, your thoughts on the judges order from the state department to release the rest of those emails by the end of this month . I always point out, remember what happens on the front end. She got to decide on the front end that half of the emails that she had in this amazing email arrangement she set out, her personal system, she got to decide on the front end about 30,000 were personal. Got to get rid of those, her and her legal team and then 30,000 come to the state department and they further screen them before released to we the taxpayers. Specifically im on the Benghazi Committee and specifically the ones that come to that committee dealing with libya. Got to screen them once. Now screening again. Its about time we get them all. I appreciate what the judge is doing. The judge, at this point, do you think, is this his final, final order on this issue or do you think the state department has the the hubris to define . Well i dont think they have that. I mean, its been drug out so long. People are so us from crafrustr. Its about time. I appreciate the judge and particularly those filing the petition, we appreciate their efforts as well. Absolutely, referring to Judicial Watch and other organizations that have done an amazing job, an important and value about job for the public interests. Right. As we look at this, the state department is still playing, it seems, or at least i guess i could, if i wanted to say it, quaintly, it could be inferred that they have a political interest in working on the side of Hillary Clinton rather than the American People here, or certainly in cooperating with congress or even a federal judge . One of the questions weve raised in our inquiries is, how is this search done . What are the date parameters . What are the search terms . I remember i was talking specifically that information, the emails they get, the ones that then come to us that deal with libya. Search terms, who are the people making the decisions, the people at the front end, at the state . The kind of things wed like to know. Again, its about time. Get them to us and lets get on with the investigations that need to happen. And, of course, it raises questions about how the state department itself now is an institution, operating and what is the character of the bureaucracy and those bureaucrats who, the professional staff, if you will, who lead the near, the near east desk, who operate the ambassador service, the Foreign Service . What in the world is going on there . Is that and congressman ch e chafies says hes going to investigate. If the committee ever had a role this is it and now we hear that the speaker doesnt want that to go forward . Well, but, look, we did have a hearing today. This is changing agencies but the same issue. We had the Internal Revenue service in front of our committee today and we asked them, how is it possible that with three preservation orders in place, one from the president himself, two in place and two subpoenas in place that the Internal Revenue service could destroy 422 backup tapes containing 24,000 emails, relevant to the lowest learner irs targeting investigation . Is oversight going to do something about it . Is it going to get into it . Will speaker ryan permit it . Well, what we want to do, and chairman chafies and i and a number of others sponsored legislation that says john cko s staconstanin needs to go. Why dont we get rid of those who dont have anything to do with the law or constitution . Every time im back home from constituents what are we doing to hold people accountable . Start with someone with the visibility of the commissioner of the Internal Revenue service, destroyed documents relative to a criminal investigation, start with him, and have an impeachment proceeding move against him. That will send a message, we are not going to tolerate this and move to other people who deserve to be held accountable and who deserve that kind of response as well, but start there. Do you really think the American People congressman, ive got the greatest respect for you. Do you really think the United States people should be asked to be patient further, that our congress isnt acting the oversight reform isnt moving in against the state department, against the irs, every one of these damned departments, that are not acting like theyre any part of the federal government . No, im not saying that. Im saying, look, we should do our job. Youre exactly right. He should hold people accountable who did things wrong. Held in account. Im saying the most visible and the one that needs to happen right away, this impeachment of john consstanin. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Up next, a few t if youthen youll know howouth, uncomfortable it can be. But did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . Well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. A few thoughts about a billionaire populist and a socialist democrat. Donald trump with his impressive victory in New Hampshire won more than twice as many votes as the runnerup governor kasich. Trump had nearly three times the votes of senator cruz who finished third. Trumps dominance in the Granite State extended across all major voting blocks and all demographics. Men, women, young and old, minorities, independents, conservatives, all income level, trump won. He split the vote with john kasich among voters who decided in the last few days on their vote. The win added ten delegates to trumps totals delegates which now stands at 17. He is the frontrunner in the delegate count as well now. On the democratic side, Bernie Sanders dominant in his win over Hillary Clinton. The socialist senator topped clinton in nearly every voting block and nearly every demographic category except for two. Voters over the age of 65, and those making over 200,000 went for clinton. Slightly older, a little wealthier. So we have a billionaire populist and a democratic socialist tearing up conventional wisdom. Theyre stupefying is a gaseous analysts and moving the nation to take note that partisan politics this year is actually working, as our Founding Fathers intended. Democratic and republican candidates are talking about real issues that matter to most americans. Issues that had not been debated seriously by president ial candidates in almost three decades. The third rail of Social Security entitlement, for that matter, what candidate would ever before have insisted on debating socialism versus capitalism . Confronting Corporate Power on the issues of outsourcing of jobs, offshoring manufacturing plants and factories . The loudest and most direct voices on all of these issues just happen to belong to the two candidates who won in New Hampshire. Both have excited their supporters and animated voters who were expecting far less of them, and therapy putting fear in the hearts of those in the establishment who assumed that imperceptible wage increases over 30 years for many americans, a stagnant, stubborn economy and a middle class living with frustration and fear and now dwindling, could all be ignored for another decade. That the new normal would be tolerated by americans in perpetuity. Not so. Not until we see whether the establishment will succeed in killing the candidacies of the two leading disrupters, sanders and trump. Onward to South Carolina. Now, a quotation of the evening on disrupters and disruption from naomi wolff. She said, the First Amendment was designed to allow for disruption of business as usual. It is not a quiet and subdued amendment or right, and it is a wonderful thing to hear the quiet broken on the campaign trail. Free speech is exactly what americans have always expected of our leaders, and it appears now we have a chance of realizing that expectation through the campaign of 2016. Were coming right back. Up next the gloves off in South Carolina. Donald trump, ted cruz, airing staini scathing attacks against each other. Stay with us. You get a cold. You cant breathe through your nose. Suddenly, youre a mouthbreather. A mouthbreather how can anyone sleep like that . Well, just put on a breathe right strip and pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. So you can breathe and sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right youre all set to book a flight using your Airline Credit card miles. And surprise those seats sometimes cost a ridiculous number of miles, making it really hard to book the flight you want. Luckily, theres a better way. With the capital one venture card. With venture, youll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. And when youre ready to travel, just book the flight you want, on any airline, then use your miles to cover the cost. Now youre getting somewhere. Whats in your wallet . Thanks. [ male announcer ] fedex® has solutions to enable Global Commerce that can help your company grow steadily and quickly. Great job. mandarin cut it out. See you tomorrow. Donald trump launching a new attack ad against ted cruz, ahead of the South Carolina primary. What kind of man talks from both sides of his mouth on amnesty for illegals, on national television, and still denies it . Who took more than 1 million in sweetheart loans from wall street banks and fails to disclose which is required by law. Ted cruz. The worst kind of washington insider who just cant be trusted. Well, joinings now, the blaze tv news anchor amy holmes, editor of the National Review, Fox News Contributor rich lowry. Good to have you with us. I happen to think that narrator had one of most interesting voices, i dont know about you. Your reaction to that . Surprise or delight in it . Any delight in it . Well, not a surprise, because ted cruz is vulnerable on the charge of flipflopping on immigration. Its not the flip or the flop per se. We know certainly that donald trump has had his this is the first candidate ive heard of flipflopping in this primary. That never happens. Never happens. Only ted cruz. Where hes vulnerable, the subject matter. Immigration, and marco rubio as well. Its interesting to hear, talking about the worst kind of washington insider, as if we can theres a gradation of washington insiders that are acceptable to that fascinating narrators voice. There are worst kind of washington insiders. Ted cruz has been there for four years, she a senator. By definition, a kind of washington insider but does want to blow the place up. So im not too routinely. Yeah. So this is so against cruzs brand, im not sure its effective, but theres a Political School of thought. Hit someone at his point of strength and thats what this ad tries to do. But have it come from rubio, you know, heres another firstterm senator. A washington insider. Sort of creates its a bizarre construction for me. Is that what youre suggesting . Well, look, trump compared to cruz, trump is a washington outsider. The politicians that trump has bought off tend to be more local that can help with his crony construction projects. So hes not a political outsider ith but hes at least a washington outsider. To come to his wedding. Remember that . He has to buy his friends . A. Tough race . Apparently he owned her at one point. Yes. It seems, i dont know if you agree with me, rich, the ultimate consequence of marco rubio and ted cruz getting into this immigration fight it actually it benefits donald trump neutralizing attacks against each other, kicking up so much dirt its hard to know which is more of the flipflopper. Strategic mistake. Squabbling over second and third, fourth place, but if donald trump keeps winning it doesnt matter whos in second, third or fourth place. Unless you take him down probably here in South Carolina, its going to be very hard to stop. Youre thinking medieval editions of publications . Weve done our part. Its time for everyone else to chip in. Reviewed everything they could at this thing. Its quite a spep tictacle. Republican elites meeting, quote unquote, quotes around republican elites, to try to figure what to do with donald trump, no the one of them apparently with an idea. Its kind of staggering to think that these people are doing this, because it is precisely the kind of prod that you would not want. But the American People maimi im donald trump popular with constituency. The time you throw truth or mud on him he goes ants im n. Im not sure about that. Maybe skipping the debate, organizational exercise. That wasnt because ted cruz stole a lot of the okay, that, and ted cruz stole the caucuses, caveats here. Thats right. It may be people actually attacking him and it didnt happen in New Hampshire. Cruz has effective ads against trump going at his populist appeal the way he tried to take this poor womans house for a limo parking lot at one of his casinos, and thats, i think if youre really going to dent trump, thats what you have to try to do. Sort of interesting. Youre going to have the jeb, the spectacle of jeb bush, a monied scion of a vastly powerful political family in this country, going after donald trump for being what . Successful . I mean is that what were saying here . Hes tried a lot of different tactics, attacking donald trump for not being sufficiently conservative or conservative at all. By the way, i dont know theres a great claim here to be had for donald trump being conservative. There isnt. Doesnt make it for himself. Apparently, for the conservatives, disappointed debate. Zero case for him being conservative. Right. But a lot of his voters apparently dont care. They love his populism, and kind of its existed in this country for centuries, it will have some appeal. You need to dent him on the populism. A guy that hasnt cared about the little guy. A scam university. Eminent domain, buying off politicians, going bankrupt and not caring about his obligations to banks and contractor, and the rest of it. Thats the case you have to try to make. Paint him as a music man and after all the music man was a phony. I liked the music man. Its a great musical. And might be winning right now. Thank you very much. Amy holmes, rich lowry, thank you both for being here. Senator marco rubio sharpen being his attacks against donald trump today in South Carolina. Rubio going after the republican frontrunners use of crude language at a recent campaign event. One of the other people running for president at a rally said a word that was bleeped out. They wanted to know, what was the word . What did he say . I said, i cant tell you. So i cant tell you. I never want to be a candidate that does anything like that. If your president is someone who says or does things you would punish your kids for saying or doing that is not a good sign. Those remarks, comments, new reports saying the republican establishment is having doubts about backing rubio or any of the other candidates, but rubios fifthplace finish in New Hampshire raising more doubts than some. Join ug tonight, author, columnist, Fox News Contributor, jedidiah, and ron meyer. Good to have you with us. Jedidiah, i was sort of taken by the senators obvious difficulty in even thinking about the word trump uttered. Are we witnessing just massive hypocrisy in this country jp listen to what was said in the rose bowl halftime that 7yearolds were listening to and watching. Think about what is happening in our Popular Culture and im not saying its right. Im just saying that its not a departure from what is the norm . Right. I mean, rubio is showing himself to be politically correct, and i think if you watched the last debate youll also see what ive been saying for a very long time which is hes overly rehearsed. Hes a very effective communicator but starting to sound like a guy who has someone writing for him. When he has to go off script he lands in trouble and now is picking on the guy who goes off script a lot and sometimes says crazy things and sometimes craft things and thats what people love. What people love about him, though. So marco, you shouldnt be picking on him for that. Recognize that there is a trend in society, and that trend likes what sounds real. Sometimes its a little vulgar and upsets people, but so what . You know, the more i think about it, ron, i think, you know, when we heard that jim webb was not going to run today, yet an announcement to say he wasnt going to do what no one expected him to do. Very few people did, but jim webb, who is a wonderful Public Servant and a, a terrific senator. He served his country with distinction, a decorated vietnam veteran, but he is one of the most hes not afraid to bore an audience to tears, if i may say, and ive really decided, i dont think i have to put up with boring politicians. I dont know about you. But im a little i now im offended by boring people. How about you . You should be offended by boring people, but i think what senator rubio is saying is that we need authentic politicians and authenticity is a good thing. When senator rubio goes offscript its great. The problem with jedidiah, overly scripted. Terrible. Speaking off the cuff, great. What needs to get back to. I dont think the ad hurts him. Gets him back in the news. His attacks against dnd landonap landed him in the news. Thats why he didap algorithm. Going after the guy that won every category and demographic in New Hampshire they know hes got the broadest base and deepest support and thats got the republican establishment scared to death well, with the republicans establishment, if it was actually, actually had any thinking behind what they were doing they would tell jeb and kasich to drop out. Theyd go to rubio and tied with donald trump in New Hampshire. Jeb and kasich have no path forward. How are they going to win i love the way you did that that subtraction to get to a, to an addition it the vote total. Show me a kasich supporter or jeb supporter that will vote for either trump or cruz . I doubt it. Thats what im saying. If theyre strategic theyd tell the candidates kasich and jeb, how are they going to win in the southern primaries on march 1st . They have no future in this race. I think you have to play the youre extraordinary insight here, but i do think that we get surprises from time to time whether it be in iowa or in New Hampshire. Yep. Lets turn to which of these is going to be the prevailing establishment candidate. Will it be rubio, as ron is obviously pleading . It has to be rubio because i think jeb bush is a sinking ship. Every time he opens his mouth its a greater disaster. I think it probably will be rubio but i dont think rubio will be able to catch donald trump. I really dont. And i think you hit the nail on the head when you talked about boring politicians. Everyone makes the assumption you have to be boring to be effective. Somehow boring is president ial. I remind you of Ronald Reagan. Ronald reagan was an actor. He was compelling, convincing, he was real. He laughed at himself and he made lots of inappropriate jokes and was a lovable guy because of it. You do not have to be boring to get elected. You have to be telling, this is a Digital Media era, television era, make your case and make it well. Honestly, before the last debate im not sure anyone ever called marco rubio boring. I did. Listen i did. You know how theyre going to vote, you know what they say. Im impressed, ron. Heres the thing with rubio. Highs the only person that actually has appeal with millennials. Look at the polls. He actually ties with Hillary Clinton among millennials. The group that doesnt vote, you mean . The group that actually actually, lou you know the millennials will be the Largest Group. I know what they are. Effective and people are eligible to vote. They dont vote. The Largest Group eligible to vote and are going to be more voters millennials this year than anytime before. Theyre an important demographic, but heres the thing, hes also doing better against Hillary Clinton than any other candidate running. Oh, man, ron. Rons getting close. Youre getting close. Getting close, partner. Trump is doing very, very close. All im trying to say. Just kidding, ron. Im kidding. Lets and in the general election. Ill run. Do everyone a favor. Im here. Here for america. Thank you, both. Ron, appreciate. Jedidiah, good to see you. Up next, ambassador john bolton will join me and an elephant causing panic in the streets of india. Incredible video of the elephants hours long rampage. There he is rampaging. Well be right back with the incredible video. Stay with us. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. May not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call us or your advisor t. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. All across the state the economy is growing,arts today. With creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in the hudson valley, with world class biotech. And on long island, where great universities are creating next generation technologies. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow, today at business. Ny. Gov secretary of state john kerry and his russian counter part today announcing the diplomats agreed on a ceasefire in syria. Syrias main Opposition Group announcing they welcome the plan. Kerry saying the objective is to implement the ceasefire in a weeks time. However, the cessation of hostilities will not apply to the Islamic State or the Islamic Extremist Group easy nusra front. That announcement comes as the syrian army backed by russian air strikes have been decimating the Northern City of aleppo. Joining us tonight to assess what all of this means and the much more, former u. S. Ambassador to the united nations, American Enterprise Institute Senior fellow john bolton, also Fox News Contributor. John good to have you here. What is your take on first this ceasefire . Well, if i thought it would really allow the alleviation of humanitarian disaster we see in aleppo id be more encouraged by it, but the context is that Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov proposed within the past couple of days the ceasefire that would take effect on march the 1st. John kerry responded by saying, lets have an immediate ceasefire. Obviously a compromise. The problem is by putting it off for a week, the likely outcome in the near term is that the fighting will actually intensify. And by the time we get to the target date, im not at all sure they can carry through. And youre also quite right to say the ceasefire is actually fairly limited between the assad regime and the socalled moderate opposition. You know, we have to speculate what the russians may have had in mind. Maybe simply to deploy the Regime Forces elsewhere, hold the rebels in check with the ceasefire and move against isis. Lets turn to, if we may, then, iran. Also playing a role, and that is, today mocking our sailors. Actually what would you call it . A mock of the boats and our sailors obviously iranians dressed at american sailors with their hands over their heads. This is really unrelenting. Isnt it . And what does it suggest to you . Is this just iran playing or is the point here to just rob Barack Obamas nose in it . Well, i think its a combination. Certainly i think thats an element of it. They have contempt for us. Theyre demonstrating it. Theyre demonstrating that theyve bested us in the negotiations. Its good for internal propaganda purposes but it shows the mood of the regime. Theyre on track. They dont feel deterred in their effort to get a deliverable nuclear weapon. Theres question with thiss recent north korean launch, whether they were involved in that. Its more bad news, no doubt about it. Quickly, 30 seconds, turn to the state department which is now under orders to deliver the rest of the Clinton Emails. We learn about the inspector generals subpoena at the clinton foundation. Your reaction . You know, i dont have words to describe how blatant Hillary Clintons violation of elementary state department rules really is. I just think if anybody else had tried to do it, number one it bo have been leaked to the Washington Post and New York Times and two, we wouldnt be hearing about ongoing investigation. Wed be hearing about prosecution. It really is something for congress to get into. You just had jim jones on before. Theres an awful lot of work to do in congress. Yeah. And its an appropriate role for that committee. As you know, Speaker Boehner Speaker Boehner . Speaker paul ryan. And the chairman of the committee, jason chaffetz, loggerheads whether to go forward in those kinds of impasses the speaker usually wins. Ambassador, great to have you here. Thanks so much. Thank you, lou. John bolton. Scary footage capturing the moment that a Wild Elephant went on a rampage. This elephant was frightened. It strayed into an east indian town after wandering from a nearby forest. The elephant, as you see there, well, doing a lot of damage. It moved around for several hours, destroyed parked cars. Rather over motor bikes. Dozens of homes and were told it took four tranquilizer darts to knock him out before authorities could use a truck and crane to lift him and then to transport him home. No one was hurt. The elephant later released back into the wild. Up next, Bernie Sanders having the best week ever. Eviscerating Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire playing basketball. Wait a minute. Watch this. Now, were going to do a count. How many times have you actually seen president obama swish . Guess what xwlts going . Its going to be interesting and coming right back including the rest of us. Next, you dont want to miss them, ever. I think it landed last tuesday. One second its there. Then, woosh, its gone. I swear i saw it swallow seven people. Seven. I just wish one of those people could have been mrs. Johnson. [dog bark] trust me, were dealing with a higher intelligence here. The allnew audi q7 is here. Spending the day with my niece. That make me smile. I dont use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Even well fitting dentures let in food particles. Just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so youre more comfortable and confident while you eat. So its not about keeping my dentures in, its about keeping the food particles out. Try super poligrip free. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. 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You chipped my birdbath now youre gonna pay not so fast i cover more than just cars and trucks. Action flo did somebody say insurance . Children flo action flo cut can i get a smoothie, please . Ooh they got smoothies . For me. Ted cruz continuing his attacks on trump, in a new campaign ad. Cruzs ad features kids. There you see trump actually its an action doll. The kids, theres one of them, allegedly pretending to be, were told reliably, a republican. I gave money to pelosi, reid and anthony wiener. [ laughter ] hey, hillary, ill give you money to be my friend. Let go of my house, mr. Trump. Thats a lousy house. Im going to take your house and imner em mea Eminent Domain and park my limo there. Eminent domain trump, 35 . Cruz, 12 . Now when things get this outrageous we always turn to the cohost of red eye andy levy and correspondent for the greg gutfeld show, joanne nosuchinsky. I thought that was despicable, horrible and deserty, dirty, dirty politics. What do you think . Oh, definitely, but excellent performances by those child actors yes. Seriously. The names and words they had to say. And memorize . Im sure they were probably fed lines but they did a great job. I thought it was very entertaining. And do you think that there should be a state or federal agency called by the Trump Campaign to talk about the abuse of children . Well, i think i agree with you on this, lou, as you always know. How dare he attack the frontrunner . Exactly. I just think i learned from this whole, when National Review put out her issue. A lot of people were mad. The medieval. And now ted cruz is doing i p. I think its a shame. We should be looking at jail time. That doll likes like a hybrid between ted cruz and donald trump. If you were a child you would confuse that dod for either candidate. The last thing you want is confusion over dolls at this day in age. Easiest, trump is the one who tried toic ta the old ladys property so he could build a, paing lot for limousines nor his casino. But who actually relented and is i understand relengthed . Yes. He was told to back off. By the court. Yes. And she finally had to take a half million, much less Charles Manson relented from killing people, since he oh if he were running, we would be more interested in talking about it with you. Pop culture savant. Savant. Lets turn to sanders and basketball, because this is this is historic stuff. If we could show the senator on the court. Here he goes. Thats one. Thats another. You know, it would be nice if we could see there you go. Take my word for those first two. Look at this man. Hes a machine unbelievable. And you thought rubio was a robot. I beg your pardon . You took that wonderful athletic performance and sullied it with how dare you . How dare you take my First Talking point . And use it no, no. I know a lot about sports, as we all know, and i think we call that a sweet spot. Oh, yeah. Thats like New Hampshire for bernie. A speet spot. Sweet spot. In the zone as we say in sports. Were you impressed . Bernie was on his elementary Basketball Team that won the Brooklyn Borough championship. So this is probably not unexpected. Also captain of his track team and took third place in the new york indoor mile race u. Know, i can vaguely i get vaguely competitive and feel i have to brag. I was a third grade hall monitor myself. Really . I never would have guessed that, lou. Yes. That was the end of it. Oh, man. Oscar swag . Whoa. 200,000 for folks getting a little bag at the oscars . That seems a little generous . Yeah, but you know, thats like the estimated value of these things. I mean, if you tried to sell it you probably couldnt really get that amount. Not the precision you would normally associate with this broadcast . Especially, yeah, with the oscars, too, they like to be precise. But all of this boycotting, boycott the bag. Give all of that to charity. I wonder if that 200,000 worth of swag will influence some to break the boycott . Lou, i lived in los angeles ten years and was a publicist for the 69th academy awards. I understand what i understand hall monitor. I understand what the two of you do not. Every single thing in these bags is a necessity. Like what . Every single thing. The vampire breast lift. The walking breast lift . Breast lift. The walking tour of japan. Do you know how hardly oh dicaprio had to work on the revenant . He needs a talking tour of japan, lou. Im sure thats the first thing he want to do. You know this is great for the actors and directors, for their assistants if theyre the ones that get it. Thats terrific. And lets turn to the pc police out once again. Is it time for pc police to turn in there badges and weaponry . Talking a the san diego thing . Yes. I should have i forgot to mention, the Founding Fathers, not to be referred to as fathers. I think our founding parents would have understood what was going on here but i actually thought i thought this was like a computer error. Someone says, better an gender biased language, instead of looking at ap example, the computer founded Founding Fathers. I ran out of time. Thanks for being with us and join us tomorrow. Join us tomorrow. Good night from ne for time lifes music collection. soft music narrator these are songs that can relax and soothe you. ray conniff somewhere my love there will be songs to sing narrator songs that make you feel good. Frankie Valli youre just too good to be true cant take my eyes off of you youd be like heaven to touch narrator songs that take you to wonderful places. the 5th dimension upup and away in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon

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