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To separate the two issues they luckily i have one here tonight. The president can legally kick the fbi director to the curb cause it is anthat will position. E big question is why now . Maybe it has something to do with last weeks hillary declaration. I was on the way to winning until the combination of jim comeys letter on october 28 and russian wikileaks reached out in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off. Kennedy with political enemies on both sides of the aisle comeys head on a platter should have been a bipartisan fees. Instead democratic jackals particularly pounced on the opportunity to fan on the flames of russian collusion. We know director comey was leading an investigation and whether the Trump Campaign colluded with the russians, a serious offense. Where those investigations getting too close to home for the president . Kennedy i dont know if chuck. It might be problematic for the president gives the democrats a hysterical entree to talking points. At present responded with a series series of tweets including this one. They have said some of the worst things about james comey including he should be fired but now they play so sad. The democrats calling for a special prosecutor and independent investigation which is the best solution at this point as congressman justin amash tweeted we are looking into establishing a special Prosecutor Commission on russia. It remains to be seen whether the timing of the political fallout eclipses what might have been a justified termination. You are hired and you were here. I am kennedy. Nevermind the political fallout with comeys dismissal constitutional . Who better to ask than vox news analyst to judge entered napolitano who rejoins me. Welcome back, judge. Is this a constitutional crisis that we have entered into . Two questions. The dismissal was constitutional because the fbi director works in the executive branch even though he has been confirmed by the senate. It is a position that serves at the pleasure of the presence of a the president can fire him for any reason or for no reason. Is this a constitutional crisis . No or maybe not yet as the answer because we dont know whats going to come out. If the president fired him, if, to impede the investigation of a potential connection between russian intelligence and his own campaign that would precipitate a constitutional crisis. That of course is what the democrats are arguing. We havent heard anybody say it quite that way and that might require more investigative information. Our friends at the news york times reported just this afternoon that late last week mr. Comey asked his superiors in the Justice Department for billions of dollars more in assets with which to pursue this investigation, so that feeds that narrative. Kennedy even though though the white house said they want the fbi to complete their investigation i agree with the call that there needs to be a special prosecutor. At this point there needs to be some sort of independent oversight so we can get to the bottom of it even if its just to prove the point that there was no collusion with russia in regards to the election. I think more and more people and more and more republicans will start to agree with you on both sides, both sides of capitol hill. You mentioned a good friend of ours congressman justin amash. Even a moderate conservative republican in the senate such as richard burr whose the chair chair of the Senate Intelligence committee is pretty to the enormous array of the National Security. Ive had a lot of interplay with director comey hinting there should be an independent investigation as well. We dont know who the new fbi director will be but we do know donald trump did not fire the entire fbi, just fired the director. Theoretically the investigation should proceed at a pace. The director so far but the field level to conduct an investigation and he es nee an supervisor. This receives reports on it. Hopefully whatever investigation there is help their will proceed apace a side from the speed bum. Canby lets talk about Jeff Sessions because he has recused himself from the issue and he is the one who would have to appoint a special prosecutor. A special prosecutor would be appointed by Rod Rosenstein who is the Deputy Attorney general. A special prosecutor would be investigating an area from which attorney general sessions has recused. Kennedy thats my question. His recusal means the man who opted this memo that was the basis for comeys firing, hes the one who would appoint a special prosecutor. It is so politicized in washington and the country now. How do you find someone because if you look at the legal scholars who have been asked to comment on this story in the locality and constitutionality of the air so split on party lines. The way you do this as you go into private practice and find a former Justice Department trial lawyer or former assistant u. S. Attorney who is very familiar with the federal system who is utterly fearless and for the most part, its hard to find a human being that is totally apolitical but there people and prosecutors who are not pronounce it lay in one party or the other. When you appoint that person that person gets a slew of fbi agents and a budget and they are ready to indict anybody. Kennedy that sounds like a deal made for you. I like my day job. Canby thanks so much we will see you again soon. Democrats up in arms over comeys firing but this morning on the Senate Floor Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell suggested the left is being a bit critical. Democratic always complaining about the removal of an fbi director when they themselves repeatedly and sharply criticized that removal is being done by a man named Rod Rosenstein. When mr. Rosenstein recommended mr. Comeys removal for many of the very reasons that they complained about. Canby the Senate Majority leader said he is looking forward to a fair and timely confirmation process for comeys replacement that the g. O. P. Health care billing confirmation of the Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch has proven anything another director will be a partisan battle on the hill. Lets dig right into this with my paddle panel tonight. The Fox Business Network daily beast and weekly common as Anthony Fisher and Brian Morgenstern do republicans strategists of manhattan g. O. P. Welcome everyone. I dont know what it is about comey but he inspires so much hypocrisy on both sides. Ive never seen anything like it but im not surprised its ending like this for him. I love how people can unite around disliking him for what he did last july and what he did 11 days for the election. Jim comey has been great at one thing and that is shutting up the reputation of jim comey. Hes very concerned about how he looked to the American People and as mightily as he tried he looked like he was fumbling at the job. Even last week the testimony which i personally think was one of the nails in his coffin, it was full of innuendo about this investigation into any potential collusion between the Trump Campaign and russia. Rather than just coming out and saying heres where we are and being blunt and virtually Everything Else hes talked about. Kennedy even when he talks about huma abedin and mistakenly said she forwarded the hundreds of thousands of emails and she backed him up. I dont know if he knows the difference that people arent calling that into question because they feel bad for huma abedin. Theyre doing it because james comey appears to be incompetent but do you agree with me that a special prosecutor should be appointed . Im totally in favor of a special prosecutor if only to clear everything up. Perhaps there isnt enough of a there there to talk about treason and russia violating bilinear sovereignty but theres no question russia like most powerful companies were trying to tip the scales with whether or not it rises to the level of attachment impeachment id like to have that laid out. Kennedy Hillary Clinton hates james comey and you know yesterday her staff was fist pumping. You know they were delighted by this. I have not found anybody who doesnt. She would have fired him as well which makes the rh a little bit naddi. We dont have evidence of a coverup or evidence of collusion and we are the Senate Bipartisan committee in the house Bipartisan Committee and the fbi continuing to investigate that i dont know of more in best editions are going to hurt a hell. Typically an independent prosecutor gets elevated and gets a new investigation and becomes a firestorm for a longer period of time which really complicates things. In terms of a coverup. Kennedy i just want the truth and i dont trust either side, im sorry. I dont trust the story that will invariably come out and the story that was in the news york times about the request for more resources last week by jim comey. You need somebody to set the record straight. Jerry side in the wall street journal wrote about watching certain senators to see if they really push Rod Rosenstein our weather jeff flake and john mccain or Lindsey Graham korb rob corker or Lamar Alexander and Lisa Murkowski and susan collins. Kennedy one day after comeys firing President Trump met with Russian Foreign minister sergei lavrov. Lavrov met with secretary Rex Tillerson about ukraine and bilateral issues but there meeting was effaced after reporter asked about the comey firing. You are kidding. It was a bad joke but something is lked in translation. These are the best optics for the white house. What do you think is going on here anthony . I honestly think this is not a mistake. This is the white house saying we are going to meet with whoever we do want when we want to because we are not guilty of anything. Ivana trump is the president. Is he supposed to ignore russia . There are a lot of opportunities for cooperation and its important as a syrian ally depending on what the situation is and if there are clouds of russian smoke covering around the white house you still have to work with them. Putin and trump are teetotalers which makes them twice a as gary. Kennedy you are absolutely right about that. They have no place to put their funds. Kennedy you would get the other guy drunk and tried his deal his state secrets. They will boost it up shirtless riding in the back of a pickup truck. And all we shirtless. Survey lavrov, sneaky guy, that guy tipping off bad regimes and stuff. Did you see some of the sarcastic quotes he had afterwards saying i cant believe such a stable democracy like the United States is experiencing such tumult. They are loving this. People sang trumps imprudence pocket, the people who when are thrussians. To send election inspectors to help us out in november. Kennedy absolutely. You are going to be the highminded moralists and tell us there are elections. Everything they say is for the russian audience. Kennedy you know what really bothers me about lavrov . The Security Surveillance is so fast that anyone he would talk to and anyone they were talking to were caught up in the dragnet. I believe that guy because he is such a chatty cathy. He has reached out to so many people on both sides of the aisle. You are bothered to buy what we did in the United States with the nsa, nothing, we have nothing on the russians. Would the thing is we now know this is standard operating procedure. This probably wouldnt come up if trump hadnt been vacuumed up in the whole situation. If. Kennedy the party panel returns a little bit later and much more on the firing of james comey but first up the growing list of senators and sending send them orchards to afghanistan. I will ask former marine and collins who spent t t t t at fidelity, trades are now just 4. 95. We cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. Fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. Kennedy President Trumps National Security adviser proposing spending an additional three to 5000 troops to afghanistan because why would you want at you want that were can quickly see the increase will pick up the process and training troops to fight taliban and help ring u. S. Military involvement in that country to an end sooner. The president s expect to get a final proposal sometime this week and are growing number of senators are showing support for the move. We will bring in ben collins a retired special forces officer and green beret with three tours in afghanistan. Welcome to the big show. Great to see you. Kennedy. Kennedy more troops in afghanistan to fight the taliban. Is that a good idea and how do we know we can trust the people we are training . Is it a good idea of . Its a necessary idea but otherwise we are going to have more of the same. I will tell you that during the Bush Administration we were military heavy with not much of a political effort behind it. During the obama years we reduced the military footprint and we tried everything on a diplomatic or politicasolution that just made it more complicated. Cant have one of the other. You have got to have both those necessary to put the pressure on the taliban but we also better have a political and diplomatic solution ready to go as well. Kennedy the solution im guessing isnt a National Unity government. You pointed out three strong men from disparate ends being brought together by curious means. It never ends well and that seems to be u. S. National policy when it comes to picking the next leader. Who is the strongest guy in the room . The problem is its very fragmented on one sense however there is a move for people i think are so tired of the violence right now they are moving away from those ethnic more towards issue base. We need to nip the fabric of the Afghan People from the bottom, not weep at the Afghan People need to knit themselves from the bottom and not opposes weak settlement where we pick leaders for them. Kennedy there are so many vacuums and hellholes in the middle east from libya to yemen to syria. What happens if afghanistan totally falls apart and in this array of so many backcountry is what separates it as being even more bad . The reason everyone has wanted to come to afghanistan is where it sits. If afghanistan collapses the Central Government collapses the taliban is going to take over and it will be the hardest part of the taliban. It will be to Haqqani Network the ones that are most closely aligned with al qaeda and you will truly have that terror safe haven again. Kennedy let me ask you quickly, if haqqani and al qaeda somehow collide is that potentially worse than isis . I think isis would find a home there to be honest but now you are talking about you have that order region along the east with pakistan that is filled with these terror organizations but if you look at where afghanistan is found on them map its neighbors very ran this former soviet russia china india pakistan. They have also given stuff to north korea. Pakistan is the new turkey. I think they are horrible. Pakistan has been essentially getting a free pass in the last 10 years. We need to be much stronger on pakistan because nothing will ever be solved certainly not the problem of the taliban will be solved at most we get rid of the sanctuaries in pakistan and pakistan has to do that. Enough is enough. We need to put all the aid we have been given in pakistan on the ledger in said look there is no more aid and honestly we need to consider making them a state sponsor of terrorism. Kennedy i dont have a problem with that at all. Why are we giving them aid in the first place . Last question, you are in charge to bring the taliban to the table or as a military defamation . You have to bring the taliban to the tle because theres a part of that fabc that ithe taliban that will always be within the Afghan Society but of course you have to keep bring them to the table. Just because you get them to the table you may not use successfully in the negotiations. It doesnt mean you stop putting pressure on security. You have to have a strategy in the way that the air was brought into the government. Bullets in the ballot box and both of those we are going to watch conflict in afghanistan for the next 30 years again. Kennedy and collins wrapping it up like a master wrapping person. Thank you very much. Very good. Coming up james comey found out that he was out of a job while giving a speech and firstout news reports of his firing word that it was a joke but his dismissals hit a little bit differently. Differently. More after the break ostriches dont really stick their heads in the sand. A peanut is not a nut. And a real john deere. Is actually real affordable. You learn something new every day. The surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. Now you can own americas tractor for just 99 dollars a month. Learn more at your john deere dealer. I realize that ah, that 100k is notwell, a 103fortune. Yeah, 103. Well, let me ask you guys. How long did it take you two to save that . A long time. 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Was it a coincidence for the work of an unhinged dictator back the left would have you believe. Joining me Senior Leader than most polly hemingway. Lets talk about how james comey was fired. He thought he was being pumped and it was an elaborate ruse. Think it was an intentional part of the white house to have this be a public humiliation . That would have been quite the punk if it managed to leak this information to the media as a joke for comey and suggest comey was not as in tune with reality as he should have been. They should not be a surprise for him because because he wasnt bad at this job and he is lost the conference people in both parties congress and otherwise but speaking as someone who has been fired multiple times theres a difference between people who give you that news directly in people who give it to you on the sly like that. Even with comeys many failings and there are many he deserves to be told personally by the president or just making sure you got a certified letter before went public. Back in really smooth things over at a contentious time. Kennedy yeah in the certainly is going to be contentious. We are going to spend enough time in the coming weeks trying to figure out what went wrong with james comey he seems to have a somewhat sterling background. He fought with the clintons throughout much of the 90s. He put Martha Stewart behind bars and thats something that i think is one of his deficits. He was a bully the way he went after her because he doesnt know how to make deals with easter eggs. Then i think martha was wrong through that whole thing so i have a slightly different take the thing that continues for comey no matter what story he sighs the hero. Hes always very pious a big grandstander. He likes to be praised and regarded well. Thats not a great. For someone who should be dispassionate investigating things without becoming a major part of the story. Its very interesting that he has managed to anger people on both sides and just because he has cared more about himself than the quality of the investigation and that did impact, you know its debatable how it impacted the election but people did feel that Hillary Clinton wasnt held to account and at the same time hes bashing or publicly. This is the type of behavior you dont want from it at the eye director. This is good news that he is gone. Someone who can be trusted by people across the spectrum is needed so some of this hysteria is over the top. Kennedy i think he rightly call him if preening pretentious bureaucrat who seem to really laugh up the limelight when he was testifying before congress. People saiill bet hdidnt like the testimony yesterday. Think aolutely did. Hes talking about himself to a captive audience. He doesnt realize how he comes off when he refuses to talk about one investigation while spilling the beans on another. Its the type of thing that the country has pointed time would do well to be without. I do disagree and i think people forget during the clinton era the special prosecutor was named the on the lam jonah became all about the blue dress. The fbi should continue their investigation in a Bipartisan Congressional Commission but all the better without comey there. Kennedy we didnt think it could getting more contentious woman in the 90s. Molly thank you so much. President trump social media directors planning a recent video of the concession call Hillary Clinton made to the present on election night. Dan sabina tweeted the screen grab of the twominute call between huma abedins and Kellyanne Conways phone promise to share video in the near future. Conaway said they are not reminding democrats of Election Results but they are not doing it to put out the rage fire thats been burning a love for dave last six months. Turning to the party panel now. Brian is this the right move . On one hand its kind of interesting and funny but shes been through enough humiliation. I think ultimately regardless of hillarys feelings this seems to be the ultimate trump counterpunch. She comes out and says i would have been president if not for james comey so what does trump duquette few buyers comey and releases a concession. Some ultimate nuke counterpunch move and the most trump in thing in the world. Kennedy is it unfair though . You know she is arguably the most famous woman on the planet. Certainly that tuesday night. This does seem a little petty. Has it ever been done before and has anyone been humiliated months down the road for concession speech where there were rumors that she wasnt in the greatest state of mind at that point in the night . Kennedy i was feeling bad for her. I would rather see comey getting fired with the video behind them is the video id rather see. I was trying to remember this was the anniversary of oj. Kennedy al callings was his uber driver. Hillary clinton ran on being a strong woman. On that night getting in front of all of her most ardent supporters rather than handling the theme with she didnt show up. I will never forget that. I will never forget driving by the Javits Center and seeing all the people weeping and sobbing pouring out of the convention center. It wasnt that hillary wasnt going to be president. Can i add one thing . Martha stewart deserve to go to jail. She lied to the fbi. She thought she was above the law and she went to west virginia. Hillary clinton should be there. Her agents knew it. She couldnt remember anything because she had a concussion. They were thwarted by one james comey who came out proclaiming her. I agree with you but Martha Stewart she got what she deserved. Kennedy Brian Anthony and megan thank you guys. Coming up president obama the new uprising star chronicles his life before he presided at 1600 pennsylvania avenue in david joins me for tonights trivia question how many electoral votes did barack obama received when he won the white house in 2000 a . Two become one. Then youre a couple. Think of all youll share. Like snoring. Does your bed do that . The dual adjustability of a sleep number bed allows you each to choose the firmness and comfort you want. So every couple can get the best sleep ever. Does your bed do that . For a limited time save 900 1200 on select final clearance beds during our spring clearance event. Only at a sleep number store or sleepnumber. Com eyet some cards limit where yout earn bonus cash back to a few places. And then, change those places every few months. Enough with that with quicksilver from capital one youve always earned unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Welcome to unlimited whats in your wallet . Before the break i asked you how many electoral votes of barack obama received when he won the white house in 2008 . 282, 365, 320 or 308. He answers a comfortable three and 6065 Vice President of in the public eye for more than a decade. Theres a lot to learn about the former president and not all of it is pretty. More than 1000 interviews and many never before seen documents revealed his rocky childhood and his love life before he met michelle. Can be found in the brandnew book rising star at the making of barack obama. It is over 1000 pages and i look at the former president s life prior to being elected. The books author David Garreau joins me now. Welcome, david. You consider yourself to be a progressive democrat and as a progressive democrat what was it about president obama the jury you to him as a subject . When i started on this book in 2009 i had the great good fortune to stumble upon a list of all the Community People in chicago who barack obama had worked with during his formative years in the 1980s, people journalist during the president ial campaigns have never found. Kennedy was at his most important Time Community organizing because you also said his state legislature in illinois it was important to this but was political organizing the most important . Before he goes to law school is a formative time for barack which is the first time he is looking at an africanamerican community. He was raised by his white grandparents in hawaii which is a different setting than where he found himself in chicago. During the chicago years hes working in a black community cant context that hes living with a woman who is half dutch and hath japanese. Kennedy that would not be michelle obama. Shealy yager a scholar one of the leading experts on korea nowadays than they had a very kennedy did you talk to her . For many years now. Kennedy were there any revelation from that relationship that were if journalists had done a deeper dive into his personal life the era before . Not but barack during that time in 19871988 thats when he is first articulating that he wants a political career, a political future and shes dreaming of the white house got early. Kennedy in order to be present after lay the foundation for decades before your dream comes true. After that when he goes to Harvard Law School thats a purposeful choice on his part. Everyone around him at harvard realizes this man is going to be a politician. Kennedy you writing the book he could have gotten a full scholarship to Northwestern Law School but he knew would be politically advantageous to go to Harvard Law School. During those years at harvard people thought of him as a real star as one of the smartest people in the class periods best friend at that time rob fisher who was a little older, economics professor before he went to law school, barack and rob wrote it look manuscript together and plished. Rob found and engaged me these last few years and its a really revelatory manuscript about baracks thinking about race, about political power about how black America Black america should advance itself would way rather than relying kennedy given the context that he was raised in as a child what was more provocative reading that unpublished manuscript or dreams from my father . The manuscript by far but keep in mind barack was old enough back then in the 1980s he still writing lots of handwritten letters. Kennedy were you disappointed in him . I was disappointed in this presidency because in the state legislature in springfield a rock was a much more outspoken progressive figure critical of the patriot act been critical of the intelligence community. Kennedy he campaigned as present on the dancing civil liberties. What are the details in the book if it were public in 2008 would have tainted his political aspirations . Through no fault of his own when rock was in the state legislature there was a ghost employee put on his payroll. He didnt know about it. Kennedy a likely tale. It was done by other people in springfield but during his Senate Campaign it had been revealed that William Higgins didnt really exist. There s no such person that woulhave tanked barack politically in 2004 through no fault of his own but thats the reality of illinois politics. Kennedy that is so true. What a corrupt place for that president present to come from and as you said theres going to be no shortage of a graphical information in a book coming out about him over the coming decade. Nice to see you. Nice to see you. Kennedy coming up the people who had Southwest Airlines and their viral video office p p p p dear predictable, theres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say if you love something. Set it free. See you around, giulia lwhos the lucky lady . Im going to the bank, to discuss a mortgage. Ugh, see, you need a loan, you put on a suit, you go crawling to the bank. This is how i dress to get a mortgage. I just go to lendingtree. I calculate how much home i can afford. I get ltiple offersto comp. And the best part is. The banks come crawling to me. Everything you need to get a better mortgage. Clothing optional. Lendingtree, when banks compete, you win. Okay . Awkward. Kennedy we have ripped apart a show where we tell a bunch of jokes and wind up getting by saturday night live. If you dont believe me watch mondays episode. Get your pen and paper ready because is is the topical storm. Topic number one. We begin tonight with an update on our National Pastime fighting on airplanes. Todays daily passenger beacon is brought to you by the fine folks at Southwest Airlines. Want to get away . You will if somebody starts throwing right hooks and coach. Thats all they have. Passengers on a flight to Oakland California were deplaning for a layover in burbank when two gentlemen got into a heated argument over who was first in line to get off the plane. As for airline rules they try to consult the magic eight ball but all they could find was an eight ball of that didnt help so they had no choice but to settle things away our staff does whenever theres a disagreement in our morning pitch meeting. For the record i still think we should have led with the hillary story. Topic number two. If you do get thrown in the big house for pummeling passengers the news isnt all that bad because the chicago prison is now allowing inmates to get pizza delivered to their cells directly. The idea was the brainchild of several chicago politicians who are currently serving time. The Program Offers free pizza pie which ranges in price from vibes seven cigarettes in their otherwise to pay which are not repeatable on a Family Program such as this. Regardless of how you do each order is submitted to the commissary and sent to your cell by rod okoye pitch. Topic number three bears dont have a delivery service. They have to rummage through peoples trash if they want to eat pizza on their gdp this california black bear was about to do that or the family beagle was not having any of it and watch as he wanders as the dog violently chases him off like he is a conservative speaker who just showed up at berkeley. Come here ann coulter. If only the new york rangers played defense like that i might not have had to pond my Engagement Ring this morning. The internet is hailing this dog is a hero and i agree. That there wasnt exactly in the best shape. The last thing you want to be is a bear wearing a tshirt. Kept it clean, you are welcome. Are you serious . Another animal story . Oh hey big news in the nba. The pistons coach Stan Van Gundy , so many stand van gundys he rescued a dog. His elaborate door retriever mix and although his previous owner mistreated him hes not worried as the Detroit Pistons never beat anybody. You cant laugh at that if you are a lakers fan. The dogs name is eastwood. After movie icon clint eastwood. The van gundy say hes a joy to have around the house but for some reason he keeps part in yet empty chairs. That would have been really funny and 2012. Johnny depp has blown through 650 million. Good job, john. Nobodys saw that coming when he got his finance degree at mc hammer university. Apparently scarves cost more than we realize. His managers blamed his outofcontrol spending was left him with 2 million in monthly bills that captain jack sparrow has filed a 25 milliondollar lawsuit accusing them of stealing some of this treasure and he is hired out of work private eye to the case. Hope you land on your feet comey. Come me if you need a place to crash. We need to get scott may off of our couch anyway. We are friends. Coming up former president barack obama said a nice juicy steak is contributing to climate change. What a bunch of old. To folks everywhere whose diabetic. Nerve pain shoots and burns its way into your day. I hear you. When that pain makes simple errands simply unbearable. I hear you. I hear you because my dad struggled with this pain. Make sure your doctor hears you too. So folks, dont wait. Step on up. And talk to your doctor. Because you have places to go. And people who cant wait for you to get there. If you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands. Step on up and talk to your doctor today. Kennedy are former president is full of hot air while pontificating at the pontificating at a lefty conference president obama replacing tom brady is the new face of anorexia suggested people stop eating so much meat because how far toward destroying the planet. He said people arent as familiar with the impact of cows and methane and people want to increase meat consumption. That in turn is spiking the growth of a Nasa Missions coming out of agricultural sectors. Basically people are and although the president personal pointed out on that stage that he cooks thousands of stakes for the man. Emerging economies dont deserve to participate in the delicious fruits of their labor. Meat is a sign of success. When stake is wrapped in bacon or tastebuds reveal a morsel of natural law and is a secular and imperfect glimpse of heaven. This do as they say not as i do while he partakes in life switches. He chided wall street cats and women and inequality in except to 40,000 from invested firms for single speech while rich and enough to nibble on bristol. The former president can kaine all the sticky wanting gladly drown said and hypocrisy sauce. Thank you for watching the show type your fellow man twitter and Instagram Kennedy nation on this but kennedy at the end business. Com pretournament on the show not only is it hate mail thursday we also have rhett baer, mike baker and julie banderas. 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