State engaged in a pay to play scheme with foreign donors to the clinton foundation. Their strategy seems to be to ignore the attack and attack the messenger. Well discuss clintons talking points memo with republican strategist ed rollins. If you tried to contact the irs with a question about your taxes, you may have been disappointed, as have been millions of americans, and that was exactly the intention of the agencys leaders. We will tell you what the Embattled Agency prioritized above service to the public. Our next guest says its clear iran is getting close to a deal that will not dismantle any Nuclear Facilities or infrastructure in iran. Joining us tonight senator david vitter member of the Armed Services and Judiciary Committees. Senator, good to have you with us. Great to be with you, lou. Lets begin if we may with first the ships of ours led by the uss roosevelt moving into those waters off yemen to ostensibly to interdict any weapons that might have been offloaded from an iranian convoy. What do you make of it . Well, i dont know. The problem is as you said in the leadup to this discussion, there are very mixed messages from the administration. Theyre not being clear in my opinion, at all, number one. Number two, they are very good at drawing lines in the sand and then after somebody crosses the line doing nothing about it. I hope we dont live through that sort of episode again with regard to sending ships and it really Means Nothing in the end to the iranians. Is there, in your view, considerable doubt that the president would do what is required to stop weapons being shipped to the houthis in favor of negotiation i think theres a lot of doubt in everybodys mind, in my mind, but more importantly in the iranians mind. I think by their actions they clearly are almost thumbing their nose at the president because they clearly dont think hes going to stand up in any meaningful way. What do you make of the president s choice of saying variously and often contradictory what the breakout time is for iran to move from uranium enrichment to actually having the bomb anywhere from two to three months to 12 months and it appears the variance was often controlled and driven by the necessity in the president s mind to support whatever view hes proposing at that moment. The goal line has been moving constantly in these negotiations and its been, you know, our general goals in terms of this whole negotiation has been lowered and lowered and lowered and lowered. So its really part of that. Loretta lynch turning to the attorney general nominee of this president , tomorrow as you are well aware, there will be a full senate vote. You opposed her in judiciary. I would suspect you will continue to do so. Yes. There seems to be a very clear move on the part of the leadership, Republican Leadership to drive her nomination through. Is that an incorrect perception . Well, theyre not advocating specifically for it but theyre certainly making it happen and the vote will happen tomorrow. I think its important that we have never revisited the action by which harry reid lowered the cloture threshold in situations like this from 60 to a simple majority so that alone is going to virtually ensure that she passes and is confirmed. Thats disappointing to me specifically on the issue of executive amnesty because she has been very clear that she will be a major force if confirmed to help justify what i think is a clearly illegal action going beyond the president s Proper Authority in terms of his amnesty actions last november. His amnesty actions his executive actions, are said to be ramped up, if one can imagine. You have been opposed to his executive fiat, if you can style it that way. Are the federal courts really the only, only obstacle between this president and his fiats and what would be an even more imperial, imperious presidency . Unfortunately, thats the only thing where we maybe have a chance right now. We did get a good early decision from the Federal District court in texas. Thats being appealed to the u. S. Fifth circuit. Those arguments were just held a couple of days ago. I think this issue will go to the u. S. Supreme court. I certainly hope that courts along the way at least leave the stay in place so that president obama cant execute all this, cant get all this done in the time that it takes the Supreme Court to decide the matter and make all that moot. Senator vitter we thank you for being with us. Thank you lou, very much. Senator david vitter. The Obama Justice department once again under fire for its refusal to pursue charges against an alleged chinese spy who was once employed by a state department contractor. He worked as a translator for the office of Language Services from june of 2010 through february of 2014, according to newly unsealed federal court documents. The fbi investigated her contact with individuals she knew to be chinese intelligence officers. She was allegedly paid thousands of dollars to provide information on americans and u. S. Government employees, but the state department is not giving out any more details. I think we already got back to you with this and im happy to repeat it that she was employed as a contract interpreter until february of 2014, is not employed here anymore so for any additional questions on this i would refer you to the fbi. The fbi is referring us to state. Im referring you back to them. My my, my. The Justice Department declining to prosecute. The state department declines to even comment. There we are. Transparency abounds in the obama administration. Stay with us. Coming up the clinton cash memo exposed. Ed rollins joins us to dissect the political strategy employed by the Clinton Campaign. Part guinness book of records and part just plain hollywood. Thieves hitting the epicenter of londons jewelry trade and they abscond with 300 million. House republicans today lashed out at the Internal Revenue service for what they say are misguided priorities that put taxpayers at the bottom of their list. According to a new report by the house ways and Means Committee the irs has refused to prioritize, if you will, service to the public, and instead focuses on implementing obamacare, doling out worker bonuses at the irs and of course, conducting their union activities. But the commissioner of the irs today insisted the only way to improve the irs is to bring in more money. Customer service was on the phone has been far worse than anyone would want. Its simply a matter of not having enough people to answer the phones and provide service at our walkin sites as a result of cuts to our budget. Well the irs phone system hung up on more than eight Million People calling about their taxes this filing season. Only eight million of us turned away by the irs. Turning to politics now, Hillary Clintons campaign issued a memo with instructions on how to fight allegations about a pay for play operation at the clinton foundation. Those charges outlined in the clinton cash book. According to clintons press secretary, clintons surrogates should fight back by saying the book was by a Koch Brothers foundation. Theres no advice how to fight charges within the book, including charges bill clinton raked in his highest speaking fees while hillary was secretary of state. More bad news for the hillary campaign. This time she might blame president obama. The select committee on benghazi today announced the release of the highly anticipated report will be delayed until mid next year. Just months before the election. House Speaker Boehner today blamed the white house for not cooperating with congressman gowdys committee. Clinton will decline to make herself available for a private interview as the committee had requested. While claiming she is willing to testify publicly. Joining us now, former Reagan White House political director fox news political analyst ed rollins. Ed, this attack response memo by the Clinton Campaign, pretty clumsy stuff, isnt it . They have had a lot of practice responding to attacks over the last 35 years and the premise is always to attack whatever the report is. The reality is these are questions that are serious questions. They ought to stand up and have full transparency which they wont and explain why the former president got half a Million Dollars from these groups that obviously wanted something out of the state department when she was the secretary. They should do that. They wont do that. Half a million doesnt seem exorbitant for a speaking fee for a former president. You would be surprised how quickly it adds up. Pretty soon it becomes real money. I mean, the idea that anyone would put a half a Million Dollars on the table to listen to a former president you know, there are people im sure who would say they wouldnt give five cents for a sitting president. Hes a charming man and you could probably get a picture with him, too. I have to say, if anybody is worth half a Million Dollars to give a speech i would say its president clinton. Hes the best i ever heard. He is by far. Thats not the question. The question is what were these people anticipating when they paid these enormous fees. It wasnt just to get a speech. Obviously she was in a very Important Role and what i can never understand, if youre going to run for president which obviously she has been planning for a long period of time, why dont you put all distractions aside and have the strategy that basically says were not going to do those kind of things that bring jeopardy to my campaign. Apparently the Clinton Campaign is trying to coordinate with sitting lawmakers, capitol hill allies a group of top clinton advisors led by john podesta working with house and senate folks. This is quite a little organization. Not to be surprised by it. Its impressive doing this level of coordination this early. I think what they have discovered very quickly is president obama Whose Organization ran two very successful campaigns did not leave much behind. They didnt put in the Democratic National committee. They sort of took it themselves, went in the private sector with much of it. You really have to create a whole campaign. Obviously she has to be very careful to make sure shes not running against the president and she has to be very careful that shes not running for the third term because if shes running for the third term she basically will have to live with the liabilities of this president. What do you think of the Koch Brothers throwing their support early on holding a cattle call if you will, for scott walker, jeb bush ted cruz, rand paul and marco rubio. Isnt that a little unseemly and a little little thoughtless for an outfit i personally would prefer them not to. They have been very generous to the party in the past and they will be again im sure. But for them to sort of be the prescreening element here, we have some very fine governors that arent included in that list. The governor thats been governor of texas for a long time is excluded. My sense, let voters have a shot at this and see who they choose and the brothers are more than welcome to contribute. The democrats right now are divided. President obama wants the Transpacific Partnership free trade treaty, socalled, which its critics say will simply expand the level of immigration into this country at a time in which we have an acute jobless problem. The democrats many of the democrats, Senate Democrats are fighting him. Theres a divide in the party led by as well elizabeth warren, and the republicans are going on pushing Fast Track Trade Authority on a president they say isnt qualified to lead the nation but they want him to have that so they can put together this chamber of Commerce Business roundtable deal. I think its a big mistake. I think at the end of the day if the democrats dont want this, its their partys their president thats pushing it forward. Boehner ought to say put 100 votes on the board and well see what well do but not be the lead on it. I think we are the lead at this point in time. I dont think its going to be successful at the end of the day no matter what i think theres too many conflicts. I think theres a critical question with the jobs situation and none of these trade deals have necessarily worked well in the past. Theres a record of 40 years of consecutive trade deficits. One thing we do know is free trade is practiced by the United States is not fair trade and its mindboggling. I dont like the idea of anything being fast tracked. I think if you have merits on a trade policy with japan or somewhere else, put it up let the Congress Vote on it move forward. Think about this. In court talking about abuse of executive power by this president at the same time for the purpose of this free trade treaty, the tpp, they want to confer congressional power upon the president through a vote. I mean, its mindboggling the position republicans are putting themselves in going into the 2016 elections. Couldnt agree with you more. The president fast tracked this iranian deal and obviously its a bad deal. At this point im all for slowing everything down looking at it carefully. They say obamas trying to run out the clock. Some folks ought to be helping him. I agree. Thanks so much. Appreciate it. Ed rollins. A case of life imitating art in london. Police investigating a robbery plot. It was ripped straight from the movie oceans 13. The burglars broke into a safe Deposit Center used a heavy duty drill, bored this massive hole into the vault the hole measuring 35 inches wide 20 inches deep, allowing the crooks to make off with, are you ready over 300 million in jewelry. Thats a lot of drilling. The burglars are still at large. The police are calling it the biggest robbery in londons history. I think its most likely the biggest in world history. Well find out over the next few days, im sure. Up next, president obama likes to talk about red lines. Today he may have crossed one with the American People. People ship all kinds of things. But what if that thing is a few hundred thousand doses of flu vaccine. That need to be kept at 41 degrees. While being shipped to a country where its 90 degrees. In the shade. Sound hard . Yeah. Does that mean people in laos shouldnt get their vaccine . We didnt think so. From figuring it out to getting it done, were here to help. You total your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do, drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. A few comments now on the uss Theodore Roosevelt and its escort ships following an iranian convoy. For a time it appeared their mission was straightforward but with this administration, that is in all fairness seldom the case. The Administration First told us the roosevelt and other ships had been ordered to stop those iranian vessels from delivering weapons and supplies to the Houthi Rebels in yemen. There have been so many conflicts and so many contradictions in the obama Foreign Policy that i believe most people thought it entirely believable that mr. Obama would have his secretary of state in vienna carrying out what appears to be a giveaway negotiation with iran on its Nuclear Weapons program and at the same time, have american ships and aircraft ready to fire missiles into the decks of iranian ships trying to deliver weapons to the houthis in the port city of aden. Now, now the state Department Says our ships and fighter jets there are there simply to keep the shipping lanes open. Thats right. The effect of such a mission would be to assure the iranians that the United States will tolerate no interference with nor any interdictions of their ships or cargo bound for yemen so the effect of the newly announced mission is 180 degrees opposite that of the administrations original guidance. Farfetched. Farfetched. As we reported saudi arabia today ended its air Strike Campaign against yemen. Next steps, not disclosed. So much for an orderly intelligent military purpose or pursuit and diplomatically the madness simply deepens. As we reported earlier the state department will not rule out giving iran up to 50 billion as a socalled signing bonus for agreeing to a nuclear deal, the details of which no one seems to know. Thats right. Years of sanctions against irans economy and now talk of a signing bonus, 50 billion. You would be forgiven if you are among those in our audience who believe president obama has given confounded himself, confusing diplomacy and policy with sports stars and agent representation. Not a bad reward for having achieved the lofty status of being the Worlds Largest most active state sponsor of radical islamist terror. And to think the madness of this administration is not nearly complete. Not by a long shot. God help us all. Now the quotation of the evening. Andrew jackson, our seventh president , said this. Every good citizen makes his countrys honor his own, and cherishes it not only as precious but as sacred. He is willing to risk his life in its defense and conscious that he gains protection while he gives it. Will honor ever again, ever again be our choice. Were coming right back. Coming up next president obama demanding our court system support his amnesty fiat. One of the few in congress fighting the president s fiat is House Judiciary Committee bob goodlatte. Americas food supply at risk. Deadly bacteria, the bird flu and Drought Conditions in california. Why we all should be concerned. If youre taking multiple medications does your mouth often feel dry . A dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. But it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. Thats why theres biotene available as an oral rinse toothpaste, spray or gel. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Remember, while your medication is doing you good a dry mouth isnt biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. The Technology Changes the design evolves the engineering advances. But the passion to drive a mercedesbenz is something that is common. To every generation of enthusiast. The 2015 dream machines, from mercedesbenz. Todays icons. Tomorrows legends. Visit the dream machine event today for up to 3,500 towards purchase. New york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. We cut the rates on personal income taxes. We enacted the lowest Corporate Tax rate since 1968. We eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. With startupny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. All to grow our economy and create jobs. See how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at ny. Gov Business Breaking News now. The head of the Drug Enforcement administration is stepping down that in the wake of a sex party scandal. Michelle leonhardt who has led the agency since 2007 has been under growing pressure to resign since we learned that the dea agents allegedly participated in sex parties in colombia with prostitutes paid for by drug cartels and no action taken by her agency. Attorney general eric holder today announced she will retire midnext month. Joining us now, congressman bob goodlatte, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. Mr. Chairman first your reaction to this departure. Well, i think its good news. Its sad that the agencys in the state that its in, but the director has been there a long time and a lot of scandals, not just the current one have been revealed during that time and particularly in recent weeks. We held a hearing last week where the Inspector General reported on a number of problems with the responsibility of the agents and their supervisors who are in some cases engaged themselves in this atrocious behavior and of course we all recall the fast and furious matter of a number of years ago thats still not resolved, still in the courts, and few have been held accountable for all of these different instances. So i think its time for a change of command. Mr. Chairman, ive got to ask you this. I mean we watched the spectacle of the secret Service Director saying he didnt have the power to fire anybody, didnt have the power to hold anybody accountable. We have watched the spectacle of agency after agency whether the Internal Revenue service, where their leadership in some cases obviously, i think i can put it that way, corrupt, and in other instances where parts of the agency are corrupt. I think corruption is an apt expression for agents who would indulge in sex parties paid for by the very people theyre supposed to be investigating and putting behind bars. I mean, whats happened to our government . Is there not something that can be done so that a director can be held accountable and he or she hold accountable those who were charged with the interest of serving this nation . Absolutely they can. In fact, many of those things can be done right now. First of all let me say, i think we should say this always when we talk about our Law Enforcement officers, the vast majority of them are dedicated, professionals who are trying to do the right thing to enforce the laws of the United States and do it in a responsible fashion. But the respect of the public for this entity has been severely eroded because of the lack of leadership and taking these disciplinary measures. It starts right at the top. The president needs to appoint people to Law Enforcement positions who understand and respect the rule of law and are going to make sure that it is carried out. Thats the constitutional responsibility of all of these agencies to faithfully execute the law and if the president and heads of the agencies would focus on that, we would all be much safer and much better off. Unfortunately you put that in the form of a hypothetical, and more unfortunately, it is precisely correct to put it in a hypothetical since that does not represent the current reality. Immigration and citizenship and Immigration Services that is a disaster of an agency. It has been horribly led for decades. It has been dysfunction on top of dysfunction. Now we have the admission by the cis that it made a little mistake when it granted deferred deportation to a man on four counts of murder. What is going on . Well, again, thats under this program that the president established that i and a lot of other people, including at least one judge down in texas believe is unconstitutional. Again, if the president would faithfully execute the law focus on what the law says and leave it to the congress and put the pressure on the congress for that matter, to do the right things with regard to Immigration Reform in a step by step approach, starting with enforcement, he can lead the way but thats not what hes chosen to do. Hes taken his pen and his phone and hes said im going to do it myself and this is the product that you get. People are less safe, thousands and thousands of people who should be deported are instead released back on to the streets. The beds that we have funded in the congress for the agency to detain people who are in line to be deported are not all being used. I think there are 8,000 empty beds right now. So this president is not faithfully executing the law not taking the actions that are expected. Instead, when he does the opposite, you get these kind of problems. You know, mr. Chairman, the American People are looking as you look at those polls of what people think of the congress, the president. The fact is weve had for almost two years in your committee four bills that have represented, as you know i have supported throughout, is a terrific basis, foundation for reforming our immigration system and securing the border. There hasnt been any action by your leadership in the Republican Party in the course of almost two years. The American People look at the republicans and realize theyre just gaming the system. The democrats are doing even worse. Theyre gaming the system and playing a game of their own opening borders, Illegal Immigrants flowing across our borders without effect or consequence. What in hell are the American People supposed to think . Well they should see a congress that takes action. I think the Judiciary Committee has shown the right approach youre exactly correct. Step by step approach starting with enforcement. You have taken great leadership within the committee. Im talking about lets be very straightforward here, john boehner and his leaders have done nothing to move those bills through. Well were pushing hard and i talk to members on the floor every day who would like to see those bills brought to the floor and those discussions are going on so its my hope that we will see those bills come to the floor of the house so the American People can see that the congress is acting responsibly and we are taking the right approach to this problem and when we do that i think that will then put more pressure on the administration to show that they can do the right thing as well. Thats a tough, tough thing to hope for, because they sure havent shown it for the last several years. But we need to lead and we dont need to just complain about what theyre not doing. We need to be showing the right thing to do and its to start with curing these problems of the lack of ability of state and local Law Enforcement to be engaged in a positive way. Mr. Chairman, let me ask you. I take your point. Im sure everybody listening to you does. Doesnt it just burn you that boehner with the power and the responsibility as leader has done nothing to advance what would be the foundation for Immigration Reform . We simply need to get all of our leadership to give us the signal. The bills have been marked up in the committee. Theyre ready to go to the floor. Im hopeful that they will go to the floor and will go soon, and that will be the best answer to your question. All right. I have to say, i thought that was a pretty good answer, mr. Chairman. Thanks so much. We appreciate it. Thanks, lou. Two Popular American foods tonight at the center of two separate Public Health scares. Blue Bell Creameries pulling its ice cream, froze enyogurt and the rest of their frozen products from store shelves after a deadly listeria outbreak. Millions of chickens will also be destroyed after a bird flu outbreak in iowa. Fox news correspondent Garrett Tenney with our report. Reporter this latest case in iowa is the worst single incident in this National Outbreak of avian flu that doesnt appear to be slowing down. One of the Hawkeye States largest farms is forced to kill nearly four million hens after the bird flu was confirmed at sunrise farms. That farm alone is responsible for nearly 10 of the states egglaying hens and it joins the dozens of other farms in 13 states that have already been hit. The usda estimates the virus has killed 6. 5 million chickens and turkeys in the last two months alone. Bird flu doesnt carry a threat to humans but those losses are expected to impact how much turkey is available at the market and what you will pay for it. On the dessert side, blue bell ice cream, one of the nations most Popular Ice Cream brands is now recalling all of its products, more than eight million gallons of ice cream, after discovering the potentially deadly bacteria listeria in several samples. The company had already recalled several product lines last month after the cdc linked a string of listeria related deaths and sicknesses to contaminated ice creams. It felt like the right thing to do for the customer the consumer, would be to just remove all doubt. Lets get everything out of the marketplace. Reporter blue bell still doesnt know how listeria was introduced to its facilities but is revamping its testing, training and sanitation facilities before resuming production which is supposed to happen next month. Thank you very much, garrett. Coming up irans Supreme Leader demands no inspections of Nuclear Facilities and also demands that sanctions against iran be lifted immediately. As final Nuclear Talks with iran are about to reconvene. Former chairman of aig on iran, nukes and the wedge between the United States and israel. In a work, work, work world. Take time for sunday. Just know that your truck. Has a little thing for monday. Widening differences tonight between the United States and iran over a final nuclear agreement. Energy secretary ernest monez telling reporters the nuclear inspectors must have unfetterred access to iranian facilities as part of any deal that would result in the lifting of economic sanctions. His remarks come a day after an iranian genereal rejected inspections of any kind at any military sites, let alone nuclear sites, saying it would only happen quote, in their dreams, end quote. Negotiators have set a june deadline to reach a final deal. This would be the Third Straight final deal deadline. Joining us now, Hank Greenberg chairman and former chairman of aig. Great to have you here. Good to be with you. What do you make first of all of these negotiations in which the ayatollah says they will not be written down that as you heard from the Republican Guard general saying there will be no inspections of military facilities, let alone Nuclear Facilities and death to america death to israel and well meet you in switzerland next. Its incredible to me that we even started these negotiations with a country that says the top general says the negotiations about the destruction of israel is not negotiable. How do you start a negotiation with a country that says that about any country let alone our strongest ally in the middle east . How about a negotiation in which there is absolute no prerequisite of any kind for iran to stop its aggression and its actions against the interests of the United States and its allies in the region . Its hard to understand what were doing with iran. As this president continues and john kerry expresses great confidence that this administration will be able to negotiate a successful deal, one gets the feeling that that confidence on the part of kerry and the rest of the administration and this president is built on the sure knowledge and self knowledge that theyre going to turn over whatever necessary to the iranians in these discussions because theyre not truly negotiations. I have seen no quid pro quo. No exchange whatsoever. There isnt. There isnt. They want all the sanctions removed right away and im afraid theyre going to get more than we want them to get number one and so what happens . All of our allies will be doing business there and then once we find out theyre doing something improper which will happen, we want to reinstall the sanctions, whos going to do it . The idea that immediately, president rouhani and the ayatollah for that matter have insisted that the sanctions against iran be lifted, all of them immediately upon signing this oral agreement. Yes. Its terrific. They cant negotiate for me, i can tell you. And israel our most important, our key ally in the region, they are left simply on the sidelines watching this transpire with their very National Security at stake. Exactly right. What are they to do . Well, if this happens they have to look after themselves. Who else is going to look after them . If they believe that the iranians are going to come into possession of a bomb within a reasonable period of time, what can they do . Heres russia selling them the s300 which negates a big part of their offensive weapon. They cant sit around and wait for that to happen. Absolutely. Thank you, hank. Good to see you. Great to have you here. Good to be with you. Dramatic dash cam video has captured the moment a South CarolinaPolice Officer saved a suicidal woman who was trying to jump off a bridge. The woman was dangling her feet over the i26 overpass in spartanburg county. The officer approached slowly, carefully, asking what shes doing. She said quote, looking for my way out. At that point, you can see the deputy quickly grabbed her arms, lifted her up and hauled her away from the side of that bridge. Despite the officers heroics he claimed he was just doing his job and we salute officer hubbard. In new jersey another Daring Rescue by two officers. Pulling up to an overturned convertible, when they noticed the driver was pinned inside and unconscious. Without wasting a second they used a knife to cut off her seat belt and pull her limp body from the wreck. Just moments later, the vehicle exploded. The victim later airlifted to a nearby medical center. Police say she is doing okay. She has been charged with driving while intoxicated. The two officers, mark aronburg and ricky peaola are hailed as heroes. Up next a new group of entrepreneurs reminding folks of the battle days in new yorks times square. We will take that up with andy levy. People ship all kinds of things. But what if that thing is a few hundred thousand doses of flu vaccine. That need to be kept at 41 degrees. While being shipped to a country where its 90 degrees. In the shade. Sound hard . Yeah. Does that mean people in laos shouldnt get their vaccine . We didnt think so. From figuring it out to getting it done, were here to help. The New York Post today exposed the outrageous presence in times square of women more befitting times squares pornographic past. The women covered only in body paint parading through the streets of downtown new york, the crossroads of the world, posing for pictures with tourists. Adolescents even coughing of the money, if you can imagine this. Some critics calling it simply child pornography. Families with Young Children outraged at the site. The socalled managers of the women prevented them from talking with our journalists. This is what the progressive mayor of new york city allows as he backs away from quality of life policing and heres what some in times square had to say today. [ inaudible ]. Theres no difference between a man Walking Around topless and a woman Walking Around topless. They are covered. They are painted. But would i want my kid to see that, no. I have been here before so i wasnt completely shocked but i had my little one so i wasnt happy about it. Guys walk around without shirts on all the time. Women should be able to. I think im even more outraged now. The cohosts of red eye join us. Great to have you both here. Thanks lou. I know you can only contain for a certain amount of time your outrage at such a spectacle in this great city the capital of the world. Your thoughts . Yeah. It is of course perfectly legal for women to walk around topless in new york city with or without body paint and i cant stress that enough to your female viewers who live in new york city. It is perfectly legal for you to walk around the streets of new york city topless with or without body paint. Know your rights. Know your rights, women. This is not child pornography. The women are not children. So lets get that again, an excellent point. Thank you. Thank you. The big issue here is should any of the costumed or uncostumed characters be approaching kids and asking for money. I think thats a problem across the board. It has nothing to do with these women in particular. That certainly is a relief for all of us. Your thoughts . This is a sexist argument. The naked cowboy youre right about that. He is topless and no one is calling him a predator. I am. Except andy. That is an excellent point. But really children shouldnt be in times square. Its terrifying. The statue of liberty is perhaps one of the most intimidating. Thats a cool one. Also not the real statue of liberty. Not the real one . No. No. Dont say that. You gave away a lot of money to a fraud. Ben affleck lets turn to ben. Turns out a female showing ben affleck tried to hide the tale of his slaveowning ancestry. Who knew. I have to suspect the outrage is really, really burning high in your heart on this one. Yes. Directors, they always they meddle where they shouldnt. This wasnt his project and there he is going to this people making this excellent documentary and telling them what to leave in and what to take out. Not good. Andy, your thinking on mr. Affleck . Look, i dont care that his ancestor owned a slave. He is perfectly correct when he says that shouldnt reflect on him. It wont be his grandkids fault he made daredevil. But the problem is none of this no one would be talking about this at all if it hadnt leaked that he tried to quash it. It would have been a little thing on pbs openness and transparency. Right. Now its a story because he lobbied to take it out. Got to learn from that. I think he has. I have to give him great credit for apologizing sort of on his facebook page. Heres the big one of the night, i think. That is john boehner. Kissing kissing nancy pelosi. Do we have that picture . I hope not. The image is in my head. That was worth waiting for. As an actress i have done many stage kisses before so i can critique this. It was a little too short. He should have gone and opened his eyes maybe, made eye contact. That would have been better. You know what . He broke the fourth law. Right after he did that he looked right into the camera. That was across the rose garden. Not good. Got to stay in character. There you go. Yeah. I dont have much to say about this other than i dont ever want to see it again. And i really wish practice makes perfect. I have to say, your point about acting here i think is exact but it seems somewhat sincere to me as if the leading republican and the leading democrat in the house wanted to be together, if you know what i mean. No please go on lou. Ive gone as far as im going. Look, theyre colleagues and you know, their job regardless of party is to screw the American People so of course theyre going to like each other. There you go. Red eye. Thank you both. Good night from new york. Llowing is a paid advertisement for time lifes music collection. male vocalist 1 at the hop well, you can rock it you can roll it, do the stomp and even stroll it at the hop when the record starts aspinnin, you chalypso and you chicken at the hop do the dance sensations that are sweeping the nation at the hop hi, im little anthony from little anthony and the imperials. You know, in the late 50s and early 60s it didnt matter where you went to high school. 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