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Where soviet military units were stationed, the families of military personnel appeared there directly and began to create such closed communities, if now we would say closed communities that lived their own lives and did not cooperate in any way with the local population. Well, if we talk about that before that, there was operation vistula. Well, and also participation in the resettlement of ukrainians from the territory of the podlascha region, there were other people there, where was lemkivshchyna, the podlascha region , and the poles participated in this movement, and the czechs will be. Well, of course, the soviet army. And please tell me, in general, the idea is to change the character of the people , to cleanse them. What does this indicate that the russians did not have other influences to work with the population, or they and the ukrainians could not work differently , understanding that their ideas are their ideology and it will not be accepted, lets say it is at least in this part of ukraine and not only in this one. Well , then the second question is the fate of ukrainians who were resettled. Did russia manage to digest them even then . Well, i would not single out ukrainians as some kind of community against which the soviet repressive machine was powerless, such situations existed at that time, in fact, in all the newly annexed territories, such a situation existed in the current baltic states, in lithuania, in estonia , in latvia, the simple question was the number of the population involved to the Resistance Movement in the number of the population that was ready to offer active resistance to the soviet occupation authorities, but and if we talk about the fate of the ukrainians who were expelled from this territory, they were actually scattered throughout i know that there are whole enclaves of immigrants there in the kherson region, there were enclaves of immigrants from luhansk in the Donetsk Region, and in fact, to some extent, it worked the other way around. Where, lets say, the soviet government considered itself an Undisputed Authority and believed that the soviet government was established here forever and from time immemorial, but these people began to, lets say, bring lets say political consciousness as much as Ukrainian National identity and now we can talk about the fact that in many areas of Eastern Ukraine and in many areas of southern ukraine, ukrainian culture has been preserved as much as possible thanks to those immigrants who appeared in these regions as a result of the actions event let us now move to the present day the enemy continues to deport the local population, abduct children and send whole families to different regions of russia the federation, well, in fact, starting from the coast of the Pacific Ocean there, the sea of ​​japan, and ending, well, with the territories of the northern north and also there siberia. Well, here it is closer to the european part of the part of the Russian Federation, what is the goal of the enemy now, is he trying to replenish some or fill some gaps in this way in its ere in its population in certain territories that this is some kind of mechanical action because we have always done this and now we have to do it or is it again aimed at weakening the movement of resistance temporarily about the territories, what is the purpose of carrying out, well, in fact , a largescale deportation of the population, please, you know. I would not like to speak for the enemy. What does he think , what is he planning . I will try to analyze it, well , as a historian, as a person who, lets say , was interested in similar processes by the processes of changing consciousness in the occupied territories , here we can talk about the fact that the russians are solving several problems at the same time, firstly , they want to rid the occupied territories of the population that is capable of resisting it secondly, having a population that, in their opinion, is very close to, lets say, native russians , whom they subconsciously continue to consider as brothers or a brotherly population aa they are trying to use them to populate the territory that was most affected by the demographic crisis of the 90s and now this demographic crisis in them is renewed again, i think that it is precisely the combination of these factors that, on the one hand, free the territories of the occupied territories from the population that lived there for a very long time and replace it with others population is one side, and the other situation is that empty territories that were once mastered during soviet times are now trying to remaster them again at the expense of ukrainians or former ukrainian citizens whom they relocate to this territory, you know, it is important to understand this is how well, not that to win how to break this uh hostile hostile character well, russia has been our enemy for centuries i will soon be a millennium there in 1169 i am not mistaken bogolyubskyi came to kyiv for the first time so thats it well soon it will be a thousand years since they came here and it must be said that their actions as empires they were successful in a certain period of time that they immigrated already today i was talking with the previous guest not only about ukrainians and Crimean Tatars and again you talked about the baltic countries, uh, chechens, there are different peoples of the caucasus, this is constantly happening, this is resettlement here and there. And how can this be contrasted with this, again, well , besides, as long as russia exists, you are so afraid anyway, uh, now i dont know if it will be completely destroyed or not but as long as it exists, it will be do it anyway, what is the most important countermeasure here, and the second question here is, you know, when in this war will it be possible to break the military power of russia and return the ukrainians home, this is the first, and the second, which will we return the ukrainians home now, how hard will the work be now according to them and according to their change in their thinking, worldview, ideology, how much will the Russian Federation work with them now, or have they simply been resettled and no one will work with them in particular in this regard, please . I think that there are several planes here, i will start with to the second question, there are several planes of this phenomenon, it is possible, indeed , there are regions where ukrainians will simply resettle with them, no one will work with them, no one will Pay Attention to the data , an extra labor or demographic resource will simply appear there and it will be used in the same way, but we russians we can see this not only lets say so in military matters, but they are studying in the field of ecology. They are changing their policy and i think that the work with resettled ukrainians will gradually intensify, we can see this on the example of ukrainian children who they kidnap or ukrainian children who are in the studied territories, it is on them that all the power of the russian Propaganda Machine is directed from one side , from the other side, all the power of the russian is directed. Well, lets call it the educational or ideological machine and they are trying to reformat these very people will work with the population that will be removed from ukrainian lands that will appear in, lets say, empty russian territories, they will gradually be instilled with a new identity or will to try, lets say, to awaken in some of them the old identity on what always rests putin, er, rests and his personal approximation on the lost identity , a single historical society, a unified historical society, one soviet nation , i think that this is precisely the appeal to nostalgic factors, the appeal to of former residence in the unified state, it will be aimed, lets say, at that part of the population, well, categories, lets say, 45 plus , and they will work with it using some nostalgic feelings, and with the youth will already work using the ideological mechanisms that operate there in russia , well, relatively speaking, in 2010, there is a Young Army Movement and various patriotic events there this is the activity of the Russian Military historical society. That is, there is a lot of forum of influence on consciousness, what to do with this, in fact, we are entering what is now so fashionable to call there who is not cognitive deoccupation or er work with mentality, i. E. When will these people return to ukraine or when we will liberate the occupied territories with these people it will also be necessary to carry out military stabilization measures in the liberated territories. I think that stabilization measures should also be carried out in the field of consciousness, in information policy, in cultural policy, it will be necessary to pay a lot of attention to all this, because the russians work with their propaganda to admit it is very powerful, yes, it is possible , it looks somehow terrible, it looks unacceptable to us, but it works and the russians will use it constantly, you know, this prokhanov is like that a man who wanted to burn himself in a tank on khreshchatyk well, but he didnt get into the tank, in principle the russian tanks on khreshchatyk were only burned prokhanov was not there it s just now ill quote him so that we roughly understand the level of their propaganda, you know the line, this is the level of such mythmaking to which certain ideologues of this russian world resort, so i quote putin revives the authors of the factories poshёl вымаливаtь in the nature of his forgiveness , the flame licked under his feet, the grass was smoking, he was in an alarming bell of his patronage there were deer and moose river trout and pike and sky swallows and cranes this is just a golden lead as far as there is in general another world in which they live with their god putin is conditional so there would be no putin there could be another god and where are they where are they dragging ukrainians, we know already during this ongoing war, we saw how dangerous they can be for ukraine. People who were struck by the russian world with the infection of this russian world took it into their bodies, even living in ukraine and not understanding it, they involuntarily became as traitors, having received signals from enemy agents , they actually continued with him , well, they began to cooperate with them. The russian world through show business through bloggers of various kinds, that is, not even intrusively, im already talking about how it works if it is if it is imposed and you know , i have such an interesting question the Ukrainian Army is already liberating the territory that was captured 10 years ago. Well, in particular, if we are talking about the experienced, and there are still a number of settlements we are there or near them , and now i am talking about this population that we will be about this territory that we are liberating together with by people who have actually been under russia for 10 years. Thats the same. I believe that the Ukrainian Army will reach the crimea. How serious a problem will it be . What part of the people may be ideologically aa ideologically loyal to russia peace yes to the socalled because i think that part of the people well, i have such acquaintances in the crimea, relatives there, even if the government changes, they will return their passports, they will live as they used to live. The main thing is that they were paid a pension there or a salary, well, absolutely, but these are people who are loyal this scale is a measure of how hard it is to change their worldview and their mentality, please calculate quantitatively, well, it is quite difficult, but i think it will be around 2025, these will be people who really consciously support this the position is consciously in the paradigm of the russian world, approximately hm 50, maybe 60 , it will be a population that really is well, lets say so simple in quotation marks a peaceful population in which it really doesnt matter what power to live in, but lets just say it like that and it will be the largest possible the challenge is that from this population it is necessary to draw out as many people as possible who can be swayed to the side of ukraine. Most importantly, i think that will support that part of the population, it will also be approximately within the limits of 1020 . Who will deliberately support ukraine who simply stayed in the occupied territory who, because they could not leave, just as if the population will have to make a bet because these people have lived in these territories for 10 years or more they know their neighbors they know people who were close to them, what do they know , which, lets say, points can be influenced, something , what can you talk about with them in order to er if they are not made loyal to ukraine, then make them loyal because the main issue in the liberated territories will not be a question of loyalty, it will be a question of loyalty. It is interesting that loyalty will be manifested in any form, whether it will be nonparticipation in all parties or whether it will be formal voting in the elections, the main thing is that there is no active phase of resistance. Will come to liberate the territory no well, it is necessary to have, shall we say, a more or less balanced policy on these territories, the policy of deoccupation, because at the same time it will be necessary to act in the field of education, in the field of culture , in the world of economics and in the world of ecology, even that is, in all these elements, there must be e it is necessary to have a clear position, it is necessary to understand who we are using. And who will be, lets say, conditionally rejected outside the ukrainian world, and it is necessary to understand what to do with them, and then actually the body and the algorithm with which it is necessary to work will be clear. Because on we should forget that in addition to our desire for our vision, we will have a rather serious control from our western partners regarding the observance of democratic norms , regarding the observance of cultural norms, regarding the observance of tolerant norms, and you cannot turn away, although you know when it is mentioned in history how we worked with the population of germany after the second world war, well , nazism was burned there. Im not saying that anyone, of course not , but quite harshly. I think that the idea of ​​the russian world is no less, if not more, toxic and murderous. Than the idea of ​​german nazism is the actual embodiment of what was implemented by hitler, thats why here well, of course, it must be culturally and loyally. But i think that this infection must be killed harshly. Im not talking about the destruction of people, of course, but we must literally kill something in us. I will ask you very briefly, did ukrainians really understand and see in this war that language is important, literature is important, or russians are burning books everywhere here in ukrainian libraries , who import their culture and maybe because this was not given any attention earlier in the 30 years of our independence. Well, maybe the enemy was successful somewhere, he showed that everything is important , history, culture, literature in our country, by the way , even history was not necessarily a subject. Unfortunately, it is possible that this will change our understanding and the attitude to this, please, if possible briefly. I think that, well, in fact, we can see that a really Critical Mass of ukrainians have understood that cultural and historical factors are extremely important in the modern war and in fact we use them as well as our adversary. I think that simply over time they will all occupy an appropriate place in state politics. I thank you very much, mr. Vasyl, for joining. Thank you for your comments. Specialists vasyl pavlov, head of the expert group on internal communications , directorate of information policy in the field of defense and strategic communications. The ministry of defense of ukraine was in touch with us. Military historian, you know what for this war, when , well , a fullscale war. When i discussed with my friends, acquaintances, and it was always like this, it goes to the assessment of russia. If this is such a bad, stupid person , well, there is such a thing, we will not be like that, they say it is a sin, and i always said, you know this empire. Well, there was a kingdom from the first principality, then a kingdom, then an empire then the soviet union and so on, but in principle it was from the first conquests of the moscow kingdom there , novgorod, tver, and they already give it to kazan , then siberia, it was always an empire in its own right until the 18th century, when it became an empire officially under peter the great romanov, but by its very nature it was always an empire that lived at the expense of New Territories , i always said, you know, you treat no one so lightly , i did not ask myself why, in fact, during the time of ivan the terrible, there was even basil the third , and russia as an empire, in fact, it exists she survived many upheavals, troubled times , the capture of the french by the poles , she survived them all and continues to live the empire and now continues to live the empire to fight with us i say no one thought why is she like that that it always destroys what it is supposed to destroy. They always plant their history, their language, their religion, although it is conventionally a religion for them, and in order to defeat this empire, which will always crawl into all cracks and destroy. And you have to be stronger than them, and language, literature, culture, history this is all important without this monster. Well, of course, the weapon and our army that is fighting with it cannot defeat this poison. In our stories always thank you for being with us glorify this spirit in yourself ukrainian spirit strengthen it that it was possible to drive out what came to us from the northeast i wish you a good day we will meet at 18 10 on veliky eter and now continue to watch espresso and be with us skip the new Champions League season on megogo support shakhtar vs porto and watch the super match bayernmanchester united on september 19 and 20 at 22 00 examegogo stus arget lidocaine patch for wild back pain 20 in pharmacies traveler you and save about to not the ukrainians thought about not talking in the first place, the war still comes out, the war and our victory is only on espresso from monday to monday completely different spheres of human activity Sports Health politics the return of crimea military analytics nine presenters journalists experts opinion leaders in real time about the most Current Events through the prism of the war in the authors projects on espresso a collaborator a person who knowingly cooperates with the occupying power to the detriment of his own country until recently these people lived nearby and pretended that they love ukraine, our home, our school family, our only ukraine, but in fact they were waiting for russian peace independence day, we honor our family, we must know the traitors in the face , know what to punish, watch the program of the collaborator every wednesday at 5 45 p. M. On espresso tv channel , vasyl zimas long broadcast my name is vasyl zima, two hours air time 2 hours of your time we will talk about the most important two hours to learn about the war serhiia zhoretska joins the air the military results of the day and what is the world like what is there in the world yuriy fizer will tell for two hours to be he is up to date with the Economic News of radio operators oleksandr morshchyntsi he tells us about the economy during the war and new sports yevhen pastukhov is ready to talk about sports for two hours in the company of his favorite presenters about culture during the war he is ready to talk about lena or other presenters who have become familiar to many, maybe the weather will add ms. Natalka didenko is ready to tell us some optimism , and we will also have a respectable studio hotel today, volodymyr ogrysko, if everything goes well, events of the day in two hours , vasyls Big Broadcast in winter, a project for smart and caring people in the evening, the war continues and not only for the territory, it is also a war for the minds. Russia is throwing millions of petrodollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. Ukraine will become russia. Analysis and analysis of information about ukraine by russian propagandists. Specific facts and methods by which enemy propaganda turns people into obedient zombies. Sions of the residents of the peoples republic of china against the information attacks of the russians in the project of the chronicle of the information war with olga len tuesday thursday friday at 17 10 on the espresso tv channel i congratulate you, this is freedom life on radio svoboda we have already come to the very change the following shots may shock you news from the scene live kamikaze drone attacks political analytics objectively and meaningfully there is no political season exclusive interviews reports from the hottest points of the freedom front openly and impartially draw conclusions yourself the 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine has now already entered such a significant salient, and we are actually on the very edge of this salient holding the defense, the battalion has wedged itself into the defense of the orks in Donetsk Region and is holding positions right now the military needs our help, the fighters need drones to conduct reconnaissance and destroy the enemy, even on approach, we take a pod, every drone is the lost enemy and the saved life of our soldier , join the gathering, we will show our fighters that we are next to them. Congratulations. I am asking you to help us in the search for this girl. Her name is natalya sanina, she was 14 years old, the girl disappeared at the very beginning of the russian invasion, nothing is known about her, in fact, since february 24, 2022 , natalya lived in the kherson region in the village of malokakhovka, which is now temporarily occupied due to the fact that, for obvious reasons , communication with the occupied territories is complicated and in some places completely absent, it is not enough to find out whether the girl is still in the village. About natalya sanina, inform us on the hotline 116 000, you can also write to us in the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram , please do not remain indifferent. We are also looking for this brother and sister the names are danylo and bohdan, the boy is nine years old, his sister bohdana is 5 years old, and their father is asking for your help in the search. If anyone has seen my children, please contact the childrens Search Service and our police. God has done it for you, because i miss my children very much. To see all of them, mr. Mykola now more than anything in the world wants to see his children again and most importantly to find out that everything is okay with them, when we talked with my husband he was very worried, he was not very talkative, but it felt like he spoke with warmth and tenderness about his son and daughter. They dont like kindness. They are respected as themselves. The father said that when a fullscale war began, his exwife and children ended up in the occupied part of the Donetsk Region. And the husband himself was in the territory controlled by ukraine for a certain time. Talking on the phone, the man was worried, but at least he knew that his children were alive and that everything was fine with them, but then they stopped contacting each other and until now unfortunately, it is unknown where they are danylo and bohdana are officially considered missing, the father of the children asks you not to remain indifferent and help him in the search for his son and daughter. And we, for our part , ask you to share this video about danylo and bohdana on your social networks, because who knows, maybe your friends or acquaintances will recognize brother and sister and will be able to tell important details, but i ask the residents of the temporarily occupied territories of the Donetsk Region, where danylo and bohdana actually lived, to look especially carefully into the faces of the children, of course, in the occupied territories now ukrainian tv is not broadcast, but this video can be seen there on youtube or other social networks, so if you recognize the brother and sister, please report it to the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 116 000. If it is inconvenient or there is no way to call us, you can write to us on the website or in the chat page of the child Search Service in telegram, please, even the smallest information is important and, moreover, can be decisive in the search, also look carefully at the faces of other children who are currently wanted, please go to the website of the child Search Service, there are photos of all the boys and girls we are trying to find, take a minute of your time and maybe you will recognize someone and help find them, if you know something about a child who is wanted, do not delay and immediately call our hotline 116,000,000 calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free , we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any crime against a child in any place at any time, just go to the site and report and we will launch all possible mechanisms for punishing the criminal stopkraj. Ua we are starting an informational where khrystyna parubiy works on the espresso tv channel , the news of the studio civil infrastructure, onsite rescuers extinguish the fire yesterday evening, the russians

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