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Sooner or later it will slap him, if it says that i handed over Tactical Nuclear weapons for lukashenka, sooner or later he will hand them over to anyone, because, in principle, the system of collective security has stopped working, and putin goes around and, i apologize, scares the whole world with a nuclear sledgehammer. I emphasize once again, the world needs to understand that the sooner ukraine deals with putin, the less chance that putin will do anything to make ukraine. Deal with putin, i mean with the russian army, on the territory of ukraine should be completely everything is destroyed, then putin will not have so much potential that he could restore, and if the russian army on the territory of ukraine keeps its borders and and capture new ones, at this time, when the world will be considering whether to give ukraine good or not, why dont they give ukraine, for example, Missile Systems there for attacks to destroy the crimean bridge, why . I cant understand why the crimean bridge is where the crap is going, which is then launched from crimea on the territory of odesa, for example, yes, well, its not normal, and there are a lot of such things, taurus missiles, shols said , that they dont have enough taurus missiles, the manufacturers say, but we ll get them for you overnight, issue an order, by the way, taurus manufacturers have stopped production of missiles because there is no order, thats all, so when they say that something is missing, its not true, and when americas socalled friends. Like Lynsey Graham come and say that they are silent about weapons, but you have to mobilize children at the graduation ball at school, well, as he said, from the age of 18, well , if you consider that our children study at school, as they say, in fact, some boys are under the age of 18, if we take, well, addictions from when he went to school there, so that summonses are distributed already at the school graduation, and at the same time is very modestly silent about the fact that the United States, of course, is with us until the end, that is, of course, until the very end, as long as it is necessary. And so on, but, well, the american aid has not arrived since november, and all these statements are connected, of course, with their internal political discussions, perhaps sometimes fearing their own population that putin will attack, they thus try not to criticize their decisions regarding aid to ukraine, well, for example, is it happening there in germany, or in poland, maybe the question here is, you know, lets say here they should speak more. The mother, not the military, thats why im not an expert in the field of diplomacy, i can only express my point of view as a citizen, well, at the level of my knowledge. Well, but you are definitely an expert on whether we need foreign troops on the territory of ukraine or not, because nato secretary general jen stoltenberg, after the meeting of the ukrainenato council, once again stated that the alliance has no plans to send troops to ukraine, and kyiv did not ask for this, lets listen to what stoltenberg said. Nato is not a party to the conflict and nato will not be a party to the conflict, but nato provides support to ukraine to help it defend itself. There are no nato combat units in ukraine and we have no plans to do so. We have not received any requests for this either, but the ukrainians are asking for equipment, ammunition, weapons, and we provide them to ukraine. It does not. Nato is a party to the conflict, but we support ukraines legitimate right to selfdefense. Mr. Major, is it still possible to ask for the help of nato troops in addition to weapons . To this day, i cannot understand why president zelensky does not ask for help nato troops, why the Ukrainian Parliament does not vote for such an appeal, i cannot understand, well, that is, you understand, if we are talking. Now about the appeal to nato, this may be one story, okay, lets not appeal to nato, so that nato troops, but there is a position of each country separately, namely, for example, the position of. France, denmark, the baltic countries, finland, canada, they said that they are considering such an issue, but again sooner or later they will consider it, but i think they will consider it more actively if ukraine an official appeal, i cant understand why not, im sorry, well, im just blown away by this lack of action precisely in the context, well , president zelensky doesnt need, unnecessary help, well, look, lets speak frankly, for example, we are patriots together with specialists , with the units that serve them, could occupy the territory of the lviv region and hold the borders, and some french specialists there together with the sampti, for example, would go to the kharkiv region, well, okay, kharkiv is shooting there, flying in, well, lets go okay , not in the kharkiv region, lets go to zaporizhzhia, a little further outside zaporizhzhia, we would stop and make an umbrella over the city, it would be a godpleasing thing, oh. Odesa, please, well, there is, there is somewhere to go, well, some unit could go there, roughly speaking, france. Further, i did not see a problem in nato at the time when the french legion entered africa, there are 10,000 of them there , we have already discussed with you, their commander, general kyrylo yushchenko, here i am, i would not mind if they strengthened our western, our northern border with belarus, and thus freed our units sitting there. At the border so that they can rotate the boys around the time of the yars, for example, would that be a godly thing . I cannot understand why president zelensky does not make such an appeal, not only that, in his interviews he says, as he said there, that ukraine is fighting and do not worry, french, your children will not fight in our country until we we fight, well, okay, but we can fight forever, well, you understand, we have problems with mobilization, we have problems with personnel. Configuration and, again, problems with trained personnel, if we are talking about airplanes, relatively speaking, which should be given to us by the f16, then for each such airplane we need at least 1020 service personnel. Why couldnt some Aircraft Maintenance unit come here, its not the front line, it would be a rear unit, it would sit in the rear somewhere at the airfield and so on, it could service f16 aircraft with its specialists. No, well, there is an option, we can. Send ours to study abroad for six months, and in this way in our there will be fewer specialists in other fields, well, this is wrong, so i believe that president zelensky should make such an official appeal personally to every country that has expressed support in this regard, or at least start a discussion, or to all countries, not all at once, as with the nato bloc, but simply on a separate appeal, and someone will support it, and it will make the struggle easier for us, because, sorry, we already have a war. It s already coming, well, excuse me, the 11th year, well, we, we, we already live in a war, we already have those children who went to school there in the 14th year, went to some fifth grade there, today they are already fighting in the war, well, yes, this is the same generation, you understand, yes, and further, well, there will be a few more years of war, more there will be refugees, and the most terrible thing is that our women who left there with their children, the children study there in school. If the war drags on longer, they will finish school there, go to college there, and then mom will say thats all, so many years have passed, son, come on, take your wife, take your children, my grandchildren, and were going to ukraine to restore it, my mother will say, why, why would i go there, i am here conditionally in spain, i am fine, a woman, a child, i work for a company, so what am i going to go to ukraine now, i have lived here for 15 years or 10 years , you understand, that is, this is the discussion. Can develop in this context that we need to break faster the crap that has gathered in us here, and then our children will return faster, because we are losing, you understand, we can be so humble, well, i dont know how to call it in other words, that we will be able to restore the state, and restore the nation can happen like this, that there will no longer be any possibility, because the average Life Expectancy in ukraine used to be up to. In my opinion, up to the full scale of 67 years, and now it is already 57 years, well , we will fight a little longer, and our demographic crisis will be very serious, then how are we going to save the nation if we drag out that war . Well , of course, not everything depends on us, but i did not hear that anyone during the Second World War refused to open a second front, there was the same normandy during the soviet union, no man, the pilots worked and so further. I havent heard anyone refuse, i cant understand why the president hasnt appealed yet, we remember the president s calls to close the sky over ukraine, we all said that, well, yes, well. To call thats one thing, there must be an official application paper, please send it, lalala, so much so so so so so so so so so so so so so many specialists, so and so equipment, well for example, well there is already a whole office of the ermak , who can write this paper competently in the language in which it is necessary, well, im already saying this to the example, so as not to chew on it anymore in more detail in the details, well, later , the head of the office of the president of ukraine, Andriy Yermak , said that the blow. That ukraine has been suffering for the past three weeks is part of russias campaign to prepare for a major offensive. He writes politics referring to yermak, or rather quotes him. We know that putin is preparing a new wave of mobilization, we believe that the new counteroffensive operations of the russians may begin at the end of may or the beginning of june. Of course, we should be ready for it. It is Still Critical for us Additional Air Defense Systems are needed because without them we cannot protect our own. City ​​ he said, at the same time Denys Shmygal in an interview with the estonian tv channel irr said that the army does not need to mobilize 500,000 people now, the mobilization in ukraine will be much milder. Lets hear what shmigel said. The president and i are monitoring the situation. We changed the commander, he conducted an audit of the defense forces, rotations on the front line began. For the First Time Since a fullscale invasion began. We understand that not so much is needed now people, so the mobilization will be much softer. I think that during this year we will complete all the necessary tasks for the mobilization of ukrainians. We have new brigades, they are manned, but we are waiting for equipment, military equipment and ammunition from partners. When these all arrive, new brigades will be manned and we will significantly increase our combat power. Mr. Major, zelenskyi and yarma are saying something about the fact that the russian offensive is inevitable, there is june, may, they emphasize this, what should be the actions of the ukrainian authorities in your opinion, why are they talking, some are talking about the fact that the offensive is inevitable, the Prime Minister says, well , in general, 500,000 people do not need to be mobilized, we will get by with a smaller number, and in general, well, that is not what we are talking about. Well, look, zelenskyi, by the way, also said at the press conference that 500,000 military personnel were invited, but let them justify this to us, i understood that the military, led by syrskyi, did not justify the need for 500,000, well, thats it, if to believe the words that president zelensky says, that he says yermak and all the others are saying, look, i want to tell you, without any complaints, but nevertheless, today there are already battles. They are taking place near the eastern part of the town of chasivya, she kept herself in action, then if thats how it is with us well, well, i cant understand then, why is everything so bad for us . The second point is that there are brigades that are already rotating, and of course there are, well, 110 there, for example, was lying in avdiivka with no exit, no passage, no way out, for several years, and it. Was torn to shreds there , so they are now on rotation, of course , a what was there to leave, you dont remember how many people were left in the units, you and i have talked about it many times, the personnel composition would like to be better, if shmyhal has people, but no weapons, then i will tell you a few units, where there are no people, but there are weapons, well, everyone has kalash, the infantry lives in the trenches, we need shells, there are shells. Are going, so there are shells, shells are going, there are soldiers, kalash, i think there are also without problems, so what is the problem then, why are the units staffed wants to be super much better, because it is very, very bad there, and you know things like that, its like relax, dont worry, instead of mobilizing the citizens consciousness about the threat, fight or die, they start to relax again, because the same it will be possible to be unpopular, they will continue to play politics and ratings, but one should not play politics and ratings, but think for the survival of the nation, for the state, and it is precisely in this context that i now understand why mobilization law, even if they vote for him in april, i just want shmygal to come out and honestly say, to my brothers, say so and so, people, the reinforcements will be in october, because they will say, alapa, why are you saying that the reinforcements will be in october, so how well, i say, if they will vote in april, in may zelenskyi. Will sign, there 60 days are given for it all to unravel, there are offices , there are conscripts, and so on, yes, that is , some time will pass, then theyll start recruiting people, and then theyll be sent for three months. Well, theyll have to be sent to the campfire, and thats it add it all together, and it turns out that there will be reinforcements in october, so i dont understand shmyhals position, although in principle, what do i expect, whats the difference, you know, whats the difference, what, whats the surname of Prime Minister zelenskyi, well it doesnt matter to me, zelenskyi said that there is no need for 500,000 at the conference, that he does not see the expediency, because he was not motivated, the president said, well, everyone went to repeat as one, well, what are the problems . They have no problems, the only problem is with the rotation of personnel for some reason, i know, but i dont i will now name the brigades that have been sitting and lying there for more than a year, you know, they are reinforced with armor and so on, but they do not rotate, not rotation, look at the reports of any analysts there who say that on such a there is such and such a brigade working in that direction, and look how many people are already talking about this brigade, lets say the storytellers. They have been talking about it in this direction for more than a year, so it has been without rotation for more than a year, well, everything is great, and there are many of them there is, thats why for me its wildness, the nonregulation of the issue of mobilization, its a lot a serious problem, and i will tell you, you know what other risk there is with this draft law, so one last sentence, if they do not regulate the concept of dembel, then it will be another failed mobilization only under the new law, i think Something Like that, i think so. Well, i draw such and such a conclusion, because people are demotivated if they do not know how long they are going, and those who have been in the trenches for the third year are even more demotivated. Thank you, mr. Major, for the conversation, it was a major of the armed forces of ukraine, a special officer ihor lapin. Friends, we are working live on the tv channel espresso, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. For those who are currently watching us live on youtube. Please take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, do you think . Bolgakov is a ukrainophobe, yes, no, your answer option, please write in the comments if you watch us on tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote if you consider bulgakov a ukrainophobe 0800211381 , no 0800211 382, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will summarize this voting. Next, we will be in touch with oleg rybachuk, head of the center for joint actions, former vice. Prime minister for european integration and former head of yushchenkos president ial administration. Mr. Oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. Congratulations. Well, first of all, lets talk about the results of the meeting of the ukrainenato council, the main issue is the fpo system for ukraine. And the nato member countries agreed that they should redouble their efforts to find means of air defense. And ammunition for ukraine, about it stated the secretary of state of the United States of america, antony blinken, according to him, the partners of the North Atlantic Alliance will strengthen the defense potential of the Ukrainian Armed forces, at the same time, as Dmytro Kuleba says, at the april 4 meeting in brussels, germany initiated the search for available patriot air Defense Systems for kyiv. Lets listen to what mr. Kuleba said. Germany, as the head of the air Defense Coalition , is now initiating an immediate analysis of all patriot Battery Systems and other air Defense Systems available not only in the allies, but in the world as a whole, and what can be done, what. Combinations to build in order for these batteries to be delivered to ukraine. Mr. Olezh, why does ukraine have to convince our western partners for so long that we need to close the sky, well, at least on cities with millions. Well, i just remember that when this vilnius nato summit was held, the number of patriots who were there was completely overwhelming. The issue of ukraine, the members of nato simply delegated, transported their systems, and there were about a dozen of them there, this is to little vilnius, to the little sky that was above vilnius, so technically it is definitely possible, and the fact that these are systems that, well, they are idle, they are not used, well, it is clear that putin will not dare to somehow. Push the borders of nato, although there are many threats there, rockets fly there like in poland, which, by the way, has a patriot, but. Dont use it, they wouldnt have given it to us, we would have shot down these missiles, they wouldnt have flown through poland, then in fact the issue is technically solved, but the question here is not about technical capabilities, the question is that right now it is very good that we have macron with his initiative, then we see the formation of two clubs in europe, a club, a club of brave or determined ones and a club of deeply worried and no less deeply. Frightened, and because of the fact that you only raise the question, why are we doing this, ukraine needs weapons for everything, and we focus on this, on these things, which were very well described in the article on the international war, which is just there, how to break russias strategy, how to defeat russia, thats the essence, there are 16 pages, like great analytical article, very intelligent, then. Then i read it, i understood, that in fact they know everything correctly, you know, like a doctor, where one doctor makes an xray, the other reads it, so they made this xray very well, and everything is visible there, it can be seen that russia every time forces the world to discuss the created with russia itself is an information shell, this information shell says that russia cannot be defeated. Russia, as putin says, has never been defeated by anyone, a complete lie, a nuclear country, well and and and and and everything else, and what, instead of spending so much effort, you have to just reach a compromise and then go back to business as usual, and precisely because they have no unity, some of the countries that are now joining the club of the bold and determined understand this, and i see that. Our the future or our most reliable allies right there, and very simply not such extraordinary initiatives, you spoke on your programs, because i look at it from time to time and now this, and thats what, well , a certain novelty or consistency of macrons policy, well because he really just gave answers to several problems first, he said that russia, as an aggressor country, should simply be destroyed in this form. Nobody dares to say this, he then declared his readiness and desire, or this strategy of his global indeterminacy, that there is no need to set limits for himself, russia does not set any limits for itself, i listen to blinkin, who went to see macron, and blinkins talking about no no no we cant because we cant have a direct confrontation with russia, its driving me a little crazy because. Theres a horde coming at you that you say no no, no, we are with you lets not face each other, when a horde rushes at you, you dont want to face each other, what do you do, you retreat, well, this is really happening now, putin feels it very well, but when blinken announced that scholt , among other things, too, that you cannot make decisions like this, you have to make it in the nato format and by consensus, then macron is very, well, for me it was an impressive answer, it is convincing, he says that i do not need it. Support for nato, and you have, i think, here in the story lapin talked about about this foreign legion, and there they are fighting in africa, between others, in africa, from africa the french, including the wagnerites, were driven away by putin there, those countries where france has always had a historical influence, the wagnerites went there, there are issues of rich resources, everything else, but geopolitically, putin and the wagnerites are quite like that, well humiliated france, maybe its. On top of everything else, another factor why macron has just taken the position hes taken among other factors, but the last thing macron says is that were ready, and when he was threatened with Nuclear Weapons there, he calmly said, we are all nuclear too state, and pay attention, we do not know the conversation, i am very interested when our media comment on the conversation between shuigu and the minister of defense of france, referring to the press statement. Russians, russians always lie about the essence of the conversation, for as long as i can remember, for us, i was still relatively new there, in the form of Prime Minister yushchenko, and we knew it, we were told that as soon as you make a meeting, immediately release your communique, because the russians will lie and you will make excuses for a long time, so when such a communication took place here, and just macron also stated that he. Uh, has the authority, these are not random words, and he has done a tremendous job, he has consulted his political forces, and now others are starting to gravitate towards macron. Brave countries, there is norway, i think the baltics will be there, other scandinavian countries, there will be formed the club that was around us, a kind of nucleus, because when they talk about the secretary general, they talk about nato, well, yes, we understand that in nato there will be fito, there will be scholz, there will be orban, and if individual countries such as france declare about his position, we dont know what defense minister shaigu was saying, he could just. Predict that they have very serious intentions, and what we feel is actually a signal that if there is a threat of a breakthrough, and now our president and many people are talking about the fact that there is a threat that the front may break through, the initiative of the french is to prevent russia from simply washing away the ukrainian defenses like the kakhovskaya dam and. Drinking the country, and this is very important, and here i again agree with lapin, well, it is a very strange situation for me, why us we do not formally congratulate and do not make an official appeal to the countries, so as not to guess that they will break through there, they will not break through, they will vote in the congress , they will not vote, by the way, it is very important about the congress, if even ideally they would vote for this package of 60 billion, then it is important to understand , what is there on or. Ukraine will have 5, a maximum of 7 billion dollars by the end of the year, these are not the same funds at all, all other funds are going somewhere from next year, and most of them will go to supplement the pentagons expenses, and one last remark, the initiative of the french, they say that they made a decision that they will not store or dispose of all this weaponry that they are removing from the balance sheet, but will immediately hand it over to ukraine, why arent the americans doing this. You dont need a congressional decision for this, these brandleys that we ultimately need, the 16th f16, the aprams tanks, they have thousands of them in warehouses, why not just hand them over, and you know what really, when we count the eyes billions that shock american voters, then in fact, instead of showing the zero value of bradley, who is 40 years old there, they calculate for the pentagon Accounting Department the cost of a new modern armored personnel carrier, it costs many times more there, that is, there are so many questions about all this, but i saw this, well, perspective for myself, because you have to cling to something in analysis, you cant just be a groundless or unreasonable optimist, and we also understand that they want to intimidate us, that there is a massive attack, which we were warned about, that everything is lost, there will be no support, we discuss with you every day there, what will happen in the congress, what will happen here, the president is talking about the fact that. A counteroffensive, we are discussing rotation, not rotation, mobilization, and i simply see that many ukrainians are already simply exhausted and numb, they do not understand why that they can be rationally affected, there will be no invitation to washington to join nato, well, what will happen, and it is clear to me that in fact now our future, our chance is a real integration into the club of brave european members of nato, but for this. Have you mentioned this summit that is going to happen 9 11 july, jubilee summit, 75th, but can we consider what appears in the Foreign Press as also the influence of russian ipso on, including the western western audience, because the Italian Republic wrote about the fact that giving up the occupied territories in exchange for security, the possibility of such an agreement to end the war in ukraine is being discussed in nato just in case. The victory of donald trump in the elections in the United States of america, according to the information of the italian publication, ukraine may be offered immediate accession to nato, if it gives up russia, crimea and all the territories occupied for two years, to what extent can such a story be discussed at all, considering the fact that the world is quite scrupulous about this redistribution, to the extreme. And i think that most countries do not want such a precedent, because what russia will start, if they give stolen territory to russia, then it will continue between, between china, yes, then between india and pakistan, that is, there will be such conflicts, such conflicts dozens, maybe

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