At the Grassroots Level all the way out. Now, its starting to show up in the top 500 companies of the United States. We are in very difficult straits tonightfeature when you started talking about this, you werent yet heard that that you want that youcant think that companies can ignore the fallout for the fallout is fast and rious. How god is dead . I think its getting really dangerous. Because most companiesright now are in survival mode. They dont know what the futures going to be like. They cant get access to capital. Customers are scared to death. We are doing stupid thing like converting corn to fuel, we are sitting on great oil resves, natural gas, doing nothing with it. We are building solarplants in the west. It is the stupidest thing ive ever heard in my life. Neil i am going to hold you down to a maybe on green energy. [laughter] you have been a bipartisan on capitol hill. Wasting time as we pile 4 billion of debt every day. They are waiting for novemr for some closure. When you think happens when . The most dangerous thing in the rld is a lameduck session. They cram every bill with junk. So if you dont have the money, dont spend it. We have to retreat and backup away from this and try to get our priorities in line. If this was a business, we would fire the president can fire the ceo because he oesnt know how to generate a profit or engage people to solve problems. Neil is that the president order is keep bashing pitalism . Do they go to bar the other way . I think that is ridiculous. Nobody says i cant wait to go into work until today. Neil what should we do to get them hiring, gie them expanding . Serious leadership of the country that says that this is a Free Enterprise system, lets let the Free Enterprise work. I would take a good hard look at the whole country. My taxes went up 39 and came down 49 . How can anyby get excited about that when ure like god. So somehow we have to get strategic leadership that says that we need to get this engine and the economy pumping again. Neil do you think, and this i mentioned by mitt romney lot. You know that you are going to do things differently . Dubai that . Everybody talks about reducing taxes because they want more capital to grow their business. But its also regulations. Businesses are confronted at the township and city level. Here in chicago, you need 161 licenses to open up the business. If you open up a job shop, you have to have a license to give them a bath. Its ridiculous. Why cant we consolidate some of these things and reduce the reauacy . It isnt about the people collecting anything but a paycheck. Neil they mt realize that the more they push this, the more it it endangers the economy and theirery jobs are online. You would think so, when you . There is a lot of evidence that says those people inside the beltway are living in a bubble. Washington dc is the only city in the United States that has had taken continuousgrowthh what about when gas comes down . You have a gas situation where you have 4000 and thei wages have only gone up about 1 . Was coming up, where is the thing going to . It leaves cut taxes. Id like to see taxes go down and someone say america is great. Lets do everything we can to eliminate obstacles to success vmax my next guest says that regulations are really killing business. We have congressman eric cantor, the House Majority leader is pushing to cut the red tape. And since he does have out there, he actually has a shot at doing it. Its just too hard right now for businesses to continue to operate, given all the onerous and burdensome regulations coming out of washington. And we want to make that stop so we can turn the country aund and began to be a starter country again. We know that the Obama Administration over the course of the term has imposed 400 regulations that impose more than 100 million of costs annually on Small Businesses. The Small Business administration has said that there are so many regulatory burdens on Small Business that it cost them 10,000 per employee. Those are the kinds of things that we want to stop right now so we can see moe startup and jobs created. Is one thing to hope for freezing regulations. But i guess we had hoped for ateam canaday. If you dont know these regulations, you could be in big trouble. Lets say that you stop adding to the regulations. That alone has prompted the obama administrati say, well, republicans dont want to protect us. How are you going t answer the predictablcriticism that youre not looking outor folks, you are looking out for business interests . Well, we are. We are saying in health emergency, of course. Any sensible policymaker would say you have to be able to address those. But right now, the pendulum has swung so far that its very difficult to even conceive starting up your business. And we want that to occur again. Much less allowing for those who are operating businesses to keep the lights on and grow. You know, you look at the last three years. We have seen a 23 decline in the number of business startups. In america, we are a starter country and we want to see it happen again. Neil he was Ronald Reagans top money guy. Why he says capitalism is in trouble these days and its the governments fault. Theay, republicans as well. We have David Stockman acts. And Suzanne Somers on lala land going gaga over president obama. But next, ralph nader has had enough. He says that both parties in washington are flailing. And that is why the ecnomy is failing. [ morgan ] whats better than epic offers from visa like 20 off ea sports madden nfl 13 . You should never go forth and fourteen, you cant do that. 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Would you give them a tax holiday . You have to put it to use and do something . They tried that in 2004 and they brought back hundreds of villains. They put the murders and bonuses and what we have to do is recognize the president obama is not an economic dictator. The Federal Reserve can bring interest industry rates much lower. So we have to go to these two other areas are overwhelming support of inflation adjusted minimum wage. Im not alone in an environment li this, how are you gog to compel businesses, fast food joints and the rest, but its in there interest to raise the rates when they are barely getting by as it is just as henry ford did back before world war i to 5. He said he wanted people to buy the cards. Thats what you got to do. Neil so what abousubstance of the country where they have jobs with 10 an hour. Were people really arent jumping on these jobs. Where we have a country where help wanted advertising is at an alltime high. A lot of people, for whatever reason, it are having trouble with work. We are talking between seven and a quarter and 10. He would get a longoverdue pay raise just to in just to inflation. If you have Rick Santorum and mitt romney saying the minimum wage should be ingested, that would put pressure on them. Let me ask you this. Do you think the people are as tired of the notion of government could do something . We have seen a little bang for the buck. A lot of people are going the other way. They are careful to go that wa because they remember republicans. But is there a limit to what the government can do . Would you say that cars being made safely, and they say, you know,government cant make an economy as a whole. They dont have much power. We have to demand more from big business. Neil will te government demand that . Business can hardly keep up with the corporate climb. Barclays, jpmorgan chase, now, wasko, 3 billiondollar fine. We have to save these corporations. They were built on the backs of american workers. Build buildout by american taxpayers. Recording cord profs. Sitting on trillions of dollars, keeping them away from their owners and the investors and the workers. Neil are you sayi that there was crime involved . There was no crime involved. Are you saying that all of these guys ae typical . In other words with that there are more bad guys and good guys . The big guys have too much power and are too big to fail and all that. Leches take the fortune 500. Would you say, you mentioned three prominent companies. Would you say that is 3 . 5 . 50 . I just disagree with that. If you look at the reports, my book that youve mentioned, those are reports from the wall street journal. The ap, washington post, 60 minutes. We live in a corporate world. There are not enough on the corporate crime beat. Neil economic gloom and doom is actually helping this gentman alive. To are you kidding me . I am not kidding you. I just need 150 and not that. Want to try to crack it . Yeah, thats the way to do it now we need a ltle bit more. [ male announcer ] at humana, we understand the value of quality time and personal attention. Which is why we are proud to partner with Health Care Professionals who understand the difference that quality time with our members can make. Thats a veryice cake ohh [ giggles ] [ male announcer ] humana thanks the physicians, nurses, hospitals, pharmacists and other Health Professionals who helped us achieve the highest average star rating among National Medicare companies. And become the first and only National MedicareAdvantage Company to achieve a 5star rating for a medicare plan. Your efforts result in e quality of care and service were able to provide. Which means Better Health outcomes. And more quality time to share with the ones who matter most. I love you, grandma [ male announcer ] humana. So, which supet 4g lte service would yochoose, based on this chart . Dont rush into it, im not looking for the fastest answer. Obviously verizon. Okay, i have a different chart. Going that w, does that make a difference . Look at verizon. Its so much mor than the other ones. So what if we just changed the format altogether . Isnt that the exact same thing . Its pretty clear. Still sticking with verizon. Verizon. More 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined. Im n going anywhere. Go right out the front door. How about that . How about that . Listen here, listen i dot give a darn, you can have it. Here is your ball. Neil here is something that israel is the economy. Its a very bad, that business that pawnshops well, he says everyone is coming in lately and even rich folks. Thats what our next guest says. She left calmly, because she had no option. When we cant take your pond item, we can help you. It started with her in it sonated on to me. We dont want to be disrespectful. When you disrespect us, we act accordingly. Neil you act a little scare away. What is going on here . You know, we are hearing so much about wedding rings and Engagement Rings and everything. We have seen an uptick in people that make a lot of money what average folks are telling you, showing you, palming onto you, tell us about the economy. We have merchandise which is up online, with the other one is for redeeming merchandise. The economy is good. Our sales floor is busier. Our palmines are longer and we are taking in a lot more merchandise. Right now its getting a little bit better. People are working desperately to get to work. People just need to go out and every morning when you wake up coming have to ask yourself, how bad do you want to . Go get a job, it doesnt matter if you clean the streets are wed a lawn, or you are a doctor, there are opportunities out there. What i advise them is dont over extend yourself. Neil so my wifes 250,000dollar ring, [talking over each other] [talking over each other] weve been doing this long enough, we understand. Dont go anywhere else. Thank you very much for coming. He is the guy. We will have the response to barack obama coming up next. Neil it has be pretty much the legacy of this president s term and it was handed off by his predecessor if you think about it. Auto companies, you name it. A lot of us actually started a long time ago before each of these men even came in to office. Back to the carter years, to chrysler a very big bailout. David stockman, who was then a congressman was urging against. I was running for reelection and chrysler was the biggest employer and i got the highest of election because i suck my principles. The professionals knew that if they got in trouble, they were big enough to make a stink and to go down. Neil but now thngs have switched. Now they have gone from too big to fail. Up the speech that i gave and i was very unpopular in the mission michigan delegation. I voted against the appropriation. [talking over each other] Ronald Reagan might get. The point was it was a mistake then. Not only for chrysler, because we had to bail them out again 25 years later, how can we have Financial Markets that have been disciplined where mistakes and errors go unpunished . You can. Capitalism doesnt work that way. Neil i agree with you. You bertie concerned me. We had no choice because there was a financial abyss waiting. But if we can stabilize, the whole world would have collapsed. Ive been spending the last 2. 5 years writing a book on this very topic thawill be coming out next winter. Take aig. They had writte proper rules, they wouldnt have had these problems. Therefore, we could have put aig into bankruptcy. The only difference is one woman was writing all this stuff. So we would have survived . Yes. Neil now we have an environment where this is routinely done. The European Central bank will do the same over there. What has become of capitalism . The capitalism has been destroyed by central banks. They are the price of death. When you have the entire Financial System trading off the last of the statements and whispered words of the central banks, it is no longer dog its job. Or allocating capital, discounting the future, making choices within the Financial System. So if you dont have Capital Markets that are robust and working, how can you have a dynamic of capitalism . I dont think you do. This is the ultimate fault of this money printing binge that were on today. Neil up that the chicken is coming to roast . Everybody is making their own choice. We have massive speculation going on. Basically we are diveting capital to a spectrum of use. What we are telling washington, you are running a deficit for the fourth year in a row and yet you can borrow money almost for nothing. So why dont you just wait another year or two years. Who wants to take the fall . Who wants to take the political heat if you can borrow money for five years, which is what they are doing now. Neil we are building another debt bubble . Yes, we are doing so. I dont know what you call it. Weve never been there before, weve never had a central bank. Weve never had anything like that. You dont think it can walk past the graveyard much longer . I dont think so. I dont think we can whistle the tune vermuch longer. Okay. Neil if you had a lead suit you would buy it. [laughter] neil dad, thank you so much. The president is now speaking out. That coming upnext twins. I didnt see them coming. I have obligations. Cute obligations, but obligatio. I need to rethink the core of my portfolio. What i really need is sleep. Introducing the ishares core, Building Blocks for the heart of your portfolio. Find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. Ishares by blackrock call 1800ishes for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. Read and consider it carefully before investing. Risk includes possible loss of principal. Neil probably not a fox alert to tell you that huge celebrities like democrats, they actually help the president win if you think about it. But not every star was going gaga over the president. Suzanne somers says that that is a risk for them as well. If you are conservative, you are not welcome in hollywood. Is it really does liberal bastion . Yes, it is a liberal bastion. They dont associate with moderate to conservative . It is all about that ideology. You know, when you make that much money, you dont care. Because you have your money. Neil would they think about when jon lovitz came along. Hes not invited either hes never going to be invited. Neil but he said enough of this. I thought that was interesting. Not many people speak out like that. I have a little business, so i like to not offend anybody. So i dont tell anybody my views either way. Neil i would say im a centrist that leans to the right. Neil you have to be moderate on her persona non grata. I sell my little life with my organic skincare. Neil thats a lot of money for your little skincare line. I didnt leave tv. I was escorted and booted out the door in and fired. I get tired a lot. How dare me to expect themto pay me what they pay the men. But then it was good because i thought i will never work for anybody else again. So i work for myself, and i have all these years. All the Beauty Products and things, everything around her image, do you feel a lot of pressure without . To feebeautiful . I just wake up like this and its so easy. Neil me too. [laughter] i sawyou talk to will tell welsh. My thing is that she knows her image is everything. Everytng has to be right. Her writing is very good anyway. I feel pretty confident. Neil you know, the writing at 50 pounds, did you know that . [laughter] talking over each other] [talking over each other] neil will this be mitt romneys disadvange to the media . It probably is, but it wont be to me. I think that he should have come out a long time ago and said this. But anyway im glad he did. Most of my friends are. Neil hes not going to pick up any additional electoral votes, maybe he did it for all the right asons. It couldve been perfect timing. Neil what do you mean . Wl, you know, neil with some liberal friends hold off on giving him more money . I think that a contingency did. This is what they really want. If they are not thinking about the ramifications on the economy and whats going to happen in this country goes socialist. Neil do you think that this country will go socialist . I do worry. I have my little business and i do worry. At a certain point when youre a Small Business like i am neil youre not a Small Business. You ara Warren Buffett with longhaired if you reach a point where you get to 75 , which is being tossed aroun there, how can you keep your employees . At some point when youre not making any profit. Neil a lot of what you say, it is 35 right now, that what youre saying, you bring in up to 39. 6 under clinton. I might be able to live without. I might not. Is their level of crunching the numbers . You are pretty good at math . I am maied to a canadian and i can always run to canada. [laughter] he has dual citizenship. Neil may be billionaires are not focung on jobs because they are focusing on their love lives or their lack of one. How the grinch are stiking out these days. It could be a real beach for it could bthe boys usech for capital one venture miles for their annual football trip. Thats double miles you can actually use. Tragically, their y got sacked by blackouts. But its our tradition thats roughing the card holder. But with the capital one venture card you get double miles you can tually use. [ cheering ] any flht, anytime. The scoreboard doesn lie. Whats in your wallet . Hut i have me on my fantasy team. I heard you guys can ship ground for less than the ups store. Thats right. Ive learned the onlyay to get a holiday deal is to camp out. You know weve been open all night. Is this a trick to gemy spot . [ male announcer ] break from the holiy stress. Save on ground shipping at fedex office. Neil if you are rich, the president is itching to go after you. My next guest says that is bad, but this could be worse. Millionaires and billionaires are having a taxing good time finding love. But 1800flowers jim mccann says that he has the fix for that. I am finding that the peak is in. They are all telling me about what things are all about, the number one or number twohow in the country is the big bang theory, so we are all celebrating the geek. Neil this idea that if you have is business, very good common sense, i think they are looking for answers in all the wrong places. How do you invite them . I will tell you a a florist, it is Good Business being in an ability to help people and relationships. I have been a social worker, i have been a florist, and both have a common theme. I wrote a book abot my discoveries about the thing that makes us unique on this planet, which is a core of the story. The matter what, everything we do, whether its the places we work with a Service Organizations that w might want to come in the sporting activities, we are all seeking out social intimacy. And if you are a hardworking and hardcharging geek of some success or not, you may not have the opportunity to meet someone, yet we are searching for that every day. Neil you have a lot of guys that send flowers from secret admirers and all that. We are very happy to hear that. Neil you were telling me during the break that the number of guys who send flowers out is not a reflectionon of a date or anniversary is because he they are sorry or they did something stupid. Theres not a days that goes by that i dont have a young guy come up to me and say you saved my butt so many times because ive always screwed up. Either we make less mistakes, but its a High Percentage for young men. T so much for the older guys. They be we have smartened up. Neil you should have an apology bouquet. We have a dog house uk. Do people use flowers to make a statement . During the last few years, the top recessionary times, we saw a number of transactions with the average ticket was down. And our food busies held up even better. A box of chocolates mighte a little bit less ephemeral than a bouquet of flowers. Birthdays are still going to come around. All of those celebratory occasions are going to come around they need to participate in. We had a nice Little Service that will help others. Neil who better than the guy who plays cliff on how jobs are falling off a cliff. John mica murder on layouts that are way out of the norm. And while he says his fix is better than washingtons. Better than washingtons. Bar none. 4g lte is the fastest. So, which supeast 4g lte service would yochoose, based on this chart . Dont rush into it, im not looking for the fastest answer. Obviously verizon. Okay, i have a different chart. Going that way, does that make a difference . Look at verizon. s so much more than the other ones. So what if we just chang the format altogether isnt that the exact same thing . Its pretty clea still sticking with verizon. Verizon. More 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined. Neil clip is going postal. A famous actor who play clip on theit tv show cheers, with millions of workers struggling to find work, heis working to get actors back to work. Neil it was almost ingrained in us to move away from that. It really killed us, do not. Yes, it did. I started talking about the subject about 10 years ago when the water was at her ankles and now its up to her chin. Because the average age of someone who is skilled and can make things, wheer its in a fax factory or a plumber or welder is about 57 years old. Very soon, they will all be retired and we have no one coming up after them. Everyone is talking about what kind of capricorn where. But we are heading for acrisis. While business, whatever the businesses, stems from two things. Mining, manufacturing and farming. Everything springs from now. You have to have peopl showing up to have the skills. And we have never taught her kids the skills the last 30 years. They would sooner turn those guys away and search for cheaper labor. E reality is decades. You are not going to call a plumber from china to unclog your toilet or a welder. Neil so now you are saying that we have to encourage this. So we put alost a Scarlet Letter to a . It is hollywoods fixation they came out of the Charlie Chaplin view of factory workers. Its not like that anymore. You have to have computer skills. People who give advice to High School Kids should say, start educating kids like we used to. Neil even if they found their jobs that dont pay what they used to, in this environment, it will pay you anything you are going to get and you will be grateful for it. The government has to understand. [talking over eh other] [talking over each other] neil what about barack obama . The government needs to get out of the way. Manufacturing is to america what spinach is to popeye. The strength of america is manufactured. Neil you dont think we can have a great country based on service . Again, you go back to or terminals and electricity has to come through there. Where you get do you get that from . A hydroelectric dam words power that is coalfired. And now now they have all of these restrictions on coal mining and also the hydroelectric and i have talked to the people and they said that they cant find workers that work on the turbines to repair the turbines. Sohe day to come. It could come when no one is around to manufacture it. Every little part has to be shaped. Someone has toake a chunk of metal and put it into the machine and all that down to 120 southend 120,000th of an inch. Neil you been in every pixar movie. True, but in the long haul, actors, sports, celeities, the rest ofus, we arent. Neil how did you do it . How did you succeed and do the things you do hodo you you still be a big succs in hollywood . The left loves you. The right loves you. And its pretty much from as far as i as i can tell from a u. N. Plan is for it. I dont get it. My message goes across the board. You have to cross the same bridge everyday whether you are republican or democrat. Neil but it doesnt ht you signing up to the next pixar movie wee undertaking. I hope they just dont watch the show. Neil that will do it, thnk you for wahing. Be prosperous and safe and be loved