Predictions, go, toby. I think that Dow Jones Industrials is up 20 by the end of the year. Brenda stephen bull or bear. Bear. Brenda your prediction. Southwest will be up 25 in a year. Brenda jonas bull or bear. No he. Brenda gary b, your prediction. Linkedin is the new facebook, i think it hits 200 by the end of the year. Brenda jim, what do you think, bull or bear. Bear, rich valuation. I like zxj and currency on it. Brenda gary b what, do you think on that. Bear. Brenda thats clear. Jonas your prediction. Health study about benefits of red wine and dark chocolate reaffirmed this week, good for the economy thats fueled by both of those, france. And france up you better respond to that, but toby. La bear, la bear. Brenda i dont agree, i called you dr. Jonas and i like that, that works for me. And my new diet. Brenda oh, i like it. Coming up, cornerstone of the cost of freedom, cavuto on business. Stay tuned. Neil well, your tax refund may have to wait, but the government is not waiting one nano second for the president S Health Care law. Im Charles Payne in for neil cavuto, whether its the cliff or the sequester cuts to blame, more taxpayers are told theyll have to wait for their money, but a new report shows the irs is going full steam ahead, collecting the new health care. And another double standard. And ben stein, dagen mcdowell, Charlie Gasperino and adam lashinsky. Dagen, sequester hypocrisy . Of course it is, scare the bejesus out of people and make people think at least theyre not going to get their tax refund, but again, the money needs to keep rolling in to pay for the president S Health Care law and we have no idea yet how much this is going to hit the American People because this year, dont forget, on higher Income Americans, you have medicare payroll tax hikes, Investment Income tax hike, a hike in the threshold where you can deduct your medical expenses, you have the medical devices tax, thats just this year. Thats this year and gary k, with all of that stuff theyre not going to wait a nano second to collect their money, but people watching the show wondering what the heck, where is my tax rehe fund . I think you have a situation where theyre trying to cause as much pain as possible to show you, hey, i told you so, the sequester was bad. Look, we went this week where they actually shut down the tours of the white house that only costs 17,000 a week. Trying to make a point, prove a point and thats to go down the republicans throat to make them look bad and we end up losing in the end. Ben, what do you think . Where do you stand on this . I think universal health care is a moral requirement, mr. Nixon ordered that we tried to get it through and senator kennedy killed it. But that being said, look, Government Works by the votes of the people. The people elected a Democratic Congress, big mistake, so we got obamacare, we elected a democratic president , big mistake so we have obamacare. Now we have to live by the law. If the law requires that we pay these taxes the law requires that we dont fail to obey them or we go to prison. We need to rally ourselves and get off our back sides enough to elect a republican president and then well get it fixed maybe. Hopefully, maybe. Charlie, here is the thing though, the government always gets theirs. There are people that have worked out, took maoney out of y check and im waiting to get it back. I think its great, two stories. What part is great. I think its great that people are paying higher taxes for this thing and they should know it doesnt come for free. Youre going to elect barack obama for your president and elect a Democratic Congress and pass through this nonsense, youre going to have to pay for it and you get what you pay for. Whats not great is how the media is handling this and the notion the president when you say they, the president is pulling out the stops in a political way saying no more tours. By the way, republicans were going to give him the authority to pick and choose exactly how to make these cuts. You dont have to do it at once. He said no thank you. He said no thank you, and this is really, its shameful behavior. And speaking of shameful, adam, lets talk about the health care law. Im not shameful, charles. And all of our president , right, 20 new taxes, 400 billion in taxes over ten years, oh, by the way, 35 of these taxes are hitting families that are making under 250,000 a year. Adam, the floor is yours. Well, thank you, charles. laughter first of all, i think that everybody who is banking on getting a big tax refund ought to go into their withholding and stop withholding so much. The goal is to neither have to pay a tax come on, now, come on. Its just a suggestion. Now you sound like my frugal uncle who steals toilet paper from the restaurant. And having said that, i assume that paying issuing refunds is a manpower issue and thats what the of administration is talking about how absurd that is. The president is cutting back on the manpower to give refunds . I mean, im giving them the benefit of the doubt that it takes people to process these things. It does not take people to enact the taxes that were legislated with the health care law, i mean, that sort of looks like on lets be reporters here, you and i are reporters and put on our conspiratorial hats. You dont think that hes doing something screwing people that have tax he refunds and this is the i think its shameful, it should be a high priority of the government to pay tax refunds on a timely fashion, charles. Oh, my gosh, they have beaten you into submission. Of course they could. laughter hold on one second, but, ben thats why, hes getting a tax he refund. Ben, there are serious economic consequences to the health care law. Sequestration aside we know this is somewhat gimmicky designed to make the g. O. P. Look bad and i think its back firing big time on the president with respect to the polls so far, but all of this points to a disastrous law thats only going to get worse in my mind. I dont know that its going to be disastrous, its going to be a mess in the doctors office, a mess in hospitals, a mess if you want to get cured of anything, but. Pretty good. And thats the way. Lets go, obamacare. In every other respect it will be fine. I want to take issue with something that you said though. You said that we need to pay for this and we need to fund this. Right. But a third of people. Tough love. A third of people of middle Income America are going to get hit with this new tax. Good. On. Good on their Good Health Care plans . Which flies in the face of what the president said . Good. What do you mean good . You get what you pay for. Charlie thinks its good because it teaches americans a lesson . And people are not getting something new, not getting a new benefit. They voted for obama and for the democrats. Not everybody is going to get hit with the taxes voted for the president. And the president won pretty handily on this agenda. The irs now is now charged with overseeing, 47 new taxes and or regulation and as i walk through them and read them, i dont think einstein and steven hawking can figure out some of them. As i look at it, this has come down to one thing, this is one big gigantic tax and i dont think anybody in their right mind knows what the outcomes going to be and what the cost is going to be, but we do have precedence that every major Government Program has turned into one big gigantic blob and weve ended up paying it ourselves. They talk about economic benefits. Hey, this is nothing to do with economics and we have the health care and i disagree, Charlie Gasperino hit the nail on the head and i agree with him completely though were coming at it from different perspectives. You agree with totally different reasons. Correct, this is about making a national priority, making a decision, we have decided we want to pay for this. But i guarantee you, guarantee you that nobody understands how hard theyre going to get hit by the taxes and the quality of their health care. Dont blame the president for that. He ran on it the first time and the second time. No, no, you are saying that people dont know people nobody knew what was in the bill. And the thing is so complicated nobody knows. Youre telling me the average american didnt understand this would happen . They understand that, they dont understand a longterm implication, how this will alter health care in this country. And this was what a lot of people dont understand, that graphic that we had up. 35 of families making under 250,000. That was a promise, a line drawn in the sand throughout the entire campaign and anyone making less than that, thought they were immune from all of the obama initiatives that are i dont care, any rational person who didnt think theyd get hit with higher taxes based on the president s safety of the agenda and talking about taxes up there, he never said he was going to raise the payroll tax, im telling you ben on that note, ben, listen, a lot of people are getting hit from in and listen, youve talked about the fact the taxes have to go up. But a lot of people watching the show who voted for the president did not think they were going to get hit in the wallet, theres something wrg with that. Theres something wrong with it and something wrong with the the idea of obamacare we didnt know what was in the bill when mrs. Pelosi said we are going to have to wait until its passed before we knew, and thats instant. Real quick, gary k, is there any hope in sight, something weve got to keep learning about and paying for . Theres no hope in sight. Every program the governments done. Every Major Program the governments done has grown and grown and grown and costs have gone up and up and up and thats just the way its going to be and until somebody steps up and gets serious about this and tries to stop some of it, were in the soup, my friend. All right. After this, great discussion. Big labor scores a big win against walmart. Did american shoppers just lose big from this as well . Children. Im jamie colby, now back to cavuto on business. Keep it right here on the fox news channel. And walmart backs down, the discount retailer scaling back plans to spend in new york amid fierce union protests and gary k, you say consumers everywhere should protest . Its amazing to watch this, in the city of new york, where theres a high cost of living. You have a company singlehandedly lowered cost for consumers and no, lets not build one. Youre not going to have the workers. The construction workers, this is a loss for consumers all the way around in the city and tells you, iv got to use the words, theyre dummies, people not allowing this to occur. I tell you this is remarkable. Everywhere ive been to a walmart, people happy they have jobs and democratizes things and walmart is an incredibly Great American institution, a genuine benefit. Everyone who lives near a walmart gets the benefits of a lower prices as if they had a substantial pay raise. These are union goons out there demonstrating and holding up pickets that are paid im sure by some union, and walmart nationwide unionize jobs and Grocery Stores will disappear. Its very, very upsetting phenomenon, seeing new yorkers to thrive in the benefits of walmart. Its disgusting, im a union guy, im i know, where are you coming from . Turning your back on your union people. I will tell you if it werent for unions people would more people would die of black lung disease in coal mines. , but fast forward to 2013. If you go to century 21 downtown where i use today work, this is unionized . This is a hit on walmart is what theyre doing. When you go to the cozy shop around the corner this is the union against walmart. This is specific to walmart. When youre in retail in new york, those arent like labor unions, people in the labor unions who are working there, so this is a specific thing for walmart, theyre attacking walmart and trying to make a National Case against walmart. Lets be clear here, there are a lot of places in new york there arent unions. Its not like there are unions in other retail this an attack on walmart. Because walmart is the great white whale for consumers. How stupid it is, the construction workers who build the walmart are union are ner he out of a job. I dont think that the new york win in new york city would impact walmart nation wides. I dont think it helps the it at all. The unions are afraid walmart of moving into new york city because the people in the city will realize how awful the flipping supermarkets are, once they shop at walmart. And i think theyre here, and i think its national. I think its national, too, adam, im not sure what the situation is in san francisco, but theyre a little bit more elitist sometimes than new york city. Yeah, you know, im not sure of my facts here, i dont think we have a walmart in san francisco, and i dont think its a its a labor issue necessarily. This is very similar to our last conversation, i mean, every i agree this is not a national issue, people in new york are and making the choice. Walmart, theyre making to make it let adam finish and it then well pile up on him. Go ahead, adam. I dont think, by the way, that this is particularly fair to walmart what is happening in new york city. Having said that, i think the opposition to walmart is sincere. Yes, it brings in the sheer economy scale. Hold on, adam, when you say its unfair to walmart, were talking about, what about being unfair to people who live in these neighborhoods . You know the south bronx is the poorest Congressional District in america, do you know how many people want a job and love to buy a flat screen tv. Are you kidding me . But if you want to have a policy debate about this youd have to be prepared to tell me exactly how many businesses nearby will go out of business adam. As a result. Walmart, walmart last word fast, gary k. Walmart is a job creating machine. To stop them from creating more jobs in a city that needs it is insane. And thats weve got to leave it there, guys. You cant prove that. I say what we can prove, for every two mom and pop shop they may close down, a thousand jobs that would have been created. Ma and pa need to get over it. Get it on. The white house still telling us how all of those cuts will hurt. So why is it giving 250 million more tax dollars to people burning our flag . The forbes gang not happy about it at all. Thats coming up at the top of the hour. First, read it and weep, a record jump for college tuition. Is it time for the government to stop pumping money into schools until parents and student say friday night, buddy. You are gonna need a wingman. And with my cash back, you are money. Forget him. My Airline Miles will take your game worldwide. What im really looking for is i got two words for you rewards. Theres got to be better cards than this. [ male announcer ] theres a better way with creditcards. Com. Compare hundreds of cards from all the major banks to find the one thats right for you. Its simple. Search, compare, and apply at creditcards. Com. First rounds on me. Talk about sticker shock. The average tuition at a Public College jumping by the biggest amount ever last year. The same report pointing out its happening as states cut funds to colleges. Ben, youre pointing your finger at the money the federal government is dishing out to these colleges. And naturally theyre putting money in subsidized Students Loans and naturally that money is going to be available for the colleges and universities to take and they will. So theyre force feeding the colleges and universities. Theyll take the money and run. Gary k, on wall street we talk about this all the time. When we talk about bubbles its hard to argue at a trillion dollars this might be the biggest one out there. Well, ends up getting on this little wheel, as you get more money in tuition goes up. When tuition goes up the government says we need to give more money because tuition has gone up and then it keeps going around and around and you end up in the cycle and never ending, and it costs too much for education. And it is a bubble. And adam, here is the thing at the end of the day right now though, parents are having to bear the brunt and to charlies point and dagens i havent made a point yet. You nodded, but the point is. laughter some point maybe the taxpayers are going to have to pay for all of this. Well, taxpayers actually are paying less, which was the point. States are cutting funding dramatically. I dont think theres a causal relationship here. You mean the federal governments not backing these loans . The federal government is not backing these loans and making it possible and the ones really behind all of this . No, its making it possible, but i dont think theyre pulling the strings behind the scenes. 90 of Student Loans were originated by the department of education and now weve got more than a third of young student borrowers who are late on their payments. This is going to be a burden on the American People and were saddling young people with debt and the government is behind it. Were saddling and dont forget jobs arent plentiful. I remember when i had an opportunity, thank god to go to a graduate school and i picked the good one that was the cheapest one. If you want to go to harvard and you know, major in fine arts and take out a 70,000 loan, good luck. Good luck getting in, because youre a big dummy if you do that. And gary k, here is the thing its enticing when the money is out there and youre a young person not necessarily thinking who is going to pay for it. Bottom line, the government foots the bill. The student cant afford it and theyre not paying it off and they cant get a job because the job market is no good. So you get into a vicious cycle and end up what, forgiveness . They forgive everybody else and thats going to end up happening. And guys, my thanks to charlie and dagen. So you think this has been an impressive run for the market . These guys say you havent seen anything yet

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