feeling safer in israel than in france that just shows how crazy the situation is but the french democracy itself is not under attack from terrorism and the danger for french democracy is the foreigners you know the danger for german democracy is right wing populist well 1st of all you've got to see the connection between all these processes in the sense that when you see the rise of the right and the way it affects people on the ground i mean these are connected in that in that aspect that does you know pose a threat to the markets around the long term i think you just have a very narrow point of view without you know sort of looking at the outside knowing historical you know process isn't and understanding how what's the deal. and now mix of such of such developments are you know in the sense that this guy you know we're talking of the lone wolf is there is that a phenomena that we can still say is relevant or not but he he wasn't he didn't come out of nowhere you know even if it was him with his computer game you know the many harmless computer games users and players this is this is something