ah, for a time is along still very much alive. d. w, travel, you'll go to the special hot spots in germany, europe. oh, recognizes where exactly. it was fun and i learned a lot our culture history. all their d. w. travel extremely worth a visit. ah i or ah ah ah 1st of all let me start water. what is life different doctors ah, covers oh for that. okay, says the water source for every one year of li sagal, many wife always carried more than i could really bad a bite on, but it was more important enough water than to listen to my body. ah, well that, that kinda lazy. we founded the club because we didn't want the next generation to have to fight as we do. i live at the city. god knows i well, i thought i would. oh boy, the floods came last year body and also the year before that. nobody returned our soccer pitch into a river bank. kiddle. i am glad we're lazy or a bullet of the stay. when i do bartel went up, the river flowed right down to the middle of the road. we had to cross it to get home. we had no other choice i got for when i went there and saw it myself, wholly be helpful. climate change was caused by the energy sector burning of more fossil fuel and things like that. but the impact is being fed by the water sector with too much water to little water, too much humidity to win, little sine, my sugar. so climate change, cold water is affecting society, which means it's affecting just whatever thing. it's not just floods adults, but it's horticulture it's livestock, it's you and help you keep naming it just about everything. okay. what blemishes is basically saying is the future is not going to be like the past. ah so i go to turn today. well i haven't, i don't know either. if they take too much, i certainly want in these little bucket like little people are people to know john, i last to more what i meant with our water hill. your water is ready stuff, but the water belongs to every one. a in the middle lamb allowed in the back of oh, my name as kamala david potter got it. i live in front porcelain diary in selling under a water. well, i got married when i was 17 total water, 2 oil or whatever. i had my 1st child during my 1st year of marriage. he's a mother they while while on the bottom. now i am 42 children. while he was telling me the me, i bought, i had to sell water mow the grass and i had many other household chores. i had to cook and clean for every one to home. it was hard got on. that's how this happened. to me, me me you know, i'm going to put on it. don't pass all this down. i'm going to kill dr. pitches into town to keep the 5 company down to we need to, we regularly train there to go got to go to the site, gave us the chance to make friends and former close community. so not equal moga, i don't, michaela so badly. we've created an environment of brotherly co existence when people see us as protectors, my become a place of mutual affinity, where there's a sense of belonging mindset. that's one good thing. i learned how, by the way, let that kill me then when, if there was no sports field here before people used it to bring their cows to pasture. mother, i mean there was nothing but us and many large trees will pull up. we cleared the land ourselves. what trees had you drew? there are farmers and shepherds close by and they often carry spades and shovels. they helped us to pull out the roots, kill me, that we worked really hard to turn our practice filled into a proper soccer coach. i know when i say get in the lab was 30 years ago since then we train and play here. ah my name is a mars now like a rela, while i can, i'm one whenever i'm not at school, i like to play. ah, well, i doubt i'd like to be a doctor lot and when i'm older, i'd like to visit cat man. do with my liver xannon when we were younger, we had to fight very hard then things didn't always go as we would have hoped. i'd run with farmers. so when the harvest is good, i can eat when it's nice and then we don't have any work. it's just how it is or any oh al ailleen, everything i have is here, our life and our land that you need. so i think with all their banner wow nobody. no, no. i think on the ladder, it takes about 3 hours to go fetch the drinking water and bring it back home. laza, you need about 30 minutes to get to the well. then it takes a while until you get the water out. there are usually lots of people and you have to wait your turn in the lab and there's only the one spring for everyone. again, cassondra all goes little bullying. her container is for carrying the wider are heavy. but you always tell yourself that the more you can fetch on one trip off the longer the water will last at home. ah ah! available on water. what else? giddy thing on boise boise, missy sandy von gahlan body a little. i had to do it all by myself. there was no other option than to do the household chores alone. holiday they takes around one and a half to 2 hours to get however, the who, the water is for us and for the cattle way to make the trip $4.00 to $5.00 times a week. sometimes even 6 times, they've got them. that's why the illness got worse a little while and i had to have an operation option. got no one while the vehicle's aim babu did no no hurry. annually a full roll out the hub. what else? the problems with my green motto began when i was pregnant with my 2nd son. but nothing is easy. hot worker's work daily armoire, la d o quarterly, i'm there weren't any other women in the house to help me. there were only men. they didn't help born and that's why it was very difficult to dwell, rather ah ah sullen vermont biling close foot little wooden by a bunny, fanny pool, thought garage springs around. so yonder, but the water levels are very low, were bad. people still need to fetch drinking water, finding honey by champ water in the villages is motivate the and, but it can be used for washing for the cattle or for household chores. i plan what i could find, you know, not muscular kona, and i forgot i've been with you come from, but they are, but they, salva, nepalese government has been trying to supply sal yontsa with water since 1975. but there are still unresolved problems. there are places in napa were entire villages on the hills are being abandoned because the springs of dried and is the we can get the water there. there's just no way because the next water source may be 500 meters down below. or you cannot be. you can carry water dro, 2050 meters. you can't get 500 meters every day warden, so still to survive. well in springs are not on anybody's valerie. now it's springs that people use for drinking water in the hills. people don't use streams and unless we properly understand that and do something about of the hill life is going to be untenable in all across the mala. ah santana mino, a lady, bob sanchez, my older sister santana valet alexi aren't you? she always used to help me with my homework. mm hm. sandra anatomy that we used to argue, and if i didn't do my own work with subway than a lady, i love to. she loved every one and she'd help her brothers and sisters with their school work. i will lay up quite a while she liked studying it. out and taught her younger siblings and cousins, and she looked after them just as out about it. what a minute. they gave her money. mean they did here, do they? she was diligence and everything she did. oh boy, are we had a financial problem, elliot ala, we couldn't provide for her, and the way that we wanted to put on this, i am here now. i think oh, wow. worry. mm hm. they're like, what are you gonna boiler boarding? what i don't 1st she went to a boarding school close by my old one and then we had too many children in the family and we couldn't afford the boarding school anymore. so we sent her to a state school as it took her an hour to get there. she always said, i'll study hard and become very successful through monday, one to one. and i think i to me to my daughter's name was in china. bella, me put a liberal, she was swept away in the flat me. ah, very regularly we hear the sentence. what are the life, what is necessary for all aspects of life? climate change is not just about computer change, right? want me. it's more than that. it's also about changes in the precipitation rainfall . nipple is one of the countries facing very high amount of climate change. the watering is work and it is around point 06 degrees celsius per year, which is quite intensive by a global standards. the onset and the deed of monsoon seems to be changing but the precipice and the rainfall is also changing in this part of the world. it's not only about 2 months war go you'd so will also vote cool little water. i only took half of what you didn't fill it up water. so this one's left over. yes. with that one, it's 2 buckets. while you do 2 of the small ones fit into the large bucket to oh yes, you could fill up to smaller bucket, not the larger one, just that one and that one. i can you filled out one? what do you have? i don't think it will. these 2 in the big bucket, where do you get the water? i think it's alan. know the one you filled before or you mean the 2 big bucket? what did i say? i didn't understand you all good caught maureen land. 7 0, move anyone you'd really hurt i'll be there either way. oh, it itched inside. yes, delani. i was loaded and had major problem now, but i don't i don't i didn't during my period. i would bleed heavily. oh, it was even more painful that the bleeding was heavier than a body can bear the language . move alone. i had a pro lapse room for 20 years. these were shallow and lewis, i didn't buy my la la to leave us. i did say about 2 years ago, uterine cases were frequent in san tar that women were getting married very young and having children in quick succession, often one a year. plus they had many children are so busy about me. coming to new policy. the one is 3 dawn in 2015. they have stimulated deb soon with their 600 pug in lodge supporting from this disease. when a woman gives birth to advise that are against gradually lloyd, that means a big come to your order dinner. and then we'll go super inside. so during that video, you see the bound to work hard, especially when duck i've been with pressure in dr. nora breast that has increased . so in that future some that the process is vag bird. so getting gradually come back to normal process is advert. ah ah, finding the time i said it, i never knew back a lot of questions. alec glass plaque in the water problem plays a major role in connection with the uterine cases. because women have to do all the household chores alone, and they think they'll have more time for other tasks if they fetch a lot of water at once. and this leads to them carrying too heavy a load, and it's also not easy to walk up hill with these heavy loads. carrying water over long distances is directly linked to the uterine issues. the women continue to work and during great pain pamela bunny into so finally, go into the body. i will, i but you see me who do my broccoli and it on that who when the floods came, we had an observation post on the bridge shop with you. what you bought. it was to register how high the water fell or rose in one hour. well, that's how we measured water levels in the affected area. there was a power cut that in, so we went to the bridge torches to check the water level, what he might, he will not let a nail map and reckon the dns at its head thought us a rain was heavier than we could have ever imagined to what i did get him was somebody by anybody. ah. if he did he i he was a flooding was so powerful that the cato river flowed right through the town and inundated around $800.00 houses, full of books oxy, our 3 double body i o body. i said that when the waters came, we launched a rescue operation. we went from door to door and said, you must evacuate the house funds you left, the flood waters are here so far, less was enough. mulkey grew matson. we informed everyone, personally, house by house. i think 2 to 300 people took part in the rescue at the time. the shit didn't steal the material on my to with i think i think i think that went on unless ends up on a saturday and team wanted us under my supervision valley. some of our friends formed a team to go to the river and checked the state of the house. is there a middle team and we didn't know how to save people lee? i'm late that it was a challenge of what is the deposit of this? we're gonna win, it may roger down to to use the inner tubes from car tires to get the residence out of the flooded areas. you got to go to. so, phil, i sat in the fragmented out of this by the middle ada hemley is finance. lazley. hello, i'm it is cynthia. i was a club members helped out to i'm beside the amf club member listening together. we rescued 40 or 50 people as further literacy boyle or the boy labriola jordan with emma labor. yet he said when he did, i remember that in the past just was the river used to burst its banks about every 10 years at sea and body, it possibly upward over the last 5 to 7 years. it's been happening every 2 years to daniela's. he bought now that had told her is developed and built up this guy. there's nowhere for the water to drain away naturally. some of it are up by level bodied are illegal body metaphorically. so there's a big difference between the floods of the past and those of today get in a way to to you or the gray here by nissan to i'll, is it grievously the water was low and water just flowed through it either one other than the gravel atlanta to gravel or either to, to ne gravel from the building sites in the mountains chipped down to the water he, i but he knew colacho didn't by the good will at pushes up the water level and means flood waters are higher too door, mighty mighty. i deforestation is increasing at a rapid rate in the 2 ladies. similarly, there's also a lot of a legal to practices and busy cost men in the forest, which means that it's also leading to a sufficient and is high, you rodents because of the angle to practices at the, at the and the down is themes. and this is also leading to lot of flat, flat and dip is flowing into the are clearly the, as this uber as the past the, it isn't always fun and without the problem and has been to the reason these problems are going to be aggravated in the future as well, what the increase greenhouse gas actually causes is of course increase in the price per decent amount in this part of the world in salt is yeah. but also the availability of monitoring reproduce and year by year and within a season also increases 9. 080000000 i. 7 didn't i don't know, i was that home that day by making i was sleeping because i had a fever. when i told her she shouldn't go to school because it was raining so hard . she said she had exams and had to go. lou garza ross was ernie did in james arizona. gonna tell me cuz it was raining. we were all worried about sunshine road isn't gonna go out to make themselves unintentionally that her school was one hour away and she probably had to walk to the river. i go all my daughter, only one only i was with bus to pick her up. her mother got his after a while i caught sight of her walking home. he, i think his all of us had stopped and lack of my brother in law offered to drive the teachers over the dam. thought i know they said that the bus brakes would be too weak for that. madeline butler calling about a cross at all one until we had to cross the river. don't it was very swollen that day. sort of cut. it was the only way back. so we had no other choice bundle went up. wagner, quality to only this was already, some de la more, it was sunshine m me and for other people call it on it. put us on a caller. other drama. i mean, the 6 of us walked in a row or it's either so so but it did allow you, i was holding on tight to san china sutherland when somebody oh good is an old cassette outlet. oh school. satellite or do the 2 others kept hold of 2 of saint china's friends colored on me didn't on by law already sort of money. we took a few steps, knotty, auto get on willie sandra. i was focusing on some china learners as we moved forward. she slipped and fell to put him in a cellar. fuller was the address i couldn't hold on to her shoulder any more. so i grabbed her hand just in the river, swept st. china and me away, ella. i kept hold of her late by subtle and when it's all about it, i pointed to him, i went down there and saw it myself. i had to watch as the flood swept away my daughter and my brother in law. i couldn't speak. i ran along the river, but i couldn't see any one when he didn't do saturday established him ticket without approval. other than from to looking out until i did hear that there were large rocks dilemma. dia and we were carried further down the river. it was you and i was getting struck left and right after one of those impact and i let go. of some china atlanta just was i don't know exactly when i retorted didn't at all i can remember is that i collided heavily 3 or 4 times. bio might only eventually i got out of the river. i looked everywhere for some china, but she wasn't there. everyone was crying, the zillow and i asked if they'd found some china. so i ran down the river to look for her shouting mythology. she'd been carried another 400 meters down the street. i suited i pay any i was sleeping for my brother in law called me there and more glad when i got there. the floods had already carried them both off sons and i believe after a while my brother in law came back in blame. someone else had found sanchez further down the river and brought her to us utterly. marie took her to the medical center, but she was already dead. anita bush need later on it the 2nd ah ah . people here leave in close proximity with nature and we must believe in idiots that is exposed throat. so she environmental hazards like the flood plains steep slopes and we also lack the necessary and fast ok sure. needed to mitigate the changing back soft limit. so therefore also we are so much fun to eat and know what is it isn't enough to fight that is this emergency alone, we are together and we must act together against it. all the defense of that we, the young people in cities and of 4 countries lies in the forefront to be of the it's to be, it's grievous consequences. and the sad part is that many of the victims, they don't know what is happening, why? the stuffing the me the t c if a key component in the fight against climate. and this is particularly very relevant for a country like basically because this is, this is an issue that has emerged from the i looked at the bad development that you wished and was dead. and the consequences that we're having to face when you enough to post a conventional negotiated the focus was very much indeed deducing desk. i'm sure 20 years later, if you see the prism context, the whole time is the best i mentioned achieve. there's been a higher realize that this reducing greenhouse gas emission is not going to solve the problem even we stop the emission right. now we do like, you know, the jewel presented. the impacts are already happening. there are 2 aspects to solve this issue. that one is reducing the emission, but then we know that even if we reduce the emission to the impact is going to happen for many tickets, so it will not stop. so the other way is to take access to add up to the changes. so that's the adaptation and vigilance, meaning so local excellence to adapt to the changes and billions of the people in society. i think that's very important. so just reducing greenhouse gases emissions are not going to solve the, all of them this. so problem of the global world now it's just not happening any country, but the only question is, where's the resources? this of course, also under the parties agreement or the inevitable convention, that is the duties of these countries to support country like our but if you want to look at the green climate fun or the other funds that are set up, it is extremely difficult. the way the process and mechanisms have been established in a way that it takes sometimes several years to the sub resources from the greenland . for instance, even be truly a product that nipple dismissive it nearly took nipple over 2 years to access this is ah one, any one that you have on amazon danza. i'm the one were below one above the headed him as well. danza, things can get worse than that. if we talk about our problems that can attract unnecessary attention and things get more complicated because people know about them good in any kind of, it was very painful. i couldn't eat or sleep properly any. so i sat around doing nothing, milan i couldn't eat, drink, or do any physical work anytime, but she didn't eat my husband didn't want to go to the doctor with me. i told him i wanted to go learning our did it because i was getting weaker. then i made the decision myself. my husband didn't want to go with me, so i went alone. i was a heavy. ah, ah, my lady then ours delora, yank oars delgado. ernie cannon is annabelle johnson, one bertha of and over and over at the hospital and my village, they told me i had to go to court monday for an operation. on monday, on monday, my only allow that i traveled to cut my due by bus on my own any of all at the time of the operation. they told me i had an infection option got on, had a gabby. lemme get hardaway delegate whose addon domains law. they said if i come just a few days later, i would have got cancer among marano long, long on not believe, gotten a bio do one in july, i felt i had to have this operation to prevent cancer. and voice, okay. why she the about that my children are still young. i havent married them off yet be ever having children isn't enough far behind. i'd also like to do something for the delay and he gave la nevada when the boil all this and law this manner, it'll be a year since the operation. now i feel fine. i deal with that. i'm going to 32 and a poly woman. i'm actually in the idiots the day care must off dear household walks . are they need to bring the water, they need to grow their drops and you do it after the children. i feel that by the youth and human people are uniquely impacted by climate change because of the intersecting vulnerability days such as the dependence on agriculture and the lack of employment. the increase in the over to date and decrease in opportunity is climate change only intensifies this impact in calming years. ah, one music embodies never posted or not have as much amount of water. or they have to spend much more time catching water from a distance being sources because the nearby spring sources upgrade on this been, you know, in some cases our to get water which means the time they know they have 4 other kind of more, more productive, more creative work is reduced and the wash spot is that though few countries who are mainly responsible in creating the smith denying this existential trade with our ineffective policies and also denying climate finance for the board countries. the developed countries would support the developing countries by providing the climate finance and helping them to move to watch the climate rosalynd, the block mint barrier, the us up, i really gotta get on emissions. and the developing nation stood also upright eyes listenable developing and put natur in the heart of its step love, me ah, ah, that our drivers yet, and mouth drivers of which we are guilty yet, and now to day off, over bumping all filling up, reach osborne's little herbs, letting them silt and waste away, or just filling them up so that you build a bus, bought a corner daughter, god knows what else. okay. and preventing this infiltration, this is within our ability to do something with, with policy, okay? if we don't do this, then with climate change, as things get worse, then this bad situation is going to get much worse. oh, i'm gonna kill my them as an economist, as hina are pitches unusable, tanya, that has oh, we're trying to manage and we're training at a school telemundo. m. as in the sports field, there isn't so good but a bit better than the other options. there are yeah go. so that's why we go there. i am doing that as oh, there just isn't another pitch that's big enough to attend the santa issue, the small, but we're managing our downtown san was out. they were when come to let us still saying a lot of discord did have colleen some other money got saying ah, in the long term solution is a 700 meter damn from the bridge to the soccer field, the damn body, this barrier between the river and the sports field must be at least 3 monitors high. i knew already is codio can i order? if you would say, ah, didn't umbrella to camp ourselves. that did. so that's the only way to protect the town on a bus is much below debussy, sort of our petty body all day. so floods will return. our vital dam hasn't been built latina this. we worried that the next flood will wash away our training fuel, began penny cindy, it's home supper. you condo at the embassy, but if we don't take action, we'll have a catastrophe in our hands. the town will exist any more. it will be a desert with no people, no animals, no fertile soil. a wasteland is active when it comes to flood, the only solution are a great addition. flood control department seem to think it's just below embankments. now that doesn't solve the problem because you build amendment in one area, you know, the opposite side is the, is wanting flooded. you build on both. then what happens is like with the quasi river, you jacket that it was the spectrum. we use it in on the jacket on the river, so we still have allowing the river to flood and you know, deposited salt all over. you jacket that a month and i still get deposited within that. natalie. the river bed keeps rising . rising until you're, you're embankment discount orders that are of these are often embankments. okay. and then in order bridges them banquet and causes massive flooding. and this is purely because of stupid water management. ah, ah, i like, ah, ah, yeah. father, they you mean by now by the word still 90 the believe anna, i saw when we study was that it will you they go yet avenue in until about the ambrosia sumner music, albany. i answered a lot. that's the main street. there's no way of avoiding it on when we drive along it and see the river. we slow right down. we still remember it. battle i always think of her before i reached the spot. i've been with atlanta, i guess we don't even allow the children to cross the road and are scared to let them leave the house. even when there's only light rainfall. we're scared to send them to school matter. one of us that was amazon vis road was built when we were small. we played there and even pitched in with the construction. we're in the village, they'd collect money to build a suspension bridge. they'd already bought the materials and said they'd build it all that they didn't, and that's why the accident happened. we le, would upward when he left the line i as i was there, so go to one now and then over analia toward my what you la song in i did, i will, i'm song a letter abby: at a that i'll always remember taking her to visit my parents. uh huh. whenever we visited my family, she always scolded the other children when they misbehaved. laws allow claim in place. so sometimes she says she's not doing well and she doesn't feel good and she can't eat lunch. we try and reassure her then tell her that she needs to let the past go. movie we tell her to think of her to other children's grieving. won't bring her back to me late sunday, or whenever i think of her, i want to cry. when i hear her name or look at her photo, i just can't believe she's no longer there. mm mm mm mm mm mm. mm. i mean for a lot of love what he does on in a bind in the morning when my daughter grows up and has a husband, she won't be able to relax much. she'll have to work. i will. that's why i'm not burdening her with work now. a lot of i had a lot of money over here. you're giving you a lot of money. nicer. how her mother fell in because she worked too hard and carried to my go. she'll have to try to come up with ways to avoid that. i'll tell her my story. i'd ask her to pay attention to her health. my little, i hope she doesn't have to live and suffer as i do. i want her to happen to have the life me. ah ah, ah alarm linton log on the day p lay mark rodney laid out a loan a. what would it be out of warner got me out of the thing. get anything gum, i want to tend to develop it. we're ready to rebuild it. rousseau, the soil again, it was cold receding atlanta trees around the pitch and put up a fence around the side of the sun for that we need financial support. so we've asked the local government for help and the law. we've prepared everything for the reconstruction, neither one of them on the line, but the dam plays the most important part. got all the laggards him. if we have bad them, we've got long term protection of the bad boy. one it, i mean this sort of ah, ah ha ha ha, ha, ha ha ha ha, doesn't it? right. i think it off one bathroom is what it looks like build ah yeah. martin and other he does not a good deal. oh oh oh yeah. oh i oh i i have a lot of gender it's and because what i've seen is that they're capable and they're also very interested in this. i think, i think on the young and that isn't, can do that all, all folks are on the do it. i mean of young people united globally and gives me hope and gives me the courage to fight and to act for the climate. ah, and visa, no future where all of the people's get because you do it good, right? the all good. that right? to leave in a peaceful and fear society. no one in the future. so to be forced, if you've already a dreams to give away the thoughts for you've already been and the thing due to the changes in climate and these in a future where no one is talking about climate change. no one is talking about climate justice because there is no need of it. ah, [000:00:00;00] with who? ah, ah, for this christmas cake. people would gladly go to jail. he had a tuesday, is a long standing tradition in italy. and some of the nations best come from a bakery at a maximum security prison in padre, a confection that's enjoyed by all in italy, the cake who jail your ro, max in 30 minutes on d. w. a sun is ukraine. caring for a for wooden. okay. in a stretch and i bought it the show movie, younger than the casual to look at. could you teach? yeah, that was to sing a beforehand for the lower income. silent terror in 75 minutes on d. w. o. did in wide wing extremists, i suggested again world might be coming late and burned in south africa. people with disabilities more likely to lose their jobs. in the pandemic, black lives matter, protest shine a spotlight on racially motivated police violence, same sex marriage is being legalized. and more and more countries discrimination and inequality or part of everyday life. for many we ask why? because life is diversity. make up your own mind. d. w. lead for mines for i think is everything challenging. some are bigger, i'm listening. oh, so much different culture between here and there. so challenging for everything. ah, finish on this. i think it was worth it for me to come to germany. shop my got my license to work as a swimming instructor here. dish, and now i teach children under dose to swim just what's your story? take part. share it on info, migrants dot net. ah, sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow. we're bringing environmental conservation to life with learning packs like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for, for the world cup. im to talk about exactly 42 through version in 40 because we are here for you with report and background information about the football figures. everything you need about the 2020 to well cover on d, w ah ah, this is dw news lived from building a hostage situation in the eastern german city of dresden police. find the body of a woman whose son is suspected of killing her media reporting that a shooting has occurred. police of shopped down dresden city center will have more