Illegal immigration has ever registered in the poll. The emerging of immigration is the top issue in the minds of americans reported as the government unveiled a plan to turn a cushion texas resort complete with Tennis Courts and olympic size swimming pool, hot tubs, Cable Television and wifi into a juvenile illegal immigrant facility. This at a cost of 50 million to taxpayers. The plan, moments ago scrapped by health and Human Services because of what they claim to be quote a negative backlash caused by information misreported to the public. To be clear, the negative backlash was created by burro burocrats and Juan Hernandez is blaming u. S. Drug policy for the surge of Illegal Immigrants to the u. S. Boarder. Hernandez said quote, the root cause is that the United States and colombia carried out big operations in the fight against drugs. Then mexico did it pushing drug traffickers into honduras, gaut ma guatemala and el salvador. Harry reid says the boarder is fine. The boarder is secure. It was talked in the caucus today. He said he can say without any equivocation, the boarder is secure. The boarder is secure. Governor dave hinneman disagrees. He says they are moving tens of thousands of illegal children all over the United States and refusing to tell state and local leaders anything. Hell join us in just moments. Also tonight, the House Rules Committee taking the First Official step in Speaker Boehners quest to unilaterally change the law without consent. George Washington University constitutional law professor Jonathan Turly saying why it is imperative the speaker given legal authority. Were seeing the emerging of a different model rejected by the framer. A dominant presidency occurred with little opposition. Indeed, when president obama pledgeed to circumvent, he received applause from the body he was opposing to make relevant. When a president can govern alone, he can become a government on to himself which is precisely the danger the framers sought to avoid. Well talk with congressman mike kelly why the speaker has chosen a lawsuit over impeachment. Democrats accusing republicans of waging a war on women for years but the book assault and flattery proves once and for all, its democrats ignoring the best interest of american women. Editor and out numbered cohost katy among our guests D Administration to be transparent and to report to congress where unaccompanied illegal children are being sent, how many have been giving immigration hearing dates and how many of them are sheing showing up for the hearing. Joining us now nebraska governor along with congressman terry found out 200 children had been sent to the state of nebraska without any notice whatsoever to local or State Government officials. Governor, good to have you with us. Lets start with has there been any apology. Is thehere any effort . Has the health and hew muman services reached out to change the tone of your government . Lou, not at all. No more contact. No more information. We initiated all the phone calls, all the action. I appreciate what congressman terry is doing. This Administration Says it wants to be transparent. How about being transparent by telling governors and mayors and local elected ocho fsfficials t names of the illegal children are being sent to cities, states, who their sponsors are. We have a responsibility to our taxpayers to ensure they dont receive state and federal taxpayer benefits. They can start right there. They would start there but it seems pretty clear that the Obama Administration means for state and local government and their taxpayers to bear the burden of accommodating these Illegal Immigrants in their come can m communities without notice. Is there any recourse they have . Im very, very concerned about that lou. Im not sure there is. For example, were going to have to educate those children at least for a period of time. That will be local property tax dollars, state sales and income tax dollars. Ill send a bill to the president of the United States but i doubt hell reimbursed me and i got another suggest. How about bold, decisive, immediate action to secure the boarder by activating the National Guard . He can do that right now there are plenty of states. I would volunteer our National Guard to go down for 30 or 60 days to secure the boarder, stand the tide of Illegal Immigrants coming into the country. You need to do something right now. Governor, i think it is now clear to every single american who is watching this crisis unfold on the southern boarder that this is a crisis orchestrated in concert with the governments of Central America, specifically, el salvador, honduras, guatemala, the government of mexico, these children could not possibly have made their way 1800 miles from their countries of origin without the help, assistance whether implied or rhetorical on the part of the president of whether active along with all the organizations and ngos that are engaged in this crisis. This is a political theater but the actors are very real and the consequences are extraordinary gray for the country. This president means to destroy that boarder. Lou, thats what were worried about. Its causing heart burn and heartache and we dont know what is going on. Unaccompanied children in america in undisclosed locations and they wont tell us what is going on. Ill continue to work with senators and congressmen to demand to know that information at the National Government association when the Vice President biden was Walking Around the table shaking hands, i took 30, 60 seconds to bring it to his attention did you laugh in his face, governor. No, i didnt laugh in his face because its too serious of an issue. I do hope they will listen, Pay Attention to what the governors are saying. I will guarantee you if i may, they are not listening to congress or anyone this is a government unto itself, this president is ruling and he means to continue to do so. It seems utterly, its one thing that is transparent about this administration. Let me ask you this, why not talk to the communities in your state, the mayors, talk to the county supervisors, find out what is going on in the state and use your own network for information and a Public Policy response from your office and from the state legislature to preserve the integrity of your state . Well, lou, im already trying to talk to several mayors to get an idea if they know anything about it and so far where we think they may be going, the mayors arent aware of it, either. All we heard is various rumors that potentially there will be more children showing up for school here in the middle of august. Again, we deserve to know what is going on. This is our country. Why wont they share that information with us . Are they hiding and like you, im concerned well never find out but well do everything we can to try. You were talking about the National Governors association. Governor maloy, that refusing being honored. There seems to be a different standard for blue states and red states, governor. Do you surprise that has any impact on what is going on here . Id like to think not but it could be. The one difference i know right now is that would have meant a Holding Operation there in connecticut, which he said no to. I dont know whether he said no to accepting any and can he prevent it because if they are only go to go to red states versus blue states, thats not the way we work in america. This isnt really an american operation then again, is it . Thank you, lou. Thank you. President obama today trying to divert attention from all of his scandals and controversies during a sixminute appearance in the White House Press briefing room. President obama announced new economic sanctions that target not russia but Russian Energy firms, financial institutions, some and a few Russian Companies that make weapons. European leaders also ordered up sanctions. Steve stockman in the broadcast, stay right with well let you know if they work. Fox News National security expert katy mcelderry forland, next. Thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. And thank you for your bravery. Thank you colonel. Thank you daddy. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance can be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. [ male announcer ] if you cant stand the heat, get off the test track. Get the mercedesbenz youve been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. But hurry, offers end july 31st. Share your summer moments in your mercedesbenz with us. Israel has resumed air strikes against hamas and hamas rejected seize fire proposed by the government of egypt. Netanyahu vowing hamas will quote, pay the price for its decision threatening to exert great force after the first israeli was killed in the conflict killed by a hamas rocket. Joining us now, fox News National security analysts katy mcfarland. This is now a full on escalation at least in rhetoric, the number of strikes and your thoughts about where were headed . I think we can be going, hamas turned down the deal that was offered, seize fire. Why . I think very cynsi want to stac gasties. The israelis killed this many palestinians and not have many israelis have died. Thats a tire some thing. It worked at some point over distance times, but now people are sophisticated enough to realize what they are doing. To watch it can be utterly remarkable as i commented on this broadcast. Youre right and while a lot of people understand what is going on. There are people maybe in 1600 pennsylvania avenue who dont get it and i think the hamas and palestinian objective and their goal so separate israel from the United States. They know if they can get israel not only isolated not region, if the United States walks away, israel is suicide. I think there may be a more difficult problem for administration than it recognizes because if its if there is the effort on the part of this administration, not saying there is, but if it were to be an effort on the part of this administration as some perceive it to be, that would be a mistake because the American People are absolutely in alliance with the israelis. There would be a political prize for this president to introduce it. It would be a political earthquake. When other countries, the 73 war retried to resupply israeli. They wouldnt let us land to get fuel to get to israel. Hell stall and lawyer it and think it over. He has to assess the situation. If there is a crisis it happens in the middle east and delay is as bad as doing nothing. On this broadcast it was pointed out that the french, the germans, the british have all stood up and voiced their solidarity with israel, which is very important because they have not always be so kweeager to express that support for israel. These are different times. Where do we go with this c confli conflict . Well see, hamas said no seize fire. The israeli haves a window, politically, not military, a window to take out the areas , do it quickly and be ers are, done with it. I dont think it ends up being Ground Troops but well see what the next 24 hours old. Thank you. Up next, my commentary on administrations return of a familiar strategy, one that excuses and rationalizes incompetence in government. Gym but to me its so much more. When i needed help the y gave my kids a scholarship to a safe place where they could grow learn and have fun. And when i was struggling with all kinds of Health Issues they gave me the guidance and motivation to get well. The y helps families create a Better Future and become so much more. Shinglesthe blisters tremendously as a pilot. And the pain in my scalp area and down the back of my neck was intense. It would have been virtually impossible in that confined space with the rash to move to change radio frequencies. I would just stop and literally freeze up. I mean it hurt. I couldnt even get up and drive let alone teach somebody and be responsible in an airplane. When my doctor told me that shingles came from the chickenpox virus i was very surprised. For two weeks i sat up in bed because i couldnt lay down. I had the scabs all throughout the side of my head and into the upper neck region. I didnt want to do anything except go to sleep and have the pain be over. As a pilot that meant i was grounded. Comments on attorney general holder and his latest effort to avoid accountability for the Obama Administrations failures, scandals and efforts to deflect individual responsibility for both himself and the president. Holder now maintains that the two men, the first African American president , the first African American attorney general are targets of racial enemies. This is public disapproval of the president s handling of every major issue. During one of his first speeches upon taking office the attorney general led to acquisitions and seemingly doing so without any reguard for the irony of being the nations first black attorney general. Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and we, i believe, continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards. Cowards didnt putt eric holder in office. Cowards didnt put president obama in office. This weekend holder didnt exactly stand by his early rash judgments and comments, he said only, he wouldnt quote walk away from them. I wouldnt walk away from that speech. I think we are still a nation that is too afraid to confront racial issues. Too afraid. But it is the attorney general who appears afraid and often uncertain, having done little to nothing to take up that debate on Race Relations in this country, and our president is presiding over one of the most polarized eras in our countrys history and now the attorney general says race is driving some of the administrations critics and political opponents. There is a certain level it seems to me directed at me. You know, people talk about it, there is a certain race co compone component. For some there is a racial an mist. Not major but obviously worthy of the attorney generals mind space and comments but it is it seems to me administration that has become uncomfortably adroid in throwing down the race card and using it to distract the body politics from the obama whites house incompetence and failures of government. They seek, it seems, to excuse, racialize when they should take responsibility and blame for many scandals and coverups that multiplied to the point that require numbers, not names, the National Liberal media cant abide reporting on all those scandals, all of those failures, the coverups, all of the policy failures and now overall clumsiness of this white house but a National Media that gives full throat to the obama pitch for class warfare and when that doesnt take, how about a month or two of boosting the president s income strategy and now comprehensive Immigration Reform and now that that strategy has backfired on the Obama Administration, they throw down their hold favorite strategy, this president who was once so bright has lost standing even in the compliant, co media comes race, from the same president , the same white house that was so many years ago been historic, historic in making this, the post racial era in ameri america. Instead, this white house seems to be doing its best to divide americans, rather than unite us. But we are still the United States of america. We americans are once again proving how strong and stub bbo the American Dream can be. Were stborn in the states of leadership that would have us be otherwise. The peoples house versus barack obama. Speaker boehner moves forward to sue the president. Congressman mike kelly on the im pending lawsuit and the fight for the constitution. Chloe is 9 months old. She is the greatest thing ever. One little smile. One little laugh. Honey bunny. laughter we would do anything for her. My name is kim bryant and my husband and i made a will on legalzoom. It was really easy to do. baby noise. Laughter we created legalzoom to help you take care of the ones you love. Go to legalzoom. Com today and complete your will in minutes. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. So this board gives me rates on progressive direct and other Car Insurance companies . Yes. But youre progressive and theyre them. Yes. But theyre here. Yes. Are you. There . Yes. No. Are you them . Im me. But the lowest rate is from them. Yes. So thems best rate is. Here. So where are them . Arent them here . I already asked you that. When . Feels like a while ago. Want to take it from the top . Rates for us and them. Now thats progressive. They say they will suspend attacks for five hours tomorrow. They call it a humanitarian gesture but a senior israeli official says the likely hood of a Ground Invasion of the gaza strip is very high. More than 200 people have been killed in gaza during the nineday conflict. More than 1200 hamas rockets and mortars fired into israel. Syrian president Bashar Alassad today sworn in for a third, switchyear term. It was more than three years ago president obama said asad must go. In washington, Speaker Boehner taking the next step in his lawsuit against the president over executive over reach. A group of legal experts testifying in front of the House Rules Committee one law professor Warning Congress selfdecembstruction selfdestruction. Congressman mike kelly, good to have you with us. George Washington University professor jonathan turlly. One of the most respected minds teaching constitutional law in this country, laying it out clearly for the National Media, for the country. Simply stated, either you guys act to blunt what is government and the abusive power by this president or our system of government is done. Yeah, well good words from the professor but every american should know it falls on our shoulders. People vote and send us here to defend the contusion. The same i took, the president has taken and that is defend our constitution against all enemies, both domestic and foreign. The key is there are things going on that no american would look at and say i think its all right. Its not all right and time for the house to do what the house can do following the rule of law and believing were a nation of laws and nobody is above the law including the president of the United States. Thats what makes this exceptional. If we ever walk away from that duty, what are we doing here . Why we could come here . Why would we ask people to send us here to defend them if we dont have the backbone and stomach to stand up and do what is necessary to preserve the great nation Going Forward . Our constitution is wonderful. We have Many Blessings but a burden. We have to defend this vigorously and aggressaggressiv. We cant say i dont think now at the time to do it. When isnt there an election and you know what . It falls on our shoulders now. This is what falls in front f us and what we must do. We cant walk away and say there may be a better time to do it. The constitution has never been under greater stress right now than what its going through. We have to defend it vigorously. Darrell leading the committee has done, i think, work in investigating scandal after scandal after scandal benghazi, fast and furious, irs, the list goes on and unsuccessfully in terms of reaching a resolution, even siting the attorney general of the United States for contempt but first, cabinet secretary to be held in contempt by congress, louis learner held in content but the effect of congressional action has been nil, zero, and its inadequate and what i dont hear from congress and what i dont hear from the leadership, even as Speaker Boehner prepares a lawsuit here, is it a response innovative and serious as the president s abuses of power . He is right now authoring even if implicitly a crisis on our southern boarder. He is sustaining that crisis, not resolving. In congress sits basically mute, last footing and seemingly unnerved. Is this what we can expect of our congress and of our government . No, i dont think it is but again, i go back to the rule of law and what is available to us in the way that the law prescribes. What i think right flow is special prosecutors are going to intervene. They could hold him in contempt and the department of justice says i cant do that and then you say okay, what are our alternatives. We cant prosecute. We can investigate and expose. The executive branch said we wont touch them. Well put them to the side and wait until a later date. Who knows when that is. The idea you run out the clock in important issues and hope people will get discouraged and their anger will turn and say its not worth fighting anymore. We losted everything. What we have done, coming in place the department of justice is not going to do its job. Eric holder is not going to do its job the way prescribed and what his duties are. Not what he chooses to do. The speaker and leadership of the house, i think the initial way was the lawsuit that the speakers talked about. Keep in mind, hes the speaker of the house. Hes the speaker for the house of representatives including both sides and i would hope my colleagues to sit in the house is not standing and applauding for a president saying they are not doing the job its supposed to do. Ive got a phone, pen, ill do it myself. That should have never stood up and applauded that. They should have sat back and said my goodness, my rule is diminished. Both sides of the house, democrats and republicans come together and defend the American People. Forget about the party specifics. The Republican Party doesnt have the strength to do so. Its highly unlikely the democrdem democrats will join in on part of the loyal opposition. Congressman, great to talk with you. Thanks for what youre doing. Thanks so much. Up next, president clinton so furious over the failed rollout of hilarys book hard choices well tell you what hes dogginin doing. Hes got a stroategy. Next. Im jane and i have copd. Im dave and i have copd. Im kate and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way thats why i asked my doctor about breo. Oncedaily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. And breo helps reduce symptom flareups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. Breo is not for asthma. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. It is not known if this risk is increased in copd. Breo wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking breo. Ask your doctor about breo for copd. First prescription free at mybreo. Com. Joining us now author of the New York Times number one best seller blood feud. Good to have you here. Thank you. What book was it beating out . What was the name of that book . Hillary clintons hard something or other. I had to give you an opportunity to bask in the moment. You write shes planning on writing a book to fix the other book, the number two book. On the 4th of july weekend he called and said he had an idea, which he should stop and write another book in which she would tell all about being a grandma, coming to be a grandma, being a mother, her true health problems, his health problems, and her real relationship with barack obama. That might be pretty interesting. It would be a lot more interesting than the book she wrote. [ laughter ] its right there just below you. The idea that bill clinton, president clinton is pushing hard on strategy, approaches, and listen up wife, we need another book here. Shes taking notes im told about this new book but simon is taking a 10 million bath on this book. Not sure they will publish the next book. Speaking of changes and the influence of the clinton brand, i understand from you that were seeing a little change in direction on capitol hill. There is nothing i like wetter than breaking news. From your reporting, im reading from notes because its important the successes in the democratic party, the leadership is shifting away from obama to the clinic anyones and that im told the top leadership, nancy pelosi, harry reid are calling the clintons rather than the white house before they make major legislative decisions on such matters like immigration and contraceptive health care reform. That has to say the least Say Something about the why house. Any sense of reaction there . Im sure the reaction there and i havent reported from the white house, ill tell you in a minute about the clintons. The white house will not be happy. The clintons have stolen away a lot of the white house political operative but i am told that when hilary relates this news to her friends about the shift in leadership, shes full of laughty how she trumped obama. Giddy she might be but also, president obama is moving toward Elizabeth Warren as his favorite in a direct slap to Hillary Clinton. What part is that play income your judgment in the Decision Making of the capitol hill leadership, whether reids office or pelosi. They are more in the establishment wing of the party than Elizabeth Warren who is way over in the left. I dont think they will get behind Elizabeth Warren and i think they feel that hilary is really inevitable in the nomination. As i am listening to your reporting and your account of events and these new currenting running, this sounds like a resurgent Hillary Clinton in the midst of it. Its like the doll that comes back up, there is nothing like the clintons being the comeback kids. I think they think that they are going to come back in a big, big way. All right. Well ed kline, youre running number one right now so youre the got it made kid. Congratulatio congratulations. Thank you. Its on sale right now, went flying off the shelves. The attorney general says film critics hate him and president obama not because of critics but because of their skin colors. The book please stop helping us on eric holders racial card next. Brap. My next guest says the Obama Administrations willingness to stoke Racial Division is playing to the fears of minorities to scare them to the polls in november. Joining us is Editorial Board member jason raleigh, the author of the book please stop helping us. Great to have you here today. Thank you, lou. Congratulations on the book. Thank you. Talking about this administration, it is racial anamist says eric holder, like he visits race every three years and talks about what cowards everyone else is. Thats what he is counting on with American People. Its ridiculous he is suggesting there are no legitimate nonracial criticisms of barack obama and so this must be what its all about because there couldnt possibly be about any of his policies or the state of the economy, hopefully five years plus into a recovery the state of joblessness but lou, this is political desperation. The democrats are worried minority wills stay home in november and lose the senate. Eric holder is out there scaring them to the polls. And scar the them to the pol lying them, telling them voter id laws are surprising the vote. The black voter rate in 2012 exceeded the white voter rate, states with the toughest voter id laws in the country. Before the u. S. Supreme court and people need to understand and greg abbit for example prevailed the majority of the time against the Obama Administration before the supreme court. The policies of this administration failed time and again and failed these conkn constituenci constituencies. Look at the unemployment rate. Black, white poverty gap widened. Poverty today is higher than 1960 lou. All this administration has to offer these people is more food stamps perhaps. This goes to your point, stop helping us, the fact is that the idea that there is stubborn unemployment and nobody is changing an approach for minorities. Dont expect the democrats to change the approach. The democrats have a vested interest on government and thats what we have today, whether jobs, military, post office. In terms of handouts, welfare and food stamps. Thats what the democrats want to maintain, its how they get reelected. Jason, great to have you here. Thanks so much. Up next, democrats claim the Republican Party is waging a war on women. The new book assault and flattery, democrats, the real culprits . Katy pavlich joins me next. Ank u for your bravery. Thank you colonel. 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When i was drumming and moving my rib cage and my arms like this it hurt across here. When i went to the doctor and said whats happening to me his first question was did you have chickenpox . I didnt even really know what shingles was. I thought it was something that, you know, old people got. I didnt want to have clothes on. I didnt want to have clothes off. If someone asked me lets go dancing that would have been impossible. The quotation of the evening tonight, one president obama president obama and jack lou might Pay Attention to, this quote from mark twain. Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your gover deserves it. My next guest argues it is actually the left perpetrating a war on women. The book is titled assault and flattery flattery. Katie pavlich. Thank you for having me. Great to be on the show. Lets start with one of my favorite, my favorite parts of the book. You describe the Kennedy Family as americas worst family. Absolutely. Youre holding back, i get the feeling on the kennedys, why do you say that . Look, i covered the president ial campaign very closely. The Obama Campaign used it as a way to attack republicans and they played a five minute tribute video to ted kennedy and stamped the words womens right champion on that video. They didnt mention the part in his life where he left a young woman to die in his car but when you take a deeper look at the Kennedy Family as i did in my book, youll see they have a long history on treating women poorly and yet, they are upheld by democrats as this Glorious Party and glorious family that should be an example for democrats to look up to and they are absolutely not. And it is an article of faith of the left there this country that the Republican Party is waging a quote, war on women. Right. Without and you knocked that down and turned it against the democrats. The left has a bad habit of accusing opponents of what they are doing and the war on women is no exception. For example, everything from sexual abuse to Government Programs and dependency are examples. Going to barack obama, i had a 2012 Campaign Democrats are dependent on government, not independent and nothing more duh humanizing women by the pills they take. In terms of giving specific examples, the irs targeting of tea Party Conservative groups, Many Tea Party groups were founded by women. And tons of little Tea Party Groups headed by women and yet, the left screams about getting women involved in the political process and the irs made sure they were humiliated, bullied. Thats one example. Another example is president obamas efforts to get women more dependent on government. Youll remember the life of julia. They portrayed this woman as cradle to grave from health care to raising her child and housing and everything. Why is it familienests need the government to hold their hand throughout the course of their life. And we got just about a minute here, katie, but why hasnt the Republican Party been more effective in slamming in allegation, this war on women in the Republican Party right down the teeth of the left . Well, they are getting there. They got blind sided by it in 2014 and 2016. We saw republicans introduced legislation to counter ridiculous claims of democrats contraception is going to be banned and determine whether you have access to contraception. So they are Getting Better at it to address it instead of allowing republicans define it for them. They are defining it for themselves. Kay the katie suggesting. Thanks for being here. Assault and platry, online, book storms everywhere, we high he recommend you make a purchase. Time for a few of your comments. No longer do we have a president of all the people, only of liberals, i was tweeted in response quote of the evening from president s lincoln, i think president obama is inspired and motivated by the heart about fooling some of the people all of the time. Johnny in texas said, has anyone looked into how so many poverty families in Central America are coming up with 7,000 to pay the coyotes, a copy of my novel boarder war shipped to the authors of tonights comments. Email me. Thanks for being with us. Well see you tomorrow night. Good night from new york. [ dynamic music plays ]

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