Riling you up. Ask yourself why they re suddenly interested in you . Your plight or your cash . The unions lose members fast, and they could sure use you and your cash. Lets say you get 15 bucks, you wont, but say you do, what their cut . Dont fool yourself. After they get their way, they want their cut. Whats it going tobe . What are you left with . When you return to the fryer, what makes you think you are out of the frying pan and evil boss of yours, what makes you think his fortunes have not changed. You doubled the worker cost, and the union boss said you could afford it, but heres the truth, he cant. Your boss owns a mcdnalds franchise, hes not thee mcdonalds franchise. His Profit Margins are thin. He has to think how to pay 15 buckssan hour to you and your coworkers. If thats a hit, theres fewer workers. Say you survive that, you still work. Does the unin boss tell you theres a good possibility you will not work fulltime . Did he tell you about how the Health Care Law put many Fast Food Restaurant businesses making worker parttime . Maybe you survive this because youre a fantastic worker. Im sure you are. What about, though, customers you serve, the ones who just love those value meas . What if they are not a value. What if, along with your wage doubling, the price of the meals starts doubling . Do you think those customers keep coming . I know youre union boss says they ll because they know its the right thing to do for you. Turn it around, would you pay twice as much for a meal if it was the right thing to do for them . I wouldnt. All the machines popping up at the restaurants, one doing the job you used to do like pouring soda for customers, and some stores automatically take orders from customers. Think youll see more of them or fewer of you . Nevermind. Your union boss says yure exploited and has the numbers to prove it, minimum wage far from living wage. He left out 5 of the countrys 10 million restaurant employees earn that minimum wage. The rest are over it. Those who do a teenagers working parttime, though did he mention that 71 of all minimum wage employees in the Restaurant Industry are under the age of 25 and close to half of them are teenagers . He didnt . Thats weird. Anyway, im sure he told you that most of those workers, close to 60 , are students or kids saving for school, and they and others need the flexible hours. Actually, any hours for any pay in a profession thats the only one hiring anywhere because dont you find it a little odd your union buddykeeping telling you how horribl your job is . How inferior and demeaning it is . Are these the same jobs that provided countless millions of ameriians with valuable experience . The same hourly position for which nine out of ten salaried restaurant employees started today . When your union boss demeans that and them, what do you think hes saying about you . Hes saying youre a loser. Thats what hes saying. Well, youre not, of course. He is. Youre not. Remember that. The next time you strike for something else, maybe, i dont know, this winter when your union boss has you slivering out there in the cold to make a point, and hes watching you from a warm, cozyoffice, just counting your dues. To john leifield who agrees, workers, not so much. Layfield . No, they wont gain, neil, this is 5 union grab. In 1947, yiewn unions went fromo the work force to the Single Digits now. They are losing. They are a stink. They need to do something. Your exactly right. Very easy to go after the multibillion dollar corporations and say, look, they make billions. They need to share money. Thats a complete separate iue because the mcdonalds themself said, we do not set wages at franchises. They have no control over what a mom and pop, truly what owns the franchises, thin margins, like you said, they cant afford to pay more. Youre right. They are entry level jobs, never meant to be career jobs. Neil many who made it a fulltime position, and thats fine, and i think if youre good at what you do, youll advance and move up. The mainstream medias going to knock me for this or say you are callous, youre an anchor, and you have expensive suits, and by the way, its not expensive. If you say that, well, i started out in fast food. I know what that is like. Its different now than it was back ten . Maybe it is. Im telling you, and, john, you can relate to this, they hve been lied to, used, and hosed and expectation that nirvana waits for them with the 15 wage, and by snapping your fingers, the great capitalist nation will bow and doo your bidding. It is not the way of the world or reality. No,its not reality. A lot of of people use, well, look, if theages were indexed say 1968, they always use 1968, you would have minimum wage at ten and a quarter. Go forward 20 years to 1988, minimum wage is six dollars. Go backwards behind 1968, minimum wage is 4. Use umbers how you want. They are. The minimum wage is what it is adjusted to inflation to 1960, and what needs to happen is minimum wage has to be taken 90 of union and political influence and find a fair means of indexing it. Wages are a basket of the above so you dont have an argument every single year. Neil it invariably comes down to expectation that the company, the fast food places, and, by the way, retail, macys, and the like, also pushed to higher workers for more pay, they can snap their fingers and get the pay. Is it the money sitting in a pot, but it has to come out of someplace else, and presumably higher ticket prices for good. Do you think that some of the unions have told workers that people, americans seeing the plight will pay double for duringer . Double for fries . Some, i think, would, but i suspect the vast majority would not. No. Look how people vote around the world, they vote with pocketbooks, politicians, vote for change, vote with the pocket book. Americans are not look at this and say, ill pay twice what you should pay because they make more. The problem is, most jobs that have been added since the recession have been lowwage jobs. The prrblem we have in the economy is that real jobs, good jobs, above those low wage jobs, are not created. What ou do to spur the economy, economic growth, is not force restaurants, who cant afford it, by the way, mom ad pop franchises, to pay workers double. Do something to create nor jobs in the economy, and the jobs are there for workers to move somewhere else. Neil john, thank you very much. Again, i wanted to get to the next guest. We are not bemoaning, but mountain mainstream media, those striking, trying to make ends meet, you have been sort of rippedded down the river here thinking that this is something that is easily doable, obtainable, and causes little fuss for you or anyone else. The reality is quite the opposite. Nowhere else do you get basic math on this, the economics of this, so they rip this any way they want. Im going to give you reality. Youre not getting elsewhere. To my next guest, because minimum wages, if you want them to double, well, be careful what you wish for. You might get it, or get hit. The wages go up, the numbers support them, but they dont add up. What happened . Well, basically, they want to more than double what they are making right now from 7. 25 to 15 an hour. They said it would be great if it happened, inflation has to skyrocket to make that a reality, and wage inflatn currently is 1. 8 forecast. These experts say, hey, get to 10 before we talk 15. Neil okay. I can see an argument, raising the minimum wage, tied to economic improvement, what have you, doubling at the 15 is another matter, but, you know, theres the economics, and if you look at mcdonalds, charge customers, and they didnt want to fork over more money, and that means they have to pass the Profit Margins over to consumers, and they are not willing to pay the cash p dont pay the bosses money, narrow that gap, and if you did, would that make up the difference for all workers . Absoutely not . Our social workers in st. Louis, missouri, for example, the average worker works 24 hours a week now making under 11,000. I dont know, neil, anyone who can survive on 11,000 a year. Thats 5 a minimum salary, but they cannot cut profits and give these workers more money, and they are not making tons of money themselves, and if it happens, they scale back even more like what we see under obama care, another layer to the issue here. Those who already pay more than the wage now, the fear is what . The workers who are striking for more money, their jobs, their hours, they get cut. Okay. Neil i have a property tester on the phone. Terrance, i dont know if you heard arguments that might mak you pause in the rush to see the minimum wage doubled, what do you think . I think the franchise say the cost of all funnel to the customers, it should be the parent customers working with the franchises to work on their prices and how is not to funnel cost to customers to give us a livable wage. Neil even if you do that, terrance, do you think theres enough switching on the top, you know, shifting things over, you know, as they pass along some of the savings to the franchises that thats going to be enough to pay for doubling minimum wage. Caller its enough to pay workers better. Neil maybe better, ill take a leap and say maybe better, i dont know if is better for companies longer term, but better is very different than 15 an hour, dont you think . Caller well, i tell you, 15 an hour is achievable, and we know that we need more money to survive dearly here. We can say drsh they can make all the arguments they run on thin margins, all of that, but i think its all its all bologna. They can pay us better, and neil its not. You might not buy the math says the margins are thin. They are. You offer an idea that maybe the mcdonalds and burger kings and wendys should change the franchise math so all of the sudden they give more money to franchises so they can share more with the employees, but the reality is, what the reality is with the boots and boots on the ground, they can want afford to do it. Are you willing to see if you get 15 bucks, with fewer coworkers to make the adjustments . Caller i cant afford to buy the pizza where i work, so the more money we make, the better it helps the economy, we can put more money into the economy, and actually purchase food from the place we work. Theyll make money if we make money, theyll make money, the whole economy will be uplifted, and i ask evrybody, some of my neighbors and friends, would you pay 10 to 20 cents more to see the economy going better. Neil its more than that. Ten cents is nice, but if doubled, they might not; right . Would you . Caller i would. Neil okay. Youre a jeep rows soul. Thank you very much. For those protesters listening to this, i do not mean to be callous. I do not mean to be elitist, but i mean to share basic math with you and the reality of the economy and the reality of the job market and the reality where three out of four jobs generated are parttime. This will not alter that math. [ male nouncer ] if youre taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry . A dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. Thats why theres biotene. Available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel, biotene can provide soothing relief, and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. Remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isnt. Biotene for people who suffer from dry mouth. Theres a woman who will be raped in a field in america somewhere today. She has no right in this country. We have to end that. There are children who are going to cry, and there are marriages that are going to be destroyed because someone is going to be deported today, and theres going to be children left orphaned in this country. Neil okay. If those arguments dont work, go forcrazy. Democratic illinois congressman with a town hall push to get the Immigration Law done, but that seems to prove here, and i like the congressman, but, boy, looks undone there. Anyway, maybe because logic aint selling it, so go for bonkers. Is bongers thinking any good coming from the Immigration Law thats flawedded . Dont pass a law versus rather based on threats. Dont pass a law based on threats like that. The logic here is that he opened himself up to fear mongering saying, all right, these people who come here illegally and put themselves in harms way, they wouldnt be in harms way if they came here legally. Being here illegally puts themselves in harm way. Neil now women are going to be raped coming here or forcibly thrown back . Beyond ridiculous. Unfortunately, its unhinged, and weve seen this rhetoric in the pst, the overheated, unhinged rhetoric. Remember pelosi in 2011 we have to save the world from the g. O. P. Budget to save the life on the planet as we know it. Another says the g. O. P. s budget was a sugar coated satan sandwich. Neil really . One democrat said that. Im just saying this is not gridlock, but a serious issue which is amnesty for illegals, people who come here illegally and serious minded people on both sides of the political aisle have looked at this and said there should be a legal way to get here. Is there an amnesty way . Is that the way . Some say no. Keep it as a legal way in, but amnesty is not the way to go. Neil heres where i diage on fear not selling something. I think Barry Goldwater was in trouble with johnson anyway in 1964, but that famous ad, the little girl with the flower . Neil exactly, saying her future was in peril because goldwater would blow the world up. That resinated with folks who says he sounds like a right wing crazy always finger at the trigger nut job, and it was hipper bollic. May resinate, but, you know, thing is, when you watch the tape again, you notice the congressman, a baby cried in the background,and he said, children start crying, hes clearly exploiting the moment, and that is not the way to get legislative legislation through. Neil speaking to who . Who was there . They didnt argue with it. The backdrop to this is both harry reid and the president said, you know, the private sector is doing fine. The job growth is not fine. We have an anemic job growth. Again and again, i have to say, listen, he opened himself up, why . To attacks and rifle criticism, and people who rightfully say, all right, if people are putting themselves in harms way because they are illegal immigrants, they shouldnt come here illegally, but protect themselveses; right . Thats is how he opened himself up to fair criticism. Neil fighting nuttery with nuttery, come on. This is the human race, put your hands up and celery stocks down. Down. It is over, [ male announcer ] these days, a Small Business can save by sharing. Like carpools. Polly wants to know if we can pick her up. Yeah. [ male announcer ]. Office space. Yes, were loving this communal seating. Its great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share . A data plan. At t mobile share for business. One bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. Now, everyones in the spirit of sharing. Hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend . No. [ male announcer ] share more. Save more. At t mobile share for business. Do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser . I need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. Okay. Its easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. Just pick that flight right there. Mmm hmmm. Give it a few taps, and. Its taken care of. This is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. You bet. Now if you like that, press the red button on top. How did he not see that coming . Whats in your wallet . How did he not see that coming . Nascar is about excitement. But tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. Thats why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. Hps Technology Helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into realtime Business Insights that help nascar win with our fans. Neil notice that you know, that the nanny state is like whackamole. You smack a stupid idea down, but another pounces right back up. San jose, californias city coup sell just rejecting a plan to ban sugary sodas and full fat milk at public eves. New jersey is looking to fine people for texting folks who are driving, not the folks driving, but texting as they are driving, trying to figure out how they would prove that texter knew the textee was driving . Just another example of an out of control nanny state. Rick disagrees and loves the nanny state. I think youre reigning it in with constant slapdowns of the sugary soda thing in new york city, the big gulp thing in new york, and san jose, i think the food police are on defense. I think thats good because people want to eat what they want to. I mean, if i want to drink a scotch, i should be able to do that. Neil you do so on this show. Absolutely, thats why its fun. Sugary drinks in milk and water and, i mean, you know, whats next . Thats not right. Look, government is supposed to do fill potholes, pick up the trash. Thats the job. As far as texting thing, thats just way out there. How in the world can they ace that . A police state rather than a republic, well then, thats their mind set, and thats wrong. Neil no so longer does the city, counsel, or judge slap it down, they have a creative idea. You have to be careful here. The whole food thing, over. Its not an issue anymore. Neil what do you mean over . Its over. Court ruled you cant do it. Neil how do you feel about it . I think it was a silly law considering the fact its Movie Theaters. What are we, in a Movie Theater once a month . It was symbolic, silly, history. Not going to happen in san jose or anywhere else. The texting thing is different you have to read the courts opinion. They didnt say that anybody who is texting somebody while driving could be held spobl, and, in fact, they let the girl off the hook who was sued. Neil if the person knew the person was driving, but, again, to how do they know . Neil you have to check the text, and nsa on the prowl. No, no, no, look, it makes sense in terms of tort law. Were they to allow this if you couldnt know neil youre a lawyer; right . I am. Causation is a very real concept in tort law. Liste from a practical point of view neil how about Big Government creeps . Now, not only to the driver, but anyone communicating with that driver. If they know the drivers driving . Neil how do you think they know . How do you think they will know . Two ways. One way is neil give us your phone. Thanks a lot, dont want to hand over the phone. Let me answer. One way is ed. We have that in situations. Theres evidence. If theres no evidence, then youre not going to be spobl. Evidence, and that comes out in the court. If they put you on the stand and you were the one texting, and they asked you the questions, saying, did you know that person was driving at the time you were texting to them . If you say, yes, then we know. The other way is a possibility. They may look at your phone. Oh, my. Neil thats the first way. Exactly. Thats the first way. Its done all the time. Its evidence. Come on. Its another invasion to privacy. You have kids, neil, do you not favor anything to tact down ask me in five years. Neil hopefully youll be a long former guest by then. That could be tomorrow. Its invasion of privacy, another excuse to grab your phone and information, and, you know, do their real jobs they have to do. Neil thank you, from big gulp to big leap. Nice segue. Neil i know. Thank you very much. You ever wonder what syria does if we attack . What if i told you we already know because they are already in todays markets, a lot can happen in a second. With fidelitys guaranteed onesecond trade execution, we route your order to up to 75 Market Centers to look for the best possible price maybe even better than you expected. Its all part of our goal to execute your trade in one second. Im derrick chan of fidelity investments. Our onesecond trade execution is one more innovative reason serious investors are choosingidelity. Now get 200 free trades when you open an account. Neil what is this Syria Electronic Army . Heard about this . All we know for sure is, well, they supported assad, and they are taking credit for a nmber of Cyber Attacks this week including ones on twitter and the New York Times website. Step back and think about the other companies hit. We had amazon, cnn, washington pot, and nasdaq. Who knows the source, but you cannot deny the scary pattern. What if this is the next battlefield, and judging from the file walls that seem to be easily penetrated, one of which proves even mre pen traitble. To former Homeland Security secretary, our nations first one, as a matter of fact, tom ridge. Good to have you, sir. You know, thank you, neil. Neil am i makng much adieu about this . I see a lot of this stuff happening. I dont know if its traced to the syria group or even a lot of it is, but it worries me that it keeps happening. Well, no, youre not making light of it, and, i mean, the fashion of the matter is that in the arsenal of weapons of terrorist organizaons and perhaps ultimately more importantly nation states, they now have digital weapons, and it may be the Syria Electronic Army. It may be the Iranian Revolutionary army, and they prepped ease stone estonia and georgia back in 2008. Its bigger than the electronic army, but a new state of warfare that, frankly, well deal with, the world is going to deal with it forevermore. Neil what do you think of the alleged Syria Electronic Army and whether it has ties to assad, or, for that matter, some other group just for support for assad . It could be a state funded enterprise, could be hackers for hire, all over the world, but it speaks to the emerging capability and a country like syria, and respond to a military attack in a nonmilitary way. What we see in the months and years ahead begin dynamic nature of the world, well see countries escalate capability both efensive and offensive capabilities in order to respond to geopolitical events, military intervention, and, again, world war iii, digital wars begun. Lets face it. We, when the white house leaked our abilities through a Cyber Operation to disrupt the Iranian Nuclear program, im not saying we had any moral authority to say to the rest of the world not to use the inteet to respond, but whatever moral authority we might have ad, we lost. Its going to be a fact of life that u. S. Cyber command deals with, nsa deals with, and, frankly, the global communitys going to deal with it, and not just governments, but on this show, you talk about the business relationships and businesses. Its a fact of life that businesses have to deal with forevermore with as well. Neil down the road, how do you intoned to it . Its one thing the World Trade Center attack, the pentagon attack, but say all your banks and the sites are attacked, brought down, how do respond to that . Good question, neil. How do you respond, and who responds . The Global Nature of the internet, first of all, you like to think you can identify who is responsible, but how do you hold them accountable . What if we know a nation state. Pick anybody, iran, disrun of disresults the stock exchange, whatever, does the private company resnd or something that the federal government is going to respond to . That whole question of who responds and it brings in the other question of how much information is our government sharing with the private sector so they prepare the necessary defenses that they know they are going to need forevermore in the broader, global community. Neil secretary, governor, always a pleasure. Thank you, neil. Neil meanwhile, this alert, britain could be getting cold feet here. Prime minister cameron cave to critics, and the party who wants the syria intervention put to a vote on parliament. Congress not keen on president obama going willienilly on this, and what does this telegraph, good or bad, to the Assad Administration . Well, its telegraphing to them that we are undecided and very weak. You know, obama has really been cornered by his own words. If you look at whats gone on in the past few days, iranians came out and said, if we are going to attack syria, they are going to attack israel, and at this point, obama is back into a very bad corner because hes going to risk israel being attacked and go ahead with what hes planning, or, number two, back off, in which case, the iranians say, hey, we backed him down. Isnt he just another chicken heart . He has to do something. The problem is, neil, theres nothing good to do. We should not be doing anything to intervene in syria. Neil all right, now, i had john mccain here the other day, and, of course, as you know, hes a big believer that we should be doing more. We should have gotten involved earlier, and he says that there are good guys there we know. Its not alqaeda elements mixed with the good guy, and we are missing a golden opportunity here. You say what . Wll, two things, with all do respect to mr. Mccain, it is an alqaeda opposition, the Free Syria Army is compromised of different factions, most bad guys. We dont even know who is there. The problem hes got, if he wants to intervene, and obama is talking about captain beach, fire a shot across the bow, this will not do anything. We will not go for regime change. That wld be the only possible outcome we would like to see. The problem with that is we cant do that. The russians and the iranians are deeply embedded in syria now, they control whoever succeeds assad. Whatever way we win, we lose. Neil the russians have certainly done a lot of saber rattling, and iranians promised they would, you know, reignhell on israel if that happens. What is the fallout if, in fact, we follow up, eventually, sometime, with missiles or whatever were concocting . Well, i think, especially if we go for a wrist slap, apparently, all well try to do, well see attacks on is ray whether its iran directly, i dont think they have guts engh to do that. Benjamin netanyahu pulls the trigger on them if they try to attack israel. Theres an outflow of heavy missile attacks from hezbollah to lebanon an syria, and god hopes, i hope, that they have enough war shots in the iron dome system to intercept them all. That remains to be seen. If israel suffers massive casualties, bar the door, lids off, who knows what happens. Neil the other issue brought up to the point, chad, the use of chemical weapons or what seems to be clear evidence of such. If thats the new litmus test, any other means of killing your people is fine . Up until now, we had a hundred thousand syrians blown up, mutilated, but this was prior to chemical weapons stuff. There was instances where in, you know, da fur, rwanda, they were hatcheted and shotted if im a dictator, im going to look at this, well, i wont use chemical weapons, just shoot them, and ill be safe. Thats weird to me. Well, it is weird, but it comes back to, again, another Obama Doctrine here, the requirement to protect. You know, he believes we have some moral obligation to intervene anywhere somebodys oppressed or depressed or deprived in order to get by in the day. The point here is we do not have the obligation to interfere in every conflict in every country. Its not for us to do. Were not the worlds policeman. When hes building down the military to the point he is now, i really dont see how he could expect us to do this. We can do a lot in syria, dont get me wrong. The fact of the matter remains, we should not because we cannot control the outcome or predict what the outcome would be. Neil you are way too clear, so try not to come back on the show again. The former under secretary of defense, a pleasure, thank you. Thank you, pal. Neil all right. When your girlfriend is hot, bu maybe the business shes in is not, no big deal; right . Now, now, what if that business is your company, and that hot girlfriend is the one running it . Dont giggle. This is google. Before copd. I took my son fishing every year. We had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. But with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. So my doctor prescribed symbicort. It helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. With symbicort, today im breathing betr. And that means. Fish on symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchiti and emphysema. 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Thats the Company Behind the goofy glasses that google is betting big time on, and hes worrng the conflict of interest or what appears to be could b something investors might have to start worrying about. Womans advocate says the relationship is a little troublesome. Why . Well, first off, its cliche and tacky, but other than that, it should be a concern to investors, and it should be concern to the people involved. Its bad for young women because, well, lets face it, when hes tired of her, which he inevitably will be, of the 26yearold, shes got that reputation. The only thing that has to happen is when shes googled, its out there. Young women in the workplace that are listening, dont do it. It will follow you. People will think that you slept your way to the top. You dont need anythin neil wait, wait, wait, youre not antipeople at work, you know, single people is one thing, married people dating is another thing, and dating a subordinate is a bad idea because when its over, there could be a mss to clean up that has financial ramifications. By the way, divorce is a bad deal financially. Its bad for your viewers. When you leave your wife for a younger woman, you have to pay. The average divorce, if its unlitigated, is 15,000 the litigated, 50,000, and if youre worth a lot of money, its a lot more. Neil we dont care about that. He has the money, all that, but i will say oh, i bet he cares. Neil i know he does. They all care. Neil my point is the discussion whether his relationship with this woman had i think it is problematic. Neil i heard you, wonderful, i want you to stop. You are good. Now, its your view this is dangerous, and does present, as you pointed out a number of issues troublesome to google . Dont dip your pen in the company ink, and it neil interested to know this is a family show, but if you could move on from that. Okay, no problem. You know, whether or not hes dating her, and, you know, hes the marking manager, and if she makes bad decisions and investors perceive shes not able to be firedded, thats a problem. Perception here is everything. Nothing new about this. This happenedded several times, even in the past year, multiple ceos resigned because of accusations of dating employees, you know, just recently, the ceo of Restoration Hardware during their Public Offering was asked to resign because hewas accused of dating an employee, and turns out, number one, he was not having an affair, and number two, he was dating a former employee, someone not employeded. Neil thats right. Others like the ceo of hp, the ceo of neil youre right. Theres a lot of history precedented, and to pennys point, a worry issue with that. Penny, i wonder, what if they go the other way to show there is work, hands off relationship its impossible. Neil impossible, you say . Impossible. The other employes, the team is fractured when there inevitably will be a different relationship, certainly, much more emotional ties to this one employee over the other, how can you possibly think that your work is judged fairly when put up against someones lover . I mean, i actually think that and, you know what . People break up. Neil business is business; right . Quickly, isnt business business . Glasses look promising, they dont to me, but im not a tech, but if its promising, it doesnt matter whether, you know, shes the girlfriend or tiny tim. I mean, theres a lot of amplifications of liabilities. We dont know what kind of accusations can come from a relationship, especially at this high level, but at the end of the day, you know, youre right, business is business. Maybe hes thought about it long and hard and really in love with amanda, and maybe their love will help blossom the new product and take google to new heights. Kneel, spent five minutes googling why not to have an affair with someone you work with. Theres good reasons not to have done it. Neil you seem angry. Im not angry. Neil kidding. Passionate. Neil indeed you are. Thank you very much. Hey, in the meantime, you know, instead of pumping wells, maybe you should try pumping gas because after that doosy of a trade that will cost you hundreds of millions in fines, you could have just filled up average folks tanks, and everything, well, would have been find. Announcer where can an investor be a name and not a number . Scottrade. Ron im never alone with scottrade. I can always call or stop by my local office. Theyre nearby and ready to help. So when i have questions, i can talk to someone who knows exactly how i trade. Because i dont trade like everybody. I trade like me. Thats why im with scottrade. Announcer scottrade proud to be ranked best overall client experience. Its delicious. So now weve turned her toffee into a business. My goal was to take an idea and make it happen. Im janet long and i formed my toffeeompany through legalzoom. Never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. Go to legalzoom. Com today and make your business dream a reality. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. Were giving back in the form of gas, free gas, and were pleased you stopped by today. Neil thats a ceo. The other guy, two diamond, and if you the the image, chase down your nearest gas station an spruce up yours, jamie. You could learn from the bank, a small wisconsin bank, wowing its customers in a big way doing actually a little thing. Its an important thing to them. It just gave the first 200 customers at the state road quick trip store twenty bucks worth of free gas. Its a nationwide push for Smaller Banks to encourage local banking, and its ceo is here. Hi. Neil what reactions are you getting . Wel, just having a blast. We as you said, we gave away gas in lacrosse, wisconsin today, but, today, in st. Paul, minnesota, and its a community bank, and we have been banding together with some 150 other Community Banks across the country, and what were doing is we have one purpose trying to taking market share away from the megabanks, and so what you saw in the last couple days was simply an expression of what Community Banks do, give back t the community. Neil no doubt, and i think youre the heart and soul of the mayberries in america, but when it comes to banks and where folks bank, its a big deal to switch banks. You know what i mean . If they get the hecks automatically e deposited, almost like hightech prisoners and takes a lot for them to rip up that relationship and start anew. How do you overcome the change factor . Eil well, thats part of what we were doing with our gas give away was really an education to the consumer that they have a choice, and, actually, technology is improved a lot of things, and one of the things its improved is how you open an account. For example, if you want to open an account with the bank, do it op line without setting foot in the bank. Its not as difficult as you imagine. Not to mention the fact you get a wide variety o better quality of products in the community bank. Neil you gave the idea that you could do it because if you fill up my car with gas, you can switch thing the for me. I dont have to be bothered, but youre doing something with the service, giving gas, to make a bigger point about service and that is an area where your bigger bank brethren get knockedded hard, that they have been so focused on big customers, big trades, finding ways around the system to gun it, and whether the criticisms are fair or even right, doesnt matter, the perception is they are not too loved right now, perfect marketing opportunity for you, id think. Well, a lot of megabanks were the recipients of a great deal of help from the federal government over the last several years, and they needed it, quite frankly, and what their reaction to that has been turns out to be higher fees and an incredible focus on whats good for the bottom line and not necessarily whats good for the customer themselves. Neil and you and your brethren were never, you knw, iven the structure, no one provided you emergency loans or rescues; right . The bank received no assistance. We are rock solid. We are financially strong. Weve been lending money all the way through the recession much like all the rest of the Community Banks, other Financial Institutions that are part of this effort. Neil all right. Its a neat effort. I admire it. Its novel. Thank you very, very much. Thank you for the opportunity. Neil in the meantime, bomber bouncing, and if you have money in microsoft, you may be dancing like this. Were hearing today that microsoft may be the one monkeying around because ballmer is here to stay long after hes gone. Ill explain. Nascar is about excitement. But tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. Thats why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. Hps Technology Helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into realtime Business Insights that help nascar win with our fans. [ villain ] well mr. Baldwin. It appears our journey has come to a delightful end. Then i better use the capital one purchase eraser to redeem my venture miles for this trip. Purchase eraser . Its the easy way to erase any recent travel expense. I just pick a charge, like my flight with a few taps, its taken care of. Impressive baldwin. Does it work for hotels . Absolutely thank goodness. Mrs. Villain and i are planning our. You scare me. And i like it. Lets go whats in your wallet . Like carpools. Polly wants to know if we can pick her up. Yeah, we can make room. Yeah. [ male announcer ]. Office space. Yes, were loving this communal seating. Its great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share . A data plan. At t mobile share for business. One bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. Now, everyones in the spirit of sharing. Hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend . No. [ male announcer ] share more. Save more. At t mobile share for business. John. With the ongoing series ms there has been a boom for energy stocks. By far the best performing sectors were caught in the cross hairs and oil could really rocket once we start to see rockets in the ideal perfect panic storm the prison is 40 higher than where it is trading now can this leave our market oil . So my guess degree it is still time to buy or energy . It is working quite well and the oil stocks were leading eve before the conflict started to escalate of course, now news pushes the oil to the new 52 week high. Y have to be very careful buying stocks with Oil Companies look at the first goal for you saw the price double then drop by 50 percent. You dont buy it is simply for the conflict more for the growth in the and that conflict in the middle east. Perhaps. Right now is a great entry point because this is a great opportunity to buy into the energy sector. Right now w can only assume the bombs will start maybe even over the weekend. So if you see any weakness tomorrow with their Current Trading environment that could be a great opportunity at least with short term it should be a quick trade. In the meantime the microsoft ceo is out but his invention is here tuesday that they will stick to his plan for the Company Including expanding out windows 8. 1 even after he leaves. If theyre looking for the fresh start button it looks like the company will keep pushing the same but if he does or does not. I see if they continued down the path table be disappointed as investors have spent. When he first took the helm this is the most powerful Company TechnologyCompany Since his leadership it has been eclipsed by apple which goes to the point just how important this is but they will not continue down the line. But they will veer off the path successfully for the last couple of years. You like microsoft . Anything with technology you have to be involved. If the stock has not been a great performer but talking about mobi advertising in leading the core competency sell granted the next guy or maybe that comes in needs to have the creative mind set if they do the stock will shoot to the moon is a great time to get it in. Im sorry we dont have more time but tomorrow we will look at the theory to say we did it. Thank you for watching. Appreciated. Detroit is now the largest u. S. City to file for bankruptcy it cannot match it manages self. Were at the end of the road. We can borrow any more money. John detroit was now in such a wreck. For 1,500 you could buy this house. John for years politicians promised that they would fix detroit. Detroit show again become the great city that is its destiny. John instead. They turned city hall into a den of bribes and kickbacks making themselves rich. John is there hope for places like detroit . It will turn around the city of detroit. The motor city. This is will we