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The text of the agreement, according to peter pavel, is still being finalized. The approval of the agreement may take place already in mayjune of this year. Well, according to the president of the Czech Republic, the agreement can relate to the supply of materials of any kind nonmaterial assistance, such as support for the provision of information by special services, or support with technologies. And then the quote it can also be cooperation with the defense industry, the transfer of some production to. Ukrainian territory, here it is only important that before transferring any military production to ukrainian territory, we need our western partners and allies to give us enough means of air defense, so that later we could protect this enterprise from russian missiles flying from Different Directions and they are trying to hit somewhere only in this way, or else it is called otherwise Irrational Capital invested, lets say, and that, and by the way i want. Jump to the word now i see the visit of the president there and in the baltic countries now in the Czech Republic yesterday shmyhal was with fiytso slovakia work is going on and i will see what the last months of the work of the ukrainian diplomatic sector have been there of our country and he represents ukraine, but they put a solid four you just so short very following everything that is happening , would you agree or not if according to the fivepoint system, well, its a solid one, probably thats the way it will be. Probably not, a five, of course, no, but, but, but we want a five, a five yes, of course, we need this five, lets move on, finally give the money of ukraine, because every day, as you delaying the allocation of this money, you are playing against yourself, that is how the minister of Foreign Affairs of poland, radoslaw sikorski, addressed the members of the american congress, in particular the house of representatives, regarding the unblocking of the bill on the allocation of additional financing for ukraine. According to him, the stocks of ammunition for the ukrainians are decreasing, in particular missiles, uh, for antimissile defense. At the same time, russia is intensifying its shelling of critical infrastructure, in particular the energy infrastructure, and thus continues to commit war crimes. Therefore, says minister sikorsky, in the end, lets hear him directly. The president of the United States of america went to kyiv during the war. Assured the people of ukraine and its president that the United States would do Everything Possible to support them in against russian aggression. And for this they will provide everything necessary ​​air defense equipment and missiles for them, artillery and ammunition. I again appeal to speaker johnson to allow democracy to reign supreme in the us congress. And for this , the question of allocating aid needs to be put to the vote, so that money and weapons can go to ukraine. If this does not happen, the russians. Will cause further destruction, the credibility of the United States of america will be at risk. Well, it is not known whether the american congressmen are eavesdropping on mr. Sikorsky, because they are this impression was not listened to the minister of Foreign Affairs of great britain, david cameron, who recently, just a few days ago, was there the day before yesterday, it seems that mike johnson is not going to listen to the 15 . Who support trump are not going to listen to anyone because, because it is not known at the moment when this issue will be put to a vote, it is not known, if previously they said at least that in the middle of april, and maybe a little there a little later in the third, third week of april, shut up now, no i know, i really want it to be put, lets move on, despite strong pressure from the west, serbia will not introduce sanctions against russia, about that in advance. Said the countrys president , aleksandar vucic, after a meeting with the head of bosnia and herzegovina, milorad dodik. According to the serbian president , his country has not and will not change its position. No matter who blackmailed her and how, moreover, mr. Vucic said that he was proud of such a position, then his quote some said that macron said that we should introduce sanctions against russia, that this is blackmail, i repeat to you, the position that we followed eight months after the start of the war in ukraine is still relevant now, serbia had its own, it was small in terms of its size and number of inhabitants, but it is large in its size. Hearts and a huge literally giant in the matter of statehood. This statist giant does not understand that russia wants to get rid of, to take away this statehood from ukraine, so perhaps the big heart that the serbian president talks about is not there in serbia. Does the pentagon have a plan . B regarding aid to ukraine or not . Currently, it is not known for sure. The day before, during a briefing at the ministry of defense of the United States of america, one of the journalists asked the official representative of the department, patrick ryder, about this. Responding to this, mr. General said that at the moment he cannot say anything about the existence of any plan b, according to him, the most important task in the Defense Department of the United States of america is approval. Congress signed up for additional funding, and here i am, when i interviewed ms. Bridget brink, the ambassador of the United States of america to ukraine, i asked her the same question when we were talking, she said we have a plan a, i say, is there a plan b . No, were not talking about plan b, because we have plan a, but that plan a has been stalled in the house of representatives and is unknown. When it is unlocked and when it is unleashed, we are anxious there, but we will finish with yuri now, then we will move to the shelter and we advise you to do the same, yuri, please, so i will finish quickly, the only option for ending the war in ukraine is peacefully negotiations, deputy permanent representative of china to the un, dai bin, stated this at a meeting of the Security Council of the united nations. According to him, china adheres to the opinion that there is war in conflicts. There can be no winners and that they only lead to the escalation of the situation, instead, says the chinese representative, official beijing will continue to maintain contact with all parties and play a constructive role in promoting the political settlement of the situation in ukraine. Well, they also talked about the negotiations the day before russia, where the selfproclaimed president of belarus Oleksandr Lukashenko has already flown to meet with putin several times, i dont remember. According to him, now is an opportune time to convince ukraine and russia, to sit down at the negotiating table and figure everything out, lukashenko emphasizes that it may be too late, and he suggests taking the istanbul agreements as a basis, which lukashenko says is not yet possible to finalize he also mentioned the topic that is currently so acute in the American Government structures, the shelling of russian oil refineries, and this is what lukashenko said. We are listening. Well, these strikes on sensitive points in russia, and the reaction is appropriate. Therefore, again , i think that many people are crazy in ukraine, but not all of them. It seems to me that they heard and saw this, i think that there will be a corresponding retreat from them in this regard, in principle, they are simply provoking russia to such strikes. Therefore, in this case, i cannot be immersed in. This conflict, support ukraine or even justify it, in no case should i do this and increase the escalation, because summer passes quickly, winter is a dangerous business. The Russian Orthodox church is subordinate to the president of the terrorist country, vladimir putin, who essentially directs terrorist activities around the world, given the current context, i, as the minister of internal affairs, have no choice but to propose to rigikog to declare the moscow patriarchate terrorist and such that supports terrorism in its activities. The minister of internal affairs of estonia laurii lianemets said this on the air of the err tv channel. For him in words, the subordination of the estonian Orthodox Church in moscow, as before, poses a threat to the National Security of ukraine, but at the same time, mr. Lyaa nemets added that this decision will not affect. Ordinary parishioners, and in conclusion , simply chic information from russia in st. Petersburg, which is still called the Northern Capital of these terrorist countries, a tram with Artificial Intelligence from the largest manufacturer of tanks ural car plant crashed into a crowd of people on a pedestrian crossing. According to rosem of the ministry of internal affairs three people were injured, two men and a woman, they literally had to be pulled out from under the tram. The latter is in serious condition. According to the driver , the brake was refused to the tram. The tram was, as they say, running in. The city concluded a contract for the supply of 22 of these. Cars in the style of the 50s and 60s, and the value of the contract was more than 3 billion rubles. And so that you understand why Artificial Intelligence is present there, because he had to drive to butsim without a driver, well, he did. Well, thats all i have in the world about ukraine section, thats all for today, there will be more next week when i meet with you on monday, but there will also be more on our next broadcast, so dont switch, but now please go down to the. Because of the anxiety. 32yearold karina has been living with a spinal cord injury for 20 years. He has lived in lviv for 7 years and helps people with similar injuries, he says that the city of lviv has become more convenient for people with reduced mobility during this time. However, there are still many barriers, and we decided to protest together how accessible lviv is to. This is the way to make the center of dovzhenko count accessible, there should already be a normal cover, a normal cover so that a person can reach it to this length, because now what we use special skills to move these slabs and these ee gaps between these slabs is if our superskills, but there are a lot of people who dont have those superskills, and there should already be normal coverage here. And then the center of the length can be considered accessible, then now i would already say that it is not accessible, well, lets see whats inside, the essence of the ramp is that it should be so gentle, there there are certain degrees, and the longer, the higher the rise that has to be climbed, the longer the ramp should be, and it should be so gentle that a person in a wheelchair who moves on their own can go up. That is , any ramps where there is a large slope, and where a person cannot climb on his own, this is not a ramp, that is, it is not an element of architectural accessibility, it is the same barrier as if there were just steps, ivan, for example, was climbing now with the help of a handrail, and this is often used by people, for example, who have damage to one side and. They have, for example, their left hand doesnt work well, and then they can use their right hand to help themselves get up there, they are on both sides, and usually it is there, for example, only on one side, but for people with disabilities it will be difficult for the visually impaired to move here, because there are no tactile tiles, visible movement signs and stairs are in the way, opening the door can also be a difficult task, if we are talking, for example, about ivan and me, then we can open these doors now. Come in unimpeded, if we talk about a person in whom, who would also have damage to the upper limbs, she would not be able to do this accordingly, and therefore, of course, a good door is a door that can slide open, if automatically, we understand, yes, that not everywhere you can achieve this, and then the door should at least open with a light effort, and so that the handle can be caught easily with the brush of the hand, even if your fingers do not work. Well, we can check this now, you see, i just put my hand, and, for example, if my fingers didnt even work, i can pull the door and open, even in this way. In order to use the elevator in the Dovzhenko Center for people in wheelchairs, you must first get a key from the employees of the institution, here they admitted that they have not yet had visitors in wheelchairs, and there are difficulties with access to the elevator. Karina didnt have it, but she says that it cant be so easy for everyone, okay, i go inside, i can, i can, i can turn on and off the light myself, thats the good thing, the good thing is that the mirror is lowered, that s good, because usually they are somewhere under the ceiling, well, here, in principle, you can use to wash them hands, it is not inclusive this one, if the wash basin, but. Well it is, you know, no problem, there are no handrails, as you can see, there must be a handrail, it must be hinged, it must be at a distance of 70 cm from the center of the toilet , as far as i know. But it is almost impossible to get to the shelter, there are no signs of a bomb shelter either, such an institution, according to karina, is not friendly to all categories of people. But lviv transport has become more accessible for all categories of the population. The worst is with trams, because there are only 20 of them. If our heroes managed to drive into tram, then leaving it became a problem. Because the call button didnt work, i had to ask the tram driver to lower the ramp manually, and people like that wont come out, wont miss often, you just have to, well, if we just try to calculate every step in advance and know when to turn back, when to go, where to wait, well, you just adapt one way or another, you need to create all the conditions so that people can realize themselves, work and pay taxes. And dont sit to sit conditionally as if, well, only there on pensions, for example, or Something Like that be aware of everything that is happening, and let them rustle, and then they will get used to it, ramps are not installed everywhere, but where they are, they are completely inaccessible for use, karina says, the state should not randomly place ramps and consult only with. On issues of reduced mobility, because the same ramps must be convenient for different types of wheelchairs, with the appropriate slope and material. The situation is the same with stairs made of tiles or smooth stone, if there are no rubber strips on them to help prevent slipping. Well look, this is a nonstandard ramp, because it has these two grooves, but they are not universal, everyones wheelchairs have different widths, and accordingly, what. The wheels may not just fit into these grooves, first of all, secondly, it has a nonnormative slope, that is, it is more than necessary and you can no longer climb it on your own, well, the handrails are also nonnormative, accordingly, they do not have a normal height, and their thickness does not allow normal grip. The space of lviv with ancient narrow streets, stone steps and curbs. Adapt for people its difficult for a wheelchair user, but. Maybe more and more coffee shops, cafes and bookstores are becoming friendly to people with disabilities and adapting their businesses. Karina notes that she plans her route in advance, looks for establishments with an accessible entrance area and a restroom, and if there are none, she will not be able to visit them, so leave money there. But if we talk about inclusion in general, then this is a process not only of removing barriers, that is. Physical, yes, it is also a process of removing barriers of mental, communication, etc. Number, and there is a certain problem in this, too, because people still have various stereotypes about a person, for example, in a wheelchair, and maybe i can be perceived very superficially, you know, and accordingly feel superficial towards myself attitude, for example, about my Financial Capabilities there, or about my mental capabilities, simply because i use a chair. Wheeled, this is, of course, unacceptable, it should not be so. Karina says that a persons limited mobility should not deprive him of his sense of dignity and the opportunity to return to his life now things have changed very, very much since the fullscale invasion. Of course, people realized that disability will now be everywhere in our country, yes, it is present as a phenomenon, and that something needs to be changed. And, of course, the rhetoric has changed a lot. Politics has changed a lot and now i personally feel this, you know, even over attention and over wanting to help, we dont need over attention, we dont need people running after us and giving us ramps, yeah, we just need to be given live peacefully use their services, work and did not pay too much attention, well, it is not necessary, so that guests and residents of lviv can easily and quickly find barrierfree locations, lviv. The Tourist Office has created a map an accessible city. More than 100 food establishments, museums, theaters, communal institutions, hospitals, shopping and Entertainment Centers have already been marked on the map, which must comply with all norms of inclusivity. Natalya stare pravo, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. Verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new twohour format. More more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. Foreign experts. Inclusion. Abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdy. Every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. Good evening. We are from ukraine. I would like to remind you that the air alert for the entire territory of ukraine is the takeoff of a mig 31k carrier missile kenzhal from the sava sleika airfield in the vnizhhorod region, so be in shelters. Well, we now have a review of Sports Events from yevhen pastokhov. Lets watch together. Loud fiasco at anfield. Liverpool suffered a crushing loss to atalanta in the quarterfinals of the uefa europa league. Merseysiders, who were one of the main contenders for victory in the tournament, conceded three goals on their own field. At the end of the first half, gianlucas kamaka opened the scoring. After the break, the atalanta striker scored a double, and later mario paselic scored the third goal against the home team. Protection. Liverpool looked terribly disorganized, the attacking link didnt do much either, atalanta made great use of their own chances and took a more than Comfortable Lead ahead of the rematch in bergamo. We played badly, we deserved to lose and we have to feel it now, but the lads have this night to feel bad and then we have to prepare again for the Crystal Palace game, you will probably ask me about the game next thursday. Against atalanta, but there is still a league game to come, so congratulations to atalanta, they are really well done. Such an achievement deserves recognition. But we all know very well that next week in bergamo we will have to hold on for victory, because liverpool is a strong team, they can score goals in a very short time. So we will have to play very well again in all aspects, play with great courage to repeat. Todays game remains to be played, although our advantage makes us believe in the best. The return match on the field of the italian team will take place on april 18. Bayer leverkusen played its 42nd match in a row without defeat. Apothecaries won 20 at home against west ham. Xabi alonsos wards scored before the curtain of the game. At the gate Jonas Hoffmann and Victor Boniface signed londoners. In the italian confrontation milan ro. Away victory with a score of 1 0 was celebrated by the roman wolves. Portuguese benfica, whose goal is defended by ukrainian Anatoly Trubin in the first match of the quarterfinals of the europa league, beat marseilleolympics of france 2 1. The first quarterfinal matches also took place in the conference league. Victoria and fiorentina did not score goals. Olympiakos beat fenerbahce 3 2 in a frantic match. Aston villa won over lille 2 1, and bru. Beat paok 1 0. The return matches will take place next week. Matches of the 24th round of the Ukrainian Premier League will be played on the weekend and on monday. The tour will start on saturday with a match between oboloni and minai. Oleksandria will host dynamo, and rukh will host kryvbas. On sunday , the leader of the championship shakhtar will visit poltava, where he will find out the relationship with vorska. Also, on sunday , zorya will play against chornomorets, and polissya will play against kolos. The 24th round will end on monday. Matches of lnz veres and metalis 1925 dnipro1. I thank yevhen very much, so i personally say goodbye to you until monday, i wish you all the best all the best this weekend, take care, heed the air alarms, but dont say goodbye espresso. Natalka didenko will talk about the weather for this weekend in just a moment, and then the verdict program at 8 p. M. Mrs. Natalya, glad to see you, congratulations, please. A word, about the weather also, literally in a second, we start todays meeting with an introduction to composers who wrote about nature, and of course, including about spring, and about all kinds of surrounding beauty, about the atmosphere, answered. About mythological phenomena, of course, it is impossible to cover everyone, but for example, such a topic as the seasons was very close to many composers and they were happy, i hope, to write about it, of course, one cannot mention the famous work of Antonio Vivaldi about the seasons , and he is probably the most famous, there in his music, he conveys thunderstorms, and rain, and birdsong, and the howling of the wind, well, as i said, all absolute. The monumental oratorio of the season is also known from josef hayden is the hero of this one. Villagers, they are part of it of nature and are involved in the annual cycle of nature, and hayden, like his predecessor, also widely uses the capabilities of various instruments to transmit such sounds, there is a thunderstorm, and a chorus of frogs, and even the chirping of grasshoppers, well, in a word, it is full of just absolutely some synoptics, so secret these composers, one cannot fail to mention also the composer sensans, who wrote about animals in. You know , of course, sensans the swan, but he has a very beautiful, interesting, miniature elephant, well, we are talking about nature, why not also mention about this, well, of course , the seasons are also known in buenos aires, this is the astorapsola cycle, four seasons, i am a cantata of our forest, boy, and i definitely want to note that zoltan akamesai is on your screens right now, he created the ukrainian seasons, they originated even according to his own words. Thanks to our famous violinist bohdana pivnenko, she performed the project of vivaldi and piazzolla in her time, and the idea for someone to write the ukrainian seasons, and the originality of the seasons of our composer in the fact that he starts annual cycle with winter, not spring, as usual, eh, which is not found in any other composer, eh, this is the nature in the works of famous composers, we go further and talk about magnetic storms, now you will look, i hope. Prognostic diagram, because oh, its great, you see, despite even the difficult working conditions, everything seems to be great, im casually thanking my colleagues, and tomorrow the situation is calm, there are some minor fluctuations, so we just as calmly move on to the actual Weather Forecast for next saturday and in general to next weekend, so tomorrow april 13 at in the western regions of ukraine, we always start from the west, rain is expected, local thunderstorms are possible, the air is 1720, it is traditionally warmer in zakarpattia and also in the chernivtsi region, as you can see, 2224. In the north of ukraine, rain is also predicted in places, a thunderstorm is possible, but here the probability of a thunderstorm is less, i think the air temperature is not very high, 15 17 and the wind will be from the north, take this into account. In the east of ukraine tomorrow, the weather will be anticyclonic, no precipitation is expected. The air temperature is quite high, 20, 22, 20, 23, above zero. In rains are likely in the central part of ukraine tomorrow, in the vinnytsia region and cherkasy region, in places with thunderstorms, even possibly, finally areas without precipitation, from 18 to 22. In the southern part of ukraine , dry weather will prevail tomorrow, there will be a lot of sun, the air temperature is comfortable, 22, 24, 22, 25, above zero, and in kyiv, in the capital. Tomorrow the air temperature is expected to be around 17, occasional rain in places, do not forget umbrellas, or if you are going somewhere in nature, also take into account, or go for a walk in the park, for example, take into account that tomorrow it will rain, well literally in one sentence, i want to say that on sunday rain is expected in the west, in the evening, in the afternoon and in the north, finally the area of ​​precipitation, but it will be quite warm, on sunday 18, 23, always. Keep an eye on our current forecasts on the espresso channel. Good evening, we are from ukraine. Thank you. Verdict with serhiy rudenko. From now on in a new twohour format. Even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. Foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. You can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. Two years have passed and still the spresso tv channel has not been returned to t2. During this time, neither the government nor the officials took responsibility for the outage. The Espresso Team has repeatedly appealed to the president , the cabinet, and the council. Of National Security and defense, National Council for television and radio broadcasting. However we did not receive a clear answer who and why limited the broadcasting of the channel. This is pure censorship, this is a violation of freedom of speech in ukraine, because indeed today the t2 network is on the button on which the espressu tv channel was broadcast for 10 years

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