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What else we have for you this hour. Peace in the middle east. President trump says a deal can finally be reached between israel and the palestinians, holding a joint News Conference with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this afternoon. Were going to take a look at whats now on the table. The president also slamming the medias coverage of Michael Flynns resignation calling the leaks of general Michael Flynns phone call with russia criminal. The latest decan tails on this developing story. The president s pick for labor secretary, andy puzder, says he is withdrawing his nomination. More on what this is all about. David i wonder who will be his replacement . Meanwhile back to the markets, the dow soaring once again to end up more than 100 point. Were less than 400 points away from 21k. Seems like yesterday it was 20 k your 401 k is happy about this in matter of days, we could have 21,000. Lori rothman big name stocks shattered their record highs. Lori, who are the big winners today . David, have a look, with a broad range rally. Winners from all kind ever sectors, financials, particularly banks and insureses technology, goldman sachs, leading trump rally, what everyone is pinning it to. So excited to hear trumps tax plan for individuals as well as corporate. Nasdaq, another alltime high, all indexes benchmark we follow. On pace, what is interesting consecutive record since december of 1999, you remember that, right . Right before the tech bubble burst . Seven straight records, unbelievable. Fueling, excuse me the nasdaq again, getting excited, sirius, Warren Buffett announcing a new stake in sirius. Yahoo revised price for yahoo in wake of all those hacks. Keep an eye on that. Airlines, similar story, Warren Buffett also announcing a stake with his berkshire hathaway. So he now owns with berkshire hathaway, anywhere from seven to over 9 of the four major u. S. Airlines. That contributed to the gains there across that sector. Back to you. David lori, thank you. Melissa . Melissa the president s talk of tax reform this morning giving stocks a big boost, making those comments at 10 43 this morning. Well also reform our tax code to help middle income families and american businesses grow and thrive. Tax reform is one of the best opportunity to really impact our economy. So were doing a massive tax plan. It is coming along really well. It will be submitted in the knot too distant future. Melissa how distant though, that is what i want to know . Joining me, jonathan hoenig, capitalist pig hedge fund, fox news contributor, kevin kelly recon capital. Kevin, pretty straightforward, lower the rate and get going with this thing. We shouldnt make this too convoluted. Melissa right. That is what everybody wants to say, now that republicans have the power, said that all along. They should implement these types of plans. On campaign trail donald trump talking about crony capitalism. He would simplify the system. Then he gets elected and starts to tackle health care really everybody wanted tax reform. Melissa tax reform. Keep it simple. Even said border adjustment tax, sound too complicated. He doesnt like it. Were arguing over it in the house. Melissa jonathan, it is very straightforward. Lower the rates, just lower the rates, get it done. Do it. Talked about it for years. Just do it. Stop talking about it, melissa, to your point and do it this is tremendous opportunity. Then both sides of the aisle agree that the tax system is completely convoluted. It needs complete reform this is great opportunity for trump. See the reaction, melissa, as you already did to some extent. Market likes tax cuts. It has to be within the context of lower spending, no tariffs, but this could be a great boost to the market and economy if trump follows through. Melissa kevin, he cant disappoint on this one. If you look at it 55 of people believe the economy will be stronger in a year. He cant disappoint. Look at markets. It is forecasting those lower rates. Why dont we march, lets march, david will march with us, well march on the white house, tax cuts now david i will be holding the flag. I completely agree because unfortunately middle class has been hurt by the current tax code, right, because they dont have a cadre of lawyers and lobbiests to venture out and protect special interests like all the big corporations are doing right now and there is a Battle Royale for it. We need him to come out and simplify. Part of the plan is taking the Corporate Tax rate so to the lowest since 1939. Melissa before we march, another story, another bump in the road for President Trumps cabinet, one of the president s nominees unexpectedly withdrawing his name from consideration. Fox businesss adam shapiro is in d. C. With the latest on this. Adam . Reporter good afternoon to you. It is still breaking, Andrew Puzder putting out the statement within a last few minutes. I want to go right to it because he has withdrawn his nomination. Quote, after careful considerations and discussions with my family i am withdrawing from my nomination for secretary of labor. I am honored have been considered by President Donald Trump to lead the department of labor and put americas workers and businesses back on a path to sustainable prosperity. But he faced great opposition. Several republican senators advised the white house to pull Andrew Puzders nomination labor secretary, among them Susan Collins of maine. Shy told the administration she had concerns about number of issues. Among them puzders positions criticized minimum wage increases proposed by the previous administration, paid sick leave and regulations that expanded eligibility for overtime pay. Puzder, ceo of Cke Restaurants which runs hardees and took fire from feminists with racy tv ads. We have ones to show you. They showed gorgeous women in bathing suits, in bikinis and skimpy clothing eating hamburgers acting in ways that people think are appropriate for latenight tv this is quote from puzder. I light beautiful women eating burgers in bikinis, it is very american. In 1990, puzders exwife appeared on Oprah Winfrey show accusing him of abuse. But she told senators she regretted leveling acutions. He employed an illegal alien as a housekeeper. Puzder says he was unaware of her status at the time and recently paid the irs and state of california all back taxes. Seven republican senators said they were withholding puzder. That put his confirmation in jeopardy. Melissa adam, thank you very much. Cbs reporting Fourth Quarter results. Ashley webster is liver in the newsroom with the numbers. Ashley. Melissa, lets get right to it. Earnings per share for cbs in the last quarter came in adjusted 1. 11, one cent better than the estimate. You can see the revenue coming in at 3. 52 billion, way off the nearly 4 billion estimate. I was looking through the headlines here, melissa and dave, theyre saying advertising revenues were down in the quarter, due in part to very low ratings on nfl games. So ad revenue from nfl games, we know those ratings suffered during the regular season. That having an impact. Their affiliate and subscription fees up 13 . Ad revenue is down. There you have it a big miss on revenue for cbs. Melissa ashley, thank you. David interesting. We have more breaking news from the markets, cisco reporting Second Quarter results. Lets go back to laureate New York Stock Exchange who has been watching numbers there. Go ahead, lori. Its a miss. Basically youre looking, david, a situation where cisco is lowering it outlook for the Third Quarter. Today we hear from the Second Quarter. Let me run numbers. 57 cents a share is inline on adjusted basis, on revenue of 11. 58 billion. Thats a little slightly above what analysts were looking for but again it is always the forecast, not what you done for me lately but what will you do for me in the future. Cisco is forecasting Third Quarter revenue down 2 to flat. Earnings per share range of 44 to 49 cents per share. Compare that to the Current Quarter reporting of 57 cents a share. Problems with cisco as it continues to try to transition itself from the switching business which helps move network traffic, switching gears to a software company. They bought app dynamics last month for 3. 7 billion. They say that deal will close next quarter and ciscos ceo hopeful will be acretive to earnings at that time. Back to you. David good stuff, thank you very much, lori. Kevin, let us get back if we can to the announcement andy puzder withdrawing his name. He has to before the president had to withdraw it for him. He really excited retailers because he was a retailer himself. He has a lot of experience in the industry. Grew these chains enormously, these food chains. Should trump replace him with another retailer . I think so because he understands whats happening with a lost Small Business owners because what he did, he transformed carls, jr. S and cke franchises. He knows that when you raise the minimum tax unfortunately you have to lay people off, you dont have budget, people dont buy hamburgers even though cost of labor is going up. It is a very sensitive issue. A lot of workers want to unionize, so its a tough situation. There was no margin of error here, right . Only takes two gop senators not to confirm, then youre in a problem. David speaking of retailers, ceos from the biggest retailers meeting with President Trump today to oppose a border tax proposed by congressional republicans, some of whom arent even on board with it. Take a listen. This border adjusted tax would pick winners and losers of our Manufacturing Base here in the United States at exactly the time we dont need to be doing this. David jonathan, senator perdue is a republican. He is in congress. They say that a lot of this stuff is being pushed by congress but if the president is against it, if americans want less taxes, not a brand new tax, why is anybody talking about it . It is bewildering, david and there is interesting schism with the republicans david some republican. Some republicans. Border adjustment tax, call it what you want, david, it is a tax. If you apply it to the economy that the administration wants to it is cronyism, and central planning. A tax on consumers and producers who produce in america with those imports. Lets have less taxes. Not more taxes. That is assurance for Economic Growth in this country. David sounds good to both melissa and me. Kevin is on board as well. Thank you, everybody. Implement it to pay for the wall. If you put taxes on imports from mexico you generate revenue. David get rid of the Commerce Department to pay for the wall. That is my suggestion. Melissa there you go. Members of the Freedom Caucus unveiling details of their new plan to repeal obamacare. Mark meadows, the chairman of the caucus will tell us what is in it and how it may affect you and your family. David meanwhile a russian spy ship is just now 30 miles off of americas east coast. Yesterday it was 70. It is moving closer, not far from an American Navy base. Is Vladmir Putin testing the new administration . Lieutenant colonel oliver north is here to weigh in. Melissa the president says peace between israel and the palestinians may not come from a twostate solution after all. Well get reaction from the former israeli ambassador who also served as Israels Deputy foreign minister. And i think were going to make a deal, that might be a bigger and better deal than people in this room even understand. That is a possibility. Lets see what we do. Look closely. Hidden in every swing, every chip, and every putt, is data that can make the difference between winning and losing. Golfers like me have played these holes thousands of times, generating countless data points. The microsoft cloud helps me turn that data into insight that used to be invisible. Here, intuition would tell me to lay up with a 3iron, but the analysis from the cloud tells me to go for it, and use a driver for a 12 percent higher chance of birdie. There are countless points of data in the pga tour. The microsoft cloud makes sense of it, helping them transform their business, so players, and fans, will experience the game in a whole new way. The microsoft cloud gives you the power to turn information into insight. Melissa President Trump and Prime Minister netanyahu coming facetoface. The president welcomed the israeli Prime Minister to the white house today where they held their first joint press conference. Blake burman is at the white house with the details. It was very warm and friendly, blake. Reporter it was for a lot of this. I mean, melissa, these two have known each other for decade. They have been friends for decades. Today a little bit of a feel here at white house, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Trump facetoface for the first time as world leaders. As you know, it has been the policies of administrations past here in the u. S. That to seek a peaceful resolution in the middle east it would be through a twostate solution. However, the administration began to tee up a different possibility yesterday when they said not necessarily about a twosate solution Going Forward. Rather any way that can happen which peace can be sought. The president was asked about that at the News Conference earlier today, if indeed he support as twostate solution, or if he sees other avenues Going Forward and here was his response. Im looking at twostate, and onestate i like the one both parties like. Im very happy with the one both parties like. I can live with either one. I thought for a while the twostate looked like may be easier of the two, but honestly, if bibi and if the palestinians, if israel and the palestinians are happy, im happy with the one they like the best. Reporter you saw or heard a little bit after chuckle from Benjamin Netanyahu. I doesnt want labels, he wants substance. As he left the white house, a little bit after, he sent out a tweet to the president. Here is a quote. Thanks very much for the warm welcome. Israel has no better friend than the u. S. The u. S. Has no bert friend than israel. That was a line he said at that press conference. Melissa being inside of the room, seeing interaction between the two, you also saw a little bit of a relief from Benjamin Netanyahu, that this is new administration he is deal canning with, versus what some would say has been a more hostile administration. Melissa leaves and instantly tweet theyre bestties. Like that is not how it was with obama. Reporter lots of handshakes and lots of smiles. Melissa blake, thank you. David we have ambassador, former Deputy Foreign minister around former israeli ambassador to the United States. I am sure you would have preferred to be ambassador with somebody this friendly to israel and vice versa. The twostate solution has been in the lexicon of dip problem sy for a couple of generations now but the point that netanyahu made, your Prime Minister, that the twostate solution only borks if both sides are democracies and committed to democracy. Clearly the palestinians talking about hamas or the palestinian authority, they dont have a background of respect for democracies, right . Absolutely. David, you really touched the point. The two state solution has been tried by six or seven american president , since, 67, since johnson. The ones walked away from it were the palestinians. They were offered everything by barack in 2000. Arafat didnt want it. Abu maws send, same we see today, offered everything by ehud olmert, another israeli Prime Minister in 2008 under george w. Bush. He didnt want it, because he didnt want to recognize israel as jewish state. Didnt want Israel Defensive borders. David understood. This comes as a shock. It has been the policy of the u. S. For so long. Im wondering about the palestinian organizations, more violent ones like hamas, take advantage of situations like this . Is israel preparing for some sort of a violent repercussion after this . Absolutely. Weve always been on our toes. Weve seen before, violence can effect, in fact that we dont see more violence, not because of lack of motivation by the palestinians. Everybody knows abbas himself glorifies terrorists, names squares after their name, giving them money. The money that the u. S. , the money the International Community gives to palestinians. David that kills us, kills american taxpayers. We work hard for our money. We dont want it given to terrorists. They didnt agree on everything. Israeli settlements, there was awkward moment. Let me play that and get your reaction. Go ahead. Okay. As far as settlements i would like to see you hold back on settlements a little bit. Well work something out but i would like to see a deal be made. Bibi and i have known each other a long time. A smart man, great negotiator and i think were going to make a deal. So lets see what we do. Lets try. Doesnt sound too optimistic but [laughter] good negotiator. That is the art of the deal. David not only not optimistic, he seemed to be caught flatfooted by the comment from the president . He was caught by surprise. David were you as well . Yes. If anybody can ask, david, anybody can is Bibi Netanyahu halt on settlements it is trump. Because of our great friendship. He has our back. David one thing scares diplomats like yourself, is unexpected. That was very unexpected. There may be more unexpected moments. Right. I have done many, many Prime Ministers during george w. And ariel sharon. Every detail is being planned ahead of time. I dont know if this was planned because for netanyahu, a twostate solution right now is politically impossible. He is under a lot of heat at home. So, im sure they asked trump not to mention it but david you cant tell donald trump anything. Exactly. Unless it was all prestaged that trump would say it kind of you know david seems a little too clever by half. Maybe, you never know. The fact of the matter it was the palestinians right now, and i think with trump david that is the big issue. They are the obstacle. It is not israel. It is not settlements. That is one issue of many other issues. You can not cherrypick. You have to put everything on the table and negotiate. David good luck. I pray there is not violence to come with that, that is way they usually react. Thanks for being here. Melissa . Melissa the battle heating up over free speech, feel free to speak your mind but only if youre on the left. Plus more information surfacing after flynns resignation from the Trump Administration. Weekly standards fred barnes is here next to weigh in. The word leak is such a benign term. It is unauthorized disclosure which may be illegal. I dont have any idea who it is. I can tell you there is an insatiable appetite for leaks in this town. L edition. This is one gorgeous truck. Oh, did i say theres only one special edition . Because, actually theres 5. Aaaahh ooohh uh holy mackerel. Wow. Nice. Strength and style. Which ones your favorite . Come home with me its truck month find your tag for an average total value over 11,000 on Chevy Silverado all star editions when you finance through gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. David breaking news. Fox news confirming President Trumps former nsa Michael Flynn access to classify information has been suspended. He is no longer permitted to access classified information. His security clearance has not been suspended. Well keep updated. Melissa fred barnes, Weekly Standard executive editor and fox news contributor. Wow, the knives are out. They have taken down two on the trump team so far, if you count puzder as well. What do you think of what is going on . How do you evaluate the overall situation . I think the puzder thing is different from the flynn thing. It is really not, though i thought puzder would be a great labor secretary, not alarming the way the flynn ouster is. Here we have somewhere in the administration, a trump group, Intelligence Community, leaking information that is damaging to flynn, and i think, were going to see more of it damaging to other people working for donald trump. Devin nunez, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee believes that more is coming. And, this is incredibly alarming. The content of these releases, of these leaks is really not alarming of the fact that they are taking place. This most secret of information be released to press or leaked to the press melissa by multiple sources. By multiple sources. Not just one source. There is a lot of leaks going on and i cant believe im going to say this, Chuck Schumer was prescient he said, you dont want to cross the Intelligence Community because they can get back at you seven ways from sunday. Seems like that is what is happening. Does seem like thats whats happening. This hasnt happened in any other administration. Melissa how does he fix it . What should he do right now . The president . The president . Melissa if his goal is, to right the ship, get things going anyone right direction to stop at least attacks from Intelligence Community, what advice would you give him starting right now . I would tell, mike pompeo, who is the cia director, look, you will have to clean house. Your first order of business here is going to find out who the rogue group is in the cia, if there is one, the same thing at the nsa, for whoever is in charge of that. I forget his name at the moment but this is really alarming, and the truth is, that the press is only interested in content of these leaks, not the fact theyre occurring. Right. Imagine if these leaks were from the administration left oaf oaf veries from the Bush Administration against obama early in his presidency, the press would be more alarmed about the leaks than the content. Melissa fred, is it fair to make a care son . People saying when the leaks were coming from wikileaks and john podesta emails, they were yelling it was the russians, you know the right was so excited, especially donald trump because it was helping him. Now that the shoe is on the other foot even it is different this, is national security, people say it is so much more dangerous. What good for the goose, does that argument hold any weight . Dont attack me on twitter . Im not saying it does. Im putting out there as an argument. Fred, what do you think . No i think there is great hypocrisy going on on the part of the press. Im agreeing with you. That part is alarming. Shows where the press is, rather than great Civil Liberties violations going on, that includes those leaks of transcripts of the president s talks to foreign leaders, including the Prime Minister of australia, the, all theyre interested in is how much these things hurt donald trump and those who work for him. Melissa yeah. Fred, youre wonderful. Thank you. Appreciate your time. Youre welcome. David a great journalist. Terrific journalist. Meanwhile testing the waters and skies of the new administration. Russian jets engaging in quote, unsafe, Close Encounters with a u. S. Navy destroyer. Coming up Lieutenant Colonel oliver north on the latest air and sea proffer vocations from the crem provocations. Melissa republicans unveiling a new plan on capitol hill today but not everyone is on board. Next congressman mark dose chairman of house Freedom Caucus, weighs in on the new proposal and what it means for your wallet. And ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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Like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. And in corning, where the future is materializing. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at esd. Ny. Gov melissa major averages smashing records once again, all closing a brand new high. The nasdaq on its hottest record streak since september of 1919. Uhoh. S p 500 up for seven days in a row. Longest winning streak in 3 1 2 years. Senator rand paul and congressman mark sanford with an obamacare replacement. Take a listen. It will legalize the sale of inexpensive insurance. Expand Health Savings accounts for people to save and buy their insurance t also allows individuals to join an association so theyre not left out in the cold by themselves to buy insurance in a small insurance pool. And these associations will give them leverage to get lower price and better insurance. David the legislation has been endorsed by the house Freedom Caucus where republican congressman mark meadows is the chairman. He joins me right now. Congressman, thanks for coming in, it sounds like piecemeal doing various things were doing, obamacare itself doesnt have to be repealed. It will become gutted essentially because of the main components of it arent there, so, you dont even have to repeal it with all these measures. I wish that were the case, david. Obviously the components youre talking about in your analysis is right. As we start to look at a replacement bill, that would make the Affordable Care act obsolete. But it is in statute. What we propose is, not only doing a full repeal of the Affordable Care act but on same day, hopefully voting on dr. Rand paul and governor sanfords bill, that is companion bill, so it is bicameral, both in the senate and in the house. David right. Hopefully well start to see, it picks up a lot of steam. David already beginning to see these phrase, death by a thousand cuts. One for example, the irs is no longer forcing taxpayers to say whether or not they have insurance. So the irs wont be used as an enforcer for obamacare, for the manned state, health care mandate, that means there is no enforcer for the mandate, right . We can thank President Donald Trump for that. Youre exactly right. There is a couple of other mandates, david. The other provision, essential benefits t doesnt allow Insurance Companies to offer cheaper insurance. David right. If you are going to do it, you have to put all these things in it. So it drives up the cost of insurance. It addresses those components. David right. Were looking to work handinglove with a new administration to make sure that the Affordable Care act ultimately gets replaced by something that is truly affordable. David im just wondering if you need a replacement, a government solution because, if you take all these cuts away from obamacare, essentially create conditions by which the free market creates new products to replace the government products that had existed, that is all you need . Well, dave, based on that youre going to get invitation to join the Freedom Caucus. We couldnt agree with you more, when we look at this. We have to make sure to allow the markets to come back. Yet at the same time, provide safety nets for those that perhaps cant afford it. And other aspect of that, is those preexisting conditions. David right. Our bill addresses that. But it is all about allowing the markets to drive the costs down. Weve seen that in the telecommunication business. When you deregulated it, Long Distance rates from 1. 05 to five cents a minute. David producer, who was it that said that . The aetna ceo just said that obamacare, and other ceos have said this, is in a death spiral. This is at the know ceo. Would you you agree with that assessment . It is not only in a death spiral but about to hit rock bottom. Whether aetna, humana, blue crossblue shield, we all know it is not working. The exchanges are going bankrupt. Time to make sure the American People have Affordable Health care. David our business community, our free market can create products, whether in health care or anything else to replace these government solutions. Congressman, thank you very much. Appreciate you being here. Thank you, david. David melissa. Melissa battle for free speech on College Campus unless you happen to work for the Trump Campaign that is. A demonstration just kicking off at the university of chicago where students are protesting a visit from Corey Lewandoski who of course you know, is a former Campaign Manager for President Trump. Fox businesss jeff flock is on the scene. How crowded is it, jeff . Reporter well, you can see for yourself, melissa, maybe 100 or so protesters. That may be a little generous at the moment. It is a speech called trumpism by Corey Lewandoski. Part of the institutes of politics at university of chicago. In addition to lewandoski, they had sean spicer and student upset Opening Doors of the university to members, or one member of the Trump Administration. Another advocate for the Trump Administration. They sent a letter to it the director of the institute of politics here. I read a brief excerpt from independent. They say nothing about a Firm Commitment to Free Expression obliges us to open our doors to those who incite hatred and violence against refugees andgr. And now, the head of the institute of politics here at university of chicago is dave axelrod, may know is president obamas former Campaign Manager and chief strategist. While he respects the right of these students here to protest and make their voices heard, he says, and i quote him now, you cant be an institute to promote democracy and shut off discussion and debate and we wont. So were about an hour or so away from this beginning of this speech. And David Axelrod and folks here at university of chicago say it will go on as planned. Protests or not. Folks. Melissa there you go, jeff. Thank you so much. David falling for a fake tweet. Top democrats slamming the gop yesterday. Did you see that . Melissa yes. David but their slam was actually based on a false Michael Flynn twitter account. Why sean hannity says the d. C. Swamp a rising. There is something much bigger here and much darker going on. That is the part of altradical left and master plan to damage and destroy President Donald Trump and frankly as collateral damage, anyone connected to him. David secretary of state Rex Tillerson arriving moments ago in bonn, germany. This is his first overseas trip in office. Will meet from Foreign Ministers from the g20 world powers that includes the Russian Foreign minister. That is it tomorrow and friday. Melissa. Melissa rising up to take down President Trump. Sean hannity says the left is creating a political firestorm over flynn stepping down. The d. C. Swamp is rising up theyre colluding and viciously fighting to take down the 45th president and entire administration. It is that serious. Impeachment of the president is clearly the end goal of the left. Facts, trying, doesnt really matter. Mike flynn is small casualty of that bigger plan. Melissa here is tony sayegh, jamestown associate vp, julie roginsky, former political advisor to senator frank lautenberg. Fox news contributors. Tony, if Hillary Clinton run the election you dont think the right be doing exact same thing, rising up to impeach, to take down, to do anything they possibly could to stop president clinton, you dont think it would be exactly the same. Not hardly in the way and manner which it is being done currently. I will say there are certain things that you should really be careful to engage in, especially if youre a sitting member of Congress Like maxine waters, suggesting treason occurred in what happened with Michael Flynn. If you want to point to this incident, you have a essentially the selective disclosure after conversation mike flynn had with his foreign county are part in russia by the cia, monitored by some intelligence agency, someone inside of the administration leaked this information. That is the dangerous thing that happened. Not that he had a conversation. The fact that he might have misled Vice President pence is what i think is issue, might have led to his resignation. That is by far the greater issue. You have all the democrats suggesting somehow that the Trump Administration is treasonnist, on its face ridiculous. Melissa meanwhile on the road to riding mike flynn out of town on rail, one of my most favorite moments of all time happened. Play it. Just this morning flynn tweeted, and this is a quote, scapegoat. End of the quote. Scapegoat. He basically described himself as a scapegoat. And so i believe we need to hold a public hearing with flynn to get to the bottom of this. I didnt know until i heard from our colleague that the tweet of general flynn today was scapegoat. Scapegoat. You know what a scapegoat is . Other people have blame that should be shared in all of this. Melissa what bless their hearts. They dont know how to use twitter. That was not mike flynn tweeting that. That was fake mike flynn. Julie that is embarrassing. It is embraer rag as anybody trying to pretend Michael Flynn somehow railroaded by democrats. He resigned or was fired depending on minute of the day the Trump Administration on tv talking about it by donald trump. Nobody forced donald trump to do this. Clearly donald trump got rid of mike flynn for, i dont know what reason, ostensibly because he said he lost trust or faith in him. Not the democrats doing this. It is the president of the United States firing his own by the way, tony i love more than life itself, Jason Chaffetz said Hillary Clinton investigations would go on even before she got elected. Jason chaffetz is nowhere to be found on this issue . But her wrongdoing was very established for a long time . Really. Clinton foundation to the email server. Melissa one of the ones that he wanted an investigation but i think before we start investigating we should teach people how to use twitter or if they cant tell the real twice from fake tweets they cant be part of any investigation. Like we have havent fallen prey to this . This exposes, this exposes how unserious the left is. They swing at every pitch. They really need to be be a lot smarter. Tony, doesnt mean watergate is over. Come on, lets see with it takes juice well see you later. Bye, guys. David i like your new rule. That should be prerequisite. Melissa not allowed to investigate anything. David russian spy ship spotted off our iron coast, inching closer to u. S. Navy base. It is 30 miles off the east coast. Lieutenant colonel oliver north sounding off on the tense faceoff at sea. That is coming up next. Approaching medicare eligibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. Thats where aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company come in. 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Plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. Remember, medicare doesnt cover everything. The rest is up to you. Call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go long™. David wheel while the media speculate enleslie about trump and russia, theyre off our coastline. The russian spy ship off the coast of delaware is closer to the u. S. Shore. It is only 30 miles off coast as it moves north. It is now off the coast of connecticut. Here so react is Lieutenant Colonel oliver north, host of that great show, war stories. Good to see you, colonel. To call it a spice ship is a little bit of a misnomer. Theyre not hiding from anybody. Theyre wide open. They want to be seen, dont they . They dont necessarily want to be seen but they know they are seen. By the way they are still spying. Rule number one about the russians, they are always testing, provoking, cheating, spying, hacking, Cruise Missile testing in violation of the reagan era s. T. A. R. T. Treaty, harassing in the black sea, in the baltic. Agi, that stands for, most people dont know this, general intelligence auxiliary, that is what agi stands for, they call it ssv, surface surveillance vessel. Its a spy shop. Sv175 is a class a gi named for a world war ii soviet navy hero. Theyre off there the right off the u. S. Naval station off groton, connecticut. David they always do it as you say but this is a particular moment and we just spotted the thing as the Michael Flynn debacle unfolding. Is there any relation . No. The ship went down to refuel, with shore leave in cuba. Working its way up the east coast, spying. What you just said about Michael Flynn. I agree what we say to the russians is important but whats happening in this town right now, david, is ludicrous. Were treating things done by a candidate or a president elect or one of his staffers as a catastrophe. It isnt. Let me define a catastrophe for our viewers. A catastrophe is 19 terrorists seizing four commercials airlines and flying them into buildings killing 3,000 americans. Is catastrophe. Going after things done and said by candidate is different than a president. Do you remember, and i know you do, what president obama said to medvedev . David 2012, before the election. Played it yesterday. Worth playing again. Lets get that reaction. My last election and after my election i have more flexibility and i david there is a difference, colonel. Back then he was president. Indeed. David if in fact the same kind of signals being sent to the russians by trump through, he wasnt president. Is that a difference without a distinction . There is major difference, almost two years, almost to the day, that said that to medvedev in seoul rea. He invaded. He didnt annex crimea, he invaded. When you see that thing happening you have to wonder what the dickens set this all up in play . So in the process of getting elected mr. Trump talks to mr. Putin, talks about him, perhaps, i dont know this, but just speculating, because i did work down in that place once, maybe there was a strategy to get the russians to think they could get a better deal from trump and trump could put them back in their place when it cames to the all things i ran into litany at the front. I find what were doing right now to be absolutely nuts. Im convinced of this, david. If donald trump walked across the Potomac River from washington to virginia, the Mainstream Media would say, donald trump cant swim. David i knew that was coming. No offense but it is still good. There you go. David colonel north love your perspectives. Melissa i hadnt heard that one. David that is a good one. Melissa thinking outside of the chapel, guesting ready to hear wedding bells at taco bell. As a control enthusiast, im allbusiness when i travel. Even when i travel. In the aisle without starting any conversations or paying any upcharges. What can i say . Control suits me. Go national. Go like a pro. Melissa talk about a fairytale marriage. In just a few months you will be able to get married at taco bell. David this is at the las vegas location. Melissa im renewing my vows. David happy anniversary to my bride after 22 years. My contract with the American Voter begins with a plan to end government corruption and to take back our country. And to take it back swiftly from the special interests who i know so well. I want the entire corrupt washington establishment to hear the words we all are about to say. When we win tomorrow we are going to drain the swamp liz President Trump campaigned on training the swamp

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