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Civil rights and the rule of law. And she has just said that they want to honor all of the men and women everywhere who are fighting for those rights because they believe that if citizens step up and take responsibility, that helps to prevent war and promote peace. So i think there is a recognition here, not only that we are now seeing the biggest war in europe since since the 2nd world war. But also that democracies everywhere are under threat, that authoritarianism is on the rise. And thats why this triple award, essentially going to organizations that are trying to push back against the forces that would bring democracy down and a very much a political message that we read, beset the 2nd question. Do you have a, a message for bella ruffian authorities . The message that release a bianca. But there are thousands of Political Press in bella roost at the moment. So again, not just the award, but the effect that the committee hopes to walk in half. Indeed. And the award can to some degree, has a protective effect. It boost the visibility of the recipient, and in that sense makes it perhaps, to some degree harder for repressive authorities to do do harm to that individual. For example, unsung suit, she undoubtedly when she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize that did give her some degree of protection. But we see precisely in her case that what it also does is give an individual a essentially put a lot of expectations on that individual. Well, the Nobel Peace Prize laurie at in south africa said that one day you are nobody the next day you are an oracle and people are expecting you to perform. So again, thats one reason its interesting that we see one individual, but 2 organizations chose in here thats a slightly different focus. You could say a broader base for the award. And the Nobel Committee has also acknowledged in the past that its hopes that it could affect political developments. For example, in the case of its a word to barack obama just 8 months after he became president , have occasionally not been fulfilled. In fact, they have been dashed and you could certainly say that also about the effects of the award on president atman, abbey in ethiopia, who then went on to prosecute a war against the, to grand, a liberation for. So its a very a it, this is an award that seeks to influence, but also seeks to recognize. And i would say the balance here is definitely on recognition. Because certainly she has just said they are very cognizant that mr. Build ups give may not be able to come and pick up the award, right, but as you say, it shines a master spotlights on the fact of his imprisonment and the imprisonment of so many others are in bella. Luce and so now were just to just to a reminder, our viewer. So we have had the announcement of the, of this years Nobel Peace Prize, or one individual 2 organizations or Human Rights Campaign of from bemrose, whose name is an artist, be a lot sca, a Russian Human Rights Organization called memorial and the Ukranian Center for Civil Liberties melinda crane. So now that this announcement is, is made the worlds watches. But i dont think theres any, any real hope that this will affect either ukraine or the regime in bella, luce, it heightens visibility for the, the push back against repression for the hard documentary work that goes on to a, to find evidence of war crimes and rights violations, and it also indirectly serves as a warning, i think, to ukraine itself. Ukraine is under martial law. The space for civil rights organizations there has shrunk. And i think by a wording this to an, a Ukrainian Organization that is fighting for civil rights. They are also saying to the government, be careful, you are at war, but this is very different than it is for. Has it been awarded to president lensky . Its a very conscious choice to award it to an organization that could also hold the Ukrainian Government to account exce excellent point to end on a belinda crane. Thank you so much. Watching a d. W. News live from a burden. Lets turn to other news now, and well go to thailand, which of course is in morning to day after a mass tooting at a Childcare Center in the northeast left at least 36 people that a former placement storm. The building on thursday he learned later killed his family and himself, talent king is to visit survivors as flags across the country, fly at half mast a stream of coffins arrive at the morgue after a day of unimaginable terror. It was here at a rural Day Care Center that an ex police man killed at least 36 people more than 20 of them children. One teacher describe what she saw about it. He used his feet to take the window and then he shot at the door. I thought he got inside, so i ran to the kitchen behind. I was in shock. I didnt know what to do. Some family members remain at the scene as investigations into the massacre continue. Local police said the shooter had appeared in court on drugs. Charges on the verdict was jus. Though so far, no motive has been established. While thailands Prime Minister described it as a shocking attack, this definitely shouldnt happen. I feel deep sadness for the victims and relatives despite relatively high gun ownership. My shootings are rare in thailand, but thats little consolation for the families of those killed and its worse rampage by a single attacker. But he was President Joe Biden says, the risk of Nuclear Armageddon is at its highest since the cuban missile crisis of the 19th sixtys. He warned that russian later, Vladimir Putin is not joking when he talks about using that nuclear weapons, ordering losses on the battlefield in ukraine. In the latest incidence, a Russian Missile strike destroyed an Apartment Building of a sudden city of separation came as Russian Forces lost more ground to ukraines counter offensive in the south and in the east. Gutted by russian rockets here in separation rescue workers search the rubble for missing residence. Local Officials Say several people were killed. While moore had been hospitalized off the initial dorn attack Fire Fighters headed to the scene. But a 2nd salvo, cent locals running for cover as well. As rescue workers present zalinski condemned the strikes was a but easier beast parisha after the 1st rocket strike. Today, when people came to pick apart the rubble rush conducted a 2nd rocket strike. The absolute vileness absolute evil up. And there have been thousands of instances of this already, and there could be thousands more. Unfortunately, he shant miserable, more humbled, locals were left reeling. Why are good doing this to us . What are they trying to prove . Killing or people . Why . For what . The attacks comes. Ukraine continues to force Russian Troops back in the south and east with these ukrainian troops and the don bass telling french reporters that they were using shells captured from the russians with winter fast approaching, keith seems determined to press its current advantage as long as it can or a small store is that making news around the world . No. U. S. President joe biden has pardoned thousands of people convicted under federal law of possessing marijuana. It didnt call for full d criminalization of cannabis, but said no one should be in jail for using the drug. People convicted on the state. Laws are not affected by this executive action, which comes about a month ahead of mid term elections. When bidens democrats may lose control of congress, a forest fire has scored some of the ancient stone statues on wrapper knew he also known as easter island. Authorities say, an unknown number of the sacred figures have been affected by the blaze. There are around a 1000 on the southern Pacific Island caused by the rapid new people over 500 years ago. Flooding has killed at least 3 people in the indonesian capital jakarta. Students died when a school wall collapsed. Major roads have been closed and several neighborhoods evacuated waters in some areas or more than a meter d u. N is calling for a humanitarian corridor to allow the distribution of fuel from haitis main terminal in port a price where an outbreak of cholera and surging Gang Violence of raised international concerns. Prime minister audio already use a speech to the nation to call for international assistance. We recap the news that this is Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to 3 champions of human rights at jail, belushi, and rights activist alice b, alaska. Russias Memorial Organization and ukraines center for Civil Liberties. The chair of the norwegian doorbell committee made the announcement a few minutes ago in oslo, say the peace prize. Lawrence represents Civil Societies in their own countries. They had made an outstanding effort to document war crimes, human rights abuses, and the abuse of power together. They demonstrate the significance of civil society, poor peas and democracy. Well, not with god elses i with the yeah, hes a update on the news at the top of the our next here on the w global. 3000 have a good day with with who teaches are searching for this student in a fall, then resume that many children have no contact with the school. Mister quince of the School Closures during the pandemic with the teachers are campaigning for them to return. They know without education, these children have no chance global 3000 next on d w. Ah, i have been said, i have been beaten. I have been sick a straight did. Because we tried to to show dirty, a face mafia all over the world. Environmentalists are in danger. The enemy, roofless corporations corrupted Government Agencies and criminal curtails. Targeted, environmentalists in danger starts october 29th on d. W. A. Dynamite and the pillar of sticks and society. Taxes the right to living taxes and the obligation to pay them both inherent in the sovereignty of relation states and their citizens. But what happens when the power of taxation is undermined . Cant pay wont pay. Taxation and politics starts october 21st on d w. Ah, ah, welcome to global 3000 mtc, how brazil schools are trying to attract students back to class. Hot i in the Steel Industry needs to clean up its act. Is that even possible . And low current house, South Africans cope with an Erotic Energy supply. Without electricity, a modern world would grind to a halt. No power means no. Mobile phones, no Internet Access fridge is no heating, no cash machines trains at a standstill and no petrol either. And crucially to it means darkness. According to one study, last year alone, 350000000 people worldwide experienced major power outages. Why do they happen . Poor maintenance of power plants, lack of modernization or simply to few power plants for the growing demand. On top of this Climate Change driven extreme weather regularly brings down power lines and pilots in south africa. Poa cancer, a frequent occurrence for years the state attic tricity supplier has struggled to meet demands. They miss with the means to find a way around when its dark and the power goes out. Its especially hard 2 and a half hours of total darkness and large parts of so ito, because the National Energy provider cant generate enough power. And it happens up to twice a day. I for know to love dubin. It means that her scorns wont be ready in time. They need to be banked fresh each day if theyre to sell like hot cakes. Normally, business is good enough for nope, which will the do bet and her daughter to get by. But recent weeks have been tough. The power was switched off daily in their district. A state mandated Energy Saving measure, known in south africa as load shedding. You know, shooting good. See jo chatting is driving us crazy. I last seen them. I have a Small Business and were trying to grow. But this is holding us back a long time we gazed, sometimes i have things in the oven when they shut off the electricity and i cant finish baking them been then they all have to be thrown out. Agatha, shes angry at the government. 2 and a half hours without electricity means getting her sconce to market that much later. And that cuts into her earnings abc the whole country is suffering as a result. For the past 15 years, south africa state owned electricity provider has had to interrupt supply to certain areas to prevent the power grid from collapsing. However, this winter has been especially hard and its affecting all sections of the population. Janice schecter is an entrepreneur who also runs a guest house and one of johannesburg wealthy suburbs. Her life is organized around the power outages. So we have as low as that shows per suburb where were going to have mckinney that were going to have stays went from 7 am to 4 pm and i, every one on the group is going to zoom in the suburb, the power will be switched off every night this week, at least theyre stover ones on gas. So luckily we can finish making dinner. We can, we can, we can be on line for fun on the hall. Usually we actually sit and chat. I. Yeah, there we go. Okay, sir. Okay, so would i need to do a need to get some lights on . Well, yes sir, Janet Schechter turns on the Battery Powered lights that were charged during the day and are distributed throughout the house powered by a battery. And this recharge as, while the power is her husband brings a Battery Powered light for the stairs. So no one falls down with coming down the stairs. This is, this is the darker side of south africa is so that august of 5, the country has all the raw materials. It needs to produce energy, mainly domestic coal. Its bad for the environment, but there is enough of it. There are enough power plants to but after years of mismanagement and corruption, theyre so poorly maintained that theyre feeling more and more often. The power has never gone out as often as it has this winter. Those who can afford it are making themselves independent from the state power grid in johannesburg. Many are installing solar panels the ideal solution in a land where the sun shines for 9 hours a day, even in winter. Thats crazy busy its. Weve explained it wrong to people wouldnt understand. We getting up to 500 phone calls a day. A lot of the people that tell us just was made with so on take lunch in the power cuts are promoting the use of green energy, but only for those who have enough money. Most people here cant afford the roughly 15000 euro investment. For many years ago, id the we, we headed the electric stove and we made it a conscious decision to move away from electricity. We had a nice serene top glass top and we moved away from the the glass top and we went to guess. I would suggest to 2 people out there to look for you. Alternative sources, look at green, an energy, look at your sailors and see whats available on the market. He advises people to have as many Different Energy sources as possible. That way theres a back up if one power source fails. But thats too costly for people in the townships. Not only do they have to live with the power outages, the constant shut offs have damage no, go to la, do bed stove. It still hates but only on the highest setting teacher or in aflac it back to me that i had to go to meeting. And i wish the government would listen to us because its not just my stove thats broken. Its my fridge to stop. Watch not too quick easy when the power came back on there was a power surge. And now i dont have a fridge. Let a government tell us when a legacy and she just doesnt make enough money with her scans to buy new ones. In europe to the war in ukraine has led to Rising Energy costs and fee as of fuel shortages. More than 50 percent of the energy used in germanys Manufacturing Sector comes from electricity and gas. The chemical and Metal Industries are the biggest consumers, but they also offer the greatest potential when it comes to reducing our Overall Energy consumption and cutting Greenhouse Gas emissions. This of the metal that made from modern world tick, imagine life without it, nor cause poems, duchess electricity. But this one, the material that alive the built around carry the dirty secret that nobody is talking about. The Steel Industry is responsible for jaw dropping. 8 percent of the wealth Greenhouse Gas pollution. And bizarrely, were actually going to need a lot more of it to clean up our economies. So how can we make steel green and whats wrong with the industries favorite solutions . There are 2 reasons. The steel making process was so dirty. The 1st is purifying the iron or needed the steel. But heating i annoy the charcoal fires. Oh, mixing it with coca cola in big Blast Furnaces. You can extract pure iron from rock. Thats like an oxygen atoms in the iron ore fly off and bind with carbon atoms in the cold. What left behind is essentially pure iron known as reduced. Im and a whole load of c o. 2. The 2nd reason steel sat said that it takes colossal amounts of energy to power this process. And most of that comes from you. Guessed it, burning cold today. 72 percent on a global level are produced by our this production develops. This is vito ever touched a steel analyst at german climate. Think tank a got in a given the he says were running out of time. The investment decision, steel make of make to day a crucial because the coal fired Blast Furnace of have a lifetime of 15 to 20 years. And after that need to be repaired or retired. The 2020. A very critical be kate, in disregard. Because more than 70 percent of the global blood sleeps will reach the end of the Campaign Lives and require reinvestment and Re Investment decision. So what should still make us be doing right now . Either j hydrogen, hydrogen acknowledging wonders of hodgen hydrogen gas and fuel that can be made cleanly with Renewable Energy up much less clearly with fossil gas. If you reduce ion or with hydrogen, oxygen atoms no longer react with carbon atoms to make c o 2. Instead, they react with Hydrogen Atoms to make h to the beauty about this is yes, you need a new production process. But as a byproduct, you have water instead of 2. And, and this is how we can make the fuel making process planet, which the 2nd step is then feeding the purified ion into an electric arent vanish. These devices meltdown scrapped steel or reduced iron with high currents of electricity that turn them into liquid stable. And ideally that they would be running on electricity made from Renewable Energy. Thats pretty much what swedish steel make a s as a beaded last year when it delivered the wealth 1st batch of fossil free steel to comic of over europe. Steel make the betting that hydrogen will be the pietro steel right now. It costs more to make it this way. But if gas prices stay high and carbon taxes rise, switching away from fossil fuels will become increasingly attracted from a business perspective too. But of course, using hydrogen to learned doesnt make steel. Greek. Its a process with several loaves. Kind of feels like an onion. This is caitlin wallack. A steel analyst at the u. S. Based non profit Global Energy monitor. The 1st layer is to make sure your electric arg furnace unit is running completely on like green energy. But then you need to make sure that the reducing agent and the direct reduce iron plants is hydrogen. But thats not enough. You have to make sure that that hydrogen is actually being produced through an electrolyzer thats operating on 100 percent green. Im Renewable Energy, sir. Time for hydrogen. Right . Well, unfortunately, over the couch, you need a lot of hydrogen like ready floats. Making all the steel into you out of hydrogen would require about 6000000 tons of the gulf. Just to satisfy the Steel Industry, hydrogen, if you need almost as many Wind Turbines that you have to date is not impossible, but it is a logistical nightmare. One of the big challenges is where we build these hydrogen ah, production facilities. It needs to happen in places that have that Renewable Energy capacity. The problem so far is lots of seal making regions, dirt, how much capacity for at least dont have plans to build a top anytime soon. And piping more shipping, Green Hydrogen from elsewhere requires infrastructure to do so. And that all mean hydrogen cant be the whole solution. But the powerful waste simply by the problem that sounds almost too good to be true. Recycling, you might not expect it, but still is already one of the main Recycled Materials in the world. More than a quarter of the steel made today comes from recycled scrap steel that nobody needs that basically because the 1st step of purifying iron or is expensive. Nothing else deal . Well, thats much cheaper. We have a rising stock, sculpus steel scrap. Because whenever a car, whenever a breach, whenever a building beach at the end of the lifetime, this deal scratch is collected sorted and then can be melted in electric oxygen to produce new still reciting. Most fuel could massively help in cutting the industry of energy demand. But there are limits each time you price a steel little impurities, like cauffron nickel can sneak in and we can the metal. That means you cant recycle it forever. A 3rd solution is to keep the Blast Furnace as were already using, but catch the emissions before they escape into the atmosphere. Thats what advocate the Carbon Capture cooling for fossil fuel companies, say the principal, a simple stick, a box on top of the polluting pipe and sack up the sphere to that comes out so you can use it in industry or start safely underground. The reality is trickier. Today, capture rates are often low and casa hot. Whats more of the fossil fuel industry has used the promise of Carbon Capture and storage will cease . Yes. As an excuse to keep on polluting. But when it comes to the cup, i think heavy industries, i must do broadly agree that c c s of the vital role to play alongside hydrogen. Were way behind and where well be promotional and going. And this is largely down to complete in auction on the of the policy level. This is eva penner from the cleaner task force. Its one of the few environmental organizations calling to put money into capture and common. One of the reasons why we, you know, we dont know answers to questions like capture rates or how would it work in a commercial scale is because your companys hunter actually released their mission. The interNational Energy agency expects Carbon Capture to cover half of will steal production by 2050, the Climate Friendly scenario. If it works, it would free up hydrogen to be used in other processes that are also hot clean. But to date, we dont really know what chair of emissions ccf can actually capture from steel. If steel make a stick to Blast Furnaces, but c c s doesnt quickly become cheap or efficient. The cold a burn will just keep on polluting. We console steel by giving up on it, but theres a huge amount policy makes and companies can do to get the Tech Solutions working access to education, a shared learning environment and a group of peers barely anything is more important for children. But the corona virus pandemic turned life upside down for around one point. 5000000000 Children Worldwide. With schools closed homeschooling and Remote Learning became the reality for many education was already a global issue. Even before the pandemic, the 258000000 Children Worldwide had no access to schooling, the pandemic made the situation much worse. For months, 463000000 children found themselves out of school. And even in early 2022, millions of children were missing from classrooms. Most schools have reopened, including in brazil, but many children are still staying away. To ivy toria, lima loves to slew the route she wagner and gabriella have tough cases to solve together there for School Detectives on a special mission lies them. If you go back and i l u vomiting got that was c, as in nancy, where detectives, because we look for missing students and bring them back because he just came on something. But when theres school in Rio De Janeiro reopened a year ago, almost half the students didnt return. During the pandemic homeschooling was an illusion, says principal carolina taylor. A lot of students have no smartphone or Internet Access. They stay away, but schoolmates track them down. Its been a penguin, asian with age in life. Its good for the children themselves. To play a major role. You think they can motivate their classmates in the say, im here, learn any come and join us. Like he them say, asked ovation, that the school sleuths are inspired by budding detectives from tv shows and the principal found their outfits in carnival collections. Dressing up makes the paperwork more bearable. Together they pour over lists, students who are often absent or fell to hand in assignments will get a phone call later or personal visit 1000 students. One goal with his visit is dont cancel in the wrong things on the street and they should come to school and learn something valuable. Every one should go to school that i have in my school. Oh, Corrina Taylor looks out for his students. Here their days are structured and they receive a meal and moral support for to annie. Her principal is a role model and confidant. I wish this isnt for martha. The children need to change their reality themselves at age. Now the school is open and waiting for them. I squat that may i for by wild ways. Yeah, they are planning to pay a surprise visit to day baby, though. Not far away from the school. Carlos edwardo is also looking for missing students. Known as car do, he is one of the few who venture into the prevail, us in search of them are clues. My place. Socially invisible is a bit about fulfill. People dont talk about it if somebody will grab, theres nothing here after he to be present. It of forgotten place. Dorothy now will guardian you see a students are older. So instead of studying many of them work to help support their families. Will he find missing students here . Anyone who wants to enter this, prevail or needs to know someone like silver people year work without contracts or future security. And as brazil social inequality grows. So do the fabulous without it occasion can do says its impossible to get a good job. Suddenly high school dropout, gabrielle shows up nice all about me on which what i know, savage air conditioners of the scrapyard was this. I watched up when the meal of us, if you dropped out before the pandemic. Right. Right. And phonology. And ive been in a couple of lunch, gabriella, before the panorama looks like so many we werent able to reach emily about. Hes one of those who dropped down. I mean, for you, i can do hope gabrielle will return and that schools wont have to close again. Due to cov, at 19, each quality shows and cools be no safe space, no food, no education. Meanwhile, Carleen Taylor and his students, suwannee visit marlena, the faces pacheco when school reopened the children didnt show 3 missing kids with the same last name, the detectives alerted the principal the one when the student may area to me, they all shouted principal, kara lina. Then everyone knew i was tell you that, but ive had a guy who do back then she puffed by in person because marlena didnt realize school has started again despite all the news in the papers and on social media. Thats because marlena is illiterate. You dont wish you can get your baskets. I dont want my children to be like me. I cant read and write and i want them to go to school and have a future color. When people sent me, a lot of students will need years to catch up. Back at the school, the 3 detectives are handing out documents for the new academic year. After the holidays, theyll be moving on to high school. They all plan to keep on studying. Boy, if you know things are going to profess, my dream is to be a teacher and a principal though. So i need to work hard by stoned my some of them the bow latria will have to be replaced by 3 new detectives as theyve accomplished their mission. By the end of the school year, almost all of the missing students were back in class. I dont care is a persons best friends. Well, theyre certainly one of the worlds most popular domesticated animals. Estimate suggest around 470000000 dogs, a kept as pets worldwide. But the picture is not always is rosy as this one. Millions of dogs a cast out by their owners every year. They end up in rescue centers or roam the streets as strays. Exact statistics are hard to come by, but Animal Rights activists suggest as many as 202500 1000000. And the pandemic st. Made things worse. Pasco has a new sweater. Something he could have only wished for when he was still living on the street. But now when he has a new owner returnable, i give me a buck for more amid ice. It was love at 1st, scientifically. When i saw him, i thought he so beautiful as will believe what he also seem incredibly old. Holy cow, but im pretty sure he was abandoned. Id renella catch. Id been backward likely. Doesnt remember much about his former life. He was probably left on the street by his previous owner at the beginning of the pandemic in los angeles, almost the early log thought as was there. And he couldnt see out of one eye and the vent suggested surgery to remove it if they thought hed been beaten very badly for the war. So he underwent an operation and they said, oh, here, use that Animal Rights activist. Andrea galindo was the one who found him there, that when i said the death during locked down, rumors circulated that post a threat to every dog in bogota garcia. They just hear if what that really. But okay, it was horrible that people thought that dogs were spreading cove it or dont know, people just abandoned them no matter how long they had the dogs to what i have even 7 years, in course, yet they those tanya, it was just merciless and terribly hard on the animal when we thought of my daughter all, but they werent used to surviving on the streets outside like i did. Suddenly they were alone. I did with both in those hill lip about for over 2 years, volunteers have been working to care for the strays they collect food and trying to provide veterinary care. But there are just too many dogs. And those is that the almost everything yes, we receive donations and people help us. I dont. There is a lot of solidarity. Young echo more by ease i asked but people have to be able to afford it. Yes. Yes. One good on this, and theres a lot of social inequality in our country seconds. Ha. And that means that we cant take care of all the animals on the mileage. Some of the dogs are lucky and find a new home like pocket did. The son of pacos owner is really happy about having a new family member. He and polco. Clearly hes pretty happy to. I want to put up that there are too many stray dogs roaming around, but we can improve their lives. Yeah, thank you for Animal Welfare activist, andrea galindo, pacos new life is validation enough for her work. She is lost, count of how many dogs shes helped, and every animal she finds has a place in her heart known as i think ive shown you. Its hugely gratifying. I always tell myself thats one animal of humor that suffering but too few strays are as luckiest pacos. His new owner says faith led him to her. Is legal. These i, because the pandemic gave us pocketbook giggles. Im was case a give to you. We have no idea how much you change your life the day care left feel. I think he was predestined to find us. So look at 4 more. It just take him 3 years to find ourselves via goal is to be fun. This is his home, but it does look awesome. There are still over 60000 stray dogs in bogota. Each one also hoping to find a forever home and thats all from us at global 3000. This, when you do drop us a line to global 3000 at d, w dot com and check out our Facebook Page d w global ideas. See you next week ah, [000 00 00;00] with who i is the end of the and to make insight we show what it could look like will return to normal. And we visit those who are finding it difficult with success in our weekly coping 19 special in 30 minutes on d. W to the point to strong opinions, clear positions, international perspectives. Protests in iran are gaining momentum lead initially by women and girls, crime women, life liberty. They are now drawing thousands on to the streets. Iran rises up, can be toppled. Find out on to the to the point with on d. W. Please listen carefully. Dont know how those things you missed today. Ah, feel the magic discover the world around you. Subscribe to d w documentary on youtube. A global idea is on its way to bring you more conservation. How do we make cities greener . How can we protect habitats . We can make a difference global ideas, environmental series in global 3000. 00 on d, w, and online vibrant habitat and the listening place of long mediterranean sea, a star, and to follow a dual career drift along with exploring modern lifestyles and the mediterranean meeting. People hearing their dreams ready to journey this week. Do you w ah ah, business dw, live from berlin, the Nobel Peace Prize goes to 3 champions of human rights, the jail bella region, that activists alice ski is on the long side rushes Memorial Organization and

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