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So this time the votes can be found, so the electronic declaration series continues, watch the program of the ukrainian official in america, time time. I am natalya leonova. Congratulations , russias aggression against ukraine is not only about seizing ukraines territories and resources , but also undermining all dams of International Norms about it during the speech at the meeting of the un Security Council, the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyy, stated that he emphasized that helping ukraine with weapons by applying sanctions, exerting comprehensive pressure on the aggressor by voting for the relevant resolutions means to help protect the un charter from the start of fullscale aggression launched by a state that is still for some reason among the permanent members of the Security Council of the oun. 574 days of the pain of the loss of the struggle have already passed. Russia killed at least tens of thousands of our people and made millions of refugees by destroying their homes. The majority of the world recognizes the truth about this war, it is criminal and the unprovoked aggression of russia against our nation, which aims to seize the territory and resources of ukraine, but not only this, the terrorist state aims to undermine all dams of International Norms with its aggression who are supposed to protect the world from warriors, our correspondent Iryna Solomko works in new york, she is joining our studio right now. I congratulate iryna. Zelenskys speech was also a very important event precisely related to the reform of the un, which consisted in the fact that 10 nonpermanent members of the Security Council came out with a statement in which they said that they essentially demand the reform of the un because reforming the Security Council because they essentially represent 2 3 of this body. However, they have no real influence on the decisions that are made due to the same right of veto, so they called for reforming the Security Council and accordingly limiting the use of legal and just after that Volodymyr Zelenskyi spoke and from this you can understand that at least 10 nonpermanent members of the Security Council support the messages that he tried to convey during his speech, and in particular you can now hear part of his veto in the hands of the aggressor who drove the un into impasse now, what kind of nation were you, a nation that has millions of people or a small nation that heroically defends its independence or a country or a long experience in independence can help another state that needs help or a nation that can really help a state that relies on its army or the kind of state for which the un charter and not its army is the first and last line of defense. Whoever you are, the existing un system makes you still less than the right of veto, which is the exit of several yes which is used by russia alone to the detriment of all other members of the un these days. I personally hear the word inequality very often, and different nations and those who are bigger and those who are smaller talk about inequality. It is inequality that the un is doing right now. Natalya, how do you see what the right of veto and just the president and this is such an appeal to small countries , yes, because it is for them and why albania, for example, is dancing , initiated this very meeting today because it is a small country that understands that only this one, the un, is a structure. It can to prevent albania from ending up in the same situation, therefore the president really also proposed three concrete steps that he believes should be taken in order to prevent similar situations in the future, this is firstly, it should be the General Assembly it should finally get the right to block the veto and the Security Council secondly this circle of seed members of the Security Council should be expanded and should correspond to modern times, if we quote the president , that is , we are talking about that, of course, he spoke about india, he spoke about japan, about african countries countries, that is, these countries should still get the right to be permanent members of the Security Council, and the last such step, which he believes should be done in this world, should agree to such a mechanism for responding to aggression to protect others, which everyone would like to have for their own security natalya iryna the question of the effectiveness of the un, which president zelenskyi just spoke about, is also connected with the need to reform the Security Council, and you mentioned this, or yesterday, from the rostrum of the General Assembly, President Biden promised to continue work to increase the number of representatives in the Security Council. And was this issue discussed at todays meeting . Yes, natalya , as i have already mentioned, the first push in this topic , bohdana, with this very statement, yes, 10 nonpermanent members, who later, even during their successes, constantly returned to this thoughts about what needs to be expanded , the voice of the global rooster should be strengthened, and this is very important. Of course , the representative of the United States also spoke at the meeting. Blinking, yes, his statement was to a lesser extent related to reform and those theses that Volodymyr Zelenskyi spoke about, but it was quite political, and again he gave an assessment of russias actions, and he specifically said that russia is trying to. He tries not to clarify the opinion and that helping ukraine, for example, are such countries that are developed countries, they take something from developed countries, this is the same opinion that is very common here now , everyone criticizes that look how much a lot of attention should be given to ukraine, and accordingly, everyone should Pay Attention to these institutions, and he said that we help ukraine without cutting ourselves off from other countries. You can hear his speech in the context of that in the context of his visit to ukraine i started the speech by sharing the horrors i saw in the berry orchard let me finish by telling what else i saw that day in ukraine i saw volunteers rebuilding houses destroyed by russian bombs, farmers who were harvesting in the fields, people who were restoring business, ordinary citizens who were clearing the land, withdrawal and ammunition that did not explode, children who were returning to school , in one word, i saw how a nation is being rebuilt and regaining its future, this is the right of all members of our United Nations this is what we defend when we stand for the international order, this is the right of people not only to survive but also to prosper in order to create their own future, our people of ukraine, people of all nations have the right to create their own future we can and we will not allow one person to write this future for us today and yesterday president zelenskyy had a number of bilateral meetings, are there any details about these meetings, what topics were discussed, and also what else is planned at the president s market for today . Yes, natalya, and since the very morning, he has been right before the meeting of the Security Council, he met with the Prime Minister of albania, they talked about many different things, including how the experience of the balkans can be useful to ukraine in the context of demining and others challenges related to aggression and also after his speech he met with ursula fond derlein as well as with the president of romania and also with the deputy Prime Minister of bulgaria. It is also expected that he will meet, but right now there should be a meeting with scholz, the chancellor, the federal chancellor of germany, as well as several meetings are planned in the context of investments and attracting investment to ukraine for its reconstruction natalya thank you iryna for your work tomorrow president zelensky will be in washington, he will have a meeting with President Biden pentagon and will speak in congress. We will talk about it on our broadcasts. Iryna solonka was with us live from new york. Great britain is calling on more countries to support the armed forces of ukraine, because ukraine is fighting for all countries that believe in the rule of law and the United Nations charter this was announced by British Foreign minister James Cleverley in an interview with Iryna Solomko on the grounds of the un General Assembly in new york. In the conversation, the minister emphasized that the Ukrainian Army is making progress in counteroffensive and he assured that london will continue to support ukraine in strengthening air defense and training ukrainian pilots on f16 fighters about the counteroffensive everyone expected him and then there was a lot of criticism of the ukrainians that they are not fast enough or successful on the battlefield , but some experts believe that it is difficult to demand from the countries of success when it fights without free will, of course, but with limited weapons, and before criticizing partners should provide more help to the extent that such a position is fair. I bean fool i say its been long enough, in fact, for most of the year, we have to admit that the war in ukraine is not a hollywood movie , the russians spent most of the end of last year and the beginning of this building fortifications , mining the territory, i always said that this counteroffensive would be difficult. I believe that the armed forces of ukraine have a stable progress, they are careful and methodical, but i also emphasize that we must continue to support ukraine while it defends itself from the russian invasion, it may take more time than some expected, however, it is important that we continue to support ukraine until it succeeds in defending itself from russia with the value of ukraine s sopa in terms of longrange missiles as well as f16 aircraft, so why is there still a discussion among partners. Great britain, which came from lowly Prime Ministers before the fullscale invasion in february, Boris Johnson made it clear that ukraine needs our support. We delivered antitank Missile Systems we were one of the first countries to do this, and at the beginning of this year, Great Britain decided that we will supply battle tanks, that we will provide some of those longrange missiles that the Ukrainian Armed forces use very, very effectively, so we continue to insist that ukraine deserves our support this military equipment is needed by ukraine and in our interests so that ukraine defends itself and also defends the un charter and defends the concept of sovereignty and territorial integrity. That is why we will continue to support ukraine and continue to encourage more countries to provide more support to the armed forces of ukraine is a big deal these countries are currently negotiating to provide longrange missiles but maybe you know what their fears are why they still doubt people listen to Vladimir Putins threats of escalation but i keep saying people who are worried about the fears of escalation must realize that it is Vladimir Putin who is responsible for the escalation because he initiated the fullscale invasion in february last year he was the one who targeted the civilian infrastructure of ukraine objects of grain export and commercial operations in ukraine so russia is responsible for the escalation and we respond to the behavior of russia, its violence in ukraine, but when these doubts will be put to an end that for this we need more russian attacks on civilian infrastructure that can finally convince these countries we have already provided £347 million in humanitarian aid and have also organized a conference on the recovery of ukraine to discuss how to help ukraine recover from the conflict and we will continue to loudly call for international the community to support ukraine at a time when it is defending itself from an attack by russia, so fash informes another important issue for ukraine these are f16 planes, of course, everyone is waiting for them, many experts claim that starting this counteroffensive operation without air support is rather suicide , but still, ukrainians do it an important part the process of ukraine getting these modern aircraft is Pilot Training and Great Britain has announced its commitment to start such training in august is there any updated information questions training of ukrainian pilots we continue to train the Ukrainian Military and will do so, i cannot tell you the exact time and nature of Pilot Training, but we continue to seek to help ukraine, we will also continue to support ukraine in air defense against russian missiles aimed at kyiv, lviv, grain complexes in the south of ukraine we will continue to work with ukraine with president zelenskyi and his team to assess what ukraine needs and provide support where we can and also encourage others to do the same about what the main obstacles at the moment to the start of this exercise cannot discuss when and how the exercise will take place but we are committed to continuing to support ukraine whether in the air or on the ground or in time of hostilities Great Britain remains steadfast in this support heard that this is a place for peace and the diplomatic method of conflict resolution , of course, politicians call for it means that it must be honest and fair, so what do you see as the role of the un in these peace negotiations, given that russia is a member of the council of security and vetoes resolutions related to his jegression, is it possible to achieve this peace with vice . It is disappointing that russia has used its right of veto in the last month more often than Great Britain in 30 years. There is no mechanism to exclude russia from the United Nations for security betrayal the world can see that russia is using or actually abusing its position in the un to prevent support for ukraine , but the un plays an Important Role, it played an Important Role in the negotiations on the black Sea Grain Initiative and we will continue to to use the United Nations and also affirmatively support ukraine as a sovereign nation to open the doors of the Security Council to more states, in particular to representatives of the global south , this is a realistic scenario Great Britain supports reforms time and Great Britain have long called for the expansion of the Security Council i i think that india, japan, brazil , for example, and a strong voice from africa should be permanent members of the Security Council, i think i understand how important it is, we will continue to work with the United States and other countries to make sure that he is effective and doing the right things. Poland summoned the ambassador of ukraine to the ministry of Foreign Affairs due to the president of ukraines criticism of the restrictions on ukrainian grain. That some countries are judicial but solidarity indirectly supporting russia is stated in the message of the ministry of Foreign Affairs of poland on monday, the polish president said that the un assembly plans to discuss the grain issue during a bilateral meeting with zelenskyi, however, the ukrainian side did not confirm the plans for this meeting with this situation being monitored by our european correspondent Bohdan Tsyupin he joins our broadcast again on vitay bohdane so, poland reacted to the words of president zelenskyi with a strong protest and a challenge to the ambassador as other European Partners are reacting, well, actually, we know, in particular, from the mouths of the ministers of agriculture of the eu countries at the beginning of this week, they are the overwhelming majority condemned the unilateral actions of poland, slovakia and hungary, for our part, we know, for example, that the representatives of slovakia say that they do not want to comment on the situation , because if there really is a lawsuit, so to speak, in the World Trade Organization, then the arguments expressed in the statements can be used during these disputes in hungary Prime Minister viktor orban, as always, blames brussels for all the troubles and also for this situation. I think it is worth reminding that trade disputes even between partners are not something extraordinary, for example, this country, Great Britain, with neighboring france, had friction quite often, we had very difficult situations , for example, in disputes over fishing, when hotheaded people in france and britain even called for patrols of the navy in order to to scare away fishermen from one side or another, disputes are very difficult when it comes to trade, there were also between the United States between the European Union , that is, there is nothing new here, there is nothing new here when it comes to ukraine and especially poland slovakia and, of course, hungary as a country of the European Union in a neighboring state, the fact that the trade dispute is imposed on the conditions of war at a time when ukraine needs the most help from european allies from european neighbors, first of all, this dispute escalates into a quarrel between those who most need the partnership of bohdan today, we heard a new statement from the ukrainian side , Prime Minister of ukraine Denys Shmyhal said that ukraine will file a complaint with the World Trade Organization against poland, hungary and of slovakia due to unilateral restrictions on the import of ukrainian agricultural products, how did they respond to this statement in europe well, i have already mentioned a little about what is coming from the mouths of representatives of western eu countries or the words of slovaks or polish politicians, that is, first of all, we must remember that in 10 days in slovakia there will be parliamentary elections, and the result of these elections may also be a change in bratislavas policy, in particular, in relation to ukraine. In 25 days, there will be elections in poland against this background of a very sharp political struggle in these neighboring in ukraine, in the countries, any sharp statements of kyiv are perceived as particularly painful, and when it comes to a dispute, we already see that it is about uh, actually, sot where all disputes , as a rule, are very long, extremely long, but there are also hints of a desire to solve this problem i will not say. Even without bringing the case to court, and in particular, the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy Today announced its readiness to consider and resolve this issue, to take practical steps in order to settle it without bringing the case to a dispute at the wto alone. I know you had the opportunity to talk to the experts, what they say and what are the ways to solve the issue of importing ukrainian grain, well, actually, the experts, some of them focus on purely practical issues and others on broader and political issues, and if we take purely practical issues, then actually the answers to them are already known it has been known for a long time and representatives of ukraine and International Representatives have declared that the best way , the most effective way to export ukrainian grain is through the black sea by sea , by largetonnage cargo ships, but through a russian war due to the actual blockade of russia is impossible. Therefore, there remains great hope for overland routes through the western borders to europe, but here we have a problem with the fears of those countries with the fact that they will have an influx of cheap, too cheap ukrainian crops and farmers, for example, in bulgaria in other countries, there are very loud protests from the ukrainian side, in particular, the representatives of the Ukrainian Government emphasized to me that now there are great hopes for romania. Romania said that it will not take such unilateral steps as poland, slovakia and hungary, and in ukraine they say that now the romanian route, in particular through the danube, as well as with the railway through romanian ports, in particular through port constanta on the black sea, is one of the most important routes, but when it comes to political assessments or broader assessments of what is happening, people are commentators, in particular in poland and also in ukraine are extremely concerned about the harshness of the statements of warsaw and kyiv excessively, as they consider the harshness of politicians on both one and the other side, which can harm, can even affect the military , the possibility of ukraines cooperation with europe in los angeles, a sports and social project of the ukrainian fitness trainer andrii khomensky is held every saturday morning. Andrii conducts training sessions for ukrainian migrants and displaced persons , the participants not only harden their bodies, but also maintain Psychological Health and make friends. In the californian city of santa monica, a group of motivated ukrainians of different ages in different physical forms and with different life stories is gathering. They are united by the desire to improve their physical and Psychological Health and find one of my friends is doing a good workout. Andriy khomytskyi from volyn, birch, the World Champion in bodybuilding of the ifbb league, 5 years ago, he founded a sports and social project about a kitty, a project called about a kitty. In which people gather and pay a different price, not money, that is, in order to come to this training and get it on the one hand for free on the other hand you need to wake up on saturday at six oclock in the morning and come to this training this is a fee during the covid pandemic andriy conducted free Training Online network of participants increased after the fullscale invasion of russia into ukraine. Andriy with his wife and four children temporarily moved to los angeles, here he continued his saturday training. Have reached the age of 21 but want to work, they bake cakes and ukrainians order cakes from this girl. For example, if a girl came who does a manicure or does aa, hmm, a Makeup Artist or something it doesnt matter what you do, you come to this canyon and at least you have a chance to get clients, to get the first support, not in words, but on sundays, so at most you have an opportunity for people who do not speak a language to come and once a week to meet with a big a group of the same ukrainians in the group, there are many immigrants who came to los angeles already after the start of a fullscale war in ukraine, after training, the participants gather in a cafe for breakfast, drink coffee, chat, Exchange Contacts and find friends, this is very recharges and its not only about sports, its about doing something every time that you dont really want to push yourself sometimes, but you see the results in training, emigrants who have been living in the usa for a long time, when the war started, that prompted somehow to take part in ukrainian in the activities of the Ukrainian Community currently, the project about the kitty is working in 11 cities of ukraine and the world santomonika Khrystyna Shevchenko bohdan shevchenko for the voice of america this is how we say goodbye, did you watch the program of the Ukrainian Service of the voice of america chas time thank you for trusting us i am natalya lounova good luck. We are looking for 15yearold dmytro ganyukov, who disappeared on the first day of the fullscale war. The boy lived in kherson oblast, in the kakhovsky district in the city of tavriysk, and imagine that since february 24 of last year there was no news about him, so i am asking everyone to look carefully at photo of dmytro, he looks 1516 years old, he has long dark hair and dark eyes. If suddenly someone has seen dmytro because they know where he might be, dont delay now and immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at

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