Will work hard to capture such as the important bird and then consider the North Koreans cetane another american now they do nothing questionable but all of this song the heels of the deal proved that it is of bad deal . To president bush number 41 but this is just the kind of thing that maybe you blink and accounts . In day feel empowered to share information together not working together in dont forget whether iran or the taliban right now they share information how the United States is reacting. North korea has better working together on different projects and coming together against the United States so right now our people all over the of world are in easy target for the enemies. Neil do you agree wh that . Theyre always vulnerable to attacks. When you get fiat generals for private is a good deal in my book. No question they have a playbook on president obama just like having gauzy how he fumbled ukraine, ukraine, libya, syria, the redlines the North Koreans know we are fools so they can grab someone but with those 30,000 kids in afghanistan will be added there by 2016 with the intelligence people in pakistan7bhe they will pull the people off the streets that will be tough that just tax hike a frat house on Foreign Policy they cannot even deal with it. We are in trouble. Neil knew no Israeli Intelligence better but if anybody even left they are sworn to kill and kill again for whatever promises they make their mission is to always be a soldier to the cause and if they slip away from that so we have to suspect that these five are up to trouble again . Each that got a cellphone and a laptop back in business already. This is not just a few that did not have their bombs go off at the right time but top taliban leaders iu sure they are back in business by now and this is a great danger to american and National Security justin attacks on american soil. Neil assuming talking to Time Magazine never betty will work hard to capture the important bird, do you buy that . Is it easier said than done . I do. We cannot underestimate the enemy. They are smart and way ahead of us. While they learn their lessons from the way we have been reacting l looks like the white house and in particular this administration is not turning in a lesson. This is why we are more and more indian charges read a report another dieter said olivetti those who are released already back meeting in and coordinating with the people on the ground. So theyre already getting back in fall to attack the United States and they will be treated like he rose to earn the respect of all their followers because they served their time in get no. Neil looking at the deal from a business nerd which we get out of it . I have had devil of a time trying to figure out what we get out of it. We do want all soldiers home but we also have five bad guys not too keen on us and back looking at us again. So we emboldened the bad guys what was the upside . Am i missing something . Is a larger effort to shut down get my to say to hell with our role abroad . It is Port Management of the whole situation. Number two, to get rid of give know which is the president s objective from his campaign in 2008. Neil stop right there how does releasing those five argue . So in comparison the others are not as dangerous . Believe they probably will do it in the near future. Yes. Plea had been talking with these people trying to find places that will take them off our hands. No question with obamacare and do with it he will shut down this place and this is disaster as part ofkcm the chinese have a playbook, North Koreans koreans, armenians, assyrians and we looked like fools, naive, we dont look as if we are the type of nation that will come to the defense of its own people. Trading five generals 41 private . What happens when day is steel the entire planeload . What can we give up at that point . Neil it does not happen in a vacuum and that americans are weary of conflict and maybe for future in engagements the president could have been acting on that but that the world is getting us since from the leadership themselves that were just not into policing though world . It is worse than that james monroe said weakness is provocative and provoking our enemies into action. Were sitting here to say we will release five of the top taliban to get the one guy back . Then we will steve 9000 troops in afghanistan until 2016 when there is the election and . So bergdahl may be dead deserter and obama is abandoning ideas hundred troops to see who will be the last one to die and no war that we do not intend to win it reaches a metaphor for the other. Neil and you interviewed him. You should know. Think you all very much. In this environment where the administration is so unpopular is showing the pull that the republicans are doing better from Foreign Affairs and how to handle the economy and why that may not be such a good thing for republicans because they have a history of getting cocky to grab defeat from the certain jaws defewere moving our company to new york state. The numbers are impressive. Over 400,000 new private sector jobs. Making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation. With 10 Regional Development strategies to fit your business needs. And now its even better because theyve introduced startup new york. With the state creating dozens of taxfree zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. Become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies. Become the next business to discover the new new york. Jamie, youve got a Little Something on the back of your shoe, there. [alarm beeping] price tag. Danger price tag alert. Oh, hey, guys. Price tag alert. Is this normal . Well, progressives a price tag free zone. We let you tell us whatou want to pay, and we help you find options to fit your budget. Where are they taking him . I dont know. This seems excessive decontaminations in progress. I dont want to tell you guys your job, but. Policies without the price tags. Now, thats progressive. U fill up my senses come fill me again you are gonna need a wingman. And my cash back keeps the party going. But my Airline Miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldnt be this hard. With creditcards. Com, its easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online. Creditcards. Com. Neil this is why i fear republicans get cocky would get the fox news poll the green indicates preferred parties who is more probusiness . Republicans winp  across the board. But they will look at that and say the victory speech can be shortlived. And our gubernatorial candidate we reach out to the appointed jerry brown and have not heard back but i have had him on before. I think it is just a matter of time. We also have our business all stars. Great to have all of you. So to a the fifth year the republicans get cocky all over again . I hope not hearing california were focused like a laser to rebuild the Republican Party on a positive message and lifting every one upper by one republicans all around the country to remember we have to talk about the key issues facing the country through the lens of working families sometimes we talk about concept but bring it back home for American Families then we can win. Neil both parties to do this they trashed up party that is screwing up. ni and now republicans have been amplified to go after the democrats to handling of the health care but very few come up with ideas of their own. But that could get old fast . The Republican Party needs to be the party of ideas. Not that they are bad but ours are better. Neil you may do this on the state level but they feel and they have tested that to trash the Health Care Law even though when you promise to come up with the alternative. Than there are out there beuse they found by pounding the negative that is good enough. I dont think so. Win you were in power running for office you come up with good ideas let the voters vote then you need to implement those ideas and let them hold you accountable. There will hold them for obamacare to be held accountable we will hold jerry brown accountable. He is right. Neil which one . About one definitely. Look at the 2012 exit polls and robbie was right to own the issues with the debt and the economy the voters believe he could handle them better but obamacare wrote one dash one because romney was not in touch with them. Neil he did not hp himself with a 47 remarks. Also of a tax return is set a progrowth policies. You are right on the money i as always. Neil i did not realize how deep your voice is. Continue. The republicans have nothing i say this on the radio every morning. Showed me something. [g  they have to come up with something weather minimum wage or immigration. Neil but mitt romney says that is what they should get at. Mitt romney is the good guy and he is smart. But he did not connect with the voters and there is a one thing that shows they are more probusiness if you want to connect to the lower income worker to make more money than you talk about probusiness policies you encourage so leaders to start hiring then you can take credit for that you cannot do that by trashing the obamacare may be to win the election. But republicans have to deliver and they have had that chance over and over and with romney it was like ability. I would vote for you if you were still there. Neil the you face this in california because things were so bad for so long just a nominal pick up in activity now Governor Brown looks okay. So i think this is national we are in a funk for so long we are grateful for the anemic pickup of sales that we have been so beaten down that we think we hit pay dirt . Ltd. Slogan is the california comeback but most families have no way dia when he is talking about. So we have to raise expectations and demand more to grow the economy to put people back to work. Neil but they do like him . There is likability and satisfaction. Nobody dislikes is jerry brown but we have to do better with what middleclass families are facing today. U 1d but the facts are paul ryan has three budgets the republicans do have plans but it is key with the candidate. Who . I dont know at the moment. I do like paul ryan. He can use comedy to come back with his opponents. Neil so can show. Good to see you again. Do you remember google and the whole idea they were shocked kiam believe it was going on her privacy invasions . The company that made google to admit they were wrong. There were part of the problem. They may be the solution to the problem after the us. Neil have you ever tried to download a movie or anything in it is as slow as molasses . Netflix says the plan as bubbly verizon but there is back and forth. This particular battle has gotten nasty between the two. Verizon says cease and desist. Every time you bad mouth our number to bad mouth our name and potentially hurting our brand and business that could bring of lawsuits. But it is going overboard. It is a dangerous thing whatheyre doing that corporate fingerointing because they have no proof if you look at the rankings with broad band delivery it ranks quite high so that is what this ceo says. You are making false accusations and disparaging comments and not backing it up so it is a surprising thing for netflix to do. Neil they could say that they have the latest technology and other parts do not they could have a legitimate beef. But the slowdown to be charitable ta number of factors including choices that netflix have made to connect the content to providers themselves some may be responsible for the last mile. Now those that have the broad band it says if you use it to that degree you should pay more you will pay more for that baby that is what verizon is getting at if you think it is our fault then paid more because you use so much. That is already in place. What verizon says in this case there could be oer factors like of why fiat, the hardware, the network connection. Neil i dont know who is right but i always think the increases because more people are downloading van day used to buy a of factor of severalfold the. So it could be simple demand . Yes. That is a factor but not the controlling factor reducing the Verizon Network gives grounded but that is misleading that is triazines position there is no proof they have given them five Business Days they want names of everyone they said this to and the time of day comments richard. Neil you could just get users sending in angry emails to save their speed your connection is bad . But who is responsible . Neil is he said she said. Then you have to back it up. Neil credit netflix say you put this in our laps so it is not our fault . How do you prove that . But if there is a problem with connectivity in you are blaming soviet us you better have evidence to back it up to show your customers the choice is you have made to connect your content with cost and quality choice is are not attributable nor is the customers are rare or wife i set up where it was issued. Neil we will watch this closely how do you think it will be resolved . I think netflix will be back downni k mother vo when i was pregnant. I got more advice than i knew what to do with. What i needed was information i could trust on how to take ce of me and my baby. Luckily, unitedhealthcare has a Simple Program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidancebefore and after the baby is born. Simple is good right now. anncr vo innovations that work for you. Thats health in numbers. Unitedhealthcare. Neil all right. Now theyre coming out and saying it is upset that the nsa and these privacy invasions, but at that time a little over a year ago it was part of the problem and did not founder and ceo say that at the time . The difference with his is that you go head and do a searchit disappears after you do it. Its done, over. With google it kind of stays and stays in stays. Such a big deal has this particular Company Become that it is now among the Search Engines that apple includes in its available list. That is cachet, and that for this next guy could be a lot of cash. Could have you. Thanks. Neil that is how it works. Unlike google where all this stays on the server, yours disappear. Yes. We dont track you. That means when youre on, you do searches and are completely anonymous. The way it workstechnically is whenever you do a search for personal affirmation is sent across. Will we do is literally throw that information away, never stored someone can come back later. Neil i trust you, but i always think that it is somewhere out there. It stays. It can never be hundred of. There is tons of information from away all the time. That is the key. When i like to say is if the data exists then it can be decrypted and you can be surveiled buy it or corporations can use it to track you. Tebow we noticed the hands. That is the corporate version of the government tracking. Neil i have noticed that. The way to get rid of that is to use providers the store less information. Neil howdy make money . Part of what google does is give advertisers a means to attract you. How does someone like you do that . The differences we focus on web search. You can make money without tracking because it is based on the keyword. You just get a shoe ad. We can do that without tracking you. It is just based on that search. Neil when i log and again and do a similar surge of one see that old dad. Right. Whereas google runs four of the biggest ad networks in the world theyre run and millions of sites. They have to target you across all these different things. Neil your business obviously has picked up considerably since will hold nsa dustup to read what do you make of this . I mean, i think what we have learned is people do care about their privacy and dont want to be tracked. Big companies are corporations that want to appeal to consumers and realize that people dont want to be tracked. Theyre trying to do things and make it harder. I think thats great. Neil how long do they keep that tell us think of that. In this change. Very unrealistic. Thats why i am skeptical of corporations. So were all about throwing away the data. Neil going to go public . [laughter] knows. Neil you will first appear here obviously. Neil short. The last time i had him, i am telling you, we generated an enormous email response andt disappeared. All right. When we come back the latest attack line against businesses to avoid taxes. Liberal groups, of french groups are claiming that businesses are using a lot of the legal tax dodges. We have actually looked into this. They are using the tax code. I dont know if that is even more offensive. After this. Were moving our company to new york state. The numbers are impressive. Over 400,000 newprivate sector jobs. Making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation. With 10 Regional Development strategies to fit your business needs. And now its even better because theyve introduced startup new york. With the state creating dozens of taxfree zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. Become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies. Bfor that moment, wheres right place meets right time. And when i find it i go for it. announcer at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. Thats why we give you the edge, with innovative charting and trading features, plus powerful mobile apps so youre always connected, wherever you are. Because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. Neil all right. We, a lot of little groups are accusing a lot of compies of playing fast and loose with the money to avoid paying taxes. By their estimate upwards of 90 billion they avoided through all sorts of nefarious banks. Grover norquist haslooked into this. They are not doing anything nefarious. So nothing criminal going on. No. Well, criminal and a sense of you look at the best honest illegal. Y. No. The head tax on companies were investing internationally and growing and creating jobs this silly. We have an American Made problem that american politicians made called the 35 crporate income tax at the federal level and about 05 average state income tax. We compete with nations like britain at 21 and poland that 22 percent and sweden and about 20 . The studies suggest that britain and sweden and oland are tax havens because when the erin money over there it is taxed less heavily than when it is earned year. We should have a territorial tax system the way most nations in the world do. Neil we do and we dont. Are they doing an end run . You say no. No. Neil what do you think of that . And i am the first to rail on big corporations taking advantage of us but you have got so were the business end. Being in jersey, people are nning for the hills. Businesses in new jersey and new york. If i may, that book right there to your right, he has all the answers. You cannot overtax people because you drive business out of the country. Neil that sounds like a heck of a lot of money. Is it all done properly, legally . Absolutely. And let me tell you what, you take away these legal loopholes and you will see more companies fully. We just heard the announcement that pfizer is leaving the country to get a 20 percent lesser tax rate. Not only that, the Washington Post came out and said two dozen American Companies are leaving. You want more of that cannot take away these loopholes. It is legal. It is Good Business. I am sorry, but what do you want to see . If you want to go on after offshore tax havens as they are being called, fine, but you will see unemployment job because they will cut down on their employees. Businesses are being assaulted whether it is because of health care, these new green initiatives. The businesses have been under assault for years. Now again with the Corporate Tax rate. Enough. And now flight. You ever noticed that . I cant even see these. [laughter] neil you know, i was thinking. These companies are skirting the tax man on top of the 2 trillion. How do you bring it back . What do you do . Is it a onetime tax break, tax holly to bring impact . Do you attach contingencies so that you do this with that money . One way would be to have a repatriation time frame of a year or two. We did that in the middle of the bush years. About three or 400 million came back. Better to give to territoriality so that you can bring it back for free. We want people to bring this money back and pay dividends and pay wages and invest money. Why would you have anyone at the border saying, hey, if you want to bring money back we will charge you something. There is no problem we are discussing now would not be solved tomorrow with the 20 Corporate Tax rate instead of 35. Right now company is worth more if the british on it than the americans. The same company. Our tax people did that. How we bring it back . Lower the rate. It wont happen. Neil would you give a tax holiday or attach a proviso . I dont think you should a tax anything. A holidy would be fantastic. The same people by taking advantage. Obama stopped advisers taking advantage of it. Protax states, South Carolina for instance. We will give you the appropriate tax rate. Sometimes in the world of accounting you can make this work. Maybe not for your apples of the world order facebook. Neil you have to incentivize. Theyre going to bermuda for one reason, the golf courses. The only reason. You have to give them a break. It was great. Tens of thousands of jobs. Everyone is just running out. Neil all those honeycomb buildings. Taxes. And nice, warm place to go. Neil all right. When we come back, i am not a soccer expert. It does not strike me as the right thing to say, no way in hell little when it. I dont know if thats the way we want to go here. After this. Humans. We are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. Thats why Liberty Mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. Call. 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So what sleep number adjustments make the difference . Try cranking it up . Adjust it down . A little bubbly . Or nix the late night flicks . Wait, youll know what works, cuz sleepiqâ„¢ technology tells you. And all you have to do is sleep. Which is easy. Only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq start at just 999. 98 because everyone deserves a great nights sleep. Know better sleep with sleep number. Ask him to go in there. [inaudible] neil whatever happened to that guy . Welcome back, everybody. How about just wind. The head coach of the u. S. Soccer teams saying, we cannot win the world cup because we are not at that level yet. For as we have to play the game of our lives seven times to win the tournament, to which i want to remind the coach, that is what this is about. My gosh, i think he might as well laydown. They cant even get an american. [laughter] [inaudible conversations] this is like german engineering. A human being, leave us alone. Neil that right. Year in american. Neil stating the obvious. I think this is refreshing compared to someone like wrecks lion was of their promising you will win super bowls. Neil would you rather than someone right out of the gate. I think hes saying Something Different in the locker room. Neil im so smart. Cmon. I actually liked his honesty. Go of. I like the honesty. Neil no. A strategy, but lets be honest. Neil were in a very tough what they call it . The group that we are in is very competitive. Its the hardest group of fall. So. The rangers are going to the stanley cup. [inaudible conversations] neil all right. I just think its not eat. I think he led the alltime leader in goals. Thats tomorrow killer. Neil all right. Even more offensive, of course, these guys, a Japanese Clothing Company has come up with various sizes, skinny, fat, or jumbo. Being very blunt with these labels. Wrong person to go to on this. [laughter] mon, is this right . I think its a great marketing move. [inaudible conversations] [laughter] neil can we get her cook your something . No, fat. Neil had told a doing it with a sense of humor. I dont think i think its terrible. One of you just put menus. Am i the only capitalist at this table . Neil where are they getting the Good Business . Only have to do is make those three sizes. Neil what brings you up from fat to jumbo . Skinny these days is like the size to. That correlates to medium. Neil apparently jumbo is like what . Mens suits. Go to walmart. And the father and a shop there. They have quadruple extralarge. Whats the difference . Neil thats a very good point. You can put any label you want. The word is, this is a bigger size. It is insulting and embarrassing. Theyre trying to make it acceptably. As the whole idea. Neil you can put a different spin on it. Jumbo is jumbo. You can be jumbo and proud of it. They should make them in america. They should manufacture the clothes in america. When i go my does nothing made there. Neil them a lot of American Made goods. I just neil council of. Thats why everything is 4. The jacket and pants. Neil the food chain. All right. American clothing manufacturers look at this. This company does well were changing our labels. Is brilliant. We are all sitting here talking about it. A story comes upo local news in san diego. I think its fantastic. And American Companies in steel this idea and run with it. Neil you really think that . The company would do anything to make a buck. Neil not many when it comes to a incises. Most of the companies, the largest size did not even want this. Use my body and is pictures here. [inaudible conversations] neil the women who complain. Fair and balanced. You know, maybe it would register, this japanese company. It kind of sounds a little better. Neil what do you think of caloric the challenged . That is a euphemistic way to put it. Neil to this point, you know. You could do week, fit, over strong. Those could be the new sizes. Extralarge is fine. What is wrong with that . Neil then moved to jumbo. Theyre using the word that. That is the most offensive. It is wrong. Neil we wont go there. All right. We will see how this goes. Guys, i want to thank you all very much. In the meantime, what is the deal with politicians and unions, they continue to pile on walmart . Is one thing to not let them open the store. Now they are refusing them money now they are refusing them money to support new york charities. Looks like were about to board. Mmhmm. Im just comparing Car Insurance rates at progressive. Com. Is that where they show the other guys rates, too . Mmhmm. Cool. Yeah. Hi. Final boarding call for flight 294. [ bells ring on sign ] [ vehicle beeping ] whos ready for the garlic festival . This guy bringing our competitors rates to you now, thats progressive. Is the deal, neil . Kennedy what is the deal with politicians and unions continuing their pilion in walmart. I had a new york city councilman on who hates the retailer so much. He doesnt want walmart giving to new york causes and charities. Were talking millions of dollars here. As an openly gay man himself here, says he doesnt like much the way walmart treats gays. When i reminded him walmart has gay workers and gay managers and supports the gay workers and managers and that walmart has a health plan that includes coverage for same sex partners, he still wouldnt hear it. Me, im prochoice on walmart and letting new yorkers and anyone else decide if they want a walmart. Pat in arkansas youre right, mr. Cavuto. Maria in manhattan, i want a walmart in my city. I just want walmart if i can save money on groceries, end of story councilman, end of your career. Ellen emails if the nutty councilman hates walmart, fine, dont make me pay for your contempt. Very well put, allen. I figure people are going to bitch about how much money they are making, im sure plenty of walmart folks do the same. Then again, that i have jobs and i dont. Shut up and give me a chance to bitch, too. Also well put. And in evergreen, colorado, neil, stop showing the stupid jack asses showing the building of a walmart. It means pathetic protesters want to pay union wages they should hire the union gouges with their money. And leave it to a teen to put one, nancy on the spot. The 16yearold reporter who turned the tables on the former speaker and asked her to explain why she was blaming the nsa mess on president bush . Sarah in new york city, out of mouths of babes, revealing pelosi for the pathetic excuse of a human being she is. Zety on facebook writes, have you no idea how sick i am of hearing, this like a child who blames others for something they had more to do with than anyone. Al writes i bet the democrats believe bush sank the titanic. Give them time. Bradley tweets since it is in the air, you think we can trade below sea and crash for ed snowden. We might have a deal. Kimmy writes, i love, it they keep blaming everybody else and pointing fingers at everybody else but never take accountability for their own actions. And its the invite to which not a single republican has yet rsvpd, a democratic debate on Climate Change, should republicans go or is it a setup . Pat buchanan says go republicans should make a point of being there for no eshth reason than to give the other side of the Climate Change story. Ben write, call their bluff and their hot air. Sheila in pittsburgh, even if democrats shut them down, i guarantee folks watching back home will give a thumbsup. That is if democrats allow such a hearing to be televised. How little democrats care about veterans. Going to get the va and bergdahl scandals off the front page. Ramirez tweets, maybe they should debate something more imdiate like our crushing economy affecting millions of americans right now. Thats a good idea. Carmen writes, love you, neil, youre way too cute. Ideal. Reporter cavuto, youve had a stellar week of shows, the stupid walmart protest thing. What due to relax on weekends . I plan my next line of attacks for next week, tip. No rest for the weary, in between barbecues and more barbecues and stuff like that. Anyway, keep your emails and tweets coming, well keep them coming, too. Tomorrow. Oneamon continued in his way. John hollywood knows, man is destroying the earth. And i exploited this woman who works at fox. And video games cause murder. I think that video games is a bigger problem than guns. John new federal standard will fix education. As teachers were on the frontline, we support common core. John income ineqaulity is destroying america. New york times is not liberal. The news pages are

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