State of, states of new york and california although were still not sure whether it resolves all litigation of all plaintiffs, but if true, it would sort of turn around a donald trump promise that he never likes to settle lawsuits. That he likes to fight them. But of course, he is going to be president of the United States and that would rather be disruptive to his immediate task at hand. Indications that donald trump is very close to settling those lawsuits, and maybe in short order and maybe to the tune of 20 million bucks. Well explore details on that in just a bit. Meantime Connell Mcshane at trump tower with the lates and comings and goings what he is spotting from his Vantage Point at front door. Sir . Reporter not quite as busy in comings and goings but in terms of big announcements three from donald trump. Made it official what he would like his attorney general to be and announcement of the next cia director and National Security advisor. Senator Jeff Sessions was a u. S. Attorney at one point, so he gets the nod, the nomination to be attorney. Retiring lt. General mike flynn is National Security advisor. And congressman mike pompeo from texas as cia director. Two of these three positions require senate confirmmation. That will be important, senator sessions his position as ag would be one of them. Years ago he was nominated as a federal judge in the reagan administration. That nomination did not move forward, it was denied, as a matter of fact, it was denied largely of his handling at time of some racial matters. Well talk a little bit in detail later on. He does have a confirmation process to go through. So does congressman pompeo who is a member of the Intelligence Committee in the congress and house of representatives and someone who graduated from west point. General flynn will not have to go through that process it is important to note because the National Security advisor post does not require senate confirmation. You talk about comings and goings here, senator flynn, or general flynn was seen leaving moments ago in trump tower. You may recognize as he was walking out of the building we see coming out of the building, kt mcfarland. General flynn was here. Number of trump closest advisors was lear. Voice president elect mike pence was here. Two hours of meetings taking place in the early afternoon. To your point the president elect will be on the move. As he moves out to new jersey with the key mitt romney meeting on the schedule he will be at his golf club. The Trump National golf club in bedminister, new jersey. The sitdown with romney takes place at some point tomorrow. All kind of speculation what they may talk about if romney is up for some sort of a job. We dont they anything about that for sure. We know they meet tomorrow. Back to you for now. Neil you and i chat about it. I cant picture it more the bad blood between the two each said about each other. I know campaigns are bygones, and bygones, clinton joined Obama Administration to being attorney general or secretary of state, man, oh, man, that is hard to hard to decide. Doris Kearns Goodwin that mitt romney would be next speculated secretary of state. Our reporting we havent determined that is type of conversation they expect to have tomorrow. Maybe they will have a conversation. Maybe were getting ahead of ourselves. Neil i cant picture that. Maybe making bread and peace all for the good but leap to assume that. Thank you, buddy. Great reporting this week. Connell mcshane. Meantime an appointment getting good attention is for the attorney general position, Jeff Sessions, senator from alabama. You might recall he was very instrumental in cutting marco rubio off at the pass. Marco rubio working with the socalled gang of eight where there was a path to citizenship for illegals in this country. It ultimately fell apart. Many say, if youre conservative youre happy about that. Jeff sessions was the reason liberals are angry at Jeff Sessions because they say, well he was the reason. Bill barr, former u. S. Attorney general under bush 43. Do you see anything that would stop Jeff Sessions from getting this job . Obviously it is a Republican Senate but there is some republicans who are still nursing some wounds there, moderate republicans to the point, or does he fly through . Hi, neil. Actually i was attorney general under bush 411. Neil i apologize. And i have known jeff since the reaganbush years and i cant imagine a reason why he wouldnt be speedily confirmed as attorney general. I think he is a superb choice. Neil do these kind of issues come up. You now theyre digging up stuff sessions said years ago when he was being considered for a judgeship. Were going back almost 30 years, more than 30 years. What is the statute of limitations . Im not sure there is one. Neil i guess. For the political process. But jeff has been exemplary member of the senate, Senate Judiciary committee, for 25 years i have had discussions with him about all aspects of Law Enforcement including the civil rights arena. I have never heard him say anything that smacks of racism. I dont think there is a racist bone in his body. This is the typical epithet that people use against those who disagree with them. Neil do you think that he will be much more aggressive on, lets say, ilLegal Immigration, more to the point, where this administration and this Justice Department under this president has been criticized for sort of turning the other way . And not being vigilant . I think, i have been concerned that the department of justice has has become too politicized. And the paramount goal in the department of justice and responsibility of the attorney general is evenhanded application of law. One standard applies to everybody and will be fairly applied to all people. And i think he is going to bring that back to the department. Very fairminded person who believed very strongly in the best tradition of the department of justice, and he will bring that back. Neil do you think now given the fact that post the election of donald trump and all these sanctuary city mayors coming out saying dont mess with us, dont try to deny federal funds for us, as a sledgehammer over the fact that we are sanctuary cities is something a bill barr, when you were attorney general would have dealt with and this attorney general to be is going to deal with . I think he may be required to deal with it because neil most ags look the other way now, right . Im talking this administration. And they ignore sanctuary cities like they dont exist. Right. I think this adminstation has created an environment where people pick and choose what federal laws theyre going to follow and, that will erode the rule of law in respect for the law. And i assume the attorney general is not going to stand by idly. Now this president has made it clear one of his priorities, and his main priority in the immigration arena is to apprehend and to deport criminal aliens, people who come here illegally and committed crimes. I cant imagine anyone who would be opposed to that. And if cities try to give safe harbor to these people i hope the attorney general does deal with them forcibly. It is outrageous. Not only is it a question whether they should be receiving federal fund and get all the benefits of federal largess, while at same time flouting federal law, but also this goes beyond just protecting the states own function. This goes to direct interference and obstruction of federal Law Enforcement. Neil seems were giving much more focus on some of these sanctuary cities, general, to those who technically are not citizens at all, theyre illegal. But legal citizens taking a back seat to them . Thats true. The Public Safety takes second apparently in these cities, takes second seat to the rights, to the socalled rights of people who are here illegally and commit crimes. And, you know, it is one thing to open our gates and welcome well people who want to be lawabiding people in our society, they come here and love our country and respect your values. Neil right. That doesnt mean that people who are hostile to us, who come here and are predators, you know, should, should remain at large. We should locate them and deport them. Neil all right. Bill barr, thank you very much. I apologize for screwing up the administration. Of course under bush 41 the attorney general. Thank you very much. Thank you. Neil all right. All eyes will be on a club very hard to get into to or get close to in bedminister new jersey. That is where you have a pow wow that would be hard to pick up unless you get very close or cameras are not even allowed in. Donald trump meeting with former mitt romney, former republican candidate who has not heard a lot of favorable remarks from mr. Trump and vice versa. Bob cusack from the hill, what could come of the meeting and why now in do you think it is for a cabinet position, bob . What do you think . I dont know. Not surprising Donald Trumps first round of nominees are people loyal to him. Certainly Jeff Sessions was the first senator to back the donald trump in the republican primary and flynn was with him all along. Like you i am fascinated by this mitt romney meeting. They went at it so much over the last year, its, you know, Stranger Things have happened, as you have seen, neil. But, its hard to see trump and romney being at the same event and him nominating for Something Like secretary of state. Neil when i people think try to make the comparison, in a way i could understand it, with barack obama choosing Hillary Clinton to be his secretary of state, they had nothing like the vituperative back and forth these two have. I guess all things are possible but i guess if youre donald trump far more important is to bury the hatchet and get this establishment or whatever you want to call it back behind you and settle those old issues and move on, right . Yeah. I mean it is definitely like when you think about the first few moments, kind of like a kneel before zod superman kind of movie thing. Romney has to come in, he has to congratulate the president elect and maybe they go from there and are able to bury the hatchet. Neil why would romney agree to it, outside of maybe thirsting for a post like secretary of state . I mean, if there is no quid pro quo here, im being very cynical and jaded and you should slap me for that but i dont see why a romney would do this just to make peace with a guy obviously he doesnt like . Yeah. Neil unless it is to get an administration position. I think he really wants to do government service. Listen, romney has to eat a lot he have crow at that meeting, no doubt about it. If he want to be considered for secretary of state. But i think this is also smart for trump. Shows that he is trying to unify the party. He is not just picking loyalists whether he picks romney or not. Smoking the petitions pipe is smart thing and good for the country. Neil i appreciate your indulgence bearing with me for these rumors, they are diametrically opposed on key Foreign Policy tenets. Including russia. Absolutely. Neil mitt romney has been critical of this president and president elect mr. Trump how to deal with russia and how donald trump doesnt appreciate the magnitude of the threat that is russia. Now, donald trump doesnt share that view. He looks for constructive working relationship with vladmir putin, that is seems to contrary to mitt romney as it does to barack obama . That is a great point, neil. Certainly they are polar opposites how to deal with russia and i think that trump, if he were to nominate romney which i still think is a big if. If he were to do that. Im the boss. This is the tone well try to set. Well give russia a chance, as Obama Administration did. And then really went sour after that. Hillary clinton reset but without a doubt i think trump would have to say, listen, im the boss, you have to implement my policies period. Neil bob, always a pleasure. I dont want to embarass you or throw smoke at you here, youve been remarkable this entire campaign year. Very calm insights. Trends that other people were missing. Great revelations. Im glad you were revealing them here. We appreciate that. Thank you, neil. I appreciate it. Neil bob cusack of the hill. He is big cheese there. The big cheese of the whole world, donald trump, he is trying to settle a legal issue that could drag on him. He is writing a pretty big check if reports are right to get it out of the way but is it out of the way . After this. If you have Medicare Parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. That means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Medicare doesnt cover everything. And like all standardized Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. So dont wait. Call now to request your free decision guide. It could help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan that works for you. 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They have still not replaced the conservative justice, there is talk, talk at this point, a President Trump might consider ted cruz for that position. Remember when he was at the trump tower here. That might not be the case. But that is one of the ideas floated around because the attorney general position for which he was also rumored has gone to Jeff Sessions, republican senator alabama. Meantime, that is intrigue we know. This is financial intrigue we dont quite know. Theyre dotting is, crossing ts, apparently ready to write a check. President elect trump apparently writing a check to settle the Trump University lawsuit. They are were to take part in that an learn real estate secrets and parts of the real estate world from the master donald trump. They were screwed and didnt like it. They were seeking 40 to 45 million damages. Word donald trump is ready to settle, at least his lawyers are, 20 million this includes states of new york and california, and im not sure all litigants but it would go a long way to resolve something hard for a sitting president to resolve. To the washington examiner, we know, sara the facts better than i. What do you make of what youre hearing . This is something absolutely imperative for the president elect to do. He cant have this distraction putting together the transition team. There is lot of speculation what is going on with the transsession process. A lot of coverage has been hostile. He cant afford to give them more any ammunition of chaos in their world. Keep in mind there was trial date coming up. Neil the judge sarah, said get hopping, try to settle this on your own as judges sometimes do. Cognizant of the fact that january 20th, donald trump will have some added responsibilities, right . Right. He will be a little bit busier on january 20th and afterward. This is something that absolutely needed to happen. Keep in mind that this case handed him a good deal of trouble during the campaign. Infamously disparaged hispanic judge in the case. Neil thats right. I forgotten about that. Thats right. The last thing he really needs is the conversation to be about potential conflicts of business interests the business entertainingment gets would cause as many being president. That has not taken place yet because it is at his early stages. A lot of people are not satisfied that with his statement that his children will run the business. They want him to liquidate the stake in the company to put it in true blind trust. That is not necessarily the step he will take, we dont know. Donald trump doesnt really want to stir the conversation surrounding that by heading, pushing this case into trial and having focus be on just how farreaching his business entertaining gelments are. Neil i dont have a lot of time but i was thinking of those foreign entanglements. Trump is all over the world, hotels and operations and real estate deals the world over. How do you first of all disentertaining gel the guy who runs the company . Even if you put all that into a blind trust, essentially means your kids are out of jobs, doesnt it . That has been his allies, defended his strategy of letting his children run the business saying, this is his lifes work. This is his familys life work. You will take all of that away. Certainly there are legitimate concerns about the fact that he has farflung connections all over the world. With his children running it he is just one degree away from potentially really big conflicts of interest. Neil how would that work, if he is letting his children run it . I mean you founded it. You built it. I mean youre not going to just, wouldnt it come up at dinner . Wouldnt it come up at a casual conversation, you did what . You sold what building . You bought what building, right . The wall street Journal Editorial Board recommended today he and his children sign a memorandum of understanding similar to the one Hillary Clinton signed when she became secretary of state in regards to the Clinton Foundation saying there would be no contacts between the Business Empire and white house should the Business Empire remain in his childrens hands that is one option on the table. Neil which know she didnt quite stick to that. There were appearances that was not the case. Exactly. That is why this spells all kinds of trouble for him. It is something has to be dealt with very delicately by his team. Neil you think settling for 20 million when damages were looking 40, 45 million, good deal, bad deal . What. For a man of his means a relatively small price to pay making something controversial to disappear to focus on the transition process. Neil thank you very, very much. Sara with the washington examiner. White house correspondent gets kneedeep in all this stuff. Which is good that someone does. Coming up newspapers a not Good Campaign for them. They missed the thing by a long shot. Always amazes me, cant tell you number before regional papers and small town papers that missed it in even bigger way. Some catering to communities that are mirror opposite of their editorial positions. You have a relative conservative moderate community and editors cant bend to the community. They dont even try. They would sooner go out of business, they would sooner have workers unemployed and ever wake up in the morning to say, why dont i try being fair and balanced . More after this. Neil seems after upset of all centuries politicallywise, the media has not learned, still doubling down on bashing donald trump because the man they thought was too incompetent to be elected president apparently is too incompetent handling the fact he is president elect. You can not win. Accuracy in media editor if they risk further alienating their public. I wont embarass her, but even my smalltown paper caters to largely conservative community it is as leftwing as communist as you can get. I see this played out in the one small town, medium town after another. So we Pay Attention to big guys like the times and the post et cetera. This peme eighted in journalism across the country. Why . Good b republic, put it on the line for either the first time or one of the very rare times they endorsed the democratic candidate for president and they, along with the major media, like the New York Times and the Washington Post are in disarray. They can not believe that their collective weight couldnt have elected hillary neil that extends to your fine point, roger, to the medium and small paper guys. My town paper has circulation of like 10, 10 people. But, my point is, and i kid, but to make a very serious point here, that they just seem so out of touch. It is one thing to be out of touch period, or to be out of touch with your community of readers or who they are or what youre about, t theyre out of touch in sucking up and learning i goofed, i screwed up. Theyre doubling down on it, by now, just lying, by talking about, you know, donald trump and how long this transition period is taking whether they know full well it is not taking long at all. He is actually running ahead of curve on this . I guess i dont see why if youre digging a hole you prefer to keep digging . Yes, i have an article on our website main. Org. The honeymoon is over. There was no honeymoon to begin with. The day the campaign ended and it became clear what was happening they were firing out, i mean, they are in disarray as the Democrat Party is today. Because they put all of their weight behind it. Not just all the news media, the latenight shows and to con vicinities us that donald trump was beyond the pale. That he and his followers are racists and just unacceptable and here is Hillary Clinton, with this phenomenal record that they wanted to sell her as having neil to your brilliant point, they missed it, roger. Rather than that acknowledge that, give the times credit, talked about how it goofed but proceeded going right on about this bunionhead to won for the white house and back to the old stuff without thinking, stepping back. Maybe we missed these 65 million American Voters who were not happy. Maybe we missed palpable rage we thought were safe democratic states. Maybe we should wake up and take a better look at this country we report on . No. I think the lesson theyre learning is that the country was even more racist than they thought it was. And that, what really i think was also happening was that more and more people were getting their news from other places and picking up enough from project veritas and from Vick Wikileaks seeing how corrupt the Democratic Party and hillary had been. That influenced a lot of people. As well they werent buying this story what a great economy we were having, how great obamacare has been, how great their Foreign Policy has been. Neil they bought everything hook, line, sinker. You have editorial position, say it but when it bleeds into the coverage, but you will not provide same litmus test for the other side, if youre going to bash the challenger in this case, donald trump, call him a maroon whatever, and you dont nearly the same zeal going after the other candidate you should go out of business you know . Right. You see it in the coverage today. Everyone of the picks of trump is considered controversial, that is the word they put on everyone of them. But then when the democrats leading candidate for chair of the dnc is Keith Ellison they dont talk about controversy there or look into his background. So it continues. Theyre not going to change. Theyre going to continue to take the same line they have taken. Neil that is clear my friend, quite apparent. Thank you, roger as always. Thank you. Neil i see it even in the coverage of these protests. Can you imagine if these were trump voters who lost and they were protesting. That would be the rise of stalin. But these protesters, theyre just exercising their constitutional rights. Not fair, not balanced. I hope they all go out of business like now. After this. [pony neighing] what . Hey gary. Oh. Whats with the dogsized horse . Im crazy stressed trying to figure out this complex trade so i brought in my comfort pony, warren, to help me deal. Isnt that right warren . Well, you could get support from thinkorswims inapp chat. It lets you chat and share your screen directly with a live person right from the app, so you dont need a comfort pony. Oh, so what about my motivational meerkat . Inapp chat on thinkorswim. Only at td ameritrade. Neil want to update you on the markets. Major averages shot up appreciably since donald trump was elected to presidency. Dow down about 3 . S p down 2 . Nasdaq alltime highs, down 2 1 2 since the election. Something else that was rather curious in terms of timing of this. Ford saying that it is going to be keeping its suv plant in kentucky. This was something donald trump tweeted when he to the the news. Got a call from my friend bill ford who advised me will keep the lincoln plant in kentucky no, mexico. Same time apple, apple, talking about possibly making its iphones in the u. S. Of a, and not asia, namely china. Keith fitzgerald on that, Jonathan Hoenig on that. Jonathan this is something you would probably not foreseen when you were wrapping the red flag your sell for hillary. What happened . I couldnt have foreseen the republicans would be so antitrade and so antifreedom. Hate to say it. For donald trump to crow about the fact he threatened force. That is what donald trump is right now. He is not a private businessman again. He is is president , president elect. He has the guns. Neil you dont like this . This is capitalism being turned upside down by a guy forcing no it is not capitalism, neil. That is why i was for Hillary Clinton. Trump is this is cronyism, neil. This is collectivism. It is terrible economics. People might say, well, great well get jobs here in america. It is not a fixed pie. More profit that apple can make, more profit ford can make they can reinvest, create new jobs, new wealth. Trump doesnt get that. Neil what do you think of that, keith . I disagree like 100 , 200 , 300 . The law of capitalism neil you cant disagree more than 100 . You just cant. I have bernanke i can do what i want. Heres the thing. Capitalism, money always goes where it is treated best. President elect trump has been very clear what he wants to do. American ceos are not stupid. In fact theyre very intelligent. When you think about it, ceos have to lead because they have to turn a profit. Politicians lead because they want to be followed. What trump is saying hey, get your stuff together. Bring it here. Well put a couple hundred billion dollars into the markets and ceos are responding to that. Corporate america falls into line. Neil you are sure not being intimidated though, to jonathans point, keith, that theyre being coerced . Theyre not being coerced at all. They have shareholders have to report to. There is nothing to do with coercion. Neil shareholders are the ones who ultimately get gouged here, right . Shareholders, and, consumers as well. You donald trump he doesnt see the net effect, cause and effect. If an iphone costs extra 20 i think he does. Extra 50, more that is wealth that is destroyed, neil for totally irrational purposes. Let me disagree with our fest definition of capitalism. Capitalism is extraction of force from the economy. So when donald trump calls, hey, you might think about that, he is not calling just average joe. He is calling as president. Again he has got the guns. Tremendously Chilling Effect on economy. Neil keith . Well, if it is chilling why is the stock market up . Why are profits rising . Why are all the things happening . Bottom line they know what is going to happen and they will do it on behalf of their shareholders and consumers. When they move iphones, for example, to america, theyre not going to be the same guy screwing in one screw on production line in china. You will see entire new generation of robotics. Entire new generation of consumers. New productivity bound by america where we have the intellectual prowess. If it is rot bottoms, then why is he bringing jobs home in the first place this economy used to be 80, 90 ing a result call. The jobs are outsourced thank god they were. Americans got better. This is central planning. East germany stuff. Republicans used to be against that democrats spearheaded. This will cost america, the reason stock market goes up because it sees inflation donald trump is going to cause. Neil keith, the final word. I think youre way off base here respectfully i might add. I understand the intellectual nature of our arguments but reality you have a couple hundred million americans who want to go to work who need a paycheck, need higher incomes and bringing Corporate America back to bear will do that. Look up herbert hoover. Neil markets mice be responding more to tax cuts, to come and which they do like. This other stuff, maybe not sorted out. Guys, thank you both. Very, very much. Neil i agree 5000 with both of them. Meanwhile, were getting more names than we ever thought possible for the treasury secretary spot. It looked like a slam dunk for one guy. Now they have, now its all of sixth avenue. That is how many names are popping up. Charlie gasparino, separating rumors from the real ones. Live on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Take a look what is happening with the nasdaq. It pulled back about 14 points right now but earlier during the trading session it at its highest level ever, passed september record, 1542 and started to fall back. Today, the russell 2000, small caps performing very well. Russell on pace for gaining every day since the president ial election. Were watching mortgage rates. Look at this, 3. 94 up from last week. Still under 4 for average 30 year fixedrate mortgage. Likelihood of Interest Rate increase, pricing this in about 90. 6 . That will get some increase anywhere 50 to 75 basis points. More coming up after this. 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Or a sales event . The season of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. Neil all right, i think we have Sean Spicer Communications chief at rnc getting off the elevator at trump tower right now. They cant miss you. You can find a back way to get in the building but cameras are on the elevator. Like a dick clark production. Everyone was vying to get to dick clarks office to make their pitch. Those days are gone. President elect of the United States entertaining anyone and everyone. Theyre all seen. Were filling cabinet positions thats what the trump folks tell us. Now the position is for treasury. That is getting a lot of attention. That is here in our, charlie gasparino, what are you hearing . The list is kind of growing. We safely say Steve Mnuchin is in pole position. Carl icahn said it. Donald trump said it. He did pretty good job as finance chief against pretty big odds. The list is growing. After trump was flirting with jamie dimon and they essentially said that jamies not ruling out 100 , maybe 99 , the list started to grow. Henry kravis, in april i called up henry kravis, pr position does mr. Kravis want the job of the donald trump said as treshvery secretary. Absolutely not. Last night i called him again, we dont want to comment. Henry kravis, private equity guy is involved in it. So youre seeing now, you know, one of the biggest private equity firms ever, one of the first neil why would he want it . Mainstream wall street guy. Listen, this is why dimon is not totally closing the door. To have your name on dollar bill is kind of a cool thing. Neil that is cool. This one for me. This one for that. That is true too. I think the administration is becoming, as seeing new Trump Administration is becoming a more probusiness administration. Jeff sessions as ag, say a lot about him. He will not run politicized antiwall street. Neil hot to trot, trump, assuming getting Jeff Sessions for attorney general here that he hot to put a wall streeter in that position . You can argue that doesnt always work out. No, i dont think it necessarily has to be wall streeter. Trump want most experienced best person with money. He has decent picks. Lets be clear. I mean, head neil hank paulson. I dont think he let the world on fire. He missed something called the financial crisis really bad. Theyre not necessarily the best but theyre not necessarily the worst. And they do know about money. You got to give them a little bit for that. Listen, i would love a Small Business owner to be treasury secretary. Someone understands Community Banking that would be my gut. George w. Bush actually tried some nonconventional wall street types before he went to paulson. He had henry snow, right. Neil right. And paul neil paul oneill. Not the yankee paul oneill. Yes. Aluminum company of america. They worked out. Neil tom cotton, military veteran, dynamic on the right making his way into the trump tower. He is being rumored for defense. Weve seen elect tick picks eclectic picks not all slavish toward donald trump this he wants all loyalists. Think of mike pompeo pick for heading up cia originally backed marco rubio. One thing about donald is, i dont think he holds grudges. I know for him neil oh, i dont know about that. I have heard him,. Neil how long has he been since he done this show . Im kidding. I heard him make up with people that he has attacked. Gone back and forth. Neil how do you think the mitt romney thing will go. I dont think that will happen as secretary of state. Just a meeting. Neil why would they do it . I would see why trump doing it. Where is the upside for romney doing it . Secretary of state is not a bad job. Neil if he is not offered that, doing this just to make peace with the party, whatever you want to call, just seems weird. Neal, i would say this, if youre any republican right now what youre thinking about is this. We are going i think they should be thinking this. We have a chance with this president and this congress to reverse the eight full years of progress iism on so many levels, social levels, economic levels, to get rid of obamacare. You have a chance, by the way bring country together under better economy. Neil im thinking that given stuff said, and its like record stuff said on both sides. Yeah. Neil that it is hard to let those bygones be bygones. I doesnt do it. These politicians are like, theyre used to beating the hell out of each other. Neil like professional wrestling. Donald, face it no bigger show man than him. My problem with him all the time i couldnt accept the guy being conservative who is liberal three minutes ago. That was my worry about it. Neil that is why he hates you. Does he hate me . Show you why he doesnt hate me. Matt, please, can you do the honors. Its a my piss pillow with my a my pillow and. John tatum took a photo, john, who is entrepreneur run as Sports Marketing company in dallas. Neil do you sleep on this thing . No, for you to sleep on it. What is scarier, sleeping on my face or trumps face. Neil not like a my pillow thing . He got it done. Its yours. It is beautiful. Sure. Neil sure. Well have more, i swear after this. Complete bedroom collection how else do you think he gets around so fast . Take the reins this holiday and get the mercedesbenz youve always wanted during the winter event. Now lease the 2017 gla250 for 329 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Approaching medicare eligibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. 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These are the only Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans endorsed by aarp, an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. Plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. Remember, medicare doesnt cover everything. The rest is up to you. Call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go longâ„¢. Neil republicans have a busy, busy agenda. You heard about the tax cuts, cut back on regulations, repeal obamacare . Part of that is a strategy that would take a look right now at medicare itself. So talk about adding to the drama here and all the overhauls that could be planned within just the first 100 day, gerri willis has been following all of that. They have got big plans. They seem to be getting bigger, gerri. Thats right, big, big, big. Tom price referenced at this, hinted at this in conversations he had with the media recently. What is going on he is trying to point people in distribution of paul ryans plan, gop plan for reforming health care, all of Government Health care. And its pretty wideranging. Let me give you idea what is in the plan. First of all, money goes to medicaid would be block granted to the states. So each state would get an amount of money to run their medicaid program. This is not uncontroversial. But idea they are going to index this for inflation and population growth would be considered in all of this. So thats a very big deal, controversial. Also lots of free market ideas, insurance across state lines. We keep hearing this over and over from republicans. Here is the thing gotten so many liberals upset, medicare exchanges. Ryan saying for future retirees move whole medicare needle towards medicare at advantage. This is incorporating private sector into medicare. Basically what it would do, cap reimbursements at level of second cheapest plan people would fine on these exchanges. If you want ad plan with bells and whistles, more and more, you pay for the privilege. If you bought a cheaper plan, you benefit from that too. That is what is going on there. Let me tell you, i believe that job number one for the next president , and tell me if you agree, neil, cant we just wring all the waste, fraud and abuse from medicare and medicaid first do no harm . Neil they never do. They never do it. 50 billion a year. This isnt chump change. This is my tax dollars. This is your tax dollars. Something has to be done before we create more bureaucracy, more exchanges. We saw how well that worked last time. Neil there is a lot of money there. Yeah. The situation needs to be fixed. Neil gerri, thank you very, very much. Gerri willis. Were talking about plans for the incoming republican president here. Already hearing about his attorney general pick from Charles Schumer who says of senator sessions, now we work out in the gym but the fact is he is a senator that does not absolve him from answering tough questions in the confirmation process. Given his past statements and staunch opposition to Immigration Reform, what he is saying i will be on him like nobodys business. After this. Or. Neil the process is beginning, president elect trump making his picks for key positions including attorney general Jeff Sessions. Getting word out of us senator Chuck Schumer leading democrats in that body or will in a new congress, wont be easy, talk about how they work out of the gym and so on but his record on dealing with immigration issues and Immigration Reform is not fine, Chuck Schumers way of saying we are going to rake this guy over the coals. There are moderate republicans pushing for that Immigration Reform. Marco rubio among them, john mccain, they might way on this, might not be key again on Jeff Sessions. Other positions as well, Connell Mcshane with the latest out there. Connell interesting because two of the three announcements we heard from the president elect require confirmation for the quick word about retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn first, we saw at trump tower, the pick for National Security advisor, we talked last hour, he does not require confirmation, the attorney general and cia directors do, looks like senator sessions of alabama will get the most scrutiny. He talked about the statement from the connecticut senator richard blumenthal, key member of the judiciary committee, respected colleague the senator sessions deserves and expects the same exacting serious scrutiny than a attorney general nominee would receive, sessions will be held to this high standard, i am sure he anticipates no less. In addition to immigration concern senator sessions was nominated to be a federal judge in the 80s by president reagan, that did not go through, the us attorney at the time and other us attorneys testified to that hearing, called an africanamerican lawyer among other things, senator sessions that was made in just years ago but those are the types of things that may come up again. The majority leader weighed in, Mitch Mcconnell strongly supports senator sessions and added the statement that he expects the confirmation process reading i look forward to the fair and expeditious treatment of the forthcoming nomination just as it processed president obamas first attorney general nomination. We will see. And senate confirmation, a simple majority in the Senate Unless there is a filibuster. He was a west point guy, first in his class, the Intelligence Committee and the house was we will see where it goes. Neil senator sessions on immigration, going to bring out the democratic attack line and moderate republican attack line as well. The majority on the committee, and in the senate to get confirmed, do you think senator sessions will have a problem . I dont. I cant think of anyone more qualified than senator sessions. A lot of admiration from his colleagues and the public and there will be questions and hearings, Democratic Senators will use to air their differences with him on policy but i cant imagine why he wouldnt be confirmed, he is perfect for the job. Neil the controversy stems around when he was considered for judgeship, he said im not seeing pictures of the lawyer to whom he is referring but the guy was a young looking guy, i guess he was young anyway. The guy looked like a kid. That is not going to come out that way. I am sure his opponents will find ways to blow this out of proportion. They will try anything and these hearings as a way to air policy differences primarily just as the republicans have from time to time. I think anyone nowadays can expect to get probing questions, and expect to defend things and give senators an idea what their positions will be on the issues of the day. He has been on the other end. Neil i forgot about that. While i have you here, we are hearing rumors the Obama Administration might be looking at pardoning hundreds of thousands of illegals who were here, could reach into the millions. I dont know how to separate truth from exaggerations, but what about just doing that . Large groups of illegals who were here and blanket hardening of them . This would be unprecedented and points to the big problem with the executive actions the president took that they were improper at the time and havent accomplished their goals, the president cannot wave a wand and give illegal aliens legal status. Only congress can provide legal status for these individuals, and pardoning them might be some kind of symbolic gesture but it is not going to give them what they want, given legal status and the president should have left this up to congress to begin with would only congress can solve it and i expect President Trump to take that constitutional route. It may be a last parting gesture from president obama that it is not going to solve any problems. Neil even if you could pardon them and it is debatable if you can, not like they will become citizens. No. There is no category they qualify for. They have to be sponsored by a Family Member or an employer or win the visa artery and they would not qualify for that either. There is no route to the Legal Immigration system the way it is set up and only congress can change that. Neil good seeing you, the director of policy studies, as for the other thing, general Michael Flynn, National Security advisor, this will not require senate confirmation, and people raising hackles about muslims, isis winning in the fight, dragging that back, and in that sense a controversial choice. What do you think . My experience with general flynn, and the special operations afghanistan. Nobody can complain about general flynn pulling any punches when it comes to the facts on the ground, he more than any wrote a fantastic paper 5 or 6 years ago in afghanistan and how we were strategically misaligned and how it was driven and has the guy made some controversial statements . In this political cycle just about anybody who hasnt and what gives me heart is general flynn is not afraid to call the enemy the enemy, or afraid to say this is where we screwed up in the past and where we need to go, so to that end i would rather have a realist in the situation than anyone else. 15 years into the war in afghanistan concerning isis we have gone from a jv team to watching them take over land the size of maryland. It will be good having a realist in their. That is what i see and understand people bringing up russia in terms of that. Neil what do you make of that . Donald trump once a different relationship with russia, doesnt think it is counterintuitive to be talking to Vladimir Putin engaging barack obama with angela merkel, sends the wrong signal, and john mccain is much the same. What do you think . When you look at Something Like russia you have to understand russia has strategic interest and so do we and tactical interest, we are very much more aligned in terms of tactical, fighting islamic extremism, strategically, never well aligned, that is the whole point of a leader and president elect trump will take insight from general flynn and people like kt mcfarland, someone who is an expert in russian affairs, expert in china, terrorism, and to draw a lot of sites and analysis, to make the best choice. As far as the ties to russia, general flynn explained he was over there. General flynn, one of the biggest things was he was overly reliant on technology, targeting in this war, not focusing on the human intelligence effort. He wants to build the human intelligence, to me that is something to take part of because my biggest concern is we got 5000 guys in iraq trying to retake mosul, 10,000 guys in afghanistan and to date, no idea what we are trying to accomplish over there. Neil something to be said about not being politically correct, it has gotten us to where we are. Ben collins, former green beret, thank you for your service. Forget what you heard mitt romney say about donald trump in the past which ever heard the stuff donald trump said about mitt romney . They are going deep this weekend. The guys a stone cold loser, he chokes and when you choke you can never give a joker a second chance. It is too important, a joker is a joker, you see it in sports, you see it in sports when the guy misses the cake, get rid of him, you get another one. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you 24 7. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Look around the world. I talk to people in other parts of the world, they cant believe it, they say what is going on . How in the world can you be supporting someone like this . The elements laid out about donald trump, his economic plans will cause a recession, his foreignpolicy plans would cause us to be less safe and in more danger and his personal temperament is such a nature that it would keep america Neil Andrew Jackson was an ill tempered president. It has been a while. I would not have been donald trump is a whole new phenomenon in my view. Other people have different views. Neil this weekend is the new now. Donald trump is going to be breaking bread, playing a round of golf, who knows, in new jersey, who knows what will come of that meeting and whether that is making peace or actually engaging in something more detailed like a cabinet position being offered to mitt romney. Mitt romneys 2012 president ial campaign, digital Rapid Response director and former new york city mayor rudy giuliani, good to have you, thanks for coming. You think anything more than a shake of the hand and lets bury the hatchet comes with this thing . One good rule for transitions at the president ial level is to remember this. Those who know dont say, those who say have no idea. That is probably the right call for us today. Neil lets say it is more than make nice. I cannot see mitt romney joining the trump cabinet. Stranger things could happen. There are two fact that we know. One, america has a long, proud history of american president s who, once elected turn to a formal rival, put aside politics and put Country First to ensure the cabinet reflects the needs of the american people. Number 2, i can think of no stronger, more capable patriot than mitt romney. Neil they are both good decent men and i think the world of mitt romney but he said awful stuff about donald trump and donald trump that awful stuff about him, they throughout the campaign, it is more than a team of rivals. It would be two people who really, really strongly disagree and dislike each other every step of the way. They were never competing for the office at the same time themselves so they are not rivals in the traditional sense but you think they could overcome that if it ever came to that. I do. There is a time for Campaign Rhetoric and a time for leading. We face an extraordinary challenge globally, nationally, america and the world is changing and i can think of no greater more capable person than someone like mitt romney. Neil if he were secretary of states they are not even on the same page on foreignpolicy. One wants to work with russia, the other, mitt romney, is very leery about russia. One wants to take the fight directly to isis, donald trump has been saying there are ways to work with russia to deal with isis, those are two issues that come up. We have to wait and see. There is no question somebody like my first boss, rudy giuliani, might have a physical philosophical worldview more in line with trump. Neil going down the list, these other names, we wont know until we know. Dont think you can make much of the news. A couple days ago we were talking different names than we are today and that is the nature of the transition process. Neil there are trial balloons to that point, candidate of people throw that out, make peace with some who were critical of him during the campaign to show we are all getting along whether they are offered or not a post. Yes. The other thing we see is sometimes president ial elect transitions dont like open campaigning for the job. We will see about the factor. Neil very interesting. It was no doubt in my mind, trump is handling this brilliantly, this meeting tomorrow is going to be interesting. Donald trump is going to get a wow cabinet. Neil we will watch closely, thank you very much. The one thing we do know is stocks jumping up but so have Interest Rates. Right now a 10 year treasury notice, 2. 35 , the whole world was shuttering at the prospect of President Trump, now looking at an improved economy under President Trump and look what is going on with 30 year mortgages, i had a young cameraman tell me i am getting worried and might be looking at a 4 Interest Rates on my mortgage and thinking back when i was this guys age. Me and my wife were paying, that is how much older i am. How envious i am that he is so young and he can complain about 4 mortgages. How else do you think he gets around so fast . Take the reins this holiday and get the mercedesbenz youve always wanted during the winter event. Now lease the 2017 gle350 for 579 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Neil we are expecting a lot of snow across the country this weekend, first big snowstorm that will wreak havoc in parts of colorado accident and road closures already in parts of minnesota and north dakota. Even on the east coast particularly the northeast expect foul weather, cold weather this weekend. I think we are still a month away from winter technically may be, december 22nd. Okay. Tim ryan challenging nancy pelosi for House Minority leader. Others follow. Angry democrats to dominated the floor because the old crowd botched it. What do you think . A democrat hasnt won a contested election for congressional leadership against an incumbent and 50 years so the odds are definitely long but he does show an ideological component to his candidacy, democrats need to reach out to bluecollar workers, rust belt voters whod hated trump this election and practical aspect that it is a question how much democrats will be working with as opposed to outright opposing President Trump on things like trade and infrastructure, areas that define Common Ground and democrats have a thin bench of young talent and paul ryan is one possible exception to that, speculation he is gearing up for a governor running two years. He has mccarthy, 50 or 51. That is a generational difference right there. A few years ago we were talking about just the opposite, younger people, republicans are older white men. This election, voting for trump, voting against democrats and voting against business as usual. If we look at who voted for donald trump a lot of those people voted for president obama in 2012 we have to keep that in mind, democrats be wise to think people are voting against the very oldfashioned progressive era Big Government topdown policies, labor regulations, energy regulations, obamacare, people need something new. This is exists on the coast, in manhattan, and listen to them and learn im thinking you are not hearing any of fast. How is right in terms of the emphasis democrats place on various issues to the extent they focus on identity politics, issues that are popular, and it is not a winning strategy. An approach to economic democrats are focusing on. It is not helping ohio and iowa. I think democrats and republicans to some extent are out of touch with 21stcentury americans. Up you research study, 24 of americans took a job this year using an online digital platform whether it was cleaning houses or driving a car, they are doing things in a new big economy and we are often forgetting the economy has changed, people using customization, they dont want burdensome, heavy years past and both sides need to we. Thank you very much. Meanwhile, the first foreign head of state to sit in a meeting with donald trump, look whos with them in that meeting. Every day starts better with a healthy smile. Start yours with Philips Sonicare, the no. 1 choice of dentists. Compared to oralb 7000, Philips Sonicare flexcare platinum removes significantly more plaque. This is the sound of Sonic Technology cleaning deep between teeth. Hear the difference . Get healthier gums in just 2 weeks vs a manual toothbrush and experience an amazing feel of clean. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare. Save now when you buy Philips Sonicare. This is where i trade andrs. Manage my portfolio. 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He has many business interests. The organization will be run by his son and daughter, ivanka. Here you have the first test of that where ivanka sits in on a meeting with foreign dignitary. Obvious lit the Trump Organization does business in japan. She was sitting in with abe shinzo, the japanese Prime Minister and you know, of itself this is not a big deal. We reached out to the trump people on background. Theyre saying we screwed up perceptionwise but this was pretty innocent meeting. I will say this. This is something donald will have to deal with it. They know about it. There is perception, when you have a businessman, every time meets with a foreign dignitary, when he is still at least tangentially involved in the business. He talks to his kids every day, right . His soninlaw, jared kurschner, married to ivanka might have a white house post. That will represent some conflict of interest and stuff he will have to deal with. Donald trump will shortly have to put up chinese walls between the two in much more demonstrable way. This is not the Clinton Foundation. This is right now, a tempest in a teapot, neil. But someone, im a journalist. Ive been covering these sort of issues for a long time. When you start letting the little stuff go, it builds and buildings. He has something that separates him and his business interests in much more dramatic way. It will cause problems. Democrats demand hearings if they ever control the house. Neil farflung empire you cant help bump into yourself and business dealings. Say he went into the blind trust route and couldnt have any say what is going on, im not sure that would be palatable and essentially and technically put his kids out of business, wouldnt it . Yeah. Heres the thing, blind trusts work better, here is where it gets kind of tricky. Blind trusts work better with when you own stocks but i dont know how you put a business in a blind trust. Neil sorry to jump on you. Mnuchin is getting on elevator in the trump tower. Another return visit. What do you make of that, by the way. It is a jobs fair. From what i understand. You go in there, speak to bunch people. Go room to room. Listen,s what im hearing, particularly people at jpmorgan. They really want someone to bent is not jamie. The trump people say its a shot could be jamie dimon. They want someone chosen fast. They keep suggesting to me the treasury secretary choice might come sooner rather than later. Maybe mnuchin is really the guy now or just being prepared or maybe not. Who knows. Up to one guy. As we see he changes his mind, often at the last minute. So, you know it is hard to speculate. I would just say this, i can only tell you what im hearing. Trump people say jamison the list. Trump people tell me kravis isthe list. Trump people concede mnuchin is the first choice. Neil if pin mnuchin isnt chosen he would be pretty angry, would he . He would be because he is a loyalist. He ran a hedge fund and at goldman sachs, that may trip you up at vetting process. He may not be vettable. Im not there in the room. Only what they are telling me the horse race is right there. Neil go from table to table and final table meeting with donald trump. Then guess what . You go outside and face cameras. Have you ever seen a transition process like this . It is amazing. Neil it is fascinates. Right down the block from us. Neil not that it caused any traffic or anything. No. Neil thank you very much, my friend. Charlie gasparino. He is the best. Keeping you up on the latest here in the lobby here because even if you snuck into the building lets say you avoided cameras outside, ha, ha, 500 cameras looking at you in the lobby. Way to go. More after this. Im adam shapiro live on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange with your fox business brief. Take a look at nasdaq. We seem to have build back from that a bit, now down only eight points. Stocks were watching on nasdaq, big tech stocks got hit after the election, facebook, amazon, netflix, they were all down. Look what is happening with facebook as well as Fiat Chrysler automobiles. Theyre going into a partnership to telecaster via amazon. This will only take place in italy at first, but potentially if they get laws changed in different states over dealership protection this might roll out into the United States. Stocks flat for fiat. Amazon is up today. Amazon announcing it is prepared to roll out amazon prime video, Something Like 200 countries worldwide. Watch out, netflix. Competition is at your heels. Can i have a 2017 lexus lx 570. Yeah wish big. At the lexus december to remember sales event. Get up to 2,500 customer cash on select 2016 and 2017 models for these terms. See your lexus dealer. They say you shouldnt but your grand kids . How about front row seats to the best show in town. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Neil told you about a plan by some House Democrats now to press president obama to pardon 750,000 undocumented immigrants Via Executive order, executive action. Could be potentially much more. Some papers reported he prefer he do millions. Penal county arizona sheriff paul babeu with us. Pinal county. I should say. What do you make of this . Hail mary shot at the last hour and shouldnt happen. When youre talking a pardon it was never intended to act in this type of capacity where this is being legitimately proposed and recommended to the president by some extremists to literally use the Pardon Authority for hundreds of thousands if not millions of illegals who are here. That should not happen. There was a clear mandate from the american people, loud and clear there is a new direction, a new president. Neil forget whether it is even legal to do, what would it solve . Lets say you pardon them being here illegallily if that were the gist, doesnt make them legal citizenss right . Correct. It doesnt make them legal citizens. But this whole idea, he himself talked about deferred action. He said he would do it with congress 19 different times he said he doesnt have that authority. Yet he went ahead and did it with executive action. Weve seen him do that on a number of different issues. And it does not make them citizens. Does not give them the right to vote. It throw as wrench any goodwill or process taking place President Trump actually rounding up criminal illegals. Those who present a real dangerous threat to american citizens and get them out of the country. Neil were you surprised, some people, interpreted it as a pivot when donald trump spoke to 60 minutess lesley stahl talking about getting the bad ones, the bad whom hombres out of the country, two to three million, not 11 to 15 million, maybe more rumored to be here. What did you think of that . I think his focus is spot on, and what we in Law Enforcement have been saying for years when president obama took away our authority to work in partnership with federal agents in i. C. E. And the border patrol, we used to have 287 g. I had deputies of mine would compliment them in their work when it came to immigration. So well have a reuniting of that effort so youre going to have all Law Enforcement across the country working in partnership to what the president s really focused on, our new president , is talking about identifying and we know who they are, those with criminal records on average 3 to 5 crimes that they have committed that we know of, here in the u. S. These arent the illegals who are here just for a better life. There could be 11 to estimates as high as 20 million, but were talking about that smaller minority that have proven to be bad actors, that everyone should agree that we identify them, apprehend them an get them out of our country never to return again. Neil do you know who they are . Do you know who the bad actors . Absolutely. Neil if you had your way you could find them and get them out . If we work again with i. C. E. And the border patrol, absolutely. What weve seen, when they have released hundreds into my county, i have asked for their names and this Current Administration has put up roadblocks and refused me, even the sheriff from getting those names. So a new president , new administration, new priorities. Neil wow, i didnt even know that. Sheriff, thank you very much. Good chatting with you. Good chatting with you, neil. Neil you probably caught our peter barnes talkinging to the dallas fed president Robert Kaplan who said essentially, you dont have to worry about any imminent recession. Really . After this. Looking for a Medicare Prescription Drug plan that could save you money . At unitedhealthcare, we offer three plans to choose from to help meet your needs including one thats brand new for 2017. 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Or you can enroll online its quick and easy. Remember, open enrollment ends december 7th. At unitedhealthcare, were committed to helping you find the Medicare Part d plan that fits your needs and budget. Thats why we offer three plans. Like our new aarp Medicarerx Walgreens plan with one of our lowest monthly premiums and 0 copays for tier 1 Prescription Drugs when filling at any of the more than 8,000 walgreens nationwide. Call unitedhealthcare today to learn more about your Prescription Drug options and find the plan thats right for you. Whats your characterization of where we are in the economy right now . I dont think were in recession and i dont see recession coming, even before this last period and the reason is the consumer in the United States is strong. Neil all right. That was from Maria Bartiromo talking to the dallas fed president Robert Kaplan. Not imminent recession fears there. Making money host charles payne. What do you think of that . I agree with him 100 , neil. There are some different signs we had some economic momentum coming into this election. I bet it picked up a whole lot of team since then. He talked about consumers. We saw a Consumer Confidence number this week that Beat Estimates by a mile. It is going to be revised on november 23rd. It will include the postelection excitement. So i expect that number to go through the roof. We saw in the last couple days major retailers from best buy, childrens place, ross stores, all say they had to raise guidance for next quarter and next year. On the industrial side were starting to see pretty good signs of production. Mining for the first time in a long period of time actually is up, driven by coal, believe it or not. Of course we know where the miner jobs have gone. Im seeing it across the board in many different ways. Neil how do you as an investor play this then this everyone seems to think given the up tick in Interest Rates since the election, whether that is reflection of improved Economic Activity and people are betting on that, or that inflations coming and people are betting on that, or 4 mortgages are here and people are worried about that, you and i can remember whether they are a lot higher than that, how do you play that . You know, the notion that rates being higher is a, you know, is a killer, is sort of a misunderstood. When rates go higher for the right reasons, for the right economic reasons, when the fed raises rates for the right reasons, the market can deal with that. Its a reflection of success. It is not Something Else like last december when the fed hiked rates because i think they wanted to prove they werent the tail being wagged by, they werent the dog being wagged by the tail of wall street but right now what im seeing again i can feel and see sort of animal spirits starting to percolate. Last year we saw wages finally up. Dont get me wrong, we have a long way to go. Like housing numbers it, was a huge number, best number since 2007. Were still not in a range that goes back 50 years. Weve got room to the upside. Maybe mortgages get more expensive, but more important if we get velocity of money through the economy which i think well start seeing netnet it is a good thing. You have to be exposed to tears, exposure to Industrial Companies and Consumer Discretionary and retail as well. Neil young people, i know you reach you out to young people quite a bit, they dont remember anything like you and i do. When they hear of a 4 mortgage, big deal to them. Never seen it. You know what is bigger deal . Many are getting what i call the rent trap. Rents have outpaced everything. Almost every other thing you can measure against inflation, rent has gone through, most of these kids know if they stay in these apartments too long, get a couple of rent hikes they will never have money for down payment. They will never get out. Im hoping, divorces are at 39, 40year low. I hope we see something of a sea change in household formation in this country. The kids say, hey, you know what . I crunched numbers, smarter to get the money together to buy a house rather than give money to the landlord. Neil we already had a very long bull market. The argument is it is running out of steam, it cant go on forever. They said the same about a recovery, that might be helped by the fact it has been so tepid it can run a lot longer. What do you think . You have a great point. This is one thing im concerned about. Well get a chance to see it under President Trump or not. If something went wrong with capitalism. If it can no longer live up to the hype, under barack obama we havent had a 3 year. We had only one under george bush in eight years. Neil youre right. For the last decade our economy broken at much slower rate and all kind of Different Things have been tried. Next four years can prove we can have a recovery more than 3 . As far as bull markets are concerned i never try to guess tops but i do know bull markets are not supposed to die simply because theyre long in the tooth. Neil good point, charles payne. Making money, charles payne, 6 00 p. M. Eastern time. He sticks to the bargain and deliverses. This time tomorrow, mitt romney, donald trump, in a meeting. What will you be wearing . [vo] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The season of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. . All right, youre looking live at the lobby of the trump tower. What if you go into there just to shop . Its like an indoor mall, right . Pardon me, pardon me, so surreal, but it is what it is. Whod have thunk, right . All vying for cabinet positions, others just to say hello to the next president of the United States. Trish regan to you. Trish thank you, neil a busy day for president elect donald trump, as he announces three key appointments to his administration today. I am trish regan, welcome everyone to the intelligence report. The appointments are coming fast and furious right now. Here we go, up to speed, senator Jeff Sessions from alabama, early trump supporters. The first senator to support trump for attorney general. Lieutenant general mike flynn for National Security adviser. Flynn has been outspoken about the dangers of radical islam staying is a political ideology that hides behind this religion, something we discussed over and over again at length on this program. And representative mike pompeo

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