Adam lashinsky, along with katie halve lich and scott martin. Neil and charles will be back next week. Scott, right here, right now. Trump right about china . So far it looks like he is, dagen. If youve been watching any of the volatility in your 401 k this past week or in your investments, its directly related to some of the issues going on in china. This isnt out of the blue, though. If you look at commodities, of which china is the Worlds Largest commoditizer or least the buyer of, guess what . They have tanked in the last year or so because demand is falling, chinas economy is in big trouble. They have benefited, though, from a peg to the u. S. Dollar. So while their currency should have been appreciating all this time, its even lower wait. I today i am the anchor of this program. And you know who were going to go to next . This is ridiculous. Who knows more history than all yall combined, ben stein. Youre awfully quiet. What do you say . Youre being kind, dagen. We love china. They sell us quality goods at low prices. We get the best of electronics with their lowwage labor and low prices. They buy our bonds with their surplus in trade. They support the dollar in every way. Of course. They are the best friend of the American Consumer and they have free markets. Those markets have done incredibly well in the last several years. Recently theyve done a significant correction, but overall theyve been a great boon to u. S. Investors. I think china is our friend. We dont want them waging war. We dont want them seizing territory. But economically china has been an incredible boom to the United States of america. I would second what ben would say, i agree with all that except maybe the friend part. Im not sure about that. Expect for that cyber hacking and the spying and the suppression of the press. Ben is right on all the economic issues. Lets get back to the original thing. Donald trump called this. Donald trump called nothing. Donald trump didnt predict the chinese stock market schacollap. Donald trump did not predict the chinese gdp would go from 8 to maybe 5 depending who you speak to and if you believe the numbers coming out of the country because they dont use generally accepted accounting principles. All donald trump did was say lets fete into a trade war, chinese leaders are more cunning than our leaders, and, you know, lets slap some sanctions on them. Katie, he has been concerned about our ties to china and one of the biggest links we have is that weve run up our debt and china has been the buyer. China has been how is that their fault . Its not their fault but its a dangerous link because were in bed with them. Would you let me finish . We rely on them to buy our debt because we are running because we cant pay our bills. Katie. The other lady on the program, what do you say . I think that if people are concerned whether youre pro china or antichina, if youre concerned about the way china is affecting your own 401 k , we have to look at the Bigger Picture as a country. The fact is we do know yoe a lot of our debt to china and have no plans to really pay it off anytime soon. That has nothing to do with your 401 k , zero. Sure it does. Let me me finish for goodness sake. I didnt actually say that the debt was direct correlation to the 401 k . I said if you are worried about the Chinese Markets having an effect on your 401 k you should Pay Attention ultimately overall to the debt. Dont buy chinese stocks. I can make the connection. Wait. Theyve been selling theyve been selling treasuries in the last week to raise dollars to devalue their own currency. Dagen, this is a non sequi r sequitur. The bottom line is donald trump did not predict anything. The chinese are not destroying our economy. This is a ruse for theyre taking our jobs. Lets get adam in here. Since you and charlie are going to be best friend on this program today. Well, youre absolutely right. But ill start by knocking him, which is as you know i dont like it when charlie calls president obama stupid because i dont think its a kind word. I think hes stupid when he comes to some of his economic policies. Understood. He scored highly on his lsats. What i will say about the statements that donald trump is making and where i totally afree with charlie is they are ignorant. They are ignorant statements by somebody who is trying to be a populist who probably doesnt even believe what he isseiing, because we take money from china and we use it to fund our economy. Its a very good deal for us. We should be very pleased that theyre investing in the United States. They buy at low Interest Rates too. You guys sound like youre ready to move there. Adam, youre a journalist. You have zero freedom of the press in china. Good luck having a career there. Scott . Im happy to talk about change the subject. Im not changing the subject. You are. Ben said it was a free market. It is anything but that. If you guys want to open a business in china and play ball with the chinese government, good luck. Youre changing the subject. Lets have a you think that donald trump called the can we take donald trump out of this for a second . You can have concerns about china and the National Debt and the markets in china as a separate issue. You can have concerns about it without having donald trump in the middle of predicting anything. The bottom line is hes a president ial candidate. China is stealing our intellectual property, manipulating their currency, doing all these other things the currency . Yes. So let me ask you this. Go ahead, charlie. Do you think the fed manipulates the currency more than china . We have our own problems snap theyre two separate issues, charlie. No, its not. Yes, it is. I said manipulate our currency not ours. You brought up donald trump wants to put we all manipulate currencies. Charlie thats not what i said. Charlie, you brought up trump wanting to put tariffs on. Not a good idea because you know who can school us on tariffs . Ben stein, but not right now. Ben, watch this. In 1930 the republicancontrolled house of representatives in an effort to alleviate the effects of the anyone, anyone . The great depression. Passed the anyone . Anyone . The tariff bill. The holly smoot tariff about. Right, ben . Smoothawley i thought. Its both. Right. Youre right, charlie. Should be smoothawley. China has been incredibly good to us. Yes. They are an aggressive power. Yes, they are a rising government. Yes, theyve done number of bad things. Overall they have benefitted the American Consumer fantastically. We should not be picking fights with them, especially someone as incredibly ignorant as donald trump should not be picking fights with them. Of all the economic problems we have, thats all he does is talk about china, china. I almost can hear him in my sleep saying the word china. China. Of all the things we have to worry about, like a ridiculous tax code, Corporate Tax rates, you name it, entitlements, hes railing on china . But you know what, hes resonating with americans because they are worried about us running up our debt and getting in bed with a country with questionable practices. Im not saying donald is a demagogue but demagogues do this all the time. Talking to me or she just pointed. She was looking at me. Asking a question. Sorry. I wasnt looking at her looking at you. Katie. Yes. You get the last word. I think china can be a positive force and a negative force and i think its a concern they hold so much of our debt and people are concerned about china because theyre being blamed for market crash in the United States over the past week and people want answers on whether thats true or not. And weve discussed that here today. Its simply not true. The traders caused the crash. I love you all. We make peace in the commercial and when we come back, if you think the Iran Nuclear Deal is a bad deal, wait till you hear the price tag for that deal. Today on forbes on fox, democrats using Donald Trumps own words to push their tax hike plan. Are they misquoting him or has trump got it wrong . Also, Hillary Clinton doubling down on the Technology Empowers us to achieve more. It pushes us to go further. Special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. The microsoft cloud allows us to immediately be able to access information, wherever we are. Information for an athletes medical care, or information to track their personal best. With microsoft cloud, we save millions of man hours, and thats time that we can invest in our athletes and changing the world. Colleagues rushing in to help were overcome by the toxic fumes and died. Im uma pemmaraju. Back to our program. The cost of the Iran Nuclear Deal piling up literally. The International NuclearWatchdog Group saying it will need tens of millions of dollars to enforce it. And charlie says guess whos going to have to pay for it we are. You know, listen, every democrat from new york almost every democrat is against this deal. This deal looks increasingly suspicious. I dont have a problem in a theoretical sense engaging with iranians. Its a very secular country aside from the minority of the mullahs who run it, you know, but it is the mull las. And heres the thing i have a problem with. This is the Obama Administration. Can you trust the Obama Administration to make sure a deal gets enforced right . And now we hear that the u. S. Taxpayer i mean 10 million is not a lot of money in the scheme of things in our budget, 18 trillion economy, but, you know, its the thought that counts here. The symbol of the money that were paying into a bad deal with a country that you cannot trust. And to charlies point, you know, the president , when he announced this deal, specifically said this deal is not based on trust, its based on verification. As we go through the deal and look at the detail, its actually the exact opposite of what the president says. Its all based on trust and not verification. The iranians will be doing their own sampling. We wont have 24 7 inspections like promised earlier this year by the white house. And the americans, paying for this, the majority are against the deal. 58 are against the deal. Earlier this week we had 200 admirals and generals sending a letter directly to president obama saying this is a bad deal, you had just a couple weeks ago veterans against the deal coming out with these powerful advertisements showing american soldiers who are over in iraq who are blown up or killed by iranian bombs. So, you know, the verdict is in on the deal. Its bad one. Now people will be paying for it with their wallet. Ben, does it disgust you were strog pay into this . Obama in terms of the iran deal disgust me, frightens me, terrifies me. No redress. 10. 3 million as charlie said is a drop in the bucket. Real cost is going to be when the First Nuclear bomb, god forbid, falls on tel aviv. That will be the real problem. God help us with this deal. Its very clear that iran is calling the shots in all this. Very clear. In the last few days iran warned the watchdog it was not allowed to detail, to probe into its Previous Nuclear work, it would not accept any leaks. So dont accept it and then maybe this deal will fall apart. Ed a tsunami. Well, we dont have time to discuss why i disagree with almost every scurrilous statement the rest of you have made about this. Why is that come on. 10 million 10 million is nothing to pay for something that is going to work if its going to work. How do you know its going to work . I personally am glad that im still talking the Founding Fathers set up a system that didnt take into account if what 58 of the American People said in a poll. Well go to congress on this and congress will decide whether or not to pass it. It wont make it to congress. We dont know that it wont. You have to stop talking over each other. These are atomic bombs. You cant gamble about atomic bombs in the hands of a country like iran. We cant hope that it works. Thats your opinion. Its more than opinion. Sir, its more than opinion. Its just your opinion, ben. It is strictly your opinion. It is not. This is being i got to get scott in here. Generals, admirals. Heres the big point, guys. We already fund 25 of the iaeas budget. They want another 10 million today, might want another 10 million tomorrow, the next day, the day after. We cant send americans to the inspecti inspections. We cant even be there when they take the freaking fra ining phof the enrichment or nonenrichment, so to speak. This is a terrible deal, it wont be enforced right. Were saying lets just get it through congress so iran is happy with us because theyll make a deal with us. Why are you willing to roll the dice with israel . If theres one country we need to protect, one country that has our back on everything its them. And were rolling the dice with them . God bless you, charlie. God bless you, charlie. Are you interested in hearing the answer . Yes, please. Briefly. Briefly because theres an opportunity to give diplomacy a chance and try to have a peaceful situation. Adam, this deal wait. Let me say one thing. Diplomacy is when all parties come to the table and everything is on that very table. Part of this was done in secret with iran and the u. N. s International Nuclear watchdog so, we dont know what is really going on with much of this deal. They are giving iran the card, adam. We have no control as a people in this country because it was not done as a treaty. Iran is still shouting death to israel, death to america as theyre continuing work on nuclear enrichment. And funding other terrorist organizations and theyre going to have more money to do that very thing. Thats the final word. I guess you dont like it, dagen. Coming up, adam, and everyone republican governors drawing a line in the sand over white house pl its the Little Things in life that make me smile. Spending the day with my niece. I dont use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Even well fitting dentures let in food particles. Just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so youre more comfortable and confident while you eat. So its not about keeping my dentures in, its about keeping the food particles out. Try super poligrip free. The who is looking into transferring gitmo detainees to military sites in the states, but republican governor nicki haley of South Carolina, Governor Sam Brownback of kansas telling the administration not in auerbach with regard. Katie, you say they better win this fight for all our sakes. We shouldnt bring terrorist whos are foreign enemy combat ants into the United States. Why arl are arent we putting them in Nancy Pelosis backyard . We should be expanding gitmo and be using enhanced interrogation techniques to protect people here at home. By the way, if theyre going to put them into our prison systems here on our homeland, put them in general population. Lets see how it goes. Yeah. Were talking about the naval bringing in South Carolina. I agree with everything you said. The last thick you want to do is radicalize i dont think they would have the chance. I dont think they would have the chance. I dont think they would. Dangerous, dangerous people who when they have been if theres a radicalism going on in who wants more terrorism here at home . I mean, this is essentially what this is all about. Right. Actually, it boggles the mind why we need to bring them here. Loo ben, thats the issue is with terror attack on the soil by having those prisoners there. Well, this is another like iran. Why does president obama want it so badly . Because at least in my view he wants to get Guantanamo Bay naval base back. One socialist to another. If the governors of South Carolina and politicians in kansas, South Carolina, dont want military bases in their states, we can always defund them. Are these criminals . Yeah, they deserve defunding because they dont want terrorist on their soil and to add the danger of terrorism. Scott. Thats exactly what the left does. You dangle money and you take it away if they dont agree with you. You dont want these prisoners, these detainees, their infrastructure, and their families and certainly, look, Going Forward gitmo should be expanded. Katie is right. It was a success. We got good information out of it. You survived. Youll get a reward for that. Major reward. Thats okay. We can hand it. Thanks, guys. All this turmoil that the names they like so much they just bought them. Cant wait to tell you, but scott goes first. Scott. In times like these you got to stick with businesses that have a lot of cash in their Balance Sheets and tried and true businesses. Thats google, googl. Adam. Van garde small cap value. One advantage to this primarily focused on the u. S. Not internationally. And, ben, finally. Donald axle rod next. Some democrats are using donald trump to sell their tax hike plan when they get back from summer break. Heres what donald said that got them excited. The Hedge Fund People make a lot of money and pay very little tax. I know people in hedge funds. They pay almost nothing. Its ridiculous. They say its crazy to talk about upping taxes on investors even if they are wealthy. Who is right . Im david. Welcome to forbes on fox. Lets go in focus to find out with steve forbes, elizabethed, carrie sheffield, john tammany, and bruce jabson. John, what do you think about this