Benefits to the lido Cancer Research and fema, among others. President obama had called the House Republican incremental approach, their effort to pass funding bills one department at a time not serious. That apparently has changed. Tonight we will take up by president obama thinks its okay now to support what the white house called piecemeal funding, the ones he likes and out right rejects the others. We will seek answers to the question, is this a serious way for a president to govern. Also tonight, new york yankee third baseman elytra dree is going on the offensive against Major League Baseball. The 2,705,000,000 man comparing baseballs performance enhancing drug investigation into the mafiarun organization. Arod suing Major League Baseball and bud selig individually. Tonight the gulf coast is bracing for Tropical Storm karen which could reach category one status overnight. Karen, the first named storm system of the year, expected to make land fall. A state of emergency declared in louisiana, new orleans projected now on the storms path. It will be taking you live to the gulf coast. Obamacare having lots of trouble , desperation in the state of colorado where they cannot recruit enough young people into the obamacare exchanges. Colorados the strategy to fix that, reaching a new low. As you can see on your screen, obamacare organizers implying a bare minimum standard to attract attention and to boost enrollment. That story straight ahead. We begin tonight with what many would consider an extreme case of hypocrisy from the white house. President obama this afternoon endorsed House Republican effort to ensure all federal employees furloughed in the shutdown will be paid retroactively. House republicans so far have passed bills to restore funding for veterans benefits, the National Institutes of health, the national guard, reserves, the National Park service, the met, the district of columbia, all threatened with a veto by president obama. The only bill that the senate took to the floor and the president signed him one maintaining paychecks from military. The white house now says of the house actions, these piecemeal efforts are not serious. They are no way to run a government. But tonight the president has apparently changed his mind and is serious about wanting more, putting government paychecks at the top of this perris and rejecting almost everything else. The Obama Administration also backpedaling from my in todays wall street journal claiming it is unconcerned about the length of the government shut down. A Senior Administration official said we are winning. Does not really matter to us because what matters is the end result. The president might want to take a look at todays gallup poll numbers. 41 percent approval. With fox news senior White House Correspondent has our report. With the government shut down limiting selections the president walks to a Sandwich Shop a block away where he denied a wall street journal report that he is winning the spending battle by keeping government workers on. There is no winning when families dont have certainty about whether there will be paid and not. The Photo Opportunities seemed geared for reassuring terse the washington is safe. On the way back mr. Of all address republican claims that he will negotiate. Talk to him. Secretary of state carry. Canceling the rest of a president ial trip that had already been shortened earlier in the week. Press secretary jay carney said in a written statement, this completely avoidable shutdown is setting back our ability to create jobs through promotion of u. S. Exports. Republicans said with time now on its schedule, mr. Obama should use it for talks. Theyre not buying the crime of the white house does not feel it is winning politically. A perfect opportunity now that he is here to begin negotiations. As the speaker laid out, senior white as a ministration said it does not matter how long were shut down. I believe it does. Reporter understand a white house front of the notes and bills that would free parts of the government from the shut down. With and the country pays as they go for their essential government functions . Certainly not the net states. That is what theyre proposing. At the same time carney announced fema workers are being recalled from furlough to prepare for a Tropical Storm karen on the gulf coast. Republicans say they will keep trying the piecemeal funding. A day after an open mike, kentuckys two senators talking about sticking to their talking points, republicans are doing just that. The only message that were getting from the white house, from the president of the democrats, senator reid, the majority leader is one that says theyre not willing to negotiate that does not help solve all problems. Reporter despite the president s plan that he is willing to negotiate, no meetings are scheduled. House republicans say they will keep passing bills to reopen parts of the government which the white house says will be vetoed if they somehow make it through the senate. Lou thank you. The today, we are winning. It does not really matter to us because what matters to us is the end result, is the white house trying to the walk that back a bit. The white house has said that that is not. Press secretary tweeted just shortly after the wall street journal reported that attributing it to an unnamed Senior Administration official. That ii definitely not the thinking here at the white house. The president said several times a day, he would reopen the government today if the senate of the house would send him a bill that would do so without tying restrictions to it that will then curb parts of obamacare. And even talk about negotiation. Maybe there is some. The president s talent pool. Is the the numbers account right now. We reported to you that 31 percent approval already. On the number four of the 199596 set down, 53 percent of americans approved of the job of president and was doing just 38 percent disapprove. You see what may be a problem for this president. Without senator reid and House Speaker bear having a conversation. No negotiations, none scheduled. Each side still seems to have a great deal to. Fox news chief Congressional Correspondent with the report. Give them for the forgive them for the blunders they have committed to be forgiven for the blunders that have committed. Senate chaplain very black offer the same prayer for members about the house and senate, but so far there are no signs of meaningful negotiations to end the government shut down. This is not some damn game. The American People dont want their government shut down, and needed while House Speaker has said he wont let the nation Default Community also said he was not planning to just add to the countrys debt. I dont believe that we should default. But after 55 years of spending more than what you bring in, something ought to be addressed. This year we will have more revenue than any year in history of our country and yet still have a nearly 700 billion deficit which the house strategy in the Current Crisis is to continue testing smaller funding bills that will make it difficult for any lawmaker to oppose. Today were going to vote to open femm the National Weather service as we witnessed a growing storm in the gulf. Were also going to vote to provide Nutrition Services for women and children in poverty. 247164. The bill is passed, but the white house has threatened to veto the measure is to try to force the speaker and house leaders to pass a clean stopgap funding bill. Got the press conferences, the rhetoric. Put a bill on the floor. Lets but. In the senate tax republican ted crews tried to give democrats to take up the individual bills but was rejected. It is wrong in my opinion decision at the government down and then we will decide piece by piece. That is alice in wonderland. Fired back. The villain in the shutdown. I feel that i have been here in absentia because so Many Democrats have been vote my name as the root of all evil in the world. Tomorrow the house is due to vote to make sure federal workers get back pay. The white house says it strongly supports it, some republicans are asking what about bills for Cancer Research, veteran benefits, and reopening National Parks . Thank you. Turning now to the storm of another nature entirely, Tropical Storm karen making its way toward the gulf coast tonight. Gulf Oil Production has been cut in half as oil and Gas Companies close their platforms and evacuate their workers. The governors of three states declaring states of emergency in anticipation of karen making landfall. The federal Emergency Management agency asking some furloughed federal workers to return. Fox news correspondent is in pensacola, florida, with our report. At first glance this looks like a beautiful day, a typical day on a florida beach, but when you look closer and the water you wont see anyone swimming. The surface heavier than usual. When we arrived we saw a red flag flying warning visitors to stay out of the gulf of mexico because of the potential for dangerous rip currents as the storm approaches. Not the message local officials like sending tourists, but theyre taking no chances. Despite the government shut down there is activity in critical areas such as the National Hurricane center. Fema is calling in previously furloughed employees. Of course the military is busy. The nearby harbor field has been conducting an air evacuation. The military has been flying planes at a pensacola and moving into air force bases in arkansas and in mexico to protect them against farm damage. However, there are no mandatory evacuations for personnel or families at this time since terry is not expected to make landfall as a strong hurricane. Local officials are urging visitors and residents to take the storm seriously because even relatively weaker Tropical Storms have been known to inflect extensive damage and personal injury here in the sunshine state. We are not seeing a lot of homes and businesses boarding up windows, but when we went to a local supermarket we saw people stocking up on bottled water and Battery Power flashlights. Lou thank you. Sorry. The National Hurricane center at this hour is saying that winds are holding at 50 milesperhour, down from 65 milesperhour. The storm is expected to strengthen someone overnight, but remain a Tropical Storm. The latest for you throughout the hour. Were coming right back. Stay with us. Masters of pain. The Obama Administration making the government shut down as difficult as possible for as many as possible, closing parks and campgrounds, museums, cemeteries, even parks they dont operate. Congressman doc hastings on the shutdown in sanity. Howdy partner. Youre not linda. Im filling in for officer owens. She used double miles from her cital one venture card to take an early vacation. Bule up. Lets go do cop stuff. [ siren chirps ] license and venture card, maam. Was i going too fast . Oh, youd be going twice as fast if you had double miles. [ male announcer ] get away fast with unlimited double miles from the capital one nture card. Freeze dont touch the face can i drive . Absolutely n. Whats in your wallet . Amelia. Neil and buzz for teaching us that you cant create the future. By clinging to the past. And with that youre history. Instead of looking behind. Delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions. In everything from the best experiences below. To the finest comforts above. Were not simply saluting history. Were making it. Help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, and a stateoftheart monitoring center, whe experts tch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. Lou this is breaking news. It is the first friday of the month, and we would normally be reporting to you the new Unemployment Rate, but the government shut down is ongoing. The Labor Department is not releasing the report on payrolls, nor on the Unemployment Rate, so we can actually go back to up better times, the reagan recovery when 30 years ago today the federal government reported its best jobs report ever. One jobs 1 million jobs created in one month in september of 1983. The Unemployment Rate has been discovered 9 and would go on to decline by the time reagan left office. Monuments and memorials remain closed. The Obama Administration has also forced hundreds of privately operated businesses on federal property to close. My next guest says the Obama Administration is going out of its way to make this shut down as painful as possible for as many citizens as possible. In his committee is planning to investigate these closures, particularly of openair monuments. Joining us, chair of the House National resources committee. Congressman, good to have you with this. I mean, as we have been reporting, the number of these monuments have been closed. For at perhaps best known, the world war ii memorial. An openair monument barricaded. What is going on . Well, i think you have to look at this in the context of government shut down, especially is shut down and alaska town. All i shut down this did not happen. All of the open air monuments were open to the public. But there is no question i think in this case actions speak much louder than words. They are going out of their way to make as this shut down as painful as they possibly could. We see that here in washington d. C. , but it is not confined to here. They are closing down private businesses that are located the National Park lands. Depriving them of their livelihood by shutting down those areas. That wasnt done in 1996 are 95 either. I think in this case clearly from apple and a few this the administration is going out of their way to make it is painful as possible to make the political point. We seek 88 percent of americans said the government is in charge of their lives. Watching the secondly the National Park service will soon recover from what theyre doing and the manner in which they have done it. I understand it is that the order of the president of the United States, but also we are hearing from any totally that they have been instructed and ordered by their superiors because of his to make this as painful as possible. We are going to explore that and find an exactly where is happened, but the people that a really heard on this by the park rangers there on the ground that have to take orders from on high and tell people they cant go and enjoy our National Treasures there the ones that are really being messed over in this particular case. Does. I think its going to be a black guy, hard to overcome. You will try to find out over time how this all came about. Lou good for you give it less turned what is going on in the house. There is word from the democratic side and a deal is already cut on the continuing resolution. It would be 9,806,000,000,000. The speaker of the house and harry reid of cut debt deal. That was not. A broader agreement on that. But we felt and i think rightfully so, there were some problems with obamacare. I dont like obamacare. I think its a bad law. And so we put a provision of the latest proposal, compromise that we sent to the senate that there should be a oneyear delay. That is fair. That is simply a fairness. When you give big business and big labour lou could not agree with you more. At the same time the u. S. Saying categorically there is no big in deal between the two . The way you get a big in deal is when you have differences of opinion. After all, the house and senate are two different bodies. When they have differences of opinion the way you work it out is discuss your differences and negotiate. That is what is happening. Recently are not negotiating. We heard that over and over barry does not the where kutcher is supposed to work. Lou us turn to the fact that there are reports that there is division in the republic. To questions on that grow quickly. Were out of time. Will your leaders stand strong and maintain their current position, or do you expect them to wobble and then we can and perhaps give in altogether to the Obama Administration . Secondly, is your caucus capable of maintaining that solidarity if your leaders are Strong Enough to maintain its position . Let me take the second first. I think our leaders are strong. As a matter of fact, when you look at these last ten the you alluded to earlier, all the republicans voted for it. There have been 57 defectors supporting a position. The bipartisan support is on our side. Secondly, we will come to a conclusion when there is negotiation with the senate, thats our position. As the american way. Thats what our founders wanted to do. When you have differences you negotiate. Come to the negotiating table and will let the final product and act accordingly. That wont happen until we have negotiations. Its pretty simple. Very black and white. Lou congressman, good to have you here. Lou, thank you very much. Lou turning to wall street, stocks finished the week higher. The dallas 76 points, the essen beginning 12, the nasdaq rose 33 points. For the week the dow down more than 1 percent, the s p lost a fraction. The nasdaq managed gains for a fifth straight week, as long as with the winning streak since february. Sandwich chains making its trading debut today. The stock up more than 100 . Twitter unveiling its ipo filing yesterday, plans to trade under the symbol tw tiara. And number of confuse investors sent shares of tw tiara q of more than a thousand percent today. That Ticker Symbol blancs to tweeter, a Home Entertainment company that went bankrupt some six years ago but had a nice day in the market today. I would like to take a moment to congratulate some of our fellow colleagues. Bill oreilly is latest book, killing jesus at the top of the New York Times bestseller list in its very first week. The followup to his other best seller alike killing Kennedy Temecula and lincoln. He will never forgive me for not mentioning all of them. Those are only the two most recent. Fox and friends brian kelly. George washington sigrids six, the spy ring that save the american revolution. Set to hit book shows November November 5th. Get ready. Congratulations to build and brian. Up next, harry reid reminding lawmakers about civility on the senate floor. In the chalk talk will talk about that the civil democrats ive somewhat abusive in their language. Somewhat ascetic in the communication. Not just with republicans. Thats next. So i can reach ally bank 24 7, but there are no branches . 24 7. Im sorry, im just really reluctant to try new things. Really . Whats wrong with trying new things . Look mommys new vacuum cat screech you feel that in your muscles . I do. Drink water. Its a long story. Well, not having branches lets us give you great rates and service. Id like that. A new way to bank. A better way to save. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. Customer erin swenson ordebut they didnt fit. Line customers not happy, im not happy. Sales go down, im not happy. Merch comes back, im not happy. Use ups. They make returns easy. Unhappy customer becomes happy customer. Then, repeat customer. Sy returns, im happy. Repeat customers, im happy. Sales go up, im happy. I ordered another pair. Im happy. both im happy. Im happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy happy. I love logistics. Lou critics going after pharmaceutical giant merck because of the bush to loosen the nations immigration law. In and of itself the last month officials urged congress to allow more Foreign Workers into the United States but this week it announced it was increasing the job cuts up to 16,000 amounting to 20 percent of the workforce. Not so nice and quite a contrast. Opening of dirt cheap food cheaper foreign labor. Senate majority leader harry reid arguably the nastiest fellow on capitol gonzales and incivility reminding fellow lawmakers of decorum. We all have to understand that these rules create a little bit of distance talking about personalities and if we do that we have a more civil decorum. Lou. [laughter] in the course of the presidency i have spent over backwards to work with the Republican Party and purposely kept my rhetoric down. Lou really . Apparently republicans want democrats want republicans to do is i say he said he would not negotiate with republicans house q like these . With a gun to the head of the American People. White is in their chest beating about that gun metaphor or violent rhetoric . The president also accusing the house of trying to blackmail him and extort him and the entire e economy held hostage. Hostage . The president only talked about senator reid to calls the Tea Party Members in darkest and our guest also calling the speaker a coward but as the majority leader talks a possibility but Nancy Pelosi Cobham arsonist also said republicans are waging g tod against america. Senior white house advisor like and the republicans with bombs strapped to the test. Senator reid, you were talking about civility is a hoot and that is what you are. Lettuce know what you think. Email at lou loudobbs. Com or on twitter. The treasury secretary has to be kidding. United states will not default unless the president says default . David stockman house the truth about the debt ceiling. The ocean gets warmer. The peruvian anchovy harvest suffers. It raises the price of fishmeal, cattle feed and ef. Bny mellon turns insights like these into powerful investment strategies. For a university endowment. It funds a marine biologist. Who studies the peruvian anchovy. Invested in the world. Bny mellon. Lou bringing you a stay on Tropical Storm karen with is expected to make landfall by tomorrow in the vienna right now birling to the coast with winds of 50 m. P. H. And forecasters say it could strengthen overnight and hurricane watches are in the fact from louisiana to florida. The Treasury Department warns of the default coming on october 16 it could trigger it economic calamity but we are here tonight to expose the debt ceiling truce and to put into perspective the governor the government has revenue of debt interest of 30 billion and the president has the power to prioritize spending to pay down only the debt interest and social security, medicare, a Service Members salaries and here to guide as is david stockman. The former head of office and budget under president reagan. Were also joined by Chris Edwards from tax policy studies at the cato institute. Terrific to have you here. How can there be so much frankly what a good friend of mine calls gross over a exaggeration . That is the right word if we cut to the chase to make clear there will be no default on the public debt unless president obama orders it. He has the power to allocate or prioritize the revenue coming in and therefore october 16 is a phony date designed to leverage the congress to intimidate the republicans who finally try to stand up for the future of this country to stand stop the massive increase of debt. There is no constitutional feature the says he cannot allocate. There is no law and i cannot imagine the Supreme Court will step in with a restraining order to say you cannot use 10 percent of the revenue coming in to pay the debt and beyond that to other things. Why is it always so strongly opposed . It would force a negotiation over time to get some real change and reform to stop the entitlement ashamed machine. Lou that has occurred. The adn that default has been characterized in such a dramatic area of fear. This is a contrast who was elected with hope and change , it is fear mongering thats right. For one Political Party to use a Government Shutdown or the debt limit to get policy proposals considered by the white house is a reasonable thing happening many times during his tenure in the white house and in the 90s. It is normal. The problem here is president obama and the democrats excluded the republicans from the obamacare policy from the beginning. It got no republican votes in the house or the senate and ever since president obama has made a unilateral decisions on changing obamacare so they feel excluded. So the use the leverage available to them to get them changes. Lou i want to talk about the positions that doc hastings says there is no baked in deal or a number and the shutdown will go on because the leadership is absolutely committed to maintaining their position and solidarity but the true says there is no way in the world this can go one beyond october 17th if they do not feel they will win in the Public Opinion polls. In right now mr. Obama is losing badly. That is why every year into the accelerated fear mongering in the name calling because the establishment dreads the day when it becomes clear there is no armageddon or default. The president will pay the interest it is only 30,000,000,010 of total revenue that comes in and and the Playing Field will change dramatically in terms of negotiation this is a defining moment. Lou you have gone through this. What people may not know about the history of the contest of political will is the democrats challenged the administration far more than republicans. Do you believe the republicans will stand up and prevail . I hope they do the record is not great but maybe now they can realize to have a chance before the debt gets out of control. It is entirely reasonable has an economy for future decades if it is not really peeled is to have a shortterm unpleasantness it is a very bad law very unreasonable. Lou i love that phrase. Please take a second to go to lou dobbs. Com in checkout fox Business Today featuring the analysis on a tumultuous week on wall street and up next very more than their souls and colorado to push obamacare enrollment the former cbo director on the failing rollout. Next. Any last requests mr. Baldwin . Do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser . I need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. Okay. Its easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. Just pick that flight right there. Mmm hmmm. Give it a few taps, and. Its taken care of. This is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. You bet. Now if you like that, press the red button on top. How did he not see that coming . Whats in your wallet . Lou organizer is from colorado referred to Desperate Measures to promote obamacare sending now makes and models on the streets of denver to get people to sign up for the state Health Insurance exchange and we foot the bill through a 20 million federal government grant. Naked or not it will be a tough sell premiums for the young people aged 18 through 35 lowrise nationwide under obamacare with an average increase of 260 percent according to the news report from the American Action forum in joining us now douglas holds eaton a president of the American Action forum. It is fascinating to see with the old cliche as stark relief the incentive for young people. The naked truth. Lou they have incentives not to join obamacare to pay the penalty in be done with it. Absolutely key group the young in principles between 18 and 35 traditionally have not bought Health Insurance they dont go out to ensure but now how can they lower them into the exchanges . If they dont show up the premium doesnt cost cover cost of care in there is a chance of a death spiral. So if you run the arithmetic the ec premium increases from nine or 600 , why would they buy after . The math is not promising. Lou i hear people talk about obamacare as social medicine it isnt these are all aligned against participation for those that is certain threshold of 302,000 individually they have every incentive to. We have had this discussion for years because there are all sorts of things to drive the premiums up the rules on a guaranteed issue in and the Community Rating to charge a betty the same price so we knew it was coming but they said we will have these subsidies but i have done the math here. Lou is it your judgment obamacare will fail on this fulcrum for the entire program . Yes. This is just insurance arithmetic if they dont show up it does not work. Lou great to have you with us. The upcoming documentary exposing the irs to reveal how deep the governments abuse of power runs stay with us. 80 thousand us investing billions. In everything from the best experiences below. To the finest comforts above. Were not simply saluting history. Were making it. At bny mellon, our business is investments. Managing them, moving them, making them work. We oversee 20 of the worlds financial assets. And that gives us scale and insight no one else has. Investment management combined with investment servicing. Bringing the power of investments to peoples lives. Invested in the world. Bny mellon. Lou here is a problem for Major League Baseball Alex Rodriguez has followed up filed a lawsuit against the commission in claiming they engaged a witch hunt an used mob like tactics to destroy his reputation and costing him tens of millions of dollars. Rodriguez also files a separate suit against the yankee doctor today. This week marks the 100th the anniversary of the federal income tax when next guest says there is a reason to celebrate as the iras proves to be a cancer of the body of justice of liberty we have radio talkshow host and producer of the film unfair exposing the irs. You are shooting now what percentage of production . 80 done with the primary photography in we will wrap up a 32 day nationwide bus tour from location to location finding the stories of the people affected by the irs. Not just political hour twoparty. Lou then what is it . People who adopt children overseas they are targeted. Churches that have been silenced since the 1954 bill clinton by lyndon johnson. Talk about the Internal Revenue service the adp would have any agency so corrupt with his management that they would do what they have done targeting conservative groups and churches. Why have those victims who have been contacted by the fbi any other . We have not seen any kind of collusion nothing with the nsa or the irs but the real story is why have the American People tolerated the assault on their liberties. This is the tip of the iceberg and we need to melt that iceberg. Lou have you talked to anybody who has been investigated the investigative officer of the scandal of the federal government . Nine hour contacted directly to closely they ignore them if you fill out the application you go 36 months without hearing anything. Lou that is a decision by the Justice Department not to investigate what has transpired. Have you talked with a Single Person that has been contacted by the Justice Department . No. Nobody has investigated the government of that is what youre asking. Lou your premier date . Hopefully april 15, 2014 on tax day. Lou that gives you time. How long do you expect it to be . About 90 minutes but we will have a live satellite set a 30 minute panel at the end of the movie with key no figures like we hope Grover Norquist and my caribbean present to the American People five Different Solutions or alternatives to the way things have been lou try this investigate who ever abused power and participated in that management of the irs, put them in jail. Is that a possibility . I really dont think it is. When you have happening in the government nobody will be held accountable for the we are can people have to replace their representatives in congress to tell them abolish the system. Lou the system you talk about the irs . The incometax the 16th amendment in to move to one of the other alternatives. Lou i you make me feel modest of my edition with those conservative groups in those individuals that you talk about you get the big picture we will be watching on april 15, 2014. That it is it have a great weekend. Good night from new york. You feel that in your muscles . I do. Drink water. Its a long story. Well, not having branches lets us give you great rates and service. Well, notid like that. Es a new way to bank. A better way to save. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. Help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. Customer erin swenson ordebut they didnt fit. Line customers not happy, im not happy. Sales go down, im not happy. Merch comes back, im not happy. Use ups. They make returns easy. Unhappy customer becomes happy customer. Then, repeat customer. Easy returns, im happy. Repeat customers, im happy. Sales go up, im happy. I ordered another pair. Im happy. both im happy. Im happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy happy. I love logistics. [ engine revs, tires squeal ] [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedesbenz has pioneered many breakthroughs. Breakthroughs in design. Breakthroughs in safety. In engineerin. And technology. And now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. Introducing the cla. Starting at 29,900. Lou token, everybody. This friday night. To you know where your congressman is . Chances are if youre she has good longest ride on the floor of the house of representatives because gun for business or no, a few hardy souls are still letting the other side that it whether the other side is there not. To rich edson that the kaplans is what theyre doing down there. You can go up any time you want and talk for as long as you want which is to let anything you one

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