Momentum heading into his own debate on sunday. Melissa back to the markets. The dow ending the day up triple digits, led higher by shares of goldman sachs, caterpillar and jpmorgan. Oil also moving big as Hurricane Matthew closes in on the u. S. Phil flynn of the Price Futures Group is a fox business contributor. He is watching the action from the cme. Lori rothman is on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Lori, retailers getting a big boost today. I think it is fair to say, melissa, that the positive tone was set earlier with finally good news on the u. S. Economy. Ism nonmanufacturing survey, into things that comprise a lot of consumerbased names came in much better than expected. It was the best month for the Services Industry in the last 11. And there you can see some. Jewelers did phenomenally well today. Signet jewelers up 4. 6 . Fossil, sears, gap, range of retailers with pretty significant moves to the upside today. Lets talk about twitter because the wall street journal is talking about the Company Likely starting to Start Fielding some bids this week. The big news really was sales force, down almost 6 . The brokerage new host securities talking about concerns if sales force went ahead and bid for twitter, it could destroy they say 12 to 17 billion in value. Twitter likelihood of a bid coming sooner rather than later . Shares popped up almost 6 . Back to you. David lori, thank you very much. Phil, oil rallying today, back up to nearly 50 bucks a barrel, ending at highest level in more than three month. How much is because of that hurricane, Hurricane Matthew . I think it is part of it. You have to also look at inventories. We had a big draw down in inventories 3 million bears. Were losing 5. 8 Million Barrels of oil a week. That is very bullish. When you add Hurricane Matthew shutting front door of the gulf of mexico, tanksers can get in, if the storm goes up the east coast you will not get tankers into the new york harbors. Very bullish. Supplies will get tighter. The storm continues to change. We saw forecast maybe the storm goes a little further off the coast. We saw a move in natural gas. Natural gas was initially lower on concerns that the storm would knock out a lot of power, kill a lot of demand but if the storm goes off the coast, that demand will still be there. Natural gas which was lower turned around and went higher. We saw the same movement on gasoline. Gasoline prices were up dramatic i believely on concerns that refineries in the caribbean were shut down. As the storm went off the coast, concerns about demand destruction went away. We saw those prices pull back. Well be Trading Energy moment to moment based on the track of matthew. I dont think it will change all night. David you will have a busy weekend. Phil, thank you very much. Melissa the first win for october today but mike pence says the economy is stifled. Honestly senator, you can roll out the numbers and sunny side but i got to tell you people in scranton know different. People in for the wayne, indiana, know different. This economy is struggling. Melissa as private sector jobs added in september coming in today at 154,000. That is the weakest number since april. Here now to react is Jonathan Hoenig of capitalist pig hedge fund, a Fox News Contributor, and we have morgan or take gas, maverick pac cochair. Thanks to both of you joining us. Jonathan, let me start with you. This is the argument that goes on, people in the Obama Administration or washington talk about how strong the economy is, but people actually shopping in stores and trying to make ends meet and trying to pay their mortgage and that stuff know differently, right . They havent felt it and we talked about that literally for years, melissa. The recovery by many standards has been good. Certainly the stock market has gone up but as mike pence said average joe on the street, he or she largely hasnt felt the recovery. Stock market has, maybe disconnected main street, wall street dichotomy now. Melissa i think the stock market is strong. 200 new highs. Only 33 new lows. Bull market regardless of the election uncertainty will continue higher. Morgan, they trot out the idea who says were better off now than when in 2008 when the president took office. The reality, income inequality has gotten so much wider. The rich have gotten richer because of the stock market and average person really fallen behind. That is ironic in a Democratic Administration that promised exactly the opposite. Youre absolutely right, melissa. It is funny that mike pence brought up scranton pennsylvania, that is where i was this weekend i spent a lot of time talking to people who they were for, trump or hillary. A lot of trump supporters. We have accommodating fed policy giving rise to the heights weve seen in the stock market over the past four years but wages are still stagnant. We have one of the lowest Labor Participation rates that weve had in decades. So it is quite simple actually. We wouldnt have a change election. We wouldnt have the rise of Bernie Sanders and trump and populism if the economy was working for age joe and average jane. Melissa great point. David Big Questions about your privacy and personal security. Here is what president obama said speaking in berlin about three years ago. This is not a situation in which we are rifling through the ordinary emails of german citizens or american citizens or french citizens or anybody else. David well a reuters report is now saying that yahoo secretly built a Software Program to scan user emails on behalf of u. S. Intel officials. Yahoo releasing a statement saying the article is misleading. We narrowly interpret every government request for user data to minimize disclosure. The email scanning described in the article does not exist on our systems. Jonathan, who do you believe . David if anything like what is described it should be tremendously frightening not just to yahoo shareholders but yahoo users, mills and millions of people who use the companies and have an account. This is not ironic obamas comments in berlin. This is german stasi type surveilance this is becoming systemic. You will see more and more risks not just from users but also the government. David, supposedly they threatened yahoo with 200,000 fine a day unless they had not complied. David blackmail. Morgan, the article claims this was done in sort of a secret system that was built unbeknownst to a lot of people in yahoo s security team. That is frightening in and of itself, the fact that the government may have its claws in some parts of a company that other parts of the company doesnt know about . I think if there is anything that this election taught us your email, the security of your iphone, whatever smartphone youre using it is probably not what we thought it was. Look what happened to the dnc. If you dont think that, if youre the average american that the chinese, russians or any runofthemill hackers can get into any of your information then youre fooling yourself. The Bigger Picture here is not what the government is reportedly what theyre trying to do with yahoo . I think they were looking for specific search terms recommended to terrorism. I dont think i take the stance i take two of you on it. I believe we have to put our security first. The larger picture here do we have any security at all, right . If the hackers can get into white house emails, state department emails, dnc david do we trust the government to invade all these private companies. That is a big question. Melissa. Melissa as if fly something not already a nightmare, Hawaiian Airlines is screening passengers to equalize weight across the cabin. We reached out to management and they havent responded. Ive been on a flight where they ask your weight when you got on because it was small plane and they had to evenly distributed and they didnt want to go down there. They took ou at the time i thought it was dicey. It was sort of life or death. I dont want to take someones word. I would definitely lie. Melissa at same time you cant weigh select passengers. How do you deal with this . You should charge like fedex, melissa. Charge based on weight. Melissa oh, no [laughter]. Go by barbecue, based on the weight. These Companies Number one input costs and as you said, airlines have been doing this for years based on safety concerns. Not only major cost is not only weight but they have the right idea. Pay by the weight in Airline Seats such as you do in barbecue. They stand us up weigh the luggage and weight us . Melissa probably. I dont think there is practical way to do this. This would penalize pregnant women, people with disabilities. I dont think it is actually a practical solution. You could probably do it what other airlines done, make people pay for go seats. What will you do put a scale in front. Plane before you board . That is silly. Melissa i dont know. I dont know. It is a weighty issue guys. Im sorry. Im sorry. Never mind. Thank you both. David were all just packages now. On to something a lot more serious here. Hundreds of american heroes dying while waiting for care. The outrage just details from a new report on phoenixs Veterans Affairs hospital. You want to hear this. Melissa this as another Western State is in the spotlight. California fighting to be the first to offer obamacare to Illegal Immigrants. Our panel will weigh in on this one. David that wasnt supposed to happen. Melissa they promised. Another promise. David another promise broken. Donald trump is out west also campaigning in nevada as kudos continue to pour in for his running mates debate performance last night. Can he keep this momentum going ahead of his own debate on a sunday . Well hear from former president ial candidate jim gilmore coming up. I think mike had the single most decisive victory in the history of the vicepresident ial debates. I believe that too. Last night america also got to look firsthand at my judgment. Who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this Vice President , this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Do you have thecare . Coverage you need . Open enrollment ends december 7th. So nows the time to get on a path that could be right for you. With plans including aarp medicarecomplete insured through unitedhealthcare. Call today or go online to enroll. These Medicare Advantage plans can combine your hospital and doctor coverage with Prescription Drug coverage, and extra benefits all in one complete plan for a low monthly premium, or in some areas no plan premium at all. Other benefits can include 0 copays for an annual physical and most immunizations, routine vision and hearing coverage, and youll pay the plans lowest prescription price, whether its your copay or the pharmacy price. Or pay zero dollars for a 90day supply of tier 1 and tier 2 drugs, with home delivery. Dont wait, call unitedhealthcare or go online to enroll in aarp medicarecomplete. David some disturbing breaking news for you. L. A. County Sheriffs Department is confirming a deputy has been shot in lancaster, california. The shooting took place near Antelope County college. The suspect is currently at large. We will keep updating you on this developing story. Melissa. Melissa so donald trump hitting the campaign trail hard today. Just moments ago in a rally in nevada trump taking credit for running mate mike pences performance last night in the vicepresident ial debate. Peter barnes is watching trump closely and standing by in washington, d. C. , with the latest. He took credit for hiring him but still, peter. Yeah. Thats right, melissa. Stand by for that sound bite. Mike pence getting high marks from republicans for being cool and steady and not taking any bait from his opponent tim kaine last night. That includes from his most important supporter just in the last hour at that rally in nevada. Mike pence did an incredible job and im getting a lot of credit because thats really my first socalled choice. That was my first hire as we would say in las vegas. [cheering] and, and ill tell you he is a good one. He was phenomenal. He was cool, he was smart. He was, i mean you just take a look at him. He was meant to be doing what he is doing. Reporter now well hear from secretary clinton this evening at a fundraiser here in washington, d. C. On how she thinks tim cape did last night. He has gotten praise from Many Democrats for going on the attack against trump rather than against pence. Meantime a new poll out today shows clinton and trump picking up support in the key battleground state of ohio. Monmouth University Says 44 of ohio voters polled now support clinton and 42 back trump. That is within the margin of error. Gary johnson gets 5 and jill steyn 1 . In midaugust clinton led trump 43 to 39 . Gary johnson had 10 . Melissa looks like the voters are shifting from gary johnson to clinton and trump. Back to you. Melissa i think when trump says take a look at that guy. Were like, i hope you did watch him in the debate last night, mr. Trump. Peter barnes, thank you. David here is jim gilmore, former republican president ial candidate and former governor of virginia and so was tim kaine. Governor, thanks for joining us. For those that might have missed last night we have a short clip essentially what tim kaines strategy was against mike pence. Lets play that and get your reaction. He employed tens of thousands of people in this country. And paid no taxes and lost a billion dollars a year. Newly emboldened aggression of russia whether it was ukraine or now heavyhanded approach. You love russia. You had Clinton Foundation accepting foreign contributions. You are the trump apprentice. David ignoring the moderator who should have stepped in to stop the interruptions, bottom line tim kaine didnt want to win the debate necessarily. He wanted to throw out as much dirt as possible on donald trump. Do you think he was at all successful in that regard . No, i think he shot himself in the foot. I think most people believe that he looked like a child at the dinner table tt didnt know how to behave really. I think that his strategy wasnt just to interrupt. It was to actually shout down pence and not give him the opportunity to make his case. David right. But in the end, im going to tell you david, i think American People that saw it understand exactly what im saying. The democrats have no case for election. No case. What came through loud and clear they will continue to raise taxes, they will try to stop productivity in this country. They will continue on with the same low growth, they will have a lawless immigration policy, and International Security of this country is in grave danger because of obama and clinton. And theyre just going to keep trying to do the same thing. Only candidate of change is david the point is mike pence is getting a lot of pats on the back saying you werent drawn in. What was clear was that tim kaine was trying to draw you in, trying to bait you in on these issues, these specific issues, some of which had nothing to do with what they were talking about, but he was trying to draw him in. Mike pence was not drawn in. He was not baited into that conversation or that kind of defense. Is donald trump capable of the same strategy, capable of avoiding that . I agree, i think the viewers would agree that pence was very much a gentleman and very selfcomposed and not sucked into some sort of mudslinging contest with tim kaine. Donald trump, i will come back to what i was saying donald trump is going to be fine if he goes to the issue, particularly the growth of the economy, the economy is not growing. It came through loud and clear last night, the difference between the two parties. If donald trump simply addresses the growth of the economy and National Security of this country, he is going to follow on with more and more momentum from the successful pence debate. David hillary clearly will try to do it same thing tim kaine did. Tried it before in the first debate and frankly took the bait on couple of those issues. She is hunkering down, not on the campaign trail today. Donald trump is. He is in nevada now. Should he be studying to sort of avoid those traps . I dont see any problem with preparing. I always prepared for debates every time i debated at either the state or national level. At the end of the day if he sticks to the fact, tells the American People what he wants to do, talks seriously about the lousy economy weve got and lack of opportunities, that will of course get more votes in places like for example, ohio and pennsylvania. And virginia. And i think that he will continue to gain that momentum. Im pretty excited for his opportunity. David were excited about the debate. It will be on sunday night. Governor gilmore. Thank you very much. Good to see you. Thank you, david. David melissa. Melissa earnings alert. Yum brands reporting Third Quarter results. Lori rothman on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange with the numbers. Lori, what are you seeing . Reporter melissa, it was a revenue miss for yum brands, owner of kfc, pizza hut and taco bell. 3. 32 billion is what the company came out with, versus 3. 46 billion estimate. Earnings were, actually 1. 09, a penny softer than expected. This is the story, the last quarter that yum brands will report with its china division. So the company is part of its Earnings Release today is confirming it is going to spin off the china biz come november 1st. It will trade under Ticker Symbol yunc. Yumc. Looks like china samestore sales declined 1 when they were expected to rise. I believe the figure was four or 5 . So its a big miss. The company is basically blaming a china related event and blaming tension, political tensions there for the declines in the sales there. Back to you. Melissa lori, thank you for that. David shocking details coming out surrounding Kim Kardashians robbery. What really happened in that paris hotel . Well, weve got some ideas. Plus Hurricane Matthew making its way up the coast after becoming a deadly storm in the caribbean. Some towns readying themselves before the storm hits as other parts are actually evacuating. Regardless if there is a direct hit or not, impacts will be devastating. I can not emphasize this enough that everyone in our state must prepare now for a direct hit. Is it a professor who never stops being a student . Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions . Your personal success takes a Financial Partner who values it as much as you do. Learn more at tiaa. Org melissa Hurricane Matthew battering cuba and slamming haiti with high winds, for torrential rains and killing at least 17 people. Now the storm is taking aim at the bahamas and floridas governor is warning residents to prepare for a direct hit. Fox news chief meteorologist Rick Reichmuth is in the Weather Center with the latest on this one. Wow, what is next, rick . Yeah. So many people will be impacted by this the direction it is moving will take it across almost all the bahama islands. I think nassau will take a direct hit. Moved over haiti and cuba as you said at least not hugely, but a lot of areas with a lot more land mass which means it didnt disrupt it as much. We have category 3 on our hands. Likely get back to category 4, either way a major hurricane this is future radar debig shun it, gets going tomorrow night into friday. This particular model shows it just offshore would be great news. The worst side of the storm is on ride side of it. Would put worst over here, not as much on the shore. If it goes farther off to the west, that changes everything. Nonetheless well see troptropical Storm Force Winds as soon as noon tomorrow in south florida. West palm, 6 00 to 8 00 tomorrow night, hurricane conditions from west palm to port st. Lucie. The white there is major hurricane during the overnight hours tomorrow night friday morning around the space coast. Strong winds inland as well. Maybe Tropical Storm force towards the western side of the state. A lot of, uncertainty as far as the track. The overall track looks to be certain to moving off to the north and northeast but does it make a landfall in florida if it will have big impacts for storm surge if it does. There is a big possibility we see that sometime tomorrow night into friday morning. Melissa. Melissa rick, thank you for that. Well stay on top of it. David. Largest Carrier American Airlines is very concerned about all the wind and rain at the miami hub. The hurricane it is now canceling all arrivals to and from to miami tomorrow and departures from Fort Lauderdale and west palm beach. You heard rick talk about west palm. American plans to resume arrivals weather permitting on friday. Melissa Donald Trumps latest defense. The republican nominee calling out big donors to Hillary Clinton claiming he is under attack for using the same tax strategy as other billionaires. Next trumps Economic Advisor Stephen Moore sounds off on this. David plus new evidence of another big fat lie in the Health Care Law or at least the selling of it. How Illegal Immigrants could soon be offered obamacare. The reforms im proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. [shouting] we ship everything you atcan imagine. N, and everything we ship has something in common. Whether its expedited overnight. Or shipped around the globe,. Its handled by od employees who know that delivering freight. Means delivering promises. Od. Helping the world keep promises. David breaking news on developing story. Were now hearing two officers were shot in lancaster, california. One is a sergeant and one is it deputy. The two officers responded to burglary call. Where shots were fired. The suspects are currently at large. S. W. A. T. Team en route to the area. Well keep you updated. Melissa. Melissa donald trump talking about obamacare and tying it to hillary and bill clinton. Bill clinton torched president obamas signature legislation. I think that Hillary Clinton should apologize for pursuing obamacare and she wants to make it even worse than it is right now. Melissa so this is just as california is petitioning to become the first state to offer obamacare to Illegal Immigrants. Tony sayegh, Jamestown Associates Vice President , a Fox News Contributor. Mustapha tamiz, former department of Homeland Security consultant. Thanks to both of you for joining us. Mustafa, what do you think about this idea . Because president obama, we saw the click going into the last commercial break had said he would make sure it was not for Illegal Immigrants, who wouldnt be paying into the system. Now california is turning that on its head, what do you think about that . Well, california, made this request and making this request to actually make it cheaper for california residents because, if this request is accepted, the taxpayers will pay no part of the subsidy for people that are undocumented to get this health care. Melissa trying to shift the cost to the feds. So it is cheaper for california taxpayers . No, no. Melissa who is paying . Not a dime of taxpayer money would be used. Melissa who is paying . People undocumented would pay for Health Insurance costs. Beware when someone says not a dime of taxpayer money is being spent on obamacare which is essentially an entitlement, a subsidized program by taxpayers. That is exactly white. Is that is not true. That is exactly what it has become. Melissa can i shift to what, lets play what former president bill clinton said about this. I want to get your reaction on the other side. Youve got this crazy system where all of sudden 25 million more people have health care and then the people are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It is a crazy thing in the world. Melissa so, tony, we know who is paying. Everybody in the middle. That is who always pays for all this stuff. Regular taxpayer who cant handle anymore cost. What im wondering with bill clinton admitting that with we already know, he is crazy like a fox. I dont really believe this was an accident. What is the strategy with him going out trashing obamacare, i shouldnt say trashing, telling truth what is going on . Great insight, melissa. It is clear obamacare is albatross for democrats particularly Hillary Clinton who has to own a program she was never necessarily involved in architecting during the obama term. Remember she was secretary of state but it expands just average hardworking tax paying american. Young people, millenials have to pay for obamacare because theyre forced into buying Health Insurance that they generally dont use. The way economics of this works is, their unused money goes towards subsidizing those who use it most. That is the whole way the system works. If you look at the fact again were findg out obamacare was sold on another big lie. It passed by narrowest of margins in the house and senate. Only thing bipartisan about obamacare was opposition against it. 40 democrats in the house voting against it. Barack obama specifically played this promise it would never be expanded to Illegal Immigrants. Now we see a state trying to violate what was intended initially. Melissa i have to hand it over to david, go ahead. David mustafa, we give you more time next time. Donald trump defending his use of the tax code while using Hillary Clintons big donors for using same kind of deductions that he did. Take a listen. Her donors and contributors have used those same tax laws as i did. Soros declared 1. 5 losses, 1. 5 billion in just six months. And Warren Buffett declared 873 million. Ask them did they write off those losses . I doubt it. David before trump Economic Advisor and Fox News Contributor joins me now. Im just wondering how much of this the average american can identify with . Hearing these hundreds of millions of dollars and billions of dollars. The bottom line is the tax code is there, if you can avoid paying taxes legally you do it, whether youre rich, poor or in between, right . Thats for sure. There are not too many people, there are some, but not too many people pay more taxes than they have to. There are a lot of hypocritical liberals say how much they love paying taxes but dont pay more than they have to. When you ask the question how many people really understand this loss carryover provision youre probably right. It is interesting, david, i heard from a lot of people in the last week who are farmers and ranchers, so on, Small Businesses they got this. David interesting. That is a big part of doing business. If you have a loss one year, say youre a farmer, you have a bad crop, you will lose money and get to write those losses off against the profits you make in future years. Without that we wouldnt have a lot of Small Businesses. David i think to a certain extent donald trump is, doesnt have enough faith in the average american to understand certain things. In fact, sometimes when he is hit by hillary on things like for example, he is a failure because he lost money, he doesnt come back at her necessarily the right way. Homer jenkins writing in the wall street journal saying how does he fail to mention, his companies, even when losing millions of dollars continue to generate payroll, franchise property sales and personal income taxes for government . So thats the answer that throws back to hillary. Of course. Hundreds of millions of dollars payroll taxes, of property taxes, of sales taxes. By the way, he also employs as many as 10,000 workers. Theyre paying income taxes, david. David right. Huge revenue stream from his business operation. He has to come back on sunday, she will attack him, hillary, you know nothing about business. You never run a business. How did you and your husband make over 100 million out of politics . David he created thousands of jobs doing that. Thats for sure. David i have to ask you one final thing. He is tough on Ford Motor Company moving the plant to mexico. Ford Motor Company is striking back. Bill ford, executive chairman, yes, we are doing a couple of projects in mexico but we havent fired anybody in michigan as a result of that, in fact well be beginning up operations. Weve got a sound billet from bill ford. Sound bite. Get you to react. That is what is so frustrating, certain point infuriating about this because i feel like weve not only invested heavily in this country and are adding lots of new jobs in this country, but, you know, i think, you know, he and others should look at us, say, that is how you do business. You pay back your loans and hire people and you invest. David of course ford, they never took a bailout. You got it. David the way the other companies did. What do you think of this . Im a big admirer of ford precisely because they didnt take the handout money from washington. I think the point i would make and i think donald trump would make is look, maybe theyre not laying off workers but wouldnt it be wonderful thing if we had tax and regulatory structure for this company where those people could hired here in the United States . 19,000, david, per manufacturing employees in this country in terms of regulatory costs. Take those burreddens off of business. I think you will have those companies and those businesses come back. David compromise between ford and trump. Well see if it works. You got it. David steve moore, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Thank you. Melissa we are following a manhunt going on in california right now near l. A. Where a man shot two officers while they were responding to reports of a burglary. They are, he is now on the run. Well have latest for you when we come back. music playing push it real good. announcer vo or you can take a joyride. Bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. Siriusxm. Road happy. 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What we now know is the suspect is currently on the loose after two officers were shot. They were responding to a burglary call in lang kaster, california. It is about an hour ago this all went down. The s. W. A. T. Team is currently in the area responding. The suspect is on the run or suspects. Joining me on the phone, pat brosnan, former nypd homicide detective. This shows how dangerous it is. Just answering a burglary call and two officers are shot. What is your suspicion here . Is it tool early to tell anything based on what we know . David, definitely too early to tell. The incidents and facts swirling around these types of shootings are very foggy from the onset. The information we have from the citywide agency frequency it was a burglary. A sergeant and his deputy were shot in relation to burglary call for assistance. Whether or not it is part of a deeper plot we saw in tex salves and elsewhere, so saw in texas and elsewhere we saw over the summer we cant say without any precisn. It drives home the extreme danger of even fairly routine low level burglary. David forgive me for interrupting but were looking at live shots. This is just moments ago. We look not only a s. W. A. T. Team but we see guys in full mill gear. Because there have been shootings in california before that perhaps they called out more than the normal police s. W. A. T. Teams . It is probably part of the protocol, david, that in todays setting and climate, that the s. W. A. T. Team is fortified by a militarized element of that municipalitys police department. That is pretty Standard Operating Procedures today. Even more so after the summer that we had. David yeah. By the way, we are getting obvious confirmation that the suspect is armed. Obviously he was because of the two officers who were shot down. Final question to you, pat, isen lockdown now . What do people do who are watching this on the air that are worried about their safety right now . Well, there is a lot of concerns. First of all, you have elementary school. We bring it up here in the operations center, east, west, north and south. What the police do, david, they establish a grid. If this individual is believed based on factual reporting to be on foot, they will establish a four mileanhour travel distance, east, west, north and south and overlay a grid on it. People are advised to shelter in place. There are armed Police Shooters or shooter on the loose. Common sense prevase. Let the police do their thing. They throw a net over the area and put up roadblocks in every direction. David it is a wide net, ladies and gentlemen. Officers summoned in full military gear in lancaster, california. Thank you, pat. Well bring you update as soon as we get them. Melissa all right. Well be right back. 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Joining me on the phone is john raferty, former nypd lieutenant. What can you tell me so far . I dont know if youre able to see the screen. Officers fanning out. They have told students at local Antelope Valley college to shelter in place. What does that tell you . Theyre settings up perimeter. Hopefully the suspect is in the perimeter. The last thing you want to have is casualties to happen to anybody else. We dont know if they have broken in the house and have hostages. They will work with what they have. They will work off, this, vehicle in the area, whatever it is. You can, rest assured that detective squad will have their hands full working on this. Melissa if you see the tremendous amount of force that responded, we see that from the aerial view. Number of men on the ground and number of cars. Were looking attaininglike vehicles well. It is very heavyhanded response. It seems like, you know, very serious situation. What do you make of that kind of a response . Obviously you have two officers shot. So without a doubt it is a very serious situation. I dont know if there was information released type of weapon. You will have emergency service. Who will dot entry, controlled entry into an apartment or house. If they do locate this individual. Im sure they have hostage negotiation if there is any hostage that is taken, probably responding to that scene. Just the case if that situation arises as well. Melissa weve seen some Different Things in this country in the past few months in terms of the type much danger and threat the officers face. Do you think the response in this situation has changed as a result of that . We dont know the situation that took place. We dont know what transpired in this incident. Officers are working with their hands tied. That is evidence. Unfortunately this is something that could be the result of Something Like that. You see what is going on around the world. People throwing things in cops faces. Throwing cell phones at peoples faces. I dont know. We lose track officers are only ones out there protecting the community and the way theyre being treated is horrendous. David john, it looks like in this case that there is none of that that residents are happy to have enforcement were seeing in the dragnet. Is there any kind of help people can do beside just staying home and longing their doors . No. The previous question i thought that was referring to across the country with the treatment of police officers. Melissa absolutely. With this incident here at hand they should be announcing if they havent, probably advising everybody to stay in their home. Be it they have k9 out there or something theyre just looking for a lead. But the way the police are situated i would believe that maybe they believe this person is one of those residences that we can see on the screen. Melissa that makes sense. John, thank you so much for your insight. We appreciate it. Thank you, folks. David this story is heartbreaking. Fighting for their lives. Our nations heroes are dying while waiting for care at the phoenix, Virginia Health facility there for the va. The disturbing new report is coming next. Shipped from here, on this plane flown by this pilot, who owns stock in this company, that builds big things and provides benefits to this woman, with new cabinets. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Get between you and lifes dobeautiful moments. Llergens by choosing flonase, youre choosing more complete allergy relief and all the enjoyment that comes along with it. When we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only control 1. Flonase controls 6. And six is greater than one. With flonase, more complete relief means enjoyment of every beautiful moment. Flonase, six is greater than one, changes everything. Upon. More problems plaguing the va, hundreds have died waiting for medical care in the Veterans Hospital in phoenix, according to a new report from the va Inspector General. Doug mckelway is live in d. C. Doug, it keeps getting worse and worse. Reporter why is this happening more than two years after the scandal the long wait times has surfaced in the short answer is the Veterans Administration is a massive bureaucracy and change comes really slowly. Even the Inspector General which produced this report is mired in the very same bureaucracy that plagues the va. Chairman jeff miller of the House Va Committee said about the ig report, quote its nearly impossible to tell from this ig report how many patients died from not being seen, determine untimely care that the phoenix va facility may have contributed to the death of one patient, but identifies hundreds of others who died before their scheduled appointments. It is unclear whether the patients may have been elderly or infirm or whether treatment would have saved them. That said, wait times for consultation are abysmal, 4800 patients had 5500 consultations for appointments that exceeded 30 days. 10,000 students had Community Care consults that exceeded 30 days. One patient waited over 300 days for vascular care. The ig blamed it on wait on lab machines so reports were dictated or lost. In a joint statement, arizona senators jeff flake and john mccain called these simply unacceptable. We should all be alarmed that more than two years after the scandal first erupted at the phoenix va reprehensible behaviors continues to take place. The va agreed to the findings and promises corrective action, how many times have we heard that before, david . So many times. What happens now, doug . Does it get passed to another bureaucracy or what . I finished doing an interview with chairman miller, didnt have time to get it in this particular piece. Said he the problem here is the midlevel managers who know theyre going to outlast the va. They know theyre going to outlast the chairman of the committee. Outlast any administration. If they outlast it, they continue doing what they do. I dont know if theres any hope. Doug, thank you very much. Were going to be keeping an eye on the shooting of two officers in lancaster, california near the Antelope Valley college. Heres risk reward. The thought of donald trump as commander in chief scares us to death. Look, hes not a polished politician like you and Hillary Clinton. You want a youre hired president in Hillary Clinton or youre fired president in donald trump. She accepted contributions from foreign governments. You are Donald Trumps apprentice. If your son or my son handled classified information the way Hillary Clinton did, he would be courtmartialed. Praise Vladimir Putin and sitting down with Vladimir Putin. He loss of dictators. Hes got a personal mt. Rushmore. Vladimir putin, kim jongun, Moammar Gadhafi and saddam hussein. Come on

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