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Complicated history between the middle east, the west and none of us should be immune from criticism in terms of specific policies, but the notion that the west is at war with islam is an ugly lie, and all of us regardless of our faith have a responsibility to reject it. Lou but it is not a lie, but rather an absolute truth that we are at war with radical islamists who grow in strength and power in the middle east, and the president and his administration instead are rejecting that truth, at least publicly. Where did mr. Obama ever get the idea becoming an empathizer in chief rather than victorious commander in chief. He may have been inspired by Hillary Clinton who nearly three months ago said this this is what we call smart power, using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security leaving no one on the sidelines, showing respect even for ones enemies, trying to understand and insofar as psychologically possible empathize with their perspective and point of view, helping to define the problems determine the solutions. Lou the Obama Administration for its part moving way beyond her counsel and engaging with enemies whether elements of the syrian socalled moderate rebels or the taliban or iran itself. Nuclear talks with iran set to resume tomorrow. The United States and turkey have signed a deal to train and to arm the socalled moderate Syrian Rebels whose moderation is not assured. And afghanistans taliban reportedly ready to engage in peace talks with the afghan government. Officials in washington deny direct u. S. Involvement, but the white house does say that they are supportive of the process. We take up the new white house apologia for terrorists as well as negotiations with radical islamist terrorists well be talking with fox news terrorism analyst walid phares, and zuhdi jasser and new revelations that foreign governments are pumping millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation, raising conflict of interest and ethics concerns about the presumed frontrunner for the 2016 democratic nomination. A full report on clinton fundraising. On wall street from Corporate America and what about the foreign governments . We begin with the Obama Administrations Islamic State strategy as it can be devined, laid out the plans for a spring offensive to retake mosul which is held by 2,000 Islamic State terrorists. Iraqi and Kurdish Military force of 20 to 25,000 troops is readied, according to cent com to recapture iraqs second largest city. The u. S. Military is training 3200 of the iraqi troops. Joining us to take up all of this and more, former director of National Intelligence fivetime ambassador john negroponte. Ambassador, good to have you with us. Thank you. Lou we have heard secretary clinton talk about smart power. Were hearing the president talk about empathizing and understanding better the enemies, a war that he has led by the way for six years. Why the sudden change in tone direction and this extraordinary philosophy that hes now operating under apparently . Well, i mean i think the administration itself is in a better position to answer that. It seems to me to have something to do with talking about the longer term issues the root causes and how in all of these societies, ultimately the swaum of terrorism has to be drained. But in the meanwhile, there are very grave Security Issues out there in countries like syria, iraq libya, as we now know and those have to be dealt with with Firm Security measures, and what i find interesting is while there is this talk about soft power and the longer term solutions, the administration is, in fact, gearing up to take isil on in iraq which i think is the right policy, whether you agree with them telegraphing their punches or not. But it seems to me theyve had some success up until now in stemming the isil onslaught and preparing to take back some of this lost territory. So i think theres some good news buried in here at the same time. Lou you know, im always suspicious, ambassador, and certainly not of your comments or of good faith but always of any Administration Republican or democrat during a time of war, and this is still that telling us about good news. The fact is were looking at a force that this president does not want to acknowledge as being at war with the west, that is now in control of an estimated 50,000 square kilometers in the middle east, syria and iraq dominion as many as 10 million people, and to dismiss it as if it is some sort of Community Organization challenge seems to me to be the best i can construct, naive. I would be the last person in the world to dismiss it but i do recall a number of months ago when isil was tearing through mosul and headed down further south, that some people were asking themselves whether they would move onto baghdad, that hasnt happened. As i said again i think things have been turned back somewhat and i think theyre going to succeed in recapturing mosul and restoring a semblance of order in iraq, and i think the big question is what are they going to do about syria . Thats the next big question. Lou and those are the questions they think have Many Americans trembling with concern, if i may be so dramatic, and that is because this administration has been extraordinarily lousy at reading either intelligence or it has not had adequate intelligence in anticipating and influencing favorably the outcome of world events. We turn, whether it be to syria next iraq is now under the strong hand of iran as you well know. Were looking at libya in utter chaos and depending on the day within the grasp of the Islamic State itself there. Doesnt seem to be a strategy certainly not a public one, and doesnt seem there is no obtain evidence of a strategy thats being executed against iran and its designs in the region. I would point out that in the wake of the great successes that isil initially had, and some of those gruesome beheadings, the administration did respond they sent a couple of 3,000 people out to iraq, which i had not expected. I never thought they were going to do. I thought when the last troops left at the end of 2011, that was it. I was very pessimistic about the prospects of getting our people back in there, and i think thats to the good. So i think its a mixed picture. Obviously could be better, and i hope it does improve in the months ahead. Lou one area that does not seem to be theres no, again, apparent improvement in the offing, that is ukraine, where Vladimir Putin holds it seems, every card is playing them extraordinarily well against a wrapped and imfeebled nato and United States. I agree with you and i think the ukrainian situation is very grim. I think the administration should have reacted much sooner with this situation thats been going on for months now, and this whole issue of whether or not to provide some weapons to a friendly government asking for help, and still theres been no decision and, of course as a result the russians have consolidated territory there, succeeded in creating carving out an enclave that is going to now become like a frozen conflict such as theyve established elsewhere in their socalled near abroad. And its going to give them some pretext for continuing to mettle in a country like the ukraine in the future. So i think its a very unfortunate situation. Its not too late for the west to shore up its reaction but i think a lot of valuable time has been lost. Lou ambassador negroponte always good to see you, appreciate your insight. Thank you thank you. Lou president obama bringing a familiar face back to the white house. State Department Press secretary jen psaki will be moving back to the white house to head up the president S Communications team. But critics say the president may be valuing allegiance over aptitude sake has come under criticism for the way she defends the administration. Last week she would not acknowledge that jews were targeted in the paris attacks and last april she was derided with tweets like this marked as hashtag diplomacy. She replaces Jennifer Palmieri part of a white house exodus of top advisers john podesta, dan pfeiffer all have left the white house recently. No weapons required. President obama will conquer radical islamist terrorism, take a look at strategy, if it can be called that. Stay with us. You cant predict the market. But at t. Rowe price weve helped guide our clients through good times and bad. Our experienced investment professionals are one reason over 85 of our mutual funds beat their 10year lipper averages. 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Here, at this summit the United States will make new commitments to help young people including in muslim communities to forge new collaborations in entrepreneurship, and science and technology. Lou to help us understand better what the president is all about here, what his remarks really mean, joining us is fox news middle east and terrorism analyst dr. Walid phares and zuhdi jasser president for center for democracy. Did the president come across as apologist for radical islamist terrorism . I dont think he was apologizing for the radicals but certainly apologizing for the house of islam. And hes marginalizing the reformers. He opened his speech talking about the fascisms that we destroyed in world war ii. The communism we overcame in the cold war, and then i was waiting for the islamism to be mentioned and talked about the tactic of violent extremism. Im sorry, but the president takes the American Public for fools in somehow were going to take on a tactic without the ideology, and if he wants to engage reformers, we have to acknowledge that our allies want to reform against theocracy against the muslim world that creates movements like isis. Lou president sisi of egypt alsisi, walid stood up and called for the reform of islam. He is running a government effectively hes still confronted by extraordinary Economic Disaster in the country that he now leads. Why is there not a clear statement to all of islam that sisi is the future, and that what he is doing is important to the region . Well remember, when before president sisi was elected with an overwhelming majority, 22. 4 million votes in egypt and before that another referendum, there was the largest human demonstration ever in egypt with 33 million egyptians. What is important about whats happening in egyptian is not just the statement made by the president , which are important, but what is behind that . The will of overwhelming majority of egyptians who have never demonstrated before. By the way, 80 of those who walked are poor and very poor, and what it is they are opposing, the muslim brotherhood, the same they think are representative of egypt, the arab world and we should partner with them. There is a misperception of whats happening in the middle east. Lou is there a misperception, zuhdi, or absolute perception by this administration that sisi represents a powerful force within egypt and the participatory empower. Of millions of egyptians under his what was thought to be a certainly an autocratic authoritarian regime, instead is lining up with israel, is a positive force calling for the reform of islam, and something with which this president does not want to be associated . Well, this president does not want to take on the difficult job of trying to say not only that were against violent extremism but that were for liberty, and articulating exactly what is the american principles and who are our allies the alsisis of the world, he called for reform against the violence, but hes part of this evil empire, the organization of islamic cooperation, and the president is so deep in bed with so many of the old guard islamist mafia of the saudis and the qataris and the military dictators. Lou you just named our leading allies in the coalition in the war against terror. Youre a purist tonight. Well, its not purism its fact that the future is. The secularist lou i have no problem with purism. Well thats the shortterm military problem. Isis of the world come out of assad regimes, the saddam husseins, the mubaraks and the alsisis, and tunisia had a Secular Party that explained the islamist in the democratic methods. There are green ref lusions in iran. That will be a solution for the longterm solution of terrorism rather than the shortterm whackamole program of the military approaches to radical islam. You know, zuhdi mentioned, walid, the whackamole tactics of the administration, many in the coalition. The reality is there is no strategy to deal with radical islamist terrorism. There is a lot of lip service, we have the former secretary of state calling for greater empathy and understanding of our enemy, when weve been at war with that enemy now, outright war for 13 years full years, and more. And this president has been in office for six years leading that war, and suddenly today is talking in abstractions, and other words that could be brought to bear on his language. Its sophistry, specious and irrelevant to what is the threat that confronts western civilization is it not . Well, i think the president , the administration their adviser are only about reflecting what the academic elite in this country have been pushing for, even the entire war since 9 11 the war to end wars are not considered legitimate. They consider the weak partners are the islamists or the iranian regime, and they believe they will not engage in more confrontation of the ideology that is jihadism. Lou walid phares and zuhdi jasser, thank you for helping us understand the language that the west faces. Thanks much. Thank you. Thank you. Lou we ask whether you believed the worldwide audience for president obamas remarks yesterday in any way improved americas image around the globe in . 98 of you said no. Be sure to vote tonight wed like to hear from you, vote at loudobbs. Com. A superbug outbreak at one of californias leading hospitals, the Ronald Reagan Ucla Medical Center nearly 180 patients there may have been exposed to one of the deadliest bacteria known. Government Officials Say the antibiotic resistant superbug contaminated medical scopes over the past several months. Infecting at least 7 patients 2 have died. The rest of those patience at risk have been sent home testing kits. Up next, sympathizing with the devil, empathizing with our enemies, has president obama embraced a new role as apologist in chief . My commentary is next. What does it mean to have an unlimited Mileage Warranty on a certified preowned rcedesbenz . What does it mean to drive far as you want. For up to three years. And be covered . It means your odometer. Is there to record. The memories. During the mercedesbenz certified preowned sales event now through march 2nd, youll get complimentary prepaid maintenance and receive your first two months payments on us. Only at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. Music. The getaway vehicle for all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. Lou a few comments now on an administration that draws attention to itself with everincreasingly bizarre speeches and remarks by the president. His coterie of underlings and accolades of strikes. After listening to the blatherings of participants in the white house summit on socalled countering violent extremism and area one with guts or integrity to name the enemy, i cant decide whether everyone in attendance has gone off the rails rendered noncompis mentis or roles as radical islamist terrorists. The past few days of fantasy and dilution hardly betrayed the grim reality that the Islamic State is sted le and areas are an estimated 8 to 10 million people. And who are about to use libya as a gateway to europe itself. Yet, our president seems to be suddenly, suddenly animated with a deep desire to explain away radical islamists, and their evil acts and rather than kill them, or stop them as he put it just weeks ago hes apparently pausing in his efforts to degrade and destroy them. Frankly, i dont think theres any way to explain away beheadings, burning people alive, mass slaughter, all a very obvious and seemingly effective tactic to instill fear in your enemies. It doesnt require deep prolonged analysis. Some seem to find comfort in their pedestrian musings though, and their eternal obliviation. When people especially young people feel entirely trapped in impoverished communities, where there is no order and path for advancement. Where there are no educational opportunity, no ways to support families, and no escape from injustice and the humiliations of corruptions, that feeds instability and disorder, and makes those communities ripe for extremist recruitment. We must remain unwavering in our fight against terrorist organizations. And in afghanistan, our coalition is focused on training and assisting afghan forces, well continue to conduct Counterterrorism Missions against the remnants of al qaeda in the tribal regions. Lou the remnants of al qaeda . A tiresome attempt it seems to me at updating the president s old al qaeda is on the run. No doubt the radical islamists and those they radicalize are cowering in fear before the president s powerful onslaught of kindness and deep understanding. We have to confront the warped ideologies espoused by al qaeda and isil especially attempt to use islam to justify their violence. I discussed this at length yesterday. These terrorists are desperate for legitimacy and all of us have a responsibility to refute the notion that groups like isil somehow represent islam, because that is a falsehood that embraces the terrorists narrative. Lou and no one, no one whom i have heard speak on the issue thinks that the Islamic State represents all of islam. Imagine. Listen to secretary of state, though john kerry, as he joins the mad chorus. Theres been a silly debate in the media in the last days about what you have to do . You have to do everything. You have to take the team off the battlefield who are there today, but youre kind of stupid if do that and dont prevent more people from going to the battlefield. Lou i dont know whats happened to the president and his people. I do know its nothing good certainly not for our country nor our allies but i do know where the president may have been first influenced to reduce his role as commander in chief to that of armchair sociologist. Before kerry, there was clinton. This is what we call smart power, using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security leaving no one on the sidelines, showing respect even for ones enemies trying to understand and insofar as psychologically possible empathize with their perspective and point of view, helping to define the problems determine the solutions. Lou we have to empathize with our enemies. Only a fool would fight what is doctrine now, that is a long war, when a short war can be won decisively. Empathize with our enemies . God help us all. Now our quotation of the evening for our president s consideration if you will. Those the words of historian and political commentator daniel pipes. Up next, the president spent two days talking about how to better understand terrorism after six years fighting a war on terrorism. What will congress do about giving him the war powers that he asked for . Perhaps empathetic powers would be better substituted. Well take it up with House Foreign Affairs committee. Lou among the top stories were following, theres growing speculation that reality star bruce jenner could face manslaughter charges as a result of a fourcar accident in which a 69yearold woman was killed earlier this month. New reports claim police are now in possession of a video that shows it was jenners vehicle that actually caused the crash when he rear ended two of the cars involved. If that is the case, this video animation of the incident created by a Technology Company would be accurate, and the 69yearold woman killed the driver of the light colored car. And amazing, amazing video out of an air show at india showing two red bull stunt planes as they collided in midair. The planes were trying an inverted loop when they clipped each others wings. Fortunately, both pilots managed to gain control of their aircraft they landed safely without injury to either. My next guest calls the white house summit on countering environment extremism a, quote feel good thing saying we dont know if our allies can depend us and enemies dont fear us. Joining us ted yoho congressman, good to have you with us. This violent extremism and this concern for our enemies seems to overwhelm any concern that is exhibiting about the coptic christians, the ethnic cleansing of christians as a result of the radical islamist terrorism thats being conducted daily in the middle east and north africa . I agree, lou, you have to address the issue, and you know, i had mentioned earlier today in an interview that our enemies, our allies dont know if they can depend and countous, and enemies dont fear or respect us, and i dont care if they respect us they ought to know that we mean what we say and stand behind that. When you come out of white house not addressing who the enemy is, and youre doing all this other stuff, it adds more to that confusion, to the people that were trying to work for or to get them to go away from the radical Islamic Jihad that theyre doing the terrorist activity. Theres confusion in the world. Lou is there confusion in the congress . Is the congress, despite everything that this president is saying exhibiting and the way in which hes conducted the war during his tenure as president over six years, are you really going to authorize him with war powers . You asked if there was confusion in the congress. I dont think you see that. Especially on fortunately foreign affairs, that is one of the strongest committees with eliot engel and ed royce on that. The people that come in there that were explaining the aumf both sides were very strong, and both sides said they could not support the aumf in the current form. When it starts in the aumf that says theyre going to degrade and destroy the enemy, i asked the question define destroying the enemy, and they couldnt give me a clear concise answer, and i said if you go back to iraq, and we had al qaeda on the run, and this president blazeingly said that weve got al qaeda beat down to the jv team. Theyre nothing to worry about. But yet out of that spawned isis. And if you dont have a clear, defined mission, you cant go into a battle, and i will not support putting our young men and women in harms way. Lou chairman royce, when he was here last we talked about the strategy or lack of strategy, and he is deeply, deeply concerned about that. Is it your view right now, that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party will unite to deny the president war Power Authority . In the current form that it was in that we were presented with, i dont see support behind that. And again, if they dont have a mission statement, and i heard your opening dialogue or the earlier one when you were saying this white house wont come out and define who the enemy is, and i ask that question, and they the experts skirted around that definition and were at war with islamic terrorism, and were at war with isis and even in the name of isis stands for the Islamic State of iraq and the levant, and i mean its pretty much clear cut and dry if you have the white house not willing to say, that how can you back somebody thats not adamant and concise of where they want to go . Lou congressman ted yoho good to have you with us. Lou, appreciate it thank you. Lou Vice President biden drawing criticism at the very least for this remark in which he claimed he has a great relationship with a Somali Community in his hometown of wilmington, delaware. My city of wilmington, delaware on, a smaller scale, is a large identifiable Somali Community. I might add if you come to the train station with me youll notice that i have great relationships with them because theres an awful lot of them driving cabs, and are friends of mine, for real. Lou for real. Well according to the washington post, fact checker, there are hardly hardly any, if any somali cab drivers in wilmington whatsoever. Biden with his for real comments gets four pinocchios for them being not relationship. The worst rating. Up next the democratic frontrunner for the 2016 nomination faces questions about ties to foreign governments. John roberts with the latest scandal facing the former when heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with lief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. The road. It can bring out the worst in people. But the mclass scans for danger. Corrects for lane drifting. And if necessary, it will even brake all by itself. It is a luxury suv engineered to get you there and back safely. For tomorrow is another fight. The 2015 mclass. See your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. Lou on wall street stocks closed mix, the dow down 44 points, the s p down 2, the nasdaq gained 18 points. Volume on the big board a little lighter than so far this week, down to 3. 2 billion shares. Walmart shares fell 3 , announced a plan to raise hourly wages for half a million u. S. Employees but offered disappointing earnings outlook. A reminder listen to my Financial Reports three times a day coasttocoast on the salem radio network. The 2016 democratic frontrunner faces tough questions, yet to respond to reports of foreign governments pouring millions of dollars into the bill hillary and Chelsea Clinton foundation including nations with ties to terrorists organizations. Fox News National correspondent john roberts with our report. Reporter even democrats are shaking their heads tonight at news the foundation that bears Hillary Clintons name is quietly back in the foreign donations game. Politically, this is potentially catastrophic move for Hillary Clinton, and you know, evidence of a big blind spot, if she thinks she can continue to get away with it. Reporter when clinton was named secretary of state the white house asked the foundation to shut the door on most foreign contributions to avoid question of ethics. When she stepped down in 2013, the newly renamed bill, hillary and Chelsea Clinton foundation threw the doors back up and collected tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments and billionaires overseas. Very unwise for Hillary Clinton to be associated with a foundation taking millions of dollars from foreign governments. This isnt just the appearance of a conflict of interest. Its a real conflict of interest. Reporter the Clinton Foundation rejects conflict of interest, in a statement to fox news saying, quote the Clinton Foundation is a philanthropy, period adding it has strong donor integrity and transparency practices. The Foundation Points to the fact that donors are voluntarily disclosed in website saying, quote taking money from foreign governments as shes preparing for a possible president ial run is seen as a huge unforced error. I think shes made a real mistake here with other mistakes here nascent campaign has made in recent months, and it really calls into question whether the clinton political juggernaut is ready for primetime. Reporter and not just republicans who may use it to attack her democrats are looking to senator Elizabeth Warren as a candidate Less Beholden to big money and influence. What do you think this does to that argument . It gives it more ammunition sets it aflame. Reporter the foundation has no plans to reinstate the moratorium on foreign contributions, a source told me people worried about this prior to her becoming secretary of state have, quote, since been proven wrong, in atlanta, john roberts, fox news. Lou two potential republican president ial candidates raising concerns about their position on illegal immigration. Senator marco rubio giving up on gutting the president s amnesty fiat for Illegal Immigrants through a bill funding the department of Homeland Security. We have to fund Homeland Security, im in favor of a chance in succeeding that can stop the new order. The president is not going to sign that and we dont have the votes to pass it in the senate. We cant get Homeland Security shut down. Lou Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker claims he is against amnesty. But according to politico that wasnt the case in 2006 when hes the milwaukee executive backed immigration bill authored by mccain and kennedy. So both well its kind of hard to figure. Both senators senator rubio and the Governor Walker are meeting in the middle as they reverse direction. Its hard to keep up sometimes when it comes to the illegal immigration issue. The dumbest criminal of the week may be a 33yearold oregon man, a stalking case that is still under investigation, but the suspect apparently thought he could use this opportunity to file a Police Brutality report. You may notice hes beating the dickens out of himself, punching himself in the face several times. His rather ill conceived plot didnt work because as you see here, the cameras were rolling in the holding room and they caught the whole thing, and his case sort of i think its embarrassingly clear what happened to it. Up next, former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani making a selfproclaimed horrible statement, many agree with it. The ateam, jason riley and startupny. Its working for new york state. 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The terrorist keep saying they are acting in the name of religion. And he is fundamentally, he is uncomfortable with leading the free world. He is of the opinion that america is the big instability issue in the world. And he is uncomfortable with the mission. Lou as well as uncomfortable with his world. Angela merkel has been the leader of the free world and has been leading the talks and the is an applet table. Absolutely, youre not the only one to notice. [laughter] that is part of this frustration and theres also an apologist leader of the free world, and that is not the tone i think that thats one that we saw very much in the 70s, and theres not an appetite for it especially as this continues. He is projecting weakness. Its bad. The leader of the free world is projecting weakness and he is indecisive and that is not what we want in a leader. Lou interestingly he has been decisive on two occasions at lees, one throwing Hosni Mubarak and getting ready qadhafi in libya. And the result has been a disaster for him and his policies, supporting the egyptian brotherhood in egypt, who knows what he intended. The result is disastrous lets turn to the Justice Department. I thought that a holder was going to leave quietly. Well, he hasnt made a decision yet, but hes talking about it and that is as big of a decision. And the attorney general does not go around thinking about suing the city. And this is not normal. The attorney general does not go around saying that im thinking about bringing a lawsuit that he wants them to do what he is wants to do without evidence that hes done anything wrong. Lou we seem to say this increasingly across the entire breadth of the administration. What is going on . Who are these guys and what are they thinking and doing . This is an administration unlike any i have seen and i have seen some doozies. The Biggest Issue is that washington is putting this directly on the city of ferguson and leaders and its not allowing the city to take responsibility and its interesting because some of the reports, a lot of the city leaders say that they hadnt seen or heard of these particular protocols at the Justice Department wanted to do it, its almost as if they are playing this out in a piece of political theater in the media and i think that jason is right that alluding to the fact that they may sue has a lot bigger consequence almost to the same consequence if they do and that is a very unsettling effort when youre trying to table like this to your point. Lou giuliani says that he doesnt believe that obama loves america. This present life has been centered on those a sailor who was with jfk aboard pt109. The young mans mother begins a correspondents with the future president. I was shocked. The letters are tucked away for years. They could be of historical value, and worth a lot of month. This is a pressure that surfaces that no one knew existed. If they could prove they are real. The signatures look authentic. This is eye real signature . This is a real jfk sig signature. Will bidders open their wallet . Looking

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