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They consider it big time when they vote whether or not to leave the e. U. Gabriel is with us. I looked at increasingly initially it felt like antiestablishment economic argument but increasingly over the last year it is focused on terror incidents and the ability to control their borders. Exactly. This is the number one threat to europe, the United States, to all western countries and it is getting worse. Look what happened to france with the murder of the police officer, his wife in front of their 3yearold. What is most interesting about the merger is the killer had a list of names released by isis of people in france to be killed. Which brings us to the United States because we know on that list there are 8000 names in america today. Are these now isis sympathizes taking these lists with them and going after targets in which they live . This is a major threat not only in france, not only in england but throughout western nations. Charles dealing with this differently, most of the coming to grips that something must be done. President Obama Meeting with National Security council in america, we had major terror incidents but most have involved people who were born in this country. American citizens. How do we combat Something Like that . What we are realizing is most of these incidents are by children of muslim immigrants to the United States. We are seeing a secondgeneration muslims who immigrated to america are the ones now gravitating to isis wanting to carry on jihad operations. We can start by monitoring the education in the box. In my book they must be stopped. I discuss three studies conducted between 2005, and 2010. And 7 out of 7 mosques are radicalized in America Teaching the overthrow of democracy. The phenomenon of isis and establishment of the islamic state, secondgeneration muslims, the jihadi of their own and seeing a rise in america, also headed by a president who is blind, doesnt listen to the advice of advisers and experts, called isis a jv team. There is no leadership and no one paying attention. Charles seven out of twee 10 mosques preaching radicalization. Correct. 7 out of 10 mosques preaching the overflow of democracy, the hatred of christians and jews and anyone else, establishment of islamic government on earth, establishment of the name of allah. I detailed the study in my book titled they must be stopped. It is available in bookstores nationwide and is shocking. Three studies that came out, first in 2005, the center for religious freedom the second by ma dont remember the name of the organization that released at the three studies came out. Stuart is it ever going to be possible, do you see a point in time when these refugees to these western nations particularly in europe will ever assimilate . The ball in their court, or host Country Courts . We are seeing images of very tight neighborhoods with cellular television beaming back programming from home, they dont learn the language or exit the customs and in some cases are foisting their own customs on the locals. Is there any opportunity for them to assimilate and accept the culture of their new homes . They wont assimilate unless the culture of the newhome forces them to assimilate. Europe has given islamic immigrants so much accommodation, they allow them to get away with so much including sharia operating parallel to french courts or british courts whatever country they are living in in europe. Europeans are trying to turn the ship around but it is too late. In america it is important right now to see what is happening in europe because it is a preview to what is coming to america and now is the time to stop it in america. Charles thank you, appreciate it. We have new details on the orlando terror attack. The gunman, case the nightclub in disney, jeff flock is in orlando with more on the heightened security measures now in place. Everyone is shocked with respect to disney, the ultimate soft target. It scares a lot of people. Some people see the casing of the nightclub as casing, he was a frequent visitor there and perhaps they are not so much for casing but because he wanted to be there. Also reports this morning that he frequently used a gay dating website. More complex situation than we thought. Disney, fox news intelligence sources saying they have developed information that he indeed cased disney as a potential target. You wonder how this could have been any worse. At disney world it could have been, they had taken additional security measures putting security personnel on alert, using increased use of magnetometers and less visible technology, security technology, we talked to people who have attended this in the last day and they have noticed the upgrade in security. Some other details for you, fox news intelligence sources say they now believe omar mateen had a closer relationship with the first a more current american born suicide bomber then they first fought. They investigated him in 2014 about the connection with that. The fbi determined there wasnt much connection. Maybe more to that than they first thought. Before thank you very much, we appreciate it. Travel spending in other tourist destinations could take a hit. Want to go to former nypd commissioner howard safer, what should we be doing . We know the ultimate goal, the end goal of terrorism and terror is to make us diverse from everyday license, if we do that to a degree they have won. We are a nation at war. We are acting like a nation of victims. What we should be doing is changing our behavior like we did during world war ii or the korean war. And realize we have an intelligent, wellfunded enemy who changed strategy and the strategy now that they are losing some battles in the middle east is to activate people who would be self radicalized like omar mateen and what we have to do is increase security at soft targets. Make sure employees are trained, do active shooter drills and to empower intelligence agencies and Law Enforcement agencies to be able to use the tools they have. What we did to the nsa. It really hurts us. Charles you follow the trail to saudi arabia two years in a row. And that much was reported. And we keep talking about watch lists, what does it entail when someone is on a watchlist and deemed to be a potential danger . First thing you do, quick fix, make sure all licensed firearm dealers have terror watch list send anyone is being prohibited from buying any kind of weapon. That would have stopped him here. Charles mosques preaching the overthrow of democracy, against these homegrown americanborn men for the most part and become radicalized to the point they kill fellow americans. Do you advocate surveillance of mosques as well . People talk about profiling and sacrifice for Political Correctness. We know what the terrorists look like. We know terrorists are young men in their 20s. We know who the enemy is, we ought to be looking for them. I am certainly in favor of doing surveillance on mosques. Before sunday morning the headline, 50 presumed dead in orlando, you see the name of the potential shooter and you say to your point i have breaking news i want to ask about. Officials saying the russian government or hackers penetrated the dnc Computer Network, they gained access to all the information they have on donald trump. Apparently they were able to read all the emails and take all the information accumulated on donald trump. Our federal government to the best of my knowledge is not prepared to deal with this kind of hacking and not using the resources of the private sector or data that is available and it will put us in a compromising position. Charles is it about ideology or the bottom line . They dont want to spend the money it will take. We are talking about safeguarding Vital Information here. We have a president who doesnt even acknowledge that islam is involved in terrorism. Charles he acknowledged russia and china are involved in hacking, Hillary Clinton acknowledged a server on a farm was an easy target, it really starts to get ludicrous. This administration puts all americans in danger and that is why we need to change. Charles we keep hearing about intelligence gathering, some efficiency, omar mateen was interviewed, local Law Enforcement never knew about it, he was dropped through the cracks, how do you reconcile that . This was a big issue going back to 9 11 where the cia didnt talk to the fbi. How do we get it all under on one umbrella and get information out and say it was . By empowering Law Enforcement and intelligence agencies to do what they know how to do. This is fixable but it is not fixable with an administration that is more concerned about insulting muslims than keeping americans safe. Charles appreciate it. President obama is meeting on isis, just wrapped up, should be speaking in a moment, we will bring it to you as soon as it starts. You both have a perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets. No accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. Yup. Now, you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . 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The interesting thing is the entire professional class in that country is against leaving. The president charles might not be helping. Charles Prime Minister cameron wants them to stay. Like movie stars coming out that say they should stay. Maybe the backlash to that, if they do leave, it is going to be a huge story and the wind up to it, the walk up to it means the fed does not raise rates. Charles if the fed raises rates they probably will articulate something with respect to this. The fed is playing a game like Charlie Brown and lucy and the football. They talk about raising rates and before they do it they yank the football away. I dont think the fed is going to get until the end of the year. Charles the fed was probably going to go and got wall street in position to accept, markets going higher on the assumption of a rate hike, that is rare but with 38,000 jobs in the last month their hands are tied. Exactly right. Nobody puts baby in a corner, the jobs report put the fed into a corner and they dont know what to do. The fed is confused about messaging, confused about its prognosis of the economy. Jobs report was further evidence we are now in the midst of a cyclical slowdown. The fed raising rates into a slowdown is a policy error we cannot afford. They tried it in december and sent market into a cataclysm in january. I hope they dont do it again. Frs tough talk as they say in texas the fed is all hat and no cattle. Charles we are showing the podium because the president of the United States walking out right on cue. Everybody all set . I just met with my National Security council as part of our regular effort to review and intensify our campaign to destroy the terrorist group isil. Our meeting was planned before the terrible attack in orlando but obviously that tragedy, the awful loss of life shaped much of our work today. In all of our efforts, foremost in our mind is the loss and grief of the people of orlando. Those who died, those who are still recovering, the families who have seen their loved ones harmed, the friends of ours who are lesbian and gay and bisexual and transgender who were targeted, i want to remind them they are not alone, the American People and our allies and friends all over the world stand with you and i thinking about you and are praying for you. As director comey has said, we currently do not have any information to indicate that a Foreign Terrorist Group directed the attack in orlando. It is increasingly clear however that the killer took in extremist information and propaganda over the internet. He appears to have been an angry, disturbed, unstable young man who became radicalized. As we know all too will terrorist groups like isil have called on people around the world and in the United States to attack innocent civilians, their propaganda, their videos, their postings are pervasive and more easily accessible than we want. This individual appears to have absorbed some of that and during his killing spree the shooter in orlando pledged allegiance to isil. As i have said before, these loan actors or small cells of terrorists are very hard to defect and very hard to prevent but across our government at every level, federal, state and local, military and civilian, we are doing everything in our power to stop these kinds of attacks. We work to succeed 100 of the time. And attacker as we saw in orlando only has to succeed once. Are extraordinary personnel, intelligence, military, homeland security, Law Enforcement, have prevented many attacks and saved many lives and we can never thank them enough. But we are all sobered by the fact that despite the extraordinary hard work, Something Like orlando could occur. In our meeting today director comey directed us on the investigation in orlando. Secretary johnson reviewed the measures we continue to take on behalf of homeland security. Secretary carter and chairman dunford reviewed the military campaign against isil and i think secretary lou and his team at treasury for hosting us, and cut off the money isil relies on for its terror network. At the outset i want to reiterate our objective in this fight, to destroy isil. Since i last updated the American People on our campaign we have seen this continues to be a difficult fight but we are making significant progress which over the past we 2 months i authorized a series of steps to ratchet up our fight against isil. Additional us personnel including special forces in syria to assist local forces battling isil there, additional advisors to work with Iraqi Security forces and additional assets including attack helicopters and Additional Support for local forces in northern iraq. Our aircraft continue to launch from the uss harry truman now in the mediterranean. Are b52 bombers are hitting isil with precision strikes. Targets are being identified and hit even more quickly. So far 13,000 airstrikes. This campaign at this stage is firing on all cylinders and as a result isil is under more pressure than ever before. Isil continues to lose key leaders, this includes salmon shaheed, military leader in mosul, the one who plotted external attacks, should here why he, isil military leader in the Anbar Province and malawi, isil commander in falluja. We have taken out more than 120 top isil leaders and commanders and our message is clear. If you target america and our allies you will not be safe. You will never be safe. Isil continues to lose ground in iraq. In the last two month local forces in iraq with Coalition Support have liberated the western town of routebag, and liberated the strategic town breaking the isil siege. Iraqi forces have surrounded falluja and began to move into the city. Meanwhile in the north Iraqi Forces Continue to push up the tigris river valley making gains and preparing to tighten the noose around isil. All told isil has lost nearly half the territory it once controlled in iraq and will lose more. Isil continues to lose ground in syria as well assisted by special Operations Forces, the coalition of local forces is now treasuring the key town, the noose is tightening around isil in rocca as well. In short our Coalition Continues to be on offense. Isil is on defense and it has been a full year since isil has been able to mount a major Successful Operation in either syria or iraq. As isil continues to lose territory it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its Oil Infrastructure and supply lines we have cut isils revenue. And destroying the storage sites, and we deprive them of many more. Thanks to the great work of secretary lou and others today and working with nations and Financial Institutions around the world isil has effectively cut off from the International Financial situation. Cutting off isils money may not be as dramatic as military strikes but it is critically important and we are seeing results. Cash reserves are down, it had to cut salaries for its fighters, resorting to more extortion of those trapped in its grip and by isils own admission some of its own leaders have been caught stealing cash and gold. Once again isils true nature has been revealed. These are not religious warriors. They are thugs and thieves. Continuing to push on this front, it is critical for friends in the senate to confirm adam zoom in, my nominee for undersecretary of terrorism and financial intelligence. Adam has served in democratic and republican administrations. Everyone agrees he is a mentally qualified. He has been working on these kinds of issues for years, 420 days and has not been given a full vote. There is no good reason for it. It is inexcusable. It is time for the senate to put National Security first and have a vote on adam zoom and who can leave. Isils ranks are shrinking as well. There more row is sinking. One defender, as one defector said, isil is not bringing islam to the world and people need to know that. Thanks to International Efforts the flow of foreign fighters including from america to syria and iraq has plummeted. Our Intelligence Community now assesses the ranks of isil fighters has been reduced to the lowest levels in more than 21 2 years. Even as we continue to destroy isil militarily we are addressing Larger Forces than have allowed these terrorists to gain traction in parts of the world with regard to iraq, this means helping iraqis stabilize liberated communities and promote Inclusive Governance so isil cannot return. With regard to syria it means our continued support for the fragile cessation of hostilities there. The cessation of hostilities has not stopped all or even most of the hardship on the syrian people. The hardship on civilians. The assad regime is the principal corporate in violating cessation of hostilities. Isil and al qaedas affiliate, continue to terrorize syrias. As fragile and incomplete as the cessation is it has saved lives and as difficult as it is, we will continue to push for a political process that can end the civil war and result in a transition away from assad. Beyond syria and iraq, isil is also losing ground in labia. Forces of the libyan unity government are going after isil in their strong hold in cert and will continue to assist the new Libyan Government as it works to secure its country. Lastly, here at home, if we really want to help Law Enforcement protect americans from homegrown extremists, the kind of tragedies that occurred at San Bernardino and that now have occurred in orlando, there is a meaningful way to do that. We have to make it harder for people who want to kill americans to get their hands on weapons of war that let them kill dozens of innocents. It is absolutely true. We cannot prevent every tragedy. But we know that consistent with the second amazement, there are common sense steps that could reduce gun violence and could reduce the lethality of someone who intends to do other people harm. We should give atf the resources they need to enforce the gun laws that we already have. People with possible ties to terrorism who arent allowed on a plane shouldnt be allowed to buy a gun. Enough talking about being tough on terrorism. Actually be tough on terrorism and stop making it as easy as possible for terrorists to buy assault weapons. Reinstate the assault weapons ban. Make it harder for terrorists to use these weapons to kill us. Otherwise despite extraordinary efforts across our government, by local Law Enforcement, by our intelligence agencies, by our military, despite all the sacrifices that folks make, these kinds of events are going to keep happening. And the weapons are online going to get more powerful. And let me make a final point. For a while now, the main contribution of some of my friends on the other side of the aisle have made in the fight against isil is to criticize this administration and me for not using the phrase radical islam. Thats the key, they tell us. We cant beat isil unless we call them radical islamists. What exactly would using this label accomplish . What exactly would it change . Would it make isil less committed to trying to kill americans . Would it bring in more allies . Is there a military strategy that is served by this . The answer is none of the above. Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away. This is a political distraction. Since before i was president , ive been clear about how extremist groups have pro verted islam to justify terrorism. As president , i have repeatedly called on our muslim friends and allies at home and around the world to work with us to reject this twisted interpretation of one of the worlds great religions. Theres not been a moment in my seven and a half years as president where we have not been able to pursue a strategy because we didnt use the label radical islam. Not once, use that phrase, were going to turn this whole thing around. Not once. So someone seriously think so that we dont know who were fighting, if theres anyone out there who thinks were confused about who our enemies are. Terrorists who weve taken off the battlefield. If the implication is that those of us up here and the thousands of people around the country and around the world are working to defeat isil arent taking the fight seriously, that comes as a surprise to those who spent these last seven and a half years dismantling alqaeda, including the men and women in the uniform who put their lives at risk and the special forces that i order to get bin laden and now on the ground in iraq and syria. They know who well the enemy is. So do the intelligence and Law Enforcement officers who spend countless hours disrupting plots. And protecting all americans. Including politicians who tweet. And appear on cable news shows. They know who the nature of the enemy is. So theres no magic to the phrase radical islam. Its a political talking point. Its not a strategy. And the reason i am careful about how i describe this threat has nothing to do with Political Correctness and everything to do with actually defeating extremism. Groups like isil and alqaeda want to make this war a war between islam and america. Or between islam and the west. They want to claim that they are the true leaders of over a billion muslims around the world who reject their crazy notions. They want us to validate them by implying that they speak for those billion plus people, that they speak for islam. Thats their propaganda. Thats how they recruit. And if we fall into the trap of painting all muslims with a broad brush and imply that we are at war with an entire religion, then we are doing the terrorist work for them. Now, up until this point, this argument about labels is mostly just been partisan rhetoric and sadly weve all become accustomed to that kind of partnership. Even when it involves the fight against these extremist groups. And that kind of yapping is not prevented folks across government from doing their jobs. From sacrifice and doing really hard to protect the American People. But we now see how dangerous this kind of mindset and this kind of thinking can be. Were starting to see where this kind of rhetoric and loose talk and sloppiness about who exactly were fighting where this can lead us. We now have proposals from the Presumptive Republican nominee for the president of the United States to bar all muslims from emigrating to america. You hear language that singles out immigrants. And suggests entire religious communities are implicit in violence. Where does this stop . The orlando killer, one of the San Bernardino killers, the fort hood killer, they were all u. S. Citizens. Are we going to start treating all muslimamericans differently . Are we going to start subjecting them to special surveillance . Are we going to start discriminating against them because their faith . Weve heard these suggestions during the course of this campaign. Do republican officials actually agree with this . Because thats not the america we want. It doesnt reflect our democratic ideals. It wont make us more safe, it will make us less safe. Fueling isils notion that the west hates muslims. Making young muslims in this country and around the world feel like no matter what they do, theyre going to be under suspicion. And under attack. It makes muslimamericans feel like their government is betraying them. It betrays the very values america stands for. Weve gone through moments in our history before when we acted out of fear, and we came to regret it. Weve seen our government mis mistreat our fellow citizens, and it has been a shameful pardon of our history. This is a country founded on basic females, including freedom of religion. We dont have religious tests here. Our founders, our constitution, our bill of rights are clear about that. And if we ever abandon those values, we would not only make it a lot easier to radicalize people here and around the world, but we would have betrayed the very things we are trying to protect. The pluralism and the openness, our rule ofur civil liberties, the very thing that make this country great. The very things that make us exceptional. And then the terrorists would have won. And we cannot let that happen. I will not let that happen. You know, two weeks ago i was at the Commencement Ceremony at the air force academy. And it could not have been more inspiring. To see these young people stepping up, dedicated to serve this protected country. And part of what was inspiring was the incredible diversity of these cadets. We saw cadets who were straight applauding classmates who were openly gay. We saw cadets born here in america applauding classmates who were immigrants and love this country so much, they decided they wanted to be part of our armed forces. We saw cadets and families of all religions applaud cadets who are proud patriotic muslimamericans, serving their country in uniform within ready to lay their lives on the line to protect you and to protect me. We saw male cadets applauding for female classmates who can now serve in combat positions. Thats the american military. Thats america. One team. One nation. Those are the values that isils trying to destroy. And we shouldnt help them do it. Our diversity and our respect for one another, our drawing on the talents of everybody in this country, our making sure that we are treating everybody fairly. That were not judging people on the basis of what faith they are or what race they are or what ethnicity they are or what their Sexual Orientation is. Thats what makes this country great. Thats the spirit we see in orlando. Thats the unity and resolve that will allow us to defeat isil. Thats what will preserves our values and our ideals that define us as americans. Thats how were going to defend this nation. And thats how were going to defend our way of life. Thank you very much. President obama well, starting out with an address on where we are with regard to our fight against isis, in fact, planned address even before the orlando mass murder and slaughter. But it became quickly a stump speech in which he took on the gop specifically donald trump. Talked about folks yapping, tweeting, and being going on cable news. Took donald trump to task for quote wanting to bar all muslims from emigrating to america. He also tried to rope in and sort of de facto way in the fact that there are a lot of officials like paul ryan who dont agree with donald trump that republican officials actually agree with this. He was completely off script. It was obviously very emotional and probably a preview of what were going to be seeing as he hits the campaign trail to help Hillary Clinton get into the white house. Lets get some reaction now from charlie gasparino, steve cortez. And the daily caller chris bedford. Chris, ill go to you first. It was going to be a tenminute outline, update if you will to speak to all of the key players instead it became a really a very emotional and just outpouring of vitriolic at times against donald trump and the republican party. This was a difficult speech for the president to give. He came in with the Nobel Peace Prize expecting to be ending these cars and handing out success rather easily where instead what hes seeing is allies and kind of allies across the middle east are collapsing under in the face of islamic extremism. We have apache helicopters engaged for the first time again this week, we have two for the First Time Since george bush the start of the war. And then at the same time hes got kind of the equivalent of a scenario that went down in florida, it isnt connected to the actual strategic win in isis, but its terrifying. It has a huge propaganda value, it strikes fear into peoples hearts, and it looks terrible, and it makes it look like were losing against isis even though were causing serious damage to their leadership, and i think its a really emotional thing to him, and he cant resist even especially chomping at the bit to get in the campaign trail. To let some of the emotion come into his critics and those attacking him on the campaign trail across the country charles steve, youre a surrogate to donald trump. One of the key issues, and we saw Hillary Clinton use the term radical jihadism or radical islam twice yesterday but president obama saying its not a strategy, its a talking point. And what difference would it have made that he understands who the enemy is, hes engaged the enemy and that we have tremendous successes, although to chris bedfords point, it doesnt always feel that way. Right. Well, you know, charles, i have to say watching that, i thought that was really a condescending lecture that obama delivered to the American People. And its very typical of what the elites in the country do talking down to the regular people, to the unprotected among us, and i think thats why the unprotected are gravitating toward donald trump. And, by the way, revisionist history. He try to take credit for demolishing alqaeda. Alqaeda was gone more or less when he came into office. What has happened during his tenure is weve seen a terror caliphate be established in the middle east with tens of thousands of adherence and just as many casualty. So if we want to talk history, lets talk what has really happened under obamas failed National Security leadership. Charles you know, charlie, president obama he the only time we ever see no drama obama get this emotional is when hes fighting against the republican party. When hes going after them. And obviously things that have happened and said have gotten under his skin. He let it go but people wonder where is that same intensity when it comes to things like earlier in the address when he was talking about fighting isis when it felt like he was just going through a checklist. Right. Youre absolutely right of that. And lets be real clear. President obama is brilliant at fighting republicans. I would say that this was a brilliant. Its a rally cry to the left to try to bring independence to move them away from donald trump. I think hes probably the most effective political speaker there is. I saw myself as much as i disagree with almost everything he said in terms of substance, nodding my head a few times. Heres the problem donald trump has. On substance, president obama is wrong; right . We do know that theres been an increase and up particular in homegrown terrorism under his watch. He called isil isis, i dont know why he calls it isil. Its isis. The jv team. Theyre obviously not the jv team. That occurred under his watch. Yet hes able to communicate his propaganda in such more of a effective way than republicans can so far. Donald trump has been feckless at communicating what needs to be communicated involving terrorism over the last 24 hours. And, by the way, that speech he gave was interesting. But it still didnt go far enough. The speech donald gave. I mean building walls, talking about muslims ban by the way, you need to ramp up yesterday. Because they have their talking points down. Charles cortez, i want to get back to you on that. You know, we know that president obama will be an effective campaigner on the campaign trail. This is a preview of what were going to see. How would donald trump rebut the idea that, hey, rather you call them radical islam or not, theyve been fighting this fight sometimes successful, sometimes not. And what difference would that make . What would you say . What difference does it make calling the enemy radical islam . Well, because i think clarity is important in any struggle and in particular were talking about a life or death struggle. Lets speak plainly and, by the way, donald trump speaking with such authenticity is part of why he is resonating so well with the American People and occasionally gets him into trouble. I can see that. But i thought he gave a very serious and sober see. Yesterday in New Hampshire about his Foreign Policy plans. When you say, charlie, im going to disagree with you, my friend, doesnt go far enough. This is a man who says things incredibly politically incorrect which is we need to halt muslim immigration. Which is, by the way, impossible banning a religion from no, but we can say areas. No syria, no afghanistan. Heres where he gets into trouble. Yes, i know you can ban areas. He wants to ban religions. Thats antiamerican. And, by the way, to say that and entertain that and double down on that shows hes missing the boat here and someone should get him in the room and straighten him out because you cannot ban religions. Charles chris bedford, one of the things we saw on the primaries is the temporary ban on muslim immigrants actually rated high. I think it had something of a 60 some odd approval generating. In other words, americans are afraid and not quite sure what to do and many people are open to, hey, lets just put a pause on this whole thing. And it is important against the president s point. It is important to call your enemy what it is. We are dealing with radical islamists not just some extremists. And the people who are in that club absolutely knew what was going on as it started to happen. Its important clinton and obama come out and said this. Charles but, again, president obama, it was a rhetorical question, but he says what different now lets say he says radical islam. What difference would it make with respect to strategy would it have changed our success . How does it really play a role . Heres how it plays a role. Let me be real clear on this. Because president obama said during his speech that these are not religious warriors when he was talking about isis. He effectively said its just a gang, a bunch of thugs. Well, thugs dont blow themselves up; right . This is a religious Warrior Group that they are willing to go all the way to suicide and that they believe, they truly believe on the other side of that terrible death when they inflict pain that theyre going to be rewarded with wine and virgins. So we cant deny the reality that this is part of islam. Is it the dominant part of islam . No, but its a significant minority, and it means us great, great harm. Youre making that point better than your candidate. Im just telling you that my point is this. These are if just from a political standpoint. Its a tragedy, i dont want to diminish the tragedy part of it what occurred in orlando. But charles you do agree, though, the president should have been saying radical islam all along. Yeah. All of these are fastballs down the middle for somebody with the right message that doesnt get sidetracked on idiotcy. Donald trump gave i thought i should have went further on that speech last night building walls, i want to see more of that. However, it wasnt such a bad speech. Guess what he did right after that . He revoked the Washington Press credentials. Is he crazy . Getting involved in that fight when were worried about terrorism . It diminishes his message every time, and im sorry. If youre going to go against this is not the b team. This isnt scott walker. I mean lets be clear here. Youre going against the jedi knight and thats president obama, you better have your act together. But, charlie, i would agree. Charles let me bring in chris for a second, please. Chris, again, we started out with a checklist of whats going on with respect to the war, taking on isis, we have had some successes. But this opens up an entirely different can of worms. I know this is going to be the news of the day. I expect tweets hitting us, twitter sphere real soon. But should donald trump take the bait . I think donald trump will. Hes shown he barrel ever lets somebody start a fight or Say Something without him responding. Now, one of the problems hes going to have with things like doubling down on the muslim ban is the only group of people who are actually going to have their papers in order when they get to the border are going to be the terrorists. Those guys are still going to be able to get in. And as the president pointed out, weve had a another couple of people, the last two attacks have been by people born in the United States. But i think that trump will have to respond to the president. I think hell respond rather impressively. And if he can actually focus down on specifics like what charlie is talking about. Talking about countries, not talking about religions. Talk about governments that were fighting against. Talk about iran, talk about the saudis, then he can turn this into charles one second, guys. I think we can all agree, though, this is president obamas what difference does it make moment. All right. Lets leave it there. Next up more details on the russian hacking they broke into the dnc computer system, stole a lot of information, including a lot on donald trump. Well be right back its more than a network and the cloud. Its reliable uptime. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. With centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services all with dedicated, responsive support. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, youre free to focus on growing your business. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. Charles back to president obamas attack on trump. Donald trumps ban on muslims and some other gop positions in a moment. But first, i want to update out breaking news. The russian government hackers penetrated the dnc Computer Network, they gain access to information particularly on donald trump, the ethical hacker and professor tim summers. Tim, you wonder in this day and age, how an organization like the dnc could be this vulnerable and then, of course, it feels like the Russian Hackers have gotten in, took all the information they wanted and already departed. Right, charles, this is a common occurrence. These hackers work for the Intelligence Community in russia, theyre very skilled and you know, donald trump is a new candidate. The new player, so they have to collect as much data as they can, and by the looks of this, they collected a lot. Charles youre right, there are reports they were snooping around in other areas, they were able to penetrate the dncs Computer Network. Whether its government organizations and private companies not wanting to spend the necessary money in leaving vulnerable and valuable information for it to be stolen. Thats exactly right. And were seeing this all over the place, right . This isnt the first time the dnc has been hit, its not going to be the last time. One of the things we need to look at here is when groups like the Intelligence Groups in russia and not just them, seeing groups like isis, for example, use their cybercapabilities to collect information on american civilians. Donald trump happens to be incredibly notable american civilian. In this case, were seeing hackers are utilized in the political space and the terror space. Charles what about the notion that the governments, russia and china in particular, have the hackers that either work directly for them or indirectly for them. The chinese premiere said he would pull back on the chance they are running roughshod over our systems, is there a diplomatic angle we can use to curb this stuff . You know, its fair space, in cyberspace, its fair game. Were seeing basically hackers are weve got, for example, one of the biggest breaches in american history. The linkedin breach. 117 million records, and basically this ended up on the dark web. In fact, i just looked at the hacker selling it yesterday before i came on here, and he was basically selling it for less than it cost to buy a new laptop. Youre talking 117 million records on 117 million people, thats a lot of data. This is being used in lots of political spheres. The data on donald trump, i suspect that were going to see that, the Intelligence Group involved with this in russia are going to use this to understand Donald Trumps foreign dealings. Try to understand his negotiation tactics. Theyre going to try to understand which kind of a president would he make . Thats what wore seeing here. Charles probably could have bought a copy of the art of the deal. They got information anyway, appreciate it. Thank you. Charles stocks dropping today for a lot of reasons including the fact the fed is meeting and trying to figure out where they are, dealing with issues. The president did speak, initially i think it was to give us an update on isis but became a vitriolic attack on the gop, particularly donald trump. I want to go to art laffer and get his reaction on this. Talk about the overall economy, the brexit, the fed . Where are we . Golds going up, oil is going down and feels like a mini panic going on . There is that. If i could go back to the last one on the russians breaking into the dnc servers, did they get hillarys server . Did they transfer that to the dnc . Just joking, charles [laughter]. Charles you said it, everyone thought it. Amazing, this giving the russians advantage on trump. What it is, is trump will have all the stuff they have on him and be able to respond to it as well. From trumps standpoint. As long as theyve got it he might as well know it. The economy is slowing, been slowing, bad policies for a long time, the president may talk about florida and all the other things going and how he always knew what was going on, we have a very, very bad economy, the fed is panicked, having a twoday meeting. I dont think theres a chance from here to sunday that they will allow rates to rise, and that is terrible for the economy because they are a primary reason why the economy is as bad as it is by keeping Interest Rates low, charles. They have stifled the flow of mortgage money into the Housing Market, and therefore have, kept the Housing Market from recovering, because no one wants to invest their money for 30 years at 3. 5 in a risky investment. Simple as that. Charles what about the german ten year, went to negative yield. I arrest my case. Charles youve got 10 trillion worth of sovereign debt that is negative yielding right now. To me, it just says that the western nations may have boxed themselves into a corner where the Central Banks dont work anywhere, Central Planning doesnt work anymore. None of them have the guts like paul volcker and Ronald Reagan to spark the economy. None of the governments have the guts to do that. You are right to mention paul volcker, as chairman of the fed with us, when we came in, he was spectacular. He handled Monetary Policy, brought Interest Rates from way too high which brought them down to equilibrium market, and you had good growth and low inflation, and that you just have to hand off to paul volcker, a wonderful accomplishment, along with Ronald Reagan, they worked as a team beautifully. And today we dont have any of that. A bad president , a bad fed, and dont be surprised if the results are bad as well. Charles im not sure how much you heard of president obamas di. Charles update on isis, it became more of a stump speech. I tweeted move over elizabeth warren, this is the real attack dog in the race for hillary. Were talking about ilLegal Immigration and the big argument over enforcing borders, controlling borders is a central issue in europe, particularly in england where they vote on the brexit. Where do you start on that . Were hearing the bank of england is setting aside three emergency programs, and talking hundreds of billions of dollars may be because brexit just upends everything that abruptly . I think brexit is the right thing to do. Britain has not been served well by being part of the European Community there. Far better served by being closer with ireland, with the commonwealth, and if i were british, i would vote for brexit all the way. I really would and i dont think brussels needs to run all of britain. I dont think it needs to run the other once, either. Its a bad idea that serves venezuela very well but not britain. Thats my view. Charles i got it. I agree with you. To cede any more authority to brussels. Its silly it is. And on the immigration, we all want immigration, highquality labor, low cost, amazingly good immigration, but you got to control your borders and know who youre bringing in. You cant let people come in here and have the episodes occur. We have had Legal Immigration from mexico for many years, its been a boon to the u. S. We want to control the borders and make sure the people coming for economic reasons are allowed to come here, dont get overly controlled by the government and its wonderful. To allow people to come in who have different views of the American Society and dont like us and want to blow us up, thats got to stop. Larry gatten says it aint rocket surgery. Charles thanks, art. Thanks, charles. Charles donald trump hardening his stance on immigration here. When im elected, i will suspend immigration from areas of the world where theres a proven history of terrorism against the United States, europe, or our allies. Until we fully understand how to end these threats. Charles president obama responding just moments ago. We now have proposals from the Presumptive Republican nominee for president of the United States to bar all muslims from emigrating to america. We hear language that singles out immigrants. And suggests entire religious communities are complicit in violence. Where does this stop . Charles republican congressman brian babin. Representative, thank you for joining us, im not sure if you were able to hear all of president obamas comments this afternoon, but if you were able to, id like your thoughts on it, and where do you stand with respect to a temporary ban on all muslims . I think it would be wise. I believe it is absolutely foolish to continue a dangerous program like a refugee, a u. N. Program, a resettlement act. I introduced a bill a year ago, charles to suspend this, to push the pause button because of the dangers that it predisposes us to. This is a very dangerous situation when you have the fbi director, you have the secretary of homeland security, both of them are telling us they cannot properly vet these people. Weve seen the proof in the putting. The terrorists are here, theyre in western europe as well, and when the president gets up, doubles down on saying that its politically incorrect to not see the Common Thread of radical islamic terrorism and the terrorist attacks, it is utter and reckless foolishness, when i rose my hand and the oath of office, thats what we have to do, thats what my bill does. My bill will stop. It will pause this refugee program. Charles they say right now, the obama administrations vetting process takes between 1824 months on average. How long would you pause the whole program and we know a lot of times things are temporary in washington, d. C. Often have a habit of becoming permanent . Well, my bill calls for the gao itself to do a complete fiscal evaluation of what this is costing not only the american federal taxpayer but all the way down to the local and state level as well. And then also lets do a National Security risk assessment. I mean it doesnt take a genius to see that all of these attacks from chattanooga, boston marathon, San Bernardino and orlando and then the attacks in paris and brussels as well. The Common Thread here is radical islam, and when you do not identify your enemy, you cannot defeat your enemy. And we have had a war declared on us by a radical islam. Theyre coming, theyre here, we have to protect not only our soldiers on the battlefield overseas but right here in america. This president will not identify our mortal enemies. So its time that we stand up and take and tell the American People who it is. I think this is a nobrainer. Most of the american folks out there are citizens, know the danger theyre in. Charles representative babin, appreciate your time this afternoon. Thank you, charles. Good to be with you. Charles take another look at the big board, home depot is your biggest loser today drag the dow. The retail sales report showing a weak spot for Building Material in gardens. It was down the most, more than 1 month after month. That and much more right after this. This is your daughter. And she just got this. Ooh boy. But, youve got hum. So you can set this. And if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. Because youll get this. You can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. Youll know. So dont worry, mom. Because you put this, in here. Hum by verizon. The technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. Put some smarts in your car. Premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. 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Charles to mark serrano and Jonathan Hoenig on the Economic Impact of open borders. Guys we just had representative babin on who says he has a bill that argues for a pause in immigration, muslim immigration to make a lot of assessments including giving the gao how much this is costing us. Jonathan, ive looked at numbers and Illegal Immigrants in general cost america more than we get back, if you will, between taking care of kids, putting them in school, Health Care Service and so forth. Should be that a consideration when trying to figure out the perfect or better way of controlling our borders . No, charles, i dont believe so, i think the danger here for trump and others is to conflate economic power with political power. And the islamist threat is the power of force, and governments role is to keep us safe from the force. Certainly from terrorist hot beds or more surveillance and proactive activity. What trump, and what youre alluding to and maybe not is the question of economic power. To the congressmans point, people who want to come here and work from mexico or anywhere else in the world, theyre a benefit to this country, not a harm. Charles mark, particularly after what happened in orlando this weekend, but more increasingly so when americans think about the border situation, they think about the physical safety of themselves and their families, but theres been a long economic point to this as well. Youre a donald trump supporter out the gates from very early on. The argument that sending illegals back out of this nation to spark our economy, you believe in that, right . Yes, charles. What donald trump has called for from the beginning is a timeout. There is such manipulation going on about what his policy actually says. It says take the time out to figure out this mess of a vetting system that barack obama has created and maintains. Weve got to take a timeout from that. If theres an economic cost, its a modest economic cost, one thing if you looked at details of trumps policy he calls for is ensuring before anyone comes to the United States, they can guarantee that they dont need welfare assistance before they get here. Thats a very reasonable standard that should be applied for the sake of our economy. Most importantly the first job of the president of the United States is to ensure our safety. This president failed to do that for 100 people in orlando and many others. We have to address that by taking a look at fbi, securing borders. Look at allies in europe. If anybody should believe and support we should secure our borders, its those who suffered the consequences of letting muslims in over there. Ill make the point quickly, conflating economic power with political power. Immigrants are a great benefit to the country. Entitlements, welfare is bad, doesnt matter if immigrants are getting it or americans are getting it. Charles jonathan, about a year or so ago, canada changed immigration policies and wanted to see people come here who werent going to go directly on the welfare rolls, who had certain skills. As a nation of immigrants but a lot of the immigrants came with skills and immediately contributed to america. The economy of america. The safety of america. The pride of america. The assimilation into america. Thats where people having a trouble right now. Its not only the safety aspect of it which echoes loud and clear particularly in the aftermath of this weekend but the economic aspect of it too, when people come to have children and go onto adults, jonathan. The Economic Prosperity came in a period of free immigration and no entitlements, no welfare, no safety nets. Unfortunately, many on the right, certainly trump, use immigration as the red herring for more control over the economy. No, jonathan. They work, they rent apartments, theyre beneficial to the economy. Its to correct a mistake in our National Security for the past eight years. The democrats allowed this border to become a sieve. There are no filters to protect the economy. If an american citizen who embraced isis can kill 50 people, you can imagine what a terrorist coming across our border can do . Thats why we need reforms within our border and at our border. Charles you are smart and passionate and i love you both. We have breaking news by the way. The Associated Press reporting that the nhl has chosen las vegas as location for expansion team. Now of course, there was a lot of speculation this would happen for a while. Now it looks like it is official. Next, a key ruling that has many worrying about the future of the internet . Charles to the battle over the internet. A u. S. Appeals court rejected a challenge to president obamas Net Neutrality rules. Connell mcshane has the details. Net neutrality, accessible subject but an important one. The open Internet Order and the vote two to one is in favor of president obama. Its a win for the administration, a loss for the cable and internet companies. Give you an example how this deals with real life in just a moment. First a statement from the fcc chairman tom wheeler says after a decade of debate and legal battles confirms the strongest internet protections both on fixed and mobile networks that will ensure the internet remains open to the public. One of the things that came up in the lawsuit that was brought by the company, youre Walking Around house with tablet or phone with you and it picks up the wifi signal, you walk down the hallway and the wifi goes away and you are on your subscription on lte or 4g or whatever it may be. They want it to be regulated equally and the Appeals Court agrees. Wired, wireless, all the same. The comcasts of the world, they are less likely to invest in america infrastructure Going Forward as a result of this ruling. At t feels the same way. A statement out from the at t Senior Executive Vice President on the ruling says we have always expected this issue to be decided by the Supreme Court and look forward to participating in that appeal. So we looked at some of the stocks as i was going through, that charles, this is where this appears to be going. Yes, its a win for the administration, a loss for the companies. The internet issue may be decided by the Supreme Court. Charles connell mcshane, i think you are right. Thank you very much. As investors are fearing isis, president obama is saying were making progress against isis. As isil continues to lose territory, it continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against Oil Infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that weve got isils revenue for oil by millions per month. And destroying storage sites where they keep cash, we deprived isil of millions more. Charles military assistant to secretary rumsfeld says there is no strategy. Steve, listening to president obama, it feels he was agreeing with you, but saying that now theyre getting it together. Now theyve ratcheted up the help. They sent advisers, sending assets including helicopters and b52s and hit targets quickly, saying over 13,000 strikes have been made. Are they moving in the right direction at least . Theyre moving in the right direction but started so poorly, and so impotently that the incremental changes theyre making now, it may be too little too late to have the kind of effect, i think, we need to have, and the kind that the president , i believe, would like to have. Its just not doing it, yet. Charles if fallujah surrounded and mosul, the word that president obama used the noose being tightened on mosul, do you see the chance we could go in for the kill . Forget about the containment stuff. Go in there and defeat and eradicate the enemy, and many say if we do, that it would help at home because that eliminates the caliphate argument and diminishes them in the eyes of wouldbe homegrown terrorists. Im one of the people that have said that. The recruitment value of isis standing up to us, and despite the fact we may have slapped them around and caused damage, theyre Still Standing in the eyes of wouldbe recruits or independent actors like the guys in orlando is that theyre Still Standing to. Them thats a victory. Unless you crush these guys and crush them convincingly on so these adherents dont believe they have the blessing of allah on them, theyre going to keep recruiting people and continue to see the lone wolves that weve seen most recently the past weekend. Charles steve, how do we crush them . How do we finally finish this once and for all . Whats your recipe . We have been saying since the beginning, we have not advocated reinvading iraq, we dont think thats necessary or acceptable to our populace but should have put in special Operations Forces in much greater numbers. I know what youre saying what we should have done. What do we do if you have the air of the next president , what do you think the game plan should be to finish the fight once and for all . Ratchet up the air campaign tremendously. The idea of 10 sorties in one day being intense airstrikes is nonsense. Were talking 200 to 300 airstrikes a day controlled by American Forces on the ground. The special Operations Forces with the locals, that gives a shot at crushing these guys. Right now its going to be at least a year before we get into mosul and longer than that before you clear it. Thats insufficient. Charles steve bucci, thank you very much, appreciate it. New details on the hack against the dnc. Next, how donald trump could be the one losing out on this one . 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The idea is that russian spies, at least according to experts, really want to see how they think. Where he may have businesses. They want to get clues to the negotiation. Russia does this to every highranking political person. If donald trump is the next president , they want to know as much as they can about him. It does not seem to be for commercial purposes. It seems to be for informational purposes. It proves to most tech savvy people that it really is a group of government sponsors at the very least. Not a group that is using the information to sell. No addresses, no key personal. This will be the person that we have seen in negotiations. How does this persons mind work. It is still between china and russia. It feels like they had easy access to anything that they want. It does seem like we are vulnerable. We all do it. It is a new arms race. It is not confirmed exactly how this happens. That is to say i sent you an email. You think that it is from me. You do not even realize i have let something into your system. It could be a dupe in this. From Building Blocks to building websites. Apple unveiling a new website. This is great. From an investor and go . This is helping apple customers stay loyal to the brand. It is helping your son, my kid, we have that feel good fuzzy feeling about apple. Apple has not come out. They have not come out with any physical product that makes us want to run out and buy it. A give this away. They will be in the school. Charles i bought a bunch of kids at my church and charter school, it is amazing. It is raising 2 billion from a leveraged loan. Reportedly along the bankers. Also planning to tap institutional professors. Is this a smart move. It feels like they are raising a lot of money. The thing that you just said about the loans here, obviously, the company is cash hungry. I know what you say that they raise a lot, they raise a lot. We have had pr problems. They are still have the advantage. They are the biggest. They are everywhere. At this point, the company does have to go big or go home. Investor appetite is still there. They are even getting support from big institutions. You get the money offering equities. Charles they are doing leveraged loans now. You know this as well as i do. You can get all the money that you want from private investors. Why would you know it yourselves. Charles it gets you more equity. It sounds to me that maybe the evaluation gets too high. It is one of the arguments out there. Charles when will the market value start to peak . I feel like rightly or wrongly, huber is in the own category. Huber did get there first. They built this amazing infrastructure. Cities all over the world, they are there. They do defy the trouble some unicorn strategy. A 10 billion valuation. They, frankly, are not worth that. It is probably closer to what they are coming to talk about. Thank you very much. The dow down triple digits. One big thing that has gotten investors really worried. We will discuss it. Watching the new york stock exchange. I have your fox business brief. Lets take a look at shares of home depot. Sales doing better than expected. You see that retailer and guarded were down. Dragging down home depot. Off 1. 8 . Close down 2 on that news. We do have a selloff underway. Airline shares are down again today. Among the weakest sectors today. Also analyst at Raymond James cutting their price targets on american and delta. You see those shares back to continental. Southwest off 4 . Also in relation to the terror event in orlando. Much more coming up. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. And in syracuse, where imagination is in production. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov attacks in france adding to the long list of fears. Troubling many that now want to leave it eu. Danny o hanna telling maria that leaving is the best option. I know that politicians like stability. I know that they hate change. The stability of the moment is zero growth in europe. The stability of democratic record. It suits the big megabanks in the multinationals. It does not suit the economy as a whole. We can do better. Charles a former Uk Parliament member john brown. John, where do you stand . Well, i absolutely hope, i have been working for 30 years inside and outside parliament, i have stood three times for election in the United Kingdom and was a Vice President. Daniel was absolutely right. Britain would be far better off economically. A socialist overregulated. Undemocratic, very corrupt. Superstate. Not even the United States. They will do away with all the states. A country like britain will be spun into different regions. All directed towards russells. Free to trade with the rest of the world. Three of the enormous money that it has to contribute as the second largest net contributor to the European Union. Three of a lot of the regulations. Freedom and enterprise leads to prosperity. Charles when that eu was formed, Great Britain was kept out of it. Most of them by france. England wanted to be a part of this. They really fought hard to be a member of this. What changed all of that . Why have the tide began to turn . What we were joining was a free trade area. Before the world trade, this was a huge free trade area. Of course they wanted to join. Then, of course, secretly, it has morphed into a superstate and trade area with barriers around it and protection. It morphed into a superstate. We had no wish to join them. Open immigration and all of this. We have no wish for that. This was a dummy deal sold to the british people. Gradually, they got out. Charles three emergency plans. They say that they are prepared to these entities are talking about having to come to the rescue. With hundreds of billions of dollars. It could be an abrupt move. Stabilizing the uk economy to the point where they have in emergency bailout. Yes. On the one hand it is. The other one is from britain. That will be financed by britain. The jerk is. Is dangerous in this recommendation. Figure out is a different matter. They euro is now the second currency of the world. British people will not vote for an early christmas. [laughter] and lead the European Union. That may encourage other countries that are really uncomfortable with the European Union and euro zone. Even italy and even france to start thinking again is this a good thing to be in the Euro Currency. If that happens, the Euro Currency is threatened. Indeed, that would cause a lot of problems. Charles france and germany have always had this de facto value of who would be over the United States and germany. Taking the position with the marching orders coming out of brussels. The bookies in the uk still say that they wont win. Lets say they decide we want to give this another shot. What would the ramifications after that . It failed. And your countrymen decided to stay with that eu. I think that what you are looking at is the last peaceful attempt. The europeans crunched down. European police force. European armed forces. Supporting europe and britain. Sitting very uncomfortably. There will be a revolution against us. It will be blood on the streets. I think that this is the last peaceful opportunity to leave. Charles you could actually be the one to start the whole thing. We really appreciate it. Umi in our audience bigtime. We welcome back to you before it gets even closer. Charles new plans for what he calls a better gop. Is that better for business . More after this. 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Plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. Remember, medicare doesnt cover everything. The rest is up to you. Call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go longâ„¢. Charles this new russian hack. Acyber pace attack as arctic cost tens of billions of dollars. Hoping to come out of this talk for some kind of mutual agreement. Paul ryan continues to push for his socalled better gop. Helping businesses and create jobs. Former Small Business administrator on the effort to court business. It is a crazy time. You were with the administrator for a long time. Over and over again. With these talks between the United States and china have any impact . They could. I remember part of the administration going to china. Meeting with the top officials there. One of the things they told us on that trip is we like to do more business with your Small Businesses. We are still waiting. Hopefully this will lead to more opportunities to sell to china instead of just buying from china. Charles i suppose what paul ryan is going to unveil is enhanced trade, in this country right now we are getting a major pushback. Particularly Small Businesses, by the way. We seriously need to think these relationships. 97 of all businesses in the United States are involved in international trade. About 200,000. They only represent the trade dollars. There is a big imbalance there. We need more about for the Small Businesses of america. Charles you do think that we should not make major changes in respect to trade. I think that we need to do more trade, not less trade here it in the best interest of american businesses. We need to look at the details of all of these trade agreements. I want to see us do more, not less trade. That is something that i am a little nervous about. I think that both of these are doing less. Charles you are the chairman of the latino coalition. Ou to reac. I would like you to listen to what art laffer had to say moments ago. You have to know what you are bringing in. We have had ilLegal Immigration from mexico for many years. That does not mean we should not control our borders, we should. Charles hector, where do you stand . Are we going down the wrong path . I agree with what he said. We do not believe in that. We have an immigration policy. Look, charles, you know every country in the world, their First Priority is to protect their borders. The United States is no different. The Community Wants to see progress on this issue. We just keep kicking the can down the road. It was 10 years ago. Nothing happened. The problem got worse. Thank you very much. Really appreciate it. Stocks now down four days in a row. We will break it all down for you and just how worried you should be next. . The dow down triple digits as investors are looking for safe havens. To ashley webster, something thats happening in germany that could be very telling. Ashley . Reporter it is. The german bund, or the 10year treasury bond of germany is eurozones sovereign benchmark and when it goes negative, no matter what we see in the world, when the german bond goes negative. That is shocking to say the least. 10 trillion worth of debt out there. One corporate sovereign debt in negative yield territory. Germany added to the club and thats very unusual. It does speak to the flight to safety and speaks to the ecbs policy, easing Monetary Policy in the bond market that pushed the yields down that had an impact on germany. To see it go negative plus with the uncertainty on global growth. The fed meeting now. The ecb says its getting into the Corporate Bond market. Japan desperately looking to find anything to get its economy going. You put that altogether and the bond prices have gone up as the yield hagone down, charles. This is not a good sign at all. Two of the largest economies with negative yields, japan and germany. Scary stuff. Of course tonight well have much more on making money at 6 00 p. M. Eastern time. Gold is up, bitcoin is up and central bankers and Central Planning to get the job down. Now were going to get it done for you because trish regan is here and shes going to take you through the next hour. Trish breaking today, the president using address to our nation about the tragedy in orlando as an opportunity for a political attack striking out at the gop for criticizing his inability to use the word radical islam, and strike out at donald trump for trumps plan to put a temporary ban on muslims coming into our country. The president says its in direct conflict with who we are as americans, but to be americans, dont we need to first and foremost be safe . Welcome everyone to the the intelligence report. Im trish regan. The president s anger on full display but not directed at the terrorists, its directed at republicans and donald trump. We now have proposals from the Presumptive Republican nominee for president of the United States to bar all muslims from emigrating to america. We hear language that singles

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