But first we take a look at the ground beneath your feet its not always as solid as you might think some areas are full of Hidden Underground cabotage so over time the earth can suddenly collapse creating a sinkhole often without warning. Sinkholes have grown common in the area around the dead sea there are thousands of them there. A new system could now predict where the next to set to appear. The holes are up to forty meters wide and often thirty meters deep. There are over six thousand of them. Were at the dead sea the famed body of salt water that lies between israel and jordan over four hundred meters below sea level. An increasing stretch of the israeli side of the sea is now cordoned off due to the proliferation of dangerous sinkholes. Just four years ago mineral beach was a popular resort that attracted over two hundred thousand guests a year and. Melvin blau used to manage the resort and was here the day the ground simply gave way. Beyond bicycling wish it was a bright sunny day on a similar twenty seven twenty fourteen when disaster struck an enormous hole opened up under the parking lot. And we have to close the beach. So i go the whole. I mean i dont like the aftermath of a tsunami. Coming here now is like visiting a cemetery when you would look for any militiamen macgill a bit. And the sinkholes have taken their toll all over the region which is literally on the brink of collapse. Some areas of lands look like theyve been carpet bombed. Geologists mayor abel son and have been examining the sinkholes since they first started emerging in the one nine hundred eighty s. Since then the creators have spread along the coast of the dead sea. The rate of their formation etc from year to year so if at the beginning there were and if you think all the year then i think over the year now the here the hundredth the finke on each year. The sinkhole problem is related to another dramatic phenomenon the disappearance of the sea itself. Water levels here have fallen by about forty meters since the one nine hundred eighty s. That also means that tourists now have to be driven almost two kilometers out and that constantly receding coastline. The sea is also drying up because israel diverts so much water from the jordan river which feeds it. That has consequences that are not immediately apparent salt levels are also falling in the soil of the shore area. Rainwater and additional fresh water of the dead sea. They are and able to and want to set up a system that at least provides some advance warning of a developing sinkhole. There are early indicators before a whole starts to form the ground at that spot will sink slightly although it cant be detected by the human eye. The process often begins years before the sinkhole appears. Jerusalem and hours drive from the dead sea its home to the Geological Survey of israel where the two men are working on their Early Morning system. A survey satellite conducts a radar scan of the dead sea coast every two weeks. The system enables the scientists to detect areas where the ground has fallen by a few millimeters clear indicators of future sinkholes. Highway ninety runs along the western israeli side of the dead sea and straight through the affected area. And this was the first test for the Early Warning system developed by the scientists. For a long time it seems the highway had been spared from sinkholes. But as of september two thousand and twelve we started seeing Something Like a centimeter of something then every two weeks on the road. They arent ableson warn the authorities of the dangers but they refused to listen. Cars and buses everything continued driving on the main road and we continued seeing minus up to the one centimeter in two weeks and you could not see anything with your eyes so there are looked as if its completely stable. One year later cracks began appearing on the road. The authorities have ventured he responded and took a look underneath the tarmac. Where they discovered an uncooperative sinkhole nine meters deep in that section of the road closed and the bypass was built the road did eventually collapse at the exact spot predicted by the geologists. Because we already saw it in september two thousand and twelve and the only craft four years later they had enough time to build the bypass because if it was a short warning or no warning then a sinkhole could collapse on the road and then the entire south of the dead sea would be disconnected from the north. The next step in the researchers plan is an automated Early Warning system that they can hopefully install in other regions that are affected by sinkholes to. Craters will continue to open up here as long as the dead sea carries on sinking but at least now theyll be more forseeable. Species that have changed a little over millions of years are often called living fossils its believed they havent been forced to evolve because. I am perfectly adapted to their ecological niche so if our environment doesnt change dramatically neither did a. Next employer sneaky trick to reproduce and its not a new one. As a toy dwarfs lay their eggs in the larvae of other insects when they hatch the wasp larvae devour their host from the inside the behavior has been around for over thirty million years as shown by this specimen found in a fossil fly. The ancient fossils are being studied at the Karlsruhe Institute of technology each individual pupil was put into a special holder they were examined using radiation from the institutes synchrotron source its a one hundred ten metre long storage ring in which electrons are accelerated leading to the emission of high intensity x. Rays that can be used in a kind of c. T. Scan to reveal the tiniest of details. Samples that were empty all we could see was. We were a bit disappointed and then we suddenly had a stone where the water was staring right at us and the x. Ray image. It wasnt to be the only find in all the scientists examined more than fifteen hundred fossil fly pay fifty five of them can change completely preserved parasites and other samples contained various insect parts after careful analysis the research has identified four different species in various sizes and phases of development it was a sensation the ultimate proof that these insects have exhibited behavior since the distant past like one was that over thirty million years ago hunted down hosts right loving in the soil the adult insect had structures protecting its wings and tennis and legs that are no longer found in modern species this new knowledge is the true treasure the poly intelligence some biologists have found my kind and how does a. Construct family trees to see how structures have changed over the course of evolution which ones lead to very diversified groups and which to species poor groups what structures have disappeared we hope that this study will give fresh wind to this classical field of research. The fossil fly pay have provided a window to the past illuminated by modern technology the scientists will need many more months to analyze all their data but the study has already provided a fascinating look at the last that were piracy toyed more than thirteen million years ago whose modern day descendants still continue to employ the successful strategy. On facebook we asked you if you ever found a fossil or other petrified object. Dollars lay on gabrielle has she says how lucky necklaces made from one. On his farm Kenneth Kitchen go discovered a stone he thinks was used as a tool back in the stone age. And now in orlando Colin Breslin morse found some fossils while working trapped between the different layers of rock thanks for those responses. A revolutionary gene editing method has been making waves in a science world in the last few years crisper cas nine can also d. N. A. Very precisely by acting as genetic scissors. It works like this the scissors are a protein. It is assigned a kind of search word for example a g c in this simplified model our d. N. A. Is made up of lots of different combinations of codes like these. The series of proteins scans the d. N. A. And when its found the search word the scissors are activated and they cut the section out. Then a different section of d. N. A. Like the code t. C. C. For example. Can be inserted the method is precise easy and cheap to perform and scientists all over the world a trumpeting its prizes. Is for me its a dream come true because Christopher Cox has made everything easier than with its the biggest breakthrough in the scientific field in thirty years essentially this is the start of something really big. One of the researches he triggered all that euphoria is in many ways. She deciphered the way bacteria use a kind of gene thers to protect themselves against viruses and turned it into a tool for genome editing now she says nature can be corrected. We expose mckenney zone to make a tool that can and we cook nines genomes specifically of any send an organism and can trigger some changing some changes on the genome as we can eat in principle with this technology the genome of any sane and organism. When i first heard about it i was bowled over that it was presented in a lecture at a genome engineering meeting about technologies for making genetic changes to d. N. A. And we immediately thought wow this is interesting what that was a fork it worked in bacteria its like they discovered a system in bacteria or could very probably be applied to human cells to. Mention said that its its an easy programming board system its more efficient and its are so more versatile and so and so for different types of changes on the genomes and their song expression of genes. Discovered just a few years ago the method has a ready become a standard technique used in labs all over the world molecular says as a revolutionizing plant breeding biochemists like poked out want to modify crops to feed more people and put an end to hunger. The stink this will make it much easier especially for developing countries to prevent famine will be able to produce plants that are salt resistant and drought resistant which can improve harvests enormously for both. Tad and his team using the crispest system on plants and trying to refine the method. One feature of crisper as its high Officials Say at a low price but this is a move in the past creating gene editing scissors might have taken six months at all cost twenty five thousand euros with crisper we can do it in a couple of days or maybe a hundred euros thats a major difference and it works better if from to get off the sofa as a biologists he says we are very powerful tools its like a swiss army knife. We now have a tool that is so good that we can take a nap. Step and use it on patients with the seventy five or ten years well have new treatments that will help a lot of people. Tony cattlemen heads the institute for transfusion medicine and gene therapy at the university of fibroids most of his team now works with gene scissors developing new approaches for gene therapy. The humans interact he shares was we need to see the technology to act on the indian in a precise fashion and this is what chris pakistan brings now there is out to bring this technology to the right says and to shoes to cure and this is where we see a lot of developments happening. For me it really is a dream come true for the first time gives us a way to change the genome in human cells in a targeted white that opens up Infinite Possibilities thats what we want to do here in fiber to develop new therapy options for patients with immune deficiencies for hiv patients. I think this is the second green revolution of the first one used traditional plant breeding techniques and was able to increase yields all over the world i think this will trigger a second green revolution. Curing dangerous diseases overcoming hunger with better crops crisper researches have ambitious plans. Are you compassionate and thoughtful. Ruthless and criminal. Are good and bad behavioral traits determined by d. N. A. Or does environment have a bigger effect on who we become a viewer from abu dhabi wanted to know. Is there such a thing as a criminal gene. From clip to maniacs to serial killers for centuries people have been researching factors behind criminal behavior environmental and social causes or perhaps even genetic makeup. But the criminal gene question raises a range of moral issues the nazi era is a case in point the nazis exploited dubious notions of genetically inferior criminals with inborn characteristics to justify persecution and genocide. New studies however suggest that some gene variants may be connected to aggressive behavior. Notorious serial killer Charles Manson had a mother and uncle who were criminals is that significant. It seems that what our genes influence is not our character but chemicals in the brain violent people may have lower levels of the neurotransmitter sara tonin too little sara tonin in the brain can lead to uncontrolled aggression. Damage to the frontal lobe of the brain can also make people more volatile one famous case is the American Railroad worker phineas gage in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight an explosion drove an iron rod through his head gage survived and the bar was removed but his personality changed he suddenly began Drinking Alcohol and became violent and combative. So its not just biological factors that dictate criminal behavior traumatic experiences like parental neglect or abuse also play a role and in many cases challenge of anxiety has been linked to violent behavior later. Its possible that criminal behavior could to some extent be based on a combination of genetics and personal experience but as far as we know theres no such thing as a natural born criminal. The problem is red white i mean. Do you have a science question that youve always wanted oncet we happy to help out send it to us as a video text over as well if we answer it on the show well send you a little surprise as a thank you can i just ask. Do you find those dot com slash science drop us a line at d w underscore site tech on facebook d w dot science. There are affordable filling and they have a long shelf life of what was once considered food for the rural poor is now growing in popularity and should grains are making a comeback. There are a hit in the kitchen and in the lab. A number of crops enjoy superfine status in the modern world even top chef swear by them like slim country from the academy cullen reschooling frank fat he uses he walked around to create new recipes that are both delicious and packed with nutrients. For the very thought of another mans gluten free and theyve got a great consistency unlike of course all right i think the perfect. Team on arm around the plants from the foxtel family and that both nine or so you dont serials. Originating from central and south america theyve been cultivated for over six thousand years today theyre mostly grown in peru. And keen one arm around her are important crops in both the income and taxable i say sions. Ten thousand kilometers away at the university of one hundred and she took out researches want to understand the nutritional potential hidden inside these ancient plants. Several strains of keen one are in full bloom here in the universitys test garden. Aquaculture old biologists the morning is in charge. Under her supervision scientists in the lab have examined the suitor cereals right down to the smallest molecule. Thats how they know that theyre good reputation is the really deserved. You know what and had seen what has a very high protein content it also contains a lot of dietary fiber and minerals especially magnesium and calcium and it contains essential amino acids which we cant get from other grains for the same extent. Essential amino acids cant be produced by the human body so they need to be taken in regularly through food. That vital in forming muscles and signs and chemical messengers like hormones. Because kenya is gluten free its a great substitute for people who are allergic or sensitive to a condition that affects millions of people. The coloring school slim count church is hard at work. Bitchiness ian born chef who has cooked for the likes of the american cutter is preparing the first course this is keen what beetroot results are keen what is presently and lends itself to all kinds of recipes. Nothing can be eaten sweet also every which is also great its got a really nasty taste. Its close relative amaranth is just as healthy and also gluten free. At horn high in university theyve discovered even more benefits. To hamas as a war it has a very very high oil content and contains large amounts of anti inflammatory substances its especially. Was extreme arent also has a lot of so its especially attractive for certain groups of people like pregnant women. And its good for baby food ok to take a bit. Of that ancient props besides being one arm around for also gaining in popularity like im corn wheat from the german im corn meaning single grain. Its one of the oldest cultivated cereals in the world. First grown in the regions of modern day turkey and syria its cultivated origins date back to around seven thousand b. C. But because modern weak varieties get much better yields fine corn has almost been forgotten. Friedrich long as the head of wheat breeding and research at one hundred university he thinks there are lots of reasons we should be growing im corn its not fussy in terms of the soil it requires he says its resistant to many pasts and prevails over wheat but its biggest trump card is its nutritional value so i saw him do you know hostile for a purpose push it has significantly more minerals than other cereals zinc and so any m are very important for the immune system if it were but also contains vitamin e. And lutea for. Is good for the eyes it boosts vision helps to prevent Macular Degeneration and it strengthens the entire Central Nervous system which is kind of coded and thats just been discovered. In the effectively and is currently the focus of Intense Research what is known is that contains significantly more minerals and trace elements than rice or wheat including zinc and copper and mike medium. Its a new poem that slim country also uses at the frankfurt culling reschooling hes devised an entire menu based around ancient food plants it includes key with gilt to help bring a fresh salad of keen wok apple and veal followed by amaranth with your gut fruit and im quoting cookie. Good i thought easy to make and its super healthy is the purpose of. These ancient foods dont just make meals brighter and more delicious they can also make them significantly healthier. Said for now but join us again next week when we head out into space with the soho satellite signal researchers have discovered that the surface of a sombrero takes a different speeds in different places but why and what does it mean for life giving stock. More on that and other exciting stories from the world of science next time on tomorrow today see you back. The armed forces on the mission battling your current problems and lack of equipment commitment to a bunch of us this notion of ten x. Ten divisions they dont have time outs of outsourcing and privatization all the holders of a buck sometimes means every item all goes on Profit Center businesses make money money doesnt jump from sun infiltrating beyond those military Industrial Complex in fifteen. To. Climate change. Waste. Pollution. Isnt it time for good. Eco africa people and projects that are changing no longer meant for the better. Good for the. Magazine. W. You can tell a lot about a society by its garbage. Kofi translates for the rich but for many people it offers their only chance of survival. And. It could be lunch for today just like. The reporters travel to nairobi and orange and to meet people who know the true value of garbage. It has created a thriving parallel economy. Book what does all this mean for economic inequality around the world you guys are starting place was the response to that statement should be yes we all start in class walking. The rich the poor the truck exclusive report starts nov seventeenth on t w. This is the w. s live from berlin people in iran preparing for the very worst as tough new american sanctions come into force the measures targeting the oil and the Financial Sector spot will they have the desired effect also coming up. Everything is still up for grabs as campaigning and head of the u. S. Midterm elections answers a spinal our

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