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Sofas were created by people, heroes are real, and so on, but in general , we need to prepare for the fact that the war can last for years and years, and this means that ukraine cannot postpone everything for 10 years, for example, for 20 years. Well, if 20 years is simply banal to repair roads, we wont have roads in 5 years, there simply wont be any at all, and then what will we do, because this is also a question of how the economy functions, and again , the economist insists that the ukrainian economy must not only work, it must develop and prosper even in the conditions of war, because if we leave it to him or there is some kind of airborne victory. And if im not talking about trump in the states , she said danilov in the direct text of plan b. We dont have one. We think they will stop giving us money. Well, i dont know. Im not very happy with what we have. Thats all the hope for the americans. Well, i mean, im saying here how to find the right balance for some reason. We criticize this idea of ​​the government to take all personal income tax to itself. We are not sure that the best government will dispose of this. How do you do it at the level of the District Council . How is the discussion going . Well, i can tell you, well, from myself, from our dictations, we are constantly discussing this topic. It really cannot be completed. Put aside money there because there is an ongoing repair. But you need to love ukraine and you need to love your city and there should be reasonable prices. And we know how all these tenders take place. Yes , we are talking about transparency. And when they check the nabu. Are these or other works good . Times, we understand why they are overpriced, so people should understand that this will be a crime. I congratulate you. I understand that there are current repairs and this is also very important for the economic component, because i just returned from ismail and to be honest. Well , first of all, the road needs to be widened secondly, this is now the only way for all our trucks that carry grain and Agricultural Products in that direction and the route is very busy, so we understand very well that the infrastructure needs to be developed, but not this year, at least all these tenders will be held because we see of the budget, which has now been set for 2024, expenditures for the armed forces of ukraine have decreased a lot and expenditures for all others have increased. Ms. Valentina , in conclusion, i wanted to ask you about what is happening in odessa in the odessa Aviation Police a competitor has appeared, a dog patron, a cat patron, do you know anything about him . This is what he looks like, well, remove the title , its simple. Why is he a patron . Its not just because he has an amulet hanging around his neck. The occupier, just in case, is so well kept in all the telegram channels of this beautiful patron cat. I think that he will become a symbol of the south , ah, because in odesa, he is loved very much, you know that this is a city of cats, and therefore i think that he will bring victory to the boys. Well, well let this one the cat will become a happy cat for odesa, for odesa and for the whole of ukraine. Thank you, mr. Valentina valentina shultz, deputy of the odesa District Council. And a volunteer was with us, and by the way, this one combines, you know, odesa with Kherson Oblast. Also, in fact, he was part of a joint unit in Kherson Oblast, just from they will have the patron dog of those who keep this area is a cat patron dog patron well, so to speak , you know and it can be quite quite even not a bad thing yesterday we promoted in which by the way, this is the author of this chornobayvka chornobayvka showed a cool cool cool boat here and i only found out about it now and i somehow live, you know, in a parallel universe that just happens here in this studio for several hours a day and live this is how we live, this is how we work, we will move to chernihiv and here is another interesting piece of information about chernihiv, more precisely about gomel , the belarusian gomel turns out to have been a sister city to the city of chernihiv, but it is no longer. And this is very strange, by the way, because gomel is ukrainian city yes yes yes yes yes there was a ukrainian issue belarusian now we are doing it broke fraternal relations with chernihiv deprived the Regional Center of our sister city status i dont know how chernihiv is experiencing this with words but what is interesting is that in the last three years gomel has lost five sister cities from ukraine and also from the states that declared it unfriendly. The authorities of belarus declared them unfriendly. Now gomel has, uh, there are also sister cities, for example, since 2020, gomel has established Partnership Relations with the content of huh so quietly said this chinese autonomous region of Inner Mongolia and at the moment gogol has 28 sister cities and four districts with the same status, 16 of them are in russia and four in china. Well , only gomel remains in Partnership Relations, so to speak, the solomyan district of the city of kyiv solom yansky district of the city of kyiv, think about it, you need it, here, and ukrainian donetsk, which is occupied by russia, is also a sister city, now we will ask chernihiv residents of chernihiv how they are worried about deleting their important city from the list of sister cities oleksiy maslov, a journalist, joins us from chernihiv. Oleksiy, good morning. Good morning. I congratulate you. How did you take the news that gomel is no longer a friend of chernihiv gomel . Well, this is a rhetorical question. I think so, because everything depends on it. E this is in our mood and in our behavior which in general in ukraine and in chernihiv depends on the success of the armed forces of ukraine and in general on the struggle of ukraine for its freedom and events in the future and around us too they will depend on the course of this struggle including i think this and the people of omel about their real moods and not imposed ones. Well, in the vashikov regime, they will decide in the former future and everything will look somehow different. And now, for now. Well, all this is perceived as saying yes, they shrugged their shoulders, matei, we live on e well, lets not take care of that, lets not take care of it, well, actually , how did this day pass for chernihiv oblast, were there any air raids in chernihiv oblast . In general, for chernihiv oblast, what day is the main thing, what is it, what concerns the military events, what day is the shelling taking place, which was earlier. Unfortunately, the shelling of the border communities , the enemy is shelling the force of the border communities on the border, i mean on the russian section of the border of chernihiv oblast, the state border, this is shelling from the coiled artillery of foam launchers and there are only hits from aviation delicopters, that is, from aviation missiles, and from this, not for this last day, for the previous one, there were cases when there were residential the houses in the villages of the border communities were on fire from these shellings from the mortars at the moment, what is the situation in the center now after the barbaric Russian Rocket attack on the theater, that is, what is happening there now, the restoration work is in full swing, in fact, 83 buildings were damaged by this with this marketing blow, and in particular, residential buildings also around the Central Square of chernigov, and restoration work is currently underway. 14 organizations have joined these works. Keep in mind ukrainians and internationals, in particular, for example uh, the Danish Organization for migration took help in the repair of about 160 apartments. For example, in total , as they say, 14 organizations. The Chernihiv City Council allocated a large amount of more than uah 20 million from the city budget for the repair of roofs , because the roofs several residential buildings around the square were damaged, but now the work is going on, we can see a video of the repair of the roofs, several construction organizations are working accordingly, and the most damaged building is the building itself the regional theater is the ukrainian musical drama theater and uh how are we how uh how was it already this happened a little earlier a couple of weeks ago of course, this performance was without an audience , it was broadcast online, it was a performance for the allukrainian Theater Service that took place in kherson, so we hope that it will return, maybe even and even more beautiful, this square is called beautiful but it seems beautiful because of the fact that because of the fact that it is beautiful beautiful yes yes i am now few people remember this name because that is what it is associated with so what is different from this with the empire and russian that it is light like dyed in blueyellow and then it will be red square in chernihiv and it will return to its original meaning, the meaning is a beautiful, beautiful girl, a beautiful square, thats why everyone, if i ask at the very end, and the situation with local selfgovernment is now in chernihiv, and something from chernihiv is not so simple, we all remember that atroshenko suspended the mayor elected according to a rather strange decision, moreover, the lviv court and it seems the lviv oblast because of some administrative violation, etc. And this is it, according to zroshenka, this is such a not hidden attack on the local selfgovernment, etc. This is because he is not a representative of the authorities as the mayor, but two weeks ago there were also searches of the acting mayor of chernihiv, the secretary of the city council, Oleksandr Lomako, is mr. Lomako still performing his duties and how is the situation in general with local selfgovernment in the city yes, Oleksandr Lomako a secret agent, is now performing the duties of chernihiv mayor , the searches that took place in his apartment, did you mention Oleksandr Lomako immediately reacted to these searches with a post about what he expressed and pulled for example, his mobile phone was taken away from him then, but he then wrote about the fact that i dont know the exact reason and what exactly they were looking for in him, who wanted exactly the same information they wanted to find during this search. The fact is that this situation itself a certain tension or confrontation can be said more than by the authorities, and that is, between the military council and the city military administration, this situation is complicated and is currently planning a short, very precisely, very little time remains, because the sbu conducted searches once again , that is, look. Kharkivska has now taken on a new deputy who worked in murayevo at the headquarters somewhere else, that is , the sbu does not search her, for example, although a person now has access to some sensitive , secret, secret information because this the military administration of the region, which is in the region where hostilities are taking place, yes, but maybe mr. Lomak just has something in the background. Maybe he was in murayevo in the party of the ukrainian army, maybe he traveled all the time. Maybe he has real estate in the crimea, in moscow, i dont know why the sbu is doing this on your behalf the opinion of what the journalist says is most likely related to the political confrontation of certain political teams of influential people in ukraine and the consequences of this, we are now seeing the tip of the iceberg, lets say, in the form of such and such actions for this rather than if you summarize everything like this, if you try to analyze it, then there is a real struggle for power, which, unfortunately, continues between political teams, even though the war of aggression continues. Thank you very much for your comment. One such at the end of this block of ours before we move on to our next guest is information from chernihiv in that the workers of the kp atp 2528 o restored and installed on a pedestal tadadadam the legendary speciali a specialized car of 93 m, our sim gaz51 model of 1956, that s right, in a word, this is a car that took out garbage. Boxi where did the projectile hit and where did it hit the targets, thats how you know its gaz53, its probably a model imagine who happens in the studio they say that 51 51 gaz51 yes okay gaz 51 and okay okay well lets move to kherson region and talk about whats happening there how was the night well, lets also talk about the balance, which swore allegiance to the russian occupiers, we will talk about it later. Somewhere back in 1991 , i just didnt tell everyone about it. Well, now everything is public, after a break, well come back and continue. Oh, i sprained my back. Is that all . Cures pain from pain in the back and joints flamidez there are discounts on canefron m 20 in pharmacies podorozhnyk for you and savings about so that ukrainians do not think about so that they do not speak in the first place anyway war war and our victory only on espresso from monday monday completely different spheres of human activity Sports Health politics the return of crimea military analytics nine presenters journalists experts opinion leaders in real time about the most Current Events through the prism of war in authors projects on espresso with you Vitaly Portnikov and we will discuss the main events of this week Vitaly Portnikov and top experts on the most vivid events of the last seven days, our guest will be the general of the military , the former National Security adviser of the president of the united states, donald trump Herbert Mcmaster yuriemsya current topics hot questions authoritative comments and forecasts in the project information marathon with Vitaly Portnikov every sunday at 20 10 on espresso join the community with a ukrainian view of the world become a sponsor of the Youtube Channel espresso and this is access to exclusive content personal thanks pinned comments special icons there is the possibility of personal communication with the espresso team, click to sponsor and become part of the community with a ukrainian point of view, a collaborator, a person who consciously cooperates with the occupation authorities to the detriment of their own country, until recently these people lived nearby, pretended to love ukraine , our home, school family, our only ukraine, but in fact they were waiting for russian peace independence day, this day, we protect our family, we have traitors, we know what to punish, watch the program of collaborators every wednesday at 5 45 p. M. Espresso tv channels every day, every hour, every minute, we receive the amount of information, even the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how do we evaluate our successes, the International Community and about what is moscow lying from the flow of news coming from far and wide, we single out the most important ones from closely monitoring whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what and what the russian occupiers are whispering about behind the backs of the news commanders. The results of the week are a review of only important events. Checkin professional comments much different today about important things in simple language available to all viewers welcome to the year of the week that saturdays at 9 00 p. M. I warmly congratulate you this is svoboda life on radio svoboda kadrova will be able to shock the news from the scene of events live and as political analytics objectively meaningful there is no political season exclusive interviews reports from the hottest points of the front freedom life frankly and impartially draw conclusions ourselves dear friends we return to avatar and continue our marathon roll call now we will talk about what is happening in Kherson Oblast in kherson oleksandr tolokonnikov, the head of the press office of the Kherson Regional Military Administration is already in touch with us mr. Oleksandr good morning, how good is he in the kherson region mr. Oleksandr, we have its a pity, good morning, they continue to shell the territory of kherson, in the village of which one person died, a woman aged 608 and a man, 27, were in kherson, they were also injured in other points, and they are mykolaivka, and this gave the flags of injuries due to explosives from a drone, eh a partially reconstructed leg is in a serious condition, and now he is in the hospital. He was also attacked by shelling. He was there yesterday, and he received a fine injury. 332 charges from various types of weapons were fired so that the weapons thats all, were activated by selfactivated aerial bombs in mykolaiv there and in kamiansk, and both of them were erer boryslav itself, boryslav district, in the morning, olga was also fired upon, and it was already late, and the bombs and destruction there er, there is such a er decision of the Verkhovna Rada committee, which stated that now the Kherson Regional Council has no grounds for legal pro work in the answer olena shulyak, this is uh, for a minute, uh, one of the leaders of the servants of the people party and a peoples deputy who actually believes that the procedure for resuming the work of district and Regional Councils after the temporary occupation does not exist, therefore , in fact, Regional Councils should not carry out their authority here and there is the situation of the Kherson Regional Council. As far as i understand, nevertheless, the regime is still going, people somehow even hold some meetings, which are now the status of the Regional Council and, in principle, local selfgovernment in the region which is partially occupied and i understand the status of such that it is a complete occupation, the work of the Regional Council can be renewed, and also the match about the fact that if there is martial law , the powers of the Regional Council can be renewed, but i think the question here is more like solve the impasse in this regard and are there simply any legal points here or can , for example, the military administration completely replace the decision of, for example, the Regional Council at the moment in the legal field to answer these questions i think that it is not only me who is not ready if before this one of the decision options or such an opinion, but we can wait for a more detailed explanation or, based on the law , it will be clear, pnev has literally three minutes to ask because he did not finally, as it were, officially swear to the occupiers, now there is the post of the governor of the kherson region, everything happened so pompously with some ee choirs from the stage , flags, agensaldo was finally able to sing how sweet in russia the evenings were restrained for 30 years in a row, now they appoint each other appoints and does not change anything for they dont do any work, except that they spend events and holidays for themselves, so i dont think its necessary. He got what he wanted. Well, god forbid he use it for a long time. Im in quotes , of course soon. Hell run away he is in the urals and there he will write his dumbass as soon as he returns to kherson hmmm, well, it is really funny for these Laboratory Workers who show the sabbath there on television and even then i did not know that they find nothing there until uh, they did it very soon , they already solved it issues with these collaborators who will be caught and who live because sooner or later their justice will be on the scene thank you oleksandr tolkonikov the head of the press office of the Kherson Regional Military Administration was with us the transition has come to an end our first hour of todays marathon and this means that we are getting closer to the release of the news there is already a fresh selection in katerynas belt is wide and she will tell it to you kateryna i congratulate you on the word i congratulate my colleagues in a moment i will tell you about the new statements of the minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov and the advancement of our troops to on the front i welcome news to the artery espresso is working with you in the studio kateryna shirokopoyas at night the enemy mercilessly attacked the nikopol region a 25yearold man was injured as a result of shelling, he received shrapnel wounds, the head of the Regional Military administration serhiy lysak said that in nikopol itself, the buildings of a Department Store and a kindergarten were damaged. The enemy damaged four private houses, cars and power lines, and according to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces, 20 combat clashes took place on the front last day the invaders do not give up hope to restore the lost position in the area of ​​klishivka in donetsk region, such an attempt turned out to be unsuccessful. The offensive of the invaders also failed in the vicinity of maryinka and pobeda, our defenders continue to hold the defense on the mining

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