Food products were transported in a ship without a grain agreement. This grain agreement. So, two processes, which of them has a perspective , and how will the alternative path to it end . Yes , thank you for your question, the situation really remains quite the same, and i would say that it is intensive , and in the development of grain exports from ukraine and around the situation with commercial shipping in the black sea in general, i looked at this issue more globally. And as for the discourse on the fields of the g20 in india. We have also seen the statements of the representatives, including those of the european union, who, in principle, directly accuse russia of cynicism. We have already seen the statements of the socalled minister of Foreign Affairs , lavrov, regarding the fact that they are not interested in any lets say yes, no, no, no, they are not even some kind of consensus and they are interested in what is done it was theirs, their pretensions, their demands, their blackmail on a large account, again ahah, and this , in my opinion, once again shows well that he shows that negotiating with a terrorist country, well, there is no point in negotiating with them at all it makes sense and it is very good that we will say yes, not all of them are ready to do this, we know that despite this mr. Rodogan held bilateral closed meetings there with the leaders of the countries participating in the g20 in order to somehow convince them that well lets live to meet or make some concessions about russias position so far, i do not see any movements in this direction. What about the second component and which you mentioned, namely the ukrainian position . And we have actually been on this position from the very beginning, and it is because russia does not have the right to adapt any conditions. The requirements to put a that concern e commercial shipping in the black sea region because it is not an internal sea of ​​russia and first of all second e again e again e when we talk about its actions it is actually really well lets lets be honest again yes this is just actions really such pirate er pirate backstage and when on the one hand terrorist attacks are carried out on our infrastructure facilities on civilian infrastructure on infrastructure related again to Food Security with food exports and on the other hand eh thus increasing the pressure on russia is trying to push the World Community to actually meet its demands , i. E. Remove the sanctions from us and then what will we stop shelling i will stop shelling ukrainian ports well, who trusts these words and even some to trust russias commitments. To be honest, it doesnt really happen to me. There are not many options for how to proceed, and we know that the official position of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Today is that making concessions to russia is the wrong way to go. That is why our proposal really consists in the fact that here is this alternative corridor, eh, hmm, which runs closer to, or even partly through, the territorial waters of nato countries such as romania, bulgaria. And what is worth working on . By strengthening air defense against air defense in the areas that provide exactly this export port, that is, in the port cities of ukraine, and it is of course worth continuing with our and with our now we are Great Britain United States and talk about the development of the danube direction and about so that they, including, help us well, i will say yes, with a certain military way of insuring these marine ships, as far as possible , ms. Olga makron has already started. Somehow, it is not to apologize, but to explain why this is the joint committee of the group of twenty is so weak, they say, hmm, the meeting was not intended to discuss the war, talk about the economy, etc. Well, in the end, we see the results of these statements, so the call to allow russia to implement the Grain Program and such and such that is, in fact, this meeting did not give such a concrete result. But in the meantime, gossip rumors bring information that gutari is somehow trying to reach an agreement with lavrov, or vice versa, and lavrov and mr. That all the sanctions should be simplified a little, eliminated , and so on, reconnected to swift and so on. In fact , what is the prospect . Still at least predict ah yes thank you really these rumors are actually new and ah just last week it got a new wave again yes but the development of this news although about these constant i would say some kind of efforts agree with on the part of the un with russia, there was information from the very beginning of the Grain Initiative more than a year ago, yes, because again there was information that some document was actually signed in which the un seems to undertake or commit hmm yes somehow somehow i want to help russia lets say yes and for me it is absolutely well, to be honest , this is what the position of the un is causing, well, there is a big lack of understanding, a misunderstanding, this is definitely the case , at least from my personal side and from we also understand the ukrainian side because attempts to help the state that unleashed a fullscale invasion with a request to help in some way the state that aa does not show at all so far absolutely by the way, we see that there are no signals from russia that they are once again ready to somehow really seriously negotiate and regarding of this ee Grain Initiative, lets also go back, we know very well that officially they used it in fact in order to satiate ukrainian exports, they did Everything Possible to at every step in order to precisely slow down ukrainian agricultural and grain export and squeeze it out of the International Markets of the body in parallel, i will ask you for clarification, its simple and if we understand it in numbers and the supervisors as well , how much before the fullscale invasion by these , we exported grain and other products in this way, how much can be exported in total now and and via the danube route and uh, by land over there via the railway and uh, what volumes are they talking about for, for example, the 23rd24th year, here are three such numbers, if you compare everything , it will be clear to us. Look, but in reality here we also have a number. I will tell you the only thing about these numbers, eh, we have to understand that what we exported was yes, and again , because of the spirits of the great odessa, and this was not due to russias participation in this grain corridor, but in spite of it participation despite all efforts to stop it, if before the war we could say that from the ports of the black sea region of ukraine we exported 10 to 67 million tons of grain per month, that was their capacity. Of the Grain Initiative of the grain corridor e in a month could at best through these ports to export 0,4,5 million, in my opinion, that was the best result. That is, we still did not reach this full , lets say from the full loading of these ports, if you look at our latest data, this is from the beginning of the marketing lesson on the 23rd we see that in the last two months, of course, our main route is now the danube, and no matter how hard the russians try, we see that ukraine has already exported more than 5 million grain and oil products through the ports of the danube and through the land routes of the european union, at the same time olga we heard the number was actually important, now we have to say goodbye olga trofimtseva, you are the minister of agrarian policy and food of ukraine in the 19th year, the numbers are not bad but you can do better on the espresso tv channel yehor checherenda, our presenter and journalist colleague from kyiv and today yehor will talk with yevhen mavda, congratulations yegor what is your word . We congratulate you. Well, we want to talk. Today, here in shevchenko park, we are meeting with evgeny mada on such International Political topics. Not only the president of the United States, but also the secretary of state of the United States spoke, lets talk a little about the consequences of the elections in the occupied territories that ended yesterday, the so called elections. Protracted war. What does this mean and what is the new social agreement that the president is hinting at should be adopted in the middle of Ukrainian Society . Yevgeny, i congratulate you. Well, lets start with the summit ukraines chitwenty is a little surprising to me that first Anthony Blinken gave an interview to er cnn defended the final declaration of gtv well, then President Joe Biden himself there is a special statement from the white house i will quote what er blinken said in the interview in the words of ukraine or the events in this statement, the importance of the territorial integrity of sovereignty was advocated, and this is very clear, he said. I was in the room when all the leaders spoke today with president biden. They just want this war to end, but they just want it to end on longlasting, fair terms, why is there such protection . Is it in that declaration, the declaration about which the Ukrainian Foreign ministry expressed disappointment, that everything is so weak for us . I think that Anthony Blinken as and it belongs to a diplomat is a little tricky because if at that time serhiy lavrov, the minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the chinese prime minister, was present, it is obvious that it was about something else, that is, to avoid mentioning the russianukrainian relationship at all the war did not succeed, but it was called a war in ukraine. By and large, it corresponds to reality purely geographically, but we have a place with the military aggression of russia with the attack of the largest state in the world by size on the largest european state, that is, the scale of this war is huge, but this the tone of these statements by mr. Blinkin and president biden, they make it clear why, for example, Volodymyr Zelensky was not invited to speak , at least in the Video Conference mode, precisely the g20. I think that the emphasis is on the American Government the American Government is working to build relations with india, and india, for its part, is looking for opportunities to conclude a new version of the treaty of friendship and cooperation between the United States and india, and about such a Logistics Infrastructure corridor europe, the middle east, india is an element of relaxation for the United States china , on the one hand, on the other hand, the element of the rise of india well, as a counterweight to china, as one of the centers of the world, on the confrontation with which china will spend more time and energy and accordingly the United States considers it possible for itself that it may not Pay Attention to the situation with the russianukrainian war in order to conclude the appropriate uh, well, in this case , a declaration. That is, these are all preliminary agreements that have not yet been reinforced with real steps. Well, i will say that the summit took place in new why is it in india and it was not even attended by the president of russia, putin, although india did not sign this rome statute , that is, he could have flown in, he was also arrested , and also the leader of china xijinping was not there either the head of the government was present. Well, we know about the longstanding, lets say, friendly relations between china and india. Maybe this was the reason for his absence. I mean, well , what did biden say in the statement of the white house . Biden. We also discussed discussed the brutal and illegal war of russia in ukraine and there was sufficient agreement in the hall regarding the need for a just and lasting peace that supports the principle of the un charter and respects sovereignty and territorial integrity this territorial integrity we do not just have a suspicion that everyone understands differently and why , for example, this declaration was signed by russia. Objects of the Russian Federation and lavrov. In this way, i think so. The statements of the third countries, yes, the logic of russia in this regard is absolutely clear that they see exactly such an approach, but i would like to dwell more on the absence of putin izipin. I believe that in this way they obviously opposed themselves to the democratic world as a whole, that is, they showed that there was even the western caricature is putin, everyone is sleeping in the same bed, so to speak, after the party, so what they ignored is watching on tv what is happening at the g20 summit and everything else, and in principle , they are not interested enough in what they see on on tv, that is, they showed that they will play in brics, they will play with bricks, and others will adjust in one way or another , and this, i think, is the agreed political position of moscow and beijing, and it precedes putins visit to the one belt one road forum, which will be held in china in october, but here there is no need to have too many illusions, this will be a visit of a vassal to the suzerain, that is, putin will actually come to report to sisyphus about the situation in the Russian Federation, including the course of the russianukrainian war. Well , lets talk about the events in the occupied territories lets talk with you, the socalled elections are over, they are manipulative and illegal in our occupied parts of zaporozhye, kherson, donetsk and luhansk regions , and already in russia, the leaders of the United Russia Party have announced their absolute victory, and what should we demand from the collective event and the collective world in general additional sanctions related precisely to the holding of these illegal elections, which ended yesterday simply e. I believe that since these elections were held to the accompaniment of, including explosions on in illegal polling stations, these pseudoelections, they are the actions of the Ukrainian Special services, the Ukrainian Resistance movement tried to disrupt them, then talk about the possibility of establishing any real turnout, it is simply impossible. They organized remote voting there and many other things. The constitutional voting looked like this. Four or five people armed with assault rifles got out of the car and two or three people with a socalled ballot box went into the yard and said, now please vote well, its the same at the polling stations. We saw this video with the report of a certain african socalled observer, where he says everything is fine , there are no violations. Well, behind him are armed militants, are they from the Russian Armed forces, or can we even talk about any call it an election at all. Its really not. Its not even close to an election. Its completely clear. And uh, no civilized country in the world will recognize this, but id like a slightly different reaction. I think it is necessary what ukraine and the countries of the west are already close 12 days they should announce sanctions against those who are involved in the organization of this socalled election process that is, if they say that we are Holding Elections and they are lying, then the lie must be responded to accordingly well, what in this way, who should initiate this, that is, ukraine can probably also provide a list of people who are involved in the organization of these socalled elections to those people who called to take well , for example, oleksiy navalny, whether he should be sanctioned or not his supporters to participate in these elections on all on this territory of russia in all subjects, including the federation, which they consider zaporizhia, kherson , donetsk, luhansk oblast, the situation here is also interesting because the United States wants to include him in the list of spies, so to speak in order to get him as a russian citizen, but to bring him to the United States is obviously an element of some political game of washington in order to make a promising candidate out of the mass president s in case something happens to putin. But i think that this game with imperialists of various kinds is actually wrong. And it is wrong, that is, if the west considers it possible to react to such things, then ukraine should definitely not limit itself in such cases when it is carried out an attempt at legalization with the russian authorities on the territories captured in ukraine, after all, these are our citizens, they must understand and see the signals from the ukrainian authorities, mr. Wine well , lets briefly run through the interview he gave an interview to zelensky the day before, well, the day before it was published to our colleagues in the popup edition of the icons, where he said that he and ukraine and our society are ready for a protracted war. Must be ready for a long war my team must be ready for a long war and emotionally i m ready well next i ll read the interview pieces of quotes please comment how much this uh will change the attitude uh and society and the authorities to the duration of this war, because we heard a lot of statements that two weeks, three months, half a year , spring, summer, and constantly put forward some deadlines that, unfortunately, were never justified, the finalization of the war, please, this is the right image. To set some uh, clear deadlines for the end of the war. We have no real opportunity, this must be understood and society must be ready for the fact that the war will continue for a long time, unfortunately, this realization is difficult it comes and of course that it is difficult for any president to say that the war will last a long time, that is understandable, but this message must be carefully guarded. Will definitely end with our victory, there should be no doubts at all, the interview with the icons well, i would say it is quite revealing because there, for example, zelensky is emphasized because now is not the time for negotiations with the Russian Federation and he says that when you say you criticize our counteroffensive, that is, you actually give putin a trump card, and in zelensky this is a bad moment , because putin sees the same thing. Ukraine. I think that we live in the paradigm of the second world war, when people saw the offensive actions of the fronts where there were millions of people, and now we see them , of course, its not the frog jumps of the time of the ato , but its a kind of squeezing through through a fungus the defense of russia, which it has built up on the ukrainian territory of ukraine during this time, is deeply furious, he said for a long time, and blinkin immediately made a statement and said that diplomacy is not the time now, when the ukrainians themselves will decide what needs to be decided diplomatically, then we will support them. This was a statement already after the interview and at the end, after all, about this new society agreement , about which zelensky hinted, did not hint, but directly said in this interview. What kind of agreement should this be, please be brief. I think we have to realize for myself that ukraine after the end of the war will never be the same as it was before february 24, 22, each for himself and in his place. And this applies to politicians and ordinary citizens and the military, and this will also increase the role of the military, because their authority is significant, and we are aware of their role in the protection of ukraine, but it should be. Well, if you want a public dialogue between politicians and society, which will obviously take place in the upcoming elections. News, more analysts from you. Thank you, there is a city. It was our colleague Yehor Checherinda and from kyiv he spoke with yevgeny makda, executive director of the institute of world politics. The aggressor in the joint statement of the countries of the 20 great countries and he said that this issue is not problematic in relations with the global rooster because it is. We remember that china was not present. At this point, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow. Have a peaceful and safe day for you. Further on in the artery of the espresso tv channel there will be our projects, in particular news , remains with the press, a project partner, healthy vision, gaufix, gaufix, protection and maintenance of your eyesight, the feeling of visual impairment , discomfort in the eyes, sensitivity to bright light, these are possible precursors of cataracts and glaucoma, and the solution is glaufix to protect and maintain visual acuity glaufix is ​​11 effective components to protect your eyes glaufix sharp vision forever according to the who, about 285 Million People around the world suffer from visual impairment , of which 39 million are affected by blindness every year, the number of blind people increases by 12 million. Statistics on the number of people with visual impairments none according to various estimates this is more than 300,000 ukrainians visual impairment is most often observed at school age in the form of nearsightedness or farsightedness or already after 40 years is glaucoma and cataract, also common is Diabetic Retinopathy this is damage to the retina of the eye caused by diabetes. A factor that cannot be ruled out genes inherited by us from our parents and grandparents can be silent for several decades and suddenly appear already in adulthood bad habits few people knows that nicotine and cyanides, which are part of tobacco products, worsen the blood supply to the eyes, which leads to the development of conjunctiva from the occlusion of blood vessels and even cataracts. If you take korets or abuse alcohol, then vision problems are guaranteed to you. Poor nutrition without the necessary vitamins and minerals in the diet can impair vision. Worsen and provoke various pathologies, for example, it is Common Knowledge that cataracts develop more often in people with a lack of zinc in the body in times when housewives used galvanized dishes there were much fewer cases of this disease in order to prevent loss of vision and reduce the risk of developing diseases of the visual apparatus, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations, to get rid of bad habits and to discipline oneself correctly , it is necessary to carry out regular diagnostics , thanks to which it is possible to detect problems at the initial stage, but the most important thing that ophthalmologists insist on is the eyes, it is necessary constantly feed with a complex of useful substances that can reduce the risk of developing serious diseases of the visual apparatus and maintain visual acuity vision loss occurs imperceptibly gradually and very often painlessly that is why it is worth taking care of your health and your visual acuity in advance be healthy life visual impairment discomfort in the eyes sensitivity to bright light these are possible precursors of cataracts and glaucoma and glaufix is ​​the solution for protection and maintenance of visual acuity glaufix these are 11 effective components to protect your eyes glaufix sharp vision forever we summarize the informational morning on the espresso tv channel veteri news in the studio works khrystyna parubiy ukraine returned the socalled boyka towers under control, according to the information of the main intelligence department, a unique operation was carried out by the forces of the gur, emorskbu and the brigade. This is your russia occupied these towers back in 2015, and with the beginning of a fullscale invasion, used them for military purposes, during a special operation, it was possible to capture valuable trophies a stockpile of helicopter ammunition of the type of unguided aircraft missiles

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