Feel the season begins. I am neil cavuto and those senators heaping praise had to know of the fast approaching approaching deadline this week. A heap of trouble that did not stop politicians from heaping praise on those victims. The federal government responded promptly and decisively. Response has been robust. Thank you for being such a strong leader. I am grateful for the productive conversations we have had. Complement our e emergency responders. They did an incredible job. Neil bidding aside the idiocy oo these remarks but the incredibly bad timing for thousands of out homes better in hotels and temporary housing. We hear that a government will take the punch bowl away when the shelter coverage ends despite their prediction from the government himself it may be months before they have a home. It seems sought only after two months it has made no contingency. Dont be surprised if the folks to get the help raise a finger in the year. Time to clear and how we stop this during the holidays with the greatest crisis we have never known common mayor guiliani. The response has not been that good. Go back to where they did not have water. I am active with the twin towers fund raising many delivering blankets, water. One day after the noreaster fema close the office for whether. This is ridiculous and should be extended immediately. Neil the governor of new york has to decide if it is warranted then you get an extension. Fema should see the administrative screw up where thousands are thrown to the streets . On september 11 George Pataki and i sat next to the head of fema to cut out the bureaucracy not to submit there albany then washington. The reality is the whole idea of fema is to cut the governor should call today and the done by 5 00 this afternoon. Then you cut out bureaucracy. The president promised us we will cut red tape. You have to do away with it. Neil i am not as experienced as you i hear fell out a form. Fill out a form. But then next week it is possible the coverage will end. You do not want to add to it so you are covered through the holidays . They should have done it one week ago. You are not on top of your emergency. Administratively it cannot get the job done. The president has to be true. Fable approve or they do the paperwork afterwards. You have all the time to do that. Neil you disagree with Chris Christie . Just look how long this as lingered, how bad the problems are. With their breezy point, l. I. , staten island. I have been there more often than new jersey. It is a slow response. Maybe they can salvage something to get the people but coverage the need and permanent housing is held up with bureaucracy pictures come and insurance agents. Neil fema says it is their fault. They always point fingers. You have people very angry after 9 11 you were watching carefully traffic to major you are aware of the most minute issues. That is the key. A problem like this should you saw they wouldnt be built on time. Neil what about those things we do not see . With the response to sandy a is warranted . Should fema and get mooe money . You hate to say nobody wants them to be efficient with their distribution. Neil fema needs to look at their mistakes it is dangerous. They have not learned anything. They should get on top of this get the People Housing and tell the house are rebuilt. You know, because it is your home. I am not oblivious. Why does the administration get a pass . The story was written a great response maybe it was bereday number six it was terrible. Number 10 and number 12 there were closing the office. The narrative losses amid tender of a. This should not be the way to respond in the future. We should learn. You always make mistakes but always looked how we cure those for the future. You wonder how much have they fixed . Neil switch gears on the budget impasse talk the fiscal cliff for the brink. Many say republicans give away the store. If they do, they are with tax hikes but no reduction of spending then they give away the store. They have to enforce the promise. Neil that makes sense or make it happen when the spending cuts have been. To extend the bush tax cut by then they should do all spending cuts simultaneous with each other Simpson Bowles makes sense but if they dont happen it is an excuse. Neil it is peppered with Good Intention of leaders whose say stick to your end of the bargain. Money has to be on the table. Criminal defense lawyers they of front because they dont pay. [laughter] give me my retainer. You can do when. Republicans could give on the rate. 37 ha in return when the 1 trillion of spending cuts have been. What did the obama arithmetic that 1 trillion we have already cut. 800 billion for the board that would be financed anyway, there has to be real cuts happening at the same time. Neil rudy guiliani. I am headed to washington to save us from the mess. Be where. I am coming. Girl nt look at me. Second girl your hais a bit frizzy tod. Aw ha ha you shoulpick at up. Announcer every day, kids witness bullying. Poor youha ha they want to hel but dont know how. Teach your kids how to be more than a bystander. Visit stopbullying. Gov. Grew up in a all town and when the rain would fall down id just stare ou my window dreaming of what could be and if id end up happy i would pray i could breakaway ill spread my wings and ill learn how to fly ill do what it takeses till i touch the sky i gotta take a risk, take a chance, me a change, and break away wanna feel the warm breeze, sleep under a palm tree feel thrush of the ocean get on board a fast train, traveon a jet plane far away and bak away out of the darkness and into the sun but i wont forget the place i come from i gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change, and break away neil as if i am not busy enough but this super heroes day is never done after talking to astronauts now trying to get washington to do something has got 10 both sides talking for that to president and Speaker John Boehner they do not credit me troubling is the lack of followthrough i have to save the world again. And i guess i have to talk to the a graphics god. What you see is that will stop it on of president to Save Humanity but i will report my eighth from the capital in my spandex superhero costumes what they look at now that is the twostep process that calls for erred tax hikes now under the threat of another tax hike if they dont borough not spending cuts but the tax hike. Isnt that sequestration and in reverse . But nothing is getting done and dancer been on how to get it done the right way. We have video doing all sorts of things. I do this before the show to limber up. But you have to get people in gauge in the process . Exactly. Thank you for handling this for us on behalf of the taxpayers. The fact is we sent politicians to do job. They are not communicating or successful to get a deal the rules that work in business or real life to not play out in washington. Neil if harry reid did that put the same . He could not do it. You are a big on being the cent but not acting like a child . Civility is the key. Youre not successful unless you have maintained relationship and respect for adversaries. They seem intent to demonize and not communicate but speak at the through them. It does not fly. When the public rips each other apart little is done privately. A good point if they demonize one another how do form the connection . They used to hang out and have a relationship beyond media or discussions but that seems to be not the crisis not the case and is more isolated. Neil see remove people from their own demons to not aggravate the other side . What republicans do to win nine democrats and vice versa . Get over they dont deal with the facts. Step number one is a own the reality. Dont agree about the solution but at least that we have a problem and the scope is enormous and getting worse. By discounting that you have no where to build from. Everyone tries take credit but there is little accountability for results. We think this will work but lets try it with accountabilities so we know we can track results. Dont get everything but if you get enough you are both winners . A conversation and negotiation both have to giveandtake to move forward and present them there to work this out and not grandstand. The country is polarized. No doubt. We elect them to the best Service Serious situation. Unless they can resolve their issues we cannot resolve hours. Neil Speaker Boehner and the president not as good as you. Good to see you. Remember him . Now a new union phelan is him. Scott walker never got the Union Carolers to show up at his house but like cannot tonight they will be singing at his house. E nancial was founded back in 1894, theyve been committed to putting clients first. Helpingenerations through tough times. Good times. Never taking a bailout. There wn you need them. Helping millions of americans over the centuries. The strength of a globalinanal leader. The heart of a ontoone relationship. Togeththeror your future. 8700 vince descending on the home of one michigander governor tonight. I am told to seeing Christmas Carols but may not be in the spirit. They are angry for trying to poult a scott walker but he says not true. He once again state workers are right to whether there want to be a union. They dont have to. But they dont see it that way any different than Lee Scott Walker offer to kill the union. Who s right . To both guest, at first why the governor . They are targeting as an interesting time passage of right to work laws it is big to them but important to people in michigan. Neil there is something more sinister . Even the governor said earlier this year he did not think right to work out a place so even he opposed this. It does not make sense. This is a problem for the g. O. P. To stop tax cut on the rich, raise medicare age neil but to say you have a choice you dont have to be in the union. Is your call. What is wrong with that . As the unions work for wages if youre not a member you benefit even though you dont pay the dues. This is about killing the few remaining strong unions that built the middleclass. Neil and what do you think this new benefit with the union does . That is how they one negative. They want the privilege to represent every worker they protect the monopoly privilege then say somehow workers that never our store voter wanted union are forced to pay the fee to keep a job. Should they be held to the standard . Has nothing to do with the unions they will discover what of lower nominal increase they see that afforded the private Sector Workers do nothing. That is not the case. The union power dwindles everyday. This is about starting their coffers. Neil why should they be unionize . Why is it a given everyone be part of a union . If a majority people dont then there is no union neil i thought you have no choice . But if the majority being represented did not want to me they could vote to leave the union. Neil easier said than done. Many have said it will follow the same trajectory. In indiana the results have been fantastic. That is what the states need indiana gets it. It will be beneficial to the people of the argument as against those the represent. Neil of South Carolina is right to work with 10 percent unemployment. Right to work states have a much better economic record the those divorces union. South carolina is doing well. They make the world class airliners private sector job growth is being created. It is a sneak attack they tried to get this done but i the line. The governor was right when he said it is not appropriate. Neil think you both for your time. Getting the Nobel Peace Prize and what is the fuss . Isnt this a preview . For many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms causedby aci. Osteoporosisrelated bone fractures and low magnesium levels haveeen seen with nexium. Possible side effects include and headache, diarrhea,s haveanabdominal pain. Ium. Other serious stomach conditions may still exist. Talk to your doctor about xium. Narch of marketing analysis. With the ability to improve roi through seo all by cob. And you. Rent from national. Becse only nationalets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. You can even take a fullsize or ave, and still pay the midsize price. Im going big. [ male announcer ] good choice business pro. Good choice. Go national. Go like a pro. Neil have time. Find me a politician. Today collectively patting themselves on the back accepting the Nobel Peace Prize for keeping the peace even as your breaks out in a civil war. The European Union can be a powerful inspiration for many. A taped them added distance even as they should rescues. Reader pleased the leadership of three mess. Jenna napolitano. Good things. They have made this day number one priority this is my number one priority. Neil fingerpointing counterparts trying to get a deal done to avoid the cliff as they blame the other side about not getting serious. This is not a progress report, the white house has wasted another week. This is the same Republican Leadership that session barely a day. Barely a full day this week. Neil so many selfsatisfied bureaucrats, so little time, has the whole world run out of time but have the leaders of their mines . Were getting a twoforone freebie. A congressman insisting that fema is doing a heck of a job that takes prize it was cluelessness, the issue is politician out, too busy patting themselves on the back, to not realize what they really deserve is a good swift kick in the ass. David with more. Thank you, lets start with Nobel Peace Prize, that reminds me of barack obama getting a peace prize before he had done anything, except win an election, and yasser arafat, and al gore, they say live as i say, not as i live, they live the royal life, and spread cake crumbs out there. Neil this takes the cake. Were giving ourselves a prize. Winning Nobel Peace Prize no longer has anything to do with peace, or prosperity, it depends on how much you want to beat up on the United States or our life styles, if you are willing to do, that well then you deserve the peace prize, these folks are living the royal life, what does bloomberg know about what is happening in Rockville Center with regard to fema. I was out there last week, people there is aking, where is fema, they have no clue, they want to regulate our lives, all of these bureaucrats, whether the european or mayor bloombergs who tell us how much salt they want us to eat. Neil if george bush were guilty of same sort of detachment, the press would be all over him, they were, but not now, not here. Friends of the media. Before it was liberals and media who were attacking bush, it is not liberals and media work not who are not attacking obama. How could anyone look at a Nobel Peace Prize with a straight face when it gets to yasser arafat. Neil a good point. This is a joke, almost a discredie to be given the number old peace prize, there were times whether people like mother teresa, and. It stands for a hit against u. S. , or hit gain values we told deep, if it is politically correct they are fine, if it is not forget it. Neil so much for that nobel prize for me. Neither one of us will get it. Neil klein is buying, china is buying, this is getting insane. We mean it, santa knows, prices are insane hit my me, t me [ laughter ] neil those predicts within 50 years china could be premiere Financial Economic giant, they have moved it to 20 years, and it is getting less and less time as we speak, so within 20 years, china eclipses us as the financial juggernaut of the world, carlos gutierrez, what do you make of that . They reduced growth rate to about 5 of out years, they must be making low assumptions about u. S. Growth rate, but this is a wakeup call we have to be thinking about the future, for some reason, the report talks about a governnnce gap. I think we have a political crisis that stems from the fact that we cant seem to to look forward, were always solving yesterdays problem or todays crisis, but we have to start looking to the future, we have an immigration system that dates back to the 50s were not opening new trademmrket. You know were just our energy we could have Energy Independence by 2020, we should be running full speed ahead. Neil this administration said they are addressing and looking at at future, and looking at solar and Green Technologies that chinese are buying up. Including some rescued and supported by us, china buys its way into the technologies, even copies, and buys our companies that are doing it but if we dont show the same for every or, our government, fervor, our government well be behind the 8 ball, what do you make of that . Solar and wind is not enough, if the chinese had our reserves of natural gas, and our reserves of shale oil they would be all over it, we have the opportunity to become the saudi arabia of natural gas by 2020. I dont see the urgency. I dont see the thrust coming from government to open our federal land to i incentivize production, were not doing what we need to be doing. Neil i think were getting cocko it, i mean, on right and left, were at a standoff with each other, ourselves and the chinese. They need us as much as we need them. And that because of that, because we need them to keep buying our debt or supporting the debt they own, they need to us keep buying stuff they make we have a fortunately beneficial i dont know tony soprano pact with them. We have further opportunities with china, the chinese companies, and chinese government, state own enterprises, they have made it a point to go global, that their next wave of growth. That is a lot of money they will be investing and making acquisitions and greenfield sites, we should do all we can to make sure as much of that money comes here but higher taxing and more regulation we impose on business, the more we scare them away, and more they go to different countries,. Neil secretary always good to see you thank you. Thank you appreciate it. Neil think about this, we bailed them out, now doling out hajj bucks to its huge bucks to its workers. What the quasi Government Agencies are doing. It will make you vomiting for days sick. This family used capital one venture miles to come home for the holidays. Thats double mile you can actually use. Sadly, their brothers whitchristmas just got blacked out. [ brother ] but its theamily party really jingles your bells, doesnt it my gift to you the catal one venture card for any flight, any time thats double miles yocan actually use how illuminating. Whats in your wallet . Let me guess, am on the naughty list again . Ho ho ho neil fannie mae and freddie mac with a bailout, now their workers get a pay out. They take home more than 200 grand a year. Catos dan mitchell said that, they should be shut down, this is outrage you on, sandra smith, joining us as you well, she does not have quite the same view. Fannie and freddie are like dracula and the werewolf, they brought a lot of destruction but they have been brought to their knees, we can drive a stake through their heart, instead we give them huge amounts of money. Im sure a lot are highly trained and expert people but get them out of the government, and get them into private sectors. Neil sandra. You have to pay to play. We have already bailed them out, why would you want to ask people to do things for free, you do pay for talent. We dont get everything for free. Neil what if they are not delivering . What are we going to do . Do away with fannie and freddie. Neil it is an idea. It is. But it is a reality considering the administration we have in place right now. Not a chance, so, these companies right now, in the Housing Market, that is still at its bottom, play a central role, if you do away with them you would see the motorrage rates skyrocket. Neil like, en dentured servants to these guys. You could say that. You want them to retain and attract top talent, weve already given them the tax money. We want the Housing Market to thrive here. Neil they account for bulk of mortgages out there. As many as 9 out of 10. So, you have to keep them vibrant and keep the workers who have the skills there. But that is just the point, i dont want the federal government subsidizing mortgages, we should have learned last decade, that is a big mistake to have the government intervene by trying to help us with our homes. Neil what would you do . Say, fannie, see you . I agree with other guest, obama was one of the biggest recipients of Campaign Contribution from fannie and freddie when he was senator, they will not be shut dunn while he in the white house, but lets do everything we can to, keep them as small as possible, not let them grow back to the malig malignant entities they were. It does offense me as a taxpayer to see these people get these generous salaries courtesy, from uncle sam in order to do bad things, we should not subsidize housing, period. Neil when ben took over aig, he instituted higher pay, he did turn a lot of things around. So, there is something to be said but aig is one thing, fannie and freddie . I would be more offended as a taxpayer after this rescue of the company, if the Housing Market does worse than it was. But, one other thing we could look at without talkso talking about doing away are fannie and away with fannie and freddie, is address the regulators, this is a choice, one that is already being discussed. They are ones that capped salary, at fannie and freddie, they are the ones that regulate and they are oversight of the companies right now, why not maybe dress that situation, they could be the root of the problem. Neil there could be too man people working there too many people period working there. You some point, you have to got to let the people working out the firms takeover, and you cant have the government have too many hands in there, as weve seen in the past that does not work. Neil your point is there are too many people at entity of fannie and freddie right now, leaving aside the government sticking its nose in. I am more than happy to let people get whatever amount of pay their talents will bring to them, assuming im not the one involuntarily paying for them, when you have subsidized, bailed you on, crony capitalist contraptions like fannie mae and freddfreddie mac. I dont top subsidize for rich people, and i dont want to miss alcoa kate capital in our economy, whether you look at this from north, south, east, west, fannie and freddie never should have been created, now that we know how much damage they do, they the state should be in their heart, put them in a led coffin, 6 feet under the ground, covered with concrete, and then i get it. Got it. Neil there is an argument he made that for all these guys, all this money, they had a heck of a record to show for it. Yes, but they have also attracted new talent, you have to retain them, were talking bay competitive environment. The level of top talent is very competitive right now. So for government to step in and say, regulate the, and say, were not going to allow you to spend how you need to spend, this company has responded, i wrote down the quote, it is quit critical for our company to pay the competitive salaries to retain the workers they have, why rescue the company if you are not going to allow them to do what they need to do. Dont rescue the company. It has already been done. Dont throw good money after bad, if they are talented, go to the private sector. Neil good points all, yes, rumors are true, dc im coming for you, yes, how i will defeat our deficit, ive been busy, i have to save the country behides read a pom prompter. Neil of three agoura cliff or a countdown is on. Twitter looks for a hero to save them. And somehow how to fix the mess. Neil is a super hero. The problems will be fixed. You cannot say bus. There are too many idiots. Just be your charming self. Trying to fix the cliff. Despite showing up your the bomb. We are facing the cliff. I take it upon myself not just to be a good reader but talk to the astronauts and i want to fly around the capital