The cause is still under investigation. Turkish investigators say they have evidence that these sold the journalist to mall concept she was murdered inside the saudi consulate in istanbul just hours ago the saudi consul in turkey boarded a plane and left the country tonight International Calls to hold riyadh responsible for what may have been a state sponsored killing off in berlin this is the day. India. The whole world is watching us and wondering. Showed he went into the consulate and he never came out you cant. Consulate places to hold interrogations. If i should be held in court it seems very probable some crime or other has been committed is implemented with how i mean simple to find out about what happened to mr kushner. It is important that hes a journalist more importantly hes a human we have to solve this issue. Also coming up tonight she was a journalist investigating corruption and Money Laundering in her home country of malta one year after her murder we still dont know the whole story. Today it is has been one year since. The most of these journalists will come for the last time before being assassinated just for doing their job. Or we begin the day with turkey saying it has evidence that these all the journalists all shoki was murdered inside the salty consulate in istanbul overnight turkish investigators searched the consulate tomorrow they will reportedly search the consuls residence now thats all the consul left turkey today Fueling Speculation that he fled the country now the journalist. And outspoken critic of the Saudi Crown Prince he hasnt been seen since he entered the consulate two weeks ago now these developments come as u. S. Secretary of state Mike Pompei O held Emergency Talks with soldi leaders over the case of the journalists saudi arabia has come under intense International Pressure to explain what happened to the missing journalist. This car is purported to be carrying the saudi consul in istanbul as he left his residence on chews day. Turkish Officials Say mohammed to be one of riyadh Chief Diplomats to turkey then traveled to saudi arabia on an unannounced trip. His istanbul home is now part of turkeys official investigation into the disappearance of saudi journalist and critic of the Oil Rich Kingdom Jamal Khashoggi investigators were allowed to search the Saudi Arabian consulate building on monday work to shock was last seen on october second but only after saudi officials and a team of cleaners armed with mops had been let in turkish officials believe he was murdered and dismembered by hit team ankara appears determined to get to the bottom of the mystery. We have to learn the fate of can shock carter how he went missing in the saudi consulate the whole world has turned their eyes to us and are wondering if theres a human being there its important that hes a journalist but more importantly hes a human being and we have to solve this issue. Also on tuesday u. S. Secretary of state might travel to riyadh for crisis talks with king solomon and other saudi leaders the kingdom faces mounting pressure to explain the fate of. Who is a u. S. Resident riyadh has been denying any involvement in the journalists disappearance despite growing International Pressure but a number of u. S. Media sources say the saudis are preparing to admit that she died during an interrogation at the consulate that went wrong pompei all will travel to turkey on wednesday. Our correspondent dorian jones he is on the story for us tonight in istanbul good evening to you dorian lets start with the whereabouts of the syrian or the saudi rather console can we confirm that he has fled the country tonight dorian and do we know what investigators are looking for inside his residence. Well turkish media have confirmed he has left the country where hes actually fled or has just been recalled by riyadh is still unclear but the. Saudi consul is becoming the focal point of this investigation to sources linked to the investigation have again been briefing International Media tonight and theyve been directly linking the console to the death of. They say that the saudi journalist was beaten and interrogated in the. Main office at the consulate in the president of the Consul General and then he was subsequently murdered and his body then was dismembered in the in the office of the Consul General in itself and these these forces coming from turkish sources are saying they have to back their claims although it has to be said this is an anonymous source and riyadh is growing in involvement but it does appear that turkeys attention the investigators are focusing on the consul and now his residence possibly looking for the remains of the body which is believed to have been dismembered and we confirmed. They are looking for the remains of the journalist body. Those remains the chopped up remains may actually be inside the consuls residence. Well i mean there are a lot of unknowns about this and its a pretty dreadful in my car story but i mean theres been so many sources been Anonymous Sources from the turkish investigation they have been pointing to the fact that they believe that one possible scenario is that after the body was dismembered it was dissolved in caustic soda that was one scenario thats been put forward and in fact the president speaking today said they were looking at toxic substances that were found at the saudi consulate possible indication that they are following that possibly may not be anything left theres also talk that they even sewers have been examined underneath the consulate and the saudi residence to look for the possible remains of the body it is a truly Dreadful Mccullagh story and theres a lot of people concerned that they may never even find any remains of this saudi journalist the u. S. President dont trump form saying again that the saudi king and the crown prince saying that they know nothing about what happened inside the consuls residence in is still on board at the same time the u. S. Secretary of state mike pumping he is due to travel to turkey tomorrow after meeting with the soul of the team do we know what role he could play in this tragic story in this dark investigation. Well its very difficult to say in the very little has been said of secretary of state. Meetings with the saudi king and the crown prince other than saying that they are both committed to a transparent investigation there is growing speculation that the possible creation of a way out a diplomatic out for riyadh is being created these ongoing reports from the American Media that riyadh at some point will acknowledge their responsibility in the deaths saying it was a botched interrogation carried out possibly by rogue agent president has a loose elucidated to that scenario and interestingly also advises linked to the turkish president for several days to have said that this is a possibility its all indicates a possibly visit to will be part of the Diplomatic Corps Graphy to create a diplomatic riyad what price what price riyadh will have to pay for that remains to be seen and whether they will take that opportunity. Or corresponded dorian jones on the story for us tonight is jim thank you. For more on the International Pressure that is facing saudi arabia tonight im joined by Daniel Berlant he is an expert on the middle east good to see you again what should we make in your opinion of the Solti Consuls sudden departure from turkey. Well certainly the consul enjoys Diplomatic Immunity but you dont know in which direction the the the mood the general atmosphere is going to swing in turkey. Would he have to cooperate would he have to provide information it is also possible that he was not involved in the plan if it was if its really true that this was a Hit Team Up Aeration Role could team up aeration then a very limited number of people were involved in all the details of this but certainly Something Like this if it was an operation that when saw that when wrong well it was intended it was intended to kill in that manner which i doubt it was intended but its not im not it would not impossible the top Government Officials those that are in charge of the Security Operations in the country notably the crown prince himself would have been involved at least would have had knowledge and would have authorized it then why do you do the intention was to murder the journalist well i would say that id i have no you know i have no im not a forensic expert i dont know the details on the ground there are certain theories even Conspiracy Theories about the disappearance of. I think if you assemble the facts that have been leaked so far this Thirtieth Orders have not given the evidence yet then you could also find realistic that they try to rent to to organize of Indignation Of Forcible Dition which means that they would basically kidnap him and take him to saudi arabia they have done this a couple of times with people they consider traitors we have to look at also other operations that when the terribly wrong operations of the of the Israeli Intelligence service of the russians that have been revealed prematurely all these things happen in these operations so i cannot tell you what exactly happened one thing is for sure we often say nobody can be that utterly stupid to conduct such an operation in its own consulate general but whenever these intelligence officials gather and they plot such a plan given that. This is the way it happened everything is possible and so it is possible to we know that International Pressure is mounting on the soul to kingdom its coming from former allies in current allies i want you to take a listen to what the us senator Lindsey Graham said just a few hours ago. And ive been their biggest offender on the floor of the United States senate this guy is a Wrecking Ball he had this guy murdered in a consulate in turkey in to expect me to ignore and feel used and abused i was on the floor every time defending saudi arabia because theres a good ally theres a difference between a country and an individual the n. B. S. Figure is to me toxic he can never be a world leader on the world stage what is the president doing thanks as up to the president but what i would do i know what im going to do and sanction the hell out of saudi arabia. I mean those strong words there the m. B. s that he mentioned that is the sole prints do you anticipate the u. S. And the European Union slapping saudi arabia with sanctions and what about the future for the crown prince. Well thats certainly a bold statement from senator graham. Given the fact that the Republican Party has been also the democrats but but in particular the Program Holik and party have been very strong supporters of this say like very unique lateral decision of the trump misfortune to side with saudi arabia to put all their all the investment of the Political Capital into saudi arabia against iran and and against other players in the region so this is a bold statement and it puts the trump of mr ation into a very embarrassing situation of course because trump has said earlier he would not jeopardize hundreds of billions of dollars the an arms sales for this case but i think what people have underestimated is the role that shows you played in the u. S. Media and the importance that this person had because he was the go to person he was mr saudi arabia in the United States very difficult to understand and people went to him and so certainly he has a strong supporters in the u. S. Media and in the Public Opinion do you know youre like its always good to talk with you we appreciate your insights tonight thank you thank you for you know a different case german journalist. And her husband face charges related to terrorism in turkey they were among Tens Of Thousands of people detained after turkeys failed coup attempt back in Two Thousand And Sixteen after spending seven months in a turkish prison Michel Martelly was allowed to return to germany but her husband was no today the court had A Change Of Heart and lifted his travel ban to. Michelle a tolu was relieved following the Court Proceeding the judge lifted the travel ban that prevented her husband from leaving the country she had come to turkey to advocate for him now the couple can travel to germany and be together with their three year old son gets to my country now we can be safely together again in germany for the first time and we might be able to process this two year ordeal as a family and strike out on a new path. Its knowing. This Legal Process has been going on for more than one and a half years we were both in pretrial custody for eight months being allowed to travel outside the country is long overdue but the couple could face up to fifteen years in jail the proceedings will continue in january the two are accused of being members of a terrorist organization but observers are skeptical. Finished and put first all but all together the prosecution lacks any constitutional basis this relaxing of constraints is not an indication of due process. The german Consul General was on hand to congratulate them but michelle a total who has not yet decided whether she will return for the next round of judicial proceedings. Well joining me tonight here at the big table is so he always been homu she is with the European Center for press and Media Freedom so its good to have you on the show you know were were used to hearing about this as criticism of turkey a media does have more journalists in prison in the world even more than china but what about journal was here in europe i mean how dangerous has the situation become for people who are out in the field trying to you know do what we do every day where do you want me to start the more you know yes it is unfortunately for the first time. Here it is also becoming a dangerous territory for most of the investigative journalists. As we have saying. Stuff the koran of alexander were going to talk about youre going to tell you whos a young coach. Theres a lot of different kinds of pressures from investigating corruption which means you are whats changed. Whats changed i would. Put it to call will needs to be there to protect journalists and to me are you seeing a absence of the will or a decrease of them. I want to talk about this case in charlotte over the german journalist in turkey. What influence does germany have in a case like this in speaking of political will what can germany do to help one of its journalists. They definitely can put pressure. The cases ive i mean the most popular one was of course then mr chow who was very lucky to be working for. Which is a very very powerful public. So that was helping to. But of course. Talking meet germany has germany starkey but politics also gets in the way we know that there have been reports that the turkish president richard tell your bear to one that he is following a policy of. Holding german turkish journalists almost as hostages and using them as leverage to get you to what he wants out of the European Union or the germany i mean are you hearing those accusations i mean is that something thats on your radar when youre talking about the risks to european journalists i think its definitely power games played. As always i think various sides thats also i think for an terry of politics important to show power but of course yes i would call them hostages too like that ok so we stand by because theres a lot more to talk about we want to go now to this question about that One Million Euro reward for information on who ordered the murder of malta is best known journalist will that money is Still Available one year ago Daphne Corona was killed in a Car Bomb Attack the murder Three Hundred Sixty Five days ago shocked europe today it was marked by a vigil at the site where she was killed in a car bombing back in december Police Charged three men with believe she is murder but critics believe the people who ordered that attack are still at large and that they are being protected w. s Melanie Curable reports tonight from old. Remembering her hero one year after her murder activist. The journalist definite. On the activities of the corrupt and criminal. Why did she have to die she did not die because she lied she died because she told the truth and she was uncovering too many uncomfortable truths for too many people this is the spot where kara was assassinated just after three pm on the sixteenth of october twenty seventeen she was driving down this hill when a remote controlled bomb detonated under her seat the explosion threw her vehicle off the road and into this field. This memorial at the side of the nation pays tribute to the journalist asked the powerful of this country difficult questions questions. Government corruption and the breakdown of the rule of law these questions havent gone away and neither has the question who wanted. That in the first place. Police were quick to arrest three man suspected of planting the bomb iran. Still no closer to finding the ringleaders those who ordered these hired to kill the Journalist Concerns are growing over the rule of law. Parliamentarians mangold visited the island on a Fact Finding Mission for brussels after all whats happened i have of course no trust in the multicell forward shes the real murderer. And i have not been found and we learned during the delegation that some evidence. Was not used for the had made many powerful enemies some suspect that they are now storing the investigation into her death importantly to have not been followed and then another step back. Distrait in charge of the investigation was promoted and taken off the Case Minister Of Justice insists that everything is being done. No no no do police is doing it such most to solve this put any a smear there and i have to congratulate him for doing it for Testing Credit they are doing. Outside the Ministry Of Justice is one of many activists who say that there is a Conspiracy Of Silence around the investigation we have brought over our flowers and our cameras and we have laid them at the symmetry of Freedom Of Speech this is where Freedom Of Speech has come to die the activists say that they will keep on fighting until those responsible for the matter of definite car on my golly are found and brought to justice. For it still here with me so if you are has been home with the European Center for. Media freedom so be you were a vigil outside the Maltese Embassy here in berlin earlier today we know that youre not alone there are people around The World Today who were marking this when youre in the worst what do you want to do to investigate sorrow only. It seems the investigation is stalled and there is this three man. In detention. Who are known to the police is that they dont have a motive for it or ready makes us are just like so who ordered this. Until now there. Is no one there we dont know is the maltese government doing enough in your opinion no i dont think so because its standing in the way. My. Adviser for two requests are is right now in malta and yesterday she and four other freedom of expression organizations had a meeting with. And actually. Believed to be. The exact order of taking our yes we awarded Public Inquiry which he actually refused he refused to give a reason for why he wont do that. Fraser and. That for us for. Not straight forward as we wish for and we do see what were seeing in malta is that becoming the norm for your field gosh i hope not. Now i want to be hopeful. All right were running out of time but we appreciate you coming in this evening so if the elders minho with the European Center for press and Media Freedom so if you thank you very much thank you for having me for. The world is facing its worst famine in a century and it is a man made humanitarian disaster and its in yemen the United Nations says that the number of yemenis on the brink of famine could rise to as many as Twelve Million thats two in five of the population because of the war there more than eight million people already need emergency Food Assistance just to survive for many its already too late. Shes only eight years old and one of millions of victims of a war thats seemingly unending. And this one has been taken to hospital in aden doctors say he waits is that of a two year old and theyre not optimistic about the future. We already see give money to a show. I have found here since we did for subsist sound more like me today his speech on the most likely to get his thinking ten point one inches he must be fifteen. And his and her mother are among the hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled the fighting around the city of her data. Just a few days ago at least fifteen people fleeing the escalating conflict with killed when a sound Led Coalition air strike hit two buses snare a security checkpoint. With. The data has become the center of yemens conflict the port city is the entry point for seventy percent of the countrys food imports sounding Led Coalition forces and Ground Troops are fighting to controlling it some and a sketching through the Distribution Senses are filled with people desperate for food and there isnt enough for everyone the u. N. Is calling it the worlds worst humanitarian crisis that as of late twenty seventeen there were eight point four million severely food insecure people who need emergency Food Assistance every month to survive judah economic decline including depreciation of the currency humanitarian partners estimate that this population could rise up to five million people. Or the conversation continues online and remember no matter what happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see that everybody. For the. Reliable data. Feeds. Destined for classic status. Of automotive history. A treasure that was almost eradicated by bombs these seeds from rare plants this state this syrian born. Scientists rescued them in time. Now theyre being stored below the ice in the arctic. Salvaging syrias seed bank. Close up forty five minutes. Endless all consuming conflict for to overcome work and religion. To turn half of europe to

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