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President trump standing up for his son, and slamming critics in the Mainstream Media what he is calling a witchhunt. Am so tired of that term. White House Press Briefing just wrapping up. Well take you there live for update. Major media wheeling and dealing in sun valley, idaho. Charlie gasparino is there with the scoop, if he hasnt already been kicked out. It happened in the past. Among our other guests this hour, alabama senator, Luther Strange, the head of House Freedom caucus, mark meadows, the host of mediabuzz, howard kurtz. Connell hop gasparino makes it to his hit. Hope. 120 point gain are he or about theres. Were at record territory, Nicole Petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange. Pretty good. Connell, all green on the screen. 29 of 30 dow components green. Only jpmorgan was red. Look at closing numbers up 123 points. At this level of it 21,000 532. The movers, vix, the fear index jumped around as we get difficult headlines, particularly from washington. Weve seen that moving around. What drove the dow. You saw 29 movers, microsoft, home depot, dupont, ge help to lead the way. Sectors, nine of the 10 higher. Technology did great. Health care, materials. Take a look also big story today. That is paypal on apple. You want to buy something on apple, you can use paypal now. You know paypal. Paypal moves to new alltime high. Stock up 2. 7 here at the close apple gains as well. You can use paypal on your apple app. Back to you. Connell thank you, nicole. 40 some odd record closes since the election. Melissa oil closings near a oneweek high up 1 . Climbing for the Third Straight day. Crude getting a boost from weekly inventory report showing the second straight drop in supplies. Connell you know Janet Yellens testimony on capitol hill helped to drive stocks higher early in the day. She came out and said that the fed will graduate wally need to raise rates gradually. Not by much and plans could change if we dont see a pickup in inflation. For more on this, rally on wall street, Jonathan Hoenig joins us from capitalist pig hedge fund. He is also a fox news contributor. Heather zumiraga. Yellen didnt say that much to me necessarily would drive the market higher as it did today. Maybe im missing something. Going through the headlines, what do you make of her comments . That was calm. That is it what the market has liked and that continues to thrive this rally. Connell what was so positive today was breadth returning. We talked about a lot of tech stocks taking couple days off. Facebook but priceline back at new alltime highs today. We heard about paypal at an alltime high along with stocks like boeing and dupont. Once again the bull market zooms to be on but not only strong but this is the calmest market since the johnson administration. Despite all the geopolitical worries, the bull market is on and investors are not worried yet. Connell nicole talked about all the record closes since the inauguration or since the election, numbering up in the 20s or 40s, depending which measure you look up, up 9 so far this year. What is your take where we are in terms of valuations . The volatility index, youre right, there is a calm, two decade lows. Spiked a little bit as of late this past week but Janet Yellens testimony here, although maybe one of her last, i think really helped the markets give reassurance we may or may not continue raising rates in december. We are not on a predetermined course per se. It is all depend dent on the economy. We know theyre not meeting inflation target at 2 . Were at 1. 4. That is okay. Viewers before your eyes glaze over. It is important to your mortgage, your auto loan, your credit cards, what Interest Rates do or effect of Monetary Policy is really important to main street. Connell so is the gauge that she has, anybody would have, anyone would have overall, jonathan, on the economy. So where do you think we are there . Do you think our conversation in the economy gets lost all the time in all the politics of the day and were caught up what is is happening in the white house but where is the economy right now . Economy by all stretch of the imagination is strong. We talk about the fact that the Economic Indicators tend to lag the market. As we pointed out the market has been strong going on a year before donald trump was elected. I think until we see some sort of evidence that stocks begin to turn down i think generally the Economic News continues to be strong and the economy follows along with it. Connell what are you most worried about, heather . Is it politics by the way . We havent talked about it and speaking about stocks and whatever else for last few minutes. About five minutes. Connell dont worry, im sure about the next segment. Im sure we will, the fed trumped trump today, that is a first. Politics has been driving these markets. Health care is definitely priority on the table because the markets want tax reform. That will boost the Companies Bottom line. Were embarking on earnings season second quarter. If you have to pay out less of course companies can increase their stock price and that leads to higher markets in the long run. Melissa all right. The challenge for the senate on health care, it is a critical time with the rollout of a revised bill scheduled for 11 30 a. M. Tomorrow morning. Key republicans are looking for an upgrade but one prominent senator is saying no way. I dont know exactly what is in the new Senate Version but in the end my valuation does it put us in a better place tomorrow than we are today . New repeal actually only repeals about half the obamacare taxes. It repeals two of 12 obamacare regulations. They have now taken the bill and made it worse. They have taken any pretense that this is repeal bill and they have made it a bill that basically is a spending bill. Melissa so if senator rand paul doesnt, does vote no the gop can only afford one additional defection in order to pass the legislation. Here is republican senator Luther Strange from alabama. You know, where do you think thiswhole thing stands . Lets talk about first in terms of the numbers. If you cant count rand paul out because it seems like, doesnt even seem like he is in behind the doors talking to anyone. Like it is not going to happen on his front, do you have enough otherwise . Well it makes it much tougher. It raises my frustration level frankly because i am new to ways to washington having just come here in february but weve been promising to repeal obamacare at a minimum for a long time. And so i dont think there is any excuse not to do that you can always allow for time to bring the democrats to the table and let rand paul discuss his improvements but we made a promise to the American People. It is very difficult to explain why we cant get it done. Melissa that is not going to happen tomorrow, the road youre on right now, just repealing it and doing something later. We heard why it doesnt make sense because it gives democrats a death grip over you because youre holding the bag as no one holds insurance. What do you think about the proposal as we hear it right now and as we hear it coming down the pike tomorrow . I think there are improvements in it. Youre removing a lot of taxes. Restoring choices to the people. There are a lot of good things about it. My question are we going to get some improvement over the Current System which is just a disaster . The first test, youre right, whether or not we vote to proceed with the bill. That will come next week. Im really anxious to see the details. Im hoping that there will number of concerns i have raised included there and im guardedly optimistic. Melissa sounds like possibly youre a yes. Would you say youre a yes vote . I have a confidence what were going to propose will be better than the status quo. We have to start the process. We cant simply sit here around let the status quo continue. Melissa is that the standard . To me is better is better. Not will be what everyone wants. It will not be perfect. You will not fix it in one shot which seems to be what some of the holeouts are after. Cant you get incry mentally with a few different incarnations here . That is my position, frankly. I said progress is good. Progress is good. We can make progress with this. Will not happen in one fell swoop. We have no cooperation with democrats. You know situation with the procedures. I am hoping for progress. People in my start are hurting. It is unacceptable not to dress that. Melissa senator strange, better is better. Lets go with that thank you, sir. Connell our panel is listening in on the interview with senator strange. Jonathan and heather are both back with us. This idea, melissa makes up better is better, dont make it perfect enemy of the goo, is Something Better than holding out like senator paul is doing . What do you think . I think so. That is why republicans are willing to compromise on things like keeping 3. 8 investment tax in the bill. The focus is on medicaid growth, cutting back the growth of medicaid, not necessarily medicaid itself as well as bringing down premiums, putting us on a fiscal conservative path. And we want to get rid of that mandate. That is first and foremost of importance. And i think that is going to be done. Connell im going to make or take a wild guess here that Jonathan Hoenig, i could be wrong, not necessarily agreeing keeping 3. 8 tax on investment with obama care tax is something we should do but make your own point. The dont let enemy be perfect of good is exactly the rationale, i remember nancy pelosi using to pass obamacare eight plus years ago. Talking about alltime highs for stocks, the big underperformers have been Health Care Stocks. Theyre trailing the s p by 10 . Connell right. It is not any reason why. Imagine if you were trying to figure out what your health care was going to be, what your salman would be six months a year out. That is what people are trying to do with health care. Until we get some visibility from this administration i think Health Care Stocks will continue to underperform. Connell fair enough. Well leave it at that. Thank you, guys. Appreciate it. Melissa so president President Trumps choice for fbi director in the hot seat on capitol hill today. How both sides of the aisle are responding to his testimony. Connell meanwhile the chairman of the House Freedom caucus says there could be a Government Shutdown this fall if there is not money included in the next spending bill to pay for the border wall. Wee well ask him about that and much more. Melissa the white house wrapping up the press briefing a few minutes ago where you can bet there were mo are requests about the donald trump, jr. s meeting with the a russian attorney. Howard kurtz is next. Think about for the moment, legitimacy of this entire process. Instead what weve got donald trump, jr. , comes forward releases all the email chains, the media in a frenzy because he released emails, unlike the opposition who did not. Melissa the president continues pushing the senate to get on the same page about health care. He spoke about it moments ago. Lets take a listen. It has to get passed. They have to do it. They have to get together to get it done . What happens if they dont . I dont want to talk about it. It will be very bad. I will be very angry about it. A lot of people will be upset but im sitting waiting for the bill to come to my desk. I hope that they do it. Connell as that interview is being done with pat robertson, that is one of the stories coming out of the white house today but generally speaking it is still a white house on defense, defending donald trump, jr. ,s meeting with a russian lawyer as the president tries as he did in that interview as he pushes his agenda forward. Blake burman at the white house. He has a briefing right . Blake . Reporter from Sarah Huckabee sanders from a little while ago which really nothing, they were kind of deflecting, connell on this russia stuff as the president this morning pretty much defended his son on twitter in which he said the following in regards to donald trump, jr. ,s interview last night with sean hannity, wrote, quote, my sons donald did a good job, last night, open, transparent, innocent. This is the greatest witchhunt in political history. Sad. However on capitol hill today, the president s handpicked fbi director nominee Christopher Wray, suggested in a exchange should foreign help, potential foreign help try to help a candidate here in the United States, that that candidate or whoever is involved should end up going to the fbi. Watch this exchange here between Christopher Wray and the republican senator, Lindsey Graham. Being director of fbi, pal. Here is what i want you to tell over politician, if you get a call suggesting a that Foreign Government wants to help you disparaging a opponent, tell us to call the fbi. Any effort to interfere with our elections from any nationstate or any nonstate actor is the kind of thing the fbi would want to know. Reporter now at that hearing wray also said he does not believe bob muellers investigation of the president tweeted out earlier today is a witchhunt. At the offcamara press briefing you referenced at white house, Sarah Huckabee sanders was asked why the president still feels its a witchhunt . She said because she knows of actions and inaction he has taken. Connell there were a lot of questions on russia here at the white house. They are at least staying to the script and deferring to the president s tweets and what donald trump, jr. , said in the interview with sean hannity last night. Connell. Connell basically what we had yesterday back to the donald, jr. s attorney. Thank you, blake burman. Melissa. Melissa donald trump, jr. , is placing a lot of blame on the Mainstream Media. Listen to this one. I think the Mainstream Media done themselves a pretty big disservice by going so far. The stock market keeps breaking hits. Alltime highest employment in the country in terms of overall numbers. All the things he promised he would do theyre happening, theyre actual happening. That is not getting any coverage. That is a room shame. That is real disservice to the people of this country. Melissa here now is howard kurtz, mediabuzz host. Do you join me in banning the words witchhunt and nothing burger . I think we should fine anyone who says those two things, whatever it is 500 bucks a pop or sew their lips shut. That is what im going for. I prefer my burgers with meat. Melissa exactly. What do you think of this strategy . They are pushing back the media is going insane of the that is the default position. The default position on the other side that chases the president , you know down these alleyways everything is a 10. It is all impeachable. I dont know, how can anybody going to laugh through four years . There is so much hysteria. They will fall over dead just exhausted. If you want to make the argument that donald trump, jr. , does that the coverage of president has been relentlessly negative, that coverage of russia story, investigation, has been very breathless at times and that some of the substance of what the president is trying to do have been minimized, that is all fine. I dont have a problem with that. On this particular story, that is of course the reason that don, jr. , was on hannity yesterday, you know, a lot of the blame lies with the white house and the president thes son because this meeting was not disclosed for months. There were conflicting accounts. The New York Times story is not fake. It is confirmed by don, jr. , and with emails he put out after being told the paper would publish them, who can debate how important the episode was but it happened. Melissa if you have one side screaming russia, russia, every three seconds, when there is something of value and interest needs to be investigated, they said it breathlessly so many times, that they sort of dont really have the credibility or anyones attention any longer. So it is hard to focus because it seems like there is something here worth investigating even if it is the fact that someone came along and tried to trip, trap, interfere. Even if the trump team is not guilty anything they should have done other than being naive, it is still worth looking into . I take your larger point, if everything is 11, then nothing is an 11. A lot of stories i criticized not necessarily theyre wrong but there are highprofile mistakes in russia story, complicated, meeting with this person, not clear anything here at center of it. In this particular case, president s son, perhaps out of naivete, taking a meeting after explicitly told the russian government would like to help the trump campaign, has Opposition Research on Hillary Clinton, that is not a great story but it was made four or five day story getting all facts out. That is not good damage control as any administration also learns. Melissa howard, i would pause, tell me if im off base, other than our brilliant viewers out there watching the show, for the most part people are watching television theyre more drawn to the controversy, theyre more drawn to sort of hyped stories that we say dont have as much substance to them than they are to the stories about the nittygritty of policy. Even though in real life they would probably prefer politicians out there are really making headway and doing the real stuff . When they sit down on the couch after long day of work that is not necessarily what they want to watch, what do you think about that . This long predates donald trump coming to washington. Scandal sells just like sex sells. Melissa yeah. When you get into nuances on compromise on Senate Health bill, how it will be changed it is really important. It will probably affect every person in this country but doesnt necessarily as it goes through the legislative sausagemaking doesnt necessarily make great tv. There are two things here. Not willing to kind of be fair to this president in covering some of his substantive efforts but what you say it is, it is not always, can be like watching paint dry. Melissa i prefer a nothing hunt or a witch burger. What do you think about that, howard . I like that. You really changed the language. I like it. Melissa working on it. Anything. Always brilliant. Appreciate it. Good to see you, melissa. Connell another big story happened here in new york where a hero was laid to rest. Bold message coming up from new York City Police officers, many of them, to the mayor of the city bill de blasio. Plus no results, no recess. The Freedom Caucus calling on the house to follow the senate lead and delay the august recess. Freedom caucus member mark meadows is with us. We suggest we delay any august recess. If we dont have results we shouldnt have a recess. One laugh, and hello sensitive bladder. Ring a bell . Then you have to try always discreet. I didnt think protection this thin could work. But the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. For incredible protection. Snap so its out of sight. And out of mind. Always discreet. For bladder leaks. Ive discovered incredible bladder leak underwear that hugs every curve. Cant tell im wearing it, can you . Always discreet underwear. For bladder leaks. Its are and whereing to know you come from. I didnt know a lot about my personal family history. And through ancestry it brought us closer to understanding where i came from. Finding out that im part native american and that i was related to one of the Founding Fathers i think has brought me closer to feeling more patriotic, definitely, and also feeling more like this is my home and this is truly where i came from. Im jamie and im the fifth greatgranddaughter of benjamin rush. Connell talked earlier about president s attempt to push the agenda. To skip the august recess to work on health care and tax reform. Mark meadows, republican congressman from north carolina. Connell, thank you. Great to be with you. Connell where are you on leadership with paul ryan and company . We have three things critical to the American People. Most americans could care less what happens on capitol hill other than what affects them. We need to make sure we get tax reform done. We need to make sure Health Care Repeal and replace effort gets done. Initially we need to deal with the debt ceiling. Those are not surprises. That is not very aggressive agenda. We need to get it done. Connell is your leadership open to that . Obviously theyre not wanting to do that. Leader mcconnell has supported that. I think if the American People let their voice be heard it is going to happen. I can tell you that when you feel pressure of the people back home who take a weeks vacation, they believe we need to show some real results f we dont have results we shouldnt have a recess. That is what were trying to highlight. Be serious about an agenda. Connell understood. I think, i think the argument against it is to Say Something like, hey, senate and house are different. You guys already have taken care of health care on your end, many other bills and sent them over to the senate where they have to take them up. Also the senate has to deal with confirmations of president s appointees. You dont have to deal with that. Sure. Connell so that is different animal. You can go home have your town halls talk to your constituents, no . So to suggest we do not have a full agenda in september where were going to come back with less than 30 legislative days to try to not only fund the government but raise the debt ceiling to do all these things is just ludicrous. So to suggest we dont have enough work to stay in, that is something not plausible. Connell you mentioned tax reform. Yeah. Connell let me get a quick question gore you on that unw Tax Policy Center came out with numbers on this one to say trump tax cuts, outlined, last time they were talked about would be 7. 8 trillion cost. They would help the rich far more than anyone else. What needs to be done on tax reform maybe isnt talked about so far . I mean we do need to be bold about tax reform but not just about giving the rich a deduction. It is about making sure that hardworking american taxpayers get the same treatment. So for us, our plan that we put out was looking at a corporate rate to get it down to 16 . But doubling that standard deduction, which puts 1500 in the pocket of everybody. If it we look at longer budget window, we dont run into some issues talking about cuts. Many times they dont look at the dynamic scoring, the Economic Growth that comes from that. That your viewers know all too well, when you lower corporate rates you get the economy going again. That is what we must do. Connell a lot of people like to heard it some tell even before you dealt with wealth hair but that is obviously something that cant be dealt with now. Something that hasnt been dealt with, something you would like to see dealt with, is the border wall. Conservatives say a Government Shutdown is possible if funding for border wall is not included in spending bill. Shutdown is worth it . I dont know that we will see a shutdown. We have republicans that control the senate, white house and house. If we cant get one of the primary pillars of president Trumps Campaign done, shame on us. We have to quick letting eight democrats in the senate that control the purse strings. So the question is, are the democrats really willing to shut the government down over one or two billion dollars . If that is the case well find other creative ways to make it happen. Were already working with the administration to do it. Well build the wall without a shutdown and make sure it happens. Connell well talk more as we get closer. Congressman mark meadows, Freedom Caucus chairman, thank you, sir. Thank you. Melissa chris wray in the hot seat. The president s pick for fbi director getting grilled by the senate today as the administration looks to confirm his pick and move on with a bold agenda. Connell getting back on track when it comes to tackling health care taxes, well the president says he is confident he can follow through on his promises to the American People on those issues. Well talk about it next. Connell looks pretty good, right . You probably made some money today. The dow closing at record high. 23rd weve seen set in the dow so far this year, 123 point gain. Dovish comments we talked about at the top of the hour from janet yellen, the fed chair seemed to help. S p and nasdaq as you can see also climbing on the day. Melissa feeling the heat on capitol hill President Trumps pick to lead the fbi getting slammed with questions during his confirmation hearing. Our own gerri willis is live in the newsroom with the latest on this. Gerri . Thats right, melissa. Did donald trump, jr. , talking, taking a meeting with russian sources who promised incriminating information on Hillary Clinton . And two, would wray have recommended against charges against Hillary Clinton regarding her handling of classified information even before an fbi investigation was conducted . On subject of russia wray had this exchange with senator Lindsey Graham. If i got a call from somebody saying the russian government wants to help Lindsey Graham get reelected they have dirt on Lindsey Grahams opponent, should i take that meeting . Well, senator i would think you would want to consult with good legal advisors before you did that. So the answer is, should i call the fbi . I think it would be wise. You will be the director of the fbi, pal. Wray, former department of justice official and lawyer was repeatedly asked whether he would have publicly declared in press conference as former fbi james comey did he would not bring charges against clinton over her handling of classified information. The debate over clintons secret emails and server consumed much of the headlines that summer and fall. Wray said he would not have made that choice. I can tell you that in my experience as a prosecutor, and as head of the criminal division, i understand there to be Department Policies that govern Public Comment about uncharged individuals. I think those policies are there for a reason. I think, i would follow those policies. Okay. I cant imagine a situation where fbi director i would be giving a press conference on an uncharged individual, much less talking about it. Thank you. Despite intense questioning wray drew grudging respect from most senators most notably ranking senator diane fine sign saying she was impressed by wray and would vote for him. Fellow democrat dick durbin also commented that he did all the right things during his testimony. Melissa. Melissa Vice President mike pence taking the stage talking to local Business Owners lexington, kentucky. Lets listen in. The president sent me here to thank you all, thank the good people of kentucky for your unwaivering support. I promise you elected a fighter, you elected a winner. No matter what the issue media may be focused on any given moment, i promise you President Donald Trump will never stop fighting for the issues that matter most to the people of kentucky and people all across this country. [applause] and man, have you got a great governor in governor matt bevin. [cheers and applause] governor bevin, thanks for that kind introduction. I can honestly say i was for matt bevin before it was cool. [laughter]. And i just have to tell you, governor, you have just done an incredible job here, changing the fortunes and future of the bluegrass state. Give governor matt bevin another round of applause will you . He is doing an awesome job. [applause] i also want to say thanks to a couple of other great kentucky Public Servant here with us today. You heard from both of them. These are two leaders in congress i promise are strong conservative voices and strong partners for President Donald Trump. Congressman andy barr, and congressman bret guthrie. Thank you for being here. Thank you for your outstanding leadership. [applause] last but not least i want to thank terry bryant and bryants rentall team for opening up this successful business to us today. [applause] bryants rentall is real american success story. Im glad to hear terry tell them theyre now on the map as of this event today. But youve been on the map for a long time, terry. Truth be told this has been a familyowned business more than 60 years. Three generations of bryants helped grow the business from humble roots to Party Equipment rental powerhouse in the blue grass state. Give them a round of applause for welcoming us and all they do to make the prosperity of this community. [applause] President Trump and i know how important Small Businesses like this one are to america, to jobs and a he growing economy. Small businesses like this one, those represented here today are beating heart of communities large and small and creating jobs and opportunities and Small Businesses contribute to every worthy cause that comes along in each community. Just know today your president is grateful for what you all do each and every day and let me make these job creators who are with us a promise. President trump will be the best friend american Small Businesses will ever have. [applause] i mean just look at the record. Things to President Trumps leadership, since the start of this Year American businesses have created more than 800,000 goodpaying jobs all across the United States. [applause] Companies Large and small are making extraordinary invests all across america. Billions of dollars, thousands of new jobs. Small businesses like bryants rentall havent been this confident about the future in more than a decade. The truth be told, you should be confident since day one this administration President Trump has been taking Decisive Action to deliver on the promises he made to the people of kentucky and people all across this country. As i speak to you today President Trump has signed more laws rolling back federal red tape than any president in american history. [applause] saving working families 18 billion a year in red tape costs. President put energy first when i authorized the keystone and dakota pipelines to get energy flowing to American Homes and businesses. Ever day this president puts America First just like last month when President Donald Trump announced to the world that this administration had made the decision to withdraw the United States of america from the paris climate accord. [applause] you know it is remarkable to think the paris accord by one estimate could have cost america 6 1 2 million jobs over the next 25 years, while letting countries like china and india virtually scotfree. As our president said he was elected by the people of pittsburgh, not paris. And i will add, of lexington, not lisbon. This president will always put America First. Speaking of europe, at this very moment were seeing bold leadership of an american president on the world stage. President donald trump has been showing the world that we once again have an american president who stands without apology as the leader of the free world. [applause] today as we speak the president s accepting an invitation from president macron in france. He is departing in just a few short hours to mark the 100th anniversary of the entry of American Forces under french soil during world war i. Last week, president concluded a historic trip to poland in germany. In his speech in warsaw was one for the ages. Wasnt it . Yes. Yes. Connell Vice President of the United States, mike pence is speaking live. Youve been watching in the last few minutes in lexington, kentucky, trying to push forward with the agenda of this administration on a number of different issues. You heard him talk about helping small business, on cutting back on regulation, talking up the president s foreign trip which is just about to begin. Bob cusack has been listening in and joins you now from the hill where he is editorinchief. I think it is kind of an interesting juxtaposition, bob, to look at this because kind of what weve been talking about throughout this show can the Administration Push forward on its agenda, items i mentioned, health care, taxes whatever it is with the russia story, don, jr. , story hanging over the administration. We how the it was important enough to listen in to the Vice President. Many other networks were talking about the well, don, jr. , story, not taking the Vice President s speech. What do you think . It is effective for the president and Vice President get outside of washington beltway go to the states where you have members like kentucky where rand paul is against the obamacare. Bill right now. So i think they will have to get used to it though. These investigations will be ongoing for year to two years. They will have to move their agenda with russia in the backdrop. It is effective to go after the media. Weve seen pence do that today. Seen trump do that. That is politically smart but their agenda on capitol hill is stalled. They have to make progress in next couple weeks. Connell change in the last couple days in this story, is there Something Different about the don, jr. , story as opposed to what we heard in the past because it adds or creates new credibility issues for the administration, now that there is a there there, something worth looking into . This drip, drip is a big deal and there is email, you see the language right there. To pass these big things, health care is huge, tax is huge you have to have reporter discipline. President talking about russia every day, taking republicans off message. They have to go through this russia will be a storyline and have to make health care and agenda the storyline. Connell strategy make sense . Blake talking about briefings offcamara today. Were not seeing white house on camera the last few weeks like we were used to seeing early in the administration, pushing forward with their agenda. I know they know they will be asked about what youre talking about. That strategy make sense to you . I think theyre actually giving up a big part of what they have, the power, bully pulpit. Yes theyre doing it offcamara, but you have to use the white house as the bully pulpit as weapon to push back. Connell you know, it is interesting to see what their internal debate is on that. Bob, good to see you. Thanks very much for coming on. Appreciate it as always. Melissa turning their backs on the mayor. Hundreds of Police Officers turned their backs to oppose mayor de blasio as eulogized as he assassinated officer miosotis familia. Thank you for joining us. This situation in new york is emblematic something were seeing all across the country seems like where we have mayors of major citys who seem to be not enforcing the law, and who are really seemingly working at odds with their own Law Enforcement teams. How does Law Enforcement around the country feel about it, how does it impact their voting . Well i mean, from the cops that i know theyre really not happy about the mayor here in new york city. It has been going on for number of years. They have been disrespected. They have been, theyre actually enraged about what he has done. We see this in many cities going on. The rhetoric carried over from the last couple of years has piled on. Unfortunately in my opinion this cost some cops their lives because the public takes a cue from our elected officials. If they think that they dont respect the cops, well then they think neither should they. Melissa and there are those who are trying to insert themselves in the situation and change it. One is nicole maleotakis. She was on the show yesterday. She will try to take on mayor de blasio. Here is what she said. He is playing new york city voters for fools, thinking they will not Pay Attention and they will just vote for him because he has a democratic label next to his name. That is not going to happen in november. Melissa a lot of people think it is going to happen though. What do you think . What are you hearing . Well certainly he might have made a big blunder here. I usually dont talk about politics too much but this is something where i think a couple of the candidates can seize this opportunity. The law and order part of it is important aspect of it. They cant talk about the crime because crime is down in new york city but they can talk about the disrespect to city workers including the police department. We had precincts with legionnaires disease. Precincts with no parking they want to to to tow their cars. They want to you do cpr, courtesy, professionalism, respect and treat you unfairly. Melissa joseph, thank you for your time. We appreciate it. Thank you, melissa. Just a moment, jared kushner, ivanka trump making their way out to sun valley. Melissa they might throw gasparino out. Connell with added security, that is good point. What do they say to the tech and media titans who are out there for this evicinity. Well check in with gaspo in a few minutes. Real life heroes coming near you to a movie. Clint eastwood putting three heroes in the spotlight coming up. Connell breaking news as we come back, we heard from the pentagon there has been an earthquake 200 miles off the coast of north korea. U. S. Officials are saying they do not think this is nuclear test. They do not think its a nuclear test. They say it is an the an earthquake. Well keep you up with development. Melissa Clint Eastwood casting three americans that took down a french terrorist on a train three years ago. You remember that. Garnering worldwide attention, making celebrities out of men, two of which are military veterans. The film, titled the 1517 to paris. It begins production this week. That will be cool. Connell sun valley, some biggest names in business, media, billionaires, theyre all current lit out there in idaho in sun valley for the annual allen and Company Conference and right in the thick of it is our guy, Charlie Gasparino and mr. Gasparino joins you now. Are you hanging out with jared and ivanka yet . What is the out there . Theyre not here yet. As we reported earlier they are flying in today. Apparently coming on their own dime. We have a story that will be posted on fbn. Com, foxbusiness. Com which will lay out some reasons why theyre here, including pressing the flesh with decidedly a crowd of media moguls who most of them arent supporters of donald trump, the president of the United States. Also, a lot of people believe theyre just looking to get out town given all the controversy engulfing the white house right now. This is a good place to go. This is pretty quiet here. Some news today we broke at fox business that verizon which was speculated to be interested in disney is not going to purchase disney. Ceo of verizon was quoted by us, Lowell Mcadams saying not happening which is ruling out mergers is almost as good ruling them in. It gives investors something to play with. That is what we did do. Well keep our ear on the ground on this stuff but all contingent on one thing, connell, one thing, me not getting thrown out again. If i dont get connell are you just like the side of a road . Feel like that is tractor listening closely . This is a bunker that i had, that fox business had specifically constructed. Connell that a good idea. That i can not be attacked by security or anything else. By the way the cop that threw me out, i said hello to him. He waved. Melissa he is back . He is back . Connell that is truck coming up behind you. All right, gas marine know. Well talk to gasparino, well keel talking to you. Be careful. Melissa does it look like me or he is far from the action . Maybe they pushed him way, he is not even gone. He cant hear me, can he . Connell no. Melissa i think were good. He doesnt know. Okay, perfect. Connell all right. Melissa we had a little party last night. Well show you pictures of it. A little wine. Some little house did know was connell was on little house on the prairie. Connell i was one next to melissa on bedtime. What . Potsch you each drive a ford pickup, right . in unison russ, leland, gary yes. Gary i have a ford f150. Michael ive always been a ford guy. Potsch then i have a real treat for you today. Michael awesome. Potsch im going to show you a next generation pickup. Michael lets do this. Potsch this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. Gary super cool. Potsch the bed is made of highstrength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. This new truck is actually gary all laughing oh my. Potsch the current chevy silverado. Gary im speechless. Gary this puts my ford truck to shame. James ill tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. laughing with some big news about type 2 diabetes. You have type 2 diabetes, right . Yes. So let me ask you this. How does diabetes affect your heart . It doesnt, does it . Actually, it does. Type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. And with Heart Disease, your risk is even higher. You didnt know that. No. Yeah. But, wait, theres good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease. Jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. Jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease and lower your a1c. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. This may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. Do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So now that you know all that, what do you think . That its time to think about jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. You totanobodys hurt, new car. But there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Melissa thank you to one out there who keep supporting lessons from the prairie. In case you havent heard me harping on and on about it. You could have come for your own thank you. This book is for you moms who need a break, a glass of wine. Or have a glass of wine. The producers, you guys are so awesome. You just want to see him all the time. Melissa that was a good party. Connell does a good party. Melissa was a good time. Melissa thats it for us. Risk and reward right now. Deirdre shutting up donald trump junior emails. The u. S. Economy is strengthening. Markets rallying with the dow hitting even higher alltime high today. The record closes in strong one. Welcome to risk and reward. Liz mcdonald in four deirdre bolton. The first article of impeachment has been introduced a california democrat representative brad sherman accusing President Trump of obstruction of justice and interfering with the russian investigation. Tonight we are tracking what the media is missing, what is not reported in the walltowall coverage over russia. Chaos, upheaval now

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