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We are making a difference for and thanks to each of you glory to ukraine on the air of the marathon, the only news. We continue to discuss the events of the russianukrainian war and today , of course, we focus our attention on the events taking place in new york. The first results this day, i will help us with this ivan klympushtens for the head of the committee on the integration of ukraine into the european union, a peoples deputy of the European Solidarity faction. I welcome you to the broadcast of the marathon and glory to ukraine heroes glory to mrs. Ivan considering the speeches that were heard from the rostrum of the general meeting of the General Assembly of the oun, in your opinion, how strong is the position on this International Platform now , the strong position of ukraine, of course well, i understand that you are asking about ukraine and it is obvious that the situation with the Russian Federations war against ukraine and russias violation of the basic principles of the United Nations charter is definitely aah well such a serious focus and a serious uhuh Meeting Point uhuh of all this well, this years meeting uh, this is important so that we can count on not only help from the countries of the western world, but which we greatly appreciate and on which we count that it will not only continue, but also works for me because it has increased. On e understanding, our understanding of the situation, on our approaches, on our expectations of those countries that either hold, well , the socalled neutral position or openly support the Russian Federation. It is obvious that we cannot count on the fact that those who voted together with russia over the years will er drastically change their er preferences and their beliefs because their beliefs are actually either coercion or er long ruble but those who are, lets say , are or are trying to be in the middle of this that audience and these are the countries with which we need to work. And this is exactly the platform where it can and should be done and as powerful as possible during his speech. President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, which he actually showed, lets say, a tool. Well , as he said, which in the future can prevent or to resolve the conflicts of his war, the peace formula, he mentioned it in particular, in your opinion, to what extent this tool formed on ukrainian realities can work in the future and , lets say, it will be of interest to countries in the future as a tool that will help to avoid or resolve conflicts and war warriors , you know, it seems to me that this a very ambitious task. And what ukraine has formulated for itself today is this. Well, these are very raw steps , despite the fact that there are several meetings in the format of security advisers from Different Countries there up to 50 up to 50 countries have already held such meetings. But at the same time, talking about the fact that the form of the peace from ukraine formula can become, lets say, a new basis for a tool and a new generally accepted and generally accepted tool for solving various conflicts will probably be a big exaggeration, so you and i still have to clearly understand that the peace Formula First of all offers some kind of format , some kind of general framework of approaches to what ukraine sees as the solution and end of this war, but in the peace formula it is very much lacking that we have security guarantees there with you that can be obtained exclusively through ukraines membership in the north atlantic alliance. How do you think it is possible to transform this story so that, for example , there are these guarantees . With you to realize that longlasting and longlasting peace in ukraine in general on the territory of europe with such an aggressive Russian Federation definitely cannot be if gray areas remain in europe and therefore precisely to get rid of these gray areas including through ukraines direct membership in the a alliance is fundamentally critical for our future with you and for our security ms. Ivana returns to the topic of the un as an Organization Today , questions regarding its reformation were repeatedly raised today , the president of the United States with biden mentioned it, the president spoke about it turkeys recipes and portuguese well, earlier zelenskyy mentioned that he did not speak before that about the fact that russia should be removed from the Security Council of the United Nations as a permanent member, so how do you see the reform of the United Nations . For example, that it should be an organization that well is really effective and fulfills its functions. Well, at least 99. 9 of the architecture of the United Nations today continues to reflect the world that was formed after the end of the Second World War in the ten years that have passed since then, the world has changed significantly and it is obvious that the reform of the United Nations is a long, long time ago, you know, i remember that when antonio buterysh was one of the candidates for the post of secretary general of the United Nations, he visited various countries and i had the opportunity with him potential candidate for the position of viceprime minister to meet and listen to his approaches, at that time he talked about the fact that he has an ambition to reform the United Nations organization. Therefore, this is not a new idea, but unfortunately, we see that further from e it is good that the awareness of a larger number of countries about whether it is necessary to do it is growing, but such a common platform of approach to how it should be done does not exist at the moment. We hear that the president baidin talks about the need to attract new members to the Security Council of the un road safety organization. And it is obvious to take away the right of veto in this key global single global organization, but for today, lets say , there is appetite for such radical steps among most countries. She showed very, very little ability to do in terms of moving towards peace and ensuring what it was created for after the end of the Second World War ms. Ivana thank you for telling us about your position for this conversation ivan klympushtens for the head of the Integration Committee ukraine and the eu, a member of the peoples deputy of the European Solidarity faction, we are discussing today during our broadcast what is happening at the meeting of the un General Assembly, and these topics touched, in particular, on the reform of the organization of the United Nations and the reform of the un Security Council. We heard ivans position regarding the fact that so far there is no such consolidated and clear position of un representatives in order to really reform and change this organization to make it more effective. Well, the president of ukraine volodymyr during speaking at the General Assembly in new york, he called on the states to join in the preparation of the proposed peace formula offered by ukraine, of course we will listen to this fragment of the speech of the president of ukraine. If we are truly united, we will be able to guarantee steel peace for all peoples the greatest unity can prevent where he is not the secretary general when there are leaders during the evening many battles but not as an active defender for aggression in many cases there was a fear of a war piecemeal war was present such a war after which no one will gather in the hall of the General Assembly anymore, and the third world war was considered what do you think . Well, a nuclear one as a conflict between great powers when the actions where Nuclear Weapons and it seemed that wars are less terrible in comparison with such a large war states that have nuclear potential, and the 20th century taught us to refrain from using weapons of mass destruction, not to deploy, not to spread , not to threaten. Changes ukraine gave up its Third Largest nuclear personnel then it should have been decided that russia should become an example ampere of power but history shows that russia itself a room for nuclear frustration back in 1990 and russia deserves it now terrorists do not have the right to possess a nuclear onion they do not have the right to it but not Nuclear Weapons now but the most terrible is Nuclear Weapons that are not used weapons of mass destruction by right you will steal the aggressor uses as a weapon many other things and they are used not only against our country but also against your country when there are leaders there are many conventions that limit the use of weapons but there are no restrictions on using them as weapons in other factors, and i will give you examples of the first component of a largescale war, the ukrainian apartment in the black and azov seas were blocked by russia and still our appearance. Us to the world market as a weapon in exchange for the recognition of the voters of the territories in love, russia uses food prices. Threats, i want to thank the leaders who supported our black Sea Grain Initiative and the grain from ukraine program, thank you very much united united we once again made it so that this weapon was created on food and more than 45 countries saw how important it is that ukrainian grain was provided again on the markets but fat and to spain indonesia and asks and even now when russia disrupted the work of the black Sea Grain Initiative we are still working on our food stability i hope that many of you will join us in this work, we launched a temporary one. It seems that they are playing their own roles, but in fact they are playing the main fact from moscow, well, secondly, the Energy Sector is also used as a weapon, i have repeatedly seen how russia has already done it. Camellia used oil and gas to weaken the leaders of other countries. Uses Nuclear Energy as a weapon, it not only reliably builds Nuclear Power plants by itself , but also turns power plants into dirty dust, look what russia did to our zaporizhzhia power plant, shot it occupied and is still blackmailing others with radiation spaghetti, does it make sense to reduce Nuclear Weapons when russia uses Nuclear Power plants as a weapon, everything is a terrible question , the Global Security architecture has no answer, the following radiation threats and so far there is no responsibility for radiation a blackmailers and another example, the third these are children, unfortunately, various terrorist groups kidnap children, what can change the pressure for a week, what is and is society, but never before mass stolen deportations were part of state policy today day, because we know the names of dozens, this one we have until hundreds of thousands of others or stolen by russia , cs go, occupied territories of ukraine, later deported, criminal court , arrest of putin, this crime, we are trying to return the children home, but time passes, what will happen to them next, they hate ukraine, they break all ties ties with their families and it is definitely used against one people, this matter never stops every decade russia starts a new war between parts of moldova and georgia russia has turned the series into countries if it werent for russia, chemical weapons would never have been used in syria. Russia almost swallowed belarus and uh, its also an obvious threat to kazakhstan and the baltic countries, and the goal of the current war against ukraine is to turn our land, our people, our resources, and our life into an international one. Of order what is based on the rules of many missouri General Assembly can be emptied if russia succeeds in its tricks and aggression me and the lords of the aggressor on the ruins everything even without Nuclear Weapons but the consequences are we ourselves see how christ and the village of oko in the country are completely destroyed by artillery, we see one well drones, we see the potential consequences of the war going into cyber space and uhuh earlier uhuh technology was aimed at helping plus and its good that humanity has not learned that although use the climate as a creation, although the writeoff manages to achieve its ee goals and this means that some countries are threatened by weather conditions and some countries can use it when people go out on the streets of new york and other cities with a climate in protest, we also understand that people in morocco, in the left, in other countries, they die because of themselves, this kind of business is natural , and when the islands of this country disappear under water , when tornadoes and deserts cover new and new territories, when this all happens one after the other in moscow, they suddenly decided to start a huge war and killing is about people we must stop it we must not act united that will stop and focus our energy all our capabilities to solve these issues in the same way as deterring Nuclear Weapons so the aggressor must be restrained, because every war can be launched as the last one, but our capacity is the reason why aggression should not turn again. And this is not a dialogue between some great states through the usual doors that will protect us, but it is an open work for the sake of all the peoples of the world of peace last year i presented the ukrainian formula of myron of the general region and even later in indonesia i and we have a chance, the right chance to stop aggression on the terms of the people on which f8 is a real opportunity for every nation to achieve that if against your the state, god forbid, would be an aggressor of this choice, we knew for sure that your land will not be divided, you will not be given to military political pressure, and your territory and sovereignty will be fully restored, we initiated information by National Security advisers and diplomatic representatives, important negotiations and consultations took place in copenhagen, and in the Czech Republic and everything concerns the implementation of the peace formula we will also hear the global site of peace and i invite you, please , who is not what is not aggression and prepare together before that, i know about attempts to make some kind of agreements behind the scenes, and you cant trust evil, prigozhin, or you can trust in dozens, then hear me for me, and everything is solved in unity and openly, while russia is pushing the world to a final war , ukraine is doing everything so that no one here the world did not want to think about other peoples, and the use of factors as it stands should be prohibited because those who do not pay must be punished and the occupiers must return to their land, we must unite to do this as soon as we listened to the speech of president Volodymyr Zelenskyi during the meeting of the un General Assembly, the leader of the state also plans to participate in the meeting of the un Security Council, of course , as a public, we will follow the course of events in new york in the Current Court hearings of ukraine against russia in the case of genocide are taking place in gases, why are they unique . Ukraine became the first state to appeal to the court with a complaint that another state is abusing the convention on the prevention of genocide , 32 other western democracies joined it in this complaint yesterday, their arguments from the court presented by russia today ukraine tomorrow they will give the floor to everyone else more details at svoboda correspondent Radio Liberty olena abramovich it is up to the representatives of russia to deny the words of putin himself in ukraine there was no genocide russians explained to the courtroom for hours and the fact that russian top officials used this word was just rhetoric , they insisted putin did not mention the convention at all, and so there are no disputes regarding the prognostic convention, and there can be no statements about cannot be illegal from the point of view of international law, in particular, the convention on genocide, all statements it is not surprising if we take into account that the start of a fullscale war on terrorism in 2014 became his policy aimed at harshly suppressing any incitement of journalists and propaganda of hatred against ethnic russians. Meanwhile, the ukrainian side read the words of the Russian Ambassador to the un, vasyl ne benzi, where he specifically referred to the convention about the genocide, justifying the invasion, she gave examples of how after the socalled rhetorical accusations of the russians there was usually a completely nonrhetorical use of force by civilians, completely destroyed cities and villages such as mariupol and volnovakha, flooded villages, kidnapped and deported children, deliberate attacks on civilian infrastructure and many other unspeakable horrors, but during the speech of the russian representative, you did not hear any of this, listening to russia, you will never know what it is doing to my ukraine , the court is asking to establish two facts, firstly , there was no genocide in ukraine and it became a fictional pretext for russia to attack, secondly, russia abuses the convention on the prevention of genocide when it goes to war with ukraine in order to supposedly stop gnocide suzyk friend russia accuses ukraine of procedural norms russia says that ukraine refers to the Genocide Convention as i quote the reason end of the quote the alleged abuse by ukraine is that it seeks a peaceful resolution of the dispute in this court in fact russias abuse of the Genocide Convention is a fullscale invasion of this difference speaks for itself, putting ukraine in the 32 countries that joined the process to support ukraine. Next week, ukraine and russia will hold a second round of debates in only after that the court will decide whether it has the right to consider the case on the merits zgage olena bramovych martin dubalnik radio svoboda so you are watching the marathon the only news for you is the social team my name is Anna Cherednychenko sign language translation is provided now tetyana zhurkova well, how dangerous are our fronts now our front line will talk with yevgeny , the wild excondir of the aidar battalion , they are yevhena good evening glory to ukraine glory to the heroes good evening mr. Yevgeny i want to start with you, you know, one by one from the top down the kupyan direction on the eve of the marathon and for ivla, the preacher of the east of the troop group said that the occupiers are completing the rotation in the kupyan direction. The threat of high activation of this direction in your opinion, well, first of all, this direction has never lost its activity. But really recently , the offensive actions of the enemy have been greatly weakened compared to the previous weeks and most likely, after the completion of the rotation, the enemy will try to renew such a powerful massed attack on kupyansk. The fact is that the thieves do not rotate. From a good life, they urgently needed the most combatready units in the south, where they actually are. Our defenders successfully, although with very heavy battles , broke the socalled surovikin line. So the russians were forced to suspend their offensive on kupyansk and transfer several of the most combatcapable units to tehmak but to replace this unit, they brought part of the socalled 25th army, this is a completely newly formed army, which actually was supposed to go into battle not earlier than the end of october, but rather even in december, and it is understaffed, especially not old, thats whats called fresh with frost. So they had to bring it to the front at least two months earlier, in fact, in order to replenish the numbers instead of those units that moved to tokmak, so

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