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How big when it comes. The dow sold off nearly a quarter of its value, wiped out in a single day. That would be the equivalent of the dow umbling more than 3000 points today. Still back in 1987 every major blip and bump since we always heard the same stock song and dance, didnt we. Cant happen again. Wont happen again. Too many protections now. The Circuit Breakers that were supposed to arrest panic but did not. The curbs that were meant to ease us into a freefall and ease us out of a freefall that could not. Try as we might new gremlins keep testing our might. That is one thing we learn from market history, the smartest programs, the fancy evident algorithms and uncanny leverage or daring derivative or i dont know, savvy swap cant prevent slop. Beware those who say history cant repeat itself. History proves it always, always does. To former bb T John Allison who was president of that bank 25 years ago today on the very real warning signs it can happen again today. John, a pleasure to have you. You dont look a day older my friend but what do you make of then and now and everyone says, well, you know that is ancient history. What do you say . Good afternoon, neil. Great to be with you. Let me try to give context i was president of bb t during that correction. It is important to understand exactly what happened because the correction didnt happen on a shortterm thing. It happened on a longterm phenomenon. started with johnson back in the 60s when he wanted a war on poverty and vietnam war and didnt want to tax people to do that, so the feds started printing money. That continued in 1970s that resulted in massive inflation. The fed had to correct the mess it made. Raised the prime rate to 81 . That created severe economic correction and fall in the market. In a way it was short and clean and government didnt do anything. We started on real solid and real growth. Alan greenspan who was the new head of the fed really arbitrarily decided real growth was a bad thing the misconstrued and thought it was inflation. He started arbitrarily raising Interest Rates. Neil just to explain youre an enencyclopedia for people who hadnt be older as we are. Ronald reagan was president and point often missed in history Ronald Reagans response to the crisis was essentially, dont go overboard with big fixes and expensive fixes. The famous query when asked about the falloff, i think he said something to the effect markets go up, markets go down. In other words, dont make a mountain out of what could be a comparatively a molehill and overdo it setting up for the next crash. They kept it besides Circuit Breakers and curbs, they sort of limited it to that. Cynics and critics of Ronald Reagan said that set up scandals and everything else. But i really do think it kept the government out of screwing up something that they would only make worse. What do you think . Absolutely because the market needed to correct. Resources needed to be allocated. We were misallocating resources because of inflation and they needed to be reallocated. Thats when we decided to have real growth. When the market prevents governments from clearing we dont have real growth and struggling like we do today. This is reality today. Bernanke is printing money like crazy for four years. Stock market is reincoming somehow Interest Rates will be low. Pes are vulnerable particularly in tech stocks or high pe stocks. If we do get growth and fed is forced to raise Interest Rates the market is vulnerable. The vulnerabilities longterm bond market where the fed is arbitrarily buying down the long end. Neil that is the next bubble. Every Single Market selloff whether single day event or dramatic turn down of months or years is triggered by a bubble that bursts or at least pricked and air is colling out. You could argue with real estate in 87. You could argue the mania of leveraged buyouts in 89. Meltdown of real estate again. Some say it is bond market and art first quarterly low Interest Rates this time around as you were up toing on. Ii this the modern day bubble. I have been in the banking business 40 years. I think every bubble has been fundamentally created by the federal reserve. If we had stable Monetary System based on Gold Standard we would have much less volatility. The fed always overreacts. Neil youre right. They try to fix things and make a mess. I dont think markets are anywhere near as volatile as the fed is. I think the fed creates a lot of this market volatility by misleading people, trying to do economicalcation economical class. Neil that is interesting. Fed is more volatile than the markets. Always words of wisdom. Thank you my friend. Good to see you again. Thank you, neil. Neil maybe wall street isnt pulling something fancy or washington doing nothing at all, nothing. Edward jones managing director says congress and cliff almost begs thescal markets fall off that cliff. He puts his money where his mouth is. He is one of 60 bankers that sent off a letter to washington demanding action. He is a partisan barber. Were not blaming either of you guys, do something and do something soon. Have you gotten any response . The response that weve gotten, neil has been primarily internal at our firm. Theyre glad to see us speaking up, lending our voice to the need for bipartisan action as well as president and congress to come together so the u. S. Doesnt go off a fiscal cliff. Neil getting a pat on the back from saying something bold is a far cry from actually following up on your recommendation and doing something bold. Well, no, thats very edward jones helps serious long term individual investors to reach their financial goals. We work with very conservative individuals who are frustrated, who are fearful right now, who are very concerned the lack of action, gridlock in washington will cause. Neil what do you say to them, to you, to other bankers that signed the letter . Theyre on the front line looking at torpedoes. Talk about a meltdown there could be the same for you, right . It is not reasonable to believe that theres anything good will come out of going over the fiscal cliff. It will adversely affect the markets. Neil what about delaying it . Talk is delaying it . What about delaying it six months . By delaying it what you will do neil is buy some time. You will buy some time regardless how the election turns out hopefully we can get the president and congress to have an openminded, bipartisan discussion with some longer term perspective that will address both spending as well as the revenue side of the budget. Neil james, youre an excellent read of the markets. One of the reasons why i respect the heck out of you. I wonder how the markets respond to a delay with the hope that that delay produces an agreement on a simpler tax system, a budget reform, you know, hope always springs eternal but you and i are probably old enough to remember it doesnt always pan out that way. So you get your delay. The markets dont share our collective hope and confidence that you strike a deal. They might sell off, right . Oh, and agencies might say, oh, youre punting again, you washington. And there will be hell to pay, a big market selloff. What do you think . Neil, i think some of the activity youre seeinggin the market right now today and more recently this week may be anticipating the fiscal cliff and the lack of willingness or, Movement Toward addressing it. There, again, i will repeat myself. There is nothing good that will come out for allowing us to go over the cliff. Neil youre exactly right james, thanks for taking time. My pleasure. Neil what is the 25th anniversary, is it gold, silver . I have no idea. It is not a happy one. Always good having you, james. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, neil. Neil by the way i will be live in boca raton, thats monday for the final president ial debate. We start things off at 8 00 p. M. Going through midnight. Dont you know the fiscal cliff will come out and romney forces are saying it is Foreign Policy debate they will work like crazy how this economic abyss pthreatens our national security. Watch creative ways they bring all of this into that. By the way, mitt romney is breaking out his swing state secret weapon and his name is paul, rand paul. The senator hitting the road for romney but before he does he stops by here first. Dont laugh, romneys entire campaign could get a jolt because of this. People seem to be very curious as to how we prepare for the debates. Let me tell you what i do. First, refrain from alcohol for 65 years before the debate. [laughter] second, find the biggest available view men and mercilessly attack it. Big bird didnt even see it coming. [laughter] [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but doesnt ver everything. Only about 80 of urpart. The rest iup to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured unitedhealthcare insurae company. Like all standardized mecare , they pick up some of wt medicare doesnt pay. And save you up to thousands of dollars in outofpocket costs. Call today to request a fr decision ide to help you better uerstand what medare is all about. And which aarp Medicare Supplement plan works best f you. With these types of plan youll be le to visit any ctor or hospit that accepts medicare patients. Plus, ere are no network and youll never need a referral to see a specialist. Theres a range of plans to choose from, too. And they all travewith you. Anywhere in the country. Join the milons who have already enrolled inhe only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an Organization Serving the needs ofeople 50 and over fogeneraons. And provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. Call tay. Remember, medire supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesnt pay expenses that could really add up. These kindof plans could save you up to thousands in outofpocket costs. Youll be able choose any doctor o accepts medicare patients. And you never need referrals. So dt wt. With all the good years ahead, look forhe experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. This easytounderstand guide will answer some of your questions, and help youind the aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. Neil yet another sign of an unhealthy economy, this could make you sick, very sick. More people are collecting full Government Health benefits than are actually working full time, first time in this countrys history that happened. The government is growing, jobs are not and thats got reasons magazine worried. Peter, that is incredible. I didnt know that was statistically possible but i guess it is. What do you make of it . The way medicaid works, as economy gets weaker more people end up enrolled in medicaid. Medicaid is the big one. We see rise in medicare enrollment because the baby boom generation is turning 65 and hit retirement age and enroll in medicare. With medicaid, the way the program works, if you fall below on poverty sca wle have since 2008, at that point there were about 42 Million People on the prog people need to have their own health insurance. Neil you know what i worry about, peter in this debate, you and i chatted about it before, what got to be the distraction in the romney 47 thing. A lot of people got upset, noses properly out of joint, that included soldiers and retirees many who paid into the system for a lot of years and they were rightly upset but when you step back, the question missed accuracy of the percentage. How did we get to 47 paying no income taxes and that many relying on government ben of some sort or another . Not that many deserve it but essentially doubled since i got out of college. As we know that was just a few years ago. All right, im lying about that. But my point how do we get that under control . The math doesnt favor our continuing to do so . You know, that is a good question. I think the really worrying thing here is the poor results that we see from medicaid. Not just that the program is expanding. This is a program that has surprisingly bad health outcomes. If you look and compare people on medicaid versus people who are uninsured entirely cancer survival rates for medicaid patients are basically, almost no better. They did a study a couple years back looking at people who had major surgery under medicaid and with no insurance at all, people with medicaid had mortality rates twice as high, more expensive, longer hospital stays. What were trying to do with the Obama Administration wants to do is expand this program. Obamacare expand medicaid by somewhere between 10 and 15 Million People over the next decade or so. Thats really worrying. Rather than trying to pare back these programs, focus them on the poor, needy, folks who really need it, what were doing is expanding them, turning them into middle class entitlements. Neil it doesnt address something that goes on behind the scenes. Doctors who cringe dealing with those almost going to pay the bill entirely on the governments dime and that, it is not to put them in sort of evil terms but, that, that expands the pool of available treated out there and theres only so many doctors and there is only so many mri machines and so many available treatments. So by just sheer math alone were going to spread ourselves pretty thin, right . Medicaid beneficiaries have some of the hardest time finding providers to see them. Neil sure. A big part of that because reimbursement rates are so low. Rather again, rather than scale the program back, focus it on the people who really need it what were trying to do is exxand it and were going to be the spreading doctors thin. What we will end up doing paying doctors even less while at the same time expanding number of people who are insured through this program we then expect them to treat. It will not add up. It will not work. Neil something is very wrong when you started medicare itself, before medicaid, started out as 66 million under president johnson in 195 or 6, my memory escapes me and it last grown to this half trillion dollar behemoth today. It started out with focused attempt for people who really, really needed it as it did with food stamps those genuinely poor and people who really need it. We get to the ballooning figures, some more and more getting in and some dont need it at all and could quite fend for themselves but sets up dependency that is scary. Medicaid when it started in the mid 1960s inflation adjusted cost was about 9 billion. Last year the federal government spent about 275 billion. Neil oh, my gosh. States about another 100 billion. What the Obama Administration wants to do is double the federal spending on this the next decade. By 202 the plan is spend roughly 600 billion on a program. This is not the way to reform a program. Theyre expanding a program that just doesnt work. Really a bad sign for the eeonomy. It is a bad sign for peoples health. It is a bad sign for taxpayers. Neil peter, thank you very much. As i tell on people on the show. Not a left or right or green or blue. The green is not there to keep doing the kind of stuff peter was elaborating on. It is not there. It is onestop place we tell you. It is not a democratic bashing, this is not aa3 republican bashing, the numbers arent there to support it. We better come up with better math because this aint cutting it. You remember this doozy from mitt romney a couple months ago. I cant tell you anything about the vp process, neil, you know that. If i did, i would have to, you know, have to come after you with my men in black flashlight and erase your memory. Neil that was kind of funny. But i think he got himself a comedy coach and came up with something even funnier, because last night, this guy, had them in stitches. Im going to tell you, the dividends are already showing up. The campaign can require a lot of wardrobe changes. We, blue jeans in the morning perhaps. Suits for a lunch fundraiser. Sport coat for dinner but it is nice to finally relax and where what ann and i wear around the house. [laughter] [ male announcer ] how do you make 70,000 trades a send. Reach one customer at a te . Or help doctors turn billions of bytes of shared information. Into a fifth anniversary of rission . Whatever your business challenge, dell has the technologan services to help you solve it. Giveyou a 50 annual bonus. A everye, but her. Likes 50 more cash. But, i have an idea. Do you want a princess dress . Yes how about some cupcakes . Yes lollipop . Yes do youant an etch a etch . Yes do you wan50 more cash . No you got talent. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. With a 50 nnual cash bonus its the card for people who like more cash. What in your wallet . I usually say that. Of course the economy is on everybodys mind. The Unemployment Rate is at the lowest level since i took office. I dont have a joke here. I thought it would be useful to remind everybody that the unemployment is the lowest its been since i took office. [applause] he knows how to seize the moment this president. And already has a compelling new campaign slogan. Youre better off now than you were four weeks ago. [laughter] neil well, both candidates trading zinges at last nights Al Smith Dinner. Were used to see the president drop a few fun necessary. But mitt romney hit the stage like Richard Pryor than richard nixon. With recent gains in likeability polls, dont dismiss this. Because it has a serious impact. For a few laughs maybe the governor pushed himself over the top. Might be premature but who better on all things political details than a guy who is walking encyclopedia on them, fox news digital editor, chris stirewalt. I had the opportunity to be there last night. I got to tell you it was in as much in his demeanor and delivery than the stuff he said that blew folks away in that room. And, does this stuff resonate . Does it have an impact . What do you think . Well, heres the deal, comedy is about timing, comedy is also about expectations. Just like politics, it is about expectations. And mitt romney knew that since he had this reputation as being a stiff, and being this rich guy and being all of that stuff, a tea totaller who doesnt drink he had this expectation. He went in and able to use thaa to flip it a bit. And cast himself as somebody who could poke fun at himself and poke fun at the president and laugh. He was very funny. He clearly had good jokes but also delivered them the right way. Look there is no comedy routine that will put everybody over the top, but what you saw in romney was the same thing you saw in Ronald Reagan, that you saw in bill clinton, and that you saw in george w. Bush, which was the ability to get a room on your side and make them laugh and for mitt romney, who has long struggled with a likeability gap with barack obama, its important for him to show that he doesnt take himself too seriously. Neil looked like george bush, when he became president theyre all laughing at me so i might as well laugh at myself. Here is why it could have a impact that those reagancarter, the only reagancarter debate, im sorry, there was picture and portrayal of Ronald Reagan all but lucifer in pinstripes. Lo and behold hh is not that bad. He is funny, amiable and warm. Although much in different time and era to a degree like mitt romney. He was portrayed in ads callous 47 , evil rich guy and private capital guy and people saw him and say, he is not so bad. Jokes replay on all the news channels as they do from the Al Smith Dinner and a whole different impression. Does that warm him up to people who might be sitting on the fence, all right, maybe this guys okay . Sure and it helped him throughout, the expectations that were set about mitt romney by barack obama in six months of attacked as, and were said about mitt romney by the establishment press, mitt romney has had a fun time and pretty easy time it turns out foiling that because it was so much of a caricature. So comedy helps that. You remember, neil, barack obama said of Hillary Clinton youre likable enough during their debates . Neil yes, yes. There is such a thing as likable enough. It is not probable that mitt romney will be considered more likable than barack obama who is the youngish, first africanamerican, other of two, who goes on sportscenter and that stuff. He is lot hipper than mitt romney who is sort of hip to be square. So maybe he is never going to be as likable as him but what we have seen is that mitt romneys favorability number, which means that people are okay with you, has gone up. Those things are correlated. If romney can demonstrate he is an okay guy, he can laugh pat himself, tell a joke and he can do that, that helps people find him acceptable in this case you may be talking about somebody who is likable enough. Neil i love your comment about hip to be square, one of his said i came here tonight because they wanted me to be the designated driver. Just blew the house away and deadpan delivery. I think he was reinforcing and quite happy in his, you know, maybe nerdy skin and just showing the world that and relishing it. Well see. That is tough to say the president wasnt funny. We expect him to be funny. Is very funny and very glib but i dont think people expected that mitt romney. Well see if it pans out. Chris, you are as kblib and funny as you are brilliant my friend. Thank you for joining us tonight. Nerds unite. Neil nerds unite. Thanks, chris stirewalt. Heres what happens when you throw Hillary Clinton under the bus. She drives you off the cliff. What the secretary of state said in a womens magazine has the white house fearing it just lost women period. You see us, at the start of the day. On the Company Phone list thats a few names longer. You see us bank on busier highways. On once empty fields. Everyday you see allhe ways all of us at us bank are helping grow oueconomy. Lendinmore so companies and communities caexpand, greveryday you see all of us serving you, around the country, around the corner. Us bank. Oh, hey alex. Just picking up some, brochuresposters copies of my acceptance speech. Great its always good to have a backup plan, in case i get hit by meteor. Wow, your hair loo great. Didnt realize they did photoshop here. Hey,ood call on those mugs. Cant let em see what youre drinking. Know, imlad were both running a nice, clean race. No need to get nasty. Heres youhonk if you had an fair with taylor yard sign. Looks good. [ male announcer ] fedex office. Now save 50 on banners. Neil did hill just knock barack for a loop no not on the benghazi thing but this woman thing . In the west wing someone wants to get a hold of Hillary Clinton and just throttle. It started innocently enough in a marie claire interview when the secretary of state was asked about the challenges women face with work and family. Cutting to the chase, hilly essentially told them to shut up. I cant stand whining. I applaud her frank response. I dont like whining. For example, when fat people blame the condition on thyroid. By the way the camera does add 50 pounds. Its true. Back to i will had. For women it could put this democratic ticket in hell. Not the best timing since team romneyryan have been getting fast and furious with females. After being thrown under the bus on libya as some see it, is Hillary Clinton getting away as fast as she can from that bus as some now increasingly see it . We are on it. State department saying that clintons comments were taken out of context. I actually have the full interview here. I will delve into it more. I dont think they were taken out of context. Tea Party Activist is here and saying this is damage to the president and it is done. I dont think she said anything offensive. I think she was just saying we all have to suck it up and deal with it. Well get into the particulaas. If you hear the clips and reaction, youll think that she was demeaning or ripping women for complaining and that will do enough damage, right . Oh, absolutely, neil. You know, paging eva longoria and the rest of the whining pathetic women out there on this war on women brigade, you know, Hillary Clinton just made the case for every woman in america to vote for mitt romney because guess what . This is america. And your life is all a circumstance based upon your choices. Hillary clinton simply she has completely debunked this myth somehow there is war on women when people are out there wanting free choice and wanting women to make their own choices. This is a big win for women and i think it. Neil she was framiig it in a way that made it kind of odd. She was asked about, a lot of women who juggle career and kids and all of that. She went on to say if youre not happy do something about it. Live in time you have endless choices. Mon money certainly helps. You dont have to money to go for it but you have to work on yourself. Do something. What is so novel about that . Is essentially the essence of people who want to succeed in life anyway . Male or female. She is saying if you want to go to something in life, that is your choice, quit whining about it and go for the gus stow. Neil, the key word, there is a key word there, women who are organized and have a support system in place who have kids and do quite well. But lets take it even further than that if you want to separate working women and women not working. How we find out to get into those binders that governor romney was looking at because there are a lot of women out there who would loveethe opportunity to work for such a strong, moral courageous leader like mitt romney. Neil that binder comment, you would think he was like, going through penthouse here because the president was seizing on that today in virginia. Want you to react to this real quick. Sure. When the next president and congress could tip the balance of the highest court in the land in a way that turns back the clock for women and families for decades to come, you dont want someone who needs to ask for binders of women. You want a president who is already appointed 2 unbelievable women to the Supreme Court of the united ptates. Neil what do you make of that . Well, i think it is just pretty pathetic the Democrat Party and this pathetic women whining brigade are out there actually trying to convince women were so helpless and so needy and so pathetii we need a man ii the white house making decisions for us. There is o such thing as going backwards. Women are the largest minority in this country, so, i think that is why you see women shifting towards mitt romney because theyre just not buying all the bs coming out of this party. Neil well, you speak your mind, katrina. I will say that. Good seeing you again. Thank you very, very much. Thank you, neil. Neil like father, not like son. Why rand is going to bat for mitt despite dad. 4g lte is the fastt. Sowhich supeast 4g lte service would yochoose, based on this chart . Dont rush into it, im not looking for the fastest answer. Obviously verizon. Okay, i have a different chart. Going that way, does that make a difference . Its so much more than the other ones. Isnthat the exact same tng . Its pretty clear. Still sticking with verizon. Verizon. More 4g lte coverage than all oth networks combined. Neil his dad might have doubts about mitt, does not mean rand paul does. Prove Tea Party Kentucky republican senator storm New Hampshire. State is popular and Big Government is not. Senator, always a pleasure to have you with us. Thanks for joining us. Glad to be with you, neil. If i were mitt romney naturally i want you there. Father certainly popular there. Libertarian view of conservative view of limited government extremely popular there. Is that a sign that mitt romney is worried there . Well, you know, i dont think so necessarily. I think that they have just asked me to go to different place, ohio, New Hampshire, nevada, some of these places have appeal to libertaria libertarianminded republicans and i think i can help to get the enthusiasm going and get our base energized. Because the reason why i asked, if your father, still been kind of, you know, not so peachy keen on mitt romney. Certainly not peachy keen on barack obama. I wouldnt know who he votes for. Has he told you . If he is not aggressively supporting mitt romney, what is he doing . Im not authorized to speak on his behalf. I have to talk to him at thanksgiving see what im allowed to say. Right now he hasnt told me one way or another. Neil he doesnt mind, you, he doesnt mind you going on the stump for mitt romney and to the degree you have shown your support . No. And he realizes that were different people. There are many things that i will support, many causes that i Will Champion that he has championed for years. But we wont always be the same. And i consider the politics of the election to be the strategy for trying to get the best person, the next person between governor romney and obama is stark. I dd worry about 23 Million People out of work. I worry about businesses are terrified of this president. I think we have to have a change in direction for the country. While ron paul was my first pick, im very happy to be supporting governor romney and i think he will make a difference. Neil do you think he is the before shot at getting serious tax budget reform . The argument for, getting an extension, senator, in all the tax rates that expire, spending cuts, is, that, if it could be cobbled together with a deal to seriously reform the tax code, the whole budget process, mitt romney is the guy to do it . Conversely they say punting on this isnt the answer. It would hurt a president elect romney if that were to come to pass. What do you think . Im of the opinion rather than trying to get overall tax reform in one big huge package, that will take a year after romneys elected. My advice to him, break it up into pieces and immediately start passing something to show the American People we will help them. Corporate nng tax, Many Democrats agree we should lower it. Why dont we lower the Corporate Income tax and not make it part of some 2,000 page bill. Lets just lower the Corporate Income tax and if people say, that will add to the deficit, lets all offset it with spending cuts. Neil what about the romney position, when it comes to, with lowering taxes for across board particularly for the rich . That it will be revenue neutral . I take enough credits deductions allowances away. It is a wash. The rich will remain paying 60 of the taxes as they do now . But his big emphasis seems to be in these debates, senator, it is revenue neutral. That struck many as a surprise, and they were expecting a big tax cut and now they fear looking at big tax cut. Might not be a simpler tax system but but wont be a big tax cut. What do you feel about that. Revenue neutral tax cuts dont excite me. I want to stimulate the private sector by leaving more money in the private sector. When i Campaign Around kentucky, ohio, New Hampshire i want more money left in the pockets of people who earned it. Neil he is not doing that. He is not doing that. Well, i will have my voice. That will be my voice because my voice will be, we balance it. I dont want to add to the deficit either, but we balance it with spending cuts. Im for getting rid of deductions. Neil senator, im sorry, he doesnt talk as much about that. Im not saying vaguely, you dont know what specifically he will cut. Pbs is one of them. Go ahead. The reason i make the point is, that everybodys hassling governor romney will your deductions add up to enough to balance the tax reforms so it is revenue neutral . My point would be first, we want more money left in the private sector so it doesnt have to be neutral. If you want it to balance so it doesnt add to the deficit lets cut government spending. That should be the message. Whenever we grown the economy we lowered rates for ebb. We got rid of deductions, when we lowered the rate, under reagan we cut the Unemployment Rate in half and several years of growth of five or 6 . To get 12 million jobs you cant be revenue neutral. I say lower taxes for everybody and cut government spending. Neil there is a concept. Getting growth of five or 6 . There was a time we did that during the reagan years and boom years coming out of recession, exactly what we did quarter in, quarter out. By comparison that is five times faster than the economy is growing right now. You think that was then and cant happen now . When we come back with rand paul, how specifically it can happen now. Stick around. For many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms caused by acid flux disease. Osteoporosisred bone fractures and low magnesium levels have been seen with nexium. Possible side effects include headache, diarea, and abdominal pain. Other serious stomach conditions may still exist. Talk to your doctor about nexi. If they succeed and are elected in january and immediately repeal what weve done in regard to medicare and health care, your premiums will go up on average 312 a year immediately, for those on medicare right now. Thats what will happen. Medicare trust fund will become insolvent in 2016. Neil i never know where they get these numbers but anyway, rand paul heard that. What do you think of that, rand . I think medicare everybody agrees medicare is about 35 trillion in the hole as is and has to be reformed. I told the president , facetoface, a year and a half ago, that if he would come together with us and reform, we could save medicare and save Social Security, that he would be elected in a landslide. Several republicans told him this and he chose not to work with us. And i think that is really the failure of leadership is. He hasnt reached out to us at all. He doesnt invite republicans to do anything. Neil senator, i think you have had, counted a failure among republicans and you experienced this. You come up with a very bold proposal. Lets get being nambypamby about this. Look for a big cut first year. Be substantial and quit pussyfooting. They left you at the altar. Not everyone. I remember that phenomenon. I deeply admired your guts but they didnt want to go out with you on the 30 rail there. Well, you know, i think entitlements, if we dont fix them, and paul ryan has been pretty bold talking about how to fix entitlements. Neil he was the house version of you. They did the same to him. You think he would have, you know, did he use his deodorant that day. Everyone avoided him. Well, you know, im of the opinion that all of the old days are gone. The day where you could scare people and say, oh, republicans will take away your medicare. Neil youre right, youre right. Absolutely right. Here we go again. I want, if republicans really mean what they say and i think they do, and democrats mean what they say about eventually getting entitlements under control and i actually want to say i believe they do, is it just the election weve got to get past, to each side, things calm down and thats when we get something done or what . I fear maybe things will have to get worse in our country and well have to approach a debt crisis before people will be serious about it because people do worry about the politics of this. Theyre afraid to say that the age for Social Security or the age for medicare needs to gradually rise in order to save these programs. People are still afraid to say that. But i think if youre honest, i think right now the election and the population has changed where i think they actually will reward people who are honest and who admit we have problems and say, yes, republicans and democrats just need to throw out the politics and lets o ahead and fix these problems. Neil well you know, im not blowing you smoke, senator but the reason why i always enjoyed chatting with you call them as you see them and get risk of getting rapped on both sides. I mention the republican thing. You criticized romney approach on defense spending not giving an inch and something has to give there. There is certainly room for cutting in defense. That brought out everybody and uncle in the conservative moment, no, no. Defense is sacrosanct. You were saying it isnt. It should be the part of what should be looked at in every budget overhaul. Ultimate compromise. Only way you ever balance the budget, conservatives like myself believe National Defense is very important, compromise, not every dollar is spent on the military is sacred and wellspent. Liberals is not every dollar on welfare is well spent. We compromise and bring both down. We do compromise in washington. We raise military spending and raise domestic spending every year. Thats why were a trillion dollars in the hole. Neil we can find a middle ground. Not that i could broker a deal, sometimes, senator falls on me to save the country. Maybe what we can do is what youre saying. Democrats should be open to reforming entitlements andd3 at least slowing their growth. Okay, republicans should not be so dogmatic about defense, cant be touched. That alone would get us moving toward an endgame here. But we dont. It is, the election magically going to present that opportunity . Well, i think whats happening is circumstances will make people address this. Circumstances are getting worse. Entitlements are growing so rapidly they will consume all of the money in the budget within a few years. So i think circumstances will tell all of us we have to do it. To me it is inevitability. I dont care whether youre republican or democrat, it is inevitability you will have to fix entitlements because theres not enough young people and there is lot of old people. There is demographic shift and were living longer. These are facts and theyre inescapable. The question is, will we do it with this election or are we going to wait until things get worse and we begin printing up so much money, that prices begin to rise dramatically and everybody is worried about a chaotic situation or whether we fix it in a reasonable rational way, gradually, but get started now. Thats the real question, whether we wait for chaos or we do it now. Neil senator, thank you, very, very much. Good seeing you again. Thank you, neil. Neil senator rand paul. He touched on a couple of things i emphasize before we cut away, very, very quickly. It is easy to blame democrats. It is easy for the democrats to blame republicann. Im not here to blame anyone. I want to stress here, guys weve got a big ol pile of problems that have come up over decade of sort of blind side he hadly spending money we didnt have and never telling the people the truth. The direction were in to the senators point is a direction can not be sustained not with money we have, and promises we made. Both have to be changed now. Follow the wings. [ male announcer ] eligle for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everhing. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp medicare, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like a standardized Medicare Supplement plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. And save you up to thousds of dollars in outofpocket costs. Calloday to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medaris all about. And which aarp Medicare Supplement plan works best for you. With these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare pients. Plus, the are no networks, and youll nev need a referral to see a specialist. Theres a range of plans to choose from, too. Anthey all travel with you. Anywhere in the country. 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This is for all the marbles. Whether the meter is moved coming keep in mind that romney forces have told us economic policy, a growing debt and spending problems and International Security issue, they may be right. Begin at ahmadinejad has said we are a joke. It is an issue with Global Security implications. Stay with us. We said we would be on your money. We will continue. Gerri willis. Tonight swing state florida in the mitt romney column. A new fox news poll showing the romney ryan ticket pulling ahead of obamabiden in florida, the biggest bateground state. The Orlando Sentinel today, central floridas biggest paper endorsing the gop challenger despite supporting obama in 28. Is florida a done deal for mitt . Lets ask. Byron york, chief Political Correspondent for the washington examiner. Doug holtzeakin,merican ac

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