This week on the world story. A woman in india is adding spice to the election campaign. How russia is using the war in syria for propaganda purposes but we begin in mozambique the african country is reeling after being struck by two cycles in quick succession our reporter paid a visit to the island of ebola which was particularly hard hit. We were on board an aid flight headed towards the vacation island of evil now for the first time we get an aerial view of the massive destruction up till now flights have hardly been possible due to the strong rain. Now were about to land on the island of ebooks the first aid packages have arrived but this is by far not enough to help out the six thousand People Living here the island has been almost completely destroyed nearly all the houses have been torn down including that of. Days she has been trying to bring order to chaos. Our beds our clothes we have lost everything we are doing our best to put things in order again at least the sun is shining at least dry the few clues that we have managed to salvage. It has been raining nonstop for nearly the entire week since the cyclon hit shows us her house or what is left of it this is where she and her children lived. In you are god but they dont know when it was so incredibly strong that it ripped away nearly everything we lost everything now we dont have anything. I dont know if we will receive any kind of aid but nothing is left i dont have a job or field was destroyed i am a single mother i have to take care of my children and i have to take care of my parents my mother is sick we have to do our best to make ends meet. Nearly everyone who lives here has found their way of life ripped away from them most of them are fishermen but many boards were washed away with the storm those that remained have to be repaired the mangroves where destroyed as well and the fish disappeared and have not returned since the cyclon hit. The fewer tells on the island we are also hard hit it might be a while before the tourists return. Children cant spend the nights in their own house anymore because the danger of It Collapsing on them is too great. So they have to take their only remaining bat and all eight of them sleeping under an improvised roof their food just slowly running out they still have some meat and vegetables but is only enough for one meal a day but she tries to stay optimistic nonetheless she wants her children to know that one way or another she will make things work. One candidate on the Campaign Trail in india is causing quite a stir. A former Investment Banker is making waves as one of the few women running for office. Its Early Morning it was not the district politics here is a festival. Its dominated by the ruling t. M. C. Altered congress spotty. And the start of the show here is the partys. She quit her prestigious job as president of j. P. Morgan in london in two thousand and eight. Returned to india and plunged into politics fulfilling a long held three. When i was a kid then you asked me what i wanted to become i never said that. I was i want to be the i want to be in a position to make millions more throws been doing that as an elected local lawmaker for the last four years. Shes now im a seat in the National Parliament theres little doubt about whos in charge here shes angry about the change in the dont the former Investment Banker is a rest site in Indian Politics still largely a boys club she draws curious crowds mainly women in these rural parts but the forty two year old whos also a National Spokesperson for her party dismisses any questions about her gender and politics. As a politician i dont think. I think the very womens issues if youre fighting such basic grassroots politics if youve got a bad road its a bad road that a woman walks on that its a bad road that up a man walks on so i dont think that i can make a road that only women will walk on so i think most issues here are issues that are generic for everybody you know poverty infrastructure drinking water. Through attributes hopefully to can rise to hard work and passion its a part she believes is open to any woman willing to take. Her own party the t. M. C. Is heavily promoting Women Candidates the push has come from the very top. Its the highest number in this election but that doesnt mask the fact that india has one of the worlds lowest rates of female lawmakers in parliament at just eleven percent. Back on the Campaign Trail drunk makes a quick stop to meet voters shes treated like a rock star. But she has little time she plans to cover hundreds of Polling Stations in the next days. That means many more options like this one every handshake and an appeal for votes. Temperatures of already soared to more than thirty five degrees but theres no way. Its calling it a day any time soon was. When it comes to immunizing children parents. In germany take a more critical view than those in most other countries now the government is considering imposing measures that will make Measles Vaccinations compulsory. Five year old marine who has not been vaccinated her mother is against it shes afraid vaccines will damage her daughter or compromised her health. Got stung by a lobbyist anger funk when i was pregnant i started looking at every illness one how do you get them the course of each disease worst Case Scenarios and how effective vaccines are and what negative side effects the vaccines have. And then have it for me and then i weighed the risks and benefits. And im just not that afraid of many illnesses for fear. Shes not afraid of measles either even though its one of the most dangerous childhood illnesses in germany it kills one in a thousand patients while studies find complications arising from the vaccine are rare many parents mistrust the science they fear the vaccine more than the disease. Thats something pediatrician here to claim has seen up close. Yet how. Come. You many people dont know about these diseases anymore. Theres a lot of misinformation on the internet especially regarding the Measles Vaccine which is very controversial right now. For two boys in the German Federal center for Health Education says not enough children or adults are being immunized. That can be dangerous newborns for instance are too young to be vaccinated they rely on whats called Herd Immunity that is when it least ninety five percent of the population is bax unaided viruses cannot spread. Germany has yet to reach that level of immunity thats why some politicians and doctors are now calling for mandatory vaccinations for preschool children twelve other e. U. Countries have already introduced compulsory vaccination measures. The global. Believes that criminal law would apply but fines could be imposed people could also be prohibited from visiting community facilities. That would mean that unvaccinated children would not be allowed to go to Preschool Jennifer says that wouldnt persuade her. Rush to this i wouldnt like that and i certainly would not like to be forced to do anything by the state and i would want to do it of my own accord having received so much information that id say. Yes thats a great idea. Jennifer says if she must she would go to court over it her daughter will not be thats in egypt any time soon. Since the beginning of the syrian conflict the government of Bashar Al Assad has had the backing of russia to celebrate its military victories the putin regime has sent a train full of war trophies on to our. Next stop the city of cars on arriving at ten in the morning the trainees greeted with plenty of pomp the twenty cars carry ahmed tanks and other Military Tech seized by the russian army in its campaign to defeat the socalled Islamic State in syria. Even iowa slabs for the alleged production of chemical weapons are on display its a victory lap three sixty cities to Inspire Pride and patriotism at russias achievements whats not to celebrate. Russia must see this train to avoid the horrors that unfortunately a fact of life in other parts of the world russians should understand the role of their country in fighting terrorism around the world. Selfies are allowed and visitors are encouraged to ask about the spoils of war on board the socalled syria train according to the Defense Ministry all the soldiers on hand took part in the fighting. For the past three years moscow has been helping the syrian army to fight. And keep president Bashar Al Assad in power. Our boys are helping the poor syrians. So much so. Whats russia doing in syria. So that. Its some kind of assistance for the country. That with assistance of that it can have whats it called again peace thats it. Has our youth should see the tools of war so they know that war is terrible. Absent from view other russians who didnt make it back from syria the Defense Ministry says One Hundred Sixteen soldiers were killed in combat but its not just ordinary troops who are deployed there Human Rights Activists say private armies from russia are also fighting mercenaries who dont appear in any official figures. For months a Big Gray Zone no one knows the exact number of private soldiers fighting in syria many of them die that. After cars on the syrian train is off to another city on its tour but as a symbol of a Successful Campaign against terrorism it leaves many questions unanswered. Were not here to judge but to eliminate prejudices. Were not here to change your opinion but to open some space for different points of view were not here just speak on behalf of anybody but to let everybody speak for themselves. Not or to give the right answers but to ask the right questions. Were not here to

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