how many portion of love us her now in the world climate change can be very hot, the story. this is my plan, the way from just one week. how much was going to really get we still have time to out. i'm going all with ah, this week on world stories. a man talks about prison and torture. any ron harry, coastal protection in wales, we begin and ukraine where war is interfering with the work of police officers who are now investigating suspected war crimes instead of handling drug and theft offenses. a school caught in the crossfire, the war is creating extra problems for police. detective alex he said, anti tank grenades from this site found their way into the wrong hands. this footage shows their operation, confiscating them from a civilian the course. mean, you mean with it? because the people have changed during the war with the lot the sure. now almost anyone can get any weapon they wanted to do without any trouble. it would, would it but a school. we had north to the off chance area on the border with russia. we have to cross the river on foot. alex and his colleague carina are here to investigate a strike. it's basic police work in a war zone. vacovich 60 centimeters deep ovula. gathering evidence. keeping a record that the owner of this field was making herself a cup of tea when she heard the 1st impact. she hid in the cellar and avoided injury. the evidence will be sent to a lab to determine what it was that hit. but the case seems clear to them, civilians were attacked. it was a war crime. we go was our show a while you can see for yourself. but in that except for the yard of the local civilians, my god, there's no military equipment ah no military personnel. nicole and the mom is not even critical infrastructure that the russians love so much give and them on the way to cook. i don't know the food. maybe they would just aiming for a cornfield. her living room becomes a makeshift police station. yeah. have him 70 neighbors make statements and shall the officers documentation. every one has losses, which need to be recorded. the officers jurisdiction ends at the border, but they're doing what they can see. wing will the old guilty will be brought to justice. see every single one of them for the moment it will be unavoidable. after all, victory put him on with a dozen different the time comes. ugh, deal with alex and his co detectives will have evidence to offer a court. ah, iranian dr. gara hassan lou has been living in the netherlands in exile, even though he's safe. now he's very worried about his brother and sister in law who have been imprisoned, tortured and threatened with execution any wrong. ah . and our family's life has been torn into pieces or before and after, before the trial and after it i mean and fraught santa gara hassan lu. i'm married couple with a very bleak future. acts horse with it. when i saw photos of them in court, he thought i was so shocked. i need it looked like they had aged by a decade or 2 in just 3 weeks with docile to help you. sure. i mean, gary has said lou was sentenced to death. his wife thought santa to 25 years imprisonment. the couple are well known in southern iran for their charity work. they've helped build schools and also provided free medical treatment. i got the couple attended a ceremony at the start of november to honor had eased no jaffe, after her death, 20 year old had ease was shot during a protest in the night after the ceremony, the couple were beaten and arrested in front of their 2 children by iran's voluntary militia, the best ease they were accused of participating in the death of the member of the bazaar militia during a protest, a show trial took place without a lawyer of their choice and without any evidence. gary's brother, who lives in the netherlands, says his life has turned into a nightmare. it has to say the last time my brother called me, i couldn't take his call and say, i had planned to call him back the next day out, but i didn't. it was that it was the center father besides anna alleys. i not that i can't forgive myself now to get up. oh it's always a hassan gary has and lou says no evidence was presented in the trial of his brother and sister in law. he added that there was no proof for the accusation that his brother kicked the killed member of the militia. the only evidence for the death sentence was shots on his co, worst confessions under severe physical and mental torture. confessions that facade i even denied in court. how means brother has x rays showing the physical abuse, his brother was subjected to several ribs were broken from the torture, and the fractures caused his left long to bleed money and he had to go to court in that state. i thought he went straight from hospital to court . yes, because of the torture. he had to undergo 3 operations. he had barely recovered from the last one when he was brought back to the court. well, despite the severe torture by me, never confessed to the murder wittick. i look straight to my phone. first thing in the morning for news. good news. i start my day with that hope. ah, thousands of children in india are jumping on trains with no destination trying to escape poverty. the results are often tragic because many vanish without a trace. we meet with people who want to stop this this is no daily railway station. every morning saw the bog and his rescue team goes out to search for lost and abandoned children. the search bled farms and trains to find the children. saw dick is rid the daily beast and g o salon bollet dressed who it is, or seeing the operation. often out of searching the sport, do you know old? deny it. she is apparently lost or abandoned. the theme approaches her and starts trying to find her family moving from one compartment to another. don't want anyone who is your mother? is it anyone here? after searching for a while, they finally find ny this family. they were also frantically looking for didn't missing daughter. i don't like the be make sure they are the parents and hand in either back. i might advise you, let's say we rescue key to fortune every day article as i'm most of the kids during girls are found and wonderful situation in bank was learned by team on the moon because traffic was, are on the lookout for some children of another. not all, not as fortunate as in 9th, thousands of indian children go missing forever and end up being forced into begging prostitution or child labor. the ones who are rescued are taken to the shelter. it provides refuge to dozens of missing children. they take glasses and are allowed to watch television quadrille is the counselor at the shelter. he has hurt his share of dramatic stories from the children who are the years to homeric was, are there? most of the children we rescue or runaway children is leona emotionally. they have been abused even tortured, both emotionally and physically audit. we just thought that emotional trauma is so deep that these children do not eat trust any one baby i was at the number of muscular that harsh is one such example. now, 13 years old, he ran away from home, basketball would be made by me and i didn't, i didn't have a family minute. so i wondered how long can my uncle feed me other considering lying? that is why i ran away and came good daily to earn a living. come on elegant unlike cottage who has no one to return 200, some missing children have been taken back to the families by then geo. ah, our last trip takes us to the u. k, where a hair salon in whales is offering sustainable blow outs and trims. the hairdresser there is resorting to harry means to protect coasts from oil spills. hairdresser del williams loves to pamper her clients in her hair salon and wales, and even real men making her clients feel good while saving the environment with their hair cuttings. i've always tried to recycle and things, but i always felt like that was something more i can do. it's nice to be trying to start a business that is using a waste product to do some in us. so good for the world the same time today. this client has going from blonde to pink. her hair cuttings will end up in the back room. and with this felting device will be turned into an oil. matt that absorbs oil spills in the sea. what i'm doing is i'm spitting it up into fine metal pieces so that it resembles a piece of netting. and then this gets fed for the machine multiple times. and till it gets thick enough about an inch thick freebie. and then and a hammer. adel williams grew up in the town of have a food west on wales, west coast. she loves the beach and the sea, her home town, in case of an oil spill here in the future. her mats could be used that's because hair is a good natural absorbant of grease and oil. the hair maps can soak up to 9 times the own weight and oil. according to environmental organizations, they already being used in the usa as an eco friendly alternative to plastic maps. there is cut by hundreds of thousands of salons in the united states about 900000 salons. that are licensed cat about a pound or 2 a week. ah, and we all know that we shampoo because hair collects oil. so we started working with a hair stylist who came up with the idea of making oil spill math to prepare taste an oil spill hits europe. adel williams was cooperating with the american and geo. she is optimistic because even the oil industry is now showing interest. at the moment, i have a few companies, trialing mats, hopefully they will soon order the mats and stop pushing out those polypropylene months. are they using at the moment. the makeover is almost ready and the customers pleased, not only because of her new hair color gay, my home cut and being able to donate my hair to a good cause to mop up oil spills is really amazing. see latino a has says the young hairdresser is so much more than about looking good. adel plans to continue proving just that re examining the way the holocaust is memorialized. is the culture of remembrance, froze, and time is distracting us from honoring other historical atrocities in the future of remembrance, culture and international quest. arts 21. next on t w. o. the 2 faces of rose course in industrialized countries. it's a beauty accessory, costing up to 40 euros. in madagascar, it is the only source of income for a kilo, of course, a minor gets $0.10. the dirty business of beauty, who in 45 minutes on d. w. o. rearing to read. ah, everyone who loves books has to go insane. ah, the d w literature list 100 german must reads. ready he sees a test in the history books, it is very much a patch of us we remember for us to refer to shape our future.