The Supreme Court where even liberal justices are losing patience. The third time will not be the charm for this monstrosity. Amended so often, that it bears little resemblance to the titanic that left the potomac four years ago. That was then, this unmitigated disaster now. Democrats are running away from it. Unpleasant surprises over it, and talk now of 2500 penalties for individuals who dont sign up, only getting them more riled up. Exchange sites not working, many applicants outright lying, doctors revolting, businesses rebelling. People carrying torches, sorry, not carrying torches. Mark my word, Obamacare Dies under the weight of its own lies. If it sounds too good to be true, you dont need the doctor you cant keep to tell you that it probably is. It definitely is. Forget the paddles, stat, stat, thats that. My thought, id love to hear yours unless you disagree with it. Hashtag cavuto, share them with the world, and well be happy to share them with everyone. Fox businesss kate rogers all over this. We have our fox biz allstars, ashley pratt, and jim, welcome to all. Kate, whats going on . This thing is imploding . A huge week for obamacare. On tuesday, the u. S. Court of appeals in washington, d. C. Ruled a case, it was originally sebelius, they say the irs acted without congressional approval in expanding the Subsidies Program into states using health care daca, the federal exchange. The people who receive them, nearly five Million People will not be able to keep them. Neil technically, means theyre not really enrollees. But another Court Disagrees and a different view. Yes, the Fourth Circuit court comes out with their ruling in a similar case saying the subsidies are going to be upheld. Josh earnest says the subsidies will keep on flowing and theyre not going anywhere any time soon. The gist is this will hit the Supreme Court this year, if the subsidy system goes away, the slaw in big, big trouble. Neil bottom line its penalties and everything, jim, every day its a new crisis, and like whackamole, you try to keep up with them. This law has significantly changed from what was launched and i dont think any Government Program goes away. This one just might. We talked about how poorly written it was. You look at each part theyve had to change or delay or modify and you wonder what parts were well written . Hardly any of it was. We talked about this before, neil, the penalty. And how it was cheaper to not get insurance until you got sick and then you had free insurance anyway. Neil up to 2500. How popular is this going to be . How popular overall. Its toxic. How are they going to defend it . It will implode under its own weight, it should, it has to. Its making a mess out of economy and Small Businesses and jobs, theyre going to have to redo the whole thing. In november, we have a big change in washington. Maybe theyll do a big makeover, scrap the whole thing and come out with something, write something well, something that will make sense. Neil what do you think, ashley . Neil, this is a law we had to pass before we see what was in it. Famous words of nancy pelosi. Were seeing the effects of that. And i dont think any of us are shocked that obamacare is facing another legal battle, and i think thats so crucial to remember is we did not see what was in it before it was passed. And now all of the ramifications, were seeing delays in coverage for people who have enrolled and seeing that people might not be granted subsidies through the federal exchange because of a word tack. Neil those subsidies were key to keeping people costs flow and Affordable Health care. Neil and the fact of the matter is, if it turns out the structure of the subsidies arent copacetic, those people are not going to be able to afford this. And sure enough absolutely crucial. People dont have insurance before obamacare because it would be 30,000, 40,000, 50,000 a year. People need subsidies. The people who sign up early for it. That said, legally yes, its not going to work, a frankenstein plan. States are commandeered by the federal government. All i know is the taxes are legal, and if you think that youre going to tax the citizenry of the state but no benefits going to come from the federal government. Thats the situation that cant last very long. Neil thats where i think, kate, the Supreme Court is going to get a third crack at. This i dont know the process, and thats the one that wont be the charm for this. Theyre going to argue against the subsidy thing, and effectively have to say by definition the taxes that pay for this have to go as well. Therein lies the finances. Based on who is going to sign up. If people dont sign up, they lose money, the government is on the hook through 2016. Come 2017, the Insurance Industry is on its own. Thats a big deal. Neil how would that affect insurances . The stocks would tumble, right . If you look at what the Insurance Companies have done all throughout obamacare, things were passed. Insurance Companies Went higher. Things got delayed. Insurance Companies Went higher. The Insurance Companies are actively involved with anything that gets gone. Neil thieving bastards before, they are mean thieving bastards now. People have to pay for insurance xerox uncertainty, the stocks may trade sideways for a while. The stocks are going to be doing very, very well at the end of the day. The benefits will be seem that way, any of the drawbacks and problems were encountering and poor people in particular who for now they heard the subsidies decision but assume they still have coverage, will rally around it. And democrats who campaign on that, talking about way past 2014, it will stabilize. What do you think about that . Youre right to guess thats whats going on happen. This was peddled as a program that will help through subsidies and ensure people who couldnt find affordable coverage. But if this, as kate was mentioning, if it goes to the Supreme Court and is struck down and subsidies arent available in the federal exchanges, only state ones, well see people scrambling to get coverage and it wont exist anymore. Neil wouldnt they throw it back at congress to fix or say to hell with it . Where would the money come from. And for congress to fix, neil . Did you what are he said. Drama on the individual mandate from the Supreme Court. This is the bigger deal. Subsidies matter more. Neil jonas. People thought they were going to get the benefit after going through the crazy website, that is taken away because the state doesnt want to put up a website. If you dont think theyre going to swarm the capitol. Neil what about the surtaxes, extra taxes like jim here, hes going to swarm the capitol. And the tanning tax. If you go to the u. S. Territories you dont have to comply with the individual mandate or the employer mandate. I read a story about that. Maybe it will be obamacare inversiontype thing. Six states arent even participating in this to begin with. So youre going to have to have something where the states get involved, otherwise you have a federal mess like now. Neil its a disaster, but did i tell you it would be a disaster. Remember this . Hillary is going to be one heck of a force to be reckoned with. Neil she will not be the nominee, noelle, you refuse to listen to me. And i will burn the tapes if that turns out to be the case. She will not be the democratic nominee. Neil i wont be burning any tapes, now im looking clairvoyant. But it is looking like im right. Ill explain. Neil could it be that Hillary Clintons, democrats looking to alternatives right now. First Elizabeth Warren and talk about jerry brown and talk about the Security Guard at fox. Theyre getting so concerned that easy money is no longer running Hillary Clinton. Thats way, way early. Our fox biz allstars are back as well. Larry, whats going on here . Well, neil, shes not going to be the nominee if she doesnt run. That would be the best bet. Neil you dont think she runs . Wait a minute, you dont think she runs . If she decides shes not going to run, you will be right. Im trying to find a way to make you right. Neil really . You, you you condescending story. Every time they push Hillary Clinton, im an admirer, not when it comes to looking for president. She cant handle a book tour without embarrassing herself. All the latest stuff on the Clinton Foundation and bill clinton and everything is all coming up, and a lot of democrats say enough, enough, enough, enough well, again, if these things and youre right all of these things have come up. Shes been through a lot. I suspect she has talked about rhinoceros skin. If the skin is pierced and she says hey, im going to be 69 in 2016. I want to have a calm retirement. Neil youre saying thats the only way she would opt out, the money backers, i talked to a few. 20 chance shell lose, okay . If shes in the race. Neil you, you know as a great historian, you know when Lyndon Johnson won the New Hampshire primary in 1968. The fact that mccarthy made such a battle out of it compelled him not to run. You need to be embarrassed. Neil, the difference is that Hillary Clinton is not running a deeply unpopular foreign war. Okay . That explains the difference between Lyndon Johnson in 1968. Neil all im saying it claims High Expectations and ran who people dismissed. Sometimes if you have a 30, 40point lead in the polls and win a primary by ten points people think youre wounded. Perception is reality. You would think as a historian you, you would know this. It could be that. Im going to take the high road, neil, and say if youre ride for any reason, im going to send you a big tub of ice cream. Neil and if i am wrong, i am not sending you such ice cream because i already lost a bet with you. Thats the difference between us. I dont think shes a good candidate. What has she ever done . She was secretary of state, and what is she known for as secretary of state . Benghazi. Very insensitive comment in the congressional grilling about what difference does it make . Neil you, you think that comes back to haunt her . I do. When she ran against barack obama, we know we couldnt trust her when she did get the phone call during the benghazi thing, and she was part of the overall story. The rumors are she disagreed with the language used at the state department. What did she do as state senator . What did she do when she was married to bill clinton and ran the health care plan. I know where youre coming from. Ashley, regardless whether you think she did a good job, im seeing from money types who obviously are looking at alternatives and more than a few candidates willing to make the socalled suicidal run of their own thinking that they might be able to topple a giant. And if Memory Service me right, it happened before in the name of her husband . Thats a valid point. I didnt think of that. If you look at it, neil, i completely agree with you. She may not be the presumptive nominee we think she is. Hillary clinton, for all of her faults. A lot of people, young people, are looking at this more closely. When you talk about the money aspeshths i think thats a huge piece of it to also look at here, too. She does have a lot of support on wall street, and thats why shes been hit so many times and you look at warren who consistently says shes not cronies with wall street and with students and against student loan debt, and then you see clinton backpeddling and going to College Campuses where shes charging 275,000 for a speech and empathizes with poor, broke college students. Rk that way when a university is pay be 275k for each speech she gives. Neil democrats dont have a problem with that. I hear you, valid points all. I agree in the sense i dont think shes strong from either side. The party has gotten into the inequality thing, its not going away. The capitol book. Neil theyre dividing themselves. If you want to go moderate, centrist, the clinton home base where the banks back you, Mike Bloomberg might come. In you know Hillary Clinton was freaking out when that happened. Thats demand from the center. He doesnt need to raise money. Shell get money from banks, thats a negative because clintons were easy on banks in the 90s. Neil democrats, larry, the bottom line is that democrats dont have a problem with wealth. The guys of fdr and john kerry dont have problems with republicans, theyre wealthy. What do you think . Youve got a bunch of yesmen on the panel. You need more people like me, neil. I can say a lot of bad things about both parties. What she doesnt have is what bill clinton and barack obama did have as candidates, that was charm. That was the ability to motivate the base. I dont think Hillary Clinton has. That i dont think shes the candidate. If she is, i dont think shes going to win. Neil well, everyone New Hampshire. Neil everyone thought the republican party, the tea party and mainstreamers, i think its far wider gap right now on democrats. But you know, larry, the expert, i play one on tv. When we come back, when we come back, think of this, 701 people have been killed in aviation disasters this year alone. You can understand why people are very reluctant to fly, but what about the next attack . What if i said it had nothing to do with a plane . Nothing to do with activity abroad. It had everything to do what is this place . Where are we . This is where we bring together the Fastest Internet and the best in entertainment. We call it the x1 entertainment operating system. It looks like the future he has a phaser its not a phaser its my phone he can use his voice to control the tv. You can use your woice . My voice. Your woice. My voice. Vuh, voice. His voice. Your woice . Look. Watch scifi. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system, only from xfinity. Neil what if i told you the next terror threat, even though its very much on everyones minds, not be in the skies, it could be as close as the atm. How would you like to go to your bank tomorrow morning, try to withdraw cash and your account is zeroed out and look at 401 k , there is no money there, and look at your brokerage account or any other account. Nothing there. A lead Justice Department official is warning just that. Were in a pre, in some respects, 9 11 moment with cyber. Its clear that the terrorists want to use cyberenabled means to cause the maximum amount of destruction as they can to our infrastructure. Neil retired u. S. Navy captain says that threat is real, and your bank account could be vulnerable. Explain, captain. Neil, weve always had people Getting Better systems and challenging our internal security systems. Cyberwarfare is a real issue not just in the military but Financial Institutions and anybody that operates a server. Neil when we see what happens at target and nordstroms, banks and military installations, whose computers were hacked, do you think that was a preview to coming attractions, a practice run, what . Its not just a practice run, we have characters, organized crime and rogue nations constantly probing our systems. Internal or i. T. Colleges are training military, protecting your information, my information and the stuff we transfer freely through the internet. Neil whats the biggest fear . Wake up tomorrow morning and get on bank and everyone sees the same thing . Thats one of them. Hacking into vfa computers that control flights throughout the oceans. Neil our grid. Electrical grid. Everything is on a server and the people are getting more and more sophisticated with their system. Constantly protection us, a real issue were working not just about the military but the agencies to track the bad characters. Neil i have a friend of mine thats a geek, that might surprise you. He was saying bill, be careful of the services that offer Cloud Storage for all your stuff, what if the cloud goes away or disappears . If the cloud goes away or controlled by a bad element. Have you given everything you have to that invisible server thats not in your control. Its a very big concern. Neil the fear is they can go ahead and set up a virus on the computer through the emails or sites you go through, it is a lead to start screwing around with the cloud. When you talk about somebody wiping out a server that can get into the Financial Institutions, thats a real threat, we assume apple or computer off the line that everything in there is clear, its not. People can get inside your systems. Neil and apple used to be above all these, you know, virus attacks, now its just as prey. Constantly in the military and the federal agencies are monitoring and trying to protect. Neil what do you do . You want to make sure you have fire walls. Good companies that set up fire walls that you have the initial protection. Neil would you as my geeky friend said, send stuff to the cloud. Only music. Neil there go my beatle songs. Captain, thank you very much. Its a real concern, neil. Neil a concern is the Way Companies are treated and now trying to shop jobs overseas, is the president s rage at them a fair and balanced rage . I dont remember him mentioning apple. 100 million plus new iphones manufactured in china, and that company, maybe because its close to the white house, gets a pass. Does that pass with you . After this. We never thought wed be farming wind out here. Its not just building jobs here, its helping our community. Siemens location here has just received a major order of wind turbines. It puts a huge smile on my face. Cause im like, this is what we do. the fact that iowa is leading the way in wind energy, im so proud, like, its just amazing. When folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. That, my friends, is everything. And with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you purchase. Not just everything at the hardware store. Not everything, until you hit your cash back limit. Quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. Say it with me everything. One more time, everything and with that in mind. Whats in your wallet . Neil all right, sometime when everyone is pointing the finger at you, it can help deflect criticism if you point the finger at somebody else. The president is targeting Companies Taking advantage of loopholes to escape paying taxes here. In the long tirade against the companies, he did leave a few prominent offenders out, namely apple. Of course there is planning to make 100 million of the bigger iphones, the 4. 7 and 5. 5 that are all going to be the rage and all being made largely in china and other points far east. So what does that mean and does that double standard mean that this administration is being very selective with its rates. The former bush 43 top official jason cable row on this double standard. What do you make of, this jason . Are you suggesting crony capitalism is alive and well in this white house . Google, as well as apple have been doing have been engaged in the practice for years, theres nothing new about this occurring. Neil i have no problem with it. I have no problem with it. Im not saying im against americans getting jobs. But seek your fortune throughout the world and opportunities and our kids benefit from. That the Company Thrives as a result. Im saying if youre going to rip walgreens a new one, you might as well go after a far bigger practitioner, namely, in this case, apple. And im an apple shareholder. Yeah, and as am i, and im an apple product user. The question here is we shouldnt be vilifying the companies, any of them for doing the practice which is perfectly legal. Theyre forced to do it by the anticompetitive nature of our tax code. And when we have the highest Corporate Tax code in the entire world, the developed world, i should say, it would be natural for these companies to try to find a way to find some relief. We have right now more than 2 trillion parked offshore by American Companies who dont want to repatriate that money because of the tax code. I remember going back to 2006, a vigorous debate driven by corporations like microsoft that we needed to reform our tax code so the dollars come back to the u. S. , be invested in our markets, expand our businesses and create new jobs, which would have been a more effective antidote to the recession than the socalled stimulus that the president was advocating. Big Government Solutions instead of capital investment. There are a lot of problems with tax code and should be examining why the companies are trying get out of here. Neil why are they taking advantage of the loopholes . Jim, on that point, they woon be doing this if they found this a financially conducive place to do business. Its not. The cutting rates, the nonsense that makes them look abroad. So typical of washington to attack a symptom of their own creation. We have the most punitive sadistic tax code in the world. You have to hire tons of lawyers to figure it out and the highest Corporate Tax rate in the developed world as the previous guest was saying. Neil the president counters that, no one pays the top rate, the advertised rate. Heres the problem with that. Crony capitalism, the Big Companies are the benefactors that allow them not to pay the tax rate. Small businesses dont benefit near as much as the big businesses do, like the Federal Reserve policy helps big banks. Neil doesnt that defeat the arguments, jonas, you have to take care of the big guys or the little guys get stuck . It is not a strong argument for the current president. They are under no obligation to be patriots. They are under obligation to pay as little taxes as possible. They pick the Companies Consumers and voters dont like. People dont like going to the gas station, they like google and apple. Google and apple pay less taxes and make more stuff in china than your own company does, doesnt mean theyre going to start slamming them. To do something requires other governments which were not going to be able to pull off and do something complicated. Lowering means countries go 2 lower. Neil i do think that what looks stupid to me here is that if you really want to create more jobs, mr. President , you are really ticking off the people who do the hiring, and you keep doing it, between obamacare and new rules and regulations, between their overall higher tax rates and overall regulations, demanding that many hike the minimum wage dramatically and now this, it doesnt stop. You hit the nail right on the head, neil, and the thing is red tape continues to grow in washington, and you see businesses, corporations, Small Businesses struggling under it. And i think thats the point that needs to be made here. While he is coming out and attacking large corporations like he did with mitt romney for offshore accounts and everything else. Hes not attacking apple which is what you are pointing out. Make the patriotic argument that jonas made that the president used by saying the companies evading u. S. Taxes are not patriotic. What about apple . I have my iphone right here. T w though, is how patriotic is it to send, for iphones to be made in china . Is that patriotic if its not made in the usa. If you want to make that claim, you have to see two sides to it. I love apple products, ipad, iphone, ipod, everything. Neil it isnt conducive. Were going to take a quick break and come back on other issues, and quickly on this note, you can be patriotic, but if youre out of business, it doesnt matter. Think about that. And yankeedoodle dandy in the world, it doesnt help the thousand of workers on the butts in the street. Just a thought. Some say this image sealed the deal for president obamas second term, but now as Chris Christie looking to help another democrat get a second term. The christiecuomo controversy further hurting the in new york state, were changing the way we do business, with startup ny. Weve created tax free zones throughout the state. And startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. Thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. No property tax. No business tax. And no sales tax. Which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. Its not just business as usual. See how new york can help your business grow, at startup. Ny. Gov yeah. I heard about progressives name your price tool . I guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. Huh . Im looking at it right now. Oh, yeah . Yeah. Whats the. Guest room situation . The name your price tool, making the world a little more progressive. Neil well, the gov showing no love. Governor Chris Christie, youre kind of on your own and your case is hopeless. Down 37 points against the governor right now. Telling the guy is a lost cause when you are the head of the Republican Governors Association, rick perry is jumping to the defense of resterino. He glees is outrageous says that christies job as head of the Republican Governors Association is to back every republican. A big nono. Right, carl . What do you think of this . Whats up with this guy, neil . Where does he get this stuff from . Here he is political career circle in the drain and stumbling and fumbling trying to make andrew cuomo more desirable to new yorkers. Hes helping rob resterino a lot. The news hes sending robs way is encouraging for rob. When you see a man whos had his failures, hugging the president two weeks before the election and off with his bridgegate nonsense, playing games and having cuomo cover up for him, and all that stuff adds up to a guy whos got Serious Problems at this point. Neil how serious . I know among the people Rick Perry Neil i know, carl, you follow the people close, you are familiar with it. People outside say we dont care who he backs. We might be honest to say hes down 35, 40 . With scandals around the cuomo administration, i think you could be very, very right that hes being pennywise and bound foolish. Do you think americans outside the new jersey, new york, connecticut area care . Wait a minute. Hes not only the governor of new jersey. Hes also the chairman of the republican conference in the republican party. Neil right, right. Hes the chairman. And here he is making unnecessary remarks. If you dont have something to say, you shouldnt be talking at all. My mom said. Thats his problem now. Neil critics say the bridgegate problem, he and cuomo worked that one out. They are friends. Its the same reason why barack obama didnt campaign for the democratic challenger in new jersey last year. That its like a polite understanding, we wont tread on each other. He made a big mistake shutting down a few lanes on the George Washington bridge. Neil no, no, no, careful, theres no proof he did. That no proof he did that. You think this is going to come back to haunt him . Yeah, yeah. Neil okay. Absolutely. Yeah. When that young lady he discharged comes back, hes going to have problems. Neil all right. Who is your candidate for president by the way, while ive got you here . Mine . Neil yeah. I like senator cruz right now . Neil really . Ted cruz. Sorry we had a slight audio delay with carl, i look worse than normal interrupting guests. Why the government wants rosy the robot to raise your kids . Okay. [ male announcer ] if you cant stand the heat, get off the test track. Get the mercedesbenz youve been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. But hurry, offers end july 31st. Share your summer moments in your mercedesbenz with us. What happened . Life happened. Stress. Fun. Bad habits. Kids. Kids. Kids. Now what . Not milk. Not sheep. Not that. Lets think smarter. Lets get some science in here. Lets build a bed. Another bed . No, a smarter bed a entirely new sleep number bed that tracks your movement, your heartbeat, your breathing sensors working directly with the dual air chambers yeah you need the air chambers. Introducing the sleep number bed now with sleepiq technology. It tracks your sleep patterns and tells you how to adjust for. A good nights sleep, a better night, and an awesome night. So what sleep number adjustments make the difference . Try cranking it up . Adjust it down . A little bubbly . Or nix the late night flicks . Wait, youll know what works, cuz sleepiqâ„¢ technology tells you. And all you have to do is sleep. Which is easy. Only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq start at just 999. 98 because everyone deserves a great nights sleep. Know better sleep with sleep number. Just like a good personal trainer, we want the robots to be able to guide the child toward a behavior that we desire. Neil open the pod bay door. Open the pod bay door. You heard that right. The government is committing 10 million to build robots that essentially act as personal trainers for kids. For children. Back with our fox allstars. Each one of them raised by robots. Ashley, so weve gone to the nanny state to the robot state. What do you think of this . So infuriating for so many reasons. I cant help but laugh here. How does the federal government realize because of Entitlement Society that they have grown through social welfare and everything else, they have created and at least produced more of a breakdown of the family. If we had parents in the homes with kids, we wouldnt need robots to train them. Neil the robots look very nice. What if my kids are misbehaving . Can the robots fly legally . Taking the place of the parents with a robot, they dont have two parents in the house through Government Programs. Neil they already watch what we eat, is this disturbing . Disturbing on a lot of levels. You wonder who is teaching kids english. Neil and english as a second language. Such a disservice when you try to ameliorate peoples feelings saying we can have a bilingual society. The reality is youre dooming the child to unfavorable jobs and unskilled jobs and not helping them in society. My concern goes beyond. That what messages are the robots telling these kids . Indoctrination. How great Government Programs are, how great government is. Neil dont watch fox, dont watch fox. You guys are way overanalyzing this. Are the kids going to learn english . The robots arent going have pensions, i think you should come to it, this is better than teachers. Neil obviously, you never watched 2001, a space odyssey. Teaching children over, whether its language or whatever. Im not saying you need a robot form to do that. Im for going in the hightech direction in a way from teachers unions and people that arent good at their jobs. Neil all the robots that they feature, endangered species, did you know that. And government is so good. Indoctrinate our kids just as much as teachers, though. Neil i hear you, i hear you, my wife and i can go to dinner and leave the robot to watch the little monsters. Next up, now that stock is rolling with the stock appreciation earlier this day, zuckerberg made a billion bucks, is he poised to be the tech industrys new it guy. Mt. Rushmore and all of that. Jonas . He deserves a few of these, neil, no question about it. I think hes a little overrated. He pulled good moves and the acquisitions are looking great because the market keeps going up and the prices are going up. I dont think he was as important to the world of technology as bill gates or steve jobs. Neil you know whats cool about him . He started all this to get dates, that is very impressive. Looking at this differently than me. Neil thats the way i look at life. Its communication, its really not technology. Facebook is a way to get people to communicate, not only here in the United States but around the world. Neil how does that distinguish him from some of the others . Or can he share their platform to jonass point. This is far different than certainly what jobs createed . It is. What you have is a better version of my space. Had he not made certain moves correctly. Neil series of incidents. He didnt create any technology that really transformed peoples lives from a technology standpoint. I think you look at him in a different light. In a Software Communications standpoint. Not really as a tech genius. Neil okay, guys in the control room. We have a facebook page, right . I obviously do not want to trash this. Thank you. Are you my friend . Neil cavuto. There you go. Im all over this tech thing. Its going to be big people. Big ashley, where does this go, we have a lot of newly admitted billionaires and multihundred millionaires with the tech titans and stocks rising. Is anything expected of them, any example you want to see out of them . Well, i mean, if he wasnt giving money to causes i didnt agree with, i would be more apt to like him. Neil what did you get to that you dont like . Hes cozying to Chris Christy and rand paul . No, hes done other things we mentioned on the show before. Okay, jonas, i know youre willing to stick a knife right. In but hes been looking at education and kind of delving into things that gates has with the common core initiatives and everything, too. I dont like that. But at the same time, zuckerberg has done a great thing with the facebook whole thing, i never got a date off one, neil. We can say that. Do a good job like larry ellison. Neil who would be your guy, the oldtime example. If you cant be steve jobs. I dont want to be like look, generational. People before our generation would say our industry built railroads. Im like operating systems and build a computer. Neil henry ford. I remember that first car. Bill gates, dont forget him, he was prior to steve jobs. Bill gates made more transformations that led to the other things. Neil you had no problem getting date in college, very different and so many travelers canceling flights in the wake of all of these recent accidents and disasters is understandable. Fear is one thing, but calmed down. By harley and if you can drive there, dont go there. And a lot of buzz over my chat with Michael Bloomberg defying the faa travel guides and is real. On the very next day the ban is lifted. Coincidental . He thinks not. There is your proof. The white house certainly does watch your show. Agreed and they would never admit it. Meanwhile, professor george in california. Professors must turn to a box for balanced, indepth interviews on israel. You know you are doing something right. I am not a professor. A rather irritating individual. There is something about him that makes him seem scsi. Valleys feel greasy, after viewing the last portion of this show. Are you sure you want to watch is to back anyway, sorry to have u. S. Even a partial york. Those comments were rather scsi. My staff advanced than just the same. Washington redskins fans disagreed. They do not have a problem with the teams name. Read in wyoming as a solution. I agree that they should change the name and take the offensive board washington out. Cliff in baltimore, change it to maryland redskins. What is the deal with a lot of you making a big deal out of my time yesterday . Add that it was splendid. What is wrong with it . Lets just say the fed in ohio, none of can. What are you wearing . To unload your green tie. Did you by chance did it with a 12 pack of heineken . Love you, but the time you had done his today was hired. I just saw your segment of people. Nice to see you are secure enough to show the comments. My staff leaves me no choice. The only emails day advance. Damn i love it when he likes that is a serious look on his face. Im many things. I appreciate your drunkenness. Joan on facebook. If you were not married, i would propose. You are going to have to stand in line. Meanwhile, your voice is quite awful to here. Has a sticky, sucky sound to it. Cough, drink water, or something. I cannot stand it. A turn to another channel when i see you come on. Keep turning in dont turn back. We are done. Finished. Place somewhere else and stay there. Is there any way you can adjust to the commercials on your show so i cancerous cells and once you and oreilly . No, beauty or the beast, this creamer or the st. I report, you decide. Although my wife and that record both the your shows you are working your way to our number one show. We truly admire your summer to abuse and imagine we harmelin meals. And then pour her again. I cannot believe you have three cable news shows, two on fox news and one non the fox business network. What qualifies you for that . Did you win a hot dog eating contest . Youre going to find this hard to believe. Sheer physical raw attraction. That is it, and it is killing you, is in this . By the way, our your tv shows going . They are everywhere. The lawyers who claim they will solve our problems. Bill oreilly and do you think america will lock these people up . We have too many laws. And lets get rid of something. That is our show tonight

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