Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20240708

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The situation were facing in europe purging, danger, refill, lack credible explanations by russia with actions mil to me, the discussion about the imminent threat of war is inherently provocative. If russia further in bays ukraine, none of us will be able to say we didnt see it coming, play the experience. We cannot believe russian declarations. But the only practical moves on withdrawal of troops from the boy. Oh, also coming up serious failures at the heart of government, a u. K. Report into walk down breaking parties in downing street is blaming failures of leadership and judgment. So what does Prime Minister boars johnson have to say for himself . I get it and i will fix it. And i want to soon to the people of this country. I know what the issue is, ah, to our viewers watching a p p. S. In the United States into all of you around the world. Welcome. We begin the day taking the talks over the ukranian crisis public today at the request of the United States. Despite the objections of russia and china, the Un Security Council convened in new york hoping to do what weeks of talks between the us nato, the european union, ukraine and russia have failed to do, reduce the probability and the fear of war. Todays meeting, as it stands, this hour did not change the entrenched positions of moscow and washington. The meeting did however, reveal just how low relations between the us and russia have suck. In fact, it hasnt been this bad since the cold war ended some 30 years ago, and called right in the middle europe and ukraine. Here is ukraines un ambassador. Ukraine strongly rejects any attempt to use to spread the force as an instrument of pressure to make a crane and our partners except illegitimate demands. There is no room for compromise on principal issues. The most principal position of for ukraine is that we have inherent, sobering right to choose our own security arrangements, including treaties of alliance, which cannot be questioned by russia. Mo, all them, these ride is in strained in Many International legal instruments. The thrush, a self, a body to my 1st gifts to 9 says this crisis over ukraine is about more than the threat of a russian invasion. It is about the transit lennox security order, as we know it, and rushes determination to change it. In her latest book putins world russia against the west and with the rest, professor angela stent analyzes what is motivating. Vladimir putin, especially in his foreign policy, professors did, is a former Us National Intelligence officer for russia in eurasia, she told in Georgetown University school of foreign service. Shes a fellow at the Brookings Institution and she is my guess this evening professor said its good to have you on the day as far as we know. Nothing has changed on the ground following todays Un Security Council meeting. Do you think todays meeting will make a difference at all . I think it was very important to have the meeting today, because this is not just a crisis between russia and the u. S. In europe. This is a crisis. It can have global ramifications if thats a bore. So its very important to present it to the world, to all of the other countries, to listen to this and to take in what it means to have a large neighbor threatened to invade a country for no apparent reason. I dont know whether its going to move anything forward. I clearly china is going to back russia in whenever it does. But i think it was important to get those cards on the table. You know, just a few days ago, Foreign Affairs published a piece by you entitled the putin doctrine and you write that the crisis over ukraine in russia is a reckoning, 3 decades in the making. Talk to me about that. How is it a reckoning . Because i think in the 990 s, the u. S. In europe tried to create a new euro, Atlantic Security, or the after the collapse of the soviet union in which russia would have a stake, which russia would believe in. But we were unable to do this in the really what had to happen was what did happen was that the u. S. In europe really favor if you like the security concerns off central and eastern europe, which after all, had been over the centuries, invaded and occupied by russia. That was one favorite over the interest of russia, which would have been to kind of recreate a system where russia had a sphere of influence over the, lets say post soviet states which the west recognized. We werent willing to do this. And this is where we are now. In 1994, the partnership for Peace Initiative launched under which new allies would gain contingent membership in nato, but only in phases. And so this was the phased enlargement of nato. That was taking into consideration the, the border sensibility and sensitivities of russia. Now, this idea did not last long, does it deserve a resurrection . Now the partnership for peace at the time is seen as an alternative to membership. And thats what Burgess Yeltsin understood when the russian signed this agreement. So that was never an agreement that that was going to be a phased enlargement of nato. What happened was you had one wave in 1099 when 3 countries joined. And then the rest of them in 2004 and then a couple boys since then. So as far as i know, native doesnt have any plans at the moment to accept any of the countries. Maybe one or 2 balkan countries if they qualify. But so the idea that theres going to be extensive further enlargement that nato really doesnt reflect reality. Ukraine. Lets talk a little bit about Ukraine Security trip if you will. In 1094 ukraine agreed to destroy its Nuclear Weapons and to join the treaty on the non proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Do you think when theyre sitting behind closed doors in kia, they think that that was a mistake and show those conversations taking place. I remember at the time there was a big discussion about, well, if we give up on Nuclear Weapons, are we going to make ourselves vulnerable . Dont forget, of course, at the did sign, the budapest memorandum in 1994. When ukraine shipped its Nuclear Weapons to russia and the russians guaranteed you crunch territorial integrity and sovereignty may ask you a little bit about the role of germany in this crisis. I mean, germany has been criticized heavily recently for only sending helmets to ukraine and for being non committal when it comes to using the nord stream to gas pipeline as a possible weapon to deter russia or maybe even to punish russia. We saw this under former transfer angle america, and were seeing it again now under the current chancellor. This reluctance to take moscow to task. Do you think germany is engaged in sugar coating history when it comes to russia . While germany obviously feels a historical responsibility for having twice invaded russia and the soviet union in the 20th century and in world war 226000000. So we, it citizens died. So thats understandable. On the other hand, we do have to remember that the nazi invasion of the soviet union began in ukraine and beatrice. So of course, as a historical responsibility towards ukrainians who died in world war 2. I understand why germany doesnt want to ship arms to you, craig. It is part of this historical responsibility i but i believe germany is supplying a Field Hospital to ukrainians, germany supplying of the things to the ukrainians, a short of weapons, and with the north stream pipeline. This is obviously an issue of contention. When the con, German Government certainly because the greens of course would be quite pleased to say that they would close it down. My understanding is that if that were to be a full scale invasion of ukraine than i do think that the German Government would think about or might agree to never opening the windstream to it feels like when we look at this whole crisis and what has been discussed in the month of january alone, it feels like that we are trapped in the cold war. How will we be able to break out of this . I think in the long run, the only if there, if there is hopefully no invasion and no real war, we will have to, as time goes on and reassess how we view euro Atlantic Security and how we talk to the russians about that at the moment i think its impossible to do because were not going to say nato will never and lodge, or nato will retreat to where it was in 1097, which is what the russians have not demanded. But they will have to be some if you like. 3rd, we organization, if youre Atlantic Security, since 1945, and hopefully one in which russia would have a state in which would not encourage it to act in such a destructive way. Is there an official organization, or is there any way that you could describe what this realignment or this reorganization would look like . Me would it mean, would it mean a smaller nato, for example . Well, i am think its going to mean a small and a that we have the organization for security and cooperation in europe. Its existed in some form since 975. That could maybe be used to discuss some of these issues at the moment. The russians are very critical of the i see that might be a start beijing today voted with moscow gets holding the Security Council meeting and public saying, and im quoting here, now what we need is quiet diplomacy, not to microphone diplomacy. I mean, that was a surprise to people who, who know the histories of russia and china, particularly if the un what, what do you think the outcome of this you, this crisis over ukraine . What is it going to, to teach us about the u. S. Is policy towards china and he will it impact the u. S. Foreign policy regarding john . Well, i think its already impacted that policy because the Bank Administration is spending an inordinate amount of time now dealing with russia and this Russia Ukraine crisis. Where is it wanted to focus on dealing with china, and that was the point of trying to create a stable and predictable relationship with russia. I think the other lesson from this is, of course, the worse, the animosity, the atlas relationship between russia and the west is the more, the sort of pushes russia to what china makes it more dependent on china. Because in the end, china is really going to be the only country to which russia will turn a if there is an incursion. And even if there isnt in such a tense relationship, so we are in a sense, aiding and abetting the gradient dependence of russia on china. Ive got about 30 seconds left professor, stand me just ask you. Do you think were going to see a military confrontation over ukraine . I hope not. I think at the moment its too early in a sense to say that we wont, but we could see a confrontation that short of a full military invasion that has other aspect, cyber. Im some kind of more limited action. I think we will see something happen. Right, professor angela stant, joining us tonight from washington, d. C. Professed and it was good to have your the program please come back and join us again. Thank you. I will. Thank you. Well, the mid fears of an invasion, a growing number of ordinary ukrainian civilians are taking up arms. The city of car keith is ukraines 2nd largest and its not far from the russian border. Now some women there are learning how to use machine guns with the intention of making it as difficult as possible for russia to invade. Ukrainian women from all walks of life are training to shoot. With the help of an instructor, the volunteers are learning how to operate machine guns on weekends. These women are willing to do whatever it takes is the most important. If our government hands out weapons, we will take them and defend our city. During the 1st days, we will use our weapons that we have already authorized on the border. You some of them to look at his booth. Together they have a plan to help secure the lives of the most vulnerable you team would be with the move, middle drilling will be taken to relatively safe spot, maybe somewhere deeper into country or close to the border. And we will monitor the situation. We can decide what people to want, but then for the wants of, with the volunteers, make it clear. If russia wants to invade their city, there will be active resistance. But 55 year old victoria about a siena wants to also show her resistance in another way. Since the start of the tensions, the native russian speaker is trying to speak ukrainian really, the, the city has to be protected. Russia has a big appetite and they are taking what they want to a piece by piece. The should not happen well in the book. But 2 of the we need to do something, not panic and fault or need to. We do not want that. I need to put yet little one. Need the coaches a fresh does launch a cross border attack on the city of 1500000. The women here have vowed to stay and defend their home. Ah, british Prime Minister Boris Johnson has apologized in parliament after a much anticipated report criticized failures of leadership in judgment in his government. The su, great report, found that gatherings which were held at the Prime Ministers residence were difficult to justify because of the pandemic rules that were in effect at the time. And that said, johnson is still rejecting calls for him to quit over the skin. The Prime Minister, a crunch day for Boris Johnson, leaving his headquarters in londons downing street to give a statement in parliament on whats become known as the party gates candle. Firstly, i want to say, sorry, and im sorry for the things we simply didnt get right. And also sorry for the way that this matter has been handled and its no use saying that this will, that was within the rules and is no you saying that people, were working hard. I dont the opposition lead a kiss. Darma was quick to pounce. The st. Johnson repeatedly claim the locked down rules were followed. Despite the parties in downing street, the house died. We now know that 12 cases have reached the threshold for criminal investigation, which i read mind. The house means that there is evidence of serious and flagrant breaches of lockdown a contract. Johnson acknowledged the reports, findings of failures of leadership and judgment. Mister speaker, i get it, and i will fix it. Ah, i wont do soon to the people of this country. I know what the issue is. Yes, if whether this government can be trusted to deliver. I say this is because yes, we can see if we can be trusted to deliver a separate and continuing Police Investigation means the full party gate report has not yet been published. The only question is, does anybody else have anything else by way or a detail that they could yet release into the Public Domain . Particularly the Prime Ministers former advisor, dominic cummings, who are, has gone public over the weekend, saying that he is trying to actually remove Forrest Johnson for office for the moment. That looks unlikely. Johnson has survived countless scandals in the past. His many enemies are now eagerly awaiting the outcome of the police prob shirley chosen pill is covering the party gates scandal force. She sent this assessment from one of the publication of this report had been billed to the make or break moment for the Prime Minister, a time off to which amendment in party would decide on his political future. Now that report has now been watered down in light of the fact that there is a Police Investigation also ongoing. The c gray or port this as its being cool does not go into any details about any of the alleged gatherings in light of a request from the police not to do so. So it doesnt carry the weight that it once is thought to have done full members of the Prime Ministers own party. Theyll have to decide whether its enough for them to gather to hand in that lapse is recognizing that they dont have any confidence in the Prime Minister triggering this votes of no confidence the jury is out on them. Im at the moment over whether or not that will be the case that were a number who stood up earlier today in Parliament Criticising the Prime Minister as some have done before in public as well. Namely to day to resume the form, the Prime Minister. She said, the report shows that number 10 is not observing the regulations it imposed on the public. Not really as the crux of this why that has been so much anger here. And i think some will decide that regardless of what members, if the problem this is i am party do Going Forward the public has and has been making its own judgments on the Prime Minister. Ah, the pandemic has time and time again forced the question should social media and streaming sites being responsible for the content posted on their platforms . The debate rages on in tonight, the latest installment comes to us from the streaming Service Sponsor fart. There is outreach over spot, a 5 star podcast or joe rogan and the misinformation. He continues to spread about the 19. The dispute have seen artist neo young and Joni Mitchell remove their music from the platform. You case. Prince harry and his wife megan whove signed deals with spot. If i have also expressed concern over vaccine misinformation, by defy now, says it will add advisory warnings to podcasts that discuss covet 19 joe rogan spark the controversy after he interviewed a prominent vaccine skeptic on his podcast, which is listened to by 11000000 people every day. One of the things that spotify wants to do that i agree with is at the beginning of these controversial podcasts like specifically once about cove. It is to put a disclaimer and say that you should speak with your physician and that these people and the opinions that they express are contrary to the opinions of the consensus of experts, which i think is very important. I want to bring in scottsboro. Hes our culture correspondent in all things podcast. Got, its good to see you. Weve got spotify breaking it, silence here and saying, okay, theyre going to put the advisory up. Now anytime a podcast deals with cove at night, see, but are they responsible for the content that is being streamed on their platform and at least in some way what youd think. So, i mean spotify, like most of the social Media Companies or, or, or social, or online platforms, likes to argue that theyre such a, just the messenger, theyre just carrying this content and theyre not responsible for it. On, in this case with the joe rogan podcast as a bit difficult for sports, modified to argue that since they paid joe rogan upwards of a 100000000. 00 search of rights to carry his podcast and view, the viper calls the tune. And so its very difficult, i think, responded id argue they had, they are no responsibility for whats carried on, or im sure when they signed with rogan, they werent anticipating this scandal, or am i reading it wrong . Oh well i, im not sure if you listen to jerome podcast. I but hes a well known for having very controversial get. Yeah, it hes, i think they knew what they were getting. Joe rogan himself, might be considered controversial or not, but he definitely has controversial guests. On his show on that sort of his brand, and thats definitely what spot if i was paying for. Im and hes incredibly popular because of that. The 11000000 people listened to his podcast every day. Really love his his brand of controversy. So i think spot of, i definitely knew what they were getting when they, when they paid for him. The interesting thing i think was spotify is that they dont usually take a, a hard line on freedom of speech, or theyve censored shows before. They said themselves that they pulled upwards of 20000 podcast episodes off their platform for spreading false coded 19 information. So theyre willing to pull shows off, or they just havent done it with joe rogan, who of course, happens to be their most successful podcast or so whatever happens with this controversy. I dont think spotify yet has sort of one their case, at least not in the court of public a bit. And what about new young and Joni Mitchell . I mean, do you think these artists do they have the leverage to force Companies Like spotify to change . I dont know, to sort of 60 spoke rockers will have enough leverage to move one of the most powerful Media Companies in the world. But what they could do is, is set a precedent and if they, if other artists follow them, if you see like more up to date artists not to offend mr. Young a taylor, taylor swift or the weekend say very powerful, ours with huge followings. If they fall and pull their music on spotify, maybe well see the Company Start to move, especially because it could influence the image, the brand image of spot on. I think thats more what theyre worried about. More that then subscribers a leaving the service so far. We havent seen a, an ex, great exodus of subscribers from the service because of this protest. And im not sure if we will. We definitely havent seen that from other services. Like say netflix, when theyve had similar type of controversies. We havent seen people leave their service all mass, so well have to see if other are to sort of join with Joni Mitchell and neil young and protesting spotify. That maybe well see some real changes. Arent our very own Scott Roxborough following the money and the music for scott . Thank you. It finally, weve got some encouraging words from pope francis to a group of people. Everyone loves to hate. The head of Roman Catholic church told a group at the talent tax collectors that they will never win a popularity contest, really, but that their work is vital for the running of a fair society. He called taxation a sign of legality. And justice. Recent recent statistics suggests that italy loses 100000000000 years a year to tax evasion. Pay your taxes. The days almost on the conversation continues online, youll find us on twitter either w news. You can follow me on twitter at brent golf t v. I remember whatever happens between now and then, tomorrow is another day well see you then everybody ah with with and will you go right for with water . Your city is an all time high. People didnt man radical solutions. Corporation. The claim that he can handle the crisis. But what eco india on d w. O momentum shoot forever. With a sudden flash the street lamps set in a blanket of blue wera she suspended game a show about a august 21 in 60 minutes on t w. O, a soccer is a sport of colors and the children in this Mountain Village of them all. But can everyone be adorned with them regardless of gender . Emma wears blue, the color of her favorite sexes. Traditions prevent her from going to games and playing with an insurmountable obstacle the balloon Girls Football on the peak that starts february 4th on d. W with

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