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with books have been revered as magical objects. first centuries, they contain the knowledge of all mankind. and they use words to give structure to the world's overwhelming chaos. but printed knowledge is yesterday's news. the encyclopedia has been replaced by wikipedia. but what does that mean for us? 55000000 articles in 300 languages. all written by volunteers. anyone with a computer can add or change a text or write new articles any time they want, but how? wikipedia has replaced all other encyclopedia are we now dependent on a monopoly? is every article, credible? what is fact and what is fiction? and just who are the writers ah, to net close to the why do volunteers from around the world spend their free time editing wikipedia? really, a freely licensed encyclopedia means everyone can copy it, a refund. sure. you can do anything you want with it. it's a gift to the world. wikipedia for i said, it is an extremely visionary project that brings make at their very different i sent you the, the stuff, fill, sweeney vice when share yoga knowledge. wikipedia is important in some ways. i'm how you some we have your voice, they all will being a part of the change that is happening. are convicted, stop allah, and with controversial topics and the authors are sometimes paid, not bothered by the state or by companies got to put a few and this is against the rules shuttle. it's liners are supposed to be volunteer, seen them, we meant to somewhat comfortable in the area. i mean, for me it's, it's a, it's very important it's, it's a vision of what i would hope that the world could be like. ah, l been one is from peru, he's a computer scientist at the technical university and ins. brooke, when i las crucis winter, sounds good and it was the most i north. wikipedia is one of the most interesting things have come across recently. that can help me save the casual language a little bit under guitar. done as to the other common coma i've spent years learning how to generate and process data in spanish. but now it's time to do it and catch one. it's more into the empty color in a good sean quam on wants to bring more visibility to his culture. and wikipedia seems to be just the tool he can reach the whole world. wikipedia has visited 20000000 times a day in germany alone. an average of $17000000.00 new articles are posted every month globally. former managing director of liquor, media deutsch, lun pub, alicia calls himself a fan boy and has written a book about the history of wikipedia. miss wikipedia, i'm vague. wonder at it to my name is the glazed wikipedia, one of the wonders of the world. he gave him 1st because it's the largest collection of knowledge that has ever existed on them is, is about that's pretty impressive. right? face v d 's as and 2nd, it's about how this collection was created for the zip. wikipedia is completely self organized, whom no one person calls the shots soon. there are no chief editors, cabassos, or pre defined rules. me waste a good the founder jimmy wales and i simply extended an invitation. typed on a insect, come in, right, and encyclopedia. and figure out how to do it. a put says that is the real wonder of wikipedia as vargo very. it wouldn't allow him to vicki pedia but who is behind this wonder? it turns out that's not so easy to find out. most of the authors behind the wikipedia don't want to give up their anonymity by having their real name connected to their user name. the anonymity is for miss angela. spell anonymity as a form of protection because i don't feel 100 percent safe here and when that whether it's docking or just getting troll gustavo via telephone. you mentioned lucas, there's a better understanding for them. journalist and voiceover artist elk coping has written for wikipedia for 10 years. she had us on the other end wasn't visualized on how an of m, i am amazed at the kinds of achievements women have made in motorsport the weather very long distances may have traveled on the highway by calling one time around the world, or halfway around or riding a motorcycle to afghan, a standalone hassan, i find that fascinating than it. and when i write an article about that kind of person, i am kinda traveling with that one that just by writing for wikipedia, midday multiple at mit. mit is awful. wikipedia says any one can become part of its community, but how coping explains the goodness of an unbelieving upset again, he had some causal yoseph since viking we can go into any random article like this one on emperor joseph. the 2nd was on, i happened to be a royal specialist and can say for sure that this state of death is incorrect and i'm a new list and we just go to edit on the menu above the name on with him and somewhere you'll find the edit button for la, you're good to go to concerts, loose high and other authors can dispute how relevant the topic of a specific article is for the encyclopaedia. a discussion is then held on the article's discussion page. definitely ever any clue how do you define what is relevant fine and cyclic pizza relevance criteria. wikipedia were established at some point more than 10 years ago and now they are as if written in stone stiff. dina, it seems dying to mislead the criteria for what is relevant was drafted by the community itself online. and the set of rules is extensive covering almost all areas of life from astronauts to traffic law in thomas met. singer as a philosopher, specializing in digital media and artificial intelligence. he has also had experience compiling classical encyclopedias as a him classes. sure, alice will soon buy a spill order in bisson shafter schieffer from the young's in traditional journalism or in scientific publishing lavonne. there are criteria or what is relevant on get free, but media that is fed by a swarm feel jeff is very vulnerable to popularity bias land that is of when popularity excuse content. there is popularly tate, if relevant was determined by the number of articles. then cars, for example, would certainly be considered relevant. there are an estimated 2000000 articles in 200 languages. and the numerous articles on video games are also always kept up to date. few women become authors on wikipedia, but the few that do are often very active and influential in the history of wikipedia, women who have often helped bring about major transformations to the movement and its strategy. flow halls. dubois is the pioneer among these women gifts. she co founded the french wikipedia and became the 1st executive director of the wicked media foundation founded in 2004 clerical, multi up. so when i started, no one knew that the project just nobody on the feeder. my family nor friends, some neighbors and colleagues who no one knew about it or not. so it was like a secret garden. dumb all 3 of us started at the there was nothing, no articles, no content, no rules. yeah. we had to create every lang square it is also considered chrysler, traditional encyclopedia, as we were just a cult to digital, bluer freaks trying something for sar, that couldn't be done. it was ridiculous to think that naive internet surfers would volunteer to create an online encyclopedia yacht on that seemed at your tech level cast. and then in 2004, the wiki media foundation was found it. the organization represents wikipedia and i decided to run for executive director, you decided my personal to concern is hostile sheer lee. most clearly did i had the great privilege of being elected the cricket that was really mind blowing because i was suddenly on the board of an american foundation. george was an amazing, essentially english speaking community. really book it. it is awesome. all griffith don't go past all the luxury money. no. i then led a rather complicated life because i had a full time job with france salary. i flew to new york for a tampa on days off for 3 days. while the field is off to our new york, who are on ball, oh, sure plural cibola took her 1st steps into the english and french language communities of wikipedia, 20 years ago. a place where woman is today. an estimated 10000000 people speak his native catch while in 7 south american countries with deal with he's like a puppy. if you compare with his very sensitive incident and we're treat him well and he's happy mileage. victor, find the box where you find it while you want to play me there. if i can book good with. i want to 1st program i bought that will right. ketchel wikipedia. particularly convenience. what exactly what telecom notes, what is because it's in and i want to motivate the catch we're community to participate. good to us in a way it's a very similar situation with a swan or community language of the same size. also 20000000 speakers and not an official language in the country while to beats. a savannah is my wife's native language. that's kind of the local and wonderful. think it's really inspiring mean what you did with keeping this in one. and so i'm really, really interested in that i thought to make a basic set of articles that people to use as a model and that people can extend lowered a technical social for beginners. i tried to contact the code that you wrote and it's really, really expensive on it. i can imagine i just come to line. i just want to lot to work. but modifying the program to run the new language is not so difficult. oh good, good. good to hear a johansson is a physicist and linguist. he has made several wanna wikipedia, the 2nd largest in the world with more than 5500000 articles. all written by his bought a bought a piece of software to program that is accessing the internet on its own. i'm doing what they were supposed to do. and i bought them, they could be a dia, is a box that will read and especially change wikipedia on its own. fixing small things, fixing spelling errors, sometimes connecting articles in different languages or even writing you articles, which is what my boss is doing. and i have probably written more, we could be the articles than anybody else, about 10000000 of them in the swedish and in a while, no. and what i, what i to filipino languages, i look that they make you pay it and said, well, i know and to us, sparse, not much information there. so i figure do here i can really do some for useful. ah, the videos don't we keep in your sponsor models with that? they don't want me to one, please. ms. lucky minette lancey is a journalist and entrepreneur. yes. it is. all right. she's an advocate for free knowledge and leads various wicker media projects in cameroon. this was a puppy. ringback she's grandma, which is either me, the work is voluntary because i fight for women's rights every day. sometimes women only make the news or the front page when they have personal problems. my phone, but all we see are women getting divorced or going to bed with someone about she they receive much less recognition than men as well. but one is on by lock. elizabeth muncie and her colleagues, right. biographies about african women who have made significant contributions. sat there may do this before they go to prison. she sabelle may do. it helps chance hire young girls as well enough because it allows us to highlight women's knowledge and expertise. i couldn't do it on my own. i can write one or 2 articles a day. but if i educate other women, i know they will keep giving visibility to african women and african issue with the encyclopedia as he be, gladly from us. again, why does to jaffe, su, selassie cupid lonzey and her colleagues encounter little resistance on their articles. that's quite different with european or north american articles that are written by large numbers of male and female writers. linda submitted, he did tell english to so if you want to participate in wikipedia, you have to have a thick again, a very, very thick skin to withstand the taxes and even in size of can. and i think you also need a good community to support you of where you can go and say they were being rude to me and you will be comforted. and so i'm going to do some worse. if i all said you are the, i mean we could be just him, but he has not a gathering of stuffed animals. it is a ruthless environment. we keep it, you meet people who are from somewhere else and are you think differently have a different religion and different political views on this is like and that's what makes us his own strong boy. that's diversity, you know? but it's also precisely this diversity that makes it so complicated to somebody about our power struggles and criticism. if you see a, there are a lot of difficult moments if you want to be part of the wikipedia community, i said you because you will come into serious conflict with others to possess even i'm only mo, mo, was computer chiseled georg hilt goes by a different name in real life. we only know his username. he has a ph, d and chemistry. and as an administrator and member of the german wikipedia arbitration board. he is among the most influential wikipedia ends. he observed off close the editing war over the article long life. a said a pesticide produced by monsanto. i've got to say, feel a bit i liked. there were many contributing authors for glasses by. it was on 2 of them stood out. one person was pro industries interesting. i'm the other very pro environment. yeah. one vote for bonds, 9461. i linda out one var and one was a newly created account but new their way around wikipedia video. so there was a suspicion that they created the account just to edit this article to be bob tony's as i tickets underneath. good, me only now nico, would you please confirm that you are not paid to write and are not professionally involved in the manufacturer, distribution monitoring or testing a product with life? a said, i'm not a paid writer and not a g lobby. as andrew p. s. even paid writers and lobbyist is, can contribute good articles and unpaid writers and non lobbyist the can spout nonsense each lobbyist and please stick to the point. i will be the right. is that even though i think it was i had campus, i'm from biting out one mid extreme platoon, both authors with extreme positions and like, like i said, article made unacceptable. edits of we did so because they were changed to look if it's the pro industry author inserted an article without mentioning that it was financed by monsanto data center studio for months until in antarctica him either from one central financier to listen, shuffling his studio in an article anger from florida on its web in dusty from one time to peanuts he had pulled o d and i was, i had the student and found me the other author removed the study because it was not a neutral study. anger for the other author just re added it to the, the enhanced and it was removed again he, somebody, the studio in the study was allowed him to the article with a note that it was funded by monsanto and went on to financing. and once i took voided and, and how much his end, there was some exaggeration because glycine affects the intestinal flora beeson and also this was then interpreted as making a bees become disoriented. and then diet, if you but that was not in the source by 70 in a coalition did not submit to intimacy. non posit throw industry user was blocked over suspicions of being paid. i am one and also because of lacking impartiality than had i in a beautiful anger leaked m. t boned spoofing. highly of course, filed an appeal. my dentist is called a blocking review or testify doc, nita, it was concluded that the suspicion couldn't be proven. and that the impartiality was not serious enough to block him permanently in the note. halley tatum, ne cubby in can. okay. so mean off switch been disappearing. this distance every one was watching him just he then became inactive and hasn't edited for several years. not i taught her meal beyond humanity, it so simply so made the most edits in the article and ethiopian nicholas was actually not watching everything he wrote was bad. the point is to fine and remove the things that don't correspond to reality. the good things can stay and to and fan does was a quote, especially much lived single to you. the tricky discipline in the for who you of course companies are trying to insert their views into wikipedia versa. will always be a david and goliath battle. he p r corporate p r department's versus volunteers. but here we know how this david and goliath battle ended got him in the elk a gun. yes. my name is pit of what good ish been vicki? dana? it's been dought, vicky pete, and a torch bought mice. i'm peter vodka, a wikipedia inventor highest atomic. i have 2 accounts in german, wikipedia and get the i use atomic cocktail for unpaid conventional edits adoption slightest. and then i have a 2nd account line fox, malcolm humbug. alba t where i am assigned to edit, and i even get paid voice. now clock hobble and on one of our become of any c, vomiting atomic cocktail has over $40000.00 at it's in the german wikipedia, mostly on contemporary history and politics. he has influenced 22 of those significantly and they've been recognized by the community as excellent. the highest distinction and wikipedia brightening even one article of this quality is considered outstanding. pet a vote, cause clientele is international and includes companies, institutions, and individuals. the condo that vince ish, i not positive that the customer wants to be represented favorably wanted. that's their wish b, but an encyclopedia must be neutral. anderson. so these are 2 very different thing i'm on my job is to clearly understand and balance these demands. when is that, okay, and when is it not? kate does. so i have to make sure to reduce things to pure facts and to present them as soberly as possible. right? and sometimes i even caught in tie a parked because my otherwise the entire encyclopedic system, passcode fall apart if it just became advertise 8 when as for november, platform here in point of and i would prefer banding paid riding for beaten and i wish wikipedia would make that decision for you and shine is that would still happen to know what the message would be clear said to be like, we don't want that. wikipedia is written by volunteers, even ugly. tatty is dicky pedia kind hush of tweak it is not as face free of domination and i lose you. anyone who believes that is to lose that not so much been back. you have power and wikipedia for example. when you have time a little discussion, all discussions and decisions have to be decided by consensus edenbrook miss. and these discussions can take an insane amount of time. i'd cross vast cost of an article that become launched as an article constant wikipedia. and what fact is matter when setting prices as a partial? i can't, i can't give you an answer that 80 pennies for that is always the answer. as a kid is, it's a very small change. it can be had for a few euros. and if i know it's a very controversial topic by then it becomes expensive, and tim a followup conflict it done. but this toya vos in vicky pedia. what is written? wikipedia is believed when to begin. wikipedia is potentially a danger because it's not always aware of this. power is quietism. so, but i didn't put tests today. lots of people are involved in this process of shameless self promotion made. gov, representing oneself in the media would order. and in some cases that involves smear campaigns, companion, and so if i were planning a smear campaign i had done, of course i would look at what i can do in wikipedia. the computer tool is thea mavita. i continuously see articles for subjective negative reporting on people after i can only shake my head. i can't save them all, children cannot mackenzie on each. i love it. and view tribe davina interger only running an encyclopedia here. see, and what happens to it is outside of our sphere of influence, dammit mac, but that's too easy for wic opinions, wikipedia shabba, i really don't have any solution i saw and i also don't know how it could be changed because because the community is autonomy. self sufficient and very firmly committed to rules that were established years ago. you know, on the list of law suits against wikipedia is long because under german law, any one who feels misrepresented can sue but judgements are only of limited use because authors cannot be legally compelled to reveal their identity. defroster them vicki? media. ok, and i fear that if we can media and with the media, germany do not become more active along the courts were no longer be willing to accept this enforcement problem. the m, as this is joyce, it was probably get a skip the stimuli to the feel as a funder more tivo harden. there are certainly people who have a lot of their own reasons for doing what their clients tell them to do. miss yawn . whether that is about c, o 2 emissions or whatever. the basic idea of a meritocracy, i'm married in which the person who has done more for the common good is the most influential calmed, is actually very nice that susco my invalid is here in a z. as soon as you d, i english. but what is this common? good, aussie. so what exactly is wikipedia is contribution? what so? good? no. lie. city, vicki? pedia i and by talk deborah has been trying to bring under represented people and cultures and to wikipedia, including through an elementary school project in various african countries. says also one of the was all their children are about 9 to 12 years old bunker right now. they don't know much about computers, but that will change. don't visit the ideas to help them acquire digital skills. i get them to collaborate on the internet and empower them to tap into free culture my down it. yeah. look, feel, be good if could one up in the future. and the project is also managed by the net lonzey who volunteers her time. she travels to 8 regions of cameroon to supervise oil dinners are well enough for, for my son. were training teachers to use tablets and the wiki fundy tool, the tablet, a coupon. ah ah, ah. i lit up hahn. i g, the young guy. lydia. this is how the children learn to use digital media, fussy to the under dia. this enables them to do research for the 1st time and facilitate the learning process did fill out. yes, ma'am, it is. what if i see different then when a child does its own research, they remember how it's done. memo the pacific lacy. she is off on it is because the children are very young. we 1st have to teach them to write in the style of an encyclopedia buffalo. so much doesn't come naturally. you don't always a challenge with young children to bobby the apple avenue on funds. it does last the salesman did live with us and get on highway. so that means all we want to present african history and content from our home, land it and make our knowledge available world wide as well. not wanting your see government is when you receive them one to learn. c and debbie was produce content for french wikipedia and language that is widely used. but what about smaller languages? internet resources are written in english and in a handful of other major languages. minor language is typically you won't find anything on the internet, and that's where young people are looking for information to establishing a presence. it will help keeping the, keeping their language live with help keeping the rich, the language alive is we're helped with the language involve bands and sir i'm running about of course i think that's a good way to do it. as is global. i don't think any significant content can be generated for wikipedia with artificial intelligence chron. somebody, bargain, or both articles should be removed. and that makes me sad. and also the way some people are arguing the well bots have no feelings that there is there always humans behind the box. ah, lots aren't currently able to do the main work and wikipedia writing good articles . but for martina hoge, they are indispensable. as a steward, he programs them to combat vandalism on a large scale. martinez lewis is a classical philologist and software programmer. for the last 15 years, he's been a passionate wikipedia and he has done. countless edits is also an administrator for german and english wikipedia, and has uploaded about $250000.00 photos. in from be partner bed classes, am i? it's under a puzzle, one booklet. my world was shattered when people started putting in really terrible things in the articles with me. i couldn't understand why my home focus, mood failure, bruiser. it was just really deliberate, evil behavior house warned against persons against articles, against groups like this, asking holland zion fix. if the sheriff, it might involve sexist attacks against women, more involved protecting against child abuse or apply, can this with paul fly and a thought from a doing a hawk alarm via non photo worse things were uploaded. like those types of things to this than yeah, these are the kinds of cases that we can media stewards have to deal with globally . i've been enough on him soccer from one to highest ish. he does faith in. i'm one of about 35 worldwide, who just try to make sure that these very extreme incidents don't reach the active members who just want to write articles from or, and pictures. nautica shine via an order bid answer him on the feeder fish i'd is he lives, helen within the us. you are so tune hum. a lot of the cases that we have to deal with involved victims and the thing missing as well. but well, shalean fan the, we have to be very opaque with difficult cases stuff like torture in child pornography and so on and to protect people and so on. so should some need for what exactly do you mean torture as kind of i can't talk about it. nick, can you give me a hint? does it had auto detail sharpton? basically, authoritarian states and wikipedia doesn't only work in democracies. wikipedia exists in all language versions. like my nevada soccer league clicked added iranian collie gets a visit from the police every couple months and is told. she's not someone wrote some nonsense. and he has access to sensitive data since such as logan data and made it so they can get that information. for example, the ha, infamous zones, malcolm ah, l been wyman has traveled to new york, his hometown and the peruvian andy's at an altitude of 4100 meters. he wants to inspire the catch while community to use wikipedia and his bought when alerio is that most go today. we have a special guest. don't say good morning ellen. anybody could you explain, catch why we could media he bit and gay. jenna, i lendy, you know, what exactly is wikipedia? wikipedia is a giant book might be and where is it? on the internet will not know what find facebook already use facebook, whatsapp, tick tock. and you know how these things work. can you take pictures and write textbook? oh my god. we could be the wiki pd is the same, but it's not a cooperation. it belongs to everyone. what i need to do, and i would like to invite everyone to know if you want to know more. we'll be meeting this afternoon. all of us together can make a change. it's up to us to just not. i mean, when i do, because i think we want to save our ketchel because we have to speak it and write it, and i am ready to help it about mac option to pull both i program the bar because i'll be in t bought. it writes a 1000000 articles in a few hours in florida when i started as a group and we have to write an update articles ourselves. where the complet, i think what my feelings and this is ours, the catch you also have to gather information in from my phone and then just another big doesn't commute. so there you go again. and this is the beginning of something big . you don't like to bahama, understand. we will return and we will be millions is that it was region so it will be what we catch a will return and we will be millions. if this is only the beginning to thank you me in although there were 50000000 articles in which p d a across 300 languages. it's quite concentrated in the european languages including english, chinese, japanese. there's a few other big languages, but we're still lacking very far behind in a lot of the languages of africa. india, they're, they're growing, but they're smaller versions of wikipedia. a lot of the smaller languages around the world need a lot more work. it isn't the same as, as we came online for the 1st time in the late 1900 ninety's and in the 2000 people are largely coming on line on mobile devices. that is the huge 1st wave of the internet in the developing world. and the truth is contributing to wikipedia editing wikipedia on a mobile device is always going to be harder. i am problem is does. one problem in this realm of public knowledge is in danger of becoming a winner takes all network warranty. wikipedia becomes the only access point for 8000000 people this hour. but those who create that content away less than one percent of humanity in high to push dimmed ah qualm on is fighting to make catch while culture visible on the internet. however, the world has long been dominated by big companies like google, apple, facebook, amazon, also known as gaffer, these companies transform the raw material of data into money. guess whenever i switch exist on to wikipedia it what is wikipedia relationship with gaffer sitting always on the around 2005 or 2006. they made us our phase where they wanted to buy us or finance us. the of, of they wanted a business relationship or not, you know, we had to explain to them that, that was not our goal city. our goal was and still is re knowledge for every one of law hope so we didn't want funding from big companies all renault. because we aren't like them and they can't buy us, is hope they don't want up your time in december, we'll assume ill. another relationship alleged to pick the most to understand that you have to know that these companies profit enormously from our content. and this has led to some difficult questions for us as scuse, is that okay for the big companies that make a lot of money to use our data and make a real business on based on our voluntary work there with a business model which i'll book with oral cassandra pub, i've been, it would be a shuffle. fry is bisman fry is not creating free knowledge. ivy and free doesn't only mean free isn't free beer that you don't have to pay for it. you could also free as in freedom. it is. that means that everyone can do what they want with this knowledge come. and that also includes commercial you just through the audi commer till a little mid. i don't go home all. no, no. at some point, we got a little annoyed that big companies were making a lot of money off us. her and we contacted them. it was all we talked them ra polly. we openly told them a little handout wouldn't be bad. and they understood and took our request seriously on your we regularly received substantial donations from large companies were more precisely from the foundations that belong to them. these are donations that have no strings attached. we can do whatever we want. casino did looking perfect. so we're vic. according to the suit dies had zeitung google donated $3100000.00 to the wic, a media foundation in 2019 amazon $1000000.00. these some seem rather small in comparison with the billions and revenue that have been generated with the data from the wiki projects. and my it says is common congress. ma god else vicky period. when you now look at this conglomerate of wikipedia and the 5 fake american tank corporations at all. so it's a threat to our political sovereignty quite simply because power is being concentrated at various levels, not just financially and then, but also in attention economy. when yet, and now increasingly in the automated generation of knowledge on fund, this is out of st. ah, all that remains of the dream of a free internet is wikipedia. only about 100000 people, right? for around 4000000000 internet users world wide. the number of authors is shrinking . pressure from interest groups is growing. can wikipedia is goal of knowledge by every one for every one still be achieved? in this moment, ah, the, the rise of, of anger, hatred, nationalism, fear of the other. we keep, it is the one place where you say no, like actually we're all human beings on this planet. and we are fundamentally all a similar, jesse crucial for jeff. we've been around for 20 years. we can make it to 30 or 40 . the keep wikipedia is in danger because wikipedia likes young talented in obesity . the danger lies in the fact that people who read the articles increasingly say information is outdated. alba wikipedia isn't what it used to be done faster than it vicky. pediatric engineer louthan, wikipedia will disappear very quickly from the top google results, etc. and will then perhaps be replaced by some corporate certain vance with advertising, causing fernando not supported by a community with its own interest. that's. that's pretty healthy. men then, always with the danger of influence or censorship in zulu i am ah, ah, ah, complex contemporary arts, influenced by the momentum leads to cloud, his work speaks for itself and is in high demand. we share his gaze of insights into the work of one of germany's my sought after artists meet the artist. i lead sick waday arts 21 in 30 minutes on d w. ah . with to the dark side where intelligence agencies are pulling the strings, there was a before 911 and an after 911. he says after $911.00, the clubs came off. were organized crime rules. were conglomerates make their own laws? what's true, what's big? it doesn't matter, the only criteria is what will hook people we shed light on the opaque world who's behind benefits. and why are they a threat to us all opaque worlds this week on d w? ah, ah, this is g w. news live from berlin. russia threatens retaliation. vladimir putin says moscow will strike new targets if ukraine receives the long range missiles from the west. the tread follows hard on the heels of the 1st rush and attacks on keep in weeks. also coming up, walking, her majesty, whose we.

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