Bush obama Blair Cameron and sheer rock western president s and prime ministers who came and went while a chancellor remains has been chancellor of germany for thirteen years she was once called the most powerful woman in the world or not any more tonight germany and europes miracle demo the end of a political era or has officially begun im broke off in berlin this is the day. Hes a few at the un this. Is my last is german chancellor of the budget and i dont want to start the next federal election twenty twenty one i will not run again in huntington to meet the next Party Congress in december and how i will not run for reelection as a chat person up to see the union even though i have been chair of the c. D. U. In germany for over eighteen years now my party can now prepare itself for the time off to mean. Anything that does and i see this is an opportunity in which the party can look within and reflects the fact its a Great Development this is something we havent had an eighteen year and this. Also coming up tonight a dark warning from Northern Ireland over the consequences of a no deal. Just back that up take. It away from us and then. Every calorie. Counts. We begin the day approaching the finish line of the Miracle Marathon it has been eighteen years since Uncle Americal became head of germanys conservative c. D. U. Party it has been thirteen years since she became germanys chancellor today merkel said it is time to rethink the calculus for governing the country the first step she says is to remove herself from the political Equation Americal is stepping down as head of her conservative c. D. U. Party at the end of the year she plans to call it quits for good in twenty twenty one when her term as chancellor ends but after todays announcement after dismal Regional Election results and after the rise of the far right how much more miracle will the system allow how much longer can miracles current Government Attempt to govern and once merkel is gone who will replace or open questions tonight with no easy answers heres our first report. An earthquake a bombshell a day of destiny theres been no shortage of drastic descriptions. Announcement. Yess. Firstly at the coming c. D. U. Party conference in december i have decided not to run again for c. D. U. Party leader and secondly this fourth term is my last as chancellor of germany. At the election in twenty twenty one i wont run again a c. D. U. Chancellor candidate nor will i run for a seat in parliament nor will i seek any other political office. And sleep. Merkel has previously said that the two Jobs Chancellor and party leader should go together but after eighteen years heading the Christian Democrats the moment has come where she feels she can only do one of them. A disastrous result in the election in her search should be seen as an opportunity for the whole government to change merkel said above all the cooperation between Christian Democrats and Social Democrats needs to improve for their part merkels s. P. D. Coalition partners are also licking their wounds after a terrible result in sundays regional vote their leader Andrea Knowledges whose future in the job has also been questioned it was clear but lessons have to be learned at national level. You didnt write we are absolutely determined to ensure that we can continue our work in the coalition it needs more commitment and more determination to leave behind the problems of the past few months. In it for gun rights. Opposition parties are already seizing their chance to capitalize on medicals weakness. America keeps america is giving up the wrong job this wont make government more stable it will merely slow the death of the coalition. For long. But the much diminished Grand Coalition will limp along for now with a severely weakened chancellor at its head who will follow her a c. D. U. Leader several candidates have already thrown their hats into the ring they could yet be a public battle for the soul of the c. D. U. For now merkels tone remains thoughtful and sober as ever but as the chancellor spoke it was impossible not to feel that slowly she is giving up power yagni im against it has always been my wish to carry out my state and party judy as we think messy and one day to leave them with dignity but i know that in politics this cannot always happen in a planned way i split the plan didnt come that is the measured magical way of saying i may not be chancellor for very much longer. And the clock is definitely taking joining me to talk about that is really going to say hes a member of the German Parliament and a member of miracles c. D. U. Are to mr cruz its good to have you on the day the message from the chancellor today was. Im part of the problem here in berlin my exit is also part of the solution do you agree. I think the message is that she wants to act and this was the opportunity because of the election and it has no thats not necessary to do it as step to take that step. Why did she do it because this shows her free will she now is the power to say i am doing this to give my parties a chance to bring up someone else for the future were still a deep dish you see that she had meeting that her power is being eroded. She always said that this will be her last. And. The party itself we want to govern from and in the future because we have something to give for the land something to do for a stand and of cause. Shes not there for eternity something years on the line its a long time in politics. Theres a k. We have. To show up that there is a future with the Christian Democrats and this has to be developed by the party were you shocked today when the when she made then i was surprised because it was not necessary if she would have lost the election. Or with green president of hessen then this would be a major crisis this way it was not a very nice even a. Good go more or less business as usual if you didnt do this and one of. Us to consider what the chancellor said twenty years ago back in the year one thousand nine hundred eight she was interviewed in a book about power in politics when you take a look heres a photo of miracle from One Thousand Nine Hundred Eight this is before she took over the leadership of the c. D. U. And she was asked what dreams do you still have beyond politics in her answer was well someday id like to find the right point in time to get out of politics now thats much harder than i ever could have imagined but i dont want to end up a half dead wreck when i leave. Let me ask you mr cruz or the leaders of the other parties in this country they would say that she is leaving much of the country in a wreck. No suddenly not i mean look in the vault we do have. Strange president in the us. We did have a long time of no president and fronts now we have one. Italy is crucial we have to brechts it and germany standing Good Standing strong. And we only have first World Problems the docs. This country is in a very very good situation but the people want to keep this high level of cause and therefore we have to say something. About the future and this is for you people to the former Finance Minister of all things show a bullet who is now president of the German Parliament he was asked today about miracles but take a listen to what he said about her being wounded hes wanted to see strong bows together and therefore i would i would not be. So decided she has announced he would run again that is an important step to to announce it i think there is a good turns and we believe it will be agreed in my party that weve been known to be we do what we can to avoid brezhnev lame duck you know to avoid the situation of having a Lame Duck Leader isnt she though after season else with a Lame Duck Leader is she going to last until the next election in Two Thousand And Twenty One she will last of the next election and will not be the Christian Democrats who decide whether we have the next version and twenty twenty one or any time this is up to the Social Democrats as you know so i mean youre saying you feel confident that she will remain in office as chancellor until the next election twenty twenty one if that will be the next election unfriended when they run yes what about the current government. The current government has a problem that. From my opinion the story of the Social Democrats has ended in this is that our viewers know the Social Democrats are in this Grand Coalition with your party the Christian Democrats and its having is having Serious Problems right now yes but these problems in the structure of this party its a pity but they have to solve to solve these problems for themselves and if they might say ok. Break time out in the opposition i wouldnt recommend it but its possible and have a a minority government until twenty twenty one or would you go into a government with the greens. There was two times we had the chance to have a government as a greens the first time Two Thousand And Thirteen and i was very in favor of it they decided thats too early for them and they wanted to go it was a to drink a little bit of tea and wait up a wing will know that theyre almost at parity with the with the c. D. U. And wait and see and the second time the liberals say no to the possibility that people around the world looking at the situation are going to ask ok merkel is leaving whos going to replace it. The funny thing is that the come on. Commonsense that did not leave anybody. To follow up now on the in this morning three people all respectable say theyre considering to do it so this is quite a good sedation so the party can look at what to do and i believe that the most important thing is what do we want to say for the future. Of our claim for the future and as i told you that we will know a good situation in germany but the questions people ask. Is that sustainable you know before we run out so much with the you have a very impressive record with the c. D. U. Would you consider to be a change looking at that in twenty twenty one this is a very charming question and i will not. Like the diplomat that you for harvest really get a member of the German Parliament and a member of the medical c. D. U. Party if you change your mind just prove you will lead as all right thank you very much thank you. Well another election and another victory for a far right populous this time in latin americas Biggest Country brazil voters there have chosen a new president giving the former army captain or not owe their overwhelming support after one of the most divisive campaigns in recent history also not all brings a lot of baggage a track record of Racism Sexism homophobia and education of the countrys former military dictators tonight hes recasting himself as the man who can drain the brazilian swamp and the man who can unite the country. Change has come to brazil after a decade and a half of leftist and centrist rule the far right has emerged triumphant. Like it because it represents a shift in power we had the same group ruling the country for sixteen years and these results are making the people happy and if you ask me. I think it will be good for brazil we need a change im sick of so much corruption there are many things we need to change. Yet others see a darker side to the news as has any social. Element these elections in reality have revealed the worst of mankind to have shown the soul of human beings this is how i feel about it i feel sad for the sad yes and shipping on a essentially. The division in Brazilian Society was clear to see after the results came in sunday evening a crowd of both supporters gathered to celebrate outside the prison where former leftist candidate Lula Da Silva is serving time was the election front runner until he was jailed on corruption charges. And in the city anger towards the winner with many protesters shouting not him. Many fear the sudden rise of both an auto could mean a threat to their democracy he has praised dictators supported torture and just before the elections he promised to purge the country of leftists. To his Victory Speech also not to appear to dial back his extreme views. About their lives not the oh this is a country for us all brazilians by birth or heart. Of diverse opinions colors and orientations as a defender of freedom i will lead a government which defends and protects the rights of citizens who comply with their duties and respect the laws. In two months brazil will begin to see what kind of change it voted for both sonora will take office on january first. And tonight im joined by one carlos a doggo he is a Latin American Policy Analyst at the Cato Institute he joins us from our studios in washington d. C. Good to have you on the program u. S. President truong was among the first to congratulate mr wilson are they Kindred Spirits. There are lots of points of common between those who are not on trump also not only is it very strongly support to israel i wouldnt be surprised if one of his first measure will be to move the Brazilian Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem in that regard to he will find a lots of points in common with President Trump i did also also not is very skeptical of china he has claimed that china has a policy of importing nations that trade with beijing so in that regard again there is points of common with the troubles the restriction in this war against china what were brazilian voters what were they choosing between in this election and maybe some people have said that they were choosing between the lesser of two evils here what would you describe the choice as being. Well certainly a lot of also not his supporters dont see him as a wrong dont see him as a listener evil they were enthusiastically supporting his candidacy there were three main concerns in in brazil right now one of them is crime and this remember also not zero percent to himself. Somebody who is going to be extremely tough on criminals the other one is corruption also natural Surfing Congress in congress over for a quarter of a century and for some reason hes never been tainted in Corruption Scandal so that certainly helping the other one is the. Rejection of the of the Workers Party that were the party of. Former president was if a lots of brazilians resent the party for his corruption lots of procedural resent the party for its ties with venezuela and they wanted Something Different from from what the Workers Party had to offer you say that the new president comes into Office Without any of the scandals that were familiar with being in the brazilian politics how do you explain this is it because of his close ties to the military. Now i mean he was in here when he was an obscure congressman he was well known but he was not a part of the establishment he didnt deal much power through all his legislative career i think it was twenty seven years in the back benches of Brazilian Congress thats why thats probably one of the reasons hes part is pretty small he he actually switch parties and many times during his career. Thats one of the reason for only he he wasnt tainted with Corruption Scandals because he never actually have much much power now hes going to enjoy the support of probably two thirds of Congress Many parties are supporting him many governors are supporting him is going to be one of the one president with the strongest mandates in brazilian democratic history with this strong mandate do you think he will further democracy in the country and i ask you that because he is compared to what with other authoritarian leaders not only the u. S. President but some have said today that he he makes donald trump would like a boy scale and that hes more Kindred Spirits with the leader of the philippines mr do charity. I think that the best comparison will be with detecting the philippines right now as it stands the executive branchs that week is a branch of liberals in government that will put the judiciary first they like you say of a second and the executive third lets remember that Scenes Democracy came back to brazil to have president s having beast so president s tend to be weak in brazil however hes going to enjoy the support of two thirds of Brazilian Congress more days and thats certainly a lot of power to change laws to change the Constitution Lets Hope hes going to be for the best i dont think that i dont think he will act on his misogynist and racial and and all they hate her speech we know that speech can have consequences by itself as we have witness here in the United States you know if that is indeed the case on carlos or doggo Latin American Policy Analyst at the Cato Institute joining us tonight from washington one cause we appreciate you taking the time to be with us like thank you. Or british one is mr Philip Hammond says that voters can look forward to the end of fiscal austerity if the u. K. Manages to strike a deal with the European Union on brags that the british economy has already taken a hit since the Twenty Sixteen Vote to leave the e. U. Theres still no certainty that london can reach a deal with its European Partners on breaks it but hammering it was upbeat in his speech to Parliament Today take a listen. To their body speaker were at a Pivotal Moment in our negotiations and the stakes could not be higher get it right and we will not only protect britains jobs businesses and prosperity but we will also harvest a double deal diffident a boost from the end of uncertainty and a boost from releasing some of the fiscal headroom that i am holding in reserve at the moment we are confident that we will Security Deal which delivers that dividend. By Philip Hammond there the message from him basically is that british voters can look forward to an increase in spending on Public Services only if to resubmit his government can get that elusive deal with brussels and brags that well far from it was mr the mood in Northern Ireland is not so upbeat our correspondent here good months has visited the british province where the failure to reach a price of a deal could mean a hard water between it and the republic and the consequences of that she reports could be much more serious than the amount of cash in peoples pockets. On some day the memories come flooding back. Memories of the ear and then as the troubles in belfast. Often mccrory experience tara in Northern Ireland firsthand he was there when a bomb exploded on the Shankill Road his neighborhood and a protestant area nine people died it was one of the worst bomb attacks by the Irish Republican Army or ira in belfast. People and all over the papal summer day and some are injured some are wondering do you see the twenty five years on the memory is still in peoples remain the heart to shoulder and the loss of people who have lost loved ones or still are. The attack was a Tanning Point for Alfie Mccrory a protestant he has wanted peace ever since that day. The catholic enclave are going its just a few blocks from shanghai wrote the boma Thomas Begley came from here he was a member of the ira. Begley was killed by his own bomb and today u. S. Venerated by radical Irish Catholics like the phenol for ari volunteers. Who were martyred paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and also murdered others and i mean war the first they have republicans have traditionally saw that as long as we are going to use an Immunologist Pods and the such its a huge test for the Peace Process the question is whether any change in the status quo wont trigger a violent reaction on either side. At the memorial in belfast commemorating ira fighters killed during the conflict it becomes clear twenty years after the good friday Peace Agreement the Catholic Community fears the socalled hot border on the island to fall and it would be the external border of the e. U. Looking for a great leader who needs to be honored to respect that that takes away the hard part of it out away from us and then things every Calorie Issue for all the years has been about the contract and not concomitant. He makes worry in his process and friends also feel an existential threat they want to remain a part of the u. K. And are against Northern Ireland being given Special Status as the e. U. s proposed creature may mean thats the amount that the u. K. Will be leaving. So weve got as a reassuring should were just as important to them in fact the english of scotch in the welsh betrayals the big word not practive bracks it means accent were worried about betrayal. Alfie mccrory hopes the atmosphere will remain relatively quiet despite the impending bricks it for the first time in two decades there is a sense that peace in Northern Ireland is decidedly fragile. A lot at stake There Arent The Conversation continues online as always will find us on twitter in the news or. The day every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see that everybody. Has. The. From. The bottom. Of. The book. To go. Ahead for the league. Wants against. The best and come down for mentioning the best may get the most in by underdogs right. Theres one way to survive where its just hide your identity. Bangladesh the true face of the country looks like theyve discontinue notion down love it should be. Made maybe. Not. The dawn of islam as a. Make your store t. V. Smarter than t w force more to. Find out more w. Dot com smart t. V. Enter the Conflict Zone confronting the powerful. After thirteen years in power in some damaging state Election Results Angela Merkel is

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