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On opposition to the Affordable Care act, and yet it stands. And the fact that it stands makes the Republican Leadership do desperate and irrational things. The Republican House is about to go out for five weeks but first theyre going to sue the president and hope that we dont Pay Attention toissues in this country. My point is that we shouldnt be so callous and shortsighted as to not defend our article one power simply because the president happens to belong to one party. The president himself responded to the move by calling the vote a waste of time and a waste of taxpayer money. We could do so much more if congress would just come on and help out a little bit. Just come on. Come on and help out a little bit. Stop being mad all the time. Stop stop just hating all the time. Come on. Lets get some work done together. Wow. Well, despite the president scolding, his theatrics, his pleas to get work done, it was his white house that insisted on it. Threatening a veto crafted by House Republicans to provide help to our southern border, a crises that some say is of the president s making. The white house said, quote, republicans released patchwork legislation that will only put more arbitrary and unrealistic demands on an already broken system. A system that the president has had five and a half years to fix. Well be taking all of that up with house judiciary chairman congressman bob goodlock. Also tonight well be joined by oklahomas governor, mary fallon. Shes calling on the president to end the secrecy surrounding the illegal immigrant children that the federal government is sending to states all across the country including her own, oklahoma. And no ceasefire in gaza after more than three weeks of fighting. Danny danone will be here to explain why israeli support for the conflict is actually rising. A new Associated Press poll finds twothirds of americans now say illegal immigration is a serious problem for the United States. Thats up 14 points since may. The poll also shows only 31 approve of the president s handling of the border crises. Thats down from 38 in may. 68 disapprove of his handling. Our next guest supports the house border bill. What he opposites are the executive actions of mr. Obama. Joining us, congressman bob goodlock, chairman of the house judiciary committee. The chairman and his committee have had a busy day indeed. Good to have you with us. Lets start with the lawsuit resolution. John boehner has the authority now, the express support of his conference as well as the house to move ahead. What happens next . Well, what happens next is that some time in the next couple of months a lawsuit will be filed and served on the executive branch asking the court to step in and rule on which has the authority to legislate, the legislative branch, the congress, or the president of the United States who has taken his pen and cell phone and rewritten many laws, one of which is more than 40 changes hes made to obamacare. This is a carefully targeted lawsuit to ask the court to give standing when one entire body of the congress, in this case the house, votes to say that their legislative authority is being trampled on and the court should step in and decide who it is that has the power to take these actions. Some democrats, as you know, mr. Chairman, are saying that this is a prelude to impeachment proceedings. Any truth to that . The truth that the congress has a number of powers that it can pursue in the checks and balances and this is one that has, in my opinion, been neglected. It is a way to resolve the dispute. An impeachment action would not resolve this dispute as to who has the power to take the particular actions that the president has been taking over these last many months. Lets turn to an area in which you have been a remarkable leader, if i may say, on the issue. That is illegal immigration and a response to it. The white house today saying it will vote to veto that 659 million border crises bill that the republicans are putting forward. How do you respond . Well, i think its ridiculous. This is a crises, as you noted earlier in the program, that is created by this administration, by the president taking his pen and his phone and creating administrative legalizations that are now being advertised down in Central America and saying, if you, too, come to the United States and enter the country, theyre going to let you stay. And the president has a whole host of things that he could do right now without any legislative action to solve that problem. Starting with simply saying over and over again that if you come to the United States illegally, youre going to be sent home so dont waste your money, dont risk your life. Secondly, he could stop doing these administrative actions. Thirdly, he could allow greater access to federal land. He could call out the national guard. We have a long list on the website of the things that the people can read that the president can do right now. If he was enforcing the law, he would find they need more money to send people home and to detain people, not allow them to be released to the interior of the country. And he would find that there are some tweaks to the current law that he would need to have to fully enforce it. Thats what this bill is all about that we intend to pass through the house tomorrow to show that were doing our job even if the president is not doing his. The dispute between the congress and the president is whether he will enforce laws, particularly immigration laws. Hes made it clear he will not. He will further slow if not end deportations all together. There is every indication he wants to create amnesty, de facto amnesty for as many as 5 million Illegal Immigrants. We are on the verge of watching a president , are we not, basically subvert the law, in this case, u. S. Code section 1325, which requires that a person be punished and that the laws be enforced for illegal entry into this country, punished by the way by a fine as well as imprisonenment. We have reached a point, people use the expression rather recklessly but this is a president who is lawless in a sense he will not enforce the laws as required by the constitution of the United States. We do have a president who, in a whole host of different areas, not just immigration, not just obamacare, but enforcing our drug laws, our environmental laws, the laws regarding the disclosure of negotiated deals with regard to the release of suspected terrorists, all of these things are matters where the president is exceeding his authority. Thats why its important for the congress to stand up and use all of the various checks that we have against the president in a situation like this. That can be effective, and i believe that this lawsuit which could take a long time and certainly has no certain outcome, is an important one, not just for this president but for president s following afterwards. If this president can do the things that hes doing now, he in the future and other president s who follow behind him will think they can do anything at all and will render the constitution of little meaning and the legislative branch will go into a death spiral. We have to have a clear delineation of this authority and thats why were bringing the lawsuit. A lawsuit, as you say, of an uncertain outcome and certainly what will be a lengthy process. No one knows where on the calendar that resolution, whatever it might be, would be reached in our judicial system. Meanwhile we have midterm elections, a president ruling by fiat, a man who is ruling and not governing by those who crafted this constitution. Elections have consequences. Were suffering the consequences of some past elections, so i hope that this will be an election that clarifies some of these issues. If, for example, the president s party no longer controlled the United States senate, i think that there would be a more effective check on this abuse that hes using. Right now we have 352 bills over in the senate, one of which makes it easier to get the court to decide these cases and expedite the amount of time it takes to get a decision from the court. But guess what . Thats sitting on harry reids desk along with more than 350 other bills. Again, if we were able to take the next step and pass some of these bills that have passed the house also through the senate and then put them on the president s desk, he might sign some of them. Even if he didnt, it would clearly spell out for the American People what needs to be done and what is not being done and at the highest level show the differences between the two approaches that are being taken here. One, a legislative approach that says the congress represents the people on these issues and the other, a president who says if you dont do it, i will, even though he cant cite the authority to do it. One of the problems here, mr. Chairman, is that your speaker, the leader of the Republican Party and the house of representatives, has made it clear on alternate points over the course of the past year that he would go along with the president on comprehensive immigration reform. He has bemoaned the fact that many in his own conference, he mocked their lack of courage in taking on the issue, your own speaker, and now here we are with a defining moment in the midterms. Are the republicans clearly so different than the president when your speaker is embracing the very law that so many conservatives and i think many of your membership say they wouldnt have anything to do with because they dont trust the man, they dont trust him on the, and they want a secure border . Its absolutely important that we make it very clear that while we do need to have immigration reform, it needs to be done in a stepbystep fashion, building the trust of the American People and starting with enforcing the law, securing our borders, and making sure that we have the necessary new laws that will make sure that people dont get jobs who are not entitled, law jobs, make sure people in the interior of the country unlawfully are not allowed to stay. I think that there is a very clear majority in the house that wants to accomplish that and thats what were about doing. I think the speaker of the house has been listening to those voices. Congressman, thanks so much for being with us. Congressman bob goodlock, chairman of the house judiciary committee. Thank you. House republicans released new emails by irs official low is learner who has been held in con attempt in which she called conservatives crazies and, quote, a holes. They say its clear contempt for conservatives who she is accused of targeting the leader of the Internal Revenue service. Up next, he was fired as the Israeli Defense minister for criticizing Benjamin Netanyahus handling of the attacks. Thats next. [ male announcer ] if youre taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry . A dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. Thats why theres biotene. Available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel, biotene can provide soothing relief, and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. Remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isnt. Biotene for people who suffer from dry mouth. Fighting in gaza rages on despite what was a fourhour humanitarian ceasefire called by israel which was dismissed of course by hamas. I say of course because they dismiss each one of the ceasefire proposals. The fighting now more than three weeks long, that conflict has extended. Joining us live from tel aviv, the former Deputy Defense secretary, danny danon. Its good to have you with us. Lets start with the effort by the Israeli Defense forces to destroy the tunnels, to destroy the rockets and the arsenal that hamas obviously has within gaza. How successful have the Israeli Defense forces been, and are you graduate gratified by the process . We are walking in gaza. Its not easy. Tunnels lead to israelis communities. We are walking but we know we have to finish the walk. Theres a lot of pressure coming on us from the u. S. Administration, secretary kerry, president obama, but we have to finish the work to find the tunnel and to make sure that hamas doesnt have the provision to start the next conflict only in a matter of months. Are you personally stunned, surprised, that the administration would ask israel to end defense targets in gaza simply because the pthe united there to be a ceasefire without any support from this administration apparently for the strategic objectives of the Israeli Government here . When i heard the white house saying today that they demand unconditional ceasefire, i asked myself, what does it mean, that we will leave the tunnels intact, leave the missiles where they are . What do they want us to do. When obama was a candidate in 2008 he came to israel and said if he was living in israel and somebody shoot a missile to his house, he would do whatever necessary to fight back. Thats what we are doing now. We are protecting ourselves. I have two daughters myself at home sleeping now. We have to go to the shelter every night. We are fighting back in selfdefense and we expect our strongest ally to stand with us, not to put pressure on us. What we need to do now is to fight hamas, not to negotiate and not to sign a ceasefire. It is perhaps i will ask you, is it strange to you that really more pressure is coming from the Obama Administration than as has been historically the case from the european friends of israel who often want israel to not defend itself, to con strain itself. It seems the Obama Administration is, frankly, even though they give lip service to israels right to defend itself which is an interesting characterization anyway. Its an absolute necessity for israel to defend itself. European nations seem to be more supportive of israel in this conflict than the United States. Is that a misperception . Lou, i think its an insult for us when we hear secretary kerry equal israel and hamas. We are not the same. Its like me telling you that al qaeda and the u. S. Are on the same level. Its a terrorist organization. You dont negotiate with it. You fight with it. When i saw president obama fighting against osama bin laden, i admired him. But what he expects from us to do now with hamas, to negotiate with them . You do not negotiate with terrorists. You fight for them. You do not beg for a ceasefire. You make them beg for a ceasefire. The israelis made it very clear that the government objected to qatar and turkey being included in the considerations and the deliberations if you will and the talks by the Obama Administration. Egypt pushed far aside as was the pla. Do you believe that the United States needs to reconsider who it brings into those talks, namely, the pla with which israel has had constructive discussions and a framework for further discussions and egypt . Do you consider egypt to be a preferred partner in any kind of ceasefire brokerage when that point becomes clear to the Israeli Government when netanyahu decides its time for a ceasefire . It is a major player in our region and i think its a cultural player. Secretary kerry made another mistake by acknowledging egypt and asking qatar and turkey to move into the negotiation. It was another mistake. When you look at qatar today, they are the ones who were sending money for the hamas, money for the tunnels, money for the missiles. You should not support them today. I think eventually even secretary kerry will agree that egypt is the key player in terms of the future negotiation in the region and also may be one day future Peace Agreement regarding gaza. We need egypt to be involved. Danny danon, always good to talk with you. Thanks for being with us tonight. Thank you very much, lou. Up next, president obama criticizing vladimir putin. In my commentary i will talk about what the president is likely to do next. Stay with us. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. A few comments on the president s latest criticism of vladimir putin. President obama today announced new sanctions against russia before he promptly jetted off to kansas city to meet with americans who wrote him a few letters. And mr. Obama who bragged about using his phone and his phone has used both to communicate with vladimir putin, calling him, writing him. And in his most recent letter to the russian leader, mr. Obama accused russia of violating the Nuclear Arms Treaty by testing a nuclear missile. You would think our post office would be able to turn a profit with all that letter writing. The president today bragging about these new sanctions, calling them, quote, the most significant and wide ranging to date targeting the energy and financial sectors of russia. What mr. Obama didnt write in his letter to putin, nor has he said to the American People about these sanctions about which he brags so heartily are dangers and these sanctions create great risks to the Global Markets in nearly every economy. In geo politics, injury leads to further injury and sanctions are never a substitute for strong, intelligent leadership. I can find no example of economic sanctions ever actually working in modern history. Sanctions have done little to deter americas trade relationship with russia certainly. Thats right, its booming. In fact, american exports to russia have risen since mr. Obamas sanctions were first announced back in march. Our exports to russia are up 17 over the past three months. Now, that is a sanction, isnt it . And the value of our exports to russia has risen each month, topping more than 5 billion. Now, russia counts for only less than one percent of all of our exports, but what we sell to russia is largely technology and equipment for the energy sector. Thats right, were helping out russia, and the target of todays expanded sanctions, energy. The European Union has also intensified its sanctions against russia after previously targeting only individuals and certainly organizations with direct involvement in threatening ukraine. But those nations and europe stopped short of sanctioning the gas sector. Why . Because europe is utterly dependent on russia for its natural gas and thats part of the problem with sanctions like these. Ultimately these sanctions, these embargoes, boy cots, whatever you want to call them, will injure innocent and unintended victims in this highly interconnected Global Economy of ours. In fact, the danger of unintended consequences could well put at risk not just the russian economy but that of all of europe, the United States, and indeed perhaps, the entire world. Something for mr. Obama to think about when he does want to brag about sanctions. Were coming right back. Coming up tonight, well be talking about the border crises as governors blast the Obama White House for the secrecy in their sending children apprehended on the border to their state. Well be talking with the well be talking with the governor of dentures are very different to real teeth. Theyre about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. 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Ive asked for a count of the number of children that have been placed and actually theyve been 12 to 17yearold youths but i cant get an accurate count of the children. Ive asked where theyre from. I cant get the names of the countries theyre from. Ive heard that there are children from india, not only el salvador and other Central Americans countries but other countries. Ive asked where have the children gone, who theyve been placed with. Ive been told there are 212 children placed in oklahoma with either sponsors or a relative of some sort. So im asking why the secrecy. Give us the information. Then i just heard through back channels a couple of days ago that theyve extended the contract at fort sill even though just a week ago last tuesday when i was on a call with the health and Human Services secretary that they would give us more information. But yet, their theyve extended the contract and i read it in the paper this morning. Some of your congressmen have tried to get in. Subsequently at least one of them did. We have heard all sorts of stories, not only from fort sill but from various other bases around the country in which state authorities, State Government has no role apparently in finding out about the welfare of these children, yet the child protective services, the Child Welfare services across this nation are state run and local agencies. How in the world are we to be confident that those children are being cared for properly, that sponsors are appropriate, and that there is followup to make certain that these people are not just after the 7,000 a month that the federal government is paying them to take on one of these children . Well, thats the point. Why the secrecy . What is the end game, and what are we trying to accomplish with this . Give us the information. As the governor of the state of oklahoma and other governors across the nation that also z these my grant children in the United States, we need to know whats going on. Theyre going to be going to our schools, entering into society and families. How do we know these are the right families or sponsors. Weve been told some of the families are here illegally. We just cant get any information, and we think we have the right to know. Its our taxpayers who are going to be picking up the tab whetn r they go to our public schools. If they dont have healthcare theyre going to show up in our emergency room and our healthcare facilities. In fact, right after we received our first batch of my grant children that came to oklahoma, i did take my health and Human Services secretary to make sure they were properly taken care of, receiving the health that they needed, that they were safe and secure and had appropriate sleeping facilities. But i saw what they wanted me to see. Let me ask you this, what can you do about it and what can the citizens of oklahoma do about it . What can any governor, any citizens of any state in this country do about a president who has decided to bring in an endless apparently theres no end in sight, an endless stream of minor Illegal Immigrants and place them wherever this president chooses, anywhere, of course, but washington d. C. Or perhaps Beverly Hills or westchester county, new york. Theyre being placed in places that are not affluent and in which there are seemingly little interest in stopping this practice. Your thoughts. First and foremost, the president is responsible for this crises that we have. It is a humanitarian crises. Its very dangerous for these children, these young teenagers that are coming across the border illegally. And also for the adults coming across. Its not only children but adults doing it. Theyre flooding across into the United States because we sent a message through president obama that if you want to come to the United States you can come across. Were going to give you foot, shelter, housing, healthcare, no questions ask. You can just go out into the United States and disappear and youre here. Its his crises, he created it. He sent the signal. We can demand accountability from the president , keep the pressure up. Ive started an online petition in the state of oklahoma and i have 4,000 people who have signed up saying no amnesty, and enforce the laws. We have laws on the books, the United States constitution, uphold the laws of our nation, enforce the constitution. If people want to immigrate to the United States, they can do that. We have a way for people to do that. America has been strong because the immigrants that have come to the United States legally we support that. We certainly want to take care of the my grant children that are here and make sure theyre safe but we also have to enforce the laws of our nation. Governor, do you think its occurring to most people that this is now a government that is now truly a president who is ruling by fiat. He is more a ruler than a president. Hes accountable not to congress, hes not accountable to the American People, hes not accountable to the courts. Hes not accountable to states. Why is there even a residual of confidence on anyones part that this president can be stopped because i dont see anyone succeeding in doing so . I think hes going to do what he wants to do. Its very disappointing that things arent happening in congress. Congress is getting ready to go on their august recess. I know theres a huge disagreement between the republicans and the democrats, the house and the senate. Theyre scheduled to leave on friday, and its very disappointing. Who knows whether theyre getting anything done or not. Everybody is sabotaging everything in washington d. C. Thats why the American People are losing confidence in congress, losing confidence in the president. Governor, with all due respect, theyve lost confidence in this president more than 70 , absolutely opposed to the way hes handling it. Yes. Governor, its great to have you. Thank you. President obamas border crises playing a big role in the midterm elections. Senator scott brown, the latest to tie his opponent to amnesty and the president s broken policies. He joins us here next. Unlimited cash back. Let that phrase sit with you for a second. Unlimited. As in, no limits on your hardearned cash back. As in no more dealing with those rotating categories. The quicksilver card from capital one. Unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you purchase, every day. Dont settle for anything less. Ill keep asking. Whats in your wallet . Were changing the way we do business, with startup ny. Ill keep asking. Weve created tax free zones throughout the state. 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The house looks like theyre going to put up 659 million, not what the president wanted to solve the border crises. Your reaction to the republican move in the house . Theres a need to make sure our Border Patrol and others have the tools and resources to do their job and do it safely. We are a kpas nat country but when the president and senator shaheen and others put out a neon sign that said, listen, come get your kids here and through his executive orders well take care of those kids, put them ahead of the millions of people trying to follow our laws, it sent a powerful message to come on over. Its creating an economic problem and potential National Security problem, something i dont support but apparently the president and senator shaheen do. The calls it a sign of surrender to the president because it contains no language that would stop the president from granting amnesty and work permits to millions of Illegal Immigrants. Are the American People being gamed here by both parties . Heres t if people are concerned about what the president is doing on failed policies, energy, the economy, the best way to handle that, lou, is let us take back the senate. Make sure me and others like me get down there. We can take good bills from the house, put them in the senate, make harry reid the minority leader. How about waking up to that in the morning after the election, and put all those bills on the president s desk and make sure that we focus on these very important issues. Its broken right now. He has the authority, he thinks, to do whatever he wants. I disagree with that. And the best check and balance is to take back the senate and to take his foot soldier, senator shaheen being one of them, and send him home. Lets turn to israel and that conflict with hamas, the president saying that israel has the right to defend itself would just as soon they not as sort of the way i interpret his language. How do you interpret hit . First of all, ive been to israel. I understand the challenges there, went through the country very thoroughly. They have every right to defend themselves. To go in there and get those tunnels and make sure that those tunnels can never be used again, its clear hamas is using children and others, women and children as shields. Its not new to their philosophy of war fighting. They are terrorist and supported by other terrorist countries. We need to make sure that they cannot export terrorism to israel and other regions around the world. I support what theyre doing and i hope the president and secretary kerry give them 100 support. You hope that, i guess we all hope that, but what we have seen to date is far, far short of that. In ukraine, the president saying that theres a violation, the white house saying theres a violation of the nuclear ban treaty. Complaining about putins behavior, raising up the sanctions. Do you think any of this makes any sense . Is there anything there that is enforceable against russia and that will alter putins both attitude and his policy direction . Lou, our allies dont trust us and our foes dont fear or respect us. Thats a result of the president s just terrible foreign policy. When he drew that red line and everyone as cross crossing and hop scotching over it, it sent a very strong message to the rest of the world, dont worry about the United States. By the way, theyre cutting their military down to world war ii levels. They have a 17 trillion debt, they dont have the economic capacity to react. Were shrinking and our leadership is being requested. When theres a void in leadership people are going to press the envelope and thats what putin is doing. Scott brown, good to have you with us. Great, lou. If people want to learn more they can go to scottbrown. Com and help make harry reid the minority leader. What was that . Scottbrown. Com. Yes, thank you. Up next, the new book sergeant reckless, americas war horse, the true story of the horse that became an american marine. And on top of that, a marine sergeant. Author robin hutton joins us next. If you wear a denture, touch it with your tongue. If your denture moves, it can irritate your gums. Try fixodent plus gum care. It helps stop denture movement and prevents gum irritation. Fixodent. And forget it. The great outside. Tation. Son, voiceover my new mom and i have a lot in common. Its so shiny son, voiceover we both love the outdoors. Thats not a flower. Son, voiceover and she knows a lot about wildlife. A labradoodle announcer you dont have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. Thousands of kids in foster care will take you just as you are. Your studied day and night for her drivers test. Secretly inside, you hoped she wouldnt pass. The thought of your baby girl driving around all by herself was. You just werent ready. But she did pass. cause shes your baby girl. 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There was a story called sergeant reckless for the mighty marine. I thought who the heck is this horse and why hasnt there been a movie about her before. When you hear her story, you think the same. Its amazing. I think people will also be stunned to think, were going back more than a half century. Yeah. You talked with 75 marines for your story. Yeah. Wonderful story. Who knew the horse, had been around the horse, had served with the horse. Yeah. And they loved this horse so much. It was amazing. When i would interview with them you could hear the emotion on the phone about how much they loved this horse and how they protected this horse and how excited they were to have her come back into the collective again. They couldnt wait to have their stories told. Part of that story is the fact that reckless is she is and was a noncom, absolutely given rank as Staff Sergeant in the United States marine corps. Shes the only animal to ever hold an official ranking in any brank of the military. The the comandante of the marine corps promoted her to Staff Sergeant himself in august of 57. Its amazing. Comandante, the marine corps can do a lot of things including that. Thats true. This statue, first of all its beautiful. Isnt it gorgeous. Who is the sculpture . Jocelyn russell. Shes an amazing artist. What she captured, if you see the real monument, you feel the horse leaving, you see the horse leaping off. We had gasps when she was unveiled. Were talking about a monument for sergeant reckless in quantico, virginia. National museum of the marine corps. Its such an amazing tale. Thank you for memorializing it and making it more splendid. Thank you, im honored. Im sure the sergeant would be very thrilled with the notoriety. Its a great story. We recommend the book to you. Horse lovers, marine lovers, great story lovers, americas war horse, sergeant reckless. Thanks very much. Thank you. On sale, online, bookou, far everywhere. Time for your comments. The Founding Fathers would turn over in their graves if they saw what this administration has done in spite of the constitution. Another, why do the democrats never mention that they control both houses of congress during president obamas first two years and still didnt pass immigration reform, the lost opportunities. But not reminding the public, strange, dont you think . Glen in california emailed to say, if the gop wants to win in november they had better start campaigning to lower taxes and a closed border. Well, got a lot to work to do between now and november. Were down to 98 days by the way if youre keeping track of such things before the midterm elections. A copy of my new novel, border war, shipped to the authorities of tonights comments. We love hearing from you. Email me loudobbs. Com. Go to our facebook page. Thats it for us tonight. Thanks for being here. Join us tomorrow. Join us tomorrow. Go we never thought wed be farming wind out here. Its not just building jobs here, its helping our community. Siemens location here has just received a major order of wind turbines. It puts a huge smile on my face. Cause im like, this is what we do. the fact that iowa is leading the way in wind energy, im so proud, like, its just amazing. Neil so congress is all for summer vacation, five week summer vacation, and everyone here is mad because they have hardly anything done. Im neil cavuto. And to hear the New York Times tell us it is hard to tell when congress isnt on vacation. Others calling this the most Unproductive Congress in history. They got next to nothing done, hardly any new laws, any new regulations no, big new programs. Not much at any new programs. And im thinking to myself, self, and thats a problem why . All of the

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