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, it has absolutely no strategic reserve, the russian economy will last only until 25 of the year and then the weapons will run out in 2026, maybe earlier , at the same time we will depend on external players russia largely depends on itself or it is completely uncertain how long the event will last support us with a sufficient supply of resources warehouses in western countries are not completely empty no matter what ukraine is working on a program of deterrence and retaliation to withstand the expectation and the Winter Campaign of the Russian Federation to Bombard Energy infrastructure objects, let them begin , they will also receive an answer, we will not finish the war with a victory parade in moscow, but even in moscow we should not hope to hold it in kyiv. How do you, mr. Yevgeny, evaluate what budanov says that the russian economy will last only until 2025 . Then, in principle, there will be big problems. Because today putin announced that they have restored their profits from oil and gas , the oil donors have gone to them again, and they have, in principle, what they had as of now. It seems to me that the two concepts are a little mixed up. I think that the interview was simply recorded from the voice and here. Maybe the accent is a little wrong. The fact is that the russian economy , unfortunately, will last for the 24th year and the 25th and 26th. Well, how will it last . Another question , that is, in fact, they have subcutaneous fat tane, too, a little bit, but the sanctions turned out to be not completely ineffective is the russian propaganda that the sanctions do not work against them, they work and work hard, but unfortunately they turned out to be far from so rapid and not so deadly, i was hoping for the event. The fact is that the countries of the third world that do not like to be called the third world and who claim to be called the global south now, so this global south did not join the sanctions of the west and it turned out that the economies of this global rooster are already large enough that trade with them could partially compensate for the western sanctions, i. E. Instead of just such a rapid corkscrew collapse of the russian economy, there is also a gradual fading from the fading, it is absolutely unambiguously obvious, but this is a slow process, but what turned out to be much less stable, and this is something that, by the way , few people in the west have already accepted although the military is only already perceiving , and even for me it was a certain discovery this year , it is that the militarytechnical link has turned out to be a weak point for the russians. Who would have thought, but not only that, their Defense Industry is actually paralyzed by sanctions oil tanks continue to drip, but there is a nuance here, as you and i seem to have discussed with a chorus of voices in the western media there about our failed alleged offensive, in particular, the thesis that we invested so much in them and billions of dollars was sounded like our days they have to take wads of bucks in their hands and use these wads of bucks to throw at the ork trenches, so the same thing happened to the russians, the oil tank is dripping, but it turns out that they cant buy any military goods with it. Unfortunately, they cant buy goods and double destination, i. E. Goods that are basically civilian but can be used for some types of military products , but china and a number of other countries help them with this, but no more than that, after all , no one except them and the wound leads direct supplies of fullfledged defense products. It turned out that the valuable Defense Industry, first of all, is absolutely not ready for import substitution, it turned out that for the last 30 years they have not collected any spare parts at all, and even the new tanks that were being assembled are now being assembled again completely with all devices made in the 80s. About the same ancient soviet ones, completely obsolete or there are no others. So, uh , i discovered, but this is the same prohibition industry, they are trying in every way to resuscitate it, and it is precisely because of this uh, shadow supply of dual purpose goods and because of the involvement of labor reserves, in particular. There, some factories with plus changes are currently working, but all the same, the amount of what they produce turns out not to be commensurate with the amount of what our defenders are destroying for this very time. And this is where the question arises. Well, what about their reserve here we come to one very important narrative of russian propaganda, which the majority of the world shares so far is that the russians have such large Strategic Reserves that in the event of a protracted war of attrition, russia will definitely win. To be honest, a year ago i thought so too, but it turned out that the king is not just naked, but he is just sorry , he shines his head, buttock, and in the bottomless russians at the wheel for days, he just shines through, hey , you and i recently saw how they filmed , uh, the only s300 division from the polish islands in order to strengthen moscows rppo, for the first time in 1945, when the soviet union occupied all japanese territories, they were left without cover from the sky for the first time, then we saw how panzer complexes were placed around moscow. We have to remove antiaircraft defense and from the far east, from the far north, expose a nuclear facility, inspect the chinesejapanese borders, and this is to cover only one with belakas , lets look at the ground in front of the equipment, huge warehouses of ee tanks are behind the urals and fortunately there, the tanks stand in the open, in the open sky, just in the dark, and therefore the satellites can be monitored as they are taken from there. In the one and a half years of war, 40 of all these warehouses have already been emptied. That means that in one and a half years, the russian army spent, or we translate, our defenders destroyed first, all those tanks that were in service at the beginning of the invasions and 40 of all stocks , well, in portillery, yes, they are now producing up to 20 of these old tyrene tanks per month , plus up to 50 are being deconserved for these old ones warehouses, by the way, this is also a process for the tank to go to the front, it must be brought to the factory there to be serviced very seriously, only then it will go to the front, so there are cars from conservation plus 20 new assembly, 70 cars a month this is what they are producing, we destroy more a month two hundred artillery vehicles , the situation for them is even more catastrophic, they produce up to ten new artillery systems per month, we destroy about 300 in a month, moreover, i am not operating with the numbers of our general staff, i am operating with numbers exclusively confirmed by photos and videos from the olex portal. That is, these are known to be underestimated numbers , and in fact, if there were still any doubts, then after we saw last week these literal tambourines that putin arranged for a friend in some way with eh well, everything became absolutely clear. Russia has reached the real point, they are pleading with shells in north korea, you know. I never liked the soviet union, it was an evil empire. I am happy that the products participated. But whatever it was, the evil empire was technological. Developed and at least provided herself and all her satellites with weapons, and to imagine that the general secretary of the Central Committee of the cpsu is asking the general secretary of the labor party for shells, well, it sounded like a stupid joke, but we have now seen this stupid joke in reality there for kim jongun and the ballet was arranged and not led by the cosmodrome in short, all the tricks are possible, but it was absolutely obvious how much they need these korean shells, and er, by the way of the flags, the flag is in their hands and the armored train is ready for the meeting. The fact is that putins russia has sunk to the point what a pleading projectiles of ukraine where firewood trucks are driving around the capital now im not kidding, this is absolutely reality until i drive firewood trucks and the quality of everything there is about the same in 2020 north korea arranged a muscle game eh arranged a shooting eh 2,400 shells were fired at the south Korean Missile and 400 of them reached the entire island and about 80 of them exploded , that is, about 34 . So now, even if he drops a million shells, it will have little effect on the course of hostilities, but instead because of that, it became clear that you are not eternal, and i think that general budanov meant exactly this, the resource of the Russian Air Defense system and these inflated reserves of their equipment and antitank missiles for a maximum of a year of such a war as now at most for a year, but they can really be less, and there is also the possibility of very different turns, they still really hope that they will be highlighted, comrade , but so far this has not happened and there is still no reason to believe that it is melting and the climate with its own resources, together with iran and others , turns out to be wrong what what they are not what they are ready for a comfortable war, not exhaustion. And what are they actually close to this exhaustion . Thank you, mr. Yevgeny. This was yevgeny, a wild veteran of the russianukrainian war, a former platoon commander of the aydar battalion. Friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as our platform on youtube and facebook for we invite those who are currently watching us live on youtube to take part in the survey. Today we ask you about who will stop putins aggression in your opinion nato, the United States of america, the armed forces of ukraine, your option please write in the comments, please dont forget to subscribe to our social networks, join our site espresso tv , we work for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, further contact mykola knyazhytskyi, peoples deputy of ukraine, mykola and i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on the air. Good evening. I congratulate you. Lets start with shufrych. Although this is the topic of last weeks arrest of Nestor Shufrych and the accusation of his announcement of suspicion of treason, it seems that it will also be the topic of the following weeks. Since the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine, as yevgenia kravchuk, the deputy head of the servant of the people faction, said, it is intended to consider at the next meeting the dismissal of shufrych from the post of chairman of the committee on freedom of speech. Can you explain why the progovernment forces took so long to dismiss shufrych from such an important parliamentary position . Committee. What is the committee on the protection of freedom of speech and information, but there was no such need to change it in the majority, because the representatives of the socalled banned pzj, in whatever factions they are now we voted in a disciplined manner together with the government, sometimes, and we, as a democratic opposition, vote together when the laws are really needed for protection, in order to overcome the aggressor, but very often those laws talk about the usurpation of power, about certain restrictions for entrepreneurs or for business we vote against, but the former pzs always voted for and shufrychs vote was important there, as i understand it, no one was going to persecute him until suddenly there was some need, for what reason did this need arise , or because of what needed to be diverted attention from in the conflict in the government itself, when it became big between two representatives of the government, they are making noise with the mantsevs. Shurma, as the media write, began to order various stories on the internet against hetmantsev, he is accordingly also responsible, and even such a progovernment political scientist, fesenko, directly commented on what this behind this internal scandal in the authorities are actually watching the whole country, in addition , it was the case of kolomoiskyi, and kolomoiskyi was brought up with another suspicion , now already the sbu, we see that due to a certain competition between the sbu, the information about suspicion of kolomoiskyi and it would seem that attention should also be diverted from this, there was a survey of sociologists, which bankova took very painfully about the fact that the majority of citizens believe that the president is responsible for the state of affairs in ukraine , where there is serious corruption. Is this an arrest or well, for now, the detention of Nestor Shufrych as a preventive measure is possible , and i would like to believe that the sbu will really prove in court what they say, because there is no need to prove that an antiukrainian activist the fact that his activities should be prosecuted by law for every patriotic and knowledgeable person also does not need to be proven, but the accusations that were falsified were presented at least those that we saw on tv or materials based on how all the accusations are presented, they looked a bit strange, one of them this is a document that was shown to all of us. In fact, this is a document about uh, well, about such a dismemberment of ukraine, but not the actual dismemberment of ukraine, but the weakening of ukraine due to strong controlled, first of all the separatist regions of the donetsk luhansk region, ee. This was shufrych medvedchuks proposal. It is another matter that it was their open letter at that time to president poroshenko and to putin, and it was published by the press, then according to the scheme published in this letter, such pseudocommunities were created in the regions we this was observed. I even organized actions against the creation of these communities and against medvedchuk as such, because of which medvedchuk initiated a criminal case against me for the smell of burglary. Whether it was closed or not, but it was investigated for quite a long time, i went to the interrogations in this case precisely because we protested against the scenario of the development of ukraine that was proposed by shufriks or pdvchuk in the document that was supposedly found three days ago and it was long ago published well, this document now shows this concept, it is enough to google its name and you will see a lot of sites that were published back in 2014, is this enough to not just indict shufricha e for that i dont know how to pass a sentence, but there is no doubt that there must be an investigation and other grounds for this sentence to be passed , in one word, its such a strange thing when no one has any questions about the direction and criminal elements of shufrich. But we dont we did not see concrete evidence that would help justice prevail. And the court will issue a fair decision on his punishment together with the shufrich in the Verkhovna Rada , four dozen more deputies who are elected from the opzzh party, which is officially banned in ukraine there are more than 4,000 deputies of various levels in ukraine, well, that is, in fact, if we talk about this network, a Large Network, well, its a whole network, a Large Network that continues to operate in ukraine, they move to different factions, to different groups, and there is a certain migration, of course that there will be no local elections, obviously there wont be either. What exactly should people do with their legitimacy, if they were elected from a party that worked in russia, this is recognized as valid in ukraine. Look, if the party is banned, it is at least surprising that its representatives continue to work in the authorities and in many regions they are part of the coalition and appoint their representatives, this means that this ban is fictitious because if the party is banned, then obviously at least there should not be representatives in the authorities and other representatives who were elected on the lists of this party are still deputy heads of other committees, influence political processes, all this looks at least strange, it is obvious that i believe that this house especially in the conditions of war, the existence of a branch of the Russian Orthodox church looks strange. We have already talked with you several times on various broadcasts about your draft law on ensuring the strengthening of National Security in the sphere of freedom of conscience and the activities of religious organizations. It provides for a ban on the activities of its branches and organizations in ukraine. The council continues to ignore this draft law. Well, there are many reasons, one of them is that it is necessary to understand what the rpc is in ukraine, it is also a branch that called itself even the uoc of the mp and the uoc in unity with the mp, although obviously this is a part of the Russian Orthodox church and now we have adopted a law, for example, that those churches that have a center in the country of the aggressors must indicate this in their name, and this law was recognized by the Constitutional Court as constitutional as it corresponds to the constitution, but for some reason this law is not implemented, there are literally several examples as, for example, it was in the chernivtsi region, where there was indeed a suspension of registration until it changed its name, but it was done before the 19th year, when mykola gregel was one of the employees such a department, he was an atoshnik, now the department of religious affairs of the Chernivtsi Regional Administration is fighting again, performing the duties of the head of the Chernivtsi Regional Administration, mykhailo pavlyuk, and at that time they were engaged in this, and for example, in such a city as poltava, there was still no transition for all this time, where did chernivtsi come from . By the way, i want to say that the most blessed epiphanius and onuphrius also came from there. There were 32 transitions until the 19th year. And after that , it seems six or nine. Now these processes are being resumed, thank god, but very are slowly recovering, why is this happening because it is a huge network that is spied on by russian agents, but who was it financed by ukrainian oligarchs, by the same vadimo novinsky, by the same firtash, many others who now continue to work in the ukrainian parliament, i think that he nestor shufritsi of this movement visited all the churches and they very much and they continue to do so, and the local deputies who very often took from the majority, but they either go or want support from these priests at these times elections, that is why they are not ready. If there are more churches in his electoral district , of course, he plans to come to these priests for support in the next parliamentary elections, although i agree with you, i do not understand how to conduct them during the war, and i am convinced that this it wont happen, but they think that it will happen. They often talk about the elections and how they will ban someone if it is the basis of their electoral support. And they donated funds too, and there are a lot of such people in the majority, because we do not ban them only because the majority is put on the agenda, and we do not accept not only the draft law where i am one of the coauthors together with other colleagues from different factions. By the way, i am also from the power faction, and the law submitted by the government , which i am much weaker and ineffective, but it declares such and such a possibility of prohibition and he, too, did not appear in the hall, so it seems to me that the Political Party in power understands that without the support of the Russian Orthodox church , it will be difficult for him to win the next elections, but some of them understand, but some of them support the ban, and as i understand it, the Security Service of ukraine, which persecutes many traitors of ukraine in the ranks of this church, is also for the ban, that is, there is such a struggle in the government itself, and now those who are against such a ban are winning so far because they are in power. They mentioned the elections and the possibility of elections, and president zelenskyi spoke about this two weeks ago , in one of the interviews, he said that if there are elections in 2024, the war will continue , well, that is, he combined these two processes, that is, the continuation of the war and the possibility of holding such elections, he will run for office because he cannot abandon the state and of course he will run for the second time despite his promise of only one president ial term, judging by the groups that left and the actions that zelenskyi had, they are obviously preparing for the elections after all, because he is going a Large Company about the fight against corruption and they are very actively pumping up the information field of this fight, this is the first, second, zelenskyi said that the minimum wage will increase at the beginning of next year, well, that is, what kind of steps allow us to conclude that it is obvious that zelensky is preparing for the elections, under what conditions these elections can be held for the parliament and the president. Well, i dont know if zelensky is preparing for the elections. I think that its just that volodymyr zelensky, as a person with production experience, is used to following the rating every day you are going on the air now, but tomorrow or at the end of the week, together with the chief editor and the chief marketer of the tv channel, you will see what the ratings of your program were. Choose not the tv channel. On the days when your Program Aired Volodymyr Zelenskyi has been doing the same program all his life, and that is why he is always trying to do something so that his rating will not fall, but on an instinctive level , he is not necessarily doing it because he is convinced that there will be elections. He just wants to always be popular. And those people who came with him from this field are also this approach, because a person who thinks politically or a strategist will say, ok, i will make some unpopular decisions today, or on the contrary, i will not be involved there, i will not be involved in populism, i will do something possible i will be condemned now and mine will fall, but people will appreciate it after some time, and then during the elections itself, he will rise. A politician will think like this, and a person who is only learning politics or a team that is learning politics, and even more so if she came from the television sphere. She thinks tactically today on today, i do not have such a conviction that Volodymyr Zelenskyy wants to hold elections, at least because of the fact that he. How much money will have to be spent to put the observers in the trenches, he also had such a quote, which he said with irony and sarcasm, in fact it is emphasized that it is impossible to hold elections. And now i agree with him on this, because how can you hold elections when, uh, the military is not will be able to vote and temporary premises, persons abroad will not be able to vote and how to hold elections in a country that is at war, but we must all be united. I dont like president zelenskyi in peacetime, the party, the people, thats why i to them in the opposition, but i dont want to take part in the Election Campaign where i will talk about all their shortcomings from morning to night and weaken them, and they talk about mine, because in our country there will be a war in our country. And we must all be united when we are at war with the enemy. Another reason why elections should be held during the war, in principle, well, it is impossible. At the same time, we are a democratic country and we need to prepare for this, and when the war will end, no one knows, but everyone hopes that the black swan will fly, and as it was near kharkiv or under in kherson, the Russian Troops will suddenly retreat, disappear from our territory, they will weaken, and this can happen, so we must be prepared for this. I would like it to happen as soon as possible and we, as a democratic country, hold elections, because in democratic countries, elections must be held, thats why we are not russia where they really take place, but their results are immediately drawn on a piece of paper , but when it will be difficult to predict, because even after the end of hostilities , people must return home, everyone must be faithful it is necessary to register in order for the displaced persons to return, it is necessary to understand how they will vote, it is necessary to understand how the people in the liberated territories will vote, then one of these people is a hero. To the social and demographic changes that took place in the country due to the war, there are a lot of questions that have not yet been answered, so we are not ready for the elections yet. Another question that is quite relevant for ukraine at the moment is the ban on the import of grain to European Countries ukraine today filed a lawsuit against poland, slovakia and hungary at the wto , yulia svardenko informed about this, the first deputy Prime Minister the minister of economy and poland has already announced that it will block ukraines entry to c, if the grain issue is not resolved, this is for the minister of agriculture of poland, robert telus, according to you, the whole grain story, will it not quarrel us with our closest associates, neighbors , friends, people who helped us during the war and help us during the war a lot many and this is a misunderstanding. What has arisen now , and how can it be resolved . Well, first of all, i want to say that from my point of view , these are really our partners who have helped us a lot, continue to help, and our gratitude to them is boundless, but now they are behaving unfairly in relation to ukraine because we signed the agreement on the association and the economic part and we should have access to the markets of european products just as european products have access to the ukrainian market and all this is written in the law and that is why the European Commission did not change anything there, and the actions of these countries actually contradict the rules of the European Union and weaken it, and it is bad, it is obvious that it is beneficial for russia, at the same time, the actions of ukraine do not always seem to me to be fully adequate either because it is necessary to understand very well that the actions of these countries are not really aimed at preventing us from being accepted into the European Union , although honor is possible for this direction, but at least i think not, but that we are accepted with very serious restrictions on conditions that are actually unfavorable for us and thats uh for us such a big and serious challenge and it was necessary to include all the forces of all the factions of all the deputies for parliamentary diplomacy that could influence this process and help our country get out of the alcohol situation, and instead the ukrainian authorities the possibility of opposition parliamentarians to communicate with their colleagues and to go abroad for such negotiations is not always professional, and what we see is, on the one hand, a consequence of the not entirely correct behavior of our neighbors, and with other and not the expertise of our ukrainian authorities. Thank you, mr. Mykola, the time for our program is running out. It was mykola knyazhytskyi, people s deputy of ukraine, friends. We continue to work live on the espresso tv channel , as well as on youtube and facebook. Please like this video if you are watching i say goodbye to you on youtube or facebook. I wish you good health. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Goodbye. Ukraines position against russia in the International Stadium because of the genocide convention, we will explain what it is for the lawsuit and why is he important you watch him from ukraine live from london i am evgenia shedlovska ukrainian authorities appealed to the court in the first days of the fullscale war , saying that russia twisted and distorted the concept of genocide when ukraine was unjustly accused of such actions and used this as a pretext for the invasion now

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